(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB


Ayden is a jovial little boy

his sitting poses are very cute


really! haha must ask them for spoke person fee for isaac liao hee hee. I think the ang ku kueh very nice i got the $9.90 one. i like their box and i kept one to put isaac's documents like bills! so far quite good feedback from my relatives on the food and they are quite impressed with the baby card. Isaac's great grandma actually frame it up!

u can consider for your second baby.
thanks for e compliment on behalf of A...

going off liaoz... on half day today, but still here....

btw, another "news" for handbags n shoes lovers... Taka having atrium sales now... "heard" got quite alot of good bargains... im heading there now... hehehehe... ttfn.. n have a good weekend!
actually u reli shd.. or use tis as a "bargaining tool" for ur #2.... sidetrack hor, for me e bridal shop used me n hb's photos as samples... we "ke-tok" alot of things from them... like 8 outfits, free soft-copy for ALL e photos we took.. e "sample" album n big framed photo will also b given back to us after 2yrs.. hehehe..
<font color="0000ff">starz</font> tks for your congratulatory for my last day... idling my time away thou still got things to complete but no mood lah

anyway i cant advice u on when exactly to increase the solids but i did not increase the no. of solids but instead i increase his portion per solid. once he has a solid meal to replace a feed, ie for caleb is breakfast for a start (4-5 tbsp of cereals + 1-2 cubes fruits puree) then i settle him wif this for abt 2-3wks b4 we start him on 2nd meal solids. guess alot of trial n error but for me i wanna 1st let him replace a feed wif solids b4 i start him on 2nd meal. now caleb is on 2 meals solids n occasionally 3 meals if he refused to take his milk in the evening.

tis is my way of doing, mayb the experience mummies n enlighten on their mthd. so far tis is working well wif caleb n he finishes 1 big bowl of porridge wif ikan powder + 1-2 cubes of veg puree

since porridge is not iron fortified cos we prepare fresh n i cant add iron to it, what i do is make sure the porridge has other added nutrients like ikan powder will provide him wif protein cos fish etc as i dun like to rely on cereals cos caleb cant have cereals all his life. a balance diet each meal is more impt. too much of iron will cause constipation too cos heaty.
Thanks for the headsup on the isetan sale. Time to apply leave from hubby liao

4 hrs in the salon was spent cutting, low-light, bleach, highlight, some colour emulsion thingy.
Now my hair has streaks of the colour of Joshua's favourite character - Barney. Haha!

Selina's way of increasing the feed is what i did with Joshua also.

i agree with selina that porridge cooked with other ingredients are rich in lots of nutrients that cereal alone can't give.
Plus can't feed cereal forever cos bb must also learn to eat more chunky type of food.
<font color="0000ff">starz</font> sama sama. me too ge tok the bridal studio when they ask to use our outdoor pixs as their ad in her world brides n have the same pixs framed n display in their shop. i also got the framed pixs back from them.
<font color="0000ff">Hi hi ladies..
Sorry for not logging in to share with u abt Mav..me stupid & useless mummy..left him in the middle of our bed this morn & he fell HEAD DOWN to our ceramic tiles..so heartache..i felt very guilty lor..coz me too careless liao..bcoz it happened like 30 mins aft his morn feed..so ard 10 mins aft he fell..he actually vomited out like 2 mouthful of milk..so we quickly rush to my mums place..when we reach the place..quickly fed him with some water..he also puke out a little..so worried that both me & my mum were like shivering..we immediately rush him to KKH..then happened to see my cousin nurse & she advised us to monitor his situation for at least 1-2 days..coz usually lumps dun appear that fast also..so we went back..my heart almost stopped man..scared me so much..so now got to chk him out carefully, we will be clearing our room & I will be sleeping with him on the mattress from tonight onwards..</font>

Thks selina for helping me to update the ladies here..thks..
Hi mummies,
Been a silent reader of this thread for many months now. Mind if I joined u all? My babe, Clare born on 19th Oct. Think same as Adeline's and Aspialle's babes.

I finally came round to join the thread. Too tempting not to.

Thanks for the bag. I am using it daily to transport my babe's stuff to her granny's place. Also saw u at Babies n Cream but did not have time to say Hi. Sorry!

Starz & Bunny
Congrats! Must eat & rest well.

Congrats on the new job!

My babe also fell a few weeks back from my 3.5ft tall bed. Heart sank when I heard the "thud" sound (worst ever sound u have heard in ur entire life). No more on my bed unsupervised but strictly in her cot now.

