(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Ok gals, bear with my long posting hor. Can't access forum yday and can't login from my mum place. You gals so fast, I just agar agar read nia.

my mum still ok. My MIL? She has no rights to tell me wat to do with my kids, cos she knows I will not listen to her nonsense.
The porridge feeding is my aunt lah, she's a very experience bb sitter. Anyway I trust her for her years of experience lah, over 20 years leh. W/o her help and advise, I also dunno how to look after Jo. She can touch Jo's leg area and tell me when Jo can start walk. She's the one who touch Jo's gum and tell me she's teething. In fact hor, she is one who saw the tooth popping. She used less than 1/2 day to train Jo for toilet training.
I think she knows what she is doing lah. If not, her reputation where got so good in her area. Everyone wants her to look after their kids. In fact, I very grateful for her. Sometimes, she will ask me if can let Jo stay at her place for a week. Her point is to relieve me and hb.
Regarding the hse issue, KIV till hb is back first.

I started yorgurt after Jo turns 1. Doreen is right, ang mo start as early as 6 mths. But I feel asian bb and western bb are different.

Maybe cos of the way you post bah... so I tot is boy lor.

You typed till very ji dong ah haha
Ya, in fact hor, I got one year plus never develop photos. Poor Jaslyn dun have a pc of hardcopy pics haha I bad hor?
Sorry to tell you hor, not all infant/child care teachers will follow instructions one hor. They will do sui sui in front of parents. They will do all sorts of nonsense to keep the bbs/kids quiet one.
Talking abt coffee... I was damn angry with my father last week. I saw from far that he lets Jo drinks coffee, which my mum, hb and myself have warned him many times not too. That day I was at Dr Tan clinic and I stood there to see myself. Just when Jo was abt to drink, I walked over and scolded my father in front of his friends. Damn it his stupid friends still say "drink a bit ok lah", I gave him a "shout up idiot" look!
Wah, you no need to scare RE (i so used to call her RE, changed to RF very weird) kena bully liao hahaha...

You ok already? No wonder din see you here.
Alamak, how come your good fren like tat? I tot 1 kid only will dote a lot and spend a lot on the kid one.

I gave Jo at around 10 mths old when she knows how to self feed.
I already gave Jas but I hold the puff while she sucks.
It is not when (which mth) to give. You observe K and see when to give. Give when they ready, there isn't really a time frame to follow, just like starting semi solid food.

so long din see you here. Things ok?

BG Gathering
I'm ok with 4pm. Then can go home earlier. I need to bath 2 gals leh, before hb and I can settle. So won't be staying too late. How late you gals staying ah... I also scared kena bites cos my blood very sweet, so does Jolene

I feel so sad for her and her family. In fact, Patsy has been so strong. If I'm here, I collapsed.
Sabie, Sabie, all the aunties are praying hard for you.

suddenly the thread kena bombed!!!

i realised Issac like to sleep when doing a lot of things leh! so funny! u shld do a montage of him sleeping while eating and burping etc. so cute. if only my R can sleep so easily!
oh i will pass the toy to vivian then... toy is $24.90..

happy 7 mths to Rhys!
i like the photos of him in the red seat oso. he looked like a toddler!

agree its not easy when u start on ur new job, but u will adapt to it slowly, since most of us FTWMs r all under this arrangement. i hv gotten used to the fact tt i only sleepover at my mum's plc on alt nites so tt means there will b 2 or 3 nites tt i dun get to settle R to sleep. tts why i am hoping 2 get an ideal flat near my mum's soon, so i can bring him home & settle him to bed everynite.

ur girl looks like boy boy coz she got so much hair like Ruifang.
and yah can see her typical kiao kar pose! so cute!

is char refusing water oso? if she is ok wif water, then still not so bad. juz gotta try to feed her milk if the time lapse too long, to see if she wan to drink.
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> i wanna start him yogurt cos of the culture for his stomach. if i can find the one bbgrace recommends i will let him try

yah Sabie is such a fighter but it really pains me to see her suffering so much. i dun wanna b a wet blanket but i really hope she can b relief of all the pains n suffering in any way very soon. i just pray that God be with her n hold her tiny hands throughout so that she wont be lonely.
OIC ur aunt is an experienced nanny lah? hmm, then no wonder u oso dun wanna say anything when she fed jaslyn porridge. ur aunt sounds so experienced as in she juz touch the baby then she noes wat is happening!!! muz let her touch R's gums to see when his pearlies coming out. i am wondering issit coz my calcium not enuff so his pearlies not out yet?
Ya lor. Always kiao kar one. and recently learnt how to wink and BOOOO with all saliva.. my cousin say she learn all those in her dreams haha..

