(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

hello mummies...

today topic is #2 ar... hehehe.. can i still comment????

assume im not preggy lah hor, by "right".. i do intend to have #2 but probably only start TTC when A hits 1yrs old, i.e. he will be approx 2yrs old when #2 actually arrives.. can walk n run liaoz, no need to always carry.. n also more independent in e sense, feeding, bathing all these will be alot easier than now.
btw, im hitting e big 3-0 tis year... so early 30s to me, stil ok to hv babies.. now medical advancement, i think up late 30s stil can "an xing" have babies.. prob up to 40 then need to seriously weigh e risk n cons involved.
but since i "kena accident"... wat i can share is wat i go through right now. im lucky to hv my mum taking care of A.. she's early 50s, stil can help me take care of both my kids. BUT realistically speaking, taking care of a 1yr old + a newborn is too tough on her alone, so tats why i will hire a maid to help her out. if it had been my ideal scenario (i.e. 2yrs old + newborn), then she also would not want a maid...
in e beginning, i keep feeling very sad n guilty towards A, cos i know i wont hv energy for him.. now already start tis problem as i cant carry him for long period of time.. but other than that, luckily i can stil do almost everything else for now... altho i dont know how long more i can carry on lor...
e plus point would be e 2 of them wld be very very close in age gap.. n i "suffer" (since now already "used to" e tiredness n lack of sleep) 1-shot.. rather than "relax" liaoz.. then another few years later then go through e whole process of pregnancy n taking care of newborn all over again...

congrats shirley..
u finally got ur wish, no need to be constantly travelling liaoz... am sure zac zac will be very happy...

aiyoooo... u so cartoon leh.. i also tot e transformer mask is "digitally enhanced" one leh... e 2nd photo where can only see him peeking out from 1side so cute...

i LIKE e photo of D with e ducky on his head... his expression soooo cute...

wah... #4 ar.. hehehehe... ur in-law wan u to try for a princess or wat??? e auntie u mention is chinese? not being racist here... but hardly see chinese family having more than 3 or max max is 4 kids leh....
ya, my MIL said that, she said I'm still young, should try for a girl then I will be like her. Her case is 1 girl 3 boys, the girl is the eldest, my hubby is no.3, beside my children, my hubby's younger brother has a daughter, the eldest sister has 1 boy 2 girls whereas the elder brother is still trying.

The auntie I said is a Chinese, I was shocked too when she told me..
<font color="0000ff">Viv</font>
I went to watch Transformers in GV Marina today but they didnt give me a free Transformer mask! But hubby and I so enjoyed the movie, more than I expected.

<font color="0000ff">Shirley</font>
Are you popping a bottle tonight to celebrate your freedom? So no more blue label for us
Is this new job sort of a self-employ situation? It is very useful to have flexi hours. Congratulations!

<font color="0000ff">Number 2</font>
You guys are all so young, almost babies yourselves! I am slinking to a corner to lick my wounds, sigh!
i'm older than anyone of you.
i don't have a reliable caregiver
i have an very active and demanding firstborn.

But i survived with #2. If i can do it, many others can.
Emma was unplanned. i knew i wanted 2 kids but was still very tired from juggling work and looking after J as well as worrying about childcare arrangements when i work, so i didn't plan to have #2 so fast.
Now i'm glad that Emma came as an accident. While it's very tiring to look after 2 young children and it costs me my career, looking at how they play and fight with each other gives me immense satisfaction.

Let nature take its course, i'm sure when you are blessed with #2, you'll rise to the challenge.
I've booked the function from for 2-6pm on 21 Jul.
Will post the complicated instructions on how to get into my place in yahoo groups. Will let u all know once i've done that.
Hi evening ladies...

Yes, im still bfg and no menses in sight yet...hope wont come yet leh...im still practically tbfg. up to 8 times latching a day.imagine those nights...

