(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Hi Selina

When did you start Caleb on the quaker oatmeal? If you mix with milk.. is iy very bland? my friend asked me to mix with honey or sugar

<font face="Comic Sans MS">Doreen,
I also give the EBM that I pumped out last time to Jolene. Partly becos I dun like to freeze EBM. Usually I make sure all EBM are used up within 24hrs. So Jolene will "help" Jaslyn to drink lor.
At least for you during Damien's time still got something. Me bor hor. Anyway, I dun take such stuff also.
This morning, I was thinking if Shirley has popped keke..

Last time before I preggie, we went back every weekend. Then preggie I tired, so got excuse not to go back, like once a fortnight. After Jolene's arrival, went back to once a mth. Then preggie with Jaslyn, got excuse again haha... Anyway after Jaslyn's arrival, we seldom go back liao cos that side a lot of conflicts. I dun want my gals to see, bad for their growing up stage. Also, even we go back, my MIL also like just come out to say hi and hide in her bedroom until we left, then she comes out to say bye. You know, like we go back, suppose is to have fun there + interaction mah. But hor, after the hi hor, it's only us left alone in the living room. Then what for? Might as well we stay at home lah. Some more my IL place very kampong living style, my MIL dun bother to clean up the house, very dusty and dirty leh. Can't even find a clean place to sit. Last time worse, got a dog running everywhere.
Your IL stay near you? Mine is only a few bus stops away nia.

Having jab with chicken pox vaccination is not a prevention for chicken pox outbreak. Just that if down with chicken pox, at least not those severe case (eg. too high fever).
The begining stage of CP is still ok. It's during the recovering stage where the virus will spread. Actually down with chicken pox at young age is better, won't have too much "poxes" and usually fever won't shoot up too high + muscle ache. When down during teenage or adult age, usually is very uncomfortable and sick.</font>
Sms Shirley this morning. She have not pop yet.

I am really opposite from all of you. During that time when not having both Jon &amp; Jo, we seldom go to in-law's place. Only when had them, we will go every weekend (Sunday).
Hi lilboymu,
Yah, me on waiting list to join the bilingual playclub on sats @ Evans Rd cos Weekdays I working. Waiting for them to send me letter to start once I secure a place.
Hi doreen,
Forgot you due soon... I've been wanting to attend their hol prog but found the price exp cos it's $285 + GST for a week's worth of activities. But wif grp disc then nt so bad.
Details from the brochure
Week 1: 26th to 30th May 2008
Week 2: 2nd to 6th June 2008

Play Club (1.5yrs - 3.5yrs accompanied)

Week 1: Animals In Action
Week 2: Fun In The Sun

Venue: Forum and Evans Rd
Times: 9am - 11am, 11.30am - 1.30pm (English and Mandarin)
Venue: East Coast Parkway
Times: 9am - 11am, 11.30am - 1.30pm (English)
Cost: $285 + GST per week

Prog plan must go web see, I too lazy to type.
Wow, kind of expensive

I almost murdered him twice !
He now keep on persuading me to sell our punngol flat to stay with his mum !

Something to share

Yesterday night I was having a severe
gastric pain .The pain was so painful tt i couldn't move at all . I was telling Megan stupid daddy but his only reaction was
"aiyo u ok ? " then hor continued to glue his eyes again on e TV.
But his gal was so sweet , she saw me in pain , moved over and pat me . I was actually trying to teach her happy and sad so i just rubbed my eyes and to my surprise , Megan quickly pat her daddy shoulder and told him " Daddy , mummy cry " and pointed at me .
WE were really shock ! Then she started to cry also when her daddy telling her mummy pain pain . The moment I saw her cry , i cried also suddendly realise Megan had grown up , then we hugged and cried together and the stupid daddy switched off the TV and hugged us ..
Megan so sweet.

Megan can call 'Daddy &amp; Mummy' already?

Jo still not yet.

How many months are you now? How is your new maid?

I will be due next mth . Maid supposed to come last week but drag and drag til this friday.

M now can speaks 2 syllable word. She also likes to indicate the colour as well such as "blue bll" , "red hat, "bye bye water" when finish bathing and "mummy shoes" etc..
We dun really teach her but she will gives us surprise as and when
Wow....I am very impressed by Megan speech development.

Next month, so after Shirley, you will be next.

Which nationality are you getting now?