PD just advised - to monitor 3 days for drowsiness and vomit signs. If any occurence, pls see doc immmediately.
Hope ur Mav will be a OK.
Maid advice

My maid has told us that she suspected that she has breast cancer. My SIL mum checked and realised she has a big lump. We wanted to bring her to see doctor but she is worried about the hospital bill. I have called up the insurance company. they only cover expenses relating to surgery and hospitalisation.

As employer, i feel obliged to pay part of her expenses but how much should i cover? anyone has any idea where to go for breast cancer check up will be cheaper?
<font color="0000ff">shirley</font> oh so sad. u wanna call but the breast cancer foundation to find out from them?

<font color="0000ff">nedlands</font> your nick looks so familiar. anyway tks for the congratulatory words too. hope i am really moving to greener pastures.
Err...Its a nick I adopted when I was studying in Aust coz I stayed in *Nedlands* - how original eh?
Could not think of any at that time I signed up with all the accounts so it got stuck with me since graduating (or i got stuck to it?).

As for job, what i know is never look back. It will be definitely greener or better coz u weighed all the matters before u decided or else why go for it.

Breast Cancer Foundation
General Line: 6352 6560

Operating Hours:
9.00am - 6.00pm (Mon - Fri)
Closed: Sat, Sun & Public Holidays

Separately, R u due for ur gynae check? If yes, u can ask maid to tag along and consult gynae? Is the lump big? Do monitor if its growing in size. Usually if its hard n small, its usually benign (not cancerous) but better seek the professionals. Me doc quack here...not realiable at all.

Hope Mav is fine !

Can understand how worried u r , i only have my peace of mind when K appears fine 3 days after that fall


that is very jialat, hope the lump dun equal to cancer


Nedlands/ selina

thanks! heard the lump is big. just called the breast cancer foundation. No subsidy for foreign domestice helper... sigh the lady is very nice. she said she will see if she can help by finding out more info. anyone went for mamogramme (not sure if this is the correct spelling), can advice me of the cost?

Very sad for my maid, she is planning to get married 2 years time and is really saving hard for her marriage. Just went to open account for her. She has kept this to herself for sometime but think the lump is growing so she decided to tell us.
Hi ladies,

finally i settled the seminar thingy. Glad that everyone commented that I did a good job on the mcee-ing... but that will also means that I am going to be arrowed again for other events...alamak...

thanks for all your advices on the porridge. I will not give up. Will try those suggestions you all gave. I already told my mum to put his favorite pumpkin puree into the porridge to see if he likes it. Hopefully he take it lor.

Doreen is helping me to collect my 2 tubs of cream . So maybe you want to check with doreen? Thanks leh... really appreciate all the help from you girls...
Mammogramme not recommended if ur maid is young coz of radiation.
You can go for the needle route which extracts the cells from the lump to determine if cancerous (so no operation is needed). Not all lumps are cancerous. Some people are more lumpy than others due to hormonal change which happens frequently in one's body.

I will check for you coz my friend's wife just went for a test on the costs. Will revert.

About 15 mins to go!!

I am off for now..See u guys later.
I just bought a swimsuit for kim but dunno suitable or not. will only be bringing her to swim next week. 1st time trying out.
She so noisy ah. While i typing she sitting there banging the table follow my hand while i type.

Not to worry Mav will be fine. I heard that MOST baby tend to fall off bed it's common :p dont be guilty. part of growing out.

Hi!!! Nice ours is same date :p
Aiyo,reading my post - what I meant to write is, I will check for you on the cost coz my friend's wife just went for a lump test and op.

Pressed 'post button' too fast, in my haste to go home!

congrats for a job well done

BBgrace & selina

thanks for sharing abt the cereals & porridge, will start k on porridge at 8th months bah, still have 3 more boxes of cereals
hi adeline,

wow. i'm an IT idiot though i'm working in an IT company hehee... normally, at home, my hb is my "helpdesk".
next time, can check with you already... :p

hi nedlands,


hi shirley,

dun worry too much. as what nedlands says, the lump may not be cancerous.
Sorry, MIAed... on 1/2 leave yday to settle some stuff and popped by United Sq with Jo for the kids sale. Hmm, if you gals ask me, I dun find it worth going all the way down, unless you dun mind go there shopping. Rotted at home whole day with Jo (Jas was with my mum). Later near midnite bring Jo go airport to fetch her daddy. This Jo very funny leh, think she "forgot" her daddy went overseas. This morning woke up, she ran around the hse then came up to me and asked "mummy, daddy leh?"

