(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

My girl was like that with the pacifier when we start using on her. My hb still say want to employ a tu tu picker. But after using for a while, she is ok now. Even if the pacifier drop she will continue to sleep. Be patient, she will get used to it after some time.

Any of your bb is sleeping on the same bed with you? My girl has been sleeping with us since day 1. Not sure whether is it difficult for her to sleep alone in future.


My bb sleep with us on the bed. She make noise or won't get to sleep when placed in playpen. Hmmm, actually hor, co-sleep is no good. I heard a lot of cases. It actually become a habit and next time won't be easy to tell the kid to sleep alone when she grow up.
tracy, got advice from my neighbour.. he told me let bb sleep alone.. or else bb will rely on u next time.. bb wont wanna sleep alone next time..
tracy, got advice from my neighbour.. he told me to let bb sleep alone.. or else bb will rely on u next time.. bb wont wanna sleep alone next time..
Hi Tracy,
I let my BB sleep wif me & HB every nite, but at times let him sleep on bouncer but place on the bed, cooler. I on 2 fans last 2 nites & he has blocked nose liao so I've to go back to non-aircon & 1-fan sleeping condition

Hi Jumbo, my mil carries my boy most of the time too, and her voice is like a "chui (1) mien (2) Qu (3)" to my boy & he stops crying & sleep fast at nite, so I let her take over. Daytime we put him on bouncer so unless it's feeding time, my mil & I get to rest & I get to go shopping. Think it's 2nd child loh, rem my first BB, I had the same feeling as u regarding mil possessing BB all the time & I feel left out, had conflict with in laws regarding dat too but now that I see my mil, no matter how tired she is, she'll still carry & coax BB, I think her intention is to make BB cry lesser & be comfy (since I failed to do dat most of the time) ;p Now my job is to feed BB in the middle of the nite. After work is the only time u hv wif BB so maybe tell ur mil u want her to rest more so dat when u work, she has more energy to take care of BB, in tis case at nite BB will be under ur care
koalarie and maraquan,

my boy also like tat cranky for the past 2 weeks liao. not sure i can tahan if it continue for too long. he will wake up crying for no reason, not for feed, apply ru yi oil also no effect. finally settled him (30mins prior to feedtime) , he will still wake up 30 mins later for feed and refused to sleep again. The worst part is during this period he refused to be in cot alone like he normally do, he will wan to carry and walk ard.

At times, hubby get disturbed and woke up to help me so i can wink for an hour .

this wk he is like tat both in the night till noon, sleeping on and off like an hour or less.

We been to PD and she say it is like tat at this stage and ask me to tong another 2 weeks. OMG dun know got stamina or not.

Yeah.. I also feel very possessive over Amanda.. and I feel good when everyone says that she looks like me
Guess what my MIL says to my girl? She told her, "you look like a boy, but why aren't you a boy, it will be good if you are a boy, you know?" So mad when I heard about that.. and she said not once but several times liao...

Worst... my in-laws (actually just my unmarried SIL and MIL) are accusing my family side for so called snatching my baby away from them! Saying that since she takes after their surname, they shld have more rights to her.. and even accused my granny (behind her back) of following my SIL around my house as if she is a stranger.. pls lor.. my mum is the one helping me to look after my baby and she cooks our meals for us, and my MIL is immobile.. of course my parents have more access to her lar.. cannot tahan.. esp my SIL, who is only an aunt to my baby.. who makes the most noise.. things are so strained over my girl.. cant imagine what will happen if I have a baby boy next time.. sorry for complaining...

HAHA! Guess wat? i face almost the same headache as u previously. There was one time when the bb got a bit scared after coming back from the car ride. U know little babies are like tat mah, startled by little things.. dunno why my SIL (hubby's unmarried sis) kicked a big fuss over it. I am SO MAD!!

She kept harping that we closed the car doors too hard and scare the bb.. come on lah, who dun use strength in closing car doors.. if dun close hard, car door will close by itself meh? Ours is not that type of car leh. We already try to minimize the level of noise and strength liao.

