(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

heyo mummies,
very happy today cos PD said to sun Kimi for another 2 weeks before we decide whtether to do another blood test or check her liver. most prob she's having breast milk jaundice ah....

might be holding her baby shower on next sunday too, means i can get out of confinement a tad earlier too!! any idea for a good and reasonable caterer?

anyone got ideas on how to slim down my big fat butt?

Vivian, Rhys very cute eh, hehe

Thanks. Hee... I see here see there, still cannot see that he looks like me... maybe just his size...haa.. like me, big size one...

For FM, I am also using Friso. So far so good. i know Weikuan just switch to similac.
hi vivian,

thks. same here,so far so gd for Friso, it's only that as my gal is on 100% FM, i think me going to turn into a kiasu mummy, trying to see which FM is the best. but i know that it's also depending whether the bb can adapt to the FM.
I thinking of TBF but hav considered & would like to give dumex mamil (since my hubby & I grew up on dumex) if necessary but I din buy any yet. Will prob ask e hospital 4 samples cos I wan e bottles to store milk c if they give or nt.
does ur Rhys always dress so nicely at home? i find tt when i snap pix of my baby, he is always in the same few attires and wif the same blanket and dou ya ke. keke
Rhys so cute! is he more alert now?
his bb shower this wkend hor? sooooo envious! me countdown oso man...

Dee Dee
glad to hear tt Kimi is fine.
yah my PD told me the same thing. to observe the jaundice condition and see how issit. tdy my mum suggested another remedy, to let bb bathe in Tiger beer. but not the entire btl lah, juz pour a small cup of beer into the bathtub and bath. rem to wipe bb's face wif it too. am gonna ask CL to do it tmrw. hope it helps. hv been trying all these remedies but so far none seemed to work. i oso think its BM jaundice and it will take longer to go away.

i will b using Neo Garden for bb shower. u can visit their webbie www.neogarden.com.sg
I alrady switch to similac. half EBM and half FM.
My friend is using friso, she commend very good as not heaty and baby will have easy poo poo.

Ur baby so cute.
hi freshpoison77,

u are delivering at Mt A, rite? The nurse did ask me what FM I want and since Dumex Mamil Gold was the milk of the month, so she was fed with it. I also grow up on Dumex... On discharge, the nursery ward nurse only gave me a bottle of pre-mixed Dumex Mamil, i dun think they will give more.

I actually want Dumex Mamil also but Dr Ho's nurse has no sample for Dumex, so she suggested & gave me a tin of Friso. So till now, I have not bought any FM yet.
Congrats Gemini no pics of ur girl??
Congrats to all the new mummies and hope all bbs won't have juandice problems.
Weighed myself so happy lost 9kg. But I gained 20kg for this pregnancy so still got another 11kg to go...so sad.

I like always come in to fa xie.....hehehe
Bear with me aah..
I cannot wait for my confinement to be over. 1+ week to go counting down. Really cannot tahan my inlaw. I already 'ren ming' liao just tahan for a while more.
Than that day my MIL bring her friend over to see bb didn't inform us or anything my hubby just came home was changing and she jus open the door to come in. So rude!! Lucky the friend never see anything hubby intime to put on shorts.
I just tell hubby to make sure he take our keys back after my confinement. I want my privacy back else why I bother to buy my own hse.

And my FIL can tell me to buy what herbs to bath and wat not to do. SO now I'm expected to go and buy my own herbs when I am in confinement lah. WHen my bb need to go back for checkup he insist my MIL go with my hubby I dun have to go. I nearly burst when I told him me and hubby go will do so fedup. Told hubby when I cannot tahan I will talk back to them and he can go tell them I have depression lor.....hahaha
Just need to press the pump for a short while, once there's suction, can release both hands le. Good lor, can do reading or other things while pumping. At least the arms and upper back not suan lor.

Wah, still come into forum... Rest well first lah.

Congrats in advance hor!

I'm giving Similac as subsitute when BM storage runs out. I heard dun give bb boy too much Friso, but bb gal is ok. Actually to me, all FM are the same. The difference is the sweetness only.

dee dee,
wah, envy leh, so fast getting out of confinement. hee, me another 2 weeks to go. I'm planning for bb shower now. I'm getting YLS, nett price, no gst, no transport charge. Food is good too.