Tks for the compliment , however i feel that moral education is more important.

I actually prefered Myanmar maid but decided to engage a filipino maid.. now got no time liao, need someone who can take instruction right away . can be due anytime next mth . But for sure , if this time maid still so "talkative" , i wil go for Myanmar one next time
Hi Mango,
wow, megan really good in her speech development ya. Hi 5, my maid arriving this friday as well, hopefully all turns out well.
hi mango,
megan is really advanced in her speech. Mine still cant call us. His only few words... 'there' (dunno if he noes wat it means cos evrytime we ask him a question, he will say there), 'izhard' which stands for lizard cos my place full of them &amp; moon... haha Nxt time my son oral exam sure jialat.

Gals tend to be more advance in their speech
and maybe i around to take care of her also.. Next time when your boy starts to talk then
you will wish they will give you a break.
To be frank ,Megan suddenly had a big "jump"
in her Language or should say learning curve
in the month of dec when daddy and mummy stayed wif her the whole month becos of the chickenpox.
Now they are like a sponge, absorbing alot of info and they wil give you a surprise at any point of time !!!
Eg is that I will greet megan every morning when she woke up and now once she wakes up , she will smile and greet me "morning" ..see so sweet of her
haha..dun worry. CY's speech is eh...far from perfect...

girls are faster in development at this age. boys will pick up eventually (i hope) according to the books. but their development comes later loh, like after 2 years old. CY still at single word stage. his attempts at multisyllabic is embarrassing...but i kept reminding myself not to compare to girls....

but you may realise boys are generally better at certain things even at this stage. like using gadgets and tools. notnecessarily the fine motor skills part in using them, but figuring how to use them. CY quickly picked up how to use the screw driver, hammer, spanner from the gigo engineering set i bought him...and he is very quick in picking up shapes and numbers/quantity...

so i think your boy may very well surprise you in his skills in other areas...
<font color="ff0000">Hi mummies ,
Can i check whether izzit advisable for me to sign up the cordlife program for the #2. Cordlife was telling me that there will be a special package for existing customer but izzit really necessary for the #2 too ?? </font>
Cos ur hubby can mantain his fitness level ma. My hubby ahh....sigh
Even though he's doing this kind of work hor he still cannot pass his sit n reach n running. So always kanna the RT.

My hubby go reservist always got to go out in the fields n cannot bring hp sometimes overnight in fields also. So if he kanna fields again when I deliever then siao liao lor.

I wanna go forum cos more convinent for me. I dun wanna drive there....hehe

hehe see ur post on ur MIL hse hor machiam like my inlaw hse. Last time hubby suggest we go his parents place every weekend. I ask him go for wat cos they will definately be playing majiong with their friends 1 ma.
So I ask him wat do we do there he say watch tv. Siao lor I might as well watch TV at home right more comfortable.....hahahha
So now only go for like 10mins when hubby need to pass work stuff home then we will leave liao.....hahhaa
I think D got more interaction with their dog more then my inlaws.
Mine worse lor same block!!.....hahahhaha

Megan so smart n so sweet!!! I still waiting for D to say 2 words together.
Now still
D: Mama
Me: Wat do u want?
D: Ter (for water)


Actually I more on wanting to see D in class environment only so must do it before I'm due. Wanna see how he reacts n if there's anything I can do to help. Cos worried when bb comes along will be hard for me to pay so much attention to D n I definately can't bring bb into class with him ma.....hahaha
sigh...at home now. Alvis start diarhoea again since monday night. and only fever at midnight. this is 2nd time since we back frm hk. really dunno wha'ts wrong wif him. will go c PD again this evening.

think my boss a bit 'buay song' me cos today suppose auditor coming.
thanks.. cause i full time latching Kath now.. bt i wonder if i go back work.. i wont be latching her anymore.. i can only pump to maintain supply.. so i thinking must bring pump out or not..!
I wanted to full time BF.. but my aunty say when shelook after, at night she hafta sup with FM.. cause age is catching her up.. she cant afford to keepwaking up in the middle of the night cause BM easy digest and later still need to heat up./. she scared she over tired herself. i understand lah.. so i give in to her..
i seems to be giving in alot things.. But no choice.. i know her body cannot take it anymore.. Can see the difference.. haiz..

hope A will recover soon. diarrhea is horrible.

