(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

yes am thinking to go HK or a trip abroad. wanna bring R on a plane ride b4 i TTC leh. if i dun bring him, will feel its such a shame coz when #2 comes along, chances of travelling will b much slimmer.
And i def wun take budget airline coz i dunno the comfort level and wif a kid in tow, i prefer not to take chances. Thks 4 the tip anyway.
i wld think R will spend half the time screaming, crying onboard & irritate all the passengers.
i noe how it feels when the child cries non-stop. juz a few wks back, i experienced tt when a 2 yr old girl cried nonstop for almost 20 mins on the train. she was whining n crying for no apparent reason. at least tt is wat i observed lah. i wished i cld go up n slap the girl. it was so irritating n much more so coz the mum din try her best to soothe her daughter.

Thks 4 offering 2 buy on my behalf. how come i nvr noticed got the books u mentioned huh? i muz go n prowl the bookshop more thoroughly liao.

i haven decided if HK is the place. actually i haven discussed in detail wif my hb yet but i do wan a holiday. now i juz need to think how to settle R's meals issue then i will feel "safer" to travel. coz he dun like bread, so its a headache.

long time u nvr logged in.
Wow u went travelling wif KB to Japan! So brave! hehehee... he looks so big & tall now!

Hehe yesterday I still complaining to Vivian I couldn't post on forum.

Managed to exchange the toy. Thanx. So paisey I couldn't find the place asked 2 ppl n finally the 2ns one bring me there......hahahaha

When did U go to the gynea?? How come cannot see anything yet?? U n me should be around the same timing right??
I scan through tummy only can see the sac n yolk so hopefully next visit can see bb n hear heartbeat......hehehe
Can't wait to see D's reaction when he heard the heartbeat.
I brought Joshua to HK when he was 15 mths old, so by the time u bring R there, also about the same age? HK is quite easy when it comes to food, i either order porridge or take rice with soup and order a sliced fish dish and toufu dish. The thing about cantonese porridge is that it turns watery v fast, so it's quite difficult to feed. For breakfast, i feed him chee cheong fun, bo luo bun etc.
The bad thing about HK is the lack of baby chair in restaurant so it's best if you can bring your mum along so that there's another extra pair of hands to carry or entertain him while u eat.
Hi Doreen,
My last scan was 2 weeks ago... gynae mentioned only thickening of uterus lining. hopefully this sat my appt can see something le.. has been burping a lot nowadays.

Hi Coolmum,
the 2nd pic indeed KB looks like a gal..
Hi starz,
Pls count me in if got gathering. Addicted to gatherings already.

babygrace is rite abt overtrade. Quite risky but an instant solution if your existing car incurs a huge loss.

Space constraint
Wat can be worse than my current car. But I dun really like MPVs... 2 family oriented already. My hubby say MPV, he no image liao...haha So I prob would nt be getting any MPV, we are thinking abt changing to 2 a 7seater SUV instead aft we hav our #2.
my mum refuse to go on any holiday. she wants to stay in SG. we wanna bring her on furthur destinations n pay 4 her but she refused us flat. she said even if we buy her air tix, she wun board.

so if we bring R, its juz me and hb only. its a huge challenge coz R hates the stroller. the moment we try putting him in, he starts screaming loudly. i hv always envied kids sitting inside the stroller n even falling asleep inside. i dunno y i so pai miah! he refuse the stroller. a fren mentioned perhaps its coz i always sling him, thus he likes to b carried. wat to do? irreversible now. there were a few rare times i managed to divert his attn wif my bunch of keys n he sat inside for 15 mins. it was bliss! but it din last long lah. the next time i tried the same trick, he wldnt buy it anymore.

i tried feeding R chee cheong fun 2 wks back. he only took a little bit. not enuff for a full meal. its a real headache man! how i wished he is a glutton like my niece! makes my life so much easier!

aiyah KNS me lah. scully talk so much end up we might not go anywhere. i hv been telling u mummies i wanna go HK for so long n it has yet to materialise.
Ha ha ha the hat was indeed too small. I went to the State for biz and stopped over at Tokyo. Hubby is the hero cos he bot KB alone from Sin to Tokyo! I was so worried but lucky KB went into slumberland after 1 hr till I meet them in the airport he was still sleeping.

