(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Jenny, ya lor, the clothes all can hands down. but hor, i hv tis bad habit, when i see cute cute things i sure buy 1, so now Joeie oso hv some new clothes of her own.

juz now during lunch i was surfing the net n suddenly came to my mind on decorating the kids' rm. i really feel thankful tat i hv all girls, so easier for me to design their rm ltr. currently, all my rms are plain plain 1 cos we din renovate when we bot the resale flat, tinkg to do it when we hv kids.

i know wat u mean. in fact, my in-laws hv been lookg fwd to a boy. MIL even went round tellg ppl tat i got preggie so fast cos we anxious to try for a boy. crazy lor. my hb say if we really anxious for a boy, we would hv plan sui sui 1st den preggie lor.

i prefer girls too cos i tot my hb forever so bz, at least i hv my girls to keep me company. i afraid nex time boy grow older, we don hv commom topics to discuss... haha... do i sound crazy??

why u girls suddenly talk so fast? buey chuan kwee leh!

thks 4 posting the link, so i no need to take pix to show starz liao. tts exactly the one i hv.

so strange tt Char is so sticky to ur mum coz u only wkg PT mah. now R is better wif places. he used to cry every fri evening when we rch home aft spending 5 days at my parents plc. now he is ok alrdy.

u mean the one u were telling us r not individual cubes like the one fr LJP?
i juz went cold storage during lunch leh. cant find butternut squash... hv been there 3 times this wk and no signs of this, not even pumpkin lor. sigh i am running out of ideas wat to feed R! he dun seemed to like anything else except spinach puree! HELP! u can really tell tt he likes spinach puree coz he opens his mouth w/o hvg me to say "Open ur mouth" and his hands r outstretched and he is v excited.
when i intro him to sweet potato, his mouth is clamped tightly shut and i hv to force open wif the silicon baby spoon! *faint* when my mum tried feeding him sweet potato puree, he vomitted everything out aft 3 tries. GOODNESS! yest he vomitted when my mum fed him potato puree!!!

no leh, i dun drink milk everyday liao. i got sick of tt milk powder aft 2 mths+.... only take calcium pills everyday. and i try to drink fresh milk everyday lor. aiyah, i dun really noe if i wan R to hv teeth so fast, as tt means he will bite me when i latch leh. dilemma! haha

Dee Dee
Kimi is soooooo sweet and pretty leh!
Was name Rui-en cos of her English name, but hb went to master to correct pi hou and thus change. He pan dang one lar.

I was not there last Sunday. Normally every Sunday I never go to my mum house cos every Sunday, she went out so nobody at home. I also dunno where she go.
the ice cube tray that i was talking about is a normal ice cube tray with a lid. you got to squeeze out the cubes and place them in freezer bags or containers after that. The LJP one can take them out individually right?

The cold storage downstairs here have the butternut leh. likewise i've seen it in NTUC in hougang and marine parade where i do my weekly grocery shopping.

Have you tried avocado?

I'm still getting nowhere in feeding Emma after stopping for a few days due to her rashes.
That girl is a real chilli padi. She wants to grab the spoon, bowl, cup when i'm feeding her. Give her something else to hold, she buay song liao. Then she'll starting crying damn loudly like i'm feeding her poison.
Each feeding time ends up her being in tears and i will stop cos i don't want her to associate feeding with crying.
At this rate, she still won't be eating much while her gor gor at the same age had already eaten so many things.
I bought butternut from cold storage @ vivo sometime back.

I did not buy anything, I was told the price increase next mth.
I dont think will buy anything from ERS cos my CL told me something not gd abt ERS.
then the ones i went to r lousy lah! i tried NTUC oso din see it!!
i tried avocado last sat and he gave me the disgusted look... i tried it myself and i am not impressed wif the weird taste either so i dun blame him 4 not liking it. hahaha
juz yest when i fed R the red spinach wif 3 tsp of cereals mixed inside (i gotta hide the cereals inside as he hates cereals now) and he was so hyper jumping up and down, his entire hand dipped into the bowl of dark green puree!! EEEWWWWW!!!!

hahahaha, the way u described how Emma screams as if u feeding her poison is soooo funny!!!!
oh she ends up crying ah? R wun lah, i will stop as soon as he threatens to vomit coz i dun wan to clean up the mess. but i was wondering issit juz R tt is so fussy coz i dun seem to hear any of u wif feeding problems like me.
I see thought always buy from them haha.
If u are interested in buying health supplements or what just let me know lah haha.

u must have a hard time feeding emma.
I remember once i fed kim porridge. in the end is porridge eating kim. haiz.. she turned over the bowl while i didnt notice and she's filled with porridge duh!
everywhere else except the cold storage and NTUCs i visited seemed to hv butternut squash! i will try mayb taka one tmrw.
i wonder if R dislikes orange looking purees. so far he only takes in green veggies so he gets all excited when i show him. v different rxn as compared to sweet potato purees leh.
no lah all babies like that i think. when 1st time trying to let kim eat cereal. she gave me that vomitting look and eyes like got water very pitiful like that. but now she ok liao. she enjoy fish porridge alot.

