(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Hi aspialle,
Better check abt the pills. According to some, the pills will cause milk supply to cease, dunno true or not. I haven ask my doc yet.

Hi wei_kuan,
Did u clean ur bb's nose. My bb's breathing was noisy until I cleaned his nose... wah lao each nostril got a VERY big piece of "dirt" in it. Ha Ha. After removing, his breathing went back to normql, but these few days, noisy breathing came back again & he only let me clean 1 nostril so still got another piece stuck in the other nostril.
My bb alternates between fan & air-con depending on temp @ nite. Most of the time, we will switch on the fan.
I dunno how green is green cos I only hear fr my mum, hav nt seen it yet.

Hi wtan,
I sterilize aft every use. I will accumulate all the bottles @ the sink then wash together and sterilize before using again. The breast pump also sterilize before each use.

i hv exactly the same concerns as u! i sterilise my pump aft each use together wif all the milk bottles and teats etc. my mum was oso saying its not gd to keep sterilising. but we dun use all the milk btls at 1 go and its unavoidable tt we will re-sterilise some things a few times. i haven thot of wat to do yet.

oso another qn. my pigeon steriliser says the contents will stay sterile for up to 6 hrs if left unopened. (i juz read fr the box yesterday and discovered all along i din practice tt). i usually sterlise and use aft >6 hrs. sometimes the steriliser has not been opened yet, but at times, i opened it and use my breast pump alrdy. theerafter, some hrs later when i need to feed my baby EBM, i will use the milk btl fr the steriliser. issit safe? seems like steriliser oso creates another set of problem.

i am usually like u. accumulate and then wash at 1 go so i cut down the sessions of sterilising. but still there will b some "leftover & unused" stuff in the steriliser. dunno wat to do. my steriliser is over stocked wif milk btls but no choice as i cant predict when i will need them for storage of BM.
my CL will put pump in the sterilizer and sterilise again, although inside got unused milk bottles and teats....tink no choice ba..
Hi crystallised,
I only hav 3 bots 4 milk & 1 bot 4 water. Usually sterilize already, will store EBM in the 3 bots & put in fridge. Fill water to the brim in the last bot for bb to drink. My avent containers will use to store EBM in the fridge also. So when I do the sterilizing again, I make sure there's nothing in the sterilizer already. I also using the pigeon sterilizer, will sterilize abt 3-4 times a day.
how i wish man...

so fast your da yi ma is here huh...

i sterilise pump after every use. those already sterilized will dry them n keep in air tight container. as for milk bottles, i dun steriliser after every use. sometimes i will just use hot water to soak it. sometimes those oredi sterilized but still in the sterilizer when i wanna sterilize other things, will just all sterilizer again. sis says nvm n this is what she has been doing for her 2 kids.

aircon & fan
caleb sleeps in aircon room wif us every night but of course the aircon does not blow directly at him. will let him wear long sleeves shirt at night with his pampers than cover wif blanket cos easier to change diaper. anyway he perspire alot so daytime i will let him wear sleeveless rompers n dun usually cover him. now he doesnt even where booties or socks in the day. i just removed his mittens today.

menses & bleeding
me still bleeding though i not TBF cos i supplementing fm. seriously wont know if menses come man. anyway, did my follow-up check last sat n gynae says normal. even had my pap smear done. so far everything ok. uterus position also back to normal but gynae says if wanna try for #2 must wait 1 yr for my case cos c-section.
hi ladies,
i need to let out some steam here. really abit buay taha liao. my ILs really 1 kind lor. expect us to go back every week. then when back, bb sleeping, they will make remarks like "...sleep again!" hello! caleb only 1 mth plus leh. besides sleep, eat & shit & cry, what else u expect? like i purposely ask him to sleep dun wake up like that.

