(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Huijun, so far she ever grab her rattle, but never put in mouth. I'm worry abt her hitting herself with the toys cos she still not very good at controlling.

actually alvis love his tummy time. just tat he will get 'pek chek' when his face 'bump' into bedsheet. think slowly ba...must giv him time.
anyway, regarding jab, i oso will check wif PD 2molo.

yes, now he been train to sit since PD comment tat his neck still not strong enuf. i noticed this boy sometimes too lazy to lift up his head.
so glad tat R is a fast learner. think she learn a lot frm infant care, hor? no wonder she is tired after back frm there.

yeah. maybe u should drink chicken essence to build up ur energy. actually my sis told me once a while we still can boil red dates drink tat we used to drink during confinement to 'bu qi'. we can drink it when it's cold & do not need to add ginger lol.
since u always lack of sleep, maybe u should try tat.
Hi jasmine,
Selina is rite, bb lifting up e head is auto. Cant train. When it's time, they will do so by themselves but if u let ur bb lie on tummy, think will be a bit faster.

Hi coral,
Have a nice chat wif ur hubby, dun let things turn too sour.
wei kuan,
last time Joshua will grab everything and put in his mouth, including other babies' pacifier. *faint* You're right, all the babies in the infantcare all share the same germs. i notice they all put the toys in their mouth.

i clean the toys at home once a week. i will wash those teething rings a few times a day whenever he has finished chewing it. For plastic toys that can be washed, i will throw them in a basin of water with a bit of dettol. The rest i will wipe with water mixed with dettol. i think that's the way the infantcare cleans the toys also.
Really will faint, she grab the toys and fiercely put in her mouth and saliva will be all over her face. Think that another step. My friends said if baby know how to crawl or walk, u will faint more
Rhys dun look naughty but super bad temper lor... dun know is it becoz I scold too many students when i am preggie... ha...

so envy you. Caleb start flipping liao. Rhys still cannot leh. Looks like Caleb is the fast learner here like Rui-en. Rhys quite slow. Anyway, all ppl say boys will be slower than girls. Rhys quite slow... even grow hair also slow... only one thing very fast... drop hair super fast.. haa... think next week 4 mth, going to shave him too... another botak coming your way... haa...

i totally understand your situation. That time when i taking care of Rhys full time. Was complaining to hb very tiring but when he takes care of Rhys on weekend, wah lao, Rhys super behaved. So angry...

Damien SO CUTE!!! tell you hor, I loved him in the gathering pix... so cute with that tummy... so I did a small cute pix for you... hee....
and yes, he really looked like you....

Better take care... think maybe your hb want to help but just dun know how... try to talk to him lah... everything can be resolved one...

Rui-en so fast!! Flip fast, grab things fast... must be a very clever girl... envy you...Rhys also Sept baby but very slow...

How i wish Rhys can call ma ma now... but he only "eh... eh..." leh... hee...

Rhys must see his mood one... if he mood good hor, he will lift his head up... that morning, I put him on his tummy, and he also lick the bedsheet nia. My mum say he no strength coz haven drink milk.. haa... so funny....

last nite, when Rhys started crying, I started to talk to him. Then suddenly he stopped crying and started to "talk" to me... hee... next time sure very talkative... hee... But he dun talked very loudly one... just softly and gently "eh.. eh.."... Sigh.. how I wish he cries like that... now he cries entirely opposite... scream until 5 blocks away also can hear.
I also heard girls are faster than boys, not sure if that true cos coral's girl also quite fast, no worry lah, he not slow lah. wow, he reaaly exercise his lung hard, 5 blks away can hear him scream. peifu.

