(2006/04) April 2006 MTB


May I ask if any of you encountered any "problems/differences" when using Enfalac A+ FM? such as baby split out some milk, baby has milk and phlegm in the mouth, etc?
Hi ladies,

those of u who let bb sleep on tummy, does your bb struggle to raise or turn their head? I never place my girl on her tummy to sleep but put her on her tummy occassionally for her to exercise her head. She will struggle to turn her head and strain until her face very red. Is it normal? Is she slow in learning how to raise her head?
Thanks Rach,

I just called her, she says her mum is taken for July and will intro her cousin if I want. DO you happen to know about this cousin of Lizhu's aunt??
Re: BB sleeping on tummy
I also let Jayden sleeps on his tummy since he was 3 weeks old. He can sleep more soundly than all the other positions, even better than sarong.

Jayden is now able to hold his head up liao

Jayden is taking Enfalac A+ and he always seems to be clearing his throat. Think he has phlegm but don't think it's due to the milk powder leh. Anyway, he does spit out milk sometimes even after we burp him. Also due to milk powder meh? Wat abt your bb? Anythin similar??

dun worry. I noe how you feel.

In fact, I too ve phobia too tat I tot staying @ MIL's place was a gd idea but ended up ... mil seemed 2ve either forgotten how to take care of bbs or her children are all very easy to take care.

So after several days at MIL's place, I tried a day staying home with bb n it wasn't as bad as I tot of.. think getting used to her timing n what she wants at each cry is very impt.

I am still learning too.. and I guess you can too.. =p

Dun worry.

Unlike u, I can't quit.. as paying of installments for "vampire" car n need 2 give allowance to my parents. With bb somemore, I'd want to give her every best tat I can reach out for.

Yet, like u, I'm too inexperienced mom. Never carry a bb in my lifetime till the wedding day where my mil wants me to carry hb's nephew and my own bb is born.

Initially I've prob keeping my bb calm too. She doesn't like us carrying her in cradle ways when she's cranky.. then my mom somehow found how she wanted to be carry.. Apparently my bb likes to b carried on shoulder with her tummy to our chest and talk to her gently..

So guess you too will find the method to calm a crying bb.
Morning ladies..
Think I'm having some problems with myself.

Situation 1:
To be precise, I gave birth on the 11/04/06. My lochia flow stopped around the third week from my delivery date. During that period, I've haven't experienced any pains, cramps or whatsoever. But, the blood flow came back on the 16/05/06 till today. However, the colour and amount of flow seems like my normal menses. I've yet gone for my 6-week postnatal checkup. It's scheduled to be on this coming frida(26/05/06).
Any possible explanation to what's going on?

Situation 2:
Sudden decrease in MS.
I give my daughter EBM and formula. Apart from EBM, I also let her suckle. In other words, I'm on a partial breastfeeding regime cos my supply ain't enough to satisfy bb therefore Im giving formula as well.
I used to express my BM every 3-4 hours regardless of any breastfeeding in-between. And my breast used to feel hard and full if I do not express for more than 4-5 hours, abt 60ml from both breast (more from the left breast)
But for the past few days, my breast have not felt full or hard even if I go without expressing for 8-9 hours.. After such long interval,I only get abt 50ml each time. And it's something like 40ml from the left breast , 10ml from the right. Yes, my left breast does look bigger than the right.

I'm still eating a lot of fish and there are no major changes in my diet apart from stopping "confinement food"..

What is happening to me???!!! God...

Why dont you try taking fenugreek? It works for some people.. my PD told me it is safe to take.. I take it more for comfort's sake.. not everyday.. think it does help a little..

My menses came back liao.. ended 1 week ago.. I gave birth on 21st March.. and im on tbf somemore.. though bf is supposed to delay menses.. but apparantly it depends on individuals
Thanks Hunnie.
What exactly is fenugeek? where can i get it?

I was getting worried cos my massage lady shared with me that some mothers experience a sudden stop of milk supply as soon as two months after delivery, while some women can have milk supply for as long as a year or even more.. I worry and wonder is mine gonna decrease and finally one day it'll stop supplying...
hi sponge, my bb takes Friso. But he has a habit of keeping some milk in this mouth (like a hamster). Sometimes even with burping, he will still spit out milk. Sometimes he makes noises as if he has got phlegm in the mouth too.

My menses also came on the 5th wk after delivery. Very Very heavy for about 3 days. Even heavier than lochia. My gynae said the next one shd be back to normal.


