(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB


I was told to never stick the cotton bud in leh! Coz very dangerous. Their ear drums like tissue thin,if break, hearing gone liao.
Get your PD to clean instead.

sounds scary! i dun stick them in, i usually lightly scrape the outside. ok, i better stop!

yes, she keep so still i think she is more afraid that us... it's not cotton bud... it's those kind that we adults use... i use that to scrape the outside.
my boi ah... he slam until the cot cot like going to fall apart like dat lor.. haha.. super violent lor..

re : ear wax
i used a slightly damp cloth n clean the outer part of the ear... sometimes will use the cloth n warp the last finger n go twist twist in surface of the ear drum... zj super lik eit n very enjoy like dat.. dats the oni time i can keep him still for a while..
<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
<font color="119911">i just like ivory during bathing time used a damp cloth clean the outer surface and alittle ofthe inner but never pocked the cotton bud right in le.....</font>
Ivory, smiley, sunshine
My boi also use a lot of strength. Soon the playpen is going to collapse. My hb always call him as Mr Incredible. So funny!
He also bang in daytime whenever we put him lie down. My mil scared of him too.
hi smiley,

Thanks for ur help. venus contacted mi liao

heng ar
Hi smiley,
add cereal liao.

elvin also the same lar leg put high high and slam. I think he scare himslef when we put him in playpen cos the playpen will shake alot. End up he cant sleep well. Then we put him in his cot he sleeping ok. Now he seldom do that once. It just a phase dun worry.

Hi gals,
I think elvin dun like enfapro at all. Now he like scare we give him enfapro so everytime drink 1 or 2 oz. We stop the enfapro and give him enfalac again. He intake start to increase to 3oz liao. Any mummies knw can i just continue enfalac till he is 1yr old?
Hi Smiley,
The enfalac tin state till 12 mths that why may stick to 1 yr old then change. If not he reject the milk i headache liao..
how is Caeden now? The ear infection sound scary. When i bring Elvin for his jab i better ask the PD to check for him.
When bb is sick especially ber sick n hospitialise... dun expect to sleep lah! My HB n I went through tis phase. But for YJ, she was super scare when she inside. So we got to carry her all the times, even she slept. Else she jumped up n scream.
Jus hang on there! Jia U!
pls help me update the table:
MGS (Pri) 1992
MGS (Sec) 1996
NJC 1998
U of Birmingham 2002

Went off for a few days and topic already changed to $$$. We're also using insurance as a tool, but now hb quit his job and looking for a new one. Hopefully will be able to find one before end of year...we have minimal savings, and my meagre salary not possible to maintain a bb and a maid and everything else...
I saw the Combi T95 carrier at Kiddy Palace Bishan. Can only carry the baby forward / inward facing in front. Cannot piggy back like a haversack. It's a nett price item $118. Didn't try as hubby not with me. Also saw Infantino Go Go Rider....same feature as Combi T95.

RE: Buy Gold
Not gold price is very high leh.....could wait for gold price to fall then buy, but hor...think won't fall cos oil price go up...they work hand-in-hand one.
GO GO Rider also cannot Piggy Back. I din see the price leh....Jasminesym bought this, maybe she can tell us. But I think cheaper than Combi T95.

Etelle, actually the sales gal also says piggy back no good cos cannot see baby, what if crying or angry...ma fan leh..... But my hubby was thinking piggyback can go hiking in style mah!

Then I saw the BabyLucky, also carry in front type. Material is quite thin (less padding) and there's another brand got 6 ways of carry. Think brand is Discovery or something. This one can piggyback but I don't like the printed fabric.

I'm thinking if can get cheaper from Cheong Choon. Siewlng, tell me which one you like then we see if we can do a group purchase? :p
<font size="+2"><center>Finding School Mates -- Feb 06 Mummies</center></font>
<center><table border=1><tr><td><font size="-1">Nick</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Primary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Secondary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Tertiary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">University</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Higher Level</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivory</TD><TD>89 Dazhong</TD><TD>93 BPGHS</TD><TD>97 NAP - BS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ilim</TD><TD>Telok Kurau</TD><TD>Bedok View</TD><TD>TP</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Violet Blaze</TD><TD>84 Temasek</TD><TD>88 Bedok View</TD><TD>92 NAP - BS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bulma</TD><TD>Beng Wan</TD><TD>Bendemeer</TD><TD>NYP</TD><TD>Tasmania</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>genevieve</TD><TD>88 Red Swastika</TD><TD>92 Chung Cheng High</TD><TD>94 <font size="-1">Tampines JC</font></TD><TD>99 NTU</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mashy</TD><TD>Chong Boon</TD><TD>CHIJ SNG</TD><TD>RJ</TD><TD>NTU</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>90 Keppel</TD><TD>94 Crescent Girls'</TD><TD>96 ACJC</TD><TD>01 NUS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>siewlng</TD><TD>85 <font size="-1">Jie Ming / Zhangde</font></TD><TD>89 Hua Yi</TD><TD>93 SP - ME</TD><TD>98 NTU</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Claire Liu</TD><TD>92 MGS</TD><TD>96 MGS</TD><TD>98 NJC</TD><TD>02 <font size="-1">U of Burmingham</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sally</TD><TD>87 Pandan</TD><TD>91 North View</TD><TD>96 <font size="-1">NAFA - Visual Com</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jasminesym</TD><TD>84 Pasir Panjang</TD><TD>88 Outram</TD><TD>90 <font size="-1">St Andrew JC</font></TD><TD>94 NUS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>89 Ping Yi</TD><TD>93 Ping Yi</TD><TD>PSB Academy</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD>88 AMK North</TD><TD>93 <font size="-1">Presbyterian High</font></TD><TD>97 NAP - EE</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MTAN</TD><TD>86 Balestier Hill</TD><TD>90 <font size="-1">Presbyterian High</font></TD><TD>96 SP</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Smiley</TD><TD>88 Chong San</TD><TD>92 <font size="-1">Presbyterian High</font></TD><TD>96 NAP</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD>85 Raffles Girls</TD><TD>89 Raffles Girls</TD><TD>91 <font size="-1">St Andrew's JC</font></TD><TD>95 Monash</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amanda</TD><TD>93 Zhonghua</TD><TD>98 <font size="-1">Serangoon Gdns</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>feza</TD><TD>92 St Hilda's</TD><TD>97 St Hilda's</TD><TD>98 Informatics</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>babycutie</TD><TD>Towner</TD><TD>USTS</TD><TD>CIC , MDIS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>oscar</TD><TD>82 Marsiling</TD><TD>89 Woodlands</TD><TD>93 NAP 96 NIE</TD><TD>00 SIM Open U</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></center>