Congrats!!!you must be so excited, now that you can start planning more time with zac zac...attend more classes??

regarding no 2...
told hb i dun wanna no 2. I kept thinking im not spending enough time with CY. Am always feeling guilty over that. especially when i come home from work and he breaks into a smile, panting like mad, just for me to carry him.or the whining i get when i leave for work in the morning.

i think a child's needs for his/her mother is intense in the first year. i feel if i cannot provide the kind of time, i shouldnt even think of no 2...
I remember u saying before u tried hard to have Tricia right. So if u still cannot decide why not leave it to fate lor. If u get preggy then so be it if not then u still have Tricia lor.
For me hor I will leave everything to fate lor cos hubby n I love kids but then we tried so long jus to have Damien(even though I'm so young). So now I will jus take it as it is lor if I have another bb then great if not I am contented with D cos I dun wanna go through the anguish every month thinking if I am pregnant. Dun think this kind of stressful environment is good for D too.
Another prob is becos I am taking care of D alone so I want to make sure he is old enough before I get preggy if not me with the big tummy how to carry him when he is sleeping or cranky. Not to mention going out lor even more jialat.
Hi mummies,

It seems like I hv to give this gathering a miss cos I hv to work tat day... so sad...Anyway, enjoy yourselves and take many photos...

Been thinking abt this qn too. In a dilemma too as scared cannot cope but at the same time also dun wish the gap bet 1 and 2 will not be too big. But luckily I hv my mum to help me too. The earliest I wld try for #2 is end of tis yr so their age gap wld be at least 2yrs. Like wat Jenny said, just listen to your heart. If we hv another one, it's an added blessing but at least we hv one cute little darling now...
NO. 2

I am too tired to think and have 1. plus my stressful working environment, i dun think i will have it very soon, though i know accident do happens(which desiree came about)
I am also very tired of my MIL nagging of having no.2, every now and then, she will ask me when to have no 2 or indirectly "ask" Desiree "do you want didi or mei mei?"
My house will be ready in 2009, dun wish to burden ourselves plus my mother is working and wouldnt want to take care of my no 2 and my MIL already have 4 on hand now to take care. caregiver is another issue.
maybe when Desiree is older then i will consider.

Hi Babygrace,

Thanks your booking of the function, shall see you soon.

Hi Gemini,

Let natural takes its course,know it's not easy to make such a big decision cos it involves lots of factors(i.e caregiver,financial,energy)
nowadays, early 30 still consider safe to conceive with the advance medical technology.
well, do talk to your hubby for more support and i am sure you can work out something.
hello mummies... i thot by stayg at home, i will hv time to log in here. but i was so wrong! busied the whole day wif R... preparing his food, washing clothes, doing chores! then b4 i knew it, its evening time!!! GOSH! SAHM wif 2 kids and no helper, i wanna kowtow to u! hahaha... i will gladly kowtow to my mum many many times over. i still wonder how on earth she can take care of 2 babies and still cook dinner for the entire household. GOODNESS!!!

no time to go thru archives, will post wat i can rem...

CONGRATS!!! no more flying! can understd ur joy. my work requires me to work wkends and wkdays nite so when i hv to tear myself away fr R, i feel v sad. esp nowadays at nite if R is at home, he needs me to pacify him to sleep. he doesnt wan my hb nor my MIL. of coz my mum can pacify him to sleep when he stays over during wkdays. so i am always v reluctant to work at nite. and if i hv to, i will always rush back in time 4 him. many times, when i near the door step, he is either crying or teary eyed hvg fussed for some time. and the moment he sees me, he starts bawling his eyes out. i feel so guilty each time.
i am oso looking fwd to a switch in dept soon. no more such unearthly wkg hrs.

me still bfg and no menses yet too. these few days R is like milk vampire. i used to b able to express out at least 1 feed aft each latch but now i need 2 sessions to make up 1 feed. wonder issi coz he suddenly increase intake or my supply dipped.

how come u bfg 8 times a day? CY still refused solids?

