(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Dear mommies,
thanks for your concern. Alvis is better liao although he still poo 3 times y'day but his poo not tat waterly oredi.

but still notti as usual. BTH..haha.
Doc suppect he is due to hygiene lol. Recently he always pick things n put into his mouth. when we stop him, he lagi purposely show us. but the funny things is, he won't put food into his mouth when i giv him raisin, or biscuit he will just hold in his hand.
n due to his diarhoea twice, his weight still drag at 10.7kg since 1 year old. but PD ask us no worry cos his weight still consider average for his age.

<font color="0000ff">Selina</font>
Caleb will drink Pedisure? PD gave me few pack of milk powder w/o lactose. but A din drink at all. think bcos of the vanilla taste. tot if he like it, then i can giv him a bottle a day cos it serve the same purpose as Pedisure. according to PD, Pedisure is carbo base, but this Netle one is protein base.

消消气。。think your mum not purposely one lal.
how i wish A can drink like D, He only drink a 120ml during daytime nia.

wow..i like Jo's big eyes. think she grow tall liao.

Cant complain. cos they r the only one help me look after A and A close to them. But of course me sometimes also close one eye n one ear lal.

Congratz to shirley!!

Aiyo this kids they really learn things fast lor.. hahahha
Ya have to shun my aunty. no choice. i started her on bottle. she is taking itwell. i tried 2 bottles last week. i try not to give her already cause after taking bottle, she abit fussy on latching. let her get used back to latching 1st..
What is ur mom thinking about? if u're alone in car nvm..cause u can just drive off.. but she pass D to u and just go off! very dangerous..

i wonder how zac zac will react to lele?

hahaha seems like all girls the same.. learn BF-ing!!! loL!.. bth..
Glad to know that Alvis is okay now.

Jo also like to put things in her mouth (toys, suck her 2nd finger etc). Now I have to be extra careful because during this period the HFM is at their peak.

My MIL have been always complaining that Jo is on the skinny side but I find her okay (My inlaws like kids to be on the chubby side).

Jo has been on both Pedisure (at least 2 times a day) and Dumex Durgo (once she wake up in the morning and at night) since she is 1 year old.
She is an extremely fussy eater.

I also prefer my own mum to look after my kids (waiting for my mum to tender in May) so she can take over my MIL.

Congrats to your SIL.

Maybe due to female instinct.
Alvis worse..put whole all finges into his mouth.

Pedisure got plain w/o vanila one? A oso extremely fussy eater. Last sunday, i pity him always take porridge, then i cook macoroni for him, but he only eat few nia. but he eat teriyaki udon cooked by MIL. aiya..i tot too salty for him

so nice to hav your mum look after your kids. your MIL ok wif this arragement?
Wow ..just read shirley posting only and she so fast gave birth liao ..

<font color="ff0000"> Congratulation Shirley !! </font>

<font color="ff0000">I can't wait to off load also !!!!</font>

Wanting to write more but Megan stick to me like super glue. Wanted to prepare her porridge also cannot ..go toilet also cannot . Everything can only be done when she sleeping ...shiong

Maid delay till tues liao ..sian ..

<font color="0000ff">jackie</font>,

Jonathon looks like a big boss ya ... jo also looks very diff from last time i saw her

<font color="0000ff">Adeline</font>,

Can understand how you feel adeline but no choice if your aunt voice it out ..its indeed very very tiring to wake up in the night .I can shiver once i think of the night feeding .You can try your very best to give for the first 3 mth . hopefully the bb wil sleep thru the night after your ML

Have you finish your confinement by the way ??
Last mth still windy , this mth damn hot boy . Can't imagine if doing confinement at this time

I now need to switch on aircon + fan ..if not M cannot sleep and i can't do anything !!


M also likes to put finger into her mouth., we got to bring out her finger every now and then..
As for the food wise, we very careful of her sodium intake so teriyaki is a no no


Aiyo ..that's dangerous...did you sound out to your mum ??