That day kim saw me BF.. now when we ask her where is baby, she take her baby doll.. put at her mini breast.. and say 'neh neh.. baby neh neh..' WAH LAU.. faint.. learn good things not so fast.. learn bad things 3 sec settle liao.. Haiz..
That time i preggy she put pillow in tummy and act preggy.. now she act bf-ing.. thumbs up!!! i nothing to say..

Wah.. megan so sweet!! She can say so much words liao.. kim can only say things like 'no more.. sayang.. one to ten' but pronounciation all sala one hahahahaha
your hb can ask his unit lah. where got wife delivering, hb out in the field IN SINGAPORE and uncontactable?...cannot lah, laughing stock...

no lah, kim is not 'xue huai' lah. she just learnt that bfg very normal mah...good for her!!!
<font color="0000ff">karen</font> caleb's been taking quaker oatmeal for many months. think i started him when he was ard 8 or 9 mths ba cos that time we ran out of his baby cereals so make do n as a change.

i dunno abt sugar or honey. me not in favour of giving caleb such sweet stuff cos i do not think it is necessary. adding milk alone is sweet enf for me. also caleb does not have a sweet tooth so that helps too. anyway, when i eat quaker oatmeal, i also just add hot milk. if it is ok for me, then it should not be a prob for caleb. even his porridge i dun add anything. it is my dad who insist on adding lil salt but if i cook, i dun add anything but he still finishes all. to me, caleb is not particular abt taste. n i also dun want him to bcome picky abt taste at such a young age.

<font color="0000ff">mango</font> megan so sweet n clever. caleb is way back in speech. the only sweet things he does is kiss me in the morning when i open my eyes (cos he usually wake up b4 me n play on his own until i wake up).

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font> hope A recovers soon. stop his milk n change to non-diary one. will help. once caleb kena diarrhea, i will immediately switch him to pediasure n very quickly he will get better.

<font color="0000ff">freshpoison</font> i interested in the prog.

<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> ILs stay in tampines, i stay punggol, my mum stays jurong east area. not exactly near but nearer compared to my parents.

<font color="0000ff">ndra</font> it is never too late. welcome...
hi mango,

megan more advanced in speech compared to tricia. most of her words are normally starting wif "b", like ball, bubble, bird, baby but she can also say daddy, fish, jie jie (which refer to my maid) and of course, most impt, neh neh and mum mum... haha...

hi jasmine,

hope alvis recover soon...

hi selina,

caleb really guai. wont disturb u. if tricia wake up, she definitely make sure we wake up too, she will go slap her daddy to wake him up...
hi mango,

my #1 is with stemcord. i was asking my hb whether want to store for #2 too, he mentioned not necessay loh.
hi ladies

thanks for remembering me! I have not popped yet, waiting for the big day to come! Have been busy taking care of zac and resting cos my gal is very heavy for my small frame liao, always get backache. The last time we weigh her last week she is already 3.2 kg. Haiz praying hard for easy delivery!

Zac is on oatmeal since 8 or 10months, mainly to increase his milk intake. I read somewhere that it is not advisable to introduce honey too early to our children becos of substance in it which may cause allergy to some children. u may wan to check it out before introducing. maybe u can consider adding raisin to add variety if you find that just oat alone is too plain?

Wow megan's speech is impressive! I am still figuring out zac's baby language! His two words vocab only consist of "No more" which are his current favourite and "turtle". Sometimes when i "quarrel" with him, he will come out with a string of baby words like "ney ney ney ney turtle turtle" cant comprehend but roughly guess he bio song with me from his tone! actually i enjoyed listening to his baby talk can be quite amusing!

Zac was with stemcord and i have just called up to ask abt banking in for Lele but i find too expensive. the procedure itself i need to pay abt 900 and yearly 250. The other time when i bank in for zac i only need to pay $50 for the procedure as i sign up on the roadshow. Since i have confirmed that sibling can use the stemcord i decided just to bank in for zac. One more thing u need to check is whether the blood count collected the first time is it considered high, if it is, then it should be sufficient for the sibling, if nt u may want to consider banking in for #2

In laws
I think i am like most of you here, will prefer zac to be taken care by my own parents. not that my inlaws are nasty, they are in fact quite easy going but i think due to selfish reason. The other day my MIL just suggested that zac goes to her place to sleep, i nearly fainted! she always think things are so simple, her house doesnt even equipped with a cot and other baby stuff. I downright rejected her and told her " u sure call us to fetch him back in the middle of the night" i think i am quite rude but somehow quite buay song!