Then my hubby was carrying the bb that nite. Wanted to pass to me to carry. aiyoh, u know what she did? She snatched her from hubby and then put on her laps. OMG!! Pple dunno will think she is the mum and i am the aunt! What right has she to do that?? ANd somemore scolded us so fiercely for closing the door hard. CRAZY!
I really getting abit stress with my baby! She doesn't wanna nap in the day n if we manage to, she only sleep 10-30 min. Esp now to make her sleep more, we carry alot n she sometimes fall asleep on us. But when wanna put her down on bed, she wake up n cry. Take ages to calm her. Any tips? If dun sarong how?

mine also like tat until now i think they used to our carry and feel insecure w/o it. I m not sure what to do liao , seem that PD say it is the phrase they going thru not sleeping much and cranky.

things will be worst if it is a boy. at least this happen w inlaws. mine happen with my mum, she is upset that we name our son and not asking her to name him. Whenever my son cry, it is always our fault. Even closing car/room door etc...also our fault. She is my mum and i cannot scream at her . She also tell my son look yr mother is like this and tat. She is not taking care of him so i m sending him to infant care but she want to borrow him home to play play for the entire weekend so what is left for me .
My baby only 9 weeks. normal they sleep only 1-2h in day n 9-10hrs at night? Mine get cranky, like tired but refuse to sleep.

btw gals, at 9 weeks do bb still poo alot? Mine like 3-4 times a day. Can b 5 sometimes
YY is sleeping with us at night. Few days ago, we let her sleep in her cot. It seems ok for her...sleep as per normal ... it' me who has a problem. I find it v tedious to wake up and check on her in the night.

When she sleeps btn us, we can just bend over and see if she's just talking in her sleep or she's making the "i want milk" sounds. 'cos as I mentioned b4, she will not cry out for her milk, just make noise and some facial expressions.

That day coincidentally, she was dreaming a lot and making a lot of noise, so I woke up and walk to and fro a few times to her cot to check on her....v tiring ... told hubby that I'll rather have her on our bed so I can serve her meal ASAP - just pick up and place on lap can feed liao, save my trouble walking and carrying her to our bed to nurse and walking back to put her back to sleep.

Actually not a big problem, me simply lazy lor

My bb 7 weeks old and poo only 1 time a day. Either in morning or nite

Urs still under TBF?? Oh yes, u are.. so most likely poo a lot lor. Mine mainly FM.


True!! When bb in between us, at least we know what is happening.. even if she spit milk, we can wipe off immediately. If she in playpen and make any small noise, i will be paranoid and ask hubby to peep over from his side heee.. so might as well put her on our bed most of the nites :p

Heheh... how old is your unmarried SIL? Mine is 53 years old, old enough to be my mother! And during the 1st month, she loves to come over to my place EVERY day, and sit in front of me whenever I breastfed my bb and ask whether I have enough milk or not? Wah lao.. none of her business and she knows nuts, even kept insisting that I wash my baby's buttocks in a tub of water when she poo poo.. goodness, that will definately cause UTI cos will be using dirty water to wash her privates over and over again, what I cant stand is that she doesnt know anything about taking care of a baby and she insists on us doing things her way..


Think you shld talk to your mum about how you feel? Since she is your mum, it will be easier to raise up such issues? For in-laws, I will try my best to remain silent or reason with them nicely (even though Im boiling mad inside) and as for my mum, Im very lucky that she is very supportive

My baby doesnt poo poo so often now as compared to last time (she is now 2 mths, 2 weeks and 3 days old), she only poos like 2 times a day and shes on total bm like yours...

Have you tried using the flash cards on Nixon? I have been showing the cards from "I can Read Chinese" and Amanda recognises the characters, father, mother, eye, ear, head, mouth in chinese now, we will show her 2 cards at a time and she will use her hands and touch the card when we say out the character to her

i tried talk to her but no pt bcos i dun hv in laws so she is like the queen. whatever she say she must be right and it is assume an 'order' plus i m not her favourite pet make things worse
Evon, Is your gal asleep when you try to bath her?

I found that when I try to bath or do evening wipe on my boy when he's asleep, he'll cry the whole house down. But my confinement lady told me before that should evening wipe even if bb is asleep, or else do too late at nite, then bb wide awake.

Now I'm having terrible time doing evening wipe and change for him....he cry until whole house down....