It was quite a mistake as I had bad jaglag there. Didnt go to Disneyland as I was zombie and we think he is too young to enjoy. Hubby made the decision to bring him along and I was glad we did that as I felt he is more attached to me after the trip. Really worth the effort!

Hv to keep posting short as still busy with monthend reporting. Will try to post more often.
hehe...ur mom so cute..even buy air tix for her also dun wan to board. she dun like travel?
mayb u always sling him ba...yes, A can guai guai sit in stroller n always fall in sleep. a relief for me cos hb n me cant carry him for long.

mayb use some biscuit to trick him? but then i believe smart R wun b kanna cheat, rite? kekeke..
hi mummies...

<font color="ff6000">rhys de mummie, jasmine</font>
dont "say" too early 1st lor... in case belle decides to "change pattern" then i faint liaoz... *touch wood!*.. hehehehe... but then again, mayb cos abit more "experience", these few nites she's been sleeping beside me, when cry only i latch her on.. n i fall back asleep...

for e fans, i 'tuo' Ayden e 'fu'... cos tis boy super "sweaty" 1... so fan got to be on for him... i "tan diok" lor...

<font color="ff6000">bbgrace</font>
thanks for ur advise... u always give very good financial adv to us... ur "occupational habit" rite??? hehehe...
for us, its impossible to be loan-free... we r saddled with loans at least for e nex 3.5yrs cos hb started off with a huge debt which we only managed to "zero-ised" and we got married n bought tis hse...we r already in e scenario u mention with tis 1st car liaoz.. took 10yr loan with no downpayment, which is why now we need to top up with more $$$ before we can sell tis car away.... dunno whether hb wld wana consider a 2nd hand car or not... cos he quite against tat last time...
im also quite against removing my kids from e carseat... last time already had to do tat sometimes when my dad comes along with us... now hv to remove both carseat to accomodate my parents... (1) e boot cant fit both carseat.. (2) i think i will be super worried for e entire car trip.... *haiz*... still cant decide leh.....

<font color="ff6000">coolmum</font>
long time no see...hehehe... e hat on KB so cute!!! was it very cold in tokyo....??

<font color="ff6000">freshpoison</font>
actually my "dream" car now tat i got 2 kids hor.. is either e Volvo SUV XC90 which can seat 7.. or e Toyota Fortuner... but not too realistic as it wld mean a even scarier loan for us to take on... so guai guai take e "cheapest" MPV avail lor...

<font color="0000ff">gathering</font>
since got some interest here hor... why dont u ladies decide on a date??? i'm still on ML, so anyday/anytime is ok with me... as long as after Xmas lah...
i start e ball rolling ar... (u all indicate ur preferred date/time, then we decide from there??)
1. dor + damien
2. freshpoison + hb? + kayden
my mum v typical lah. tt time when we went on cruise, we tricked her into gg. tt was the 1st time she stepped out of SG. she said she rather stay in SG. so my sis was suggesting to go NZ n we buy tix for her w/o her knowledge. i asked her dun try coz my mum has nvr travelled on flight b4, scully she not used to it n somemore its a long flight. she got high blood pressure so i think not wise 2 force her. so juz let her be lah.
Aiyoh, my son is not into food leh! he wun b tricked! i wished he is a glutton so even when we go out, he can guai guai sit on the high chair while we both enjoy our dinner. but most times, my hb will eat and i will carry him. then once my hb is done, he will take over. v cham one lah! if R can sit inside stroller willingly, i will bring him shopping in orchard alone!
sigh, in my dreams lah.
Lost my posting yday... I forgot what I typed haha...

