(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

I don't know it was called "muZi" chair...
It was bot by my mum somewhere in Hougang a few month back...

I can say yes need supervison when he is in there, he will dig at the hole, suck, anything you can think of. My mum told me last time old people use to tied bb legs to the chair to prevent them from crawling out.. that is out of question for me... so now I would rather put him on the chair in last pix, belted him to the chair... so far so good....

Today I recieved agent telling me got two bbsitter at punggol area... will go interview them tomorrow.. hope I can get a better one this time round. Current bbsitter really giving me more problem.... even now my hb oso bei tahan her...haiz......

yeah... got more babies photos!!!
they are so cute!!

Caleb like really changed a lot from the last time I saw him leh... so cute...

That handsome guy pix of D is NICE!!! He like pose for the pix like that...

Able still not much change hor, still boyish and cute... I noticed that you are also FOXBB fan huh? Coz I am too... the few tees Able wore, Rhys have it too... haa... I bot it at warehouse for just $3 nia... hee...

Ok, here is my promised Transformer pix... haa...

btw, it is not digitally added in. He is wearing a mask... haa...
<font size="+1">selina</font>

how much was the accomodation at Amara Sanctuary? how did u know the garden rm is bigger than seaview rm? there wasnt any info on the website.

how's the surrounding? is it almost done or still some construction going on?
hi mummies,

those bbs at the gym really seem like a recess time for them...

hi vivian,

the mask is so much bigger than Rhys face..

hi jenny,

gd idea of putting the diapers in the car. even if not staying overnite, if forgotten to bring out when outside, a v gd backup..

Amara Sanctuary
if I did not see correctly last sat, there's also 1 at Sentosa. but not sure whether it's operational already.
<font color="0000ff">jenny, edksd</font> i paid S$230++ wif b/fast. oh i went for site recee 2 days earlier to check out some venue for our corporate events so they showed us the room. very nice surrounding cos like resort style like that and everything is new n price is comparable now to Rasa cos they are new. all done except the medical centre which houses the spa.

share the photos tonight cos wif hb not wif me.

<font color="0000ff">viv</font> tks for your compliments on him. i cant notice the change except that he is taller but i dunno how tall he is now. the transformer pix so cute. got nicer mask to ID on him? black not so nice WAHAHAHAHA!!!!

<font color="0000ff">adeline</font> tks. my design not out but if cheaper to just print then i can ask my sis to design n let them print.
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> what is the SG webby? i dunno how cheap leh. i thinking of doing but not now. will wait after caleb's 1st birthday cos going to use my studio package.

<font color="ff6000">HONG KONG 4 CHRISTMAS</font>
<font color="ff6000">i so happy cos we are going to spend christmas in hong kong. my ex-colleague just informed me she getting married on x'mas eve so asked if i can attend. applied leave and approved. so hong kong, hong kong.... this will be caleb's 1st flying holiday. I AM SO EXCITED</font>
<font size="+1">selina</font>

u got tt as coporate rate? i rem it was quite ex as stated on the website. hv u been to the former beaufort? is it as gd?
Concourse nearest MRT think is bugis, then you gotta walk there. I think there's a bus from SK or Punggol to Concourse directly.

KNS leh you . I tot is "digital mask"

Hee.. cos I lazy to bring bag (no matter is small or big) around with me. That's why I throw 3 diapers + 1 pullup for Jaslyn and 1 pullup for Jolene in the car for emergency use haha.. cos I very lazy one lah, only put 1 or 2 diapers in the bag that I carry around. Last time I even threw a blanket in the car.
I mean since got a car, we can just throw some things that we may forecast to use for emergency use, rather than carry so much barang ard mah. Thats the convenience for a car, isn't it?