while bathing she is actually trying to catch water and put inside her mouth. So funny.
<font color="0000ff">Oct 06 Mummies Babies Gathering</font>

<font color="0000ff">Date:</font> <font color="0000ff">Saturday, 28 April 2007</font>
<font color="0000ff">Time:</font> <font color="0000ff">4pm</font>
<font color="0000ff">Venue:</font> <font color="0000ff">Botanic Gardens, Swan Lake</font>
<font color="0000ff">Parking:</font> <font color="0000ff">Basement carpark near hawker centre opposite main entrance of Botanic Gardens</font>

<table border=1><tr><td><font color="ff6000"><font size="-1">Mummy</font></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><font size="-1">Baby</font></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><font size="-1">HB/Helper</font></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><font size="-1">Food</font></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><font size="-1">Logistics</font></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><font size="-1">Location</font></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Selina</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Caleb</font>, <font color="0000ff">Liam (7)</font>, <font color="ff0000">Clydi (3)</font></TD><TD>Leslie</TD><TD>Fruits Salad</TD><TD>Bumbo / Name Tags / Paper Plates, Forks & Spoons, Plastic cups</TD><TD>from Jurong East </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Mango</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Megan</font></TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Honey Chicken Wings</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Delphine</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Desiree</font></TD><TD>N.A.</TD><TD>Agar Agar</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>from Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Karen</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Brayden</font></TD><TD>HB</TD><TD>Snacks (Potato Chips etc)</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Jerene</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Alexis</font></TD><TD>Adrian/Sriyati</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Bumbo/Tissues/Serviettes</TD><TD>from Marine Parade </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Doreen</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Damien</font></TD><TD>N.A.</TD><TD>Bread (TBC)</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>from Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Esther</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Jovan</font></TD><TD>HB</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Bumbo / Canvas</TD><TD>from Yishun </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Bbgrace</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Emma</font> & <font color="0000ff">Joshua</font></TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>from Sengkang </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Vivian</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Rhys</font></TD><TD>Cheng Liang</TD><TD>Chilled Packet Drinks</TD><TD>Bumbo</TD><TD>Tong Pang Delphine </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Gemini</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Tricia</font></TD><TD>HB</TD><TD>Bee Hoon</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>from Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Coral</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Charlotte</font></TD><TD>HB</TD><TD>Chilled Packet Drinks</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>from Simei </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Shirley</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Isaac</font></TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>from Sengkang </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">jenny</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">jaslyn</font> & <font color="ff0000">jolene</font></TD><TD>HB</TD><TD>Eclairs</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>from Sembawang/Pandan </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Littlekid</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Kennedy, Aloysius (7), Jefferson (4)</font> </TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Curry (TBC)</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>from Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Momconomics</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Jaeden</font> </TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">coolmum</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Kai Bin</font></TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">storm</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">cheyenne</font></TD><TD>Otih</TD><TD>Ngor Hiang</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">storm's friend</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">dillon</font></TD><TD>HB</TD><TD>Ham & Cheese Sandwich</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Huijun</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Raeane)</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">Jo</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Kelicia</font></TD><TD>David/Mum</TD><TD>Popiah</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>from Bt Batok</font></td></tr></table>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="-1"><u>Terms & Conditions:</u></font></font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="-1">1. Those who are not well or just recovered, you know what to do</font></font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="-1">2. Pictures taken, especially with mummies & daddies & helpers, </font></font><font color="ff0000"><font size="-1">NOT</font></font><font color="ff0000"><font size="-1"> be posted in forum but kept to Yahoo Groups</font></font>

<font color="119911">mango attendance TBC depending on Megan's condition</font>

<font color="aa00aa">i will stick to fruit salad cos if really need to cancel **Touch wood** i can still finish the salad myself</font>
Just to clarify, Char refused all things edible just now. No milk no cereal, no fruits, no water no nothing...She was like a love sick gal. Now jiat lat, she clings to my mum, without my mum she dont want food.