Ya you're right, ppl wrap cos scare bb scratch face.
My mum treated me to crab feast during my pregnancy. I ate more crabs in my 2nd pregnancy keke
As for car, we see how lah. Cos will be moving near to mum area, the car will ferry us to and fro office and home in future.

ok ok, will remember. I see when's a good time to go.
I think if I were you, I leave the maid at home haha... so ma fan to bring maid alone. Be more confident, you & yr hb can tahan the 2 kids. Plus you got your mum tag along too.
My hb drives a Toyota Picnic. Dun recommend wish, no aircon at 3rd row unless you wanna the ppl sitting at 3rd row to "die" haha... Honda stream not bad leh, esther's hb is driving, good engine. My hb wanna get wish at first, but after weighing pro and con, we got picnic in the end. Q like lor, space spacious, boot is big. But then cos our mileague very siong, we need to top up petrol full tank every week, sometimess less than a week time. Each full tank is abt $90. My hb takes care of the car expenses and we share the household expenses (q little lah cos we dun cook at home, only electric and water bills, misc bills). I take care of kid's expenses and grocery.
That shop is Parisilk. My panasonic digicam is Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX30, can't remember how much I paid for it.
Reviews can be found here:

My advise hor, dun get contractors in to do reno now hor. They will rush their work b4 CNY and they do lousy job. My mum's cabinet was like tat. Imagine is my 8th uncle's workers hor, so angry with them. Anyway, I've 2 uncles doing reno and my FIL is doing this line also. I gotta say my FIL's workers are much better than my 2 uncles' companies. My current place all done by my FIL and his workers. I intend to get him to do for my new place for minor reno, cos my new place is fully reno liao. I just need to do some minor changes.
Ask yr ah lao wat's nice at the Yatch Club. I know there used to have a free shuttle bus at the MRT, but I don't know can take or not, or just for members. Maybe I ask hb to drive over with the kids one weekend, since so near. I dunno where to bring the kids to liao, running out of ideas.
Actually budget airline with kids is ok lah. I brought Jolene to BKK by budget airlines and that time my friend brought hers also, so imagine 2 10 mths old babies on board. Q ok cos we adjusted the feeding time to the flying time, just before the plane started to fly off, we fed them. You should be more worried if you are travelling with infants under 6 mths old or so cos they can't take the ear pressure. Toddlers after 1 don't seem to have the ear pressure problem. If you scare, just give them food to eat and water to drink. Both my gals have no problem with travelling on air.

Even for budget airline, kids and infants got piority to board first leh. You dun meh? I remember that time I went BKK, we did and we got the 1st row.
AirAsia doesn't give seats but I remember Jetstar/Valuair do have seating arrangement.
Actually depends one lah, sometimes the customer service damn blur one. That day I called SIA to book infant airticket for Jaslyna and my friend's bb. They didn't ask me if wanna reserve 1st row and need bassinet or not. I dunno can reserve immediately, so didn't ask. Only few days before departure then I asked my friend how to book the 1st row cos internet check in don't allow me to choose 1st row. Called up SIA and @#&%& them. So the To trip, we didn't have the 1st row, Back trip managed to get.

I tot you disappeared liao.
I wanna go Tokyo!!!
why your mum dun wan to travel leh? My mum keeps asking me wanna go HK with her, but I just dun want to go cos I dun like HK, dirty and not child friendly. Now my mum changed her destination to Taiwan next year, keep jio-ing me but I told her wrong timing cos next year I wanna move house, I wanna conserve my $ first.
Ya lor, I believe cos you sling R so often that he rejects stroller. What to do?
Sigh..talking about travelling make me so "gian"
Just forgo my korea trip , wasted $1500 becos of bleeding and my mum asking me to join her to go chicago next year to visit my sis there, can stay at her apartment wif full length window with city view.
Yesterday still discussing wif hubby , HUBBY ask whether will i leave the gals behind,..well maybe the #2 but muz bring M along. Its fun now to bring her out..
hehe...then bring to ur mom to HK lal, cheaper than taiwan and u can save $$ for ur new hse too.
HB also wanna save $$ for new hse, but i told him must go travel at least once b4 planning for #2. cos with 2 kids, dun think i got energy to travel.
maybe tag along with ILs since they might going australia/japan next yr.

