(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

going home liaoz... dont know why, these few days miss A especially much leh..... last time already cant wait to go home, now like lagi worse....

Dee Dee,
your kimi so cute... looks abit like Mav (Wendy's bb)....

Alvis really got good complexion leh.. you eat alot of birdnest?

Mine is a dip on the powder and apply on gum... basically i chose tis bbsitter due to convenient as well. Unless you can find one just at my blk, i will sure try....... my venue Punggol..
I will see where she stay then let u know again ok. heard she is good but have not try before.

ya kim took 5 in 1. what is the xtra one more? what is e rotavirus vaccine? actually i not sure what vaccine she need to take i blur blur follow. she also very strong vaccine wont cry.
I dont mind spending xtra $$ for her then always get scolding from hubby zzz..
<font color="ff6000">haiz. my Caleb just recovered from slight bronchitis, now kana hoarse throat. got a shock when i went to fetch him just now n heard his cries sounded different. his voice all gone now. hb told me afternoon his friend working at the centre told him Caleb cried very long n very loudly n it took them quite long b4 they fed him his porridge. then hor when i went to fetch him, another caregiver was patting him to slp. she told me she made milk for him at 3.30pm but he only drank 3oz then she tried letting him drink again at 5.30pm n again he drank a bit. so i carried him n she passed me the milk bottle asking if i wanna try feeding him. i almost fainted when i saw the milk bottle. there wasnt any milk in it but his brown rice cereals wif water. i asked how come his milk got residue she said the residue will settle then she showed me where she got the so called milk. aiyo i almost fainted. no wonder he doesnt wanna drink lah. the earlier caregiver nv inform her which is milk n which is cereals. now i really cant wait for my mum to take over FT. freaking me out if it continues leh. i end up feeding him cereals b4 we left cos he refused to drink his milk so no choice i made cereals for him. haiz.... stressed now. still got 2-3 wks to go b4 mum can take over FT

another scary thing is caleb poo-ed so this caregiver helped to change him. she put on plastic gloves on 1 hand and i saw the way she cleaned him wow i feel so painful lor cos she machiam use damn alot of strength lor. then she insist to wash his butt and she washed him using the hand with the gloves and rub his penis area so hard. aiyo i dunno what to do man. quickly tell her can liaoz n make her bring caleb out of the sink. howz? someone help me....
i only drink tau huey chwee but not packet soya bean milk. most ppl cant tell the difference but i can. they r different in taste. i juz dun like pkt soya bean drink leh. i noe u mentioned b4 the calcium level is better. i take supplements and try to drink fresh milk everyday and eat ikan bilis if there is a chance lor.

wah ur issac more difficult to feed man! my mum sneaked in 1 small tsp of cereals into R's milk tdy and he drank it up. my mum said he will b fussy abt food like me... jia lat.. so try to intro cereals into milk, hopefully he can adjust the taste slowly. i am gonna face a big problem when i wanna intro FM later. but i dun care lah! worry abt it later...

i am introducing purees to R twice a day now. so my mum will feed at least once if she can afford the time, so the other time will b aft i come home. i feed b4 7pm. i worried if he can digest anot but hv to do tt leh, else i got no other time to intro to him during wkdays. anyway this boy dun eat alot lah. at most juz 5 tsps... so i guess it shld b ok. so far he got no prob at nite, so juz monitor lor.

oh thks 4 reminding. i try to send to u tmrw. i go wrap it up later.

yah butternut squash is another type of pumpkin. tt time when i attended the sept puree making class, the mummy was telling us this pumpkin is gd to start off. 4got the reason liao. so i wanna try tt 1st.
aiyoh, sayang caleb!!! poor boy. i feel heartache 4 u when i read wat u posted.

how come the caregiver so blur one??? alamak!

wat happened 2 ur ex-neighbour? she able 2 help? got more experienced caregivers anot?
I think you better speak to your old neighbour (Principle) that you prefer one person to look after caleb.... it pains me when you say they gave him cereal wif water... to me they shld know how to differentiate right? Think the only help is your mum... why can't she start FT earlier? Try talk to her.. if not you really got to insist one person to look after your Caleb n tat person must know wat to give him and also his drinking habit etc...... make sure they burp him well too hor... my bbsitter dun burp my Able well so sometime he vomitted milk(think it will affect their little digestive system next time), i will purposely say infront of bbsitter he never burp har..... another way is to label the milk, cereal clearly and Caleb name pasted on all the stuff you bot over there... put a short note things to look out for when your Caleb cries... poor Caleb... think he ren di fang n person tooo...
Really devastating upon knowing the sabie's brain is damage. the most impt part of the body. haiz..

