(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Just my friends and relatives alone, I have to cater for 100 boxes of full mth package. So, I order the economy pack from Choz. I just placed order of 91 boxes and there's 9 boxes free. So a total of 100 boxes. The price is $5.50 x 91 boxes = $500.50. Since is above $500, there's a 10% off, so paid $450.
Then I order the Little Gal from Prima Deli and Homemade Jellies for my lab colleagues.

If you have a lot to give, then the economy pack is good enough lor.

did u just bring Damien for his 1st mth hep B jab? They dont record his weight on the book, but did they record the date of the jab? i just called my GP and they charges $30 for hep B jab and $85/jab for 5-in-1, incl of GST and no consulation charge, except if ask other qns. there is consulation charge for 1st time jab ask doc need to ask for bb's details. i think the consultation charges part is the same for SBCC.

funni thing is that the nurse told me to go to polyclinic as it is free! i thot she made a mistake, so it is true! what is the difference in taking the normal jab vs 5-in-1? anyone know what is been done for the development screen? is it those test on whether bb can lift his head, look at u when u talk, etc..??

the jellies u getting for ur colleagues looks good. i'm still thinking what to get for my colleagues. care to share how big are each of them and how much u paying?

just curious, when do we start letting bb drink water?
hi wendy,
congrats on ur baby 1st mth celebration. me still 1 week to go. actually i cant stand not to wash hair now (jst 21 days now) but my mil ask me to endure coz she say is for my own goods. but she allow me to bath, i already take 4 times bath liao. so shiok!! coz myskin a bit sensitve, start itch here & there.

selina/ crystallized/ wendy,
hehe... u all start hav to stay wif bb at nite after CL leave lel. i'm diff. i sleep wif my boy in a diff room (not wif hb) since discharge.
remember, i told u all tat i can sleep within 5 min & not wake up at all b4 & after preg. bt now, i only can sleep 3 hrs like my boy. so, i will quickly sleep when my by sleep during day time.
mayb i can share how i cop at nite.
i always force my boy sleep afer he drink milk at midnite. but i notice tat whenever his eyes open wide, it's mean tat he wont sleep so fast. so, i jz put him back into bbcot & jz let him kicking at his bed.i jz laid at my bed & monitor him. till he get mad,then only i will carry him & let him latch onhe will get sleep after he tired.
no point to 'pat'him whenhe awake i guess.
my mil ask me not to always carry himas he might used to wanna ppl to carry. it's relly true.

i'm not sure my boy jaundice or not. my mil say he look fine. hmm..mayb must wait till he next check up which is next sat ba...
i had my massage yesterday. 1st & the last. the massage really relaxing me. but after massage, myboy dun let me carryhim & keep on crying. he never cry so much b4 tat. & he accidentally hurt his cord after crying. hb &me heart pain when saw his cord a bit bleeding.at the end, i decide to cancel my massage session liao. bo bian...
we will do the jabs at the pd at gleneagles. for early years think we will bring Caleb to pd instead of gp ba.

i realized Caleb likes to be carried upright so whenever he start fussing, will carry him upright n he will calm down. he likes to sleep upright on my shoulder too. u might wanna try.

the capri jeans is maternity jeans, the top is nursing top (L size). me still cannot wear pre-preg bottoms yet. some tops still can though.

the cake not considered custom made. they offer this package as well. think we paid $8 or $9 per box. not really sure of the price cos hb handled everything. you can call them up n get their advice. check their web at www.gobi.com.sg

i ordered melrose's mini buffet for the 1st time for my boy's mini full mth celebration but think we will not order from them again cos review not very good. think best catering aka neo garden is still the best by far.
we will do the jabs at the pd at gleneagles. for early years think we will bring Caleb to pd instead of gp ba.

i realized Caleb likes to be carried upright so whenever he start fussing, will carry him upright n he will calm down. he likes to sleep upright on my shoulder too. u might wanna try.

the capri jeans is maternity jeans, the top is nursing top (L size). me still cannot wear pre-preg bottoms yet. some tops still can though.