who say dont have mummies have feeding problem like you. i am in ur club lah. isaac like emma will want to grab the spools and try to stand up in the high chair. after 5 mins will start to cry if he didnt manage to stand. i have to carry him and put him back into the high chair at least 7-8 times before he will finish his meal. sweat leh.
My boi cant even be fed while seated. He will bend forward face dwn. I can only feed him if he's lying on his bouncer. Every meal, I'm like a clown. Must entertain him then he eat.
hi ladies,
wow!! the thread moving so fast.
start frm 2molo i will b super bz cos my collegue left the co. & worst part is i hav to take over her job ill the new bird coming. OMG..!! darm stress....
<font color="ff0000">so, i will not post here as often.</font>

Doreen, Esther, Jo,
yes..Alvis don't like apple. or shld i say tat he still not use of semi solid food. he loves milk (BM lor) So far he tried apple, banana & pear. only finish pear puree.
<font color="0000ff">Doreen</font>, i make puree using piyo food maker but not smooth at all. at the end i give up & invest an blender. now, i can make puree every morning fresh & giv to A. but i hav no time to feed him. MIL complaint tat she need an hr to feed A. Jialat...

i just simply reply watever in my mind hor.

welcome!! ur Kim is so adorable & i love ur website. can see tat ur young but u still resposible as a mum & care for K so much. Kudo!!

u mentioned tat u gave R puree evening time. is tat after u back frm work?
i always wanna give puree to A evening time after i back frm work. but can we? scare they cant digest?
<font color="0000ff">Alvis</font>: mommy said she cant come into forum so often. & we r not join u all for BG gathering.
hope aunties wont forget me hor.

yes but still all of us do hope that there's a miracle. it can still happen! just wish the best for her wherever she is.

Thanks! any pic of ur junior to share?
Since i made the choice to give birth to Kim i will definitely try to give her the best of whatever i can.
I see, so is Yang ah. I tot is Dong or wat.

65323855. Stored in my HP of cos got lah

No lah, where got sound crazy. Me also think this way leh. Got gal to company me shopping.
Same same, though got hand down clothes, but I will buy new one also lor. How can everything wear old one, must wear some new one mah. Usually hand down I let Jas wear at home lah.
Ops, I dun have the contact with me now. But this is wat I search online. Call and check with them. The nurses there very friendly.
Aglow Baby & Child Specialist Clinic
101 Thomson Road
United Square Shopping Mall
Singapore 307591
tel: 62599554
fax: 62599748

KNS lah you. But hb said soya bean calcium is better than milk. Some ppl body can't absord the calcium from milk. Dun ask me why hor, I dunno.

You wanna hide your A from us until when huh
thanks..his complexion not good at all. rough & kanna ezcema. can see one small small patch on his cheek.

dun said tat lal. of course wanna show my handsome boy (kekeke..) to u all lal. just timing pro lel. BG is really far for me lel.
ok ok ...promise will definitely will bring him to gathering one day. hehe....

jenny / bunny,
i always told hb i wanna a bb gal. will plan plan nicely to get a gal next pregnancy. if next one still boy. try again. hahaha..
BUT of course mine limit is 3 kids only. KNS...
eh really ah? got see doc one or not? very serious?

ya although is yang but dunno why their english so many pattern one. imagine calling me Adeline Djong.. oh my..
haiz.. doctors are drawing sabie's blood if she still doesnt wake up. Hopefully there will be a miracle. it must have hurt the parents badly.
Seen sabie's photo such an adorable child but have to suffer in this way.

i have following closely to sabie's condition. really hope all our prayers will give her strength to recover. My heart really aching now for the parents. she is really such adorable child. No children should suffer in this manner. feeling very very sad for them
yea on monday when i read up the thread was feeling upset and was keeping track on her condition.
Sad to know that she has reached the stage which only miracle and perseverance is what she need most now.
That is fate.
You every time said next gathering one kekeke... I got to wait till neck long long to see your ah boy.
Wah, not bad leh, you want 3. I dun want le haha...
Wah...this forum is moving too fast for me.

Dee dee,
HI, Kimi is sooo cute...she has such sweet eyes..

Jenny and Bunny,
When i was pregnant, i was so hoping for a girl. i actually told my father-in-law that ill sell the child to karung guni if it is a boy...he was so pissed. told my SIL "she dun wan, i wan ah!!!"
heh....silly lah, but guess healthy and happy babies are the best...nobody bothers about the gender when they are chuckling away...