Aiyo!! it's painful man rubbing the most sensitive part too hard. grrr.. if me i yell at them liao lah.
Give me the impression like so irresponsible leh.
Is that the centre where you said your old neighbour is the principal? You talked to her?
Sounds bad leh, how can like tat, took the wrong "milk" and use glove to wash butt area and worse the penis area. I read already feel pain. I first time hear ppl wear glove to wash butt leh.

tau huey chwee is fresh soya bean milk right? I bo pian cos my office dun have. But I only buy the Nutri Soy packet, if dun have I take Yeo brand. Other brand I dun take. Of cos if got go food centre, I will buy fresh tau huey chwee. I know the taste you mean. I can taste also.
yah tau huey chwee is fresh soya bean milk.
so far the nutri soy brand, issit the similar taste as fresh ones? if so, i will consider trying. i dun like Yeo's. can tell the difference.

Poor Sabie.
though we wld like a miracle to happen, i wld really feel its good to let her go coz she is suffering so much. its really v sad coz she is still such a young little one. i dun even wanna think how many tubes were stucked to her little body. May she find peace in the other world.
today ted is 6 mths!!!

just want to check, realised that once ted changed to similac stage 2 his poo is no longer creamy but harder, is this normal? since he refused to take the semi solid rice cereal, yesterday i put it into his FM and add more water...and he takes it ...so i can reduce the proportion of water as times goes on?
Happy 6 mths ted!
My kim is also 6 months today. 19th oct right? hehe.. I didnt continue similac stage 2. i bought dumex for her. Cause she doesnt seem to like similac. but i think if poo hard means too heaty or not suitable? i not sure also hee..
my heart broke seeing the news of sabie. swallowing my tears when i see their family photos. feel like hugging isaac and my hubby now to tell them i feel so lucky to have them with me. haiz in life a lot of things are fated.....
Yea. sabie is sooo adorable. feel like hugging her. upon seeing that i miss kim badly .. at work cannot shed tears..

Lets cherish what we have now before we regret. I'm gonna announce!!!

<blink><font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">KIMBERLY and HUBBY, MOMMY WITH LOVE U WITH ALL HER MIGHT AND GIVE YOU WHATEVER SHE CAN!!!</font></font></blink>
is the teacher new and inexperience? wow piang, cereal and milk still can mix uo (did u label?)I don't think it good to stick only one teacher cos what if she is on urgent leave or MC, then Caleb will not want to eat again. For me, the teachers there taking care of R been working there for 10 over yrs, so very experience. And yes, they also use plastic gloves to clean her backside and she still can laugh, but maybe she is a girl (no penis area to rub).
You can complain to ur old neighbour cos it WRONG to leave bb crying w/o attending to them. No matter what, they must stop what thet are doing and attend to crying bb, that is what they did @ my centre, or maybe R hardly cry when she is there.
must complain to the principal although only 2 more weeks. only 2 bbs already like that, u make the right choice to let ur mum care FT.
<font color="0000ff">grace</font> my mum is sacrificing alot to agree to help me tend to caleb. she is in fact still working but has decided to quit to help us. since i having a new job, i can support her cos she still financing her flat. that's the reason y. i dun think at infantcare we can ask for caregivers. i dun mind multiple caregiver but the handing over must be done properly.

<font color="0000ff">jenny, jrt</font> aiya i dun wanna sound like complaining leh since i withdrawing caleb. also know her also difficult lor. guess guinea pig lor. i force feed him water when we got home cos i scared later bcome sore throat or what then jia lat. yah lah. how dirty can bb shit b? the most just wash hand later lah. no wonder he was screaming his head off when she changed him. i will find a chance to talk to my neighbour re the new caregiver. she is new to the centre.
<font color="0000ff">HJ</font> yes i did label everything. even his pacifier i label lor. i agree wif u re the caregivers but the handing over must be done properly. and yes this is a new caregiver to the centre but i not sure if she is new to tis line cos she is old aunty machiam my mum's age type. i know caleb is not 1 ez bb to manage unlike R but he is not extremely hard so long as one get to know his pattern n follow his routine. yes he loves attention n cant stand being alone even at home but that doesnt mean they can try to train him n let him cry lor.

i know y they wanna use glove for hygience reasons but can use less strength when using gloves too mah cos gloves more friction so must be more tender lor.

i will definitely feedback to my neighbour but will try to find the right opp to do so cos i dun wanna sound like complaining but wanna give positive feedback to help her improve the service there too cos she gonna have more bbs in soon.
may sabie find peace in another world...

i dare not read what's cause sabie to go, my hb also asked me not to read such negative news, cos it will cause me to "hu si luan xiang" & will have insomina.
i had a scaring incident when i'm 6 mths preggie. i had a seizure relapse and thankfully, no harm was done on my baby. tricia is normal & fine till now. i can only pray hard that my girl did not inherit my illness. i really thank the gods for blessing me with a normal & healthy kid.

apologies, got a bit emotional...