Ok, maybe next time shall try there. Keep going Rasa I also sian le. Some more the things are new.
Haha... the SG webby hor, just change the .my to .sg will do. I may also wait till after the 1st bday. Anyway I haven't receive Jaslyn's studio pics yet. Maybe won't join the BP bah, cos got time constraint, I very stress haha... BTW, I still dunno what's the discount off for BP.
<font color="0000ff">edksd</font> not corporate rate but now they having pre-opening promotions. the published rate is $500+ i think. i worked there b4 when it was still beaufort but have not stayed there now it has changed to The Sentosa. You can also check out Siloso. very near to Siloso beach quite nice from the outside but according to my friend who stayed there b4 n after he saw our Amara Sanctuary room, he says Amara one is much better.
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> but amara is not very accessible to the beach. tho' long walk down the slope but up can die lor. so if you want accessibility, siloso will be the next better choice cos just right at siloso beach.

btw what's the webby for the malaysia one? is it the pixarts thingy?
<font size="+1">selina</font>

ive been to The Sentosa for quite a no. of times and obviously i liked it v much.

oso been to siloso beach once. but in the earlier stage when it was not fully completed. therefore didnt hv a v gd impression la.
Gam Siah!!! I'm not going to book there liao. With the slope, I will die man! wahahahaha...
Not pixarts, is photobook.
Msia URL http://www.photobook.com.my
SG URL http://www.photobook.com.sg

They got a A3 poster, think nice for printing pics to do as a decor for 1st bday party. My friend used A4 paper to print and combine a big pic of her son. Very unique and cheap way of doing, from far, won't notice is printed from laser jet printer.
<font color="0000ff">adeline</font> tks

<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> i compare briefly and delivery charges wise, in USD, the MAL site is cheaper. prices for the books are the same in USD. so guess only difference is delivery charges n since no diff in delivery leadtime, might as well save US$1 or more if MAL site is wee bit cheaper.
Thanks! Aiya, I forgot to check the delivery charges. I was still thinking why they wanna maintain .sg and .my when the book prices are the small.
Hmm, I think I shall start this soon, and do it yearly. Then no need to develop photos and arrange to album. But this one really needs a lot of time to edit and design. My skill on this area sucks and I have no patience haha

Yes, I tried both. Actually hor, can't really compare leh cos their style are totally different. I PM you better cos is a bit sensitive to "talk" over here. They both have business threads in forum.
Me & hb thinking of going Hongkong in Dec timeframe tooo....... imagine cold weather... but still thinking whether should bring Able there... scared he not use to the weather there..

Wat is the cost for bb boarding the plane at 1yr +? Half?
hi evening ladies...

It seems that all mummies are doing up photobooks and albums and bday parties for their bbs...im still in the lazy mode.still deciding if i should celebrate at all...lazy hor...

wah vivian,
you mean rhys willingly let you put the mask on for him?and pose somemore??!!!

im also bringing CY for his 9mths assessment coz of his weight issue. yah i agree,sometimes they make it sound as if its our fault when bbs dun wanna do what they want them to do(like say baba or walk), or are too fat, too skinny... i cant stand another 'huh, how come he is so skinny' from the PD man...

hi grace,
heee...i kaypoh answer your qn...bb boarding plane technically dun need to pay for air tix leh. if you are willing to carry them on your lap or in a bassinet. however they have to pay to board the plane. its funny..but true. the amount is equivalent to 10% of original price of air tix.when we brgt CY to HK, we paid S$289 for his boarding...sounds crazy hor. but if the plane is not full, then they will let you have the seat next to you for bb loh..
U have issue with CY weight I have issue with his height.Hahahahha
When the nurse ask me if I have any concern regarding Damien. I told her other then his height I have no other concerns.....Wahahahhaha

The mask look really fake leh where u got it?? Bring for the gathering then we have all the transformers....kekekke

Thanx for the BIG pic of Damien look so nice. BTW Megan also have thunder thighs...hahahha
I have a video of her kicking the balls in the "jacuzzi" leh U want??
<font color="0000ff">Gathering</font>
Looks like majority can make it on 21st jul. I'll go down and book the room tmrw, have been busy these 2 days during the mgt office opening hours.