By the way ,did you still let D sit in his car seat ? Now i still insist of putting M into her car seat even thou the old folks wanted to carry her .I strongly believe in safety , think i am gg to tie her there til she 4 yrs old haha..
congrats!!!!!your duty is done!!!! yeah!

wow, Alvis oredu 10.7 kg????that is impressive!!! sorry, mummy here sua ku...my friends were joking CY most like hit 10 kg at 3 years old. he is still 8kg.

caleb is really a good boy.he is willing to eat anything you cook him?

fussy eater
my problem with CY's food is still the same. i have to change the menu more frequently than a caterer. i cannot have to same food on table within a week else he will spit them all out...

he hates pediasure. if he drinks it at all, i have to spoonfeed him with lotsa conflakes in it as bribes...now im on nutricomb calorie poweder. directed by PD and dietitian.blood and all test came back normal, so they just figure he needs more calories...

i even envy those parents whos kids like junk food. CY doesnt leh. i tried giving him macdonalds, he doesnt want.thought if he likes burgers, can do homemade ones for him...but he doesnt like them. not nuggets not anything....the furtheest he will go is french fries, whcih i make for him at home. but he eats like a bird still...

strangers cannot even bribe him with food. a friend tried offering him sweets, he didnt even cast him a look
when he goes to playgroup, all the kids will sit nicely eating food, while he runs around, pining after the playground...haiz...

my PD even 'intructed' us to put extra oil into all his food. extra butter is a must in all his bread. not only butter, must have jam and soya butter (he is allergic to peanuts)...give horlicks and whatever that is fattening...even add condensed milk!!!!!pengz...
yeah..me too. never add lil salt in his porridge. give in to feed him teriyaki noddles cos he reject macoroni soup which is his only meal, tot to test whether he dun like to eat any food. who know he kept ask for more lel.

i know, my hb also scold me tat why i so worry abt his weight. blame to his parents lal, always commnet A so skinny.
My concern was he din gain weight since he 1 yr old, not tat he skinny.

Sound like A can shake hand wif CY liao. when nurse give him sweets, he just throw it. when i give him raisin, he just hold in his hand. when i giv him KFC potato, he give me the look like i give him poison. wahahahaha....

what butter u use?
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Shirley,

Your mum forgot is it? So she just handed Damien to you?? But really dangerous lor.
Talking abt self feed, we face the problem at the beginning stage also. Jaslyn screamed and cried machiam we snatched away her food like that.

1.7kg is really small. Premature?

How come your maid keeps delaying? Passport issue?
It's better she comes in early to help you, if not you going to due already.

How I wish my gals are not "bribed" by good offer by stangers... **haiz**
But hor, CY is ok right? Just that he's not putting on a lot of weight or so called below weight. Is there really a need to add extra butter/oil?? I'm more concern if he can digest these. How about giving him a packet of full cream milk per day? But hor, full cream milk will cause phlegm on some kids.
nope. she deliver at 37w5d via c-section. bb estimate weight 3 days b4 deliver was 2.1kg. hehe..my sil admit she din eat enough during pregnancy due to MS 1st &amp; 3rd tri.

the scariest part was her gynae accidently scratch my niece eyebow when he cut.

we also v pek qei when they keep on delaying saying no flight.imagine i big tummy still need to bathe the gal... running aft her...do the cooking but no choice cos we dun want transfered maid.
aiyoh, will leave scar or not?

on the contrary, CY likes raisins leh. so i got him a big tub of organic sugarless ones..but still sweet lah, raisins mah...one raisin a day. it drives him nuts to know he is allowed only one 'sweet' a day...

im using organic saltless butter. sometimes canola butter.oil, olive or canola...

dunno, thats the recommendation by PD and dietitian leh. the full cream milk he takes..he loves them. but they arent helping him put on weight leh. even during good days, he eats well, a bowl of rice for dinner plus plus...his weight is still stagnant.

haiz, i just dunno any 17mth old who is 8kg nia leh...sounds so scary.
hi jackiejon,

jo really look different...

hi shirley,


hi jasmine,

tricia nowadays also the same, put whatever into her mouth too... we suspect why she was having high fever that time may due to hygiene too, so now make it a point, to wash her hands more often..

ur SIL gynae quite careless leh...
hi mango,

poor thing. still have to bath M now. i have stopped bathing tricia already, sit down on the stool, feel uncomfortable already, cant imagine for u, even more uncomfortable.

growth spurts
talking of this, i think tricia is having it now. last nite, fed her around 10pm plus, then she doze off to sleep. 12 plus wake up crying and we can hear her saying, "neh neh" (milk). no choice, make her milk and after drinking some (30ml), put her back to bed, immediately doze off to lala land... really wondering whether is she dreaming of milk...

another thing, she's tired of walking. walk halfway, then she's crawling on all fours.only happen 2 days before. bth. any of your darlings the same?
No, the one that Jo is taking is the one with vanilla. I dont think they have plain one.