R is a smart boy! tat's y he wun b tricked. keke...
then xin ku u & ur hb, cant enjoy ur meal.
my mum got heart prob, so dr advise her not to take plane, she only can go near like come to sg to visit me.
I go via tigerair did provide us the front row given but back using Jetstar boh leh ...
given to those angmo leh... pissed off.
We requested and they say not avail & allocated
us sitting in the mid row, along the passage way.
I dun like HK, tats why I dun wan to go. I told my mum I pay for her expenses and my sis goes with her but she doesn't want. I rather save the $ to go Taiwan than HK, I won't travel w/o my gals, so definately travel as a family which will cost a lot. If I ever go HK again, it's becos I wanna bring the gals to Disneyland haha.. if I can't afford Japan Disneyland... Hopefully Msia or SG opens a Disneyland then I no need go HK one haha..

You didn't request during booking for Jetstar is it? Cos Jetstar/Valuair (they merged) got give seating arrangement one. When we checked in, the staff saw got infant ticket, we auto got the front seats. We quite lucky perhaps cos we checked in early and you know budget flight only got 2 rows for 1st row seats. My friend and I got them.
hahaha...then u 'man man den' SG or Msia opens a Disneyland. kekeke...
Think ur mom wants u go with her so tat she no worries her both bao bei aka ur daughters ba...
well..m sure u can save $$ to go taiwan. *wink wink* -- bonus coming. hehe..
Ok gals, show you how big the villa is. I think is nice if you are traveling with friends' family or perhaps with your families to share the cost to rent the villa.

The villa we rented is a 3 bedroom villa + a 9m private pool, fully equipped for kitchen and living room, dining area.

And this is one of the washroom in the villa, this is the one in the bedroom we stayed. Told my ah lao it is dunno 2x or perhaps 3x the size of our bedroom back at home.

living room/dining area + kitchen. Disadvantage: Opened concepted. No door to stop kids getting near to swimming pool. We had to threaten kids not to go near haha...

Open air bathing area. I guess ppl unable to peek cos the wall is so high but then I can't guarantee for mosquito and insect.

One of the king size bed.

And lastly, <font color="119911">babe ong</font>, Jaslyn loves this penguin, thanks so much again.
I can really man man den lor.
Ok, maybe I make it sound clearer. My mum wants my family to go with her for traveling. My mum likes my family company, even shopping or wat, she sure jio us along, she dun like my sis company haha... she complains my sis very hard to pls one, always malu her.
Hi mummies, dun really know how I feel now. Angry, Fustrated, Pissed, Sad, Disappointed. Dun really know which fits.

Sorry aah need to let this out long story. Wat happened was this.

My parents not working on Wed so asked my sis to bring her sons over to stay. N since she is always late I was there since afternoon to let D entertain them. I was feeling sluggish dunno due to my bloating or MS very uncomfy but tried not to show too much cos I dun intend to tell my family about my pregnancy yet.

N after my sis came. She sort of suspect I was preggy so she purposely asked me across the living room in front of my dad.
"Ehh u put on weight leh. Why huh."
So I jus play stupid lor cos the last person I wanna tell is my sis. So jus gege ask is it I put on weight n said might be due to my stopping BF lor.

After awhile I was sitting at the edge of the sofa beside my sis playing with D. Cos I was not feeling well still so slouching on the chair entertaining D when he runs to me.
N all of a sudden my sis jus SMACK her hand to my tummy n said "Aiyoh so fat"

Wah I was really shocked n blur lor. Here I was trying so hard to prevent D from pressing or kicking on my tummy n my idiot sister jus hit my tummy like that.
I really dunno wat to feel lor. Cos on 1 hand I didn't tell her I'm preggy N I know she IS LIKE THAT 1 but am still not happy on the other hand.