I also upgrade Jo to NAN2 when she turns 6 mths old. And I din mix unlike Jo's time. Reason, her tin of similac runs out and I dun wan to buy a new tin cos it takes a long time for her to finish, the 400gm one takes abt 2 mths (I transfer the FM to air tight container) cos most of the time, Jas is on EBM.
Re burping, from what my aunt told me b4, after 4th mths no need to burp liao. But it has became a routine, I will still pat pat a bit.

You got "soh" your boy's head everyday? YOu try to "soh" as and when, if not wait bb head is firm, no amt of "sob-ing" can help.

Sabie was born with heart prob. She underwent heart surgery and somehow got "pai chi". Heard the "replacement" heart was flew in from US.

The head shape is not becos of where bb sleeps leh. They sleep sarong or cot, still the same one. Reason the shape of head will change cos bb head are still soft. Jo sleeps in cot since birth, I can't remember which mth, cos she likes to sleep at one angle, so that side of the head is flatted. What we did was to "sob" her head. Keep "sob-ing". Her head now is super round lor. So far, Jas is still ok.

You are Mxxxxxxx who I was emailing with, is it? Sorry ah, I blurred cos there's a few mummies we liasing via email

I suggest you read up some bb website on feeding. Cereal is NOT porridge. I think I mentioned not long ago (think last week?) that cereal is for bb to learn to taste and swallow, before other foods fall in. Unless K has already learnt to eat, chew and swallow. If not, it is NOT time to intro porridge to her. I also mentioned each bb's development is different. When bbA is ready for porridge, it doesn't mean bbB is ready too, even though they may be same "age" or bbB is elder than bbA. Also, it is NOT advisable to feed cereal in evening time cos bb dun digest as fast as adults. Cereal should be fed in morning or latest by late afternoon. I like to highlight again that cereal is heaty, dun feed too much.
Not very good at It also.. hahaha.. currently my line is also not IT :p after graduate maybe will find something related..

Jo is so cute haha.. forgotten where is dad :p
NO! i din not find the butternut squash though i was at scotts isetan tdy. (Newly opened Coach corner there!!! but i din manage to pop over) coincidentally i was wif a few sept mummies and Starz happened to call me to ask abt the butternut squash and she was in taka.
however coz my hb was coming to fetch me, i had no time to go taka so had to settle for japanese pumpkin instead. it aint cheap leh. the size i got cost me $3.70 when it wld cost only 70 cents for the local pumpkin. sigh, let me keep fingers crossed and hope R likes it bah. so far he has rejected so many puree liao. die man.
eh, i wanna see ur purple Barney streaks!!!! kekeke...

erm, i haven burped R in ages! hahahahaha... i dun rem doing tt coz i latch him when i am ard so not necc to burp him. i dunno if my mum burps him aft btl feeding anot.

oh was it u tt i saw at BBnC class the other day? din noticed u... were u wearing black top and in ponytail?
gd to hear tt u still using the bag.

happy puree-ing... i am actually feeding R 2 times puree now. if i can afford the time to make when i rch home lah. else i will ask my mum to feed him once in the day. i worried will make her so busy, so i juz ask her to puree once lah. the other time i will do so in the evening.

i was abt to ask u when is the nxt Isetan sale! hahaha!

hope Mav is ok. scary leh, me oso v careless mum. i muz b extra careful aft hearing wat u say...

errrrr, cant rem wat else i wanna post liao... gtg attend to R liao... pop in here again later!
ur ah lao back liao? managed to get wat u wanted? my coach purchase arrived at vpostusa liao... so happy!
i shld rcv them nxt wk.

aiyoh, then my R dunno when can eat porridge coz i am not getting anywhere wif cereals and puree. sianz... he only opens his mouth at green looking purees.... jia lat leh.
Dont worry ah.. Are u still BF R? if yes maybe due to BF. i hv some friends who TBF and their kids are rejecting semi solid. did R show any signs of weaning?
Hi Jenny,
Thks for sharing on Sabie... i suddenly feel sad again when you mention her condition...... hope her last moment on earth is a peaceful one... no more pain for her now.....

Now i want to complain abt my bbsitter( sori if i am too lengthy... just want to throw my heart out for a while to breath!! ):

I insist my bbsitter to burp A every feed... she keep telling me she has done it for A every feed and added that she stop burping her grandson last time at 4th mth ... mah jiam i takan her like that.......

Apple Puree
Yesterday, bbsitter mentioned that she had actually scrab abit of raw apple for my A to eat.... n never tell me b4 till i told her Able likes steamed apple and i have given him abt once a week... she keep stressing don't need to steam leh... just scrab with spoon n give him will do... can some one tell me which shld be correct?

Today told me cannot give my Able apple.. it can cos him to develop pheigm & stomach wind if i never give him cereal... i told her i gave him over weekend without cereal n monitor ok leh....
As if i am poisoning my son like tat... hear already very buay siong leh...