This time round is my MIL who cannot help us to look after both Jon &amp; Jo because she is needed at home.
(By the way, my MIL is staying in Bukit Merah and while I stay in Seng Kang. She is very nice enough to come to stay at our place during weekdays).

Hee hee....maybe she knows that her sister will be out soon, so now want Mummy all to herself.

Yes, she change alot.

When is your EDD?
Still doing confinement. It's like hell! anyway i use fan 24/7.. cause at granny hse no air con nothing. Nxt week will be moving back home liao. Cant wait man! My confinement will only end on 7th Apr.. Haiz. 1 more week. It's torture and torture! cause i have to bear with the maid and my granny's nonsense. everyday hear them complain. I am already frustrated enuff..

Today totally no mood for anything so i just latch baby then sleep.. latch and sleep. no appetite.. didnt do anything for whole day liao..
Soon u'll be off load soon and yes the sleepless nights turns me off!!! Hopefully all will be over soon.

huh! how come gyne so careless one?!?!

i also bathe kimberly till i give birth loL!.. cause no helper nothing unless HB is not working..

Seems like Kathlyn have alot phelgm.. she sleep till half will keep yakking then when we carry her, she vomit out all phelgm and continue sleeping.
Shall i bring her to PD? Everyday also like that leh.. I think it's phelgm cause it's sticky.. dunno have it gotta do with me eating fish daily??

Ya loh..i was put on the iron after the blood test for the anemia . Now need to see Dr Ho twice a mth liao..no wonder i feel so tired and breathless now
then dun owrry abt CY lal. at least he eat well. *envy* he eat a bowl of rice lel. altho A weight ok, but he really fussy eater.. ONLY porridge n fish. NO other food, he cant even eat 1 piece of bread, emaging he only eat quarter of bread for his breakfast. tat's all.

ya lor.. dunno when only our kids will outgrow this habit. *headache*

<font face="Comic Sans MS">I'm counting down days to Apr, system shut down then can rest rest for a while! I think it's really stupid to start new systems during FY closing period!!! Argh!!!

BTW, can I check, anyone did any order from drugstore before? Can advise how to go about it? I may wanna do my own spree. Joined a spree but organiser said first teeth toothpaste now no stock, so she cancelled all order for it. I dun want to waste time to monitor the overseas spree thread, very time consuming leh.

huh, 37 weeks ah. In that case I think they will monitor bb till she reaches 2kg before discharge.
Err... your SIL is yr bro's wife? In Msia ah?

No flight?? Wah liew...

Is you and yr hb or rather family are on the small build? Genes?
It sounds scary for 17mths old toddler to be only 8kg, but on the other hand, if CY is eating good, I guess is a good sign.
Funny leh, full cream milk suppose to be fatty, how come CY not gaining weight from it.
Cheese cake leh?

Jaslyn won't crawl, she will "bao" my thighs and refuse to let go, then try to climb up.
<font color="0000ff">adeline</font>,

Heard tt during confinement cannot blow fan but aircon can . . but anyway u gg back home soon so just bear for awhile. Tot your aunt look after Kim ? Why you still to bathe her ?
haha..no, i mean on 'good days' he will eat this much. other days he can survive with nothing at all, not even one mouthful of rice. he is still the same loh, eat three days, starve a week...but even those days he eats well, i weigh him still the same leh...like the food goes nowhere like that.

my mom thinks im crazy to weigh him everyday...
ya lol. some more this gynae hav many patient one.
since kath on bm, cant b due to FM. maybe you shld bring her to c PD.

yup..my eldest bro 's wife. they married 10 yrs liao n she is their 1st baby. in msia.
nope, accoridng to them, their baby can discharge today cos she is a full term baby n all her organ r develop well.
she beat alvis lol..can suck milk at day 1.

i got extra first teeth toothpaste, can spare u if you need urgently?
hi mango/jackiejon,

i'm due in mid-Aug. so now, shld be approaching 5 mths. haha... i know, my tumny still v small, just last wk, some of my colleagues just asked me whether i'm preggie or not, after suspecting for quite some time. i still jokingly tell them, nope, i'm just fat with a tummy...
but seriously, i'm a bit worried too, cos i find that this time round, my tummy indeed seems a bit smaller than expecting tricia, keep on asking dr ho whether bb doing ok or not... he was telling me bb maybe a big-sized bb like tricia. hopefully, bb is indeed growing well.
My maid arrive last night but seems like D dun like her leh.. she will cry when my maid is near to her. maybe needs to give them sometime..