Sigh....really abit worried again lor cos I was already not feeling good n it was the tummy area when I was back home. Now jus hoping since I was slouching on the chair most of the fats are there to prevent the hit from affecting the baby.
Still gotta wait next week to see gynea.......sigh.......
wah jenny, the villa u booked was it exp? looks so nice. better than the small room i stayed at tokyo. but weather was good there.

i would say, should go for a family holiday lor. cos that is the only time you'll hv other's attention for 24hr. my tokyo trip definitely helped in bonding. i'm still thinking whether to go for another short trip b4 i try for #2 cos after that i think i''ll be stranded here for few years.

quick peek on the pic here, i find KB still like a small bb compared to the rest leh. his weight taken during his 1yr old was only about 8kg. that day one gynae just told me he like abit small wo. saw pic on jaslyn, rhys, caleb, etc... all like big boy/ger liao.

gathering - i'm keen!
I agree must really go somewhere before TTC. Heng my HK trip already went liao else I sure very buay song 1. I still remember I threaten hubby I go Bkk without him when I in 2nd tri....hahaha
I also sling D very often but this ah siao hor dunno is it carried too often liao very lazy to walk. N he loves his new stroller too. Like jus now he sat in it all the way when I went Novena n United Sq shopping. BUT.....he has not slept in it yet. Only sleep when we were in the cab home.
Hahahha.....I also bring D to Orchard alone without stroller ma. Can 1 lah u jus need to try....hehe

I have heard about gals weaning off night feeds earlier then boys so dun worry lah maybe she already wean nights liao so U happy liao lor.
Stuck at home aah is me lah U only for now ma.....hehehe
Now my shopping is only like once a week at most so pathetic. Only keep going to J8 nia so sian.

Oh I wanna tell u hor regarding the crabs during preggy. I dun care 1 aah jus eat.
My cousin was still saying her SIL dun dare to eat crab or prawn during preggy scared her daughter duo shou. In the end still so duo shou might as well eat right.....hahahaha

U really happening leh still plan Korea trip n Chicago aah.....hehehe
Dun bring #2 U she de aah???

U make me gian the swimming pool leh......hahahha
Wow... the villa very big... you must be very
shiok! Actually i tot the agency will book the
tickets and inform mah... so when we go there,
my hb did ask so we got the front sit but when
back, he asked again but was told no space
liao... actually i think they bad planning.. alot
of rows got one empty seat.

I think you better tell your family... shld be ok one... cos it is confirm by gynae you preg.
They will also help to jagger D and will understand why you not feel well.

OK some happy moments ... show my A pix now.. bear wif me





I dun intend to tell my family so soon cos....sigh
They dun really encourage me to have #2 so soon 1 lor my mum is still hopping I will join the work force. Actually with D I also didn't want to let my parents know early 1 cos once they know hor the whole market opp my block know about it leh. Very kua zhang lor so I rather keep it quiet until my tummy show.

U should have went Disneyland whole day ma then can let A enjoy the rides whole day. D really loves them.
My trip to HK two days nia so very rush and wanted go other places
so only went there one of the evening.. nvrmd still got other time....
next time, i will only go hk, macau & Shenzhen one time visit can liao.....

Wow the whole market will know har... super kua
zhang leh... your parents must be very friendly
& noes everyone there...

I think they will be over the moon when you tell
them you preg again... join workforce? Think
they will also forget for the moment

Dun be angry will affect bb one..... relax...

Very sleepy now..... gd nitz.....
Hi ladies

Finally have time to read the forum. Haiz i am so bored at my client's place cos no internet access. think they dont want the consultants to spend time surfing net. looking forward to my jobless days next week cos i have lined up programs for zac and myself, starting tomorrow will be the babys prom!