Tmw i am trying to give Able Dumex rice cereal... which is strongly recommended by my bbsitter(buay tahan), told her i bot Herz(she thinks to coarse liao), Nestle(she say too sweet), Friscocreme(not gd cos got other milk ingredient) n insist we must buy dumex( the brand her grandson took). so i bobian got to try n see my bb reaction to this Dumex...

I think next if i say ok wif the cereal, she will insist feed him twice a day.... even thou i insist once at noon... keep saying my Able don't noe how to crawl yet cos leg no strength due to didnt eat cereal etc...

Patting his head
Able started to pat his head wif one hand!!! like the "sang now jin" pattern leh n did tat since last weekend, dun noe he got headache or just playing.... told bbsitter dun noe why he does tat ... she told me her nephew's son taught my bb leh... dun noe true anot... just not at peace why my bb is having that action... two conclusions..
1)really playing which i dun wan it to be a habit fr him,
2)someone might knock his head (this is the worse and hope not happening...)

Ok... tat's all........ steam off for the moment......

How long we try cereal b4 we intro porridge?? Start wif plain porridge first or wif other ingredient like the brended silver fish powder?

poor u, ur babysitter sound stubborn man

coincidentally, i was telling hb during dinner just now tat i m really grateful mum is helping me, cos she always tells me her old ways of bring me & sis are outdated and keeps asking me to seek u mummies' opinions

I am thankful tat she is so open minded
yes i am still on tbfg.... but he is v interested in our food leh! juz dunno why his lips clamp tight shut when he sees orange or light coloured purees, and oso when he sees cereals! u can b sure he will look anywhere BUT at the bowl of cereals i am holding... *faint*

actually there is nothing wrong wif ur nanny feeding Able apple direct. actually fruits shld b fed as fresh as possible. the only reason i steam it is coz its too hard 4 R to digest. i steamed the pear the other day and puree-ed it. he refused to eat. the nxt day, my mum juz use a spoon to scrap the flesh and feed him direct, instead he takes it.
my mum say as long as the fruit is ripe and soft enuff, shld feed direct. however, his enthusiasm din last long lah. when my mum tried feeding the same way the nxt day, he not interested in the fruit liao. sigh....
<font color="0000ff">jrt</font> bbgrace's barney streak very nice. i like.

hey i saw tangs selling the pumpkins super small size one today. not sure what kind issit but really small like a big tomato size only so dun have to worry cannot finish.

<font color="0000ff">grace</font> actually i also hardly burp caleb dunno since when. dun think my mum does that too.

the reason why we steam apples or pear is to soften it so easier to puree but i personally think it is ok to scrap the apple like that for bb if can make sure it is not too coarse. i personally dun see anything wrong wif that. steaming some how will reduce the nutrients slightly compared to giving as it is.

for porridge, i actually wanted to start caleb only when he 6mths old but my mum went ahead to give him at 5.5mths n he responding well to it so i just leave it as it is. i didnt give him plain porridge cos when my mum started, she already added the ikan powder my dad prepared some time back. for a start caleb had only porridge wif ikan powder. then we slowly mix in the veg puree he had been intro
My son pats his head too. He has been doing it for some time, and he scratches it occasionally too. Think it is normal??

Wonder if im the only one who hasnt started on solids yet. Went to Cold Storage to look for brown rice cereal, but they all have additives leh. Want just brown rice, but all have other added ingredients like skimmed milk, or other grains...Where do you ladies get your cereal? Or are you making your own (dry and grind)?

He';s soo cute...has got colour preference so early on...maybe you can add spinach to whatever is it you are feeding...then all will be green..ok, just some silly idea.

Hi wendy,
Hope Mav is ok. yeah, agree with adeline, quite common for babies to fall lah, dun blame yourself...

Jenny...ok will try to soh as much as possible...

hey adeline,
You bringing kim to aquaducks? those swimming lessons for babies...think of bringing chih-yu to one...tell me how kim takes to the water...
then she muz b like chio mummy wif 2 kids in tow! hahaha

thing is hor, my dear R refuses to open his mouth when he sees orange coloured purees! drives me nuts leh!!! i am praying he will like the smell of the puree tmrw and hopefully open his golden mouth when i feed. u can tell how happy & excited he is when i feed him spinach puree lor. such a sharp contrast. but i cant b feeding him spinach purees everyday wat... sigh... and btw i hv been wanting to ask, issit normal 4 his stools to b dark green in colour? its similar to the puree colour leh! no wonder my mum thot he LS when i 1st intro the puree to him! hahaha...
no lah, ur idea is not silly... in fact, i tried tt oso... i added cereals to the spinach puree. i only tried once and i failed my mission coz my mum said i added too much cereals and he can detect. my mum said she only added 1 tsp and blend in wif the spinach puree, he finish it. but anyway if he shows colour preference for green, then it muz b ME lah coz i am a sucker for GREEN stuff! hahahaha
can such preference v inherited? kekekekke