the cake not considered custom made. they offer this package as well. think we paid $8 or $9 per box. not really sure of the price cos hb handled everything. you can call them up n get their advice. check their web at www.gobi.com.sg

i ordered melrose's mini buffet for the 1st time for my boy's mini full mth celebration but think we will not order from them again cos review not very good. think best catering aka neo garden is still the best by far.
i tend my boy myself day & nite since discharge cos i stay with mum n she happen to be real bz during my confinement so no choice. quite used to it liao. i also try not to carry him everytime but really cannot lor. he dun cry. he screams. so at nite i cannot let him scream so much cos will wake everyone up. day time i will let him scream until he tired then he will sleep. at times, i will also let him struggle in his bed... i normally play by ear.
ic. i kinda understand tat u cannot let him scream so muchat nite coz will wake everyone up. especially hb need to work 2molo morning. sotimes, i will tell him play himself & 'call' me when he wanna sleep. lazy mummy...hehe
yea..my hb comment tat Caleb very cute (he like bb fat fat one). my boy still not reach the stage yet. hehe....
The nurse is right, if you go polyclinic for certain jab, it is free.
The jelly is homemade one. It is abt 2kg and cost $35.
I've given water long time ago.
can PM me the contact no? do they do delivery or must self collect?

mummies who latch on their bbs,
1. just wanna to guage how long do u normally latch your bb on? 15min on each breast or till baby fell asleep?

2. do u normally latch on both breasts or just one breast in one feed?

i'm trying to train my bb to latch on so that i dont hv to make FM in the middle of the night after the CL leaves.
hi gals, i am doing a spree on bobux shoe. so if u r interested, can go to market place or march 06 side to order, ok.
if he not crying or cranking after feeding at nite n wide awake, i will just leave him in his bed to struggle until he is tired than he will fall asleep.

i think all babies are cute. soon your boy will b fei fei pang pang liao.

me to gave water long time ago. especially now Caleb on half BM & half FM so I make sure he drinks water otherwise later constipation.

now Caleb latch on both breasts at least 15mins each side.
hi Jenny,
thks for adding me....

I am always indicating the month incorrectly... maybe my memory is failing me due to the epidural.... hehe..

Hi Selina,
I am still comparing whether I shld go to GP or polyclinic for the jabs. Well the cost is also a factor to consider.... my hubby is opting fr the GP as he say it is more convenient and cost is only abit higher than polyclinic.
but hor i think still need to go polyclinic fr the free jab so in the end we will still land up in polyclinic.... very headache on planning where to go jabs fr my bb..

i think need to jot down in my note bk on all my bb jab dates inorder not to miss out any. Anyone has a better way of tracking the due dates fr jabs ?
I have no one to help me take care of rui en too. Always alone at home with her till hubby back in the evening. I dont know I can tahan for how long.
Night time, I make my hubby sleep at the other room cos he is working the next day and need to drive long distance so must have enough sleep.

My girl also like to be carried upright and will stop fussing when I carry him upright n she will calm down
polyclinic 1st jab is $4
then during 3rd mth, we have to take package ($280), so what does it mean when u say the jab is free. I have not decided to go where for jab yet.
yah. my boy likes to stretch his head n look ard when carried upright. noticed one interesting thing yesterday. while carrying him upright on my shoulder to make him sleep, when he almost fall deeply asleep, realised he will wiggle his way down to my chest level n after that, he will fall sound asleep. thought he does it on me only but realised he did the same when hb carried him the same way. so interesting and heartwarming.
hi gaceapple,
same as selina, my pd has given me a card with all the jabs schedule indicated.

hi doreen, bbgrace,
thks. i will call up the polyclinic and check whether they got do the developmental screening.
doreen, that time i call up the polyclinic hotline, the lady was telling me better go to 1 fixed place for all the jabs cos it will be easier to sumbit to school in the future.

hi freshposion77,

most probably, i will go polyclinic.

neo garden buffet
i'm ordering from them for my bb's shower. got 20% discount for b'day/bb shower.
my girl sleep on my chest yesterday (for a while only cos I scare she will used to it), feel so good, like a kola bear.
hi huijun,
wat i heard fm the lady at polyclinic hotline mentioning MMR at 15mths is free n compulsory.
However my GP is charging abt $35.

if we do not opt fr 4in1 or 5in1 or 6in1 package(only at selected polyclinic hve 6in1), we can get all the individual jabs free(which mean bb will kana more jabs than those under 4/5/6in1 jab.