Agree with Dor that the mask looks fake, i thought u digitally added that in.

lilboymum is right, infants below 2 yrs old pay 10% of the list price. Do note that it's the list price and not whatever offer price. So sometimes it'll end up that the baby fare is not too far off from the adult fare when there's a promo for the adult.
Remember to request for the bassinet when u book the tix. Bassinets are on a first come first served basis. I was lucky that on all the flights that i took, they decided to leave an empty seat next to mine even though i had the bassinet so at least i could put him on the seat or put my things. I guess no one would fancy sitting next to a noisy baby if they can help it. haha!
<font color="0000ff">Mango</font>
what a great pix of Megan, alexis and petrified Damien! Hehehe, can you pls email to me? Thank you!
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font>
here's the pictures of the room to share. not very nicely taken tho but the room is really spacious.

panaroma view of the room (see caleb slping in the middle of the bed?)

view of the bathroom

partial view of the room
Transformer Mask
I got the free mask when we bot 2 transformer movie tix from cathay cinema.
Very fake one lor. Just a piece of cardboard nia... din know that after taking pix was so funnie...
Will bring on the gathering day and transform all babies to baby transformers... haa....

Rhys at first was stone for a while when we put the mask on him coz he can only see from one side of the eye (mask too big) but after that, he wants to pull it down liao. So I take pix must fast fast. Anyway, after that I got my hb to grab his hands so that I can take more pix.. haa... bad mummie...

aiyo... D's duckie pix so CUTE!!! not the duckie cute, is his expression lor... SO CUTE!!!!!

Here's the one which he peeps thru the eye hole of the mask.
hi vivian,

really take my hat off u... nowadays, v hard to take foto for tricia, wont keep still.

hi selina,

the room deco looks v like balinese...
hi mummies,

actually have this nagging question for quite some time, "should i have a 2nd kid"? i'm already feeling v tired taking care of tricia as she is quite naughty, cant imagine 2 kids, also, i wont be able to give 100% attention/love to tricia if there's a 2nd one. But i know, tricia will quite lonely next time w/o siblings. though i have nephews/nieces around her same age group.
my friends & colleagues has been telling me to try for a 2nd one as I have a 100% committed caregiver, and my hb will help in taking care and a maid to take care of the hsework. if i wanted a 2nd one, i cant delay too long as i'm not young anymore. *haiz*, in a dilemma...
I know what you mean cos I faced that qns last year!! But I gave in, cos I feel Jolene is very lonely. You can see yourself when Tricia is playing on her own at the age of ~10 to 12 mths old. She will keep dragging you or your hb or any adults to play with her,. the "pretend" game.
Another reason is becos I dun want the age gap to be too far (to me not more than 2 years). Then I know my mum is able to look after for me, at least till they go school. My hb is willing to help. So, I decided to go for no. 2 (aka Jaslyn). I made the choice very fast cos I dun wan to be preggie when I reach 30. I wanna close shop b4 30 mah. So maybe when I stop work (if there's this day), my kids already big liao. At least dun need to worry too much.
Listen to your heart.
hi jenny,

at least u are still young. i'm in my early 30s now and if i want to have another 1, i have to do it fast cos of my health. also, my mum can still look after for me & is willing to do that.
my hb LOVE kids, i know that he was quite disappointed (though he did not show it out) when the gynae tell us that I may not get preggie easily.
i was telling my hb wat his opinion if i quit & be a SAHM, he was laughing and say that i will definitely go back work one... he afraid that i'll go crazy...
hi ladies

i have just tendered my resignation today!!! my new job will be more on the project basis so need to tighten my wallet from now on. well guess at least no more fequent travel liao and more flexible hours i hope


i know the dilemma abt having number 2. my hubby have been wanting a number 2. for me i am more worried abt my parents being able to cope with 2 children with close age gap. then again if i am to wait longer my parents will be getting too old to help me to look after. so its still a big question in my mind. may just let nature takes its course.... haha cant help u much on that cos ultimatly it is a personal and big decision to make
Me no young le hor, going 30 next year liao.
I believe is fated we are blessed with how many kids lah. Though I always saying I close shop hor, who knows if will kena accident. If really got, I will give birth to him/her lor. It's a life, and god wanna me to have him/her.
Same same lah, I can't stand kids one, so now no no to be sahm, I will go crazy wor.

