(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

xiao xiao qi ok? I don't think it is that your mil is incompetent with looking after Tricia. Cos I was holding K and we were walking slowly and though he was quite steady, he still managed to fall on his knees. And cos the floor was rough, he sustained some scratches on his knees as well. I really didn't think I was careless at that time ;) Perhaps you are angry with mil partly cos she kept it from you but do give her some face ;)

<font color="0000ff">gemini</font> agree with pups. caleb always fall while i holding his hands walking slowly too though he quite steady walking. it just happens at this stage. dun b angry. mayb she didnt think the fall is serious enough. my boy gets scratches every other day n i also dunno fr where but so long as not serious fall i am ok.

<font color="0000ff">pups</font> it took me a while to train him to wear caps. haha... start training now for NS in future. think he like hb n me, sleep whereever we go. but think he really too tired that's y.

<font color="0000ff">cherfang</font> wow! Onsen! so cute. really can see she is enjoying herself hor. i got the leappad. one of the book kanna crumbled by caleb big time. agree that too young for them to appreciate it now. mayb cos i dun spend alot of time with him on the leappad bah.
The $200 gift is given cash or bank into their a/c like their salary??
Cos my hubby very blur 1 if his a/c then I gotta go n check it myself. Even if $100 I also happy...haha

Chloe looks like a big girl enjoying such a nice pic.

As for leapfrog toy must see how Chloe reacts to books cos Damien jus keeps pulling the whole book out of the system so dun really play it leh.

Think ur mil scared u all angry so she dun dare to say but dun wanna say at least should apply some lotion on it mah. Tricia fall she not heartpain meh.
My fil bring D opp to sit in those 20 cents rides I will stand at the corridor watching 1....hahahha
Cos my fil found out my dad brings D to J8 alone so think he also wanna bring D to do something but please lor he bring D there D also dun want to sit the rides.......hahahha
hi cherfang/pups/selina/dor,

i'm angry because my MIL did not tell us immediately after she brought her back. unless she fell and she did not know/does not bother to check whether tricia hurt or not.

tricia sometimes walk walk halfway, will fall down, even at home. so it's ok even she fall down one but i think she fall down on those rough surface, heartpain... my mum see already, also heartpain cos tricia fair mah, the red scratches v obvious..
my sister inlaw carried chloe once and fell in the carpark. chloe fell first and hit her head.. haiz.. my hubby oso neber say much..cos she is his sister mah..
wat to do,we cant be there to protect our kid forever..
It went into the account directly. Don't be surprise if your hubby didn't receive anything. According to my hubby, for his camp they only started when we had K and he was the first one to benefit from it. He kind of paved the way for an army buddy of his who received the same payout in the last reservist when his wife gave birth.
Okie thanx will check hubby a/c but I must remember the password 1st.....hehe
But so long already D also more then 1 yr old liao. Cos I'm eyeing new diaper bag must find a good reason to buy it ma.....hahaha

Understand. Now D hor got any blueblack on his face if my parents see it they will ask n they will heartpain like I ill-treat him like that. So abit sian lor when ur mil can act like nothing when its such a big wound. But u know wat kind of person she is ma suan le.

Growth spurts
Btw do they still have growth spurts now?? At this age??
Cos this D dunno why really keep wanting to drink milk leh at nights. Some days few weeks ago he only drink once like at 10pm then can last 12 hrs but now even sharing my porridge at 7pm until I dun feel full he will drink milk 2 times at night n still cry for milk at 7am in the morn.
Jus now I fed him milk at 9+pm then he slept n bout 1 hr + later he situp n tell me he wants 'milk' again. Siao lor I pat him back to sleep but didn't feed him cos too much liao leh.

Anyone drinking so much milk anot??
Agree with you that your MIL should have you about the fall.
Is she the forgetful sort or one who thinks it's no big deal to have a scrapped knee since kids during her time get it all the time? Or maybe she just pai seh to tell you?
Just like what the rest said, accidents are inevitable at this age. I told my maid that i can understand when the kids fall down during her care so long as she tries her best to be vigilent. But she has to tell me immediately if they get hurt.

Just this evening, i saw Emma trip over my maid's leg and fell before i could catch her. Her forehead hit the ground and ended with a big baluku. Heartache but no choice, it's an accident, so i can't blame anyone.
haha...same same. A gets scratches every other day n i also dunno fr where but cos it's just a small scratches i also din bother. n when his head accidently hit something, he ownself will pat his head.