last sat as usual went back ard 7+ (ask hb to go back early then come home early he dun wan), as usual caleb sleep when we got there. again i hear the same remarks. super xian lor. some more i damn tired wanna rest but cannot. then at ard 8+, caleb wants to feed so i bf him then lately he damn cranky will cry halfway while being fed, then MIL started saying give fm lah... not enf to eat. the last time i give him fm, take a while to prepare right, she says bf him lah... bloody hell. cannot wait issit. cry abit wont die right. so stressed out man.

than last sat i got fedup after feeding caleb still crying so i said go home (angry tone). then hb not happy but no choice. then SIL said "aiya, haven play with u wanna go home"... excuse me, already 9.30pm. still dun go home, wat time then i can rest? i need to settle him when get home, i still got night duty to do leh. play? as if he can play now!!! so stupid man. so we must always wait for all of them (famous for being late for everything) b4 we can go home issit?

they are mothers too so they should know bb at this stage how to play? really make my blood boil man. felt like telling them, u wanna play wif him, wake him up then.

then feeding time, will keep coming into the room every 5 - 10 mins then say "still feeding?" hello!!!!
My bleeding lasted about 2 weeks. Now I'm blurred... dunno is menses or what... now no more liao... Ya, BF will delay the return of menses but I ever know some mums' menses return after 1 mth, some up to 6 mths or even more.

I tot pap smear test is to be done after your 1st menses return (and stop) and not after the bleeding? Ya, still on partial BFG.

I'm using 2 milk bottles only. After use, I will sterilise the 2 milk bottles and my breast pumps together and assemble and put in container for next use. Sometimes, I will just wash and use hot water to rinse and ready for next use.

I think I'm going to be crazy soon. My elder one seems to be very cranky since last Sat after the CL left. Call her to bath or do whatever things, she gives me an "orh orh" reply but ignore my instructions. When bb cries, she will imitate bb's crying and make everyone so frustrated with the noise. She dotes on Mei Mei a lot but her actions are shrinking everyone's energy at home! With her this kind of behaviour, I dun think I have much time coming into forum to chat

Brought bb for her Hep B jab this morning at GP. It costs $25 for those who would like to know the cost. GP said bb dun have jaundice, only very very slight yellowish, is due to BM jaundice.
dun go crazy hor... we still need u here to give us sound advice leh...
take care. guess she's in her terrible twos now? my niece also like that. now super xiao wanna come my mum's place everyday. bring her home will cry until must call my mum to talk to her then she ok. cos she wants to see caleb. she also dotes on caleb alot.

finally caleb's jaundice is confirmed due to bm. level dropped to 4pt after giving him more fm last week. so now back to bm again. PD says jaundice must drop further to 2pt but since it is bm related, no cause for worry
at least your Jolene is taking well to her sis' arrival. My Joshua still feels threatened by Emma. And he seeks lots of attention these days and throws tantrum when he doesn't get his way. He gets jealous when he sees me carry Emma. So i will usually bf her out of his sight.
When Emma cries and i want to go attend to her, he will pull me and stop me from going.
i'm so depressed that CL will be leaving this sat. i also wont be so free from next week onwards.
thks ladies 4 the feedback on steriliser. i noe wat to do liao. sterilised alrdy juz keep the btls airtight in the fridge till nxt use. then my hb cannot complain how come i need so many btls liao. keke

i totally understd how u feel! as if these pple got nothing better to say rite? My SIL everyday come back oso made the same remarks to the baby "wah u sleeping again?" i really wanna ask her, if babies r not supposed to sleep, then is he supposed to sit by the door and wait 4 u to come back then say hello?! absurd rite? but i oso noe v often these the few things they can only say... so i ignore it nowadays.

u so 'generous'... let ppl come in & watch u latch on caleb? 4 me, i close my door when i latch on. only my hb will come in. even my MIL dun dare to come in when she noes i am feeding. i dun like and cannot get used to ppl watching me latch on, esp those pple i am not close to. so far only let my mum, sis and hb see me latch on. i tell my hb "how am i supposed to feel relaxed when there is a bunch of pple watching me feed our baby?" he understds i need privacy lor.