I asked for the glass bottle cos wanna store EBM from TMC. But the nurses discourage cos they told me got a reported case of the glass bottle crack, and a bb was hurt during the feeding. Think that mummy kept re-using the glass bottles. So TMC now discourage us to use the glass bottles to store EBM, but if we insist to take, they will still give.

aiyo, you dare to try with tiger beer ah... bb skin so tender and sensitive wor...
hi all
yesterday went for checkup
bb already engaged deeply and 1.5 cm dilated...
gynae can see stronger contractions, water level just enough only, expected to drop next week so may deliver next week

These few days having contractions but not intense and close interval ...though there are signs of labour but not enough yet. Anytime bb may pop since already engaged

Bad news:
confinement nanny called me last min she cannot come as her mother in law passed away. So now i can't find anyone as most are booked v early...headache ar
hi mummies,
im back!

birth story
11pm - Reach TMC, do admission

~11.45pm - gynae came, broke waterbag and i'm stillabt 2-3cm dilated

~12am - administer epidural, tried to sleep, but the contraction is making me breathless even though i do not feel any pain

~2.30am - start to have feeling of pooing, know bb is coming soon, midwife came and comfirm tt, asked me to push whenever i had the urge, she called gynae

~2.50am - gynae came, start to get ready

~3am - bb is out

now at home resting with a pair of super engorge breast..

tried to pump out something, but the moment i pump, i can feel milk coming .. how ah? like tt i can nv empty my breast lei..

wish u hv a smooth delivery!

coral, bbgrace
congrats on the arrival of ur little one
your bb may arrive anytime, maybe gynae will induce you to speed up the process.
Think Vivian and the gals who gave birth in Sep is going to end their confinement soon, maybe ask if their CL can help you for confinement?

I'm like you at first, tot can never empty breast. Just keep pumping and ask hb to massage your breasts, "ren" for a few days and the engorgement period will be over. If you can't tahan 3 hrs pump once, then shorten to 2 hrs once. Just keep pumping. Then slowly stretch the hrs longer.

Wei Kuan,
All bbs like boys one lah.
my bb is back home! Finally!! It is really difficult to train to him suckle directly from breast. I tried to latch him on before he starts crying, but i think his suckling power quite week and my breasts still not "well trained" yet so he can't get much milk. Very soon he will start crying and reject my breasts and i hv to feed him with bottle.

how much milk are u giving to Jaslyn now?Currently, my PD advice not to give him more than 60ml of milk but my CL said for EBM it is ok to give more cos the bb will get hungry v fast and if too much the bb will stop suckling. I'm really afraid that i'll feed him too much. this morning i let him suckle for a while and i think he did take in some milk, then i feed him abt 30ml of EBM right after i pump it out. in abt 30min he started crying again and i gave him another 30ml of EBM again and this time round he even refuse to let go of the teats after he finished the milk. but at least he went back to sleep after that. am i getting over worried over this???

with the sling, u dont hv to lean forward ah? i find it is the leaning forward that is giving me the backache.

i find Rhys looks quite different liao leh. hv not seen ur hb, but i think Rhys does look abit like u. many pp also said my bb looks like me but i want him to look like daddy leh. hv been telling him that while he still inside my tummy but like he never listen to me. hope that when he gets older he'll look more like his daddy.

do u happened to be at TMC level 3 nursary yesterday at around noon time?? I thot i saw someone who looks like u.