<font color="119911">Magic #2</font>
i will definitely hv #2. qn is WHEN? no doubt my mum is willing to take care, when my #2 comes, there will b 3 kids together, so we def hv to engage a maid. so this issue is resolved. but i am worried if i am capable enuff to manage 2 kids when i am alone. as it is, wif R, i am alrdy so busy juz looking aft him. i wonder when #2 comes, will i still hv the strength and determination to BF? even if i wan, perhaps i hv no time to do so, i guess.
my plan was to hv my #2 nxt yr but now i am not sure liao. if my mum din hv to take care of my niece, i will do so w/o considering too much. but coz my niece is more attached to her than R is to my mum, its v taxing 4 my mum. imagine my niece will push R away when my mum carries him? this girl is so attached to my mum!!! she cant stand my mum carrying gor-gor. and often "screams" at him at the top of her voice to "inform" gor-gor her displeasure coz she cant crawl to my mum's side yet so she used her voice to scream. we hv witnessed this many times. i oso dunno how leh. scary juz by thinking how to cope wif #2.
bbgrace, if i hv the luxury of being a temp SAHM wif a maid, i will go for my #2 now. hee... too bad we cant afford...
hee hee.... long time didnt come into this thread liao. thanks jenny for telling me about the gathering. I would like to go for it cos i miss all the babies!! but can't confirm yet as hubby might need to go back to work. so, for the time being, count us out.

Last month was really busy, had 2 business trips, last min cancelled one due to KB kenna Bronchitis. 2nd trip when i was in London, he kenna it again.
Not sure was it because he didn't fully recovered or he actually got it twice. now he is ok liao, but his poo poo these few days super dry. not sure is it due to he doesen't drink enough water or the brown rice with si sen that i gave him. and 2 days ago he kenna a big bruise on his cheek, not sure how he got it. sigh.... feel very lousy as a mother. hv always wanted to hv #2 next yr, now thinking twice liao. feel bad if i can't give the bb enough love and commitment and i hv no trustable caregiver. when KB was sick, both hubby and i really dried up our batteries.

ha ha... i think my MIL is the only MIL who tells pp to stop at 1!

feel like posting KB's latest pic here cos many pp said he lost weight liao, but lazy mummy have not been taking pic for him for a long time.
Hi Hi, looks like I have to miss this gathering. Have another function to attend to on 21st. Will catch up with all during the next one ba.

FInally booked 4 days of chalet to celebrate Char's bday. But yet tomplan logistic, and deco. But been thinking of decorating with sign boards. Char's been obsess with them since 4-5mths old. Till now her face still light up seeing them. OS maybe her cake with not have cartoon character but more signs...

Her's her latest pics.


i really kowtow your mum. i find it increasingly difficult to manage the 2 kids cos Emma is getting very demanding and both kids don't sleep much these days. That's why i'm have my hands full and don't post as much.
i'm thankful to have to option of being a temp SAHM with helper. But given a choice i wished i had a reliable caregiver just like your mum so i could work just a little while more before i devote my time to the kids when they are a little older.

Can understand what you are going through now cos that was what happened to me last time till i waved the white flag.
<font color="0000ff">coral</font> char looking very much like daddy now.

<font color="aa00aa">birthday direct spree</font>
I have submit 2 batches so far. there are some items OOS.

1. Littlekid & Esther - Pooh Happy Birthday Scene Setter Add-On (51397)
2. Starz - Clubhouse 18 Inch Foil Balloon (94005)
3. Gemini - Pooh 10 oz Little Sipper with Straw (95405)

Any more orders from Momconomics & Karen? Still waiting for your orders. Plse submit asap. Tks.
someone was asking how to blow up those helium balloons.
Spotlight sells helium tanks at $59.90. i didn't check how many balloons a tank of gas can blow up.
I was going to post the same thing too!!!
U went spotlight today as well?? I was there too leh with my sister.

I did check on the helium tanks not very heavy...kekeke
regular tank $59.90 with balloons fill around 30.
Large tank $79.90 w/o ballons fill around 50.

btw they sell pinatas too I think $33.90 those interested can go Plaza Shingapura to check them out.
Char looks more grownup alreadyher cheeks not so chubby anymore but she looks prettier leh.
Sigh... looks like D can't see Char at the gathering.
YOur hse only ready 2 years later. Now is a good time to have No 2 haha...