What do you gals do? Evening wipe at what time? or you all have started doing 2nd afternoon bath already?
hello everyone.. long time din post but have been reading the post..

Re: Possessive
I feel my FIL is very possessive over this younger one.. He will call hubby every weekend to ask whether we are going over or not. Then when we reach there, he will keep carrying the baby. And when we are eating dinner, he will carry the baby and tell her that we dun want her liaoz.. kaoz... so angry when I hear this. Then tell my elder daughter that she must 'ran' meimei, cannot call meimei 'baby' must call her meimei. Gosh.. cannot tahan him.

my girl is drinking BM also and only poos once a day.

hunniepot, where you buy the flash cards?
So long since i log in liao...

My girl is almost 8 weeks old le... finally able to sleep at night only waking up abt once for feed then sleep till morning le.

It's realli maddening when PIL become too "bossy" & think they have "rights" over my bb. sometimes when I carry my girl and FIL will comment that bb dun like to be carried the way I'm carrying her, bb prefer MIL to carry... blah blah blah... Normally i dun even bother or look at him, just pretend he's not there. Haha, so bad.

It gets on my nerves so much that sometimes when bb cry & PIL think they very smart at pacifying her, I just walk over and carry her into my room and shut the door.

But hubby wanna let MIL take care of bb cos he worry that I can get too stressed and tired. When bb was 2-3weeks old, and always cranky at night, i carry my crying bb and sat down in a corner of the room and cry together with her. Scared the wits out of my hubby. Now bb never get cranky liao..(touch wood) Phew!~
Hello Jade

Thanks for sharing. I can imagine the stress that you are going through. Gosh .. soon, it will be my turn. I am feeling all so nervous about it. I am not sure if I will be able to handle this man!
Me too a lazy to walk up n down to check on bb.
Feel more secure with bb sleeping with me. At least I know when she is awake. I can also feed her asap so that she will not make so much noise and wake my hb up.

do take it easy with PIL. I know it is easy to say then done but still must try. They are the parents to your hb so u dun want ur hb 'nan zho ren' right. Dun let our hormones spolit the relationship with our PIL. Try to REN!!!
no worries, it's just the hormones in us that makes new mommies like us nervous and easily irritated. I learn as I go along and so will you.

during my 6th week check-up, my gynae took my weight, did a scan on my tummy to check my uterus, checked my cervix, and did a pap smear. I suppose it's the same for all ladies here bah.

To all,
just wanna ask how are your little ones progressing? My girl is almost 8 weeks old (tis coming sunday). Now she likes to look at things a lot, eyes opened wide, look here and there. Esp human faces. She smiles a lot, gurgles... make baby sounds as if trying to converse with us. Likes to play and wants us to talk to her. Think she beginning to recognise faces.
Once, my hubby's aunt visited us and bb cried probably cos she looked unfamiliar to her i guess.
my baby is also tbf (she's 8 wks old) and she poos 3-4 times a day. when she's at home, she sleeps 1-1.5 hrs max at a time during the day. somehow when we bring her out (shopping or 'gai gai'), she can sometimes sleep 3hrs in her pram. we think it's the nice cool aircon of the shopping centre and the background noise. at night, she can sleep only about 5 hrs max at a stretch.

we've put baby in her own cot since day 1. was very anxious at 1st, jumping up to look at her everytime she made a sound. but now i'm used to it and kind of know what she wants when she makes certain sounds, so have learnt to 'ignore' all the stretching/groaning sounds that she makes and i only get up when she wants to be fed. don't dare to co-sleep with her cos so scared hubby will roll on her!!

re: flash cards. wow, that is impressive! is it hard to 'train' baby to learn the words? would love to try this.
my bb is 2 month old, he poo once a day and he is tbf.

wow, how many cats you have there? I have not let my cats smell my baby yet, but they are now getting used to not getting any attention from us. Sometime, I really feel sad for them. Suddenly no attention from daddy and mommy and out of nowhere a baby that won all their attention.
There was one night I feel like going shopping at Tampines, so I called my husband asking him if my in-law will like to look after my bb for a while feeding him with FF while I go out and do a little shopping. My MIL was so happy.

We went over to my MIL place for dinner before we go out. My bb seem to know what I am thinking and kept make lots of noises when my mil was carrying him. I kept asking if my mil can handle him a not and she kept tell me no problem. She told us to leave quickly after our dinner. I kept telling her to call us if KJ cry too much.