D dun like the 20cents rides arr? A love it. FIL always bring him for tat. A will hold the stearing n grin all d way. SIL record in her hp n show me. think all the FIL same, use rides to 收买人心。。。wahaha...
or maybe you feed him more solid food so tat he will more filling.

Agree wtih you tat at least your MIL shld inform you. me too, i din blame anyone if A fall down but at least let me know tat.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Gemini,
Frankly speaking hor, if I'm you, I will also angry. But maybe becos the person who brought kid out is MIL, not our own mother. Perhaps the communication wasn't transmit nicely. MIL didn't tell you, so you angry. Ask you ah, if your MIL did tell you, will you be angry also? For me, I will still be angry. Why? Cos she's my MIL. I can tell you frankly, if is my mum, I won't. Even if the situation change to my mum is the one bringing out, kid fall, got bleeding/scratches and din inform me, I also won't be angry. Why? Simple reason, we tend to forgive and forget our own mum, rather than our MILs.
I can tell you, I'm biased with my ILs. I dun like my MIL and BIL to carry my kids, but I dun mind my FIL and SILs and their hbs. Why? Cos I dun like my MIL and BIL. Reason simple as that. And the way my MIL handles kids, is not my comfortable way of handling. So, any minor issue or way she does, I'm not "song". I do it very openly, my hb knows I buay song his mum de. I know is wrong, but haiz... she and my BIL really did something that really upset me alot, not only affect their own home, but affect my and my SILs' homes

Dun angry le, next time dun let your MIL brings Tricia out alone, to avoid minimum arguement. I know is not easy, but dun sandwich your hb. He's in a difficult position also, one hand is his mum, the other hand is his wife. My rule is simple: Never let MIL affects hb and wife's relationship.
I used to have a nice MIL... until some issues... now, she's a negative person

i agree with u.. If it's my own relative like my aunty and mom bring kim back with scratches, i can forgive but if in-laws i cant.
Once my aunty bring kim to market, she say kim refuses to let her carry and insist on walking all the way even her legs tired already keep falling down, she still insist on walking.
in the end she came home with 2 red kneecaps and with wounds. But i dun put it to heart .. cause it's my aunty and i trust her..
If it's my MIL.. i would be very mad and keep complaining to HB already..

Kim drinks alot milk. Every 3 hr 1 bottle 240ml. At the same time, she eat rice/kuey tiao etc for lunch and dinner.
At night her last feed is about 10pm and then 7am to 8am.. she will wake up for her milk again.
And now kim is on my BM as well. i express then she drink. then kath latch directly.

Can i chk with u ..
If i go out without kath and she is not latching anymore but i am pumping on regular schedule to ensure that i still have supply, When i go out do i have to bring my pump out and keep pumping when it's time up??
I'm wondering if i go back work and at times i go shopping or what.. i still need to pump on and off outside or not.
hi mummies,

thanks for your feedback. now, if MIL wants to bring tricia out, i will definitely get my maid to go along.

hi jenny,

that's why nowadays, i dont talk/speak much to my MIL. less talk ===> less chances of conflicts. sometimes, really cant tahan the way she look after kids, esp, she did not even take care of my hb and his sis herself!

hi dor,

know where u coming from. nowadays, whenever tricia see us eating, she will "mum mum" (eat), even though she has finished her meal/milk. really afraid that we feed her, then she's too full already and "merlion"..
Finally my maid is coming on fri, hopefully it went smoothly esp nowadays see so many news on maids.

Thanks once again for the agent's contact. get my maid through her.

can understand how you feel.. esp when i see some marks on Desiree, i will ask my mil why like that. her typical answer will be "just now dun have one leh, how come suddenly got some strang marks, dun know where she got , maybe got it while playing with her cousins". wah piang..
I gave up liao, ask also no use, her answer will be like that. so long not very serious, i will usually close one eye.
hi delphine,

hope that your maid will be a gd one. so ur maid will be at ur MIL place, wkend then go back with u to punggol?
I received the holiday prog brochure (June 2008) by Julia Gabriel. Was wondering if anyone interested in joining cos can get 20% disc if got 4 babies joining together.
Hopefully she is a good one. yes.. she will follow me back to punggol during weekend.

really keep my fingers crossed.