my boy's jaundice seemed to hv gotten better since i steer clear fr ginger and alcohol. luckily PD din say give FM... since my boy's liver test passed, dun think pd will ask me to feed FM.

aiyoh ur jaslyn now a bit cranky ah... luckily u go back to ur mum's plc, so not too bad rite? sometimes kids behaviour cannot explain one. my boy oso cranky at nite now. ever since CL left, he has been waking up so often to feed at nite, i lost track of his feeding times... last nite even best. he wakes up feed for less than 3 mins, dozed off and refused to wake up no matter how u stir him. then wakes up an hr later and same thing repeats. i get so frustrated!!!!
at ILs place mah so not convenient to lock door since not my room lah. but damn frustrated lor. sis taught me something. will try it next visit. if they say "sleep again" or "wanna play", i will say "ok lor. wake him up to play wif u lor" see how they react. really absurd lor. nv use their brains b4 they speak.

me too. i need my privacy though i dun mind latching in public but of course discreetly. there's 1 best incident during caleb's full mth party. was bfg him n covering with a blanket then SIL walked over, without asking, flip the blanket open n said "arh... feeding huh..." u can imagine the shocked i had. dunno wat to say at that split second. my gal friend who was chatting wif me also got shocked. i felt 'raped' so 'raped'!!!!
Perhaps you are right, the terrible 2 stage comes in early.

Jolene has been over concern to her Mei Mei. Too concern till we all cannot tahan. But I rather her be like this than your Joshua. Now, I keep talking to her. Everytime she does something to make me angry, I keep telling myself to keep cool.

Jolene's behaviour makes my mum wear out too! My mum is very patient with her one, unlike me. Even she has lose her cool, so does my hb. Dunno which day, Jolene sure kena beat one. We realised that Jolene has been over reacted to her Mei Mei, so my mum suggests to split them. I will bring Jolene home on weekday and Jaslyn back on weekend till Jolene settles down.
i believe though u at ILs plc still can hv privacy. mayb get ur hb to "guard" the door and b4 anyone comes in, say u r bfg and u wld like privacy. i dunno how on earth i am gg to feel at ease wif ppl looking at me. i wun wanna nurse. thats me lah.

heee, i got try saying tt b4 when someone says my boy still sleeping. of coz he cannot be stirred when he is asleep. hahaa...

i oso dun mind bfg in public but discreet too, wif a cloth nappy usually shielding me. hey! i noticed the same thing happens to me during his full mth oso! i thot it was v obvious i was bfg when i had a cloth nappy covering. some guys can walk till they r so close and trying to peep when i stared at them and say " I AM BREASTSFEEDING!" then they go like "ops, sorry, din noe tt." how come they got no cow sense one? i dun understd. wah ur SIL so rude!!!! i can imagine ur shock man! tts all she said? din even apologise? how wld she feel if she was in ur shoes! senseless pple! dun understd wat shit they stored in their brains!
i had someone telling me "oh i thot it was too bright, so u covered ur baby." i was like ~!@#$%^&*
Perhaps you are right, the terrible 2 stage comes in early.

Jolene has been over concern to her Mei Mei. Too concern till we all cannot tahan. But I rather her be like this than your Joshua. Now, I keep talking to her. Everytime she does something to make me angry, I keep telling myself to keep cool.

Jolene's behaviour makes my mum wear out too! My mum is very patient with her one, unlike me. Even she has lose her cool, so does my hb. Dunno which day, Jolene sure kena beat one. We realised that Jolene has been over reacted to her Mei Mei, so my mum suggests to split them. I will bring Jolene home on weekday and Jaslyn back on weekend till Jolene settles down.
can imagine how busy u r alrdy... i got only 1 alrdy feel quite helpless at times, esp when my MIL keeps thinking got pple at home can liao, but these pple at home cant help me care 4 baby wat. sigh...