After the shopping, we went back to my MIL place to collect KJ. We asked MIL if there was any problem and she kept saying no. She only say that KJ did not sleep, poo and drunk only 40ml of FF. However, when my husband was in the kitchen and meet his brother's girlfriend there, she told him that KJ has cried since we left the house until we came back.

My husband could sense that MIL was scare that if she told us KJ was not use to her place, we will not leave KJ there anymore.

KJ is still awake now with daddy trying to coax him. *sign* Another sleepless night for me.

Same here.. my bb gave us 3 days of night leave.. she slept from 12 am to 7 am for the past 3 nights (was so happy, thought she adjusted for good liao) and now she wants us to play with her until 2 plus.. she just fell asleep but I am the one who is pretty awake now


I got the flash cards from a BP.. "I Can Read" Level 1, about $55 for a box of 120 flash cards.. recently got 9 boxes of flash cards from another BP, havent used it yet but will try soon


We followed the instructions, showed her papa and mama (in chinese) and kept reading out the words to her loud and clear about 2 times a day.. sometimes I forget to do so.. then I will put the 2 cards together andasked her: Can you tell mummy which one is PAPA? And she will keep looking at the 2 cards and use her hands and touch the PAPA card and vice versa.. but alot of patience is needed as their attention span is very short..

Haha.. my bb girl also like tat.. cooperative at times but naughty at others. Last nite she super cranky. Cry and cry for milk after drinking 180 ml at 815pm. We feed her again at 1045pm another 150 ml then she cry and cry again. Then we feed her again another time 60 ml. She cry again and we feed her another 60 ml then she happily sleep at 12 midnite. My hubby say maybe she seasoned liao, she must drink that extra bit of milk at that timing to all asleep.

Why we feed her sooo many times.. hmmm.. because she didn't want anything we offered her. I even let her suckle on nipple liao.. still cannot satisfy her. Carry and rock also cannot. Apply ruyi oil already so definitely not wind problem. So she just wanted milk and milk and milk. Greedy cat.

What's BP??

Wow, ur bb seems to be very close to u ya? My bb 2 mth next week but she dun care leh, as long as got pple feed her can liao heee..


I am the one who is scared to roll over bb! Last nite i noticed i almost rolled into her heeee.. but i always managed to wake up at that instant. She always sleeps with her hands wide open lah that's why. Taking up all the middle space.


Very strange.. whenever there are visitors, my bb will guaiguai sleep and no matter how u call her, she won't wake up. After visitors left haha.. she will create havoc again. My hubby say she is like mummy, shy shy :p


Like wat one mummy has shared, I had my weight taken, Blood pressure taken, followed by VE check by gynae and then pap smear. The results of pap smear test was sent to me via post

Haha our pils sama sama.. luckily confinement over.. i dun have to face them EVERYDAY liao! Hooray!! Now i am so happy, alone with my bb at home everyday. Can do whatever i want, have the freedom and enjoy quiet moments with bb


My bb going 2 mths next week and i only bathe her in the morning and "night" wipe. What time u wipe? I wipe at 9 pm that's why called it night wipe. My mil did that during confinement so i followed. But my mum say cannot.. she say should wipe bb around 5-6pm then by 9 pm the bb would sleep liao. Do u think babies will be sooo obedient???? i doubt so leh. Moreover, definitely they would wake up for their feeds mah if they sleep early.

Wah! Your girl drinks 180ml already?! That seems to be alot leh.. how old is your girl now? Mine is almost 2 months 3 weeks but she drinks about 125 ml each time only

BP means Bulk Purchase
Muahahaha, I thought BP petrol station at first. I was thinking, wow that place also got sell flash cards.

I dun bathe my bb at a fix time, because if he is sleeping, I will let him sleep. "Let sleeping dogs lie" I will only bathe him when he is fully awake. Same for night wipe.

Yah lor, my bb sometime will want me only. My husband was saying that I spoilt my bb too much again. In fact, everybody was saying that. But sometime I enjoy the attachment leh. I was thinking, in 16 years time, he will treat me as the maid of the house and our house as his hotel. So now that he is attached to me, I better treasure it before I realise he has grow up.