Selina, luckily your mum will take care of Caleb else think he'll be like Char refuse to eat when not the main caregiver feeding.

Jenny, all's well. Just busy busy lor.

Lots of cute bb pics.

BBgrace, Emma looks very healthy, that's great. As for being petite, I think it's fine, in fact good for gals.

HJ, I can understand your dilemma...me feeling the same. Not sure to go for career development or not...

Cant read all...Char wakes up liao.
<font color="0000ff">jrt</font> now that my mum will be FT caring for caleb, i also thinking of selling my flat in punggol n move back to west. looking at dover actually cos near to fairfield so next time caleb can study there since within 1km. i very KS hor but if really move than must plan long term cos i doubt we b moving again very soon. hoping my mum can stay wif us too so everything solve.
i was guessing boy cos u didnt complain much of MS mah... for me, with ayden i didnt hv MS... nevermind lor, i stil think tat girls will "gu4 jia1" more when grown up.. so u n hb dont hv to worry abt old age liaoz... hehehe... *juz kidding*...

if im e one looking after A, will prepare fresh for him too... but cos its my mum, i reli dont bear to b too demanding on her.. somemore, A hardly nap in e daytime.. at e most 15-30mins.. she nowadays dont even drink much water cos she scare no time to go toilet (since A fell down from sofa under her care, she always felt v guilty n paranoid abt tis, altho me n hb never even tot of blaming her watsoever...) her own lunch is always leftover soup/dish from prev night liaoz... she also did insist on preparing fresh for A the past few days.. but i think reli too taxing on her, cos when i told her i buying e food cubes to prepare frozen puree, she no longer object... so bo pian lor... tis only temporary until A starts to take porridge...

hehehe... my maternal granny who took care of me last time also gave me coffee to drink when i was very very young... my auntie who was staying together then don't let me drink milk from bottle at a few mths old.. since then, i stop drinking milk liaoz...

hehehe.. ur lil monk reli cute leh... e head round round one.. e elders in e family sure love rite???
i also love girls.... cos was very worried tat boys wld b too hard to control/teach, etc... but now A changed my mind totally cos he's too good to b true.. (i think every mum feels tat way lah..), so for 2nd one, i juz wish for healthy bb... boy or girl no longer matter.... but of cos stil hv e little wish tat it'll be a girl lah....

hope u r feeling better n recovering speedily...

wah.... D reli enjoying life liaoz... choc somemore.. think my A wld love to b like D.. but i'm stil holding back... slowly slowly bah, cos A is stil v young...

e food cubes is different from normal ice-cube tray rite??? i rem seeing some pic long time ago (cant remember if its from LJP or not..) u mind sharing with me e pic of e food cube? if its e one i rem seeing, then i dont mind paying more for it.. cos i pref e individual food cubes, easier to thaw n heat up....

ah beng look so stylo in his red top in e red chair..!!!! n he sit so well, n smile so wide somemore... reli reli nice photo leh!!! can print big big n frame up lah...

hahahahaha... isaac knows how to pretend liaoz ar... so funny, tat he will pretend to sleep to stop eating....
understand how u feel abt our parents spoiling our kids... my mum at least will try to follow my "principles" on raising my child, but my dad will never listen... like tat time, he gave A a piece of cake to eat when A was only 4mths!!! i was so angry inside, but controlled....

hehehe.. kim reli like to "qiao kar" (hokkien) hor... nex time also 'da jie da' liaoz...
<font color="ff0000">oops sorry for causing the screen to expand sideways due to my table. pai sei hor. i will try to bomb the thread so it get archives soon</font> <font color="ff0000"><font size="-2">(if i can find things to bomb on)</font></font>
Jenny, noted, but I go down so often i infantcare to check. but no longer can check, will not opt infantcare liao lor. there r pp like that, always say little bit won't die one lar. They never know now and last time diff liao
Anyway our mother is the BEST
oic... aiyo, char so poor thing.. love-sick... but since she start to take abit of milk liaoz then ok lor...

