(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Girly.. heheh I was here in 2006 actually then after having baby, and change job then never come in here for a very long time liao.. lol

I've known some ladies here for 3 years plus.. wah... very long liao...

Heheh broadcasting to "FM933 and their listeners", Girlygirly has got 4 kids and her #3 also born on Jul 2006...

Welcome Girly...
cos i always hv the latest news mah...like gathering where and when...who had given birth...like now..no one knows u had no.4 leh...hahaha except me!!!!

aiyo u also another champion leh!!! how come nvr come to this thread for ur no.3? wah..u and steph fighting for trophy ah?
Lol... like I say loh.. Shi Zhi Ming Gui.. hahaha

Got gethering bo jio... lol... I actually have many mummies in my msn leh but cause work hor, seldom online.. I have ppl like misaryeo, urself, a few more... hope go back to work not so busy loh.. else I will MIA again...

Girly more power than me, she SAHM with no helper leh... I seriously dunno how she do it.. Pei Fu

WAH...thks for the broadcast...never felt so 'famous', wahaha...


when i had my no 3, nt aware of this forum yet. in fact join smh only in 2007 june as u can c. me nt active until i had my #4. TROPHY?? of course our Steph is the champion!! young mom of 4 beautiful children leh!

Steph and I haf 3 children of the same age!
4 kiddos!!! really peifu peifu!!! I only 2 wanna die liao... and now I am thinking if I shld get a helper or not... mommies who hav helper.. tell me more abt getting 1 leh. Somedays i feel like I wanna die liao.. really need 1, but other days i feel maybe i can still cope, dun really need... haizzz...

Some curse and swear on helper, some are grateful that a helper is around.

There are alwasy pro and cons.

Pro: Someone to take care of kids, housework, extra pair of hands around.

Cons: Some can be cunning and attitude (Depends on your luck at times), their understanding of what you really want, less privacy, need to think of place to let the helper sleep, extra mouth to feed, less income as you have to pay the helper.

But my stand is, it really depends on what you want, and I always find managing helper is like a HR job. Once you manage them correctly and set your priorites right, they will be a great help around. No regrets so far on our part.
Hi Steph,
Welcome back! Wow, 4 kids! I only got 1 gal & I wanna close factory liao.

Hi Girly,
Welcome! Do share with us on how u manage 4 kids on ur own with no help?
<font color="aa00aa">Misaryeo &amp; YB</font> - CAn have more lah.. hehehe

Kids are really wonderful... When I see my kids run around and have siblings as playmates, I really happy..

<font color="aa00aa">Maids</font> - like what Liverpool says loh.. got pros and cons.. For me, I've been hiring maids since 2005 and till date, think I've already had like 8 maids.. hahaha with only 1 that worked for me for 2 years..

And she's not the best that we had.. the best that we had went back to philippines for her dad's funeral and didn't come back
Long story..

All I can say is you need to understand that getting a good maid is like striking 4D, got chance lah.. but u must be mentally prepared that you may also get a bad one. And the costs involved to change one.

I feel really happy with help cause I dun need to do housework and etc.. but when I get a bad one, its realyl headache one loh..
step, girly
salute for having 4 kids.. my dream family size... but to hv #3 i alrdy hv to think for sooo long..

having maid also can die... depends on yr luck.. tikam tikam..
its really liek what LP said.. HR director.. managing an employee.....
but i rather hv helper as hb not ard often..
Wow.. Thread alive!
And suddenly so many "4" champs! Haha.

Maids-hubby had been niaming for a maid recently.. So tat he can do less hsewk! Wahaha.. But I still can't cross the hundle tat maid boh lang jagar :p
wat hsework he needs to do? u all got PT maid le right? the most he wash n hang clothes nia mah..then floor can vacuum alt days...or maybe 2-3 times per week...wait for ur PT maid to overhaul the place weekly loh..hahaha

u all only athome for few hrs nia...dun think will be soooo 'dirty' bah...
Haha..then get the PT maid to come more often lor. Twice weekly instead?

