(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Act 3 had classes in Elias Mall @ Pasir Ris. I'm thinking of sending Kay there instead of town. Haha..can save on transport & parking fees.

YB - There is one currently one, Magic but I think not suitable for our children. He looks forward to go to Speech & Drama. He always look happy when he comes out of the class, comparing to those he had attended previously.. but i guess maybe this one is more 'fun' and mummy not around to accompany mah..haha
I dunno how to gauge his speech, but according to the teachers, compare with his sch mates of the same age, he's the one able to express himself better.. And also I guess he's more expressive, ie vocab...
Wah! Sounds gd! Too bad there're no 1-day activity now.

Act 3 has classes in lotsa places. Some schs engage Act 3 teachers to conduct courses in their premises. Just like in Gil's CC...also from Act 3.
i dunno leh...i told her to sms me when she is ready to 'see' visitors...hahahha..maybe in 2 weeks time? when she settle down with her new born...
There's a sch called monte cristo (if i remember correctly) at Elias Mall. They have kindermusik, kinderart, Act 3, kindergarden & nursery classes.

Let me know when u all r visiting OC.
Congrats to OC.

What happend to the playdate? I am sure Amanda would love to meet up.

Hope everyone is doing fine. Enjoy ourselves in HK now. Will be going Ocean park n the Peak today.
Oc - Congrats!!
Liverpool - Making us envy leh!!! We wanna eat breakie with mickey mouse too...
Yb - E last class of the term was ytd... and tonight they will be staging a combined performance with the rest of the classes. Am looking forward to it!
Unlike the sch's concert, they have lines to memorised.... hehehe
PM - I'm thinking of putting Lucas with Yamaha Music Wonderland. At first wanted to continue with Mandeville for the Baby Graduate class but there's no suitable slot for next year. Didn't want Lucas to stop music class for too long.. So think try out Yamaha.. Hope it's interesting... the only thing i'm concern is that, based on what i see in the photo, it seems that the child needs to sit with the keyboard player.. not sure if down for the entire lesson...
Wah! Sounds exciting. Upload the video to ur blog lah...I wanna see.

How's the weather in HK. I'm just back from HK Disneyland last Sun & it was really cold. Hardly any sun & the wind is quite strong. Kay was wearing 3-layers of clothings but she still complained her hands are cold.
Going for breakfast with Mickey today.

Yap, still cold, but bearable for me as it is about aircon temp or slightly below for me. Amanda got thermal wear for both the kids. In fact, Gerrard do not like to wear the jacket most of the time and always say that he is not cold.
let me know when u visit her.. i go with u... :p

did u shop alot in disneyland? jedd ask to go disneyland again.. wait till he see the one in japan etc!!
Sorry to interrupt...

Helping a fren out...

Do log-in to see see look look ...

you can find custom design on glasses @ urbanwerkz.blogspot.com

Any design also can... Jus buzz him...
Not really. Only bought a tennis dress, a pack of undies (cos Kay pee in her pants!! in the park) & 1 water bottle for Kay. Things are really EX in Disneyland. The pack of undies cost almost the same as the tennis dress. Which is abt SGD$30!!

Japan Disneyland is bigger but all in Jap right? HK has shows in chinese/cantonese/english.

Hmm..maybe HK mainland & Disneyland temp is diff? I've only been to Disneyland for my trip & since Disneyland is near to sea.
OK for me, coz I prefer cold to hot. While my wife is opposite, so she got the kids thermal wear. I spend 2 days in Disneyland leh. Plus I am staying in Disneyland hotel for 4 nights. Unless there are winds, if not the weather is really nice.

Disneyland stuff is exp, plus if you stay there, you got no chance to makan "outside" and the meal there is GOSH!!!
Hmm..mayb the weather has changed. I was at Disneyland for 3days, staying @ Disneyland for 2 nights & the weather was cold with very strong winds.

It was a short trip for our family over the weekend cos my hb cannot take leave. So we could only cover Disneyland.
wahhh.. 4 nites!! any corporate discount?? its abt S$400+ a nite issit?? if i not wrong..

2 nites is nice.. were u at the disneyland or hollywood hotel?? rates ok?

wat u doin tdy?? sms me ..
Ep, I think ard there I guess. Our total bill is 9K+ HKD. But its inclusive of 10% service charge, daily breakfast, 3 adults + 1 kids for 1 day breakfast with Disney char n 2 day Disneyland. Plus Kingdom club there got whole day free snacks n drinks n can view the fireworks from there. Amanda got corporate discount rate.