no worries, so far my screen no prob yet... hehehe...
hahaha its normal tt they will try to catch the water and put into their mouth... think mine oso like tt. my boy lagi best. he dun like to sit when we put him in the bathtub, he will push himself to lie down and enjoy the bath. shiok shiok. no matter how i try to force him to sit, he will keep wanting to lie down and his strength is v strong!!!
same ah, my MIL kept saying R's pearlies gonna come out eversince he started drooling when he was 3 mths+ so till now nothing!

yah u shld definitely consider mving back to the west since ur mum is taking care of C FT. it will b worthwhile. but ur hb willing to sell ur punggol flat? if yes, then gd. i am not so sure if we can really find an ideal flat near my mum's, as in within walking distance since we dun hv car. looks like really really a v slim chance.
i oso tell myself probably aft this shift, i dun wanna move hse again... such a hassle, so muz plan properly...
can u add me in 4 the gathering as well? incl my hb too.
but dunno wat i shld bring leh. coz not sure got car to use on tt day anot. pls pend lah. let me think.

i can take photos to show u tonite. but yes, they r all individually packed as in u can juz use 1 cube at a time. its fr LJP lah. its not 1 whole set like the normal ice cube tray we use. if its the same one, wat 4 i wanna pay so much 4 it mah... i can use the normal one.

u saying Char is rejecting everything coz ur mum not ard now?
jRt, ya. She seems to ren4 ren2 n ren4di4 fang1. So I need my mum to coax her to feed over the phone lor. So eat every meal at my mum's place but come wkends and the days tat I dont work, she's been refusing to eat...
I am fine with the posting as well.
Pls add me in the gathering as for my HB i will cfm later can? And i'm coming from sengkang as well.

So fun seeing kids progressing together.

Hi 5 isaac also seldom nap in the day time. The best he will nap in total is 2hrs. so quite xiong taking care in the day but at nite he will sleep at 8pm till next morning 5am.

i understand abt not taxing ur mum to prepare the fresh puree. if she is alone, need to take care of A and do the puree a bit difficult. last time i tried to do avocado puree for I, i need to carry him in the sling and do the puree as he doesnt like to play alone. in the end it was a very messy affair cos I started to eat some of the puree before i finish.
LJP got website?? mayb i juz go there n see lor...

adeline, jRt,
my boy also love to "catch" water during bath time... he will open his mouth big big, then kick / splash water so tat he can "catch" e droplets...

mayb u "standby" a word document n type everything there b4 copy over here bah... at least not so frustrating....
<font color="ff0000">I HAVEN"T DO MY INCOME TAX YET !!</font>
I dun know since when i hv this mind block of doing the income tax, whenever i start typing the figure, i will automatic type in this forum w/o knowing

<font color="ff6000">ok ..stop stop...no more coming until i finish my income tax</font>..

<font color="ff0000">oh ya ..Jo.. i didn't receive ur reference ..can you send to me again . tks !!</font>
No lah, i where got spoil your lobang. LIke what you and starz say, the cubes from LJP is different mah. I was just providing a cheaper alternative. Hehe.....

Happy 7 mths old to Rhys. He looks so cheeky in the photos.

Both of us have gone thru' the stress of fetching and sending our bb to infantcare and handling them alone when we reach home.
At least R has adapted well to infantcare without falling sick. For me lagi more jialat. Had to deal with Joshua falling sick every 2-3 weeks, after everything is done for the night still must pump milk before i go to sleep.
Glad that both of us don't need to do that anymore.

You're not the only one. My mum keep asking me how come she has not seen a hardcopy of Emma's photo.

Looks like everyone is planning to shift closer to our parents. Not kiasu lah, it's good to plan ahead.
I'm still hoping that after I shift, i can persuade my parents to rent out their place and then shift to my place so that i can go back to work with the peace of mind. In that way, they can have a passive stream of income as well.

Hope Char will get over her milk / food strike soon!
<font color="ff0000">Mango, TODAY IS THE DEADLINE!!!!</font>

You can find butternut pumpkin in Cold Storage and those larger NTUC. 1 whole will be too big unless you wanna eat the rest yourself. They usually have ready cut ones for sale oso.
yep, you got to find the one tat babygrace recommends. So far tat is the only one suitable for bb.
Actually I also dunno... It is so sad to see Sabie suffering like this. The pain she is suffering is...... I also dun wan to be a wet blanket too... you know wat I mean??
I bring eclairs for the gathering, 6 packs enough? Going from Sembawang. HB = Jovon
Yr hb agrees to sell the flat meh? You said very hard right?