I believed you read in papers/news abt the 44 years old woman who gave birth to the twins and passed away? Yesterday, I was telling hb I very pei fu this lady. She's a high risk mom, yet she was willing to go thr all these again. Preggie already xin ku le, and imagine she was carrying twins, and at her age of 44. I really admired her. It needs a lot of courage.
The lady so poor thing. Haiz i think the hospital is at fault also lor. I rem her HB saying that they went to beg them to provide more blood but they claim that they need high authority approval. Then when they went to the place where they store blood, those ppl refuse to open door cause time is not up yet. So sickening. Can't they just do something to save a life!!!!! The twins also very pitiful. Haiz..

Early 30s still young!! Still can one! If u really want, just go ahead. Follow ur heart. For me i sure want. At least have 2 so that they will not be so lonely.
<font size="+2">NO.2</font>
hehe...definitely will go for No. 2 altho me over 30 liao. wahahaha...My hb is the only son married it his family. i dun wan A is the only child in the family. he will lonely w/o any siblings. but a bit headache. cos my hse only ready in 2 yrs later. i m still thinking shld i wait for my hse ready then plan for no. 2.

but hor, like <font color="0000ff">jenny</font> said, pregnancy really cant plan one. it's all fated when or how many kids we r blessed.
and the most impt Q..my menses not visited yet le.

<font color="ff0000">Any mommies still BF & menses still not come yet?</font>
I'm not linking whose fault, whether is RH or Blood Bank. I feel is fated. This is not the 1st case a woman died after giving birth. Actually giving birth, especially c-secion, is a high risk operation lor. Just that a lot of unfortuate cases are covered up.
Anyway a life is gone, what's the use with whose fault? Well, perhaps becos RH is a pte hospital lor, the procedures may be different. Who knows?
hi shirley,

so ur new job is in a different company? at least no so much flying, gd 4 you and also for zac zac.

hi jenny,

the woman & the famliy quite poor thing.. furthermore she has twins.. poor twins also. btw, just curious, u know whether she conceive the twins naturally? cos she has 2 older daughters.
Ya i understand. when i see news say wait till autospy is out. But she is already gone. even if out also cannot save her. I just find it unfair why just to save someone also cannot.

Congrats leh!! More time for zac zac no more flying ard. i think with a family flying ard is very tough right?
Thanks ladies

The new job is with a new company. It is a tough decision to make cos my current boss is really nice and my current company is really near my home 10min drive. the setback will be the frequent flying.

the new job is good cos i can choose the assignment i want to take up. the setback will be if no assignment = no money. so hopefully there will be a lot of assignment waiting for me. luckily my first assignment has been confirmed so will be starting mid august for 2 months. so interms of more time spend with zac really depends on the number of assignment available but at least my weekend will be in singapore!

Hi Gemini,
don't think too much, kids at these stages are more active and naughty, think positive... naughty kid = smart kid. I think all mummies will face this question so just shun qi zhi lan and try it, God will give you your baby when he know you are ready. My kids age is 3 years apart and many people think the age gap is too far but for me it's just nice, I don't regret, I'm very happy with my 3 princes. haha.. you all worry about No. 2, my in-law asked me to go for my No. 4 *OMG*

For your info, I know a stall auntie selling kueh at the coffeeshop near my house, do you know how many kids she has???? She has 8 children, the eldest is 16yrs old girl, then 15yrs old boy, after that are 12yrs, 11yrs, 10yrs, 7yrs, 6yrs all girls then the last one 2yrs old boy, she said her children like kid and she might want to try a No. 9. She is late 30s and those children in Pri to Sec will take turns to help out in the stall, this is how the children get their extra allowance and she has 2 maids.

Jenny, you still very young, can try a 3rd one lah..