Dunno leh, I read in papers saying her this pregnancy is accident leh. Think is naturally bah?
Her 1st dotter is with ex-hb. The 2nd one with the current hb.

I dunno leh, but somehow, her case of losing blood, is q common during delivery. I had this after delivered Jolene.

Dun worry too much. I feel the time spend on kids is more impt than job.

What? Yr IL still ask you for no 4 ah? I hear already wanna faint le. No no, don't mean young then can give birth more. The raising part very siong leh. Jolene's pre-nursery course fee already cost me $530 excluding GST, uniforms and books leh. I can't imagine if I have more kids!!!

Hope KB is better yah.

See lah, we no "yuan feng" one...

The big No. 2 Qns
Aiya, basically I think there's no "fix" period of when to have or plan. Just do it when you are ready. For me, the 1st tots came to my mind when Jolene was ard 8 mths. Hb said I not ready. When she 10 mths old, I asked hb, "you want or not? dun want no more le", hee hee cos I calculated how old will Jolene be if No 2 was borned. So, from decide to try till bingo, took us in a mth time. You can say is a rush decision, but I dun regret lor. See, now I q relax liao, few more mths Jaslyn will be walking liao. I be "xin fu xiao nu ren" kekeke... Ok, well, my mum and aunts did make a joke on me, saying if I din go for No. 2, I now really relax liao cos Jolene already on her own haha... BUT I still dun regret cos when I see the 2 gal playing together, fighting together, I find them very funny, like watching a free show hahaha...
Dor, yes, pple allsay her face smaller liao.I think Char miss D. Cos when I bring her to meet my fren's bb, she never smile as happily as when she sees D. She also never hold their hands unlike when she meet D, always hold tightly. Sigh.

Selina, everyone says she looks like Daddy, but hor, hb keepasking wher, where, so I say put on weight and you can tell. How's your job? Looks like you're coping very well and enjoying yourself. Good for you!

Jenny,ya lor, no yuan. Was hoping to go gathering since now no time to come online as often. But too bad the date clash with my mgmt meeeting cum dinner for our famly members with the office folks. Jenny, your just do it not RA lah. You stopped BF liao? Me still BF, tot would stop but keep going on and on. But will def stop when Char turns one. Cos me want to rest 3 mths then "Just do it". Hehe, now watching Char alone already liek watching free show,so looking forward to add new cast and be like you sit back relax and enjoy them.
And sorry,for the late answer, Char wears that swimdiaper then her overall thermal suit. Cos this gal loves toplay in the pool for along time so I figure thermal suit better than sexy swim wear for her, though I would lvoe to put her in bikinis ;P

Starz, how's your bb no. 2 coming along? Gor Gor Ayden still a happy bb?

Vivian, long time no see or speak, how's cheeky Rhys?

BBgrace, saw Emma crawling at the self-made tunnel at home, she's very active gal? A pity Char still yet to meet this fren who shares the same bday.

Aiyo,think I miss everyone. Saw a few pics of the cute bbs, all machiam toddler liao. Btw,I have successfully wean Char off nite feed.SIncelast Sunday nite, when she wakes for er 3am feed, I just hold her and sang to her an for 2 nite i did the same,then the 3rd nite she never wakes liao. Keep my fingers crossed.
luckily my mum trained the 2 babies 2 nap 3 times a day. so i follow her routine when i am at home. however the last nap seemed hard 2 follow coz the timing is usually push backwards n if R naps late, he will not sleep early. anyway thk goodness he sleeps for abt 1.5 to 2 hrs so i usually prepare 4 his meals when he is sleeping n quickly do my chores too. no time 4 posting usually.
most babies r demanding. someone u hv 2 kids!! same for R as well. when he is awake, he has to hv someone ard him. else he will start crying. managed to find a CD to keep him entertained thru'out tt show though. i usually resort to using this only when i need to prepare his meals and no one ard to play wif him.

u machiam like my mum... like to watch the 2 babies play & fight and she find its v entertaining! hahahaha

wow gd news tt char weaned off nite feeds. i am still tryg but to no avail. did noticed the last feed n 1st feed is stretched but he still cant tahan till 6am at least.
Wow you gals so fast think of #2 already ??
Can still remember the time when all of us waiting for our bb to pop out .

