(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

My gal has greenish poo too today. Old folks believe bb has it when got frightened. Dunno true anot.


u can test it out.. give bb some "jing feng san" and see how.. babies get scared easily. Mine too.. hands and legs can suddenly shake when we bring her out on the car.

I think one mummy mentioned about reflux here. What is reflux actually? How do we know whether it is the case if bb vomits milk?
Hi KK, if BB vomits almost every feed. My BB was like dat last week, then I brought him to PD & guess wat, PD said I overfed my BB! He weighs 5.7kg at 1.5mth. I fed him 2 hrly at 110ml. So now I cut down to 100ml at 3 hrly, sometimes 4 depending on the time he wakes up, I no longer feed him as and when he cries or seems hungry to me cos at times he cry cos he can't find the rite position to sleep. I was given anti-colic drop & hv changed milk powder frm mamex to Enfamil-AR (for anti-regurgitation). Now he spilts when stretching hard but not every feed, abt twice the most a day & it's no longer in projectile, juz a mouthful or so. Hopefully his stomach wall grows stronger each day
Got question to ask..

How long can I keep the FM milk? If you are outside, how to make the FM milk remain warm especially when bb drinks halfway n need to burp the bb?

Maraquan, photo doesn't show how to sit the bb's legs in the sling? Cross legs such that her legs are placed in front of tummy? Or crossed legs such that she's sitting?
FM can only tahan 1h after you have mixed it. For me, I bring a hot flask when I go out. So when I want to warm the milk when I burp my bb, I will use the cover of the hot flask as a cup. Then put hot water in the cup then warm the milk. Hope this helps

I didn't help u to order the milk powder coz u r suppose to email the organiser dirctly
hunniepot, i changed nix's diaper size when i see the diaper look so small on him.. now he even wear Nepia Diaper Pant, size L liao.. gosh.. for mommypoko, wearing M liao.. if u think the diaper is small.. go ahead and change.. or else Amanda will suffer with the pain on the thigh leh..

Tracy, nix's hair always caught attention on street.. the funny thing is only the front one is yellow.. the back is slight yellowish only.. for pacifier, i ever read from book that it is good to let baby suck their thumbs rather than using pacifier.. but i've a friend told me vice versa.. she said bb can easily quit with pacifier once u throw the pacifier away but she cant simply throw her bb's thumb away.. and her bb's thumb's so ugly.. Nix wet his mitten also.. he just like to lick it.. just change his mitten often lor, no choice... i wanht to make him quit his mitten.. he's already 3.5 months old liao and yet cant quit it..

koalarie, is the bathtub base slippery?? maybe she scared of slippery base... and put anti-slippery mat on the base and see if it's helpful..

bblim, my mum also said bb's poo green cos they scared.. my mum also give nix jing-feng-san..
hunnie, jin-feng-san can get chinese medical hall.. it is belive for baby who get scare/frightened.. they are different kind.. ask the chinese medical hall ppl, they will know..
Thanks jumbo for the info!

How heavy is Nixon now? Think my Amanda is about 6 + kg now.. but abit heart pain leh.. I have 1 pack of newly opened pampers premium S size and 1 pack of pampers dry S.. this is the result of being too kiasu! Stock up so many packs.. for M size, I have 3 packs of nepia, 2 packs of pampers premium and 1 pack of sealer! Gosh.. dont know how to finish using these...

Okies.. will try the jing feng san
BTW is it to be fed orally?
hey hunnie, nix weighed 6.2kg and measure 63 cm.. the nurse said he's kinda small build.. my hubby and me are puzzle cos both of us are big ppl, how come our bb small build?? but pd said he's ok.. and we should treat him as 2 months instead 3.5 months old baby cos of pre-term..

did u manage to sell away ur Similac?? Nix now on NAN.. for un-used diaper, try to sell it on line lor.. i also sell it on-line cos these are all $$ leh.. lose a bit rather than put it aside for no use.. i dare not buy too many pack at once cos am afraid nix will out-grown it for no time.. i'll still have Nepia and mommypoko diaper pants and mommypoko diaper at home.. will changed to size L when he used all diaper..

for jin feng san, it is feed orally.. it is in powder form, so my mum mixed it with warm water and feed him with feeding bottle.. for nix, he drinks anything as long as it has taste.. plain water is out for him.. keke..