I am not sure wat is under this developmental screening.... issit given fr all the jabs taken?

hi all,
i m now 5th wk and is still having slight bleedg and my weight has already gone down to my original 51kg fm 62kg(keep lau sia during my confinement period especially during expressing of milk)dun noe is it normal.... abit worry... anyone experiencing the same? might chk with my gynae next wk...
is Maverick better now? if his poo still greenish, quickly go see PD liao. i think all babies need some time to get adjusted. dun get so stressed up.

my baby still got jaundice. he had his liver test done yesterday and PD cleared it, so nothing to worry. it will eventually go away. so right now, my CL (she was nice enuff to call and check on us though she has gone back) told me to steer clear fr ginger, wine and sesame oil. she said she ever came across this lady's baby whom went in & out of the hospital 3 times due to jaundice, and it juz refused to go away. in the end, she cut down on ginger, wine & sesame oil. Bingo! the jaundice immed dipped. so i asked my MIL & mum to stop using these items and we will monitor my son. anyway since his liver test has cleared, we r all not too worried.

Neo Garden is not halal. but its subsidiary is. can call them to ask.

i introduced water to my baby abt 2 wks back. reason is not coz he needs water (as TBFg babies do not need any supplement) but rather coz i worried nxt time he dun like to drink water. so i will let him drink once a day.

i normally latch my bb on for 15 mins on 1 breast only. sometimes he will drink for 20 mins & still crying for more, so will latch on the other side. but it seldom happens lah.

oh u on FM ah? then mayb can train ur baby. i haven figured out how to train mine. as long as he stays for 3-hourly feed at night, i am more than contented liao.

ur baby so guai, willing to lie in his cot, kicking and fall asleep on his own? mine got mood one. and he will nvr fall asleep in this way. hahaha... he likes pple to talk and rock him. headache man.

so gd ur MIL noes baby cant b carried all the time. my MIL says tt oso, but i see her carrying the baby still leh.

Yah i realised tt my boy likes to sit upright too. he will stop crying when we do tt. sometimes i wonder issit coz they find it a novelty to sit up and onserve things.

yesterday my boy was sooooo cranky aft his Hep B jab. i noe it shldnt cause any side effects. thing is, my boy din cry but he refuse to SLEEP! we trie to rock, carry, sing, chg positions, all dun work! even my usual & last resort, let him nurse in bed till he sleep oso din work! i was so desperate i wanted to go back to my mum's plc last nite coz i din hv much sleep the previous night & wasnt able to catch a nap yesterday coz he was so cranky, i was sleep deprived alrdy. luckily he slept when we put him on our bed. i dread to think how it wld b like when he goes for more "major" jabs. i told my hb i will bring him back to my mum's plc if tt happens.

Same as me, if no one at home, i let my boy cry.. if there is someone at home, i hv to quickly attend to him so he dun disturb the rest. hahaha...

wow, caleb latches on both breasts for 15 mins each? he is drinking alot! mine drink lagi little when he is fed EBM, so tt day when u said my supply us alot, i 4got to tell u my boy is a small eater.
but he gained quite a bit of weight leh. supposed to gain abt 1kg fr birth, mine gained 1.6kg. PD jokingly said my baby is so well-fed & being pampered.

does Caleb try to lift his head when u carry him upright? mine will rest at my chest for a while, then aft tt v kpo, lift his head (unsteadily) and try to peep ard! hahaha... then he usually "bangs" on my chest aft he cannot tahan lifting anymore. OUCH! tt hurts me when he does tt... soon their neck muscles will b stronger and he wun hv to bang on me again! YAY!
just call up the polyc hotline....developmental screening is done on 3rd/9th/18th mth n 3 yrs old.
need 2 pay around $4.50 fr doc's assessment on top of the package.