21st july gathering
Got to give it a miss as gg to beijing on that day. HAve been craving for holiday since the day Megan was born ...

<font color="aa00aa">Jerene</font>,
shall pm you the photo later . Alexis got a very nice feature .. like mummy very pretty
<font color="aa00aa">jerene</font>,

Sent you the pixs already..enjoy..

<font color="aa00aa">coral and selina</font>,

Char and caleb "zhang da le " ...

<font color="aa00aa">vivian</font>,
its a real mask ??
Tot you digital mask yourself..
Your Rhys allows you to put on his face ?
My megan dun allow us to go near her face leh, screaming and yelling when we clean her face loh
Kim's poo very hard and she poo until she cry cause it couldnt come out and think her buttocks pain.

Any suggestion? I let her eat apple and drink alot alot water also no use.
I help her poo until both of us keep sweating. See her scream and cry so heartwenching. Then when i carry her she keep sobbing and lying on me.. Dunno how to help her.,.
Adeline, how abt trying prune juice diluted with water? Jerene's PD taught her 10ml of prune juice with50ml of water. I tried once when Char ocnsitipated and it helps her.

Jerene, do you still hv the pic of Char at Juz music? The one I saw at yur place which I say is the only one with memory of the head band her granny did cos I destroyed the headband accidentally. If you hv it can email to me for keep sake? Thanks.

Mango, time flies hor. Our bb all look so grown up liao. Last yr tis time we still waiting anxiously...

Vivian, I agree with Mango, most bbs hate to let pple touch their face, so it's a wonder that Rhys let you wear a mask on his face.
Both kids are also trained on a sleep and feeding routine but these days it's getting more difficult to get Emma to take her nap. Either that or she takes very short nap.
Emma likes Hi-5 and baby einstein series but she wont watch for that long unless someone is sitting next to her.

ya man, Emma is very active. Hubby calls her the duracell bunny, full of energy.
i've been wanting to meet Char also.
Next time when we all shift, plenty of chance to meet each other

Those still having second thoughts about having #2. Hopefully this photo will make you consider again

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">No. 2</font></font>
I had always wanted 2 kids so i will definitely try for 1 despite the difficulty i had with caleb n the m/c. really want caleb to have a sibling. so heartwarming to see joshua n emma together.

<font color="0000ff">caleb 1st soup</font>
gave caleb soup together with his lunch today and it was the most enjoyable meal i have with him. as this is his 1st, wanted to entice him to drink so i made the funny sedap sound with my lips. this boy then tried to imitate me and u have to check out his expression. so funny that he made everyone ard laff so hard. check this out http://selinaang2003.multiply.com/video/item/24

some pics of him taken today at friend's son birthday party

grouchy boy on the swing

on the tricycle

i love ben & jerry (i love his expression here)
That is SOOOO SWEET!!!!
What software did u use for that?? It looks so nice.

Try papaya. Normally when D constipate I will give him papaya or now I give baby yogurt. Bought it from Carrefour at PS again seems like they have constant stocks there.
<font color="0000ff">coral</font> yes char does look like your hb alot now. same here. many saying caleb looking more n more like me but i really cant tell myself. job wise ok guess with trusted care for caleb, gives me peace of mind to concentrate at work n travel too.
i use Picasa to edit the photos. Quite idiot-proof cos i forgot how to use photoshop liao due to lack of practice.
This pic was one of those that i put in the photobook.

Caleb looks like a big boy now.
Hello everyone, hope you had a wonderful weekend and all ready and energised to start off the new week.

It has been a hectic and chaotic weekend for us. Just sent my hubby off to the airport (yes, china again) and then went to Cold Storage to do my grocery shopping, thank goodness for 24 hours supermarket.