My aunt 20 over years of experience is not something ah gou ah meow can gain in a few years lor. Yes, tats why I din say anything. I also dunno how she feel one leh, she taught me b4, but I catch no ball. She said touch and feel this area near the ankle area, if is hard and tough, means bb going to start/ready to walk. The gums area, she said touch the gums area and feel, you will feel something sharp or chi chi. That means teething. Your calcium intake should be ok leh, cos you drink milk. But like my hb mentioned to you b4, change your milk intake to soya bean drink lah. I take a pack everyday leh. I dunno if tat helps but Jo's 1st tooth popped out abt 7mths old, and her 2nd tooth took a while b4 popping. Jaslyn got 4 teeth b4 she hits 6 mths old. Jo's time I din drink soya bean drink lah. You go feel R's gums lah.

I laughed out when you said C is a love sick gal. Reminds me Jaslyn woke up from her nap when I got home yday. She was so happy then my father carried her to see my mum. Jaslyn immediately cried like so pitiful. I asked mum, "How long she din see you ah?" haha

Just wanna let you know lor, my cousin used to work at the super famous CC at West Coast lor. You know which one? There's only one, operated by ang moh, in the private hse area... Very obvious hint le hor? She told me the teachers there all very good in front of parents one. When door closed, wah all kinds of pattern one lor. Open hse also do OT till sui sui to show ppl one. Anyway she quitted cos she couldn't tahan.

haha Hi 5 man!
Hi Adeline,
My bbsitter is intro thru another bbsitter... gone thru interview seem ok but later somethings dun turn out as wat we expect so for the moment just have to bear with it so long my A is comfortable (i hope so) & hope someone good come by to help .. (my mum whom she dun wan to)..... My bbsitter oso rub "Ba Bao san" on my bb gum during teething she say it will help relieve & make bb feel better.. so far i think ok so long she dun use too much...

The Jin San Soon headband is done by my hb...
I showed him the pix from Rhys & Damien.. ask if he knows how to do it and he actually did the one in pix lor... but still not as good as wat Vivian does...

Think your C is going thru milk strike phase leh... maybe you just have to be patient. feed her smaller amt at shorter interval... at least she still drink abit milk n not hungry...
U want try steamed apple, hopefully she will like it.
you all are so fast.. i couldnt catch up..

Can add in my hubby, his name is desmond. will be going for the BG gathering.

hopefully C will overcome her love sick soon..
Starz, in fact i oso don really suffer frm MS when i was expecting Joeie. only occasionally giddiness and headache. this 1 almost the same symptoms as the 2nd 1. only when preggie w Jolene was the worst. MS throughout the 1st tri.

oh ya, you ask me hw i tell my boss abt my pregnancy rite? i actually email to him when my tummy started showing at ard 13-14wks, tis 1 show quite early. told him i'll be taking maternity leave again tis yr w an unplanned pregnancy. he told me he almost jump out of his chair when he read my email. hahaha...

actually, he oredi knows tat im planning for 3 frm the start. juz tat he din expect so soon lor. i told him its not wat i want too cos my ideal age gap btwn each child is 2 yrs.

Jenny, do i sound glad w the gender i hv in my wordings? actually, im happy w either boy or girl lah. most happy to see frm the USscan tat bb is healthy n active.

but of cos if can hv mixture wil b gd oso cos at least i can see hw different boys n girls grow n develop.

Selina, happy for u tat ur mum willing to help u take care of Caleb. she is sacrifying alot for her dear grandson ya?

Poor Sabie. i feel really sad for tis poor baby. hope she'll get well soon.
talking abt taking and printing pics, i still tries to take pics for Joeie, but most times Jolene will cum n disturb. so can only take when Jolene is asleep. but sometimes both of them slp at the same time, so oso v diff to take pics. i oso hvnt printed any hard copies of their pics yet. really no time to sort out the pics.
Hi grace
Hmm one small metal plate she put like 1/4 of both. which is really alot. not like those little bit that we dip on our hand but cant stop her if not haiz. I am also brought up by her so guess i would just Zip and let her take control bah.
If you would like to, i can intro you babysitter.