congrats to coral and bbgrace! Rest well and we hope to hear fr u 2 soon.
Congrats bb is home! Home sweet home!
Well, if bb can't get use to the breasts, then you need to be hardworking to pump out the BM and bottle feed him. Jaslyn also has this prob, so I expressed out to feed her thr bottle.
Jaslyn is taking 90ml of EBM. Did your PD say why not to give more than 60ml? Is it becos of his condition? EBM is ok to give more, cos majority is water. Once bb poo or urines, very fast they will be hungry. bb will stop drinking once he is full. Maybe you start off with 60ml and observe how much he is drinking, then add when required. Dun get rest over the amt bb intakes. Different bb's intake is different. I think 30ml EBM is a bit little. Give at least 60ml bah.
Ya, leaning forward give me backache too. Posture is impt wor.
I finish confinement liao.
but my CL have another one to do in 2weeks time.
can u get mother or MIL to do to do for u till u get CL. my mother do for me for 1 week, then CL come cos I give birth early.
hi doreen,

heehee, why no pic of my gal cos i still dont know how to download from digital camera. an IT idiot. have to get my hb to teach me.

with regards to ur inlaws, just bear with them for another 1 more wk. that's a gd idea, tell ur hb to tell ur inlaws u are having slight depression.
hi jenny
most likely will deliver next week, may go for induction as instructed by gynae, although my mum coming to help me, but hope that nanny can help in some housework and laundry
with the Pumpin' Pal no need to lean forward? if so, the milk wont back flow ah? if really no need to lean forward then i might get one too. u didnt let jaslyn latch on ah? thot need to let bb latch on then got milk flow in, that's why i'm trying so hard. now i can only express 15-30ml per pumping session, so i hope his suckling can help to achieve 100ml per session lor.

wah, jaslyn already taking 90ml, then most prob PD restricting to 60ml due to his condition bah. will be bring him back to see PD tomor then i'll ask him. they also hv not done the hearing test and the 2 jabs for him.
hi jenny,

is it? FM have different effects on bb boy & girl? Will check with my friend who's working in the company.

hi crystallized,

one of my auntie used Ginuness(not sure on spelling) Stout (the black stout beer) to bath her grandkids. She said their skin now very soft.

hi wei kuan,

my gal also looks like her daddy... normally they say that bb girl will look like daddy one.

hi aspialle,

rest well and pls make sure that there's someone with you these few days in case u popped...

hi chihiro,


Milk intake
my gal has increased from 60ml FM to 90ml within a week. At nite, she drink 115ml. As for plain water, the PD advise us not to give her too much cos FM is made up of 95% water already.
we din pour the whole can of tiger into the tub lah, juz a bit. and dunno leh, i feel my boy dun look so yellow tdy. last nite, my CL brew longan tea and fed him abit. so mayb it works. i dun care wat method used, as long as my boy's jaundice can go down. my CL says tiger beer is "liang", and my boy got some "tai1 du1" on his face (those rashes like red spots wif a head in the ctr) and tiger beer might cure it.

wat pumping buddies ah? i saw u posted the link. me gg to look 4 it later...

u noe how i look like ah? else how u suspect the person is me? keke
no lah, wrong person, i am home whole time since i stepped out of the house on monday for pd's check.

congrats tt ur baby is back and u can cuddle cuddle!

u hv to b patient wif BFG, not easy to start off. now i am thinking how to increase my supply coz i think 2-3 wk old babies got growth spurts and they wan more. i wanna produce more milk so can store it.

congrats, chihiro! fast labour!

at least ur ILs not staying wif u. 4 me, i really ren ming. my ILs stay wif us. every evening, everyone in the family will fuss over my bb. i simply hate tt attn. and thing is, i cant do anything abt it. i juz hv to get used to it. so its not end of the world 4 u. peace will prevail when ur confinement ends, while 4 me, this is juz the BEGINNING.
Thank you for the well wishes, me now going to start packing for the last min to see do i left out anything before proceeding to Mt Alvernia for scheduled c-section tonight at 7pm.

Getting so excited, nervous and a little scare le haha..

so sad to hear that your CL last min cannot come.. this is real iritating hor imagine prepared everything le than last min haiz.. i hope you get a good CL real soon ok. Good Luck!

Congrats chihiro!

hi weikuan how nice hor your confinement ending soon, and my confinement to start soon after discharge...Your baby girl is so cute i think most baby initially look a bit boy boy de la, than their face will start to change de..
My CL said she got a friend can help you for confinement. You want? My CL said once you confirm, she will contact her tat friend immediately.
Those contacts of those CLs, I dun think very reliable cos I mentioned to you I got those contacts from friends and colleagues. Personally, I din try them before.