Alexis gave her papa a chance to be a "pirate". She was twisting and turning as he was carrying her and his cornea was cut by her nails, which I swear are not long. He had to go see a doctor and given anti-biotic eyedrops and for the weekend, he had a patch on. He taken it off today. <font color="0000ff">Selina</font>, Caleb and Adrian can be pirates buddies now!
And yes, thanks for the Kindyroo email, but it seem like it was sent in 2005, I am not sure if they still give out three consecutive free trials...any idea? If not, it is okay, I will give them a call.

All the babies here are so adorable, I especially like the one that <font color="0000ff">babygrace</font> posted of emma and Joshua. Very motivating indeed! <font color="0000ff">Doreen</font> is right, it is very nice, I wish I have photoshop now.

<font color="0000ff">Mango</font>, I have emailed you all the things I could recall about Beijing to you. Have you received it? It is a very llllooonnnggg email. Hope it helps and enjoy your holiday! Oh and thanks for the compliment!

<font color="0000ff">Coral</font>, I have also emailed you 2 photos of us and babies taken in Juz Music - let me know if those are the ones you wanted. Which chalet did you book for Char's 1st birthday party?

<font color="0000ff">Adeline</font>
I tried all methods suggested for constipation, and for alexis, diluted prune juice works slightly better than papaya. There was once she didnt pooh for six days and the PD gave her a suppository. I called it the bullet. Hope Kimberly get it out tomorrow!

<font color="0000ff">Yoghurt Drink</font>
Have anyone here tried Stonyfield Farm organic yobaby drinkable yoghurt for babies and toddlers? Made with whole milk and comes in a 177ml bottle, there are 2 flavours and comes 4 in a pack. I bought the peach one, thinking since alexis loves yoghurt, she should love this yoghurt drink but she doesnt. I am glad though for it costs me $16.25 for that 4 bottles from Cold Storage!
Morning ladies,

Wah... so many posts!!

I had a bad weekend so din log in at all.
My maid just throw me a bomb suddenly, say she want to go back home by 1 Sept. Say her father sick. Die die must go back...
Sigh... seems like my maid employment is a yearly issue. I HATE IT! Now the thot of it already make me want to cry. Rem the last time when I posted abt my previous maid? That was during my preggie time and now 1 year later, just before my sis gave birth, this maid out of sudden wants to go back!!!
We treat her so well and now still end up like that! I really want to just let go of everything and let other ppl handle this maid thingy forever! But... the person can only be ME... hubby wun take charge... my sis refused to pay and now she preggie... my mum had enuff problems... ARGH...

As for #2... my mum already told me that she WILL NOT take care of my #2 if I have one. So now even I want to have #2, who is going to take care?? sigh... I dun want to think abt all these liao..
my throat had ulcers, pain like hell now and I got a full class later... feel like crying but got to attend meeting in a while...


Sorry for starting the day with such a bad note... will try to cool down and post again later...
Hi all..

Had a tiring weekend.
Although I look forward to spending time with K over the weekends, I still have to take care of some housework and cooking for K. Factor in bringing K out to gai-gai, my weekends usually just fly by before I even know it!

K has been a terror when it comes to napping/sleeping time. He will yell and twist his body when i craddle him. He doesn't want to be in his room. I need to sing to him and sometimes hubby has to hold his hands at the SAME time before he drift off to sleep still sobbing away. I certainly hope this is just a passing phase.

Try getting Difflam lozenges. These lozenges has a anaesthetic purpose and can numb your throat a little so you don't feel the pain. The antiseptic properties can also help treat your ulcers a little.

I LOVE those pictures of Caleb! He has lots of adorable facial expressions

The pictures a so heartwarming. *happy sigh*

Charlotte looks quite grown up now. She can pass off as a toddler anytime.

Anyone bringing babies for swim?? ever since brought desiree swim suit have not even start her for swim due to on/off sickness.

Hi Vivian,

Cool down cool down...
when you are calmer then think of solution.

Hi Babygrace,

That is a wen xin pic.. keke..
motivate mummies who are thnking of making another baby.

Hi Coral,

Char getting prettier and prettier... post more of her pic when you are free.

Hi Shirley,

Great for you, at least more time to spend with zac zac with less travelling.