Thanks. will chk the websites out.
It's really comforting to know from your experience.

Do you need to constantly carry your bb or once u calm her down, then you can put her down?

sounds like our babies are facing similiar situation now. we are not sure if this is due to the FM but we're continuing to monitor her. She's still having phlegm with milk after each feed though.
depend on ur bb and what she was uncomfortable on.

I m still catching on mine...example, if she uncomfortable with me bathing or wiping her, she cries and refuses to cooperate then I got to sayong her a while b4 continue and then continue doing it after she calms a bit. Just lifting her into my body tends to help her to know that I know she is uncomfotable and she stops crying. Then if she is cranky in afternoons sometimes. she would want me to carry her on shoulders till she's asleep. Then I would put down only when she's deep asleep else she wakes up and cries again.

Best is to try putting bb down slowly once she/he is calm else becomes a habit of wanting to be carried for long. XT is not really light... =p
he's huge.

My gal seemed 2ve prob with her milk again. She took till half bottle n then dun drink.. even after burping her, she drank really slowly for the rest of the milk n sometimes playing the teat though sleeping.

Any of u too ve such prob?

My gal was taking 100ml then... these few days only took ard 60~80ml of milk only.

I tried making her drink more n ended up she vomitted. Haiz.

Strangely she still stuck to 3h feed time.. strange isn't it? Tot that if the portion is smaller, she would wake up less than 3h?
hello, can i join this thread? my baby girl was born on 8 April. i've been following this thread on and off since mid-March and really enjoyed reading everyone's birth stories, which gave me an idea of what to expect when my turn came!

i'm using the ameda dual pump. no complaints, but i haven't tried the medela or avent ones. it's pretty quiet, comfortable and you can adjust cycles and suction strength -- way way better than the pigeon one i bought at first (which i am selling cheap if anybody's interested). with regards to emptying the breast, i think it does quite well. i usually pump after a feed (i try to get my baby to empty out 1 whole breast each feed) and i can still get some milk out of that 1st breast and a whole lot out of the other. hope this helps.
YY is 1-month old yesterday. Made her first trip to wai gong/wai po house and tai ma house. sleeping most of the time....

mine is like tat.. n happens especially at night.

We tried many methods ..1. apply ru yi oil on her tummy 2. bind her stomach there with binder. 3. bind her up with nappy. 4. Increase liquid for her feed at nights.. since her prob starts only at nights.

What abt urs? What was ur bb doing when bb trying to fart?
Hi Evon,

I tried all the methods which u mentioned, he will still be cranky and want to be carry. When carry he will struggling like trying to squeeze shit.

U r right only at night he is like tat. initially started w poo at night and before he poo he will 'squeeze' until face red and hot. last 2 nites, he poo in the evening so i thought i can hv a good night sleep who know he is farting and this happen btw 12-3am. Every time after these events, he will demand for milk so i just feed even it is not feedtime.

When u tried these methods, does yr bb settled down?

today me quite upset.. cuz my bb super cranky.. i only went out for a while, and my MIL says she refuse to drink from bottle cuz she wants my breast.. but me tell her all e while when she drinks my EBM in bottle also no problem, how come today got problem.. so from today onwards, i must pump out my milk for her to feed..

a bit upset, cuz just when ss stabilise, and BF becomes enjoyable and i finally feel bonding w my little one, i got to give it up.. and pumping can never totally drain my breast, it'll always feel semi-full.. and i dun really enjoy pumping..

but MIL also correct, eventually i got to go to work and have to let her be on bottle might as well start earlier.. but give her breast so much more convenient.. no need wash/ sterilise/ freeze/ warm/ feed.. alas..

and maybe she just cranky today and refuse feeding, might not be she wants my breast rite, alas.. but no choice, even my hubby says better pump out.. feels so "wu nai"

sorry.. just want to say it out to pp who might understand..
Kyla, my bb super cranky today too. Nearly brokr down. Dunno wat she wants n dunno if ms enough. Irritating thing is that she keeps sleeping during feed n i've gotta wake her. Finish feed dun want sleep. Anyone got advice?

Miu66, how u know how much ur bb drink or empty breast? me like feed both n she not full still. How old is ur bb?
Me too... my bb also.

I felt she got scared by a dream in morning. She doesn't want to drink much n wakes up instantly she was placed down to sleep n cried badly.

I've to carry her throughout n ve been doing so since then.. so heartbreaking to see her like that.