Dun really need to lean forward. Just sit up straight will do. If you scare will leak, then you can get this super shields http://www.mumsfairy.com/supershields.htm
I din let Jaslyn latch on. Tried at hospital but she dun latch on, even when she latched on, she only sucks for a few mouth and then she stopped and cried (cos no milk mah). So when I discharged from hospital, I just pump and pump and pump. Then got engorgement, continue to massage and pump every 2 hrs, slowly stretch to 3 or 4 hrs. As long as you pump, there will be milk. Take it slowly, at first, I pump only 30ml or 40ml per session. Now, I can pump the lowest 80ml or the highest 130ml. Per day is about 590ml to 635ml. Just drink more hot drinks. Keep drinking.
How come hasn't do the hearing test? Tot should done at hospital?

I heard soya milk is not very good for boy. Not sure lah.

You mean this URL? http://www.mumsfairy.com/theoriginal.htm
Oh heat rash ah, is common with BBs. Will go off eventually. Just use water to wipe will do.
Can feed bb so much stuff one meh?

can't wait for 7pm tonight hor! Congrats!
Ya jenny me really cannot wait.. feeling a little nervous le.. haha btw hor when huh u want give me your blog add? i want to see jaslyn and jolene yo..
wei kuan,
dont worry too much abt ur bb's look, very soon u will find her face changed liao. that day while i was cuddling my bb at the hospital, got one auntie asked me my bb boy or girl! after i told her boy she replied BEAUTIFUL!!!

thanks for the link. will monitor for a while more b4 i decide whether to get it. wah, u so good can get so much milk just by pumping. so far, i never feel any engorgement. now only hope that my boy's suckle will help lor. so now i'm giving him EBM first and if not enough then similac.

how old is ur gal?

u posted a pic of yourself not too long ago mah and i think u look like one of the mummies in my antenatal class mah. so i mah told it's u lor.
You must drink a lot, and keep on pumping. Your CL is here? Ask her to make hot soup for you to drink, hot milo, coffee also can but express BM 2 hrs later, soya bean milk, milk, the longan tea and watever fluid, just drink. Tell you hor, soya bean milk very good. After drinking, will pump a lot of BM one.
Jaslyn now drinks very fast leh. My EBM now not enough for her, so yesterday nite, she's on FM instead of EBM. I used to have 2 days excess supply one... now not enough. So I told my CL to give her Similac if run out of EBM.
Errr... I dun remember crystallized ever post pic of herself before leh.
hi esther,

advance congrats! u will see ur little one soon!

hi aspialle,

at least 1 issue off ur mind.... got ur CL already.

hi coolcoolmum,

my gal is 8 days old.
hi esther,

advance congrats! u will be cuddling ur little one soon! Personally, i feel that the midwives/nurses in the delivery suite are much better than those nurses in the ward.

hi aspialle,

at least 1 issue off ur mind now.... find ur CL already.

hi coolcoolmum,

my gal is 8 days old
anyone here let baby sleep in aircon room everyday, regardless day or night time?

is it advisable to let baby sleep in aircon room, what if baby get use to it and will not sleep w/o aircon.
yah lor gemini

wei kuan
later bb will get used to air con and if w/o aircon or little bit warm...they may not like it liao...tink better not bah....hospital no choice mah
that selina not me lah. me not yet start cos still dunno whether should start or not cos my boy's feeding still erractic... no fixed schedule leh. how to do massage when i have to feed on demand. anyway, i already lost 10+kg liao so mayb can save the $$$. doc said no exercise and massage for 3 mths leh...

all the best. u will have your bb in your arms by tonight.

i heard of the red dates logan thingy for bb too. but was told that to b given b4 jaundice surface. anyway, from our naked eye, think my boy's jaundice getting better liao. we bathed him 3 times in the yellow water.

have u started on your massage? how do you manage the feeding with the massage since u also feed on demand? i still cannot figure out a good way to do it cos scared i pump then later Caleb wants to drink again b4 the scheduled time than not enf for him leh.

wei kuan,
your girl so cute. what's her name? my mum says if bb looks like boy, then next preg will have a boy. if got girl girl features, then next preg will b girl. not sure how true leh.