My cats were very angry with me and the confinement lady during the first week. Now Brownie try to rub on my legs wherever he can. I very scare one day I will trip and fall with my bb.

Haha... ay.. now no more BP petrol kiosk already.. taken over by SPC liao...

Re: Bathing baby at a specific time

Yeah.. same.. I dont bathe my baby at a specific time hehe and my hubby also says the same thing as you.. let sleeping dogs lie... rare chance for bb to let us have some time to ourselves.. why throw it away?
I also wipe my baby at night... just before we change her into her sleepsuits
RE: baby attachment to mummy

heheh...YY identifies me as milk milk. If she wants to sleep, she tends to kick when I carry, sort of telling me "i don't want milk". So, she falls asleep faster in my PIL arms or daddy's arms. In fact, I don't carry her at night except for nursing. It's daddy's duty to soothe her, wipe her down and put her to sleep. This is to give daddy fair share of bonding (and stress) since I have spent the day at home with her. Daddy also telling me that when she sees me, she will get excited, like seeing food! So, if she's feeling sleepy, daddy will make me get away from her line of sight.

That said, I don't think she feels particularly attached to me. And I don't feel threathened or jealous that my PILs are carrying her. In fact, good that they wanna play / carry her. I then got time to come here and chit chat mah....hahaha

Yes, she is able to recognise daddy, mummy, ah gong and ah ma. Esp towards mummy .... her eyes will follow me when I walk away from her.
Hi all,
Havnt post for quite some time. Really glad that everyone is adapting to motherhood well

Re: BB attachment to mummy
Jayden is also very attached to my mum as she took care of him during my confinement. When my mum went to work, he will cry non-stop for her. But now, he sort of get used to me liao

Re: BB co-sleeps with us
Jayden used to sleep between my hb and I on our bed at night. Recently I've decided to let him sleep in his own bed liao. Initially also very difficult coz he kept making alot of noise, but I persisted and gave him the pacifier and played the lullaby to get him to sleep. Now he's used to this method liao, whenever I give him pacifier and played the song, he will fall asleep quite fast. Think have to start training them to sleep on their own from now, otherwise will be more difficult when they are 3mths onwards.

Wow, u bought so many boxes of flashcards?! The chinese ones that u mentioned, it's picture at the front with words at the back? What abt the rest of the cards? Can scan an example for me and email me? Thinking of making some simple flashcards on my own

Amanda is really intelligent leh, able to recognise the pictures and words
juzmaine, my mum's taking care of bb and i'm staying with my mum.. go back to my in-laws' place only over weekends.. where my hubby's stay too.. i understand she miss her grandson and only get to see him once a week but dun have to carry him for the whole day and dun need to do anything. At my in-laws' place.. i helped out on house chores and prepare stuff for cooking.. or else she wont even able to cook and do other stuffs.. As to respect her, I ever ask her if she wanna look after bb for me but she has her own business to run, cant help me.. so, i approached my mum for help instead..

hunnie, next time if they talk the same thing to Amanda again about you look like a boy, but why aren't you a boy stuff.. tell them, girls are better than boy nowadays.. girls married off liao, still have the heart for her family and boys will follow the girls to her place.. wahaha..

i havent show nix the flashcard yet leh.. how u show amanda? using GD method or just show her like that? popular selling the same flash card with same value, so i will get more from popular instead bp here.. need to meet and pick up from mummy here.. a bit troublesome..

i also wake up to check nix if he wanna feed.. sometime is physcological problem.. everytime tot he's crying for sometime.. i wake up and found he's sleeping soundly.. my mum said cos i'm too stress.. tat's why..

wonder u have seen this webby before.. http://www.babyhome.com.tw/album.php?mid=74940 it is so sad.. see till i cry out.. but seeing this photo make me treasure my baby more...