Talking abt kids &amp; big family, I just saw a family with 7 kids when I went Grand Hyatt yesterday. Somemore the mother looks pregnant!
YB - ask PT to come more often = $$$
tat's why he says get a FT maid better.

maybe recently we went to a few frens plc with gd maids and they can cook really well.

so, we the lack of home cook food family, kinda of gian of such food. wahahahaa :p
MTDT, same same...but sometimes pity him also lah, after work come back so tired liao. I also cant pass d hurdle of boh lang jagar maid.

dsii, ya actually daily chores really not much if really wan to "count", PT cleaner once a week really helps.

misaryeo, maybe cos u need to work at home, plus take care of Emily, take care of her meals, do chores etc so quite siong. My main justification to get a maid is can come home to home-cooked meals, hate to eat out everyday. At times when hb works late, i will jus cook something simple but i dun like to eat my own cooking...haha...then maybe another reason is that we can spend quality time with G every nite then have our own quality time too after a long day's work, dun need to be bogged down with d mundane domestic stuff.

I thinking of getting a washer dryer...anybody can recommend me what brand or where to get?
dsii, tingkat everyday also will get quite sick of it hor? then if galvin works late then i hv to throw away d food i cant finish or eat d same thing for lunch d next day?...hahah cant hv it all perfect right?

YB,Kay so sweet
is dat big family u saw chinese family? scarly my gynae cos he has 7 kids too! btw when u n dsii wan to come out meet me? i so bored leh :p
YB - ya lah. of cos not confirm can cook well. as i said, so happen those tat we went recently all are gd cooks. so DT says, if get maid, 1st criteria is must noe how to cook! faintz. hahhaaha

tingkat - we tried before for 6mths. boring! hahahaha

actually DT likes to cook but hate to wash. so he says even if dunno how to cook, send the maid for training (at fren's hse) or he cook then maid wash. :p

OC - ^5. think 6yrs of no home cook food really makes one miss it terribly! ur mil can jagar maid?
eh oc...u bored liao ah? hahahhaa....now u still can come out meh? u very heavy bo?

tingkat can be a better choice then tabao outside...some thingkat bo msg mah...healthy...

u can keep the food in fridge..then lunch eat..like that hor...haha...save money on lunch and oso no need heacache wat to buy/eat liao..

u cater for 2 pax de loh...shld be enuff for u 2...now somemore got mil leh...u dun hv to worry liao..cos she oso must eat mah..she will cook for u all bo?

sian with the tingkat co..then change another one!! nhahaha...like tat can hv a taste of others skills mah...
MTDT, am still thinking, cos come this mth since my MIL agrees to move in with me to take care of no.2 then probably wont get maid liao n MIL can cook well so i will jus continue with PT cleaner first
But i will probably be back to same situation again if she wants to quit 2 yrs later, telling me no.2 can go full day CC liao...hahah

dsii, very soon i dun need to worry abt food le,so dat 'advice' can leave for mtdt :p she tried for 6 mths leh! if cant finish n u still ask her to eat same thing for next day lunch?..faintz..haha

eh heavy also need to go out for some fresh air mah...
tingkat - tried for 6mths... actually only paid for 4mths. becos we were so bored of the food by the 2-3mths.. so kept requesting to "stop" for 1 day... so pay for 1mth can drag for like 1.5mths. wahahhaa

so now we abit scare of tingkat liao! wahahahha
tingkat - tried for 2 weeks right after my confinement lady left and i cannot take it already.. the food not nice also..

maid - unless i have a big house with upstairs and downstairs type.. else.. really can't live with an outsider.. i'm the type that leave my cards and money everywhere ... than my hubby is the type who likes to wear those old shirts with holes on it.. haha...so having a maid would be a problem.. In addition, maybe one problem on housework is solve but it creates other problems as well.. so not a solution for us..

