(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

hi evon, my mum usually lets matthias drink gripe water at nite when he gets cranky. juz a little teaspoon followed by water. my mum also applies ru yi oil on him everytime after bath. keeps him warm. you may like to try it.

back to work...
think all mummies still in honeymoon...as i already start work since Monday.... And i miss my bb so much as i leave her with MIL @ malaysia....

Ru Yi Oil:
my MIL apply ru yi oil 2 times a day...morning & night...after bb bath

How much water does Matthias drink after a spoonful of gripe water? I give concentrated amt of gripe water to Amanda most of the time..


I got so worried when Amanda passed out green poo once as well and the smell is very weird.. but it only happens once so far..

Mrs Ho

How often do you plan to visit your girl? Think I will be very upset if Im in your situation.. I miss my baby even when Im out of the house for a couple of hours..
My baby was so naughty yesterday.. I usually express a bottle of milk a day for her.. and brought it out for her feed when we went out for lunch yesterday.. for the 1st time, she wailed like nobody's business when we gave her the bottle.. and she could only get pacified when I let her drink from my breast.. thus I had to bf her and try to eat my lunch with the other hand.. luckily was wearing nursing top.. otherwise really dont know how to feed her in public
wow, you must be the first April mom to bf in public. I have read about bfing in public and I dun think I dare to do it, not even in nursing top.

My bb love to "pull away" creating a "pop" sound when he unlatch. Then very often, he will want to be latch on again. How to bf in public like that?

Heheh.. felt very uneasy actually.. was in in a restuarant and sitting at the end of the table, so the waiters and waitresses stand next to me while im feeding her.. I used the MIM sling to cover.. but not very successful.. but think will get better with practice?
i've bf'd in a couple of restaurants, once with the MIM sling covering (not the most effective cover) and all other times i just threw a receiving blanket over my shoulder so that it covers my breast and the baby's head. at 1st it was a bit unnerving but after a while i realised that most people either didn't notice or just didn't think it was a big deal. i guess times have changed and it also depends where you are.
think i plan to go back every 2 weeks...if not i will go crazy missing her...

anyway...my bb will come to sing next Wednesday...cos need to apply PR for her and i oso will move to my new home @ sembawang....Now, me keep waiting for the day to come.....

hunnie, seems like your gal get use to latch on!!!
advise from other mum, try to feed some FM for our bb, if not is very difficult for you when change to feed FM .... bb will reluctant to drink FM
hi gal, how is you gals body now har???? Mine, very bad...still wearing maternity wear @ work now...and not much cloth can wear...think have to buy some cloth for office wear...
do you gals know where to get losser cloth for work @ here?

really can't wait to lose weight, think i have 10+kg to lose....
quite brave of u to bf in public. Whenever I go shopping, I will go n look out for nursing room first. Luckily lots of places have nursing room now.
Mrs Ho,
I wearing my maternity pants too. I still can fit into some of the elastic tops but bottom all cannot. Must try to lose weight at hip and tummy. I weigh myself the other day. Another 3kg to go.

does your bb unlatch himeself frequently during feeding? Mine does .... never had this problem till about 1 week ago when she turned 1 month. She will pull herself away and then frantically sway her head in all directions to look for the nipple. Dunno if there's a latch-on problem or a problem with the milk flow....or what's the fuss?
like that, how to BF in public?
Hi Irene,
Think I won't cos considering the junk /unhealthy food I get to eat at workplace, I better let BB get his nutrients frm FM, unless I sacrifice all the spicy, BBQ, heaty foodstuffs & eat homecook food :p
Hi Irene/Juzmaine,

I think I will continue bf but not tbf. Will let her take FM too. I dun feel like weaning her off bm as I saw her growing so well with bm.
Mine recenty start to latch on and off during nursing too. Sometime I felt that I am trying to nurse a monkey. Also dunno how to nurse in public like that.
any of ur bbs breathing heavily lately n got prob in drinking milk or water becoz nose too dry or got nose shit stuck somewhere?

Find tat these few days the air like not too good, me ve sensitive nose n so weather dry or dusty, my nose will b like stuck like tat..

Then found tat bb too may ve sensitive nose too as she breathes heavily with sound one... n sometimes trying to cough out something.

Brought to her to c PD tix morning n was given nose drop.

But juz one to noe any of u ve similar prob n affects milk drinking as well as bb found it hard to suck on mouth since nose stuck?
Yup..my bb always got nose shit stuck in his nose..becos the milk always flow out from his nostrils..this is despite burping him a few times.
However, doubt he has prob drinking his milk cos he always finishes it quickly esp when he's hungry
hunniepot, can tell us how u manage to express 250ml each time? Mine seems to fluctuate when I express. Early morning hrs can get 180ml but come afternoon sometimes only 40-80ml. Of coz at night got longer break b4 expressing as bb sleep but day time usually abt 2-3hrs. Can share how u cope with expressing and latching?