din noe got such thing as over reacted one... so now u still at ur mum's plc? heee, my boy alrdy kena whacked backside by me a few times liao...
right now i'm spending more time with joshua than with emma since emma can't complain yet.
at least u can split your girls at 2 places. i have nowhere to split them

selina / crystallized,
can understand how insensitive some pple can be re bfg.
If there's anyone who come and kpo when i bf, i'll tell them, "you wanna watch animal feeding time is it?"

wait till u have 2 kids. last night, i almost pengsan. The elder one woke up middle of the night crying and refuse to go back to sleep. Younger one followed thereafter with her constant feeding and don't wanna sleep also.
hi gals,

yesterday was my girl mth old celebration. Me got another 10 days to go for my confinement.....
feedback given for neo garden food was quite good.
my girl these few days quite cranky, cant sleep long in the daytime,will sleep for 15 mins-half an hr, then wake up. wan us to carry her and rock her to sleep. sometimes when she in deep sleep already, want to put her in her cot, she will wake up again. we are going nuts soon...

hi crystalized,

my bleeding stops after about 2 wks, but got staining (brown stains) till now. was quite worried. was supposed to go for my pap smear today and have check with my gynae nurse and she told me the stains normally last for 6 - 8 wks.

hi jenny,

pai seh, this may be a stupid question, but since there is individual jab that can be taken, so why is there 5-in-1 jab/6-in-1 jab? i know that if take the 6-in-1 can save 2 trips to take the Hep B jab.

hi selina/crystallized,

i think ur SIL and friends are curious to know what u are doing but they are very inconsiderate, should have guess what u are doing, esp when u are in the room, with the baby in your arms.
Is my mum's idea to separate the 2 sisters. I think my mum can't tahan cos ynite we tried to make them sleep but elder one kept refuse to sleep. In the end, we separate them to sleep in different rooms. Wah piang, I broke down for the 1st time!

Actually Jaslyn is easy to look after... Is that Jolene....!!! Once Jaslyn cries, Jolene will shout and scream and this frighten Jaslyn. You can imagine how noisy it is!
no lah, this is not a stupid qns. I was blur last year too.
From what i heard from the elders, those individual jab we took last time, have a higher % to have fever after the jab. 5 in 1 and 6 in 1 have 1 and 2 jabs lesser to jab compared to the individual jab we took last time. Btw, I heard these individual jab is free ay polyclinic.
Hep B is included in 6 in 1, but not for 5 in 1.
ur in law and SIL is too much hor , nvm them, dun let them stress u ok
listen one ear in the other ear out lor, no choice , we can't stop them from making stupid remarks.

how often u need to go back?

pls take gd care hor
Hi all

Really not easy being a mother.. Everynow and than must give full 24hrs attention me too really confuse with the 6in1 jab. Brought my son to normal doc he sugest us not to take it cos baby might not be able to accept the 6in1 jab So how huh experience mummy any advise???

my wound pain too, thought already 3weeks+ now worst i can spot 0.1cm thread sticking out wor.. all part ok except towards extreme end wonder if is ok haiz.. being so worried sometimes it do pain alittle here and there..

my baby also really driving us nuts, confinement lady going back soon dont know whether i can cope in the day time or not.. baby don't sleep at night de and always want carry how huh..
Hi hi aspialle/freshpoison77/crystallized/selina/jenny....
Thks for ur reply..i m beginning to find it real troublesome to sterilizer each time aft every use..at least now I know how each of u are doing with it..thks for sharing..i didn't know that the bottles/teats/pumps will be sterile for max 6 hrs & need to use it within the 6 hrs time frame..i think my mum threw away the box liao..now I have nothing to refer to..if we leave the items in the sterilizer w/o taking it out to use w/t 6 hrs..does it means that once I take out my pump then I cant use the bottles/teats anymore..aiyo..but the sterilizer also got holes for ventilation..alamak..

Hi hi selina..
Aiyo...dun care so much abt the comments of ur MIL & SIL..maybe if possible in future u try to make it a point that u wont stay that long hrs at ur their place ba or since now Caleb is young..then dun go back that often 1st ba..u might want to try telling hubby to tell ur SIL or whoever that's at the house that u will like to have some privacy..coz not very at ease also very hard to bf..dun care abt them ahh..