Activated hb 2 come home early. Apparently if she's totally wrapped, she'd sleep better.

After discussion, hb juz bought a sarong for her.

Dunno if it works.

my daughter is 6 wks old. nowadays, my breasts feel firm when full, not super hard like during wks 1 and 2. initially i was quite worried that i might not have enough milk, and that baby not getting enough milk etc (i'm on TBF). i've been reading up a lot on breastfeeding and apparently it's like that when you milk ss is stable cos yr body knows just the right amt to produce. also, when you think your breast is 'empty' (ie. feels soft), yr breast can still produce milk when the baby suckles from that breast, so it's never really empty. i tried testing this theory and after my baby nursed for around 20+ mins and breast felt very soft, i squeezed my breast and was able to express a bit more milk. so now i usually feed her then when she starts fussing or falls asleep, i'll change her diaper or try to burp her (very hard, she doesn't burp easily) and then put her back on the same breast and i continue doing this routine until she doesn't want to drink anymore.

sometimes, i will change sides if she's very cranky/fussy and i think she might benefit from a 'change of scene', but usually when she's like that nothing really helps, just have to carry or rock her till she's happier.

anyway, after my visit to the PD last wk, i figured the baby must be getting enough milk cos she put on a whopping 1.5kg since her visit during wk 2!!

if you have time, this article is quite useful http://www.kellymom.com/newman/04enough_milk.html
miu my bb abt same time as urs. tbf also but feeling the strain esp when lack sleep n she crank. where u find time to read? my v wakeful in day n i cant seem to find time for other thing than soothe her. How u make ur gal sleep? Btw, muz u sterilise ur pump all the time? every part? The agent got mention but think my brain no receiving at that time. Please advise on the cleaning.
miu66 & babe

My baby is now 8.5 weeks old.. had the same prob as you gals.. baby kept wanting to feed.. my breasts just doesnt feel as hard as last time.. in fact felt very soft.. but I believe this is a passing phase as our milk supply is still building up.. I persevere on tbf.. from a mere 30 ml from both breasts in the 1st 1 to 2 weeks.. now Im able to get 250 ml from both sides.. so never give up!
hunniepot, can share how u go abt with ur tbf? So do u feed hourly then? When was it? When u got increase in ms? my gal now 6wk+ and i thot ms stable by then.

Did tandem pump, only 45ml from my not so productive one. only increase a little
Gals my bb wakes up in the night for 1 feed but after that dun wan go to bed. Will wail eventhough we carry everywhere. I usually feed her by latching about 45-1h. 6+ weeks already n I dunno y she still take so long for feed. Heard some gals saying they feed only from 1 breast for 20min n bb full. Mine only fall asleep at breast but wont unlatch herself so I dunno she full. Advise?
thanks for the encouragement! wow, 250ml is a lot!

haha, i'm one of these kiasu ppl who simply has to find an explanation/reason for everything and i also like to read, so when i can i try to find out more about all the stuff affecting me/us.

my bb is also quite wakeful in the day but nowadays she can entertain herself for abt 20 mins sometimes. sometimes my MIL comes over in the afternoon for a few hrs so that gives me a short break but what i've found really really useful is putting the baby into a carrier (i have a Baby Bjorn front carrier) and that way, both my hands are free and i can get things done around the house. I also have a sling but she doesn't seem to like that as much and you still need to use 1 hand to support.

ameda pump - the instruction manual says you only have to sterilize once a day but i do it each time i pump (which is usually once or twice a day only). you must sterilize all parts EXCEPT the motor, 2 long tubes and the white caps.

feed - wow, yr bb only wakes for 1 feed, that's v good already! mine wakes for at least 2 and sometimes have to carry for half hr before she sleeps again. i do feed 1 breast for abt 20mins then she'll usually unlatch/fall asleep. then as i said, i'll usually try to burp her which wakes her up, then i'll put her back on the same breast and she'll suck again but i dunno if she's sucking for milk or just for comfort. anyway, usually after that she can fall asleep properly for abt 2-3 hrs.

maybe u can try to burp her? i find my baby sleeps better when we burp her properly, prob her tummy is more comfortable.