These are the cards Im using right now, but I only show her the words so far.. find it very weird to show Amanda the pic of Mama when that is not my pic... so what my mum does is show her the Mama word, then stand in front of my wedding portrait and then point at my photo, and the same for Papa

Yeah lar! At the rate this kind of unhappiness goes on between my family and my ILs, think I will stop at one liao. Already so xin ku give birth to Amanda, still got to endure these nonsense! Think if I have a boy next time, think my ILs might not even allow my mum to touch him! They kept insisting that my hb employs a maid, on the surface is to help my mum, but what I think is she wants a maid to keep tab on what my mum does and also to make sure that Amanda does not grow too attached to my mum.. hehe just want to complain about 1 more thing thats all, luckily my MIL doesnt know that I quit my job when I was 3 mths pregnant, she was very unhappy when my hb told her I wanted to take care of Amanda until she is 6 mths to 1 yr old.. and she has been making very sarcastic remarks in front of me and to my baby many times, "you shouldnt be so sticky to your mother.. you must stick to your daddy too, he xin xin ku ku earn money back for you to spend"

I use my own method..
Use 2 cards at a time, and keep repeating the words, then put it side by side and ask her to point out to me which is which... can see that she gets very excited when she managed to point at the right word.. so do try it out on Nixon soon

I might want to attend a course on how to teach baby using flash cards.. my mum has been pushing me to sign up for the course way b4 Amanda was born.. the last I heard, the fees about $20, bring baby along... dont have the details yet.. if you ladies are interested.. maybe we can sign up together?
Treat it as a gathering too?
What your mum said is also what my CL told me loh...I guess I really to change and suit my boy's timing today and not insist on doing it at 6-7pm. This morning, I tot he's awake so prepare his bath. But when I have prepared the bath, found him falling asleep again...So I proceed bath him...end up facing an upset baby again

Dunno what happen to my bb, yesterday morning wake up, found rashes all over his head, face n body. Today worse. PD cannot pinpoint the cause leh....say one reason maybe due to what I eat that affected the breast milk and bb allegic to it...
xianz...so heart pain c him like tat and dunno what he is sick of.
hmm..today so funny..my gal fuss n fuss n reject everything till i try to calm her n try feeding ebm. Usually I tbf with occasional use of bottle. She rejected initially my frozen one. On 2nd feeding she took the fridge ebm n ok. Dunno y. N she only drank 80ml where last time ie 2-3 weeks ago she drank 110ml. Puzzled.
hunnie, will ask my mum to teach nix on the card and i will continue after work.. nix quite attach to tv.. he will turn his head and watch whenever we on tv.. making me worry.. i told hubby abt it and he said dun let him watch.. but i scolded him.. He's A BIG TV FAN!!! so, i told him not to watch TV when nix is around... hey, count me in for the course.. but i'm only available on weekends.. weekdays working leh.. just now meeting, new boss said these few months very busy.. cant take leave.. but i told him when i come back to work that i need to bring nix for vaccination almost every month for 3, 4 months..

irene, ya.. it is sad.. read the diary too and know wat had happened the day evan left.. so sad.. was weeping in the office, infront of com just now.. luckily nobody notice.. phew.. but it is really heartbreaking..

My gal didn't zzz since these two afternoons... n her feeds... OMG ... re getting so screwed up.. sometimes 3.5h, 4h... then after evening after her feed, the interval of her next feed is like 4.5h later... yet, she starts getting hungry at 2nd hour after her feed at nite..

I don't noe if I can still dahan.. so today bb placed at mil's place.. but couldn't zzz.

Then worse of all, the PTM helping me couldn't help me anymore becoz of family matters... so I a bit stressed...

she's wide awake since after her feed.. but i bath her after 30~45 minutes later.

Re: Poo
My gal only poo every 1.5~2 days and she's drinking FM.

Re: PIL vs Ps
Guess all of us re facing tix stage where our little one is the centre of attraction n so both sides want a say of him/her or even the way we take care of him/her.

Me ve a big prob with my fil as fil only noes how to wake up bb but dunno how to take care of bb.. n my mil has to take care of her herself. I dun like when I walking bb ard, FIL will keep making noise to distract Xuanting to wake up... so frustrating.

my girl 2 mths next week hee.. yah lor, she two days ago started drinking 180 ml. But if she dun drink that amount, she also need 150 ml leh. But of course, if she happy happy then she will drink 120 ml only. Depends on her mood lah :p


Ya, when my bb super tired, she will continue to sleep after i prepare bath water. I still wake her up to bath. Luckily she love bathing so i still get a happy bb after the bath