Hi hi jenny..
So can I say that immediately aft u sterilizer..then aft it cooled down then u will straight away keep them into air-tight containers ahh..cld ur elder girl be wanting attention coz whenever baby cry, either u or ur mum in this case (since u go over to her place in the day time) will rush over to baby so she might feel a little "neglected"..slowly be..maybe jolene is also trying to get use to having a mei-mei lor..

Hi hi babygrace..
Aiyo..Joshua will stop u frm attending to Emma ahh..he very smart leh...he is really eyeing for attention..not sure if this helps..but maybe u can try letting him "carry" Emma at times with ur supervision or if not, let him help u take diapers or take something for mei-mei..so that he can feel that he's big gor-gor got responsibility to take care of mei-mei?
hi hi ladies...
just to check with u all giving pacifier..can i just know if the teat of the pacifier aft using for awhile..will it turn to milky rubber kind of color instead of the original clear rubber color?coz me not sure if i "over-cooked" it..i pour hot water onto it & forgot to rinse it off with lukewarm water..by the time i remember, the teat seems to change to milky color liao..duno safe to give baby anot..
i also dun wanna go back so often but hb wants to go back every weekend leh. i LL no choice lor. sometimes felt like telling him u bring caleb back lor i stay at home. so tired until sunday no energy to bring caleb to church. until now have not brought him to church yet cos sunday i so damn shack out just wanna stay home n do nothing.

i also pour hot water over the pacifier but nv noticed if it changed to milky colour. acutally i dun rinse with lukewarm water leh. will take it out after a while n cover it then if caleb start screaming for no reason, will stuff it into his mouth.

we go back every week. damn siong lor. mah chiam expect us to go back like that. now weekend no life liao.

my friends very understanding n zi dong want. they will even ask if i mind they stay beside me while i bf. actually i dun mind esp if they have the courtesy to ask. i jus dun like those who think they are close to me (but in fact not) then take things for granted.

caleb used to be like that. after deep sleep, put him down will wake up again but will still put him down then pat him until he sleeps again. u might wanna try. i realised after full mth party, bb always cranky one. i realised caleb kanna carried by ILs the entire night until so shiok so after that we kinda got prob but lucky managed to get him back to his usual.

complain to my mum tis morning so she suggest i lock the door in future but seriously i wld love to but hard lor. ILs moved to a 3-rm flat n the only spare room is always filled with pple. either i bf in the room or in the living room. so not much choice for me. every week come to sat i very xian.
hi hi selina..
i dun think it will be a gd idea to just let hubby bring caleb back while u stay at home lah..maybe u can consider for the beginning, try not to stay too long hours ba..at least wont be that tiring also..aiyo..u got no time to bring him to church yet ahh..hmm..do hope that u can have enough rest & bring him this coming sun ba..btw, for a start, how did u clean the pacifier for 1st time use?u sterilize it or just use hot water to rinse it over?
dun stay too long later hb will kanna nag by ILs again. then again is the 'no time to play wif u' comment again. i damn sick of it liao lor.

first time use pacifier, i just sterilize only. after that i dun sterilize very often. most time i just dip dip in hot water only. i only sterilize pacifier once a wk b4 i go back punggol then i will sterilize all the bottles n everything. anyway caleb got 2 pacifier. 1 keep at mum's place another we will bring out wif us.
u dun hv to tell me how issit when there r 2 kids, i alrdy dun think i can handle both man... now u & jenny sharing experiences, wah scary man. i can imagine how tolerant & patient u both hv to b. cannot suffer fr depression, else worse man!!!

my boy alrdy got bouts of keeping wanting to feed & refusing to sleep. cant imagine how to manage wif 2 kids...