Damien really very cute.

since R in infantcare, she no longer poo daily just like last time, she poo every 2-3 days. sign...so I always try to give water, but after wk is already 6.30-7pm and she alsleep at 8pm after milk. Infantcare did give but she did not drink 120ml of water daily, she only frink abt 60-70ml of h2o daily now.lunch time went to see her and she poo and I am so happy. really celebrate she poo
Rhys already long time have the habit of pooing every 3-4days. Actually is normal. Last time very stress and keep using him to poo. Now we let him be. As long as it is not over a week can liao...
We last time also like you, celebrate everytime he poos... haa.. :D
I see.. then just let her drink more water then. You can also try let her drink Gripewater. Maybe her digestive system quite strong liao, so absorb more and less will be pass out of her system.
hi mummies,

just glance thro' the postings. yesterday was on leave to bring tricia for her 1st 5-in-1 jab. she developed a slight fever in the evening. the fever sort like on/off.before she sleep last nite, let her take the medicine. this morning, take her temp, it's normal. in the afternoon, my mum called and said she has a slight fever again. but then, she's still the same, drinking her milk & talking to people. for those babies who has taken the 1st jab, if got fever, is in on/off too? quite worried.

tricia now weigh 7.35 kg at 3mth 5days. the doc was mentioning that she will be a tall girl next time.
wow tricia really weight much more than R when she 3mths 5days. u feed her really very well.
That remind me... she also very normal, play, drink milk water and sleep and did not fuss after the jab. not sure got fever or not cos I never take her temp. I assume she did not have. I very jialat mother, maybe got i also duno and it goes off itself. her second 5-in-1 is due soon
u and ur hb also very tall, sure she will be a tall girl.
my girl very small size like me and hb, but i do not wish she short. someone commend she will be short cos now her leg not very long and it make me so sad
hi wei kuan,

i'm still worried that tricia will be too tall. for girl, it's better not to be too tall, else cant wear high heels and have will difficulty in getting a boyfriend. :p
ya agree with vivian, pretty like u is enough already
ya lor... my ger really have attitude!!! she dun want to drink her milk!! very naughty

wow, your ger really growing well leh... 7.35kg.. compared to desiree, like "xiao hu jian da hu"

How you make passport? through online? how much?
cos will be travelling to malaysia in march so need to do one for desiree.

hope desiree will be healthy lor even though she drink less milk...
5-in-jab @ polyclinic

i'm not sure whether this applies to other polyclinic under SingHealth group also. tricia has her 1st jab @ Sengkang polyclinic. the nurse then mentioned to me that there is no more package for 5-in-1 jabs. it seems that the package stop in dec 05. each dose cost $85.80.
i have also got enough of the waiting just to make payment. decided to go to PD for her 2nd jab onwards.
can check with u the tippy toes shocks? is it still fitting now? heard that it is quite small. i'm thinking of getting it for KB CNY wear but afraid by then can't fit him liao.

wei kuan
gal small build still ok, cute cute. i'm afraid my KB will be short as gynae said he was below avg when he was in my tummy.
hi delphine,

i think it's got to do with genes also. tricia may have taken after me. i was also a big sized baby. dont worry so much, as long as desiree is drinking her milk, she will be fine.
I sold off liao.
Actually jabs will cause slight fever, just that I dunno why 6 in 1 will cause high fever. It is normal to feel feverish after jab.

so shiok to go cruise! How I wish I can go too? Dunno when ah...

wow T is heavier than Jaslyn. J weighs at 6.7kg at 3 mths 11 days.
i was so angry that SK polyclinic do not have the 5-in-1 package already. if i have known earlier, i will not bring tricia for her 1st jab there. wasted my time in waiting to see the doc and making payment.
i apply online. $70. very fast. less than 1wk can collect liao so no hurry lah. i need early cos was afraid might need it for the cruise booking. anyway, now the passport# no longer same as their birth cert# liao.

so far ok. a bit fitting but after wash like better.
so it's a random number? like that another number to remember liao.. mine also expiry so have to do it for myself as well. anyway thanks for the info.
yours not the lightest, my desiree only 5.4kg at 3months old, so it's alright.