Your MIL case still ok ,have you heard of MIL covering up for the maid?? My MIL now then tell me tt my maid went downstair talk to her frds leaving M alone at home and she happened to see them at the void deck . The maid still got cheek to intro her frds to her ??
She didn't tell us and also alot of funny funny things like sis-in-law maid threatened to beat M when M didn't do anything ??
<font color="ff0000">(Remember that time i still telling gals that dunno where Megan learn how to beat pple when we as a parents never beat her before )??</font>
She saw but she never tell us !!
I dunno what she thinking ??? Now then maid gone then she starts telling all these things ( and many more)... damn angry esp the sis in law maid, feel like telling her off now !
Actually D loves those rides. N my dad always bring him for those $1 ride at J8 then complain to me say D dun wanna leave n must keep putting money.
The 20 cents ride I always allow D to only sit 1 time then enough liao but my dad wanna 'chong' him his own pasar lor.....haha
But D dunno why leh maybe cos he dun really like my fil so he bring him for rides hor my fil say all the rides D dun even wanna sit but I bring him to the same ones nearly every afternoon.

D eat rice or porridge for dinner will still ask for milk leh so I very scared he over full n vomit out leh. Like last night drink at 9+pm 4+am 8+am n 11+am leh. All 200ml.
N i bought shui jiao tang for him he finis all by himself n he still cranky ask for milk at 2+pm.
But he seems heavier lor that why I carry him very tiring now dunno why now milk siao leh.

I diff from u. My mil SAHM has 5 kids but u see the way she talk n handle D. Wah piang eeh. When D was very young she already cannot carry him liao I mean wat kind of a mother is that??

ME !! ME!!
Am considering letting D join before I give birth is it on the webby?? I go n check later now D wakeup already.
But I am looking at the forum 1.
I dun understand also !! Maybe she scare tt the maid dun like her if we tell her (maid) off !!
This is the only answer i can think off.
The worst is that you gals still can complain to your hubby while i can't . My hubby will side his mother, not only his mother but his family as well loh ..so you see , how chiam am i ??
If tricia case happen to M , if i complain hor, then he will say , then dun bring to my mother place loh since you not comfortable . I very DL wif him . ( The best part is that he CAN COMPLAIN my family but i can't complain HIS family!! ) Na bei
<font color="0000ff">mango</font> HAHAHAHA!!! i like your na bei... good one! me is like your hb. i can complain abt his family but i will buay song if he complains abt mine n i will have thousand and 1 explanation to rebuke him.

<font color="0000ff">ILs</font> i not exactly dun like ILs but dunno y eversince i had caleb, i dun like caleb to be close to them. i dunno y also. tis is something i cannot explain. so whenever we back at ILs place, if ILs wanna carry, i will keep staring or purposely distract caleb to me. so far they hardly carry him let alone bring him go gai gai. think since caleb born, the only time they get to carry him non-stop was during his full month celebration when hb n i super bz. after that, i think they have carried him less than 20 times.
Last time I went out long, I would bring along my pump de.
If not, I made sure I in time back home to pump.

Me too, now seldom talk, less conflicts lor.

My grandma is another one who will covers for maid. Buay tahan her. The previous maid was really terrible. One thing is my uncle is not someone who can be bullied. He sent the maid back.

Hi5! Me same as you. I can complain my ILs, not my hb can't complain my family hahaha... unfair hor? But lucky, my hb gets along very well with my family. He dun mind staying over at my mum place one, so haha..
Same as you, my ILs also seldom have the chance to carry my gals. I dun like lor. For Jaslyn, I think my MIL carries her for less than 5 times. Can use 1 hand to calculate how many times I bring Jaslyn back to her place de. Last time Jolene's time, we went back more often.
Now u pumping regulary + latch on Kath to get more milk right?
But if U saying like once in a while u go shopping if abit over ur normal pumping time should be okie bah. Prob is ur boobs can tahan dun pump anot n u can tahan the hardness or will leak anot.
Cos if like 1 time never pump out dun think will affect supply much if u lazy to pump.
I also thinking if this time got alot of milk I will pump out n let D drink. But stupid hubby stare at me like I siao like that when I say.
Wats wrong lor D drink my milk for the pass 1 yr wats wrong with drinking it again somemore its good wat.

Mango, Jenny, Selina
I am the 1 who complain about my family n my inlaws to hubby........hahaha
Everything I see not happy or no logic why they do things that way I will sort of complain in asking way lor "why they do that huh?"
kekeke. But he still will side his family abit like say his parents dunno how to play with bbs that why D dun like them prefer my parents.
Hello lor parents of 5 kids dunno how to entertain kids. My parents have 4 kids then they know??

