(2006/04) April 2006 MTB


Sounds bad... my bb also twists and turns her head when feeding.. she loves to pull my nipple as far away as possible and release it.. it hurts!


I hope he will sleep longer in the nite soon. I am so tired and deprived of sleep liao.
At nite after feed, he will not go back to sleep so soon, want to carry and rock at times before he finally settle. Sigh!
Now I got a pair of eye bags.

Sometime I feel like giving up and let my mom take care of him full time. But when my baby smile at me, I change my mind. *sign* I also dunno what I want. Do you gals feel this way?

Do u TBF ur baby?? I suspect babies on TBF tend to get hungry easily so get up more in the middle of the nite. My bb is 6 weeks old and she can sleep through the nite since last week. i fed her FM most of the time in the day and she is totally on FM at nite (anyway i dun have much BM already). It is just a matter what time she sleeps. She sometimes sleep at 11pm, latest 1230 am. And all the way till 5 am earliest, 7am latest. Yesterday she woke up for her feed at 5 am, refused to sleep after tat, suckled a bit more and slept from 630 am to 10 am before i bathed her

Haha! I have such feeling like u too. Wanted to dump her at my in laws place and i will be free. BUT dun do that ok? U will miss ur bb boy for sure! Today i am bringing my niece out so i left bb girl at in laws place last nite. Guess wat.. the moment me and hubby went downstairs, we already started to miss her. Just feel that something is missing and it is getting too quiet :p We are going to RUSH to pick her up tonite and enjoy the weekend with her :p
For my night feed, my gal never really wake up...she make noise, i will feed her and put her down again.

yesterday whole day she was so uncomfortable...poor thing....got stomachache....too much wind and cannot pang sai...cannot sleep. rub ruyi oil so many times till she pang sai in the afternoon, she was happy and can smile. But evening got stomachache again and cannot go to sleep till past midnight. I already sleep at 11.30pm cos she don't want me carry, will cry and cry....but papa carry her, she will be quiet...so tell hubby I sleep first so can wake up to feed her later. Today seems to be having the same problem....
i only wake up to feed and change my bb if she frets or starts to cry a bit, otherwise if she makes her stretching/groaning noises, i just leave her alone. she's 8 wks old but mostly only sleeps 3-4 hrs a stretch. i'm hoping she starts to sleep longer soon (so more sleep for me!!

i know how you feel but somehow i think i have gotten used to all the broken sleep! like there was one night when my bb somehow managed to sleep for abt 5 hours but i automatically woke up after abt 3+ hours and went to check to see if everything was ok!! and then couldn't really sleep till she woke up 1 hr later. sigh...can't win....want more sleep but when she does sleep for long time, i wake up worried cos not used to it hahah
My bb also cranky the day before and I have finally brought gripe water yesterday. I tried to feed him today but he dun seem to like it. Will try again tomorrow.

yah lor, got one period of time, bb only wanted to be carry to sleep. After we got the sarong for him, he slept two hours throughout and we start to miss him. Sometime I really dun understand myself, carry him too much, complain. Dun carry him, start to miss him.

Anyway, my bb dun sleep in that sarong anymore (waste my money). He prefer me to hug him to sleep in our bed. He can sleep 3 hours like that.

i also feel like sending my boy to mum place, but i see he woke up crying after nightmare, i also feel sad. When i see him smile, i feel good although he dun know how to smile back lah. on and off he just smile and look happy.

my boy also seems to hv stomachache yday, he cry and cry until he fart then quiet and go back to sleep. this afternoon now also like tat. i tried gripe water and he spit out, rub ru yi oil also. i m thinking shld i bring him to see doctor.

I bought gripe water for my girl.. she seems to like it as it is pretty sweet (guess she has a sweet tooth) I try not to feed her too often, recommended like 4 times a day right? Not sure if it works.. cos she still gets cranky on and off


Initially I thought that bb on FM can sleep longer.. but thats not the case for me... its the same actually if my bb feeds on fm or bm.. she can sleep for 7 hours straight (at the maximum) on BM or FM.. guess their patterns will be more predictable once they get older
Your bb so solid ah. One shot can sleep 7 hrs. My girl max is 5hrs (BM or FM). But daytime her sleep is shorter. Sometime, she only sleep half an hr.