Hee think i am the gan ho one. Hubby and myself bringing isaac to New Zealand in January for 10 days. February, hubby and myself going to banyan tree to celebrate valentines day! Haha wanna travel now before no 2 comes along and travel plan has to stall for sometimes.

I never think much abt the flight when we decided to bring isaac to NZ, i think we just cope if he gets cranky. Babies are like that and i just pray people on plane can be understanding especially we are taking the night flight. isaac also doesnt like stroller but i am nw beginning to slowly introduce. so everyday i will bring him out in stroller and the duration gets longer for him to get use.

Changing of cars
Hmm, this has been greatly discussed bet me and my hubby. For me changing car now means a loss of abt 20k and increase of monthly expenses which i am nt willing to spend. I always disuade my hubby from changing car by telling him that a lot of people can have 2 or more kids without car, we are fortunate that we even can afford a car. So i am thinking of deactivating the airbag in front and put isaac in the front seat and isabelle will be seating behind. if that cant be done then two car seats behind and i squeeze behind lor. if situations arise that we need to ferry my parents, i will book cab for them. i think it works out to be cheaper. car to me is always a liability and changing to a bigger means a bigger liability....i am sure we can work things around with a 5 seater car.


I think ur sister really suspected of ur pregnancy. u know her lah, she is always like that and she can be very sharp. u must be frustrated that she hit ur tummy so hard, ignore her lar. if tummy still dont feel good, go see the gynae earlier, dont wait.

1. dor + damien
2. freshpoison + hb? + kayden
3. shirley + zac + Lele

time and date i leave it to u ladies to decide but i prefer after 1pm so i can feed isaac before bringing him out to play
If you know yr sis is like tat, then you gotta be careful with her.
Even when not preggie, she shouldn't do tat, so rude!
If you are worried, call and talk to your gynae, perhaps can go see gynae earlier??
Re: crab. Dun think got anything to do with myths lah, but more scare food poisoning cos crab or rather shell stuff not clean mah.

Share the cost with a friend's family, so not too ex lah.

The website now shows:
High season US$269.00 per night
Low season US$179.00 per night
Add 10% for tax

But when we called to check, we were quoted US$250 exclude tax per night.
I managed to book from wotif.com and managed to get US198 nett per night.

I got a shock when I entered the villa hahaha... couldn't believe my eyes that the villa is so big lor. Cos pic look small. My jaws almost dropped when I entered the washroom in the bedroom we slept. I wonder why ang mo need such a BIG washroom. Told my hb I feel my bedroom at home so small hahaha...
BTW, the price of the villa hor, only the price of HDB 4 room flat hor! Told hb if I have $$$, I also buy one there to earn rental from tourists hahaha... then retired can go there stay liao. The villa we stayed belonged to a Canadian.

I agreed with yr car views. Actually car is just an additional asset. Have it, good. Dun have it, never mind. SG is so small that we won't die w/o a car. And you are right, flag or book a cab is even cheaper than owning a car. My hb did some calculations that even if we book cab every day twice, is still cheaper than owning a car. He bought the car just 1 mth before I delivered Jolene, not becos of Jolene but becos of me, cos I kept having the urge to urine. We were taking the private bus transport from home to office, the journey took abt 1hr+. There were times we just got off at nearby coffeeshop or shopping mall just for me to go urine. He felt very pity and xin ku for me, so he went to buy the car. As for the upgrade to MPV was becos he saw I was squeezing in between the 2 carseats.
I just realised my hb's colleague who is driving a Vios having a booster carseat and normal carseat at his passenger seats. I guess the wife sits in front. His 2 kids is abt same age as Jolene and Jaslyn, a bit younger.