maybe she follow her daddy, small build, guess she is healthy i am more than happy liao.
yeah, it true, as long as bb is healthy and normal can liao. I too greedy to ask too much. look at those kids like my niece have to go to speical school make my heart pain
she weigh 6.4kg at 3mth 1 day. PD said she's not overweight.. juz abv average. but abit on the short side.. both me n hubby quite small size so i guess she cant be a model next time!

she only hv one eye with dbl eyelid leh.. the other one no hv.. dunno if it will appear when she's older??

now she's drinking 150-180ml FM every 4-5hr.. yesterday drank 210ml at 10.45pm!! she finish 150ml, still cry, another 30ml still cry, finally satisfied after 210ml and slept till 8.30am this morning.
btw, any mummies here intending to bring their bb to shichida classes? i thought of enrolling her when she's abt 6mths.. is it too early? my niece went for shichida and julia gabriel and now although she is only 3yo, she talks like a 5yo! can speak in proper sentences already..
ya lor. when i remove him frm turn on his tummy, the area of bedsheet is so wet. now, he like to lick whatever near his mounth, ppl hand, his own hand ....etc. headache lel...

no worry lar...Desiree is a girl. small build is ok. as long as not so short then is ok ba...

wow...ur gal so cute...very chubby. didnt look like 6.4kg lel.
she can drink so much? u mean after she finish 150ml still not sastified, and u make another 30ml for her?
Alvis oso not sastified when i gav him 120ml at nite, i just gav him water because MIL said cant make 2nd times milk. dunno why lel...
i dun dare to increase so much for him cause scare he over drink. he been once merlion out after too much feed.
$70 really very expensive. Their IC not the same as passport# ah? Then another number to learn by heart. Buy 4d or fill up form easier. Is it still 10yrs expire date? Last time mine only $40 so fast price increase liao.
$70 really very expensive. Their IC not the same as passport# ah? Then another number to learn by heart. Buy 4d or fill up form easier. Is it still 10yrs expire date? Last time mine only $40 so fast price increase liao.
thanks.. ya lor, she drink 150ml liao still not enough.. once i pull the bottle out she cried. same thing happened after she finished another 30ml. so far she doesnt vomit milk coz once she has had enough she will stop.. like this morning for her 1st feed i gave her 180ml, but she stopped at 150ml.
Weikuan, same like you, after I stoop taking care of her myself, Char stop pooing daily. maybe cos my Mum giove her 2 feed of FM now. And she refuse to drink water.

Very sian, so busy at work daily no time to express milk. I feel very stressed cos breast engorge but yet can't go express milk!

BBgrace, have you stopped working? Or you're working from home now? I really on the verge of quitting my job and devote my time to Char.
Emma's the smallest here. She is exactly 3 mths old today and went for her jab. And she weighs 5kg.

I also went to SK polyclinic today and realise no package. pros and cons lor. at least there's flexibility to bring her elsewhere for jab next time.

wei kuan,
Shichida method advocates training the right side of the brain to improve memory. Parents have to use flash cards to practise with the baby.

shichida and JG classes are expensive. I don't want to commit when bb is still so young.

Personally, i'm more for the method of learning thru' experience. I prefer to coach and expose my kids to real things than just flashing cards eg i will let the child touch and feel an apple rather than just showing a flash card with the word apple.

I know of parents who swear that those classes do wonder for their kids. For me, i think Joshua is not too far off in terms of his development thru' my own teaching. By 18 mths old, he knows all the alphabets and numbers 1-20, shapes and colours.
Just my 2 cents worth lah.
hi ladies, just my 2 cents worth, some bb actually like cleanliness. like desiree,she will not poo in her diaper. we have "kiat sei", then she will poo. Good and bad.. good is this will train her for toilet, bad will be to have time for this.

Ya agree with you, healthy is the most impt of all.

although smallest, but most important is healthy ba.
how old is ur bb now? u giv her FM or BM?

wow..u such a wonderful mum. Joshua can learn so much while he only 18mths. it's really worth tat u been SAHM after Joshua born.
How u start with this? can share?