I only express once a day actually.. and the rest of the times, I do direct latch on.. I express early in the morning.. time lapse between the end of last feed and beginning of expressing is about 5 hours (so there is more time for my milk supply to build up) I believe mine also fluctuates.. I get lesser supply when my girl feeds more frequently or when I am too tired..
chenoa, my gal also like urs. latch 10min then unlatch searching desperately again. now 8 weeks still like that. anyone got solution or know what's wrong?
My gal usu finish her feed in 5-10min, so when she unlatches on and off (not always), it's v freq within that feeding...like suckle and swallow a few mouthfull and unlatch liao. I realised that sometimes when she do that, it's 'cos she's trying to pang sai.

You can exzpress 180ml already ah? that's good...I still express about 40ml - 80ml only. Like Hunni, I only express once in the morning usu around 3 - 4am. Too lazy to tandem pump and like not enough hand to do tandem pumping. :p
Chenoa, well I also express once only at about that hour after she has slept like 4-6hrs then can get so much. sometime in the day wanna express but somehow no time to express after and I dare not tandem express scare she not enough to eat. Feeling very tired. Wonder how to sustain bf when I go back work n somehow dun express v much in the day.
Hi Jasminetea,
would like to know what is Dr Lisa Chin charges, antenatal charges, nor delivery... possbile to send to: [email protected]

what's her charges for the very 1st consulation and the sub ones before taking up the package which start @ the 3rd mth?

does her antenatal package incl detailed scan, how many n @ when, std pills (folics, calcium & iron), blood test? how abt 3D-scan? will she print out the scan everytime, foc?

checking out for my sis-in-law as she prefer a female gynae..

Hi everybody,
If you tbf, do you still pump out for storage? I did not do that and I suddenly realise what if I fall sick and my bb reject fm?

I am still too lazy to pump out. Maybe I should start doing it and store 100ml per day.
Hi mommies who r breastfeeding, hv u started eating normal food, eg, hawker food, fast food, cold drinks etc? Me partial bf but tempted to eat Salmon sushi (raw food) and craving for nasi lemak, dunno will the food I take cause BB to get heaty or hv negative effects once he feed on my milk...
if you are sick - flu/fever, can still bf. in fact, it is encouraged as our body have antibodies to combat the virus and it's good for the baby to absorb these antibodies in our bm. But with flu, avoid direct latch on, feed EBM. I had fever 1 week ago, and I bf while on panadol.

Suddenly wonder how you know baby needs feeding in the night? Does your baby wake up eyes open or cry? Mine actually makes all sort of noise (has been like that since birth) and I take it that she's hungry. But, have recently heard that it's normal that babies make noise when they sleep. So, I wonder if she's not hungry and I can ignore her noise?

I dont pump out for storage leh.. still tbf, and usually feed her the ebm within the same day if I express.. too lazy to pump out all the time.. direct latch on is so much more convenient

Mrs Ho

I do feed my baby FM once in a while.. like maybe about once a week if I am too tired.. and usually she will drink leh... and I will try to bf as long as I can.. My baby is starting to reject the bottle if fed by me! Whether ebm or FM.. thus it gets very tiring to feed her nowadays.. and moreover, I have a milk blister on my left nipple and it hurts like crazy when my bb feeds on it.. tried feeding her from the bottle, and she totally rejects it.. so have to bear with the pain (gosh.. it really really hurts) the funny thing is she will drink from the bottle if fed by my hb or my mom!


I just feed on demand.. my hubby said that my breasts are the ultimate weapon to soothe her.. she will want to suck from my breasts (for comfort) just b4 she sleeps otherwise she wont be able to fall asleep..
i try to pump once a day for storage so that someone else (like hubby, my mom or MIL) can feed the baby if i need to go out for an appt/function etc. hubby also helps with night feedings on weekends.

hahaha same! my hubby also says my breasts are the "ultimate weapon"!! she likes to fall asleep at the breast and i think she sleeps better like that but she's still not sleeping through the night (ie. >4-5 hrs). anyone on TBF whose baby sleeps through the night?
if I'm not mistaken, anti-histamine medicine needs prescription. Means you need to see a doc, and if doc knows you on bf, will not prescribe medicine that interferes with bf. Even for antibiotics, doc will prescribe those that are suitable for bf.
I totally understand the nipple pain. Was tortured with cracked nipple for the first 2-3 weeks. Now, the nipple still not fully recovered but not so painful when she latch on. But if she suckle for too long, it's very tender and sore. think of ourselves as "ninja" - ren ren ren! Jia You!

With regards to your reply to me, erhmmm, i think you address to wrong person?? I suppose u are answering to Babe?
i mean does anyone's tbf'd baby sleep more than 5-6 hrs a stretch at night?

neither my hubby's nor my families are very traditional so i didn't really have a confinement period or follow any confinement rules and i have been eating sashimi, hawker food, mcdonald's (in fact, we ordered mcdonald's to the hosp when i delivered cos it was late at night and the hosp kitchen was closed!!) etc since i gave birth and my baby seems pretty healthy
. at 8 wks now, she has doubled her birth weight and the PD says she's in good shape. the only things i limit are my caffeine intake and i try to avoid alcoholic drinks.
I take all sort of food too. In fact I took 2 plate of sashimi at Sakae last week. Yummy. I think as long asyou dun eat sashimi all day long, it is all right.