My gal use Petpet size S and I find it good leh....can absorb more than Nepia and yet keep the buttoks dry. I think is cos they got additional liner in the centre strip....but hoh, overall material not as soft as Nepia lah. Price is cheaper than Nepia....about 20 cents (S size) per piece vs Nepia about 26 cents (S size) per piece.

Maybe the size still a bit big or you din wear the diapers tight and high enough at the back so leak out? Note that the waist got elastic band, so you can tape tighter leh.

Going to change from NB to S for Nepia (fuinishing up the remaining) cos it's too small and cannot go high up her back and the urine all got soacked up in the diapers at the back and the front still q. dry. Tendency for leakage...kenna yesterday.

yes, i have Purelan nipple cream... and I did apply that with my breastmilk for my cracked nipples. Not, not using. as i said, my nipples are ok now.
Thanks for concern.

Check with u all something.. my girl's eyebrows got peeling skin leh.. i so worried it may be eczema.. but other than the peeling skin, everything is ok leh.. or is it due to dry skin?? dunno want to bring to PD or not... or continue putting mosturizer?

My BB girl not spitting milk in projectile today. And also, spit less. i think i mix the right amount of water with the milk powder today. Previously i put powder first, then put water, so had been putting less water actually. So when she spit out, actually can see the undissolved powder. Heeee.. blur mummy :p

Ya, she still spit milk when she stretches herself.

Overfed? Mine is now drinking 150 ml at 4-5 hrs interval. If 2-3 hrs interval, she can drink 120 ml. Dunno ok or not heee..
my bb's eyebrow has had a small dry peeling patch for the last month. i haven't been putting anything and it looks like it's getting a bit better. does moisturiser help?

got this from Babycenter, dunno if it might explain the green poo:

"...If you notice a succession of watery green stools, your baby may be consuming more foremilk than hindmilk. If you make sure she finishes nursing on the first breast before switching, she'll get more of the high-calorie hindmilk and produce a more yellowish stool as a result. A watery stool also could indicate that she is sensitive to a certain food you're eating or medication you're taking.

A good first step is to eliminate all dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt from your diet for at least three weeks. If the bowel movements change, you'll know it was the dairy. Add dairy back slowly to your diet, starting with the hardest cheeses. If your baby's stools turn watery again, you'll have to find other sources of calcium and protein for your diet."

Hmmm, i am using hazeline. Under control but dun heal leh.. dunno how long it will take to heal.. i tried just now by applying baby lotion heeee.. dunno work or not.. i guess baby lotion more moisturizing. Ya, the left eyebrow does get better, but today seems to peel again
kk, continue with the moisturiser is fine.. nix also had the same problem months ago but keep apply, it will gone one day..
pd advised to use sebamed which im using now.. but heard from mummies here saying GAIA baby soothing lotion is good.. so, join the bp to try it out.. will let u know is GAIA good or not when nix use it, ko
pd recommended sebamed which nix is using now.. heard from mummies here saying GAIA soothing lotion is good, especially eczema.. so, i've joined the bp from market place, still waiting for the lotion to reach me.. will let u know if it is good
My girl can't quit her mittens too. She keep pulling her own hair and poking her fingers into her eyes. I only let her go without mittens for half a day then put it on when I'm doing housework or not looking at her. I think it is good to let bb air their little fingers.

My girl tried PetPet size S but always get her clothes wet at the back. If not, every 2 hrs have to change or else will wet the bed. Although it is cheap but a bit siong to change every 2 hrs. As for Nepia, can last 4-5 hrs. Slightly exp but no need to change so often.

my girl's eyebrows has been peeling since 1st mth. Always apply hazeline snow moisturiser. It is getting better now. Pd said it is normal for bb to have 'flaky' eyebrows. But dun apply Johnson bb oil. I tried once and bb eyebrows become very sore. She even cried when I tried to clean them.
tracy, think have to make them quit mitten.. i told my mum not to let him wear mitten on day time.. nix also keep scratching his own face without it.. and with mitten, can see fabric kinda dust between his fingers and palm.. and his palm always feel sticky..

for moisturiser, try to avoid J&J.. it contain ingredient not for bb.. cant remember wat's the ingredient
hmm....the only complaint I have for PetPet is that it's not so good for poo poo (think cos the material a bit slippery) but urine is ok leh.... dunno why you face the problem. My gal wear PetPet to sleep at night and can tong for at least 4-5 hours leh. The only time it leaked (overnight) it was to max capacity liao...weigh in the wet diaper at 290g.