Not rich, but I think wife n kids deserve it due to my freq overseas trip this year.

If I were to plan again, I would only stay 1 nite in Disneyland. Drop my luggage in the hotel in the morning, go Disneyland then come back stay, get additonal free day at disneyland then shift hotel if really wanna shop in HK. Ocean park not worth it, exp, not child friendly, so many China ppl esp on weekend n holidays.
wow! u got the kingdom club room ... isnt it More Ex!!..
must be really luxurious! i had all my meals in disneyland.. still think its much cheaper than the hotel.. didnt like my disney b/f.. almost S$40 a head.. i expected a better spread than the normal american bf.. (of cos the additional charges are for the loitering characters)
u brought 1 maid ah?

in dec.. if u are friends of zoo, u can 20% off ocean park.. i also prefer disneyland.. entrance fee also cheaper than ocean park.. :p
We upgrade to kingdom since got free breakfast for 3 adults, so I guess it will add up to abt the same if we eat elsewhere. Plus free flow drinks, extra bed also free. Got dvd player in room.

Yap, bought a maid along, no choice. 2 monkeys and a very pregnant wife. What to do, need the extra hands. In ocean park, everyone walking past us was like pointing at my wife n saying like she going to give birth anytime.
I was staying at Disney Hollywood Hotel. They have a promotion now. All hotel guests are entitled to buy 1 get 2 days pass to park.

Wah! U stayed in Resort arh? More ex leh. Somemore in suite. The disney channel in our hotel room is enough to occupy my gal for 1 whole day already so I didn't bring my laptop along.

For bfast, we didn't book any character bfast as we went during off-peak period, managed to catch the characters while we're in the park. Not much queuing too..at most abt 10mins.

We only had our b'fast @ the hotel cafe (prices still reasonable) & then snacks & popcorns all the way till dinnertime when we take MTR to Citygate mall for Macs.

Ya, i guess HK not as child frenly so I only planned for Disneyland for this trip. My gal was already complaining when I shopped briefly @ Citygate mall. On both nights, she was so exhausted from the park rides that she fell asleep in the pram from Disneyland all the way back to our hotel room till the next morn.

Btw, how do u find the ppl in HK? While we were in the park, we encoutered a few rude staff who gave us the 'look'. But once we started talking in english, then they'll 'behave' better. Haha..end up we were all talking in english during our whole HK trip.
my hb also say next time go HK , jus go disneyland n skip the rest..
i only stayed 1 nite at the disneyland hotel, n 2 days in park. disneyland resort room was spacious..i was on grd floor so room had a tiny garden (grass patch) facing the sea.. very pretty. after fireworks, my boys headed for the indoor pool then outdr pool, dry them up and they went to play in the maze.. gave them each a light stick.. and told them to be harry potters n zap monsters in maze..
but i guess nothing beats the kingdom room.. any pics of the room??
Kingdom room nothing fantastic really. Pixs all in my facebook. You not in my facebook?

Wife normally take in English or Chinese 1st, then I will try to help out in my half plus 6 Cantonese. I find the staff n ppl in Disneyland pretty friendly n nice.

Its the Ocean park crowd that I cannot tahan, especially the rude lady during the animal show where i politely as the lady to put her umbrella down as it is blocking Gerrard but she ask us to shift since there are places elsewhere.
Haha..mayb they all scared of u cos u so tall! I did encounter a few rude staffs @ Disneyland during my short visit. I guess they all think we're from mainland. Although it's really true tat mainland ppl is less civil.

Hmm..Disneyland Resort sounds nice! But it's SO EXxxxx! There's kids play room @ Hollywood Hotel where the kids can play with toys & do guided activities thru-out the day till night. So I just deposited Kay inside to do colourings & play while I shop in the hotel.
can't sleep.. kept thinking about the Singlish Lucas is using now.. .. :~ I really feel like putting Lucas in Learning Vision and than do cooking myself at night..
anyway, so exciting. Disneyland at HK. I heard some negative feedback saying HK Disney very small - is it true. It seems that it's not too bad after all.

Lucas really lov the disneysea at Tokyo. It was a last min trip there so quite a pity we didn't manage to stay in the resort. Till now he still remember disneysea and the themes he went to esp the little mermaid.. they have a mini-theatre live performance and it was really impressive!!