Adeline, freshpoison and gemini,
Regarding Sabie, we can rationalise to let her go. but no parent would ever want to do that. Have a strange thought here. As humans, i dont think our lives and existence is our own.it is bound to so many people and relationships around us. so life and death may not be determined by how much pain and suffering one is going through. as much as any parents wouldnt let go (i wouldnt, would you), i do not think the child is willing too...until everyone is ready i guess...
thank u very much for attaching e pic... ya, tis e one i saw before....

jRt, no worries, pls send e tray to me.. i'll do e trf later n let u know so u can check... thank u very very much!

heheheh.. email ar...
i'm still very vexed over how to inform my boss lor... got "indirect pressure" from him, cos nowadays we r interviewing for an exec reporting to me, then everytime its a lady, he'll ask her if she's married/planning for kids anytime.. so to me (mayb i sensitive).. it seems like he dont wan to hv his staff go on ML... somemore for my position, cannot hire a temp staff to cover one.. so he got to "cover" me to a certain extent... but i already very "good" leh... 2nd week after delivery, im responding to work calls n emails from home liaoz.. come back to work at 2mths.. he's usually a very nice boss, but juz abit more "difficult" when it comes to this bah....

for PD hor, i go to Kids Clinic at Rivervale mall.. i find dr lilian lim very good, patient n understanding.... i think consultation alone is $40 bah.. cos saw her when A fell down is tis price w/o any medication...

kimi very cute!!! grow up abit liaoz compared to e last photo we saw... can u pls share share MORE of her photos... im sure mummies here dont mind even if u flood e thread w kimi's pics.... hehehe...

me had e same thinking, best is 2yrs gap.. #1 1yr old liaoz then try for #2... but who knows, i kena "freak accident"...

jRt, bbgrace, huijun,
wats butternut squash???? a type of pumpkin???

wat short notice???
A is also seeing Dr lilian? Isaac is also seeing her. not bad hor but a bit expensive. but dont like the nurse there. not sure if u saw the smelly face nurse there. haha

abt breaking the news to your boss. My personal opionion is to speak to him in person and dont drag too long cos its best to get over and done with and let him have ample time to plan. i guess its harder when ur boss is a male.
Hi starz/shirley
Rivervale mall is the one @ sengkang right? so that next time i know where i can bring kim too as she doesnt have any PD.

yup rivervale mall is the one at sengkang. there is two PD there. one is dr lilian lim the other one is also a lady but cant remember her name. this clinic quite popular so usually have to wait. but i find dr lilian lim quite patient in explaining things.
hehehe.. u cannot make up ur mind wat nick to use huh????
ya, A juz started seeing her.. prev time i saw dr allyson.. but pref dr lilian.... i've "heard" abt tat nurse.. but havent seen one like tat yet leh.. everytime i go e nurses quite nice leh...
abt telling my boss, will prob do so when i hit 3mths / start to show bah.... actually, i think tis yr he'll have an "easier" time than last yr when i'm on ML... but dont know wat kind of reaction to expect lor.... tis time round, i didnt even tell my close colleagues yet, when last yr, i announce almost immed upon finding out.... *haiz*...

yupz, #2 was a "freak accident"... cos only once... buy TOTO also not so "zun" ar.... hehehehe.....

u notice ya! so sharp! scared u gals dont know who is this "zac zac" mummy! haha. btw how to change the (kek)? been trying to change it by cant leh.
#2 not freak lah! just damn lucky and show that both of u very fertile hee hee (no offence okie)
thanks i will know where to bring her to next time.

last month i was also worried because accident once but HENG AH... my 4D never strike if not i cry hahahaha

Btw are ur kids taking vaccination in polyclinic instead of PD? and how bout those monthly checkup? neccessary?
<font color="0000ff">BG gathering</font>
paiseh ar... im "lost".. wats e latest update on BG gathering??? wat time?? n stil need to prepare food??? my hb stil hvnt tell me can go or not... but i'd reli reli love to at least drop by for awhile...

my boy took vaccinations at kids clinics. didnt know polyclinic have and that time very kan cheong every thing also must be the best. This PD was highly recommended by my close friend so decided to stick with her including the vacine. heard its more expensive than polyclinic. I didnt bring isaac for monthly check up cos never like the idea of him seeing the PD. so till now still dont know how much he weigh from the last time we weigh him in march.
think as long as he is healthy and active, i will not bring him for monthly check.

think the BG gathering at 4pm, try to prepare food in portion that can be finished by ur family in the event that the gathering got cancelled cos of the rain. i also want to drop by leh but not sure will it be too rush cos planning for my BIL surprise BBQ party.
hehehehe... i know, cos u always call I zac zac mah... very cute nickname for him.... hahahaaha... fertile ar... ya lor...

i used to bring A to polyclinic for his vaccinations... only e recent one cos A fell down from sofa, then i went to PD... then found out tis PD not bad... for A's last vac which was at 5mths, i opt for a 6-in-1 (which poly dont hv), plus i also wanted A to take e rotavirus vaccine.. tats y go PD...
actually, it all depends on how u feel n of cos e $ spent... for me, i dont mind going poly cos its juz standard vac mah.. but if for sickness or anything, then i'll only go PD cos GP wil not be able to give a good diagnosis for bb....

hehehe... btw, my case is not accident once, but ML once.....
Tears just rolled down my cheek when i read about sabie.. it just brings me back to time when i have the fact that my late-dad is beyond save. the loves one will be hurt and i can totally understand the parents' feeling. Stay strong, sabie's parent. sabie will know you all have been a part of her life.
if i can convince my hb to drop by, u wana "drop by together"???

<font color="0000ff">mummies,
if i'm able to drop by, can i bring pastries (e.g. egg tart / chicken pie / etc)??? so even if can't drop by, u all wont starve cos short of my portion of food???