But if like you say must change PetPet every 2 hours, then it's actually cheaper to use Nepia.

But my PD recommended J&J for moisturizer and say put as much as possible as bb's skin normally dry.

J&J got many types.. which one u referring to?
Hi jumbo

Thanks for the info on jin feng san.. will go try it out

Hehe.. managed to sell off the similac.. no worries!
Luckily otherwise my hb will make me drink the unfinished portion! Haha.. yeah lor think I will have to go online to sell off my M size diapers liao.. luckily my hubby wont be able to make me wear the diapers if I cant finish it, like the way he threaten to make me drink similac...

Maybe thats why Nixon is small for his age.. as he shld be treated as 2 + months baby instead of 3.5 mths? My Amanda is big cos I think I overfed her, I will presume that she is hungry whenever she cries so I stuff my breast into her mouth..

Do let me know if the GAIA product is good, think my girl has eczema.. peeling skin behind her ears..
Re: peeling skin at eyebrows

Is it yellowish skin flakes at the eyebrows? My pd said it is dandruff.. just use warm water with cotton ball, and wet the area.. it will drop off by itself, or use JJ baby oil
Wow.. hunniepot, u mean Armanda now not wearing M size already?

Xuanting's butts so small tat can still fit into NB Nepia except not her urine though.

Xuanting last nite woke me up almost at every single hour. One moment was nose prob.. put nose drops still cry.. then put nose spray then she happy.. then next hr eat.. then eat again.. then like stomach pain.. kept moving n making noise.. then she cried n got to carry her ard n muz walk.. else she cried.. I so dead tired.. she did this in the middle of nite.. 5.15am plus.. then again at 6.30am plus.. I so frustrating that my hb saw me cry n scold bb tat he got mil to come over in afternoon to help me.

Now much better..

I think it's really the stupid weather.. my nose too very dry.. Suddenly so hot.. then next moment raining.. n then so humid.

No wonder Chen Ju Rong that time asked me why give birth bb during tix time.. summer weather not good for bbs.
KJ give me my nightmare yesterday. He woke up at 1am yesterday and refuse to sleep. Want me to carry him and walk him. My magic sling lost magic last night. At 6am somthing, my husband woke up and found me crying with a crying baby. He immediately took over the baby and ask me to sleep. I threw the sling right across the room and scream. I think I frighten my husband because he came back from work at 3pm today.

Anyway, I told my husband not to let KJ sleep at night until 12am, so that he will sleep throughout the night. We brought KJ to my mil house for dinner and her not to let KJ sleep, KJ was in sleeping mode already. My mil said that it is cruel not to let baby sleep when he want to. I almost screamed at her while trying to tell her the reason why am I not letting my bb sleep. She kept saying rub oil on his stomach he will sleep lah, then try to teach me how to rub the oil, as if I dunno.

Argggh! So frustrated. I even asked KJ last night if he prefer the staircase landing or the refuse chute lobby.
ya...hate s'pore's weather. so humid! bathe already also niam niam...

YY doesn't like to be in the sling leh. she likes to stretch/straighten her legs when carried wor...so in sling legs bend bend, she don't like, also the head like squashy in the sling she also don't like...must leave her head totally out of the sling (but must use one hand to support cos neck still not strong) then she feel better, still she will struggle to get out of the sling. hiaz....
Yo Maraquan,
cool down....vent your frustrations on this thread and
on the baby.

I also very pek chek when trying to get YY to sleep. Knowing she sleepy....but dunno why she cannot fall asleep...until I myself tired....she MUST be tired. weeks ago, there was once I throw the nappy cloth in frustration when she cry and cry i cannot calm her and it accidentally hit her head, she cried even louder that I felt guilty....she knows mummy just hit her and it's pain pain.