I was thinking about pumping once a day too, but I really do not know which time to pump. I think I am giving up pumping. Feeding fm once a week seem to be a good idea, if I really cannot bf then bb will not reject fm.

I guess if my baby want milk a not by looking at the time. If he start crying 1 hour after last feeding, I will feed him. He has been sleeping 4 hours throughout reently which makes me very happy. However, after the 6 oclock feed, he will open his eyes big big and wants me to entertain him.
my gal don't cry for milk. In the day, she usu wake up at 2-3 hours interval and I will feed when she wakes. Day time sleep, she no make those noise leh....If she not sleeping, I will observe her....if she plays with tongue then I know she wants feed.

Night time, she makes those noises mostly coincide with supposed feeding time (her last feed varies 10.30pm - 12 midnight, and the noise usu around 3am - 4am) But the eyes no open leh and I try ignore her, she can continue to "sleep" and make those noises....what does this mean? So far, I don't ignore her too long, means I still feed her after she make noise for a while. But can totally ignore and miss the night feed? A Mar mummy says her gal sleeps from 10.30am to 7am. so good ah!

Haha.. yeah! For me, I only need to offer her my breasts and she will calm down almost immediately.. whereas my hb or my mom will have to entertain her by carrying her around the house, singing to her, etc..
Feels good isn't it, even my hb gets jealous, he said if only he has breasts, he woundn't mind feeding her the whole day long.. and he even let her suckle at his nipples one several occasions... and she likes it! Quite hilarious

My baby does sleep thru the night at times, that is if she does not sleep so much in the daytime, she can sleep up for 7 hours straight.. just like last night, slept at 2 am, and all the way until 9 am.. fed her and changed her and she fell asleep again...


No lar referring to you mah.. you were asking how we know when baby needs feeding at night, so I replied saying that I feed on demand lor... hurts like crazy right? Gosh, had to endure the pain while my bb suckles, esp the first few mins when she is extremely hungry...
Chenoa, how old is that bb? Mine 8 weeks and now starting to sleep 6-8hrs. Have u found out wat's the regular price of Nepia? Btw, how u make ur gal take day nap? Mine v difficult to nap even i caay n rock her. Put on bed wake.

Like wat u gals say, sometimes I no choice use my breast to bed. Any advice on day naps? My gal takes v short naps like 3 naps of 30min. How to maker sleep longer in day?
at night feed on demand? how u know her demand? she cries ah? 2am - 9am....she no make noise/stirring/stretching? so you carry her up to feed in between issit?

The first few mouthful when she sucks is damn pain. it's now coming back as was using it as a pacifier yesterday, and seems like she had a stomachche so she was like twisting the nipple as she swings her head side-side.

that baby is 10 weeks old.

Day Nap
Hmm...my gal ok lah, can sleep in the day. sometimes on off about 30mins each time, sometimes longer. But if she sleep too much in one day, then come next afternoon - midnight, will be v awake.

I feed her only when she cries at night.. otherwise I really wont be able to handle her if I feed everytime she makes noise.. nowadays I try to feed her at about 1 to 2 am.. as I know she will be able to sleep thru the night at least till 6 to 7 am.. so I can have at least 5 hours of sleep..

Quite surprised to hear that your nipple hurts till now.. shld have healed by now right? Why dont you let it rest and pump out the milk from the affected breast? I would love to do that but my darling simply refuses to drink from the bottle.. depends on her mood...

I think your bb is learning to sleep thru.. usually sleeping thru is from 8pm to 4am or 5am / 10pm to 5am or 6am.. it depends.. dun worry about bb missing a feed as they will let you know when they are hungry..
My bb make a lot of noises too, I thought he was complaining so I usually ignore him. Well, he will cry when he is hungry.

I make my bb sleep a lot during the day. He will be awake after the 6am feed, I let him entertain himself before I rock him to sleep again. If he do not sleep by 9am, I will bathe him.

After that, he will stay in my MIM sling sleeping until daddy come back at night. He will only wake up for milk. By the way, he will use my breast as his pillow too. I never realise that my breast can be so useful until I have a bb.
oh.....my nipple got cracked pretty bad...was bleeding at a stage. then, i used nipple shield and pump. now i don't already... it's not really as painful as it sounds lah. it's just some tenderness when touch cos she suckle quite hard and made worse by her torturing twisting bites. kekeke
I need help on how to train bb to sleep on own esp in the day. Mine can sleep at night but day dun sleep n cry n wan carry. Put down even when sleep will wake.
hi mummies,

How long before bb sleep thru or at least 5-6hr in the night. currently my bb is 5 wks old and he wakes up every 2-3hr for night feed. These days i noticed his pattern change and he seem not sleeping during the morning even after feed. He now tends to sleep fm 2pm onwards but nite time still wake up for 2-3 interval leh.


My baby is now 10 weeks old.. think she started to sleep 5 to 7 hours straight when she is about 7 to 8 weeks old...