i am gg to try add carrots to spinach puree tmrw... hope the colour dun chg too much... he can detect u noe! this boy ah! when my spinach puree turned light green coz i added too much cereals, he refused to open his mouth. either he can detect the cereals or he dun like the colour or it cld b both reasons why he dun like it...

u can easily get plain rice cereals fr supermarkets... Heinz is a popular brand... cant rem other brands liao... i feed R this... he grew sick of plain cereals aft 1.5 wks...
<font color="0000ff">jrt</font> not only the barney streaks are nice but the hair cut also nice lor. shunji mah cant b anything bad right? WAHAAHAAA!

must b u lah. sucker for green that's y now your son taking over you.

it is common for the stool to be darker colour. not LS lah cos LS is watery mah. y dun u let him try all the greeny stuff then? like garden peas etc. really yummy lor.

looking at your situation, i quite happy my caleb dun show preference otherwise i b like u headache now.

<font color="0000ff">lilboymum</font> we might have a trial wif aquaducks soon so u might wanna participate. but will need our dear <font color="0000ff">esther</font> to let us in on more details. bear wif her cos she not very well lately.
wah shunji ah? then she sure spend a bomb on her hair... but when haircut is nice, its the most impt!

yah lor, me lor, who else, now my son oso likes green purees only! hahaha...
yep, his stools not watery... still same texture, juz tt its v dark green. good rite? shows he absorbs the nutrients?

yah i am so envious tt other babies r not as choosy as mine. Rochelle will b like caleb! she kept staring when my mum fed R... so my mum ended up let her try a few small sips. my mum was joking tt even if u feed her sai she will oso open her mouth to eat! hahahahahahhaha!!! Rochelle will hv no problem wif solids. she is catching up v fast on her weight. think she is as heavy as R now.

wat else is green tt i can try? i running out of choices tt i keep sticking to heng cai and phuay leng only leh... die...

u girls on MSN? i dun dare log in coz once i start chatting, i cant stop... i wanna go zzz liao...
uh...orange to green. that might turn purple or brown right? all the best, hope he likes his new colour combi...

Hmmm..ok, should try the heinz one first...though it seems everyone asks me to start iwht brown rice.

yeah yeah yeah...keep me informed. hmmmm,,,but hor, i cannot swim leh...(heh...might be the only singaporean who cant)...hope i wont drown. so far he loves to bathe andplay with water...
If the trial is going on i would like to join in is it ok?

I wanna bring her go have a taste of swimming but quite scared wor. cause parents and aunty say cannot swim too long. scared over-do it cause still young. so i still confuse ah..
If u are taking CY to any swimming or infant course let me know. i will be interested to join in. Mostly is on sat and sun right? cause other days sure not free one =(

Haha ur boy so cute and intelligent. i think is the smell of cereal that he detect?

===========Updates on Kim==============
She's a terror! keep playing trick on me. Act sleepy make me carry in and out of sarong. She fake fake close her eyes then when i walk away i heard her laugh. She's only 6 mths! why like this
it's funny though.

Fed her some wipped potato earlier on and she LOVES it. When we stop giving her as it is 1st time trying then she shouted!! Alamak.. now she lie cannot but love sitting up then i dun dare let her sit too long scared her back still not stable
ok since the lil gers are flooding this thread lately, now let me start the ball rolling for the boy power ok.

here are pixs of Caleb in police car in infantcare.


and here is one of him super buay song in my bro's trucker's cap
<font color="0000ff">jrt</font> no NGM yet. u can try garden peas. <font color="0000ff">esther</font> posted a pix of it but must search archives leh.

<font color="0000ff">lilboymum</font> u can try get from some NTUC Healthy Times (HT) cereals. it comes in brown rice. Caleb takes those brown rice from medical hall with added chinese herbs type too. the HT cereals that is suitable for bb's 6mths has brown rice, oatmeal & barley. caleb has tried all. i restrict cereals to breakfast only cos my personal preference cos i always think cereals are meant for breakfast... ha ha ha my own logic.

<font color="0000ff">lilboymum, adeline</font> let's see what our dear <font color="0000ff">esther</font> says cos not sure if class is full n if she can start another class.