part time maid - just started on part time maid 1 month ago. actually i think it's great!! at least my toilet gets wash every 2-3 weeks instead of 2-3 months.. no commitments at all.

life with 2nd baby coming - not sure how but i think i probably cook those one pot meals.. i think the difficult phrase is the beginning whereby i'm not used to rushing back from work and cook. Really admire my mum who's able to do just everythign. I think it's a matter of getting used to it and telling myself there's no alternative - once it's a routine it won't be much a hassle anymore (hopefully).. Now still stay in Yishun so i got 2 place to go for dinner (my mil and my mum) so i will just enjoy the moment.
but to think about it, my mum makes alot of sacrifices for the family that she dun have her own life which is why she can do it.. hmm.... oh well..
Agree..our mothers' lives are so much simpler. I cant complain tired to my mum, be it when im sahm or ftwm cos she will say last time she also brought us up like dat :p Even till today,she hasn't change...imagine we have to wash clothes by hand, cook everyday, sweep n mop floor everyday plus take care of kids amongst many other things! They dun have social life n last time also not much entertainment, probably only tv...i know i cant be like her...She even can tell me it's all abt time management..haa..But there n again i dun remember she play with us or spend time with us at all, pretty much jus left us alone most of d time.
I can meet up with u anyday. Preferably during lunch time so can lunch together. Just let me know in advance. Or how abt tomorrow? Dsii can make it? U all sms me better lah.

Yup. The big family that I saw is a chinese family. Age gap between children are quite big. Some already teenagers but some still tots. The hb is quite slim.

I tried tingkat for 3mths also. The meals cannot make it lah. But still better than tabao food.
mummies.. i wanna post my comments.. but abit too tired after reading.. or tang first.. i'll be back to reply k... eyes very tired wanna sleep liao...
U have 2 places to go for dinner after work then dun even need to worry wat. Really envy those who leave near parents or in-laws...

Btw any mummies weaning their tots off milk bottles? I need to wean gill off drinking milk from her bottle for afternoon naps come N2 next year.
thanks dsii...

hong, i see. Im also not in a hurry to wean her off. But it's d CC who told me N2 no more milk bottles, so probably will just leave it to d teachers to train her to drink from cup if she still wants to drink milk b4 naps...

We recently weaned K off his afternoon milk too. Coz his teacher told us next yr no more afternoon milk feeds. So we just stopped packing his milk feed in his bag and told him to eat more for lunch. no problem for him.

Re: washer - dryer
we dun have one but hb thinks not good idea to have those combined ones coz if breakdown then both functions cannot use liao. he prefer separate and dryer has bigger capacity too.
Re: washer- dryer
Ya getting separate one, reason cos members in d house increasing, always gotta take turns then sometimes must wait for other pple's laundry to dry, running out of space to hand laundry too.
OC, Why do u need a dryer? Ur clothes cant get the sun?

Dryer consume alot of electricity and make ur clothes really cease up.

Milk - from the 1st day i sent Julian to CC. I stop him, I'm afraid if I request the tr to make milk, the rest of the kids will have craving for it too. Fortunately, he takes it well. May be the rest is not drinking so he doesnt think abt it.

He will still ask for it if he is at home on weekends.
hong, i never hang my clothes out cos was working, nobody at home in d day to keep in case rain, plus i stay 3rd floor, always kenna from upstairs who always hang their wet clothes out. Outside corridor too narrow not enuf space. Will consider ur points too abt d main disadvantages of dryer then decide, thanks!

Afternoon milk:
I see, hope Gill will be okay..she milk addict lah. Moreover went CC since 20 months so quite normal for d PG class to still drink milk b4 naps.

may be u talk to Gilian abt the stopping of milk during nap time. If the rest not having, no see no craving may be she will cope well.

I dun see the need to stop her nap milk at home during weekends. Anyway ur call, u know her better than me.

Milk addict is better than not, cos if they are not feeling well and dun feel like talking solid food. Milk is a good source of food to them, at least we are not that worry.