there is a slight difference in their 6in1 pkg.
it is the same as 5in1 with only the 5th n 6th jabs taken combined on the 5th mth.

forgot 2 ask if this 6in1 in polyclinic includes the hepB 2nd jab.if not then bb will suffer 5jabs in polyclinic n only 3 jabs in GP.

will call them again tmw to have a better picture.
selina, crystallized
pardon me for asking stupid qn. when (after or before feeding) and how much water to give? i'm feeding him 50/50% on BM and FM but CL says no need to give water till 100% on FM wor.

sometimes my boy also latches 15min on each breast but he'll still cry for milk after that. guess my MS really not enough.

currently my boy is drinking abt 90ml of milk. if i feed him EBM (even up to 110ml), some times he'll still stay awake. but if i compliment with FM, he'll fall asleep immediately. so, this may be a way to help your bb fall asleep!

do u know how many more jabs is there for the free one? seems like the 5-in-1 is better cos bb will hv less chance of getting a fever. u may want to refer to another thread.


polyclinic is giving MMR free? MMR is to be taken only at 1-2 yr old.

wei kuan
so u r managing bb alone now? managable? my CL is leaving next week and i'm starting to panic liao. so far bb sleeps with her at night and day time i also let her handle bb when i'm pumping or taking a nap. yet i'm already feeling v tired so i cant imagine when she leaves.... how do u settle your lunch? how long is your maternity leave? i've already ask my hb to take 1 week off to help me out.
i estimate one leh. to me, i juz wanna introduce water to my boy, so i think usually he drinks abt 10ml only? nvr really monitor lah.

dun say u dun hv enuff milk. i dun believe in tt. the reason why he drinks so much, i believe cld b due to growth spurts. my boy oso like tt. he juz drinks and drinks. he juz latched on for 15 mins and i stopped to chg his nappy, then latched on the same breast for another 10 mins. i took him away fr the breast coz worried he had too much. these few days he has been vomitting out milk. so i am careful to watch his intake. i dun mind he latch on more frequent so tt his tummy can take it. at the end of this 25 mins, still can see milk oozing out fr the sides of his mouth, so i believe we all will hv enuff milk 4 our babies when they latch on.

hmmm, i dun like this idea to make my baby fall asleep. if need be, i will latch him on both sides. anyway i dun hv any formula milk at home.
hi mummies, finally move back to my own hse and have internet access.. Have been TBF so far, but supply still not enuf for me to pump out and keep for bb when I go back to work. Can any mummy share how to increase the breastmilk supply?? Have aldy let bb latch now most of the time. Suspect sometimes baby is not full.. cos sometimes he will pull my nipple like very fustrated.. see aldy very heartpain..
hmmm, when u suspect tt ur supply is not enuff during the time baby is latched on, perhaps u can try massaging ur breast at the same time. it shld stimulate more flow.

when i started to express and store for emergency purposes like massaging sessions and running out of the hse to run errands, it was pretty hard. coz i express aft baby has latched on, and most times can get only 30-60ml. wat jumpstart my supply was when i had a case of sore nipple. so i pumped out instead. and as my baby drinks quite little on EBM, my EBM stock built up. however, i only chilled my BM as i dun like the idea of keeping it frozen for too long.

u can try emptying ur breasts aft each latch on. more work but it shld help to build up. or u can collect BM fr a few sessions to make up for one feed. then feed ur baby (ask someone else to btl feed) while u express for tt session. u can pick a gd time to do tt eg.in the morning as i noticed my supply is gd during this time. usually wat u collect at this sgl session fr both breasts shld at least last ur baby 1.5-2 feeds. so fr this supply, u can slowly build up alrdy, juz warming up the amt ur baby needs at each feed.
in the meanwhile, dun 4get to tank up on ur fluids. i drank alot of soup and hot drinks thru'out confinement and not to mention eat alot of fish. all these shld help. it will not happen overnight but u shld see results if u r diligent enuff.
one more thing, May. if u keep latching baby on, dun worry abt not hvg enuff milk. u will have enuff 4 ur baby.
baby is the best milk extractor. no breast pumps can beat them!
yah like koala bear. very heartwarming hor.

