(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Ya i heard as long as u dun leave it inside for too long once it's done, take out immediately.

Thanks, will work hand in hand with her teachers

There's this dryer from Citygas that uses piped gas to operate instead of electricity. More energy efficient too! Incls delivery & installation. But ONLL suitable for household with piped gas instead of cylinder gas.

he sill takes milk on weekends. only in sch he stop coz they have more meals anyway.

dryer - according to hb, condenser ones are better. no need to headache abt piping the hot air out. it condenses into water and just empty the water. but more ex. if you can tahan till mayer warehouse sale....the last time we saw was abt $700 usu abt 1K. hb quite gian to buy one coz understand when you say not enough space and with one more kid....i am washing almost everyday. sometimes 2 or 3 rounds in a day!

once drying cycle stops, take out immed and hang. no crease and no need iron! =)
OC, dun get dryer that is together with washer one k.. cause if one spoil then send for repairs, both washer and dryer is down..

Also, feedback from my gf is that the clothes dun dry well..

I used to have a dryer but shifted it to mum's place to let her use.. I see if I can find out what brand that is.. I used it for about 2 years ba.. not bad.. mum has been using it for the past 3-4 years I think...

I remember brand name starts with E
think there may be one in Feb or Mar. But got to check the papers or you can call and ask them. It's near the Jap sch. very near us.
OC, yes, spending quality time is 1 of the reason why i think i shld get a helper. Buy so many toys n stuff for them, yet no time to play with them. After I managed to convince my hubby.. now i am still very skeptical abt getting 1. But i think and think... its like unless i wana work myself to death, if not I better get some help. When my parents come over, they also dun need to do so many things.


Lunch.. aiyah.. wrong timing.. I'm at work these 2 weeks.
No prob...we still got time to meet up if OC dun pop early.

Nice catching up today. We still got so many things to chat about despite losing touch for so long.
If OC doesn't pop early, mayb we can meet up on 1 of the fri nights?
<font color="119911"><font size="+2">Hi mummies! Sorry to intrude, i need to get Nestle Nan 3 milk sachets urgently.
If you have or know where to get them, please kindly PM me.
My budget is 50cents per sachet. Thanks for your help! </font></font>
Is Zavier still with Mandeville for the baby graduate class? How do you find the class?

Lucas completed the 9months Baby music. We decided to stop for the moment, next year than start preschooler as i do not know what he really interested in.. so taking a break now. Tot of going for Yamaha Junior Class when he reach 4 yrs old..

Not sure which is better.. Yamaha or Mandeville... Any idea?
Btw, was reading your blog.. How did you manage to have the time to go for so many activities with Zavier??? Care to share secret recipe (of course the $$ is another matter..)
Lucida - yes, still with mandeville.
Baby grad class - simple 30mins class tat focus on keyboard. pace not very fast... so far only learn 1 song. now learning 2nd song tat needs to use both hands.

joining preschooler class - why? wont it be a duplicated from baby music?

Yamaha junior class - is keyboard gp class too?
I also dunno which is better.. paisei :p

time to do things with Zavier... u mean at home huh? at nite and wkends loh. :p wkday nites - usu we hv abt 2hrs before we start our sleep routine. so tat 2hrs, we usu play games or do some writing/colour/cutting/art etc. ($$? hmm.. most of the games are bought last time, so now just making use nia. if doing writing/coloring/cutting - alot materials are print online or photocopy from frens.. so FOC! haha)

wkends - now zav only hv music class. thus wkends are also very R&amp;R. this also means more time at home. but now most wkends, we are rather lazy, most of the time just spend lazing on the bed! then Zav will hv his imaginary play while i just rest on the bed. :p

Zav now loves to chat... every nite, once reach home, he wld tell me: Mummy, go to room with me then we talk ok? you ask me "what did I do in sch today" ok? haha... so we chit chat for few hrs also can!
That;s good. Usually we pick Lucas from my mil at 8 so by the time reach home only have 30 mins left before sleep time (9:30pm). So that 30 mins only have time for his fav - starfall and youtube.. :p than 2 story book as he drink milk and than sleep :p

always when ask him what he did he school, he say nothing.. so can only ask him who come to school, etc.. i ever peek in the school before and the school quite relax type.. so cant have much expectation..
Oh, i dun allow zav to watch tv everyday (although he wld love to! hahaha)... every nite he wld ask me "can I watch tv today?"... i say no... then he wld go, ok, then we play toys ok... hahaha

Sch - when he reply also some here/some there... some dunno wat he talking abt. just listen loh.. hahhaha
actually i feel that i do more things if i bring lucas to go my mum place to eat :p that he will draw on mahjong paper and than try to spell the word out on what he drew cos my mum will bring out crayons and mahjong paper for him to play.. at my mil place mainly free play - watch tv, play train or stick to my mil and "deh".. if not my fil will get him to write ABC (again). but not complaining lar.. i can have free time to relax.. just that lucas tend not to listen to me when he's at my mil place..
hehe... it's like tat lah.

at nanny's plc - he usu plays with his enginnering set or nanny's kids.

now tat nanny's kids no more exams, I also see the TV is switch on when i go pick him. then all the better, when he ask for tv, I wld say: "you watch at nanny's plc already right?" hahahhaa
ya loh...time passed so fast de...haiz...
not enuff time as i need to rush to pick ian from sch...really dun wish to move my butts manz...
Lucida.. Like what MTDT said.. its like that one... in fact some say free play is better. don't worry abt it.. My son don't really behave very well with my parents and in laws... if i were to leave him with them... i believe it'll be tv n his toys.. no structured stuff at all. When he's with me, i am usually very busy with my work and hsework. Very ashamed to say.. but i nv do very structured stuff with him until only a few weeks ago. that's 1 reason why i thinking of hiring a maid so i can have more time for him. so what i am trying to say is.. don;t worry... Lucas will be fine.