Re: Wind in Stomach
I give my girl gripe water too. I think it does help. I also want to sign her up for baby massage. Heard from someone that it works quite well for bb with wind in the stomach.

Re: Carry to sleep
Ladies carrying their bb to sleep, do u have any pain in the wrist? I carry my girl until my wrist very painful sometime. She is coming 8 weeks weighing abt 5kg. My hubby said like carrying a bag of rice.
twinkle-starry, maraquan,

saw ur posting on deprived of zzz.

Me too oso.
XT nowadays seem 2 zzz lesser. She woke up really early in morning, ard 7am n then dun zzz till ard 9.30~10am n woke up most of time for feeds but these days, weather is so bad tat she doesn't seem to zzz for long after noon time. Kept tossing and turning n I got to shift her ard the cot so that she didn't feel so hot.. but at times she wanted me to carry her till late afternoon then rest. At nite, demands her feeds at every 3h. Thank goodness for me tat after night feed (2230h onwards), she would still zzz herself n so no need to entertain her while I zzz beside her.

I was like crying every now and then when she wanted so much attention (wanted me carry her till she zzz n yet didn't want to zzz once placed in cot) during daytime. I was blaming myself for such a stupid mess. This child demands too much of my time n zzz tat I cried talking to her to let me rest.

Eventually I really placed her over my mil's place so tat I'd come home n zzz.

XT nowadays likes to struggle during her feed. She's like trying to fart at same time. Whole face so red n would wail if fart not out.

We ve oso found tat it's getting harder burping her as well as she seemed to scare of vomitting after burping at times.. we are so worried tat she would get colic.

So, to play safe, when she struggles or could not burp her, I apply ru yi oil on her. This way, would keep her stomach warm. Also, to help to get rid of gas thru' farting, we made sure the liquid (water and milk) are warm, really warm so that once the liquid went down, it helps in farting.. (that's what we noticed).

Me used 2 ve same prob as u too.. sometimes bb juz dun like me to carry her but daddy carried, she stopped wailing.

Later, I found out tat XT doesn't like me craddle her but muz place her on my shoulders to walk ard. But bb strangely doesn't like daddy doing shoulder carry though. Strange huh?

same same.. i so wish tat she slept throughout nite..

Got a friend who was rather cruel, she left her bb crying at nights for two weeks and insisted not to feed him and eventually the bb slept through the nite.

But PD we saw, told us could b XT not ready. Given her milk intake n to stay throughout the night, the body muz b able to supply the glucose 2 last her through.

So looks like we can't hurry our bb to do so.

I do. Not juz wrist. My spin area hurts too.. now seem to hurt all way to lower head area.
Be trying to arrange to see chinese physician this weekend too to see how to adjust my bb.
hi tracy,

these days i carry my boy to sleep otherwise he refuse to sleep leh. He is 4.6kg @ 5 weeksand i had pain in my wrist and backache as well.
my gal now at 7th week is weighing at 5.2kg... I already got prob carrying her for long. Feeding her oso got a bit pain. Dunno whether can last or anyway to train the muscules on my body.

Re: Wearing mittens and botties
I'm trying not to let her wear at times..

but wonder how long muz wear.. the last time CL told me if I dun cut bb's nails, it's better to ve wearing both booties n mittens.

Recently I've already cut her nails for her but found tat her hands and toes between got skin peeling like n think is becoz she doesn't allow me to dry her hands and toes when bathing her. So thinking of not letting her wear till she's really dry.

Any of u has bb who hates bathing???

My bb wails everytime bathing n wiping her. Moment I undress her, she already frowns. Me really sweat lots when I bath her.. so stressed.

i also let his hand and toes dry before i wear mittens and botties. i think peeling is part of the stage like peeling fm their body, leg and scalps.

Hv u tried singing or talking to yr bb before and during bathing? I do talk to her while removing her clothes and sing or chit chat while bathing. He seems to like it when i mentioned we go swimming.
Wearing mittens and botties,
My bb is not wearing mittens during the day. Read from somewhere in this forum, to encourage mottor skill development. However, I still put on booties because my mom insisted.

I just told my husband that a pack of rice is easier to carry because it will not struggle.