yes. caleb will always try to lift his head to look c look c. very kpo like that. and yes. after a while, he will slam his face on my shoulder. think more pain for me than for him cos he wont cry after that. yes. this way their neck will b strong very fast.

caleb also likes to sleep on his side. he turned to sleep on his side himself a couple of times liao. n very cute is he will put his both his on his face while sleeping on his sides. here a pix to share.

not bad, small drinker still can gain so much weight. my boy gained abt 1.3kg in 1 mth depsite drinking so much.

these few days he also keep throwing up milk. yesterday nite threw out 1 big pool n just now also even after burping him. quite worrying leh.

my boy also likes to ripped my left nipple n i suspect either the milk flow slow or not enf n true enf, when i pump, left side always very little despite massaging etc. but when latch on right, he is very calm n gentle.

for me, i now taking goat's rue to help increase ss but cannot tell if ss really increased except for the much stronger tingling feeling on the breasts. when pump, whether 3hrly or 6hr once, ss still the same at abt 100-120ml.

some times after latching for 15mins each breasts, my boy will sleep thru for 3hrs but sometimes, after 2hrs he will want milk again.
Re your qn on giving bb a topup feed after latching, i don't have this problem cos both my kids are so attached to my breasts that they rather not drink from bottle if they can help it.
Emma has this bad habit of suckling to sleep which i'm trying to make her kick. Gave her pacifier but she didn't want when she realised got no milk. So i'm gg to pump and bottle feed her from tmrw onwards otherwise if i go back to work, she'll have problem adapting.

i can understand what you're going thru' now. Absolutely no time to even have a proper meal in peace sometimes when bb is cranky and u have no help at home.

wendy / selina and anyone else who is thinking of colouring their hair,

it's safe the colour and bf
Congrats to all new mummies. Like to seek your advice on PD. My gynae in TMC recommended a PD to me - Dr AAT and I'm under the impression that we must have a PD from the hospital so that the PD can examine the bb. True? Also, anyone of you happen to know of any good PD from TMC. Really appreciate your advice as I'm a blur mummy-to-be!

Caleb is so sweet in the sleeping pix. My Rhys never like to sleep sideways. Always both hands all up and open like surrender like that... just like his daddy. hee... Caleb is so cute!!! we must meet up real soon... wanted to hug him... hee...

So glad to know that your boy is cleared of the liver test. Dun worry, maybe like mine, is just breastmilk jaundice (since you TBF).
My Rhys also overweight leh. So my pd told me to lower his intake coz think we overfeed him liao. So now we try to keep it at his recommended daily intake (around 800+ml per day). Luckily now he is beginning to keep to 3hrly feed, so dun need to feed too much. Last time, every 2 hr, wah... siong...

we decided to take the 6-in-1 jab with the PD for the first jab when Rhys is 2mth old. Although a bit more ex, we think first jab better let PD handle, just to be safe... And almost all my friends told me try not to jab bb too young so we decided to jab him when he is 2mth old. Easy to remember and he will be stronger by then too.
Maybe next few jabs will go to GP/polyclinic liao.

Oh, selina, if you looking for PD near our area, the PD I went in Sengkang not bad... let me know if you want the contact.

i totally understand abt taking care of bb alone. Me the same as you. At first alone with Rhys. Really cannot rest my mind. Got to pump milk but worried that he cries (he now seldom sleep in daytime) so in the end, now every morning travel to my mum's place coz my maid is there. At least now, when I need to pump milk, my maid can take care of Rhys. The rest I still take care myself. Tiring... but at least better than alone. Scary.
yes MMR is taken on 15mth. my gp is charging $35 n polyclinic is free. btw i hve chk if my gp provide the developmental screening... wow they r charging $10 fr each test.

wei kuan,
I am having spotting at current wk5.think shld b ok..... how abt the rest?
My lack of sleep make my temper very bad and I will pick a quarrel with my hubby over small things, then I will feel regret and feel sorry to hubby. We have a talk and lucky my hubby understand. Both baby and myself are so cranky. Things will be better when I went to work. I feel I am alone in this world cos I am always home a lone with baby and cannot go anywhere, it really a BIG change after birth

Any good recommemd of good PD at west side? anyone heard of Kidslink Childreb clinic? is it PD or GP handling the baby?
Hi mums,

I have given birth on 23/10/06, natural birth. My bb weight at birth is 3.405.