But he say can dun bring over to his mum's place aah so u exempted from going over to see their face la.....hehe
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> Hi5! we used to bring caleb back every week or once every fortnight but it became once a month or so. think by the time he turned 1, they prob only see if 12 times. sometime more than 1 month never go back cos i keep finding excuse not to go back. i told hb i travelling, very tired, or wanna spend time with caleb since i travel so much. when all else fails, i will say i wanna move out of punggol cos i tired travel here n there every week, until he also dun wanna ask to go back ILs place. he so far ok to staying with my parents cos it gives him freedom to go do things he likes on some nights if my mum is at home to help out with caleb. so he wont complain cos where to find such good help around if we stay on our own n if i travel, he sure die big time.

last week my parents went taiwan, he took care of caleb on tues &amp; wed n still brag to me so ez. he can manage very well. u know why? cos he on wheels on the bus, barney etc whole day for caleb to watch. of course ez lah. i almost fainted when i discovered. no wonder caleb kept asking to watch tv when i took over. see lah this man hor really bth him lor.
My hubby was given a cheque but I remember he had to produce Jonthan's birth certificate.

My hubby's reservist very relax one because he was down graded to be a clerk due to injury.

Now he finish doing his national duties. He always like to go reservist saying that it is a holiday camp.
I also wanna complain my inlaw......hehehe

When my hubby's cousin gave birth to a girl last yr my fil supposly complain to my hubby say his own mum so biased. Zhong Nan Qing Nu cos she say boy better now girl so try again for boy.

But for my pregnancy leh I see also 2 VERY different sides of my inlaw.
When I was preg with D. Wah they buy preserve plum for me when they know I got MS even buy chicken essence n 1 big bottle of birdnest. N make alot of chicken soup for me.
When gender confirm BOY after detail scan they even add birdnest into the chicken soup n boil for me.

This preg hor. Until now so far only had 2-3 times chicken soup. Gender know already but until now no birdnest.(I suan hubby cos is GIRL so no birdnest is it)
Somemore I taking care of D(the precious grandson) alone they also never offer to help jus told me once dun carry him liao let him walk. So D supposed to walk by himself liao lah. Even my parents will help to carry D when they with me. N they even know I got spotting that time(I didn't tell my parents) cos hubby told them he bringing me for checkup. No chicken soup from then until now.

Not that I gian their soup or birdnest. But why so biased?? Isn't it their grandchild too?? Somemore the 2nd 1 in their family only leh no. 5 at my parents side. N aren't they all born by females??
Got mouth to say other ppl no mouth to say themselves.

Only my stupid hubby will believe watever they say. I always tell my hubby his own dad dun even respect his own mother so he's teaching him not to respect his own parents also right??
<font color="0000ff">dor</font> D got growth spurts? caleb like opposite leh. day time everything as usual but for these couple of days, suddenly his last feed milk of 240ml always dun wanna finish. today worst. only drink like 80ml or else. force him to drink he screamed n wailed. dunno what's wrong with him. of course day time he eats alot. morning after his 6 milk scoops of quaker oatmeal with 150ml milk, he will eat biscuits too. he is constantly seeking food in the day time now. never seems to be enough to fill him no matter how much he eats. he can finish 1.5 - 2 bowls of porridge (not the watery type) in a meal n still wants our food.
Cheque aah so nice. I think dun have leh my hubby. Cos when I told him he also so shock...sigh
I normally see other ppl reservist can go back at 6pm or colleagues can even go back office. But my stupid hubby 1 dunno do wat 1 can go back lah but in wee hrs of the morn n they suppose to report back in wee hrs also means few hrs later only. But he chose to rush back home cos got own transport ma.
So I very sian when he got reservist 1. The only time good life is when D was born he can go home after 6pm. But his own dad still ask him to do some work.
Stupid lor he can visit his own grandson but the father cannot have alot of time with his son need to go work.
Dunno leh cos D seems to want alot of milk now. Dunno is growth spurts or cos he recently learnt how to say 'milk milk'. But he can finis the milk if he request lor but really alot lor.
Solid wise he also keep eating, I eat he also eat find anything he also wanna eat.

His cheeks seems to be filling up abit n I get very chuan when I carry him down the stairs only. Told hubby I suspect D gain weight already n hubby agrees.
Plus my growing tummy carry D few mins I buay tahan already. So pray everyday they fix the lift outside my flat by this mth end so I dun have to carry him down the stairs already.