I am quite lucky that my bb loves to bath. I will tell him that I am wiping his face, wiping his mouth, washing his hair, he will become clean clean, smell nice nice... I will also take his hands and shake in the water, like teaching him how to play with the water. He also love the momment when I dry him with the towel, his face shows it.

However, for the past few days, he hate diaper changing. Everytime I change his diapers, he will scream as if I am peeling his skin. My husband said that this is because everytime his tap turn on, I will scream. That is why he hate it.

So these few days, before I do anything, I just cover his tap with a wet tissue. He has stop crying during diaper changing.
*quoted* Got a friend who was rather cruel, she left her bb crying at nights for two weeks and insisted not to feed him and eventually the bb slept through the nite.*quoted*

I do not really encourage this type of treatment. The baby fainted or sleep?

Some quote from this article, This method has been around since the 1890's and was dreamed up by male university sleep laboratory researchers...Anyone who advises you to let your baby cry until he gives up and falls asleep is focusing on the baby's behavior (going to sleep by himself) and not on how the baby feels in the process...All baby knows is that he has been abandoned and that mom is not there...A baby who is left to cry alone will eventually stop crying because he has abandoned all hope that help will come: as far as he can tell, no one cares enough to listen, or come and provide comfort...http://www.kellymom.com/parenting/sleep/comfortnursing.html

So even there are time I felt really like giving up, I told myself that it is good to give attention to my bb.
i had to buy a wrist guard cos my wrist tendon is strained from carrying bb!! at 8 wks, she's 6kg already!! my mom thinks the bb needs to go on a diet

mittens and booties
good question, i was wondering if my baby was the only one still wearing mittens at 8 wks. right now, we take off her mittens when we are playing with her or carrying her to encourage her to find her fingers but we put them on when she's entertaining herself or sleeping cos her nails are real sharp even though we cut them regularly. she only wears booties when we go out.

skin peeling
during the early weeks, my daughter's skin peeled too. baby lotion works but you can also try calendula cream, supposed to be a natural remedy.

up until 3 nights ago, my baby used to wail during bath/wipedown times but now she's suddenly all smiles and quite well behaved when we bathe her. she even let my hubby run the shower over her these last few days. i read that many babies don't like to be naked so it apparently helps if you put some kind of textured fabric (like a towel or cloth nappy) across their chest if you undress them.

ignoring crying baby
hmmm...personally i wouldn't do this, think it makes the bb insecure. i mean, at this age, it's not like they know how to "manipulate" you right? they only cry when they need something. but i suppose diff methods work for diff ppl.
I think I will go n buy a wrist guard too. Cannot tahan anymore. So afraid that I will drop her one day.

Haha, quite true a pack of rice won't struggle and cry.

Re: Mittens & Booties
My girl still wearing them. She will always pull her own hair and rub her eyes when she is not happy. I'm so afraid she poke her own eyes so I keep the mittens on. But I will try to dry her fingers before I put them on.

Long hair,
any of your bb has very long hair? My girl's hair is getting very long. My mum told me that I can only cut her hair when she is 4mth. I think I can tie a little coconut tree on her head by that time.

This is a pic of her long hair.
ya...suan tong since the first few days due to holding her neck for latching (blame it on the flat nipple, i was in distress to get the correct angle / latch on position). with bb getting heavier day by day, fat chance of recovery in the short term.

mittens and booties,
YY no more wearing mittens and booties in the day from week 5.

skin peeling
it's normal....no need to apply mosituriser lah, a-but-then if you prefer...

Evon,why sweat? I find bathing quite easy and interesting. She sometimes will be v quiet throughout - machiam enjoying spa, at times cries during shampoo but happy in water, at times cries only in water....think depends on her mood loh....but even if cries, no stress lah...I just bring her close to me and hug hug, say comforting words.
once lifted onto the towel after bath, she will show her shu fu expression. But I know that she doesn't like cleaning her face before the bath. Everytime she will make noise and turn red like tomato.

Maybe try feed baby before bath, my MIL mentioned that chi bao bao will not cry.

that article really touched my heart, esp. this :

All baby knows is that he has been abandoned and that mom is not there...A baby who is left to cry alone will eventually stop crying because he has abandoned all hope that help will come: as far as he can tell, no one cares enough to listen, or come and provide comfort

Read already feel so ke lian.....