Hi Selina,

Caleb looks like a big kor kor leh... very funny expression, seems like he knows what is happpening around him.
Hi Selina

Am terribly sorry, miss your email last week.. thanks very much for resending me the excel file.. but I stayed over at mum's place over the weekend and I cant access the internet. Am i too late to resend the file to you?

Just to share: Went to Gymboree for trial class at Harbourfront yesterday.. have signed up for the 12 lessons at $348.00 so the trial is waived. The class quite entertaining and fun.. my boy was so tired from the activities that he KO for an hour plus after that. Ooh... and I met doreen and cute Damein at the class too
Damein so clever can wave hands to bye bye to us..
Yep, stopped BF totally liao in end May. So Jaslyn took for 8 mths. I tot supply should go down since stopped for abt 2 mths+, but tat day accident "touch" it and it sprayed like mad hahaha... I got a shock, so did hb. Hmm... yuan lai I only stopped for abt 2 mths+, somehow like stopped very long liao.
I see, I tot Charlotte wears a top or bikini something like tat. I'm still considering for the swim diaper. Anyway, I still have the Huggies swimwear, gotta finish them first.
Talking abt nite feed, Jaslyn starts waking up once!!! Argh... she like Jolene... younger time din drink, start to drink when older.

Hey, very fun to watch them play together one leh. I was telling my hb I feel very xin fu now kekeke...

Emma and Joshua look alike keke.. and your pic here sure make the rest of the mummies giam for No. 2 haha. Good tactic!

Poor gal! The maid issue is really a big headache!

Cool now ok.. take a deep breath and let your thoughts come and go for a few minutes..most impt is to stay calm. I cant give you much advice cos I dunt have maid.. so have to do everything myself.. As for no.2, I will definitely try for it when we are ready. my mum already advice us to hire a maid for her if am pregnant again. If nt, I have to put Brayden in childcare centre and mum to handle no. 2 if I'm really pregnant..

You must take care of yourself okie.. stay relaxed and am sure things will turn out fine..


Celab looks like a toddler now, he resembles more like your hubby ya...
wow..so many postings..

lilboymum / crystallized,
so, i m not the only one still enjoy(??) no menses while bfing hor? cos my mom ask me to check wif doc aka gynae lor.

yeah..i know it's the best time to hav no.2 while waiting for my hse ready. but still many factors need to consider lel.

but my mom did ask me faster get another one cos me & hb not young liao. wahaha...guess how i answer her .."ma, menses not come yet, how to conceive?"
the funny part is she ask me to stop bf.

oouhh..then i cant meet u & Char during the gathering liao. tot hor Alvis can take pics with 2 princesses who share same b'day with him.

Char still look 'ba ba' & prettier lel.

see...i frm earlier already wanna kowtow to ur mum liao. My hse hor, 3 ppl also cant handle 1 baby. some more i need to buy play yard to keep him inside. ur mum really super lel..
wow...ur work really occupied a lot of ur times hor. i m sure R missed u when he saw u back to home.

ooppss...very lovely siblings pics lel. xian mu xi wo lel....

Caleb look like a little boy in those pics. he seems like grow tall hor. and he can sit so zai in the swing. A hor never sit so straight in the swing. he very lazy, always wana lying on the handle when we put him in the seat.
<font color="0000ff">vivian</font> take it ez dear. concentrate on getting well first then think about the rest ok. am sure things will fall in place for you in time to come. remember, u were so troubled abt your maid last year but in the end you got a good one. no choice if maid wanna go back cos they also have family so just take it ez and once u are better than go find another one.
<font color="0000ff">vivian</font> take it ez dear. concentrate on getting well first then think about the rest ok. am sure things will fall in place for you in time to come. remember, u were so troubled abt your maid last year but in the end you got a good one. no choice if maid wanna go back cos they also have family so just take it ez and once u are better than go find another one.

Hi Jasmine,

A looks grown up too... wah... really time flies, and all the babies looks like toddler.
Very cute expression from him too.
he's wearing bare back?? keke.. sexy boy.