Try to negate your depression. We are here for emotional support!

*sayang* can understand how u feel! Sometimes when my bb YJ cries, i get really frustrated. Especially at nite!! She get cranky at nite. Daytime so sweet, at nite turn devil. But she does cry in the daytime too at times.

But i would say she is quite good already. At least we know what she wants most of the time. She cry loud - wants milk. She cry a bit a bit - wants to be carried and rocked. After some rocking, let out a loud cry - wanted to be put down on bed to sleep.

And now i learnt a trick.. after every feed, apply ruyi oil. Like tat she won't make noise because of wind. Another mystery solved.

I only hated it when she tried to gek sai. She will gek until the whole face turn red.. then stretch herself then spit milk. Aidoi, then cry.. take some time.. frustrating!

Yes yes! Yellowish peeling skin. My bb seems to get better this morning.. didn't see any serious peeling part.. later bathe her then take a closer look.

My SIL just shared last nite and said can apply olive oil on the eyebrow before bathe.. then remove the peeling skin during bathe. Dunno will work or not.
kk, i'm not sure which type of jj product and i've been avoiding it one and for all.. i used olive oil on nix's dandruff.. before shower, apply olive oil on his head and use comb to comb out all flakes.. it works.. but to make sure dun force the peeling skin..

hunnie, have u ever try fm Amanda's taking.. it tastes yuck!! fishy smell leh.. i nvr like it.. my mum told me last time she fed us with Dumex fm.. it tastes good.. but i nvr like it at all..

koalarie and maraquan, i've been thro ur stage before.. wanna give up my baby.. all sort of thought.. it is till to alot of factors that we will behave this way.. like, can't adjust to new living habit, feel stress and tired taking care of baby, imbalance hormone created mood swing.. just endure for a month or so u will be feeling better.. can see that ur hubbies are caring enough to take bb over from u.. take this chance to take a rest and cool down.. but somehow i nvr ease my mind when i let my hubby look after nix as i'm afraid he cant handle him.. keke.. take good care of urselves and babies.. worst time will be over soon.. cheers!!
Hi all,
Can share how to coax ur babies to sleep at nite? Run out of ideas. Tried sarong, pacifier, playing music n cuddling. She only slept for a short while. The only way she can sleep thru d nite is to put her on breast. Haiz.. Dis way she tends to overdrink n will vomit out.

Mummies who breastfed,
Do ur babies suffer from indigestion n keep regurgitating milk coagulation even after burping when supplementated wif FM?

Evon / Draik,
My Reanne too was cranky on Mon nite. Trying out d pacifier again coz my Mum say better let her get used so we can tongbang her at MIL/her place in future. Wat a stressful attempt! She cld suck d pacifier well during daytime when my mum gave it to her. But nitetime, she started wailing loudly whenever d pacifer drop out. Then I wld hv 2 stuff it back into her mouth every 5-10mins. N most of the time she cannot suck properly n became frustrated n cry even louder. Then no choice hv 2 cuddle her until she calm down while trying 2 put back d pacifier. This continued until 2+ a.m when I finally gave up n let her latched on 2 sleep.
Hi Maraquan

Same same.. I was so frustrated with Amanda one of the nights last week, my hb had to sleep in another room as he had an impt meeting the next morning, and somemore my mom wanted to stay over and help me look after her, I told her no need as Amanda seems to be getting more kwai these days.. and to my horror, she refuses to sleep no matter what I try to do to make her sleep.. feed her FM, she wailed like crazy, fed her EBM, she just spits it out, she only wanted to suck from my breasts but I was having blocked ducts and milk blister.. so had to bear with the pain and feed her, still cannot sleep, until 6 am.. I screamed at her "what do you want?!" and she cried even more, and she had a little bit of green poo the next day... felt soo soo guilty.. told myself, im never going to scream at her ever again...

Yeah! I dont like the smell of FM too... and neither do I like the smell of BM, dont know why babies like both so much?!
what u mean to dahan for another month??

I so angry with her sometimes that I scolded her but she too cried even louder n I heart pain.