Regarding music classes... what do u think of Cristofori? Saw one near my place.. thot quite convenient, but duno good or not.

OC shld pop soon bah.. i think i lai bu ji meet up b4 she deliver liao.in case i dun get to meet u... wish u hav a smooth and fast delivery. Jiayou and push push push k?!
Aiya, we meet again next time lor. We left soon afterwards as OC is feeling tired.

Is Emerson attending Act3 classes? Care to share? I'm keen in sending Kay to Speech &amp; Drama classes since she has express interest in acting, singing &amp; dancing.
Hi misaryeo, Oh.. cristofori.. my hairdresser has very bad comments about them.. her daugther was with the school for a year with not much progress, the school was not proactive also..
Hi MTDT/misaryeo, ya.. now i try to fetch him earlier and bring him to my mum place maybe at least once a week.

Yesterday yujie cried.. miss daddy.. my hubby now in Japan for work. but will be back this sunday. I wonder how if i go Melbourne next month for work also.. i will be away longer for a week :p
Lucida - ya, now the kid more aware, will miss parents.

when i was 5mth preg, i needed bedrest. thus I went to my mom plc to stay for 3days. by 2nd day, Zav called and cried over the phone liao! faintz.

I also v worried confinement period how as I wld be at my mom plc for 1mth. still toying the idea of not bringing him over daily as v time consuming mah :p

Install skype at home and on your laptop. That was what I did when I was away in US and in Aussie. It helps alot when they are not only able to hear but also able to see u.
Hi liverpool, no internet access in the MOTEL i am staying.. haha .. Melbourne expensive.. the per diem not enough to pay for good hotel :p

Really? I mean have you check the motel up? I was like in a ulu place in Rockhampton and most of the motel have free internet access.

Been reading the thread but cant contribute much coz it's all abt no2. hehehe...

OC - Congratulations! Have a smoooth delivery... =)

YB - Yah Emerson is attending act3. He has been attending 2 terms so far and he likes it very much...It's an independent class, so exactly what they do I'm not v sure. What else u wanna know?? Hahaha. For their age group, they don't do drama all that 1 hr. Will have story telling.
Act3 has this thing called "Sunday with us" on and off.. It's like ac-hoc thingy that non students can join, usually will have a story theme to it. You can join and take it as a trial to see if Kaylyn enjoys. Most kids like it except for sticky ones coz mummy will be outside waiting.
Misaryeo, PM, thanks!

Jul, realli surprise to bump into u that day! K is so friendly!...unlike Gill...

Re: Speech &amp; Drama
Gill has S&amp;D class in her sch, extra $40 every mth, conducted by external Act3 teacher too. Since PG times, d teachers noticed she expressed interest to join in, Few mths ago i wanted to withdraw cos i think she is very "drama" liao..hahah..at d same time thot want to let her try other things but d teacher kept saying she really enjoys d class...

ya. so surprised to bump into you too! But good to see you! It was a last minute decision to go there for lunch....
K overdosed on choc that day....haha. Gill prob just shy la.....K talks non-stop!
Hi Lucida.. really?!! haiz.. i shall drop the idea then

OC u very funny.. say GIll is "drama enuf" no need to join speech and drama class... :D
hahaha..sch hols in another few days time...and after these few days...he will be 24/7 with me le...and hor ..next yr onwards..he will be in morning session..so my free time is 9am to 1230pm..hahaha...look for me to go giant do marketing lah....
Hi misaryeo, The comment was from my hairdresser lar which may be only for that particular branch.. dun know which branch she goes.. but usually i hear people going to Yamaha.. seems more popular and established

ok ok.....next yr....emma with me 24/7 also....now i adjusting her routine.....stuck home most of the time....
outing??!!! I'm interested! hopefully i can go!

Lucida... yah..i think i better check out Yamaha too... there's a branch in tamp i think..
Sure. Let's start the list going...

Jul Kids Outing
Date: 25 Nov 09 (Tentative)
Time: Prefer morn or afternoon? (Seems like these few days always rain in afternoons)
Venue: Indoors/outdoors? Suggestions?

1) YB
2) Misaryeo
3) Stephanie
4) Jul?
5) Dsii?

Anyone else keen?
Step - Poor Mummy... long time ago.. hahaha

Misaryeo - E is in Yamaha, Little Notes now.

OC - I also complaint to MT that E is getting more and more dramatic. His laugh and cries...
25th? i think i cant leh..cos that week quite a few outing ...and oso 25th needs to go buy uniform and books for iz...

haiz...another big hole...every yr end dmn siong..hahahaa

now sch hols...many indoor playgrounds sure crowded de..last fri...went to tpy safra play adventure with my frens and kids...not many kids though...but very noisy hahaha..cos our kids = 20kids...hehehe cheap loh...cos each kid $3(saframember)per entry
Misaryeo - Emerson is in Yamaha in Sengkang CC.
Little notes - music appreciation class. Have not touch on 'technical' stuff like notes reading, playing on the actual instruments etc.. They do singing, playing of the triangle, cassanet and bells to the rhythm of the songs. But one thing Emerson dont like is it requires him to sit down on the stool, Emerson is rather active, I got hard time making him sit down......Other kids hv no proeblem with that.

Which dates are more convenient for u? The dates stated are tentative. I still got 1 yr of annual leaves to clear.

Do u know which Sun have progs for kids @ Act 3? I search thru their website but seems no prog at the moment. Btw, how do u know E enjoys the speech &amp; drama classes? Is he happier/more confident/speaks well etc etc?