<font color="ff0000">Happy 6 mths to Ted & Kim!</font>
hi selina,

that's must be painful for Caleb.

though it's your old neighbour, must still feedback to her even though to her, it may sound like a complaint. like what u say, she gonna have more bbs in the coming future, i think she will want to improve the service asap rather than wait for more pple to complain.

hi asipalle & adeline,

u change so fast to stage 2 upon both ted & kim 6 mths? did check with my PD & the milk company, they told me it's better to upgrade them when the bb are about 7 mths and even so, give them graudally. mixed the stage 2 with stage 1 milk powder first.

hi shirley,

been to the kids clinic @ sengkang once. my mum commented also, the nurses there v unprofessional & unfriendly. she also felt that the PD (cant remember which PD) is not v detailed in checking.that's why i switched her back to her PD. my mum was saying the services & the PD was so much better than the SK one.
Take it easy. i got abit emo when i saw what happen to sabie. have been praying hard that she will be alright but sad thing..

May tricia stay healthy always!!
Which PD in sengkang not good?
Kim is still on dumex infant formula. That time when she 5 mths i change to dumex infant and i did mix with the similac one.
She dont drink the similac one. and tend to vomit out. i think too oily bah.. changed to dumex one alot better for her. at least she can drink willingly and wont vomit.
then she very blur cos u did label. Must feedback lor cos if let bb cry for long time w/o attending to him will led him to insecurity in future.
I dun no if the childcare taecher @ infantcare like me ot not cos i always go down 4-5 times a day and sometimes can stay for half an hour like spying like that. maybe they talking bad abt me at my back i also duno cos nobody like being spy.
i mix when a few weeks before 6 mths since the stage 1 is finishing, then i see he is drinking well then tis week change to purely stage 2 , he is ok with it
Hi gemini,
My boi also changed to nan2 when he turned 6mths. Actually was the day before cos his nan1 ran out. *touch wood* so far so good cos I bought the nan2 in bulk so have like 11 tins in my storeroom now.
Hi freshpoison,
kim is vacumn out one. u mean the front kok tao or the top? mine is front nothing to do with vacumn they say that kok tao babies = smart and 'jing'.
hi adeline,

thanks for your wishes.

i only went to the PD that Shirley brought Issac to. It's @ Rivervale Mall and it's quite popular. Not saying that the PD is not gd, i think it's depend on individual. My mum much prefer the PD that tricia see when she was borned. but 1 thing for sure, the queue is v long and the nurses there are v unfriendly.
Oh.. kim's bb doc is at Mount E too far. thus i didnt go. nurse unfriendly nvm as long as doc is gentle :p

Hehe.. u got let him sleep sarong?
initially kim's head is also like this but when she born i keep 'soh' for her. about 2 mths her back really flat hahah then let her sleep sarong now round round liao =D
Yah, he sleeps in sarong. "soh" until hand pain also no use. sarong no use cos he 'kok' top left corner, the sarong cant reach plus my boi veri funny, he sleep sarong also will turn til tummy dwn, face dwn. so sleep until nose all flat already. Lucky my sarong netted otherwise dunno how he gonna breathe properly.
Aiyo!!! why he sleep in sarong so cute one haha. kim sleep sarong u use pillow casing cover her face she can sleep soundly haha. Now nose flat but i heard dont keep pressing bb's nose bridge. will cause bb to have sinus but dunno true or not lor.
Weekdays she sleep sarong but weekends come over she prefer sleeping on bed with us. and while sleeping she can actually move to crawling position suddenly!!! and fall aslp like that ..
Hi mummies,

Yah, havent been coming here of busy work schedule... nowadays go home just feed kimi and zzzz... everyday also lined up with activities!

kimi is going to turn 7 months on 26 Apr, heehee, she got bitten by her cousin two days back. the cousin is one month older than her only, but can already cruise around the whole house and got so many teeth!

hey Adeline, my kimi's actual name is Kimberly! haha, our kiddos got the same name :>

this is a pic of kimi when she was down with fever last month

I saw the msg on praying for Sabie.. and the last you sent she has left...... very sad leh...
Condolence to her parents......

Btw I did nt know why she is sick initially... can you advise why she sick?

Dee Dee,
Let me see if i have a picture of my kim that looks alike to ur kimi hehe..
I tot she is like 1 yrs old upon seeing the pic that u post previously!! big adult but urs look like jap jap and girl girl. mine so boyish!