Hi gemini,
Have you went for your detailed scan since already 5 months liao.
D will sometime also crawl on four when she is tired.
no choice. no air con but my massage lady tell me..blow fan better then air con. cause air con water vapour can go into bones. thats what she say but anyway confinement ending soon and i already used 3 weeks of fan. doesnt make any diff liao hahaa.. feel like ending my confinement now!!!

ya.. thats why i worry cause she not on FM.. but alot alot phelgm.. when she vomit, all sticky and one piece one piece.. so i think thats phelgm right?? i dare not anyhow eat things also.. scared will affect but they say too much of the what fish will cause phelgm.. i eat everyday dunno is that the cause of it ornot.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
Actually hor, I read and heard a lot of stories about delivery in Msia. I've no confidence with the gynae there.

My last tube of first teeth toothpaste now left a qtr nia. Still can tahan for a while cos the gals only use from Fri-Sun.

Drugstore now having sales for US$3.99 nia leh, but stock only coming in 1-2 weeks time. I wanna buy 2 tubes leh, and maybe wanna see see look look for Vitamins for Jolene. The chinese physician suggests me to supplement Jolene with Vitamin C but I'm clueless which to get. So may do a spree but I dunno how to go about leh. Waiting for kind mummy to advise haha..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Adeline,
I dunno how true, but I heard before. My hb also told me the same thing. Anyway I dun like aircon, so for me, confinement time, all fans at home were on 24hrs.
You must be very small built. Normally I know that people who are small built when they are expecting, most of the time other people might not know it.

As long as your gynae says that your baby is okay, then you dont have to worry.

Are you expecting a boy/gal?
hi delphine,

detailed scan should be next week. cos the gynae that's supposed to do for me is on leave.
give desiree some time, she need to get used to a stranger whom going to be with her 24/7. get your maid to try to play with desiree more often. sort of to break the ice.

hi jackiejon,

nope, u are wrong. i'm 1.65m and considered medium built. before preggie, my wt hovers around 57 -58kg. now, my wt is around 59+.
as for gender, i will wait after detailed scan then say.

hi adeline,

actually what i heard is no fan but air con during confinement.
Ur sil gal very small leh how many weeks she gave birth at??
Premature aah??

D also like to touch everything n the floors. N he really like cockroach leh that day the took a red packet n bite abit off(purposly 1) I ask him to spit out to me he dun want n swallow it then bite abit off again BTH him leh.
N he likes to purposly bite tissue or newspaper n show me somemore but so far all those after bite he will put out his tongue n give to me 1.

Yah they learn so fast hor now last time kids like no so fast. D now in the morn if he lie on his Papa's pillow he will point to himself n tell me he is Papa lie on my pillow he is Mama very farnie.
But good thing is now he sometimes also will point to himself n tell me he is kor kor.....hehe
Cute hor at this stage but hopefully they will forget the copy Bf part after we stop BF. Else D boy leh.....hahahha

Yah la dunno wat my mum thinking so very pissed with her yest night keep complaining to my hubby also.....hahaha

When she push D to me I ask her lor then I carry him meh but she like never hear take her stuff n went off liao. So shocked lor cos wat she expect me to do huh. When she came back she also not seem surprised or ask how I park in the lot jus watching the ice melting on the road nia....sigh
Cos mine is a van so unless I driving alone with D I will put the carseat at the passenger seat. But if my mum is with me she will carry D. Think awhile more I will change to sit back area with D liao cos BTH him squirming around on my lap.

Wah feeding CY is really hard work hor how u gonna cope with bb next time?? Getting helper??
N he allergic to peanuts so more troublesome. Heng so far D only allergic to dunno wat that Prima deli adds to their breads n cakes.