I gotta see when first ok.
hi jenny,

the villa is very big leh!

hi doreen,

as mentioned before, u are really my idol... can bring D out alone and to shopping, furthermore take bus one...

hi grace,

saw the pic of Able sitting inside the drawer. he climb in himself?

hi crystallised,

we brought tricia to Phuket when she's 10 mths+. chose phuket cos the flight is around 1hr45mins - 2hrs. before going, was worried that she cant adapt to the air pressure when taking off/landing, but then she was ok.
as for food, i brought along instant brown rice but most of the time i gave her milk. but i tell u har, kids if got "gai gai", will forget about sleeping and eating..
try going to a nearby place, u should be able to handle R one...

sorry to miss out the one at Shirley's place. for the next one, have to see the date first.
hi mummies, me resting now at home after my op on tues. went straight to hospital for op upon touching down from kl biz trip. surprisingly, this op though minor is more painful than my c-section lor. the moment i woke up, i see nurse, the first thing i said was "nurse, pain..." until nurse got to give my injection to relief the pain. nv even took painkillers when c-section. so strange. anyway, recovering well now though.

<font color="aa00aa">#2</font>
congrats to mummies having #2. like crystallized, me planning #2 only next year. it has to be after march so edd is either dec or later. preferably can be after my switzerland trip in april so i can still see my major project next year thru in oct than happily go give birth. tis is all my plans only lah.

<font color="aa00aa">board/activity books</font>
i bought tons of those activities books for caleb. he loves them but he is a destroyer. for those that has flaps to open, he tore all of them. for those that he can pull up, he also managed to tear the pages and everything is everywhere now. have 1 than is a b c slide n read book n he loves it. he can point to us where is o for orange, k for kite etc. even when not on the page, he can flip to the right page to point to us. this i must really thank my mum. she spent time reading to him everyday.

<font color="aa00aa">trip to hk</font>
looking fwd to our trip which is approaching soon. leaving on 21 dec and back on 26 dec. just received my ex-collg's wedding invitation so more excited now.

talking abt milk powder, think i better call abboott to find out if hk carries gain iq so can plan how much milk powder to bring. not sure yet if going macau thou. tempted but worried abt the haze there cos it can be worst than hk. am lucky cos caleb is a true glutton so i doubt i will have much issue feeding him food in hk. even chilli he will eat lor.

<font color="0000ff">crystallized</font> my mum same as your mum. i wanna pay for her trip to switzerland next year but she not keen leh. she rather stay in SG lor. so not sure if bringing caleb over cos if hb changes job next year, than not likely he can travel for the next 1 year. if mum not going, than chances of extending my trip gone cos will be there for 2 wks for biz trip than if caleb not coming, not likely i will extend cos i sure miss him like crazy lor.

<font color="ff6000">punggol flat re-sale value</font>
anyone has any idea how much can a 5-room flat in punggol fetch now? considering whether to sell now cos hb thinking of changing job. tis offer will have pay cut for 1st 6mths n he will be required to entertain alot. so hoping to sell off flat to keep some cash wif us in case finances becomes tight during that time. also hoping to get a 5-room pt blk flat in dover soon (only if property mkt is less hot). if anyone knows, do let me know. tks.
hi selina,

hope u recover soon. take care.
my neighbour just sold off their 5rm unit for abt 350-360K 2 months ago. the unit was less than 5 yrs.
some pics of caleb took these few days to share.

especially like this very much cos of his shy shy expression. sorry pix not very clear cos had to snap quickly b4 he removes the cap.

now he likes to have us sling a waist pouch over his body everytime we go out. the pouch carries a hanky + pacifier.
<font color="0000ff">grace</font> can i know what's the temp in hk when u went? planning wat to bring for caleb. still considering if going disney. did A enjoys himself there at this age?

<font color="0000ff">gemini</font> tks for the info and concern. hopefully hb agrees to it eventually.
WOW wow wow! so big!
agreed with grace, me oso dun dare to bath alone in such big bathroom. keke...
but i like the kitchen, full equipped.

hehe..then i got excuse to eat crab n DURIAN. keke..
aiyo..since u r not let ur family know ur pregnancy yet, then must more careful. beter stay away frm ur sis currently since u dun intend to let her know ur pregnancy yet..
u got very bad MS during last preg?