Your girl is so pretty
And she has alot of hair.. my hb said that my girl's hair is like my dad's.. balding in the middle...

My wrists also hurts from carrying baby, and also from the night feedings when I have to position my hand underneath the pillow to avoid hitting her.. brought my bb out today and people all commented that she's so chubby.. quite surprised also.. as she is on total breast milk..

I fed my baby while she was in the MIM sling today.. even walked all over kiddy palace.. and no one noticed anything
Quite a good buy I must say
your gal got a lot of hair leh! So cute! My YY got no hair to pull....short & sparse....yalor, hunni, the forehead there balding leh!

You probably won't have to tie coconut tree, babies will drop hair by 3 months in patches, that's why some will shave the babies's head to get even hair growth.
some ple believe "cry it out" method, but very cruel lor. where got heart to leave bb crying and mummy just ignore. so heartpain leh. defintely not my style lor.

my boy also got no much hair especially the forehead and the middle. i m worried will it ever grow lor. Sigh! mum worry all the time hor.

bb nails grow very fast, just cut last friday now grow again and quite sharp. I very scared he will pop into his eyes when he rub lor. look like i got to cut again liao.
your girl is so pretty! she really has very sweet "girlie" features
my daughter also has a lot of hair but it's all spiky like a rambutan...so poor thing....ppl always ask whether boy or girl even though she's in pink! think it's cos she's fat too....
Re: Cry out method
Actually oso dunno la.. ppl ard all say tat's how we're grown. Then with start from my mom n mil too.. but when XT juz cried a bit, they all soft-hearted till go see her and carry her.
I too dun like that idea too .. but that friend happens to b in post natal blues when she did that. As to whether the bbs felt abandoned, i guess depends on the bbs. Her eldest still close to her but the second one seems a bit distant to her. Mayb becoz of blues caused strain in relationship. But no matter what, both of them re really obedient boys. So obedient n polite for their age tat i really take my hat off on the disciplinary that she n her hb has implemented.

Re: Bathing time n wiping time
I observed tat it's not tat naked tat she's uncomfortable but rather she doesn't like the water to touch her. The moment placed her into tub, she wailed till the whole hse can b torn down. (Crying as if she's really being bullied)

So I got to bath super fast.. n so I sweat lor.

She oso dun like 2b wipe. LAst time when cloth touch her, she'd wail too.. now smarter already.. moment taking up shirt, she would cry.

Jumbo suggested to carry her.. n so I managed to do so two days ago n so far so good.. but need to shake my body when taking up her shirt (like sarong).. then she would not wail. Siong huh!

Only thing is bathing.. I tried singing, talking to her.. all no use.. even try on radio and play CD songs for her.. oso no use. Her wailing covers the whole hse.

I've oso tried feeding her first then half hr later then bath her.. n oso when she's more awake, then bath her.. but all no use leh.

Even has my hb or mil standby n place toys while she bathing; yet oso no used.

Really really really want to give up and throw her over to my mom to bath her.
I think I have change my mind at this hour. Maybe really should let bb cry
. Only let mommy slept for an hour then eyes big big now.

By the way, I think daddy is a bit jealous. He commented that bb dun want him, only want me. A few time bb stop crying immediately after I carry him. I told him that he got to spend more time with bb and he commented that I have carry him too much, spoilting him.
Yah, maybe he should be the one staying up whole night to watch over a crying bb instead of sleeping soundly in the other room.
That means die die must shave bb's hair lor. I thot just trim no need to shave. Wonder how she looks with no hair.

My mum told me my girl has boy look leh. So I always dress her in pink. but my neighbour also ask me boy or girl even she is in pink.

I think your bb is feeling insecure when bathing. Maybe you want to wrap her with towel first, wash hair already then unwrap her to put her in the tub. My girl has no problem bathing. She dun even want to come out from water.

Re: bb crying
Does any of you give bb pacifier when she cry? I always give my girl pacifier but she will spit it out she is asleep. I know it is not good but it is better then letting her cry non stop right.
Not die die must shave .....my aunt also din shave my cousins'. She says the baby's head like so bare and soft and vulnerable with no hair, so she din shave. A friend also din shave her gal's and yes, it was patchy but after the hair all grow out, it's ok.