But only dry food D can feed himself lah not like jaslyn so clever porridge aah. If D can I very happy liao...hahhaa
His spoon will still turn sideways 1. Now gotta go n get those long sleeve plastic bib so he can try more self feeding n we can eat in peace.....hehe
i've ordered from drugstore before and used vpost. for 1st time buyers, usually got free domestic shipping for purchases of USD25.
not prematured. she delivered at 38w.
dunno lel. my sil said mayb she din eat enuf during preg.
that's y she suck n suck in day 1. must b very hungry.

yeah..bro told me all nurse comment tat she very small, but luckily she is a full term baby, so no need to stay till reach 2kg.
i tot u say D eat cockroach!! i got a scare there haaa..
Wah at least he know himself is korkor.. hahaha.. my niece now 21 mths she also very funny.. she call my daughter jie jie hahaa.. and treat kath eat oreo -_-
Kim knows that kath is her mei mei.. that day she call kath mei mei.. really sweet to hear tat.. haha Come to think of it i 2 weeks nv see kim le.. Haiz.. miss her leh..
My aunty everyday bring her go shopping!! cause scared no chance when i bring back.

ya think she very uncomfortableable lor. Probably next week bring her go see PD liao..
<font color="0000ff">CY mum</font> true that caleb eats anything and everything. that explains why he weighs 11.7kg now. i brought him to my office recently n he refused to be carried by anyone but the moment my collg wipped out a pack of chocolates (he never eat chocolates b4), this greedy boy ran straight and fast to that collg n took that pack of chocolates. everyone was laughing like hell. another collg managed to carry with by giving him gummies.

<font color="0000ff">shirley</font> congrats!

<font color="0000ff">adeline</font> i suggest u let Kath try the 珍珠粉 or the other powder (suddenly cannot remember the name) first b4 bringing to PD. caleb used to have alot of phlegm when baby time too but after taking those much better
<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font> caleb eats anything. i can change his milk everyday n he will still drink so i nv could understand when pple tell me their kid dun like this or that milk lor cos my nephew n niece also very easy to switch milk.
so young can take? My aunty did say take the 'gao juo sua' (hokkien) but scared too young so i never give. If can then i let her try.. too much phelgm liao.
Kim different from caleb! u give sweet she doesnt fancy.. u must give her gadgets like handphone, remote control.. Thins like this!
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">Doreen,
Jaslyn starts with spoon turn sideway also, slowly got the hand out of it.
Aiya I tell you, no need so troublesome. I let her self feed herself at food court haha... then hor, after finish hor, the whole place so dirty haha. I know some parents put newspaper below the highchair, so the food will drop onto the newspaper, then just throw.

Thanks for reply. I saw a lady selling, so bought directly from her to save the hassle.

Like what Selina suggested, you can try 珍珠粉 or 保嬰丹. I heard 珍珠粉 is good to dissolve phlegm.

Talking about eat anything. I remember a joke my mum told me.
The other day, she poured the fresh milk into cup for Jolene and Jaslyn. Oh well, Jolene being jie jie, her cup of fresh milk is of cos much more than Jaslyn's cup. Jaslyn saw her cup of fresh milk. Then turned to see Jie Jie's cup of fresh milk. Then turned to see her own cup again. Then she started to grumble and grumble. kekeke... my mum said very funny cos she was complaining her milk very little compared to Jie Jie's.</font>
D did start crawling again few mths ago. But heng aah nw he is able to walk more already. So when I bring him downstairs I only carry him cross road n down stairs only the rest he will walk.
N if he tired from walking he will stop stop abit n make noise.

D also say meimei but he say it like saying bb so sometimes my tummy sometimes his tummy.....hahaha
Means when u go home u will bring Kim home n jargar both urself?? Can handle anot??

Floor dirty nevermind but is D's shirt dirty n very dirty kind drop onto his shorts also sleeves also kanna.
I dun dare to let him try with spoon outside aah later confirm need to change n wash him 1....hahaha
btw I never order from drugstore before I only orderlucky vitamin but they dun have 1st teeth.
But I bought those vitamin in gummy form cos I see lot of ppl spree luckyvitamin buy them so buy for D to try but mine haven reach me yet so dunno if D will like it anot.

<font color="0000ff">adeline</font> should be ok but not too much lor. cos if really alot of phlegm, pd might ask to have her neb. oh 珍珠粉 better for girls cos it helps with complexion too. my nephew took when baby cos of phlegm too n now his complexion very good.

for Caleb, he also like gadgets n food of course tho he doesnt have a sweet tooth. he doesnt like ribena, honey, barley water, or 冬瓜 water my dad makes for him. instead, he likes 羚羊 better. strange right? u give him sweet stuff, he takes once and wont want anymore. so far havent let him have sweets just yet.

<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> clever girl. reminds me of myself as told by the elders when i was young. i snatched my cousin's food after finishing my own and kena hit on the head by her with her spoon. we were pretty young then and she is a year younger than me.