Think my ss only kicks in these past couple of weeks.. heard that milk ss only kicks in for some people from 6 to 8 weeks.. so give yourself some time and do rest well.. I dont feed hourly now.. maybe once every 3 to 4 hours? Depending on my bb's sleeping pattern. there are times she can sleep for 6 to 7 hours straight.. then demand for milk every 2 hourly.. think it is to make up for the time when shes asleep


My baby doesnt like to be carried in the carrier, only likes the MIM sling.. brought her out for the 1st time today.. she kept wailing when we put her in the pram.. so my hb carried her while i put our shopping bags in the pram
Hi Hunniepot,

I'm fr May thread mummy, need ur advice on milk supply.

I BF my boy with FM too, but due to my low supply of BF,only able to get 15-20ml for each bump, i totally depends on FM.

I still continue to bump milk 3 times per day, have tried papaya+fish soup (ate once only) but couldn't help much, milk still low, this make me frustrated and nearly to give up..

From ur experience fr 30ml (beginning)to 250ml (current), is there any tips to increase milk flow?

haha my baby doesn't quite like her pram yet either so everytime we take her out, we have to put her in the carrier (she almost always falls asleep once she's in there, we call it our magic pouch!).

my 2 cents worth - my milk ss has also increased in the last few wks. it's prob cos the baby goes thru growth spurts during wks 3 and 6, which means they want to feed/suckle a lot more. basically, more suckling stimulates milk production = more milk. i just let my baby latch on as much as she wants, seems to help. also, pumping is never as efficient as baby's suckling, so best to let baby latch on.
Race, juz some thots. Might b depressing that bb is always crying n sometimes perpetually on ur breast all the time, but that's tbf. Went thru some emotional hurddle too. However if u wanna tbf u gooa like wat miu66 says, persevere. Me also ms juz increase n it's wk 7. Think I too stress that my bb doesn't feed as expected 3hrly. If u ebm, u muz do it 3hrly religiously 7 times a day to c sigf increase. Impt RELAX
Hi Race,

I personally do not like to ebm. To me it is quite painful. So I diligently latch on my girl for every feed. I was surprise that now my ss is abt 200ml both side. So dun give up. The more u latch on, the more the supply will increase.

Re: Baby Pram
My girl loves the pram when u go out. But she likes it when it is moving. She will make noise if we stop. But most of the time, she is sleeping in the pram while we are shopping.

Agree with miu66.. latch your bb on as often as possible esp during the growth spurts.. it can be very depressing when bb cries all the time even after being fed frequently..

I have been drinking papaya w fish soup in the 1st 1.5 mths.. took fenugreek (not too sure if it helps as I simply took it for comfort's sake).. drink lots of milk.. do empty your breasts by pumping if bb didnt empty it..
Hi hunniepot,

What type of milk u drink? those milk powder or cold fresh milk? i heard cold fresh milk will reduce MS, just want to check is this true.

I drink both warm and cold milk.. HL, marigold yogurt drink, anlene (powder), cold and hot milo.. my MS didnt decrease..
hi all,

my MIL just went outside and heard that bb massage by malay lady will help the bb to sleep.. cuz my bb need to be carried all e time and cries the moment we put her down.. and she also heard tt cuz we carry her all e time, her bones in pain, that's why she cries and refuse to sleep..

anyone heard of it? make me so heart pain tt bb may be in pain tt's why can't sleep.. me carry her from 2pm -5pm, hand aching, body aching..only to find tt it cause her pain.. alas, but e moment put her down, she wail so loudly.. how???

any advise??
I tried to carry my baby in the baby carrier after reading your post. My bb do not like it. Maybe I will try again when he is not so cranky.

However, my MIM sling works like magic. He can sleep throughout for 2 hours.
nv heard of tat bb bones in pain n so cried n refused 2 sleep leh.

Yet, I heard tat it was due to colic or stomach discomfort thus bb doesn't want 2 sleep n want 2b carried.

XT was like tat on Monday.

She started with first a frown on her face in the morning during sleep n then suddenly wailed. I too carried her all day till evening where I'd to activate my hb home 2 take over. XT doesn't allow me to put her down. After hb came home, he tried to "bunddle" her hands and legs n XT managed to sleep for more than an hour plus in deep sleep (hb placed her down). But later when he changed diaper on her, she broke out in tears again.

Later I spoke to my mommy n she told me to try apply Ru Yi oil on her.. first becoz she got scare n thus she doesn't dare 2 zzz alone n wants to b carried throughout n stomach oso pain after being scared.

Her shit next day was greenish.


I apply ru yi oil on Amanda once a day (sometimes twice if she gets too cranky) after her shower. Tried the gripe water too (not sure if it works as I dont use it often)