Aiyo.. how can your sis hit your tummy..goodness U muz be very angry wif her, you poor thing still got to ren . If for me, i jump up liao..

I already forgo my korea trip which supposed to be last week , no choice loh...

Remember that time i still complaining of my sis in law bring her sick son to my plc thou i already "xiam" gg my in law place??
Just now bring M to see PD for running nose
and cough , PD was saying she kena virus cos injection fever only last for 3 days max..so angry... everytime sick after gg to inlaws place . damn sian..last fever also like that,1 day at inlaws plc , came hm fever liao !!
Grace, Jasmine,
No scare lah, dun close door lor haha...
The bathing area, my whole family 4 of us go inside still got space to dance hahaha...

Take good rest and recover soon. Aiyo you describe till pain pain, I sayang you. **pat pat**
How about bringing 1 tin of Gain IQ over? I brought 1 small tin over to Bali for my 2 gals, just nice.
I think for the resale price, you can check from HDB website, Les can check too right?
Dover flat not cheap leh. If you wanna sell punggol and move Dover, I dun think you have $ to keep, but need to fork out extra $.
Think HK will be cold, bring more warm clothings for Caleb. So shiok, go cold cold place haha..
check out the temp here: http://www.hko.gov.hk/contente.htm
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> just called abbott. also advised to bring 1 small tin over and they say it is more than enf. but hk also sells gain iq but they scared the production different so taste also will be different. but 1 wk there 1 small tin shld be more than sufficient.

yes dunno y more painful than c-section leh. kept crying pain like cry baby like that. so embarrassed.

yah. thinking of holding on to n stay wif mum first than when property market less hot then start looking at dover so no need to fork out so much cash lor. aiya dunno lah. so many changes. headache lor. now mum tells me her cpf using up soon by feb next year so have to pay cash for her flat. so now really dunno what is best lor. she wont wanna move to punggol definitely... sianz....

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font> tks for your concern.
Think you bring the 900gram to play safe. I think 400gram might be not enough, unless Caleb drinks little.
Not being paranoid but I very scare when not enough milk when overseas. Cos kids may taste the difference. Diaper can buy there, so not so bad.
No need to be embarrassed. Man also will cry when pain wat.
If can, then stay put with yr mum place lor, easier also. Some more you spend most time at her place right?

no need to b embarrassed. Lst week i got this blister on my nipple but i still need to let A suck to clear out. i cry while feed him in front of hb. no choice.
when pain must cry out rather than just 'ren'.

U going to HK for how many days? for A, 1 small tin can last for a week i guess.
Hope you recover fast fast...
Hongkong weather 16-18deg.
However if it is windy, it will be colder...
must bring thicker clothings for Caleb(long pants/sleeves shirts+sweater/windbreaker).
The period you go will be even colder.

1 small tin can last 5days the most.
I went for 6days not enough so end up buying
another tin.(Enfagrow).

No baby seat so got to use carrier. Actually i
bought the stroller too.. some eatery will find
space to accomodate stroller. But not all of
them hor.. 1 of the small shop owner even say
"NO" straight away when we ask before going in for food.

Stroller is good when bb wants to sleep/ sit
He can sleep longer too and of cos less backache for us.
No problem using it in ladies street. But MTR got to carry down.
However once inside MTR, should be ok.

I suggest if you want go Macau, be prepared of the haze,
i cannot take it, my nose bleed fr 1wk leh..
if i stay there longer, think i will have lung problem.
A ok there leh... funny hor.

A did not really enjoy the Disneyland, cos we
went late and the mascots go home liao.
He was tired and sleep thru...
If he managed to see them, i think he will like it. Disneyland is windy.
So must bring extra 1 pce sweater/clothes.

Went SnoopyWorld in Shatin, he likes it alot and
keep smiling, clapping hands there.. (can see from the pixs).
You can plan to go there too.

NO LAH!!! Siao ah hahahaha...

I think our kids will appreciate Disneyland when they are ard 18mths or so. Now too young, will scare mascots.