Hunniepot, Maraquan, Cheona,
Think is the weather... that's why bbs not feeling well.
hunnie, i felt guilty and heart pain after i yell at nix.. but now never shout at him liao.. but for me, my mum took care of nix.. even now, when i come back to work, she's taking care of nix and can feel that nix is closer to her.. everytime we went shopping, he doesn't want me to carry him, instead he wants my mum to carry him.. last nite i make nix cried as he didn't wannt lay down and i purposely put him on the bed and he cried for help.. i carry him up and sayang him but he just don't wanna stop crying till my mum carry him and he stopped..

koalarie, tahan for another month and wont feel so frustrated with bb liao.. i'm already get use to the life with my new born.. as i mentioned just now lor, u all haven't get use to the life.. after 3 months or so, bb will more "guai1" and our temper will not be so bad liao..
haha.. use my another nick to log in..

btw, is there any gathering going on?? havent meet any of u yet huh..

Err just want to ask something.. do u feel hurt when u find that the bb is closer to ur mum and not to u? I dunno why.. i am somehow very possessive.. when i find that previously my mil can make the bb quiet, i dun feel good. Until recently i find that i can do it as well, then i feel ok.

I am kind of worried when i go back to work and letting mil take care of bb, bb will be very close to her and won't get used to me and hubby. Will there be such a problem?
I hope so.

Found Xuanting can response to colours since 2~3 weeks ago. We ve Winnie Pooh, Tigger the Tiger n the Donkey.. n Xuanting simply loves Tigger the most.. she always "talk" to Tigger one.. very funny.. that's one of the things I love to watch.

Also, she responses to music very well. We got tix little Disney cute toys tat can make music n dance n XuanTing will look at them when they danced n she talked to them sometimes.. really really cute.

u tried carrying him onto your shoulder?? XuanTing would zzz when I carry her tix way.. n best of all, she likes me "dancing" ard when she's frustrated (but very tiring for me) n she would zzz after a while too.. normally tix position she zzz quite long.. i lazy would sit on sofa n lying down with her on my tummy in her all fours while she zzz. My mommy n mil said not good.. but i can't possibly carry her on shoulder on time and sitting straight or walking ma.

XuanTing still dun like bathing.. hers is something like the safety1st bathtub.. got lying down or juz sitting type.. n inside the tub got non-slipped mat..

I need to cuddle her immediately when I bring her out of water then she wouldn't wail so loudly. Funny thing is, she stopped immediately once her shirt is put on. Haiz.

All of u so lucky no need to face the crying bb during bathing time.
Hi everybody,
Thank for all the encouragement. KJ slept every well last night, from 11pm right up to 1pm today, waking up for milk only. I realise that not letting him sleep from 6pm to 11pm work.

KJ also straihten his legs when put in the sling. I pat him a bit, walk him a bit, he will relax and beng his legs. His head is also out of the sling and I got to support it with my arm.

I also put KJ on my breast to make him sleep. Lucky he will not overfed himself, he will spit out my nipple but still refuse me to keep it. Sometime, he will rubbed his face on it. I will let him do it until he fell asleep, then slowly lower him onto the bed with my arm still supporting his head. I will only remove my arm when I am sure that he will not wake up. Then I will hug him and sleep together, hugging each other al the time.

sound dangerous hor? But this is the only way to sleep for me and KJ.

Where did u get the disney toys that has music and dance?

My girl different.. she loves to bathe heee.. and she loves it when she naked..aiyoh, dunno shameful haha..

kk, i'm alright leh... maybe because i'm working.. i just wanna rest for a while when i reach home.. my mum's quite ok when i request that i wanna carry him.. but my mil very possesive over him.. everytime he crys, she will quickly snatch him from my arms.. and everytime i wanna carry, she will turn away from me.. i was so angry with her and almost wanna shout at her.. last week i snatch nix from her arms when nix cried badly.. he's my son afterall, why cant i carry him.. i dun mind my mil carry him but not the whole day.. she can carry nix till he fall asleep and everytime i ask her to put him on the cot, she kept telling me "nvr mind lah.. he feel good when i carry him" GOSH!!!

Koalarie, maybe u can ask ur mum,, mil or whoever to bathe her?? see will she crys when other bathe her..