the way u describe is so funny. i was laffing when i read ur posting. sorry ah, not meant to laugh, but i try 2 imagine wat jolene is doing and i burst out laughing... told my hb abt ur jolene as well. yah think she is over concerned abt jaslyn liao. and she cant understd at such a tender age it will frighten jaslyn more. i think i will go mad, probably keep jolene out of jaslyn's room to minimize contact?

thks 4 in info rgdg staining. i am now into my 6th wk, so mayb will last another 2 wks bah.

i went into sept thread and found tt some ladies store the sterilised milk btls wif teats & caps & use when they need to, mayb a few days aft tt. as long as the btl is airtight, this arrangement is ok. i will do so so my steriliser is not so cramped wif so many btls.

another alternative is to BF wif a cloth nappy shielding u. though u r in the rm, at least u dun feel so stressed out at the chance of ppl prouncing in anytime. seriously i dunno wats so interesting to look at when we r bfg, esp to those ladies whom r mummies and hv BF b4. wats there to see? crazy.

yah frens usually more understdg. actually if they ask me if i mind them ard when i BF, i wld say i dun mind. its the basic courtesy mah & u oso feel better rite?
hi selina
if i BF i will lock the door in room,i dun even wan my mum to be ard hehe

hi esther
hope we recover soon

my son yijie, ted
not sure is it a good idea to tell them to wake Caleb up cos if they managed to do it, then Caleb's sleeping schedule might be upset by them. no sure why your hb dont want to go back early, why not tell him u r tired and want to sleep early?

i also hv alot of in-laws frustrations. can anyone imagine a MIL dont know how to carry a bb?! i neber expect that in my life but my MIL really dont know how to carry my bb nor feed him!! even my CL is surprised. So far my MIL only tried feeding bb, with ready made FM by CL, but don't think she knows how much to give him, how to burp him and neber even changed diaper for him. they like to come up to my place around 6pm and leave around mid-night! the first thing they do is to talk to bb, disregardless whether he is sleeping or not. when he makes abit of noise they will carry him and told me to feed him! when he is sleeping they'll still talk to him even at 10 or 11pm!! told my hb after the Cl leaves, i'll bring him into my room at 10pm and close the door! if they want to play with him, then they have to come to our place early. luckily my hb is very understanding.

my FIL told us not to send bb to infant centre and let them take care but they dont even know the needs of a bb. yesterday when my bb cried, everyone was busy except my MIL but she her first priority was to do all the cleaning up instead of handling the bb. in the end my CL got nothing to do but to attend to my bb!!! how to let them take care huh!!!

my discharge also cleared for 2 weeks then suddenly came back few days back. i neber think that it is da yi ma leh cos not as heavy but also not as light as spotting leh. so i presume is still discharging blood clots as i feel abit of clamps when i'm expressing BM.
How old is ur elder daughter? wow, really make me scare to have two kids. I will kana post natal blues if got two kids driving me mad. Now I understand what pp say being pregnant and labour is the easy part, the MOST diff is the taking care.
i dun think they will really wake Caleb up to 'play' lah. jus a snide remark for me to make hoping they know what i meant.

i was thinking of leaving Caleb to let them tend to for a while when we are back at ILs since they like to 'play' wif him so much. let them go and handle him then they will have all the time in the world to 'play'. at least i can have my free time. dun think MIL knows how to change diaper or make milk or anything.

i suspect they will end up feeding n feeding him everytime he cries. at least my mum knows how to pacify Caleb when he cries n not feeding time. dun think my ILs knows how to do it man.
hi grace

I have not tried yet...my pal did =)

hi freshpoison77

I applied medela niiple cream for a day..then seeemed better

hi selina

geez, i m glad that my in laws r not that enthusiastic..probably becos their own daughter just deliver the sec son last week..while the elder son is less than 2 yrs old
...so they too busy to chap..but one thing is my mil alos said b4 i deliver dun give breastmilk (cos my hubby din ave a single drop of bm but still is fine) I just smiled and nodded my head..