I do have a pacifier....and she was sucking it when she was 2 weeks old for the few days she got colic. Haven't been using the pacifier recently. We sorta know when she's having wind and how she likes to be carried to be more comfortable...so no need pacifier. Besides, she will spit it out 'cos she doesn't want it too.

YY sleepyhead today...feed and sleep...wake and doze off again...past her bathing time already! Expecting evening be jia liat liao 'cos she sleep too much. Hopefully, tonight she can be a good gal (cross finger)
Re: Bb crying
XT doesn't want pacificer. We tried giving her when she's cranky but after she sucked a while; she would spit it out. Tried two different pacificers - NUK and pigeon n both like tat.

So ended up carry her in her favorite position to calm her down first then slowly change to comfortable position b4 placing her on cot again.

Re: Bathing
I guess so too.. today tried placing XT in sitting position.. but siong leh.. her neck n body still wriggle like a worm n my hand has to open so big to support her back.. but at least she not that scared of bathing as compared to lying down.

guess bb prefers different ppl's carrying position lor.. how's ur hb n urs carrying position? XT like s me carry her on my shoulder.. but she prefers her daddy to craddle hold her.

Re: Any of u ve prob burping bb??
Any of u found ur bb getting more n more difficult to burp?

Any idea how long muz we continue to burp her??

It took us more than 20 minutes to get her to burp her after she refused to drink milk becoz of gas. Last time, much much easier one. I burped her by placing her on my shoulder with her head n back straight.. while her daddy sat her upright to burp.
hi all.. how's everyone doing?? me mia for sometime here.. has started job for 3 weeks already and busy with nix after work.. alot of problem abt him, trying to seek "remedy" in forum.. after so many weeks and he's now seems better liao..

tracy, nix also having long hair.. and his hair attracted alot of attention when i brought him out.. cos not only long hair but colour hair.. everyone was so interested with his slight golden hair.. wahaha.. my mum wanna shave him bald when he's 4th months old but my hubby's side all said dun shave.. headache lah.. cos of the powder, there're "dandruff" on his head.. have to use olive oil and comb the flake out.. his hair started to drop liao.. there are some patches at the back of the head but my mil insist dun shave.. gosh..

Nix was having azcema as diagnosed by gp outside.. but went to pd on thursday, she said nix's skin is too dry.. his skin was dry till peeling.. he's using Kodomo baby bath but pd suggested to use Sebamed and bath water shouldnt be too hot as it will make bb's skin very dry.. and use baby lotion after bath..

some of u also suffering from wrists pain? My wrists still pain now.. pain for 3.5 months liao.. read from other thread that some mummies eventually did accupunture.. a mummy who has pain for 1.5 years.. my mum also suffered from wrists pain when she gave birth to my youngest bro.. she had the pain for 4 years.. gosh.. i did nothing to my wrists.. weird thing is, i feel lesser pain during the day.. nite time, the pain is killing me.. it seems like abit dislocated.. cos i hold my wrists when i'm in pain when hear a "borny" sound and it seems something has adjusted.. it happened a few times liao but still the pain remain..

Koalarie, so XT is ok with bathing liao huh.. glad to hear that

pd said nix corrected age should be 2 months old instead of his born age 3.5 months as he's pre-term baby.. will start weaning in 2 months time.. now busy doing researching on weaning food.. see which is good for him.. but will introduce many kind to let him decide which one he prefer.. and since he enjoy his bath time.. i would wanna bring him to pool when he reach 6 months.. cant wait to bring him to the pool... keke..
my hubby and MIL are also dying to bring our bb to the pool but the PD said wait till about 3 months+ so that bb's resistance is built up more and her skin is less sensitive to the chlorine. in the meantime, my hubby's been bringing her "swimming" in our long bathtub.

we give her a pacifier if we're out in public and she looks like she's starting to get hungry but it's not convenient to latch on yet. but she's usually not that keen on it and spits it out after a while. in the book "what to expect in the 1st year", think it said pacifiers are alright but try to wean them off it by abt 4 months cos at that age, they are still a bit blur and won't resist as much.

mine burps v loudly these days, it's embarassing!!
my mom says usually when baby can roll over or sit up then can stop burping.
My bb like to be carry in a sling, or the nursing position but with his chest against my body.