Then she always buy sweets to HOng zac and everytime zac sees the sweets he will ask for one. she will says "ask mama" of cos i will say "no" then she will say "mama says cannot" but then infront of me beg me to give him just one! it can be infuriating at times cos I have become the bad person and she is the good one! haiz this can get onto my nerve sometimes.

Saying all these, i think my inlaws just simply dote on zac but the way they dote on him may not be the way i want it to be. sometimes i just have to close one eye and take it easy lar!

Hopes A recover fast fast! now the weather very bad, sometimes rain sometimes super sunny!

Kimmy so cute! Now zac only knows when i said "baby" he will do the rocking baby sign using his arm or come and press my belly button and giggle himself silly!

Jo's features have changed so much since i last saw her! she has grown taller and prettier! Think she looks like you! nice photos
<font color="0000ff">shirley</font> i can understand your situation. my ILs too. wanna give caleb anything but dun dare so ask him to ask me but i sure say no. even if caleb go ask hb, hb will ask me first cos anything that goes into caleb's mouth must have my approval. i dun allow caleb to eat our food at ILs place. just dun like it lor.

<font color="0000ff">jackiejon</font> Jo is so grown up now. she's so pretty too. i love her eyes.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Adeline,
see... told you liao... hahaha... Jolene saw me bf few times only, she already learned to bf her teddy bear lor. She pulled up her shirt and "latch" her bear. My mum saw and scolded me. Well...as seems I taught her meh??

hee... Jonathan looks more and more like daddy hor, like photocopy one!
Joanna's eyes very mei mei.

I think most of us are more forgiving towards our own parents than to our ILs. I guess it's natural cos we have been with our parents since young. Not that ILs are nasty ppl, just that they are not our parents hee hee... so a bit of things they do, we not pleased bah.

Speech &amp; Motor Skill Development
Although there are many sayings that boys are slower. But hor my Jolene was super slow with her speech development. She only started to mumble when she's almost 2. Really started to talk only when she starts sch at 2.5years old.
Compare Jaslyn with Jolene, Jaslyn's development is much fast, not only in speech but motor skills too. But then in terms of motor skills, both are about the same, maybe like ~2 weeks difference?
Just last mth, I was sort of "commenting" that Jaslyn didn't know how to self feed herself at 16 mths old (Jolene already know how to feed herself with porridge, rice etc before 16mths old.) And early this mth, Jaslyn suddenly got the hand of it, and she's feeding herself to porridge quite well.

Our kids are like sponge. They see, observe and memory record everything in their small brains. Just waiting for the right time to show us. So dun worry or hurry them
JO looks grown up liao... diff from last saw her.
She has a pair of lovely eyes.

Jia You!! you can handle one. do keep us posted once you have pop.
Now Jon is wearing glasses even more look like daddy.

I agree with you. She looks very different now.
Just want to ask you this:

The other day when you upload Desiree photos to share with us, how did you put all the photos side by side like an A4 size (eg. like the 1st photo taken of her wearing the brown dress)???
<font size="+1">Looking for Focus Dailies Contact Lens Users</font>

We need you to participate in a clinical study conducted by Ciba Vision &amp; Singapore Polytechnic Optometry Centre.

The study will be conducted in <font color="ff0000">April 2008.</font>

<u><font color="0000ff">REQUIRMENT:</font></u>

Gender: Male or Female
Age: 18 - 39
(If you are below 21, you will require parental/guardian consent)
Power: -0.50 to -6.00
MUST: You must be a current Focus Dailies contact lens wearer

<u><font color="0000ff">What to expect?</font></u>

Once you are selected for the study, you will be required to visit the Singapore Polytechnic Optometry Centre (Dover Rd or West Coast) twice.

You will go thru eye check and do contact lens trial fitting. Each visit should take approx. 1hour.