ur mama poko original how much..i dun mind buying as i stay in bukit batok..contact me at 81128492 ?

dear all

just brought my gal for her 1st 6 in 1 jab this morning at GP..first dose 110..2nd dose at 3 month will be 110, last dose at 5 th month also 110..reasonable price ?

one thing i dun like is GP there got a lot of people suffer fr flu, cough etc..

i tried to be vey early to reach there at 9 am..still ended up seeing 4 patients... (the clinic normally no people one cos at void deck)

Jenny & Babygrace

after the first child, when did u all start ahem ahem ? i did on my 42th day after delivery and it was painful..hubby saw blood somemore..and it felt tighter than b4 ?

now wondering should i wait longer ?


must sterilse lah =)

yesterday i was like bf the whole day with 20 ,min interval..haiz..realise that better to pump out 100ml, then feed her..
at first i also let my boy latch on most of the time but realised he likes to doze off half way so in the end he did not have enough milk during each feed and cries for milk again when he wakes up, so nw i pump out , can measure how much he drinks and can tahan longer interval before he cries for milk again

tink u need to tell ur hubby that bb n u need to rest early.then try to go back earlier after dinner.As for excuse, just say bb wana sleep, there v noisy cannot sleep...cos too many ple wana "play" with bb, bb excited later cannot slp
at first i also let my boy latch on most of the time but realised he likes to doze off half way so in the end he did not have enough milk during each feed and cries for milk again when he wakes up, so nw i pump out , can measure how much he drinks and can tahan longer interval before he cries for milk again

tink u need to tell ur hubby that bb n u need to rest early.then try to go back earlier after dinner.As for excuse, just say bb wana sleep, there v noisy cannot sleep...cos too many ple wana "play" with bb, bb excited later cannot slp

my sentiments too !

PS: how many mums have resumed their ahem ahem, and that was on the no. wat days after confienment ?
i can't remember liao! mine was by c-section so it didn't matter as much when we should start to ahem. anyway, gynae told me that bfg makes the vagina drier so it's a bit uncomfortable.
as for sterlise, I only do it once a day. I use steam in the pot once a day and the rest of the day, only wash. been doing that for almost 2mths liao as I do not believe everything too clean for baby. I want to built up her immuce system as she going to infant care.
hi hi selina...
oh..i can understand how sian it can be..bcoz now since i m staying with my in-laws, the thot of me gg back from my mum's place aft my confinement is damn sian lor...but staying my mum's place will be very humid bcoz no air-con while at my in-law's place..they kept wanting to carry when i have to do all the shit..next time if they make such comments to u again, tell them "he's sleeping so soundly so u see if u got the heart to wake him up anot ba"..

hi hi crystallized..
oh, u meant mummies at sept thread actually just assemble the sterilized bottles & teats & leave it in the open for a few days b4 they used it ahh..okok..coz me dun have spare air-tight container at my in-law's place..so i guess leaving the "already sterilized" bottles/teats for more than 1 day is ok lah..thks ahh..thks..

hi hi aspialle..
ted has very nice eyebrow leh..can see the shape very nicely..so sweet...does he has hidden dbl eyelids as well?

hi hi jo..
this is a very gd question leh..keke..

hi hi babygrace..
my SIL was telling me, if one day she was to chose the mode of delivery, she will want to go for c-sect as well..coz she very sayang "there" so want to protect "there" till she's old..i was like ahh..is that consider a valid reason..
hi hi wei kuan..
okok..thks..i think frm now onward..i will only sterilier once/twice a day..then use hot water to rinse it aft every use at my mum's place..coz cannot be too clean lor..unless at my in-law's place..i think i need an extra container to rinse b4 i can stop sterilizing so often..sun dare to use my MIL's pots..keke..

hi hi aspialle..
nice that's he's got daddy's nice eyebrow..can tell the shape very obivious..also getting darker, right?hehe..i can tell my boy's hidden dbl eyelids when i peek from his nose upwards..haha...give it a try..cheers~
Hi Ladies,

Me back...
Sigh.. sunday nite got very bad food poisoning, started vomitting from 9pm till 2am. Vomit until nothing to vomit liao. No choice, called my mom to come over to look after Rhys and hb drove me to see 24hrs clinic. Took a jab and was told to stop BF for a few days.