jenny, coolcoolmum,
wow! your bbs drinking so much? i dunno how much my boy drinks now leh cos on tbf. also, how u manage to pump so much within 2 hours? peifu peifu. i dun think my supply got so much. i decided not to pump cos every pump i get very stressed looking at the amt i yield (so little).
wei kuan,
Caleb sleeps wif us in aircon room at night. daytime i will on the fan most of the time but if weather too hot, i will on aircon when bfg him.

i guess it is individual so u decide if u wan your gal to sleep in aircon or not. hb n myself dun mind it actually.
wei kuan,
oh ya. u putting your girl in infantcare. sure got aircon right? u might wanna train her now cos some bbs not used to aircon once go childcare or infantcare with aircon will fall sick easily. u see how ba...
actually we dun feed bb alot of things. perhaps looks like alot coz we mentioned got so many remedies mah. but only 1 thing at a time lah. its usually bathing coupled wif drinking sthg. so yest we let him drink the longan thing, then tdy we let him bath in tiger beer.

Jenny is rite, i nvr post any pix of myself here b4 leh. think it muz b either Selina, Vivian or Jo's pix u saw lah. and i am still figuring out how to post my baby's pix. haha

gd to hear tt the yellow water thingy bath worked for Caleb. It din work 4 my boy so we "upgraded" to tiger beer. hahaha

oh 4 massage session, i prepare a btl of EBM fr the previous nite and keep in fridge, so my CL can feed my boy when he cries 4 milk during my massage session. i thot it wun b utilised but so far for my 2 sessions, he really cried for milk, though i had juz BF my boy less than 15 mins b4 the start of my massage. this boy hor, i say he really noes how to bully mummy!
somemore my massage session only 1 hr, not as if its v long. i juz express enuff for 1 feed as i dun wanna waste, so its 100ml each time.

btw i find my boy hvg growth spurts, he keeps wanting to drink and cld easily finish the 100ml EBM this time. now i hv to keep drinking soups and longan tea to keep up wif my supply. when try to empty my breast aft latching him, can only manage like 30ml. not a lot. so i collect.

if u EBM 1 btl like me, shld easily solve the prob.

btw i think babies cant get used to aircon though mine is set yo 26 deg and i still find it so hot, i cant get to sleep easily. need to fan myself. my baby will develop nasal noises in the middle of the nite and he gets really noisy tt i cant sleep properly, always awakened by him. u gals face any of such prob? and nowadays he makes aggressive angry noises when he is at my breast, like angry wif sthg. aiyoh...
How come no massage for 3 mths???
You pump out the BM and get someone to feed when you do the massage lah. Hey, the massage not for losing weight, it get rid of wind and water retention and helps in uterus contraction lah.
Aiyo not true on that lah, my elder one when born looks like boy. Only when her hair grows longer and starts wearing dress, ppl then know is gal. My No. 2 still gal wat. These myths listen listen then forget abt it. The gender depends on the X and Y factor of the dad's sperm lah.
Err... dunno leh, just drink more fluids. No need to be stressed with the amt you pump out lah, the more you pump, the more amt you get.
wah liew, just reduce the pixels of the pic and upload the attachment lah. Quick lah, dun hide your handsome handsome.
Hi hi ladies..
I m back!Sorry for logging late..I hoped I didn't missed out too much here..I was trying to cope with my latest addition in the family..also coping with post-natal blues earlier..Thanks for all the well-wishes &amp; encouragement..REALLY thanks for all the support from some of the mothers here..i sincerely appreciate it a lot! <font color="0000ff">SPECIAL THANKS TO BABYGRACE, SELINA and VIVIAN..also Gemini &amp; coolcoolmum, jasmine..thanks for all ur smses...</font>

Give me 15 mins to upload Maverick's photo &amp; birth story..be right back..cheers~

i tried to reduce the pixels but up to a certain pt, it dun work anymore, and i cant reduce liao. dunno wat happened, so i give up.

eh i realised if i pump after latching on, nipples feel a bit sore. so i dun force lah. juz pump out watever i can get.