In appreciation for your time and effort, you will be paid <font color="ff0000">S$50.00 per visit. </font>

<u><font color="0000ff">How to participate?</font></u>

Should you be interested or have more enquiries, please contact Ms Adeline Chew at 6826 2828 (during office hours)
Think we are quite different from a lot of you here. We visit my ils weekly from the day we got married and still do so now. We used to visit them on weeknights cos they stay nearer our workplace. But after K came along and is being looked after by my parents who stay further away from our work place but nearer our home, we shifted our visit to ils to weekends! Sometimes quite sian cos my Sat or Sun will be burnt this way but no choice lor. Need to let them interact with K. Although there are things which they do that I don't quite like but then again, they are the grandparents and K should get to know and learn to respect them.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">pups,
I understand your situation, last time I was like that lor.
Very sian one, cos it becomes a routine for the weekly visit. If dun go, feels weird. But also sian cos weekends are burnt, can't plan for anything.</font>
Kim so farnie......hahahahah
D also leh learn these things very fast leh last time ask him where is Baby or Mei mei he will point to my tummy. Now hor he point to his own tummy sometimes.
N jus now he take his toy milk bottle open up his tshirt n feed the bottle to his tummy n show me. So funny lor I never even ask him to feed bb before he only feed his stuff toys nia.

Bo pian lor ur auntie take care so u gotta shun her else very taxing on her. But u tried Kath on bottle already anot??
Maybe start trying to give her ebm in bottle once a day so u won't have problem when u go back to work. For D I started bottle once a day when he was 1 week n he took to bottle okie no fuss.

Same here Damien also likes to talk a string of bb words n it sounds so cute.....hehehe
But I really wonder if he starts talking will I find it irritating instead anot cos sometimes I really BTH my cousin's 3 yr old n she likes to keep asking me things n comparing herself n D. Plus she only child very attention seeking.
Everytime I hear her call me Doreen Ee-ee. aiyoh i tell u my skin crawl already......hahahha

I got the gummies from Gerber n its made from fruit juice. Its tastless n yucky to me but D takes it n likes it so I normally will give him that if ppl around are giving him sweets n stuff. Better that tastless stuff then the real thing....hahaha
So when ur mil wants to give Zac sweets u give him that lor.....hehe
Good for u ur mil will still ask my mum will jus bite abit off watever sweet is in her mouth n jus stuff into D's mouth. Sian man.

Jo looks so BIG in the photos. Really been a long time since u posted her photo n she got big eyes compare to Jonathon.

I was aso thinking when D would feed himself using spoon. Fork wise he using already but its easy jus poke n eat ma.
N today for dinner I jus put a few of the Kway Chup into his bowl n gave him a spoon to entertain himself while we had our dinner.
Who knows after dinner his bowl quite empty already n he show us he can self feed. So happy lor but he not enough leh think too much fun cos he cried when we took his bowl away....hahaha

Yah weekends r burnt right esp when u need to go 1 place on Sat n 1 on Sun totally no time for other things. So lucky for me inlaws r downstairs only so we jus need to go down some weekdays with hubby before going home.
N my parents stay opp so I go over on Sat n Sun is free time.....hehehhe

Pissed with my mum
Alamak tell u all aah my mum make me her 'ahmad' on her off days I keep quiet sort of suan le since I'm not giving her allowance so jus drive her around lah.
N today she say wanna pray to my granddad so make me n D wake early in the morn to drive her to my uncle's hse. Then still drive her around to buy stuff for praying for Ching ming.
So okie nevermind on the way home start droplets already I asked her if I need to drop her first cos she got big bags. But she told me no need(we stay opp each other) but once I turn into my carpark she ask me to drive back to her carpark cos the rain bigger drops already.........sigh

Okie lor turn back n drop her at the shelter which is halfway into the carpark. N u know wat she did???
Cos she was carrying D she jus pop D to me took her things n took off. Wah I so shock leh I am in the middle of the road into the carpark n she expects me to wait for her there meh??? I'm not even parked in any place leh.
Then bopian cars coming in behind I quickly put D in passenger seat n strap him n quickly drive in to park somewhere. Heng D jus woke a bit blur jus let me seat him there.
N my mum took more then 5 mins to come back down.

BTH lor leave me in the middle of the road n with that super heavy rain n raining ice cubes somemore wat if got car coming in didn't see properly n hit us how.
Come to think of it, we have not been taking photos of Joanna alone for quite a while now.

The last photos taken were during the CNY but all the photos taken are with other adults around.

Whenever we want to take photos of Joanna alone, Jonathan will also want to be part of it but he will normally make 'monkey/funny face' and thus spolit the picture (most probably he is jealous, knowing that we are taking photo of Joanna and not him) *sigh*
