1st tri FTS / NIPT results


New Member
Hi mommies, I just received FTS results from KKH that I'm in the risk/probability of 1/41 for down syndrome. Does this put me in a "high risk" category? I'm 34 this year btw.

However, NT was measured at 1.9 mm and the sonographer had no issues with the ultrasounds. Should I be overly-worried? I know the FTS also has a false positive of 5% and perhaps I shouldn't be reading into the results too much but I can't help but worry...

I will be doing my NIPT tomorrow at KKH but understand it will be another 2 weeks' wait for results... Do you think KKH can help to expedite upon request?

Appreciate any advice, thank you!

I had high risk for T18. Honestly, just wait and think about what your choice will be. If come back positive what will you do? Once you made that decision it should be 'easier'.

I couldn't make a decision so I told myself I'll just wait for the results to come back then decide. I was blessed and it came back negative. Baby is all good.
I had high risk for T18. Honestly, just wait and think about what your choice will be. If come back positive what will you do? Once you made that decision it should be 'easier'.

I couldn't make a decision so I told myself I'll just wait for the results to come back then decide. I was blessed and it came back negative. Baby is all good.
Hi, thank you for your assurance. I'm glad to hear your baby is OK!

I spoke to the genetic doc earlier this week and realized it was one of my hormones (the PAPP-A or something) that was low, which probably skewed the results. Ultrasounds were all OK; NT was normal and NB was detected.

I did the NIPT anyway yesterday and will have to wait 2 weeks (no news is good news). Fingers crossed and I'm just trying to focus on the good things for now.
Hi, thank you for your assurance. I'm glad to hear your baby is OK!

I spoke to the genetic doc earlier this week and realized it was one of my hormones (the PAPP-A or something) that was low, which probably skewed the results. Ultrasounds were all OK; NT was normal and NB was detected.

I did the NIPT anyway yesterday and will have to wait 2 weeks (no news is good news). Fingers crossed and I'm just trying to focus on the good things for now.
Yeah. My hormone level was low as well. But I thought was quite strange cause my morning sickness was so bad. Seeing the genetic counsellor didn't really helped. Actually gave me more worries. Lol.

All will be good. Sending positive vibes to you!