Think his 18mth jab is due next week then hopefully can see if he grows taller anot or jus fatter.....hahaha
My hubby still got long way to go....hahaha
I dunno how long more but i know very long he's 28. But he hates the ippt more then the reservist so that's the 1 he drats most.
Now at your stage, try not to carry D so much.

How many months are you now?

Come to think of it, Shirley should be due anytime.
Didn't realise so many daddies kanna reservist during bb birth so lucky dates huh......hahaha
I was lucky that time my waterbag burst when I was alone at home n hubby was at the 'good life' reservist.
So when I called him he was on the way home already so I bath n pack hospital bag n wait for him to reach home.

Lucky he was not out in the fields when my waterbag burst else cannot contact him I sure very lost 1.
Your hubby so young and he is already going to be a father of 2.

I also heard that IPPT is not easy especially when one gets older.
Me going 6mths next week. But no choice cos I stay 4th floor so gotta carry D down the stairs until my lift is ready. Than I can enjoy my last tri can even push the stroller all the way home already.......hahaha

Yah shirley jus told me her bb girl 3.2kg already n she so tired of waiting for her to be born.....hehe
Huh....so fast (sorry, I didnt really follow the posting)

Have you thought who will be helping you with your confinement?
Hi doreen/happymum,

I think the prog shld b on the website. I din chck web cos they mailed the brochure to me. I'm keen but only available for the week2 prog. Week 1 prog I still nd to work, nt off yet. Go check out, if both of you are keen then nd to find 1 more bb to get the disc. Otherwise the price quite ex for a week's prog... I will only sign up if able to get the group disc otherwise I will skip cos too exp already.
<font color="0000ff">freshpoison</font> i keen too. but need to know more b4 i cfm. i signed caleb for the museum toddlers programme. trying out 1 session see if he enjoys it. too bad i cant be wif him cos i will be away in switzerland. brought him to sunday school for easter sunday puppet show n he simply adores it and kept shouting n pointing to the puppets. hopefully he will like the museum programme too.
I should be ordering confinement food for myself n get MIL to cook for hubby n D. Else at most ask her to buy the food n I cook lor cos dunno if D can eat her food anot cos I can't even tahan.
But MIL will definately be coming over to bath bb in the morn like same with D time lor. The rest I take it 1 step at a time dun wanna think n stress so much liao.

Can email to me?? [email protected]
Can't really find it on the webby.
Means now holiday so after that is new term already aah??
Aiyah I was still thinking to join D mid term if possible now so will finis class before I'm due.
Okie I found it on the site liao on the home page link dun have to send to me. Thanx.
Think I more interested in the Playclub n the term will end in May prob more suitable for me. The holiday program only in May n June think too hectic for me to follow then.
My hubby also thinks reservist as a holiday camp even though his is the high key sort. He takes it as a good break from work.

On the contrary, he thinks IPPT gets easier as one gets older. He says just maintain the same fitness level but the passing mark gets lower with age. He thinks IPPT is a good way to earn extra pocket money. haha!
Hi mummies,
I also got a girl born in oct 2006

Very very long never follow this thread liao..Too tied up with work
Hope it's not too late to join in!

Recently my elder girl (29mths old) is down with chicken pox. When we found out abt it, doctor says she already had chicken pox for 3-4days (we didnt expect her to kenna chicken pox cuz she had her vaccination b4)..
I got a younger girl (17mths old) and they both of them always stick together lei.. Now quite worried, dunno whether my younger girl will kenna chicken pox or not.. (One after another kenna chicken pox sounds VERY tiring
hb just got deferred for reservist. but he said in his seven or nine high keys, willd definetely kena one overseas one...so not this time, will be next one loh...

dor dor
out in the fields cannot use phone meh? your hb's unit so strict ah?

hb oso thinks reservist good life. so far, most of his recall all quite good. only one out field, and even that oso good life...just plonk there eat pringles and drink 100plus...

dor, happymum, freshpoison
i suggest your try evans road jg leh. i went for trial at forum jg, really aint that fantastic. they rushed from bits to bits, just so they can have 'everything in' (eg free play, story time, playground time etc)...the one at evans receive better comments and there is an outdoor waterplay!!!!!

I see. Dont stress take a step at a time.

Hee hee....even my office guys also treat it as a holiday camp.

Working is much more stressful then in camp training.

Did you ever mentioned that Joshua likes Thomas the train? Still?