Still quite weak now but still got to take care of Rhys...

Where got time and energy for that... maybe later lah... anyway, my gynae told me to wait at least 6 weeks for everything to recover. Even if you dun feel pain liao doesnt mean inside is totally recovered so be patient a bit lah...

Sigh... mine came yesterday liao. My spotting just stopped not long ago and I just managed to do my pap smear and then, the next day, da yi ma touchdown liao... SIAN...

Aspialle, Ted is so cute!!

Wah.. can "see" that you are damn pissed from your posts man... did you talk to your hb regarding all these? he knew how you feel?
My Rhys is entirely opposite of Caleb. HE DUN SLEEP!!! Whenever my mum came back from work, she will say "aiyo, haven sleep ah... eyes still big big!!" Then, Rhys will start his cranky biz liao which pissed everyone... even I cannot take it anymore. Just want to pass him to my hb or my mum when they reached home. Sigh...
Some docs dun encourage 6 in 1 cos it is a new jab, released last year or previous year only.

Yes, after I sterilise, I will keep in container but not air tight one. I dun cover the container cos got moisture mah. Anyway, remember I told you that my mum uses hot boiling water to sterilise? She only does this twice a day (once in morning, once in late afternoon). After each use, just rinse bottles with tap water and is ready for next use. I do this when I'm outside too.
Actually hor, I tell you, Jolene is not asking for any attention cos she still has plenty of attention. Just that she is over concerned with her Mei Mei. She keeps sayang Mei Mei till I have to ask her to stop. For eg, when Mei Mei sneezes, Jolene will quickly go get handkerchief to wipe Mei Mei's face.
For pacifier, I change every 1 mth for hygenic purpose.

Dun say you laugh ah, I myself also find Jolene very funny. Her actions dunno wanna make me laugh or make me cry ah. I also wanna Jolene to stay away from Jaslyn whenever Jaslyn is sleeping... but cannot leh. Jolene will want to be by Jaslyn's side wor. If I dun allow her, she screams like nobody's business!
I used to store the EBM in the milk bottles with teats and caps and use when need to last year. But come to think of it now, I find it not very "clean" leh. If the bottle and teat is kept in fridge, then what's the use to sterilise the bottle. Now I keep EBM in bottle with avent sealing disc and pour into milk bottle to heat up.

Wei Kuan,
Babygrace's kids are the same age as mine. Our elder ones are born in Feb 05 and 2nd one in Oct 06. The elder one is 20 mths.
Ha, somehow, my bad temper has been "cured" by the 2 gals. I can tahan whatever nonsense they give me w/o making myself angry. If is last time, Jolene sure kena beat by me dunno how many times liao.

$110 is the "standard" price for 6 in 1.
I started ahem at week 8. No pain for me. Yes, will feel tighter. I heard a lot of ppl said very painful for the 1st time after delivery.
tink my boy ted is like father, single eyelid only, as for me, i have hidden dbl eyelids

Ted looks like father or mother leh?
Many say father


hope you feeling better now. yah agree wif you. where got time & energy to ahem now. got time i rather catch up on my sleep man.

yah me very pissed. havent found the right chance to talk to hb on this yet. gotta handle this probably cos it is ultimately his parents n sisters... but somehow i did told him briefly abt how i felt but not everything yet. looking for the right opportunity now.

really, Rhys opposite from Caleb. one is sleepy boy, the other is wakey boy.

hey, btw where will you be on weekdays? still in punggol? your mum stays in punggol right? will arrange to go visit you. mayb next thurs ba. i sms you again. sorry wanna drop by your place last sat but very rush cos still need to go back tampines so did not manage to make it.

think Ted looks like your hubby more.