I want to go again!!!
Lucida - Seems that you are really bothered by it. Have u tried correcting him?? Not as in really correcting, but rephrasing what he said again in proper english...
Tried that on emerson. Told him also that the books we read dont speak like him, so he shouldnt speak like that also. Then he ask why ah mah can..but he cannot....pengz right.. but i dont expect him to speak really perfect english since mummy also half past six.. at least wont hv "lah" "ah" "hor" at the end of his sentence...

Wow.. all talking abt disneyland leh! I also wanna go!! I have never stayed in disneyland hotel before because it's so ex and far from the main HK... but it will be exciting for the kids.

LP - Yah u update yr facebook almost everyday with yr pics loh! make ppl gian only. hehehe
LP - like hving live telecast in HK. hahaha

PM - u went disneyland this yr liao mah...

HK disneyland - I also wan to go!!! hahahaa
What to do? I got nothing to do there expect taking care of the kids and take pics. So the only motivation is to take, edit and post lor. Too troublesome for bloggin nowadays, so I just use facebook instead. A pix speak a thousand words. It also for my dad, he love my kids so much, at least he knows how the kids are doing there.

Should I go claim some commission from HK Disneyland?

You sure u got the correct person? I tall?? This is the 1st time in my entire life ppl say I tall leh. Disneyland Hotel also got Prince Eric's room where they got acitivities whole day.

PM n Lucida,
Nowaday Gerrard will also catch us and say, "Orhh, you say lah/lor/lee/A etc, say sorry." Make it as game and it will be fun trying to catch it other. We also have to watch out singlish at times now.

Yap, HK Disneyland is indeed small as compare to the one in US during my honeymoon. But looking at the other side, I think its just nice for our little ones plus most of the rides in HK Disneyland is suitable for kids from as young as 2 to 3.
when i saw yb's comment ..i oso stunned...
maybe he mistaken u as another daddy?

oops...paiseh..paiseh...dun laff..cos myself short and bui...!! hahahha
OC, congrats!...

Everyone talking abt Disneyland and HK? Hubby wanted to go again. I said ok only if we stayed at Hollywood hotel and no mainland. I simply cannot tahan the busy city which is worst than spore.

Disneyland staffs - I find them quite friendly, be in hotel or the park.

As for food, I find nothing great at all.

Anyway, I just came back from KL trip. I have a mild food poisoning but I manage to survive thru it. Didnt go much places althot we stayed one more days.

On my way back from KL, my GPS refused to navigate luckily highway is pretty striaght forward.
U not tall meh? Hee..hee..cos I remember u quite tall mah. Mayb I remember wrongly. ;P

Whey..u short then I become dwarf liao arh?

Confirm not. I am not tall, handsome maybe. Hahahhaa....alot of ppl going to vomit liao. Go refresh my look on my facebook lah.


Disneyland Hotel also not bad mah, why not give it a try? I agree with you on the food, nothing great in the hotel or Disneyland. Given a choice, I would go out and have meals. Anytime better and cheaper.
Lucida... don't be too affected by the singlish. I read from somewhere kids this age might not be able to speak well. Like what PM says, just correct him whenever needed. Don't put too much pressure on yourself.

All talking about disneyland... I won't even dare dream of stepping out of our country now. with 2 young kiddos... holiday machiam no holiday. And I'm still phobia of taking plane with them, especially the older one.
hahaha...only dare to 'voice' out when LP himself said mah...if not i oso diam diam de...

handsome ah...? eh...hmmm....

hahaha..no lah..u not dwarf...me not tall mah...shorter than LP...hehehhee....
I mean food in HK not disneyland. I dun really like the transportation in HK. Still find Spore better...

Handsome???? U really got the cheek to say that!

I went last yr Sept. Only bringing Janelle along. We are thinking to bring both kids next yr but I have to think twice of going to the mainland. Maybe I choice to go during cooler season. I went during summer sale, super warm!
Really? I miss the yu dan, smelly tofu etc. One of my favourites. Other than that, the food is ok. Prefer Taiwan junk food really.

Should trying during Nov period, really nice n cooling air con temp.

Why phobia, there are plenty of stuff to do on the plane, can always on the inflight entertainment system and they will watch during the whole flight. No problem at all. While I agree it can be tiring at times, but I guess they really do enjoy themselves.