My bb not only burp very loud, he fart very loud too. I always said that he got this bad habit from daddy.
By the way, how does the poo of a tbf bb look like now? Mine look like Japanese curry sauce and he poo once every day. Drypers S size can hardly contain the amount of poo, however petpet S size is a bit big for him.
miu66, i will bring nix to pool when his neck is strong enough when i put him in the float.. i gave nix pacifier too.. pd said it will reduce colic.. nix is already 3.5 months but he's quite possesive over the pacifier.. kinda difficult to make him quit...

My baby's poo also looks like japanese curry, yellowish orange colour now.. and she poos once to twice a day.. Think I need to change to M size soon.. S size pampers are causing marks on her thighs already.. jumbo.. when did you change Nixon's diapers from S to M?

Went over to my hubby's friend's house today, they have a 5 months old baby boy and gosh my girl at 2.5 mths is only slightly shorter than him!
Hi all

Havent updated the foto album for a long long time.. anyone wanna add more fotos to the album.. esp pics of yourself and bb? Do send to [email protected]

For those of you in my mailing list, have emailed to you, the updated album
my baby's poo is mostly yellowish and she poos about 3-4 times a day. she's now using nepia S size which i find quite good. we tried pampers baby dry before this, the S size was such a tight fit cos of the bikini cutting but the absorbency for pee was quite good, doesn't hold much poo though. how are petpet diapers? never tried before. is it the sticky tape or the velcro type?
My girl hardly burp and she doesn't like to be burped. I usually burp her sitting up but she will try her very best to lie back and refuse to let me sit her up. But my girl fart alot to get rid of gas instead.

Nix has cradle cap is it? He has golden hair ah, not bad next time no need to colour.

Re: Pacifier
My hb realise that my girl has a new pacifier, her little hand. She will spit out the pacifier and then put her hand it. Last night she suck until her mitten all wet.

Re: BB poo
My girl's poo is like curry sauce. But if I give her FM, it will turn slightly darker and also a bit smelly. She usually poo abt 1-2 times a day.

Re: Diaper
My girl is slightly on the small side so she is still using Nepia NB. Tried pampers baby dry too but didn't like the cut. Petpet's absorbency is not too good. My girl always wet her clothes at the back. Not sure whether is it that she pee alot.
Hi all,
Long time no post. Really can't find time to surf net. Coping on my own since day 1. Tiring manz! Plus nursing totally like hunniepot wif ocassional bottlefeed when too tired or sore nipples.

Anybody went to Motherhood fair? Been there on Wed. Nepia selling @ $13 per pack. N buy 4 packs can get $5 ntuc voucher if i din c wrongly. Anyway, juz bot a pack 2 try out.

Is the BP for Enfalac A+ cancelled? Coz decided not to stock up 4 time being. Coz tot of letting my gal try Similac since hearing gd feedbacks frm frens.

my gal oso has blocked nose since few wks old. At times it can b so bad dat she has 2 breathe using her mouth. Has been using Iliadin nasal drop on her to clear congestion.

have u try using medela purelan. It's effective for me. I always apply bm on my sore nipples 1st followed by d cream.

Petpet belongs to those wif sticky tape. Personally dun like sticky tape coz my gal gets frightened easily by the tearing sound it makes.
Re Ru yee oil n Gripe water
Has been applying ru yee oil on my gal 4x a day n feeding her Gripe water twice a day ever since Dr says she has got colic. It really helps. She has since stopped crying incessantly. Oso try to massage bb tummy n back to help get rid of wind.
got question to ask. The position u used on ur bb using the MOM Sling when carrying ur bb against ur chest n his tummy.. how do u really place his legs?? Really cross the legs front against tummy? Or make her sit on her legs?

Re: Burp
My gal too likes to lean backwards when burp.. so i place her on my shoulder lor.. but head and body muz b straight so tat air can come up easily.. if body n head not straight then air cannot come out...

Re: poo
Her poo oso getting to be like Jap curry.

Re: Bathing
Jumbo.. she cried again today... =(

We juz bought some toys for her to use during bathing.. let me see if it works or not.. =p
Re: Blocked nose
Bblim, my gal using on that too.. but she would wail a while when we applied to help her to feed better.

Yup, sort of circular in clockwise direction like writing "I", inverted "L" n "C" ard the belly button.

Not sure ler. I only started giving it to my gal when she turned 1 mth old.