Yes by touching their gums u will know if they are teething. If it gives a rough feeling means coming out liao.
dear mummies,
any1 has got any gd PD to recommend. Jolene hv been coughing badly w phlegm for the past 3wks or more. seen doc abt 4x liao still not recover yet. at nite is esp worse, she'll cough until vomit. tat y i cant really slp cos i hv to standby plastic bag for her in case she suddenly vomit.

i've been feeling very very tired due to sleepless nites and bz at work. but i hv no choice. really hope Jolene can get well soon.
Hi selina, jenny & adeline.

Have been trying to follow lil sabie's condition but very heartbreaking man. Can't even begin to imagine the despair and desperation her parents must b going through.
I hope she pulls through.
Think of this. All 3 gals, no need to spend more $ on different toys and clothings. The gals can share share their clothings and toys. Also, actually much easier on room also, the gals can share a room. If mixed gender, boy 1 room, girl 1 room. Q siong for us parents lor cos need to find a bigger hse.
Jaslyn's PD is Dr Ong at United Sq, clinic is Aglow. Ex lor.

long time din see you here wor. kimi looks like jap bb leh.

adeline (correct hor),
gums i agar agar, but the ankle part, i catch no ball lor.
jenny, I know which CC u referring to.
If i dun work here, i also wion't put R in infantcare. Here I can go and see her every now and then.
May07 onwards she will be in better care liao.
Really scary when u mention that place cos it very expensive and ang moh and this typw of things still happen.
That why i hope to be a SAHM for 1yr after my second birth.
I tell you hor, I can't even bring myself to read the threads for the latest update...

I think the next qns you will be hearing soon is "aiyo gal again ah" if not is "never mind lah, try for a BOY next round".
KNS lor, I hate all these remarks. Like gals not human beings. I prefer gal to boy lor, so I pray hard for gal when I was preggie, though I know if is a boy, ppl wil stop those stupid qns/remarks.
Hi freshpoison
for us we would think that letting her go is a wise choice but for her parents thaat decision will never occur. tough to make a choice.

Yes adeline is correct haha..

When is the best time to have another junior? i was planning end of this year cause by the time i give birth they will have 2 years age gap. But hor we have not get own flat yet ahh.. finance is another problem. scared later 3 to 4 years they age gap leh.
I almost enrol Jo in last year leh. My cousin was still working there. Then she said NO.
Actually best is to be SAHM lah, we can control things mah.
Were you at yr mum place last sun? Saw a black M car from my mum kitchen. Dunno if is yrs?
hahahah i love girls too but hubby is more into guys as he is the only heir in the DJONg family. unique surname thus he wants to carry on.
But after having kim, he totally changed his mindset haha.. He loves kim ALOT!
Boy or girl also doesnt matter lah :p both also own blood.
Saw yr blog, very nice.
How to pronounce DJONG? DONG? Or? Han Yu Pin Yin is what?
Aiya, then my hb no need lah, Tan so common hahahah
Djong = YANG.
He says that it is because ancestors register wrong name. Accidentally put the J thus become DJONG. dunno true or not lah. he alot rubbish one.
hi mummies,

just glance thro the postings.... so many topics...

hi selina,

though tricia has 2 pearlies @ her bottom gums, & her pearlies at the top is coming out soon, i only started her recently on baby bites. Cos baby bites will slowly dissolve when come in contact with saliva. teething rusks yet to try cos it's quite hard and i'm afraid that it will cause choking.

hi jenny,

re sabie and the pain she's suffering now, i have the same thinking as u...

btw, offhand u have CC (Winne) tel#? Wanted to call and check out Maxi Cosmbi (not sure on spelling) car seats price.

hi wei kuan (used to calling u this, hope u dun mind),

ur gal has a change in name?

BG gathering
did not see the archives. so there is a change in the food arrangement, is it?

hi mango,

normally after feeding tricia cereals, will wait about half an hr then give her 120ml. but sometimes, if she cry after the cereals (may be not enough for her), then we give her milk immediately.
*touchwood* so far so gd.