Anyone have good massage lady to recomm? Today is already my 11 days of Confinement and i can't wait for it to ends....
congrats andreatyt

hi selina
ur bb is v chubby
and cute

my bb like to pose when he slp, sometimes otoman, hands crossed , sometimes superman...hehe

hi all
for those who ordered the full mth packages, which is better to recommend? have seen their websites but duno which is better cos have experience receiving cakes that are mouldy..

i choosing between sweetest moments, sweetsurprise, melrose and kyo cake house
hi crystallized, thks for the encouragement... have been latching on bb and pumping after bb is sleeping for the pass 2 days.. hopefully will see the 'result' soon.

hi mummytobabyceleb, sori for my ignorance. wats goats rue? where can we get it? quite desparate to bring up my supply as i am going work end of nov. really have to express extra to keep for bb.

weikuan, i am also spotting nw is wk4-5. although confinement is not over but i chose to move back to my own hse.. more quiet.. hee.. but like u i am alone at home with bb. quite enjoying.. hee..everyday vcd.. regarding kidslink, do u mean the one at cck? he has been my elder son pd since he's a few mths old. quite a good doc. tot of going to him for the vac but the charges are really ex. PD is baby/children doc.

have any mummies order melrose cake with the akk? i chked with them, their items are all make 1 day in advance prior to delivery. was tinking, i am going to send the cake to my office the day after delivery duno the cake and akk will still be fresh or not.

GNC sells Fenagreek..good for increasing milk suupy =) less than 27 bucks for 100 capsules =)


how many of you have went for the 6 in 1 liao at GPs ?

conrats ! coral recommends me Khatijah & i tot she is ok =)

I do not have her contact rite now..Coral has as well..

post later her number
Hi Jo,
Tat was how I felt @ the hosp, my nipples cracked & bled. I tot they were falling off... Now dun really latch my boy. Even if latch, will limit to 10-15min per side otherwise my nipples might become sore again.

Hi aspialle,
I'm ordering the tarts from melrose. According 2 jenny, their cakes cannot make it. I haven tried yet so dunno.
U might wanna consider CDC catering, they r certified halal, food okie, prices quite reasonable. My workplace will usually order fr them or Elsie's Kitchen which is also halal.

Hi selina,
Ur caleb sleeping position damn cute. Mine likes to put 1 hand up while the other remains @ the side.

Hi crystallised,
My boy also likes to lift his head when I put him against my chest to burp him. Can c his head bobbing cos nt neck musles nt firm yet.

Hi coolcoolmum,
I'm giving water to my boy but I usually fill the bottle to 100ml then let him drink as much as he wants. He auto stop once he has enough.

Hi jasmine,
I look aft my boy day & nite cos my mum helping me cook & wash, she's nt veri young so dun wan to tire her out. I have forgotten how it feels to sleep thru the nite. Max can catch mayb 1.5 - 2hrs @ a stretch if I'm lucky.
Hi ladies,
How many times do u bathe ur BBs? My mum bathes him once a day but he develop rashes on his cheeks. Dunno wat caused the rash. Any solutions?
Hi mummies,

I finally got down to doing up a blog. It's my hubby & my 1st attempt so a little messy plus the photos a bit strange (size). Dunno how to amend. I posted some shots of my BB there. I cant take any more pix @ the moment cos my camera died 2 weeks ago, waiting to bring it for repair.
Visit if u hav the time.
[email protected]

i feel a bit down....

everytime it comes to feeding time , CL and my mum will wana get hold of bb to feed him, and whenever bb cries they will also wana carry him....i seldom get the chance to carry my own bb...unless i latch him on but most of the time i pump out so that i know how much im feeding him

i find that nowadays when i carry him, he always cry ...when my CL and mum carry him he is ok, tis make me so sad