<font size="-1">** table is sorted according to Sec Sch.. Not age.. HeheK</font>
my boy also like to slam his leg to bed when he is awake midnight.

as for ear infection...dont let water go in the ear when u bath bb.
mashy: how's Caeden doing?? u and hubby must be dead tired.... do take care ya....

BB ear wax:
Hmmm actualli we are not suppose to do anything to their inner ear one leh.... the ear wax will fall out itself.... so DUN poke anything into their ear... just clean the outer area then ok liao..... yes and make sure when bathing, water dun gets in....

pneumococcal jab:
Ya mummies... forget to highlight something.. this jab hor dun take effect from the day it's been jabbed into bb leh, it need a least 10 days....
bout ear wax, doc said even for adult there s no need to use the cotton bud to clean the ears.. it can actually damage your ears.. so i have never clean elly s ears b4 only clean the outer ears with a cloth and for ear wax wait for it to come out by itself then clean..
Hi mummies who give bb enfalac,
have you all switch bb to enfapro?

Yesterday found that Elvin 7th teeth is on the way. Dunno is due to teething or he really dun like enfapro. Dunno wat to try again anot but worry he reject milk again.
My boy is drinking Enfa. We have switched to Enfapro and he is drinking fine.

Yesterday he finally finished a bowl of porridge. Have asked my maid to cook porridge for him for lunch from today and alternate with rice cereal every other days.
Hi gals

My boy seems better. His fever has gone. He just cried for 2hrs last night, and managed to give us some peace and quiet for the rest of the night.
I felt old too that's why I never write down the year....hahahaha

My boy seems ok with enfalac or enfapro leh.... Because we mix a scoop of brown rice into the milk so maybe taste the same to him....hehehehe...

Maybe yr boy teething so cranky with milk. Thk got one stage my boy also drink very little... Now can see his two teeth liao....wow yr boy so fast got 7 teeth liao ah...
Elvin so fast ah got 7 teeth liao, my keagan still bo gay hehehe.... seems tht elvin's development is faster than any bb here hor.
hello mummies!!! how's things???
been busy with travelling..

i saw a few here from Presbyterian High...I am also from PHS!!!!!
oh..couldn't catch up with the threads..
anyway happy weekends to all..
Hi babycutie,
i dunno lei cos when we give enfalac he drink 5oz and enfapro only 1oz. I might continue enfalac cos the mead johnson ppl say the main diff is enfapro more carbo and protien so will give more on the solid. My boy milk intake already very low lei only 15oz per day on enfalac. if give enfapro only 3oz per day..All along we add cereal to his milk also cos without cereal he dun wan his milk. He love solid too much.. Sigh..

Hi Amanda/ilim,
now he have teeth will wan to bite me lei. When he saw my flabby tummy he get so excited cos he can hit my tummy and the fats bounce..haha. Then after awhile he wan to bite like gd to eat like that..haha..

I alos dunno wat happen to him why his teeth so fast. I got a shock when 1st disover his 1st tooth when he is 5mths. Now he start to crawl everywhere. When we talk on hp he wan to look at it cos i show him the 3G hp and he remember can see my sis in the hp. I think bb have gd memories.

He only think he make me worry is his milk intake and height.. Shortie lei..

Hi VS,
u also from PHS har. Me too. U grad which yr?
Wah u bb crawling around liao.... my bb still like jelly (can't sit on his own, can't crawl, flip over cannot flip back)

Yes thk bb has good memory. That's why right brain stimulation is very important in the 1st 3 years.... Too bad Shichida too expensive. If not u can consider sending Elvin there.

If he likes Enfalac, then continue him with that.... My girl is same like yr boy, love solid too much ended up only drink total of 12Oz of FM daily nia when she is a bb.

Seems like most of u study in PHS hor.... U all stay in near AMK areas???
i don't remember lei...i think graduated 93 or 94 lah..haha..so long ago liao..
i remembered only during my last yr in sec 4..we have to help organise the Food &amp; Fun galore to raise fund to build the church lor n facilities...then we left without enjoying the new facilities..
all our juniors should thank us lor.. LOL
babycutie..last time i stay in AMK.
Hi babycuite,
elvin start to crawl ard not on hi four but with some help on his tummy and he can crawl quite fast liao. Now he is trying to be on his 4.

I used to stay in AMK. Now my granny still stay there. My primary school just beside PHS now become part of PHS liao and i walk to school everyday one..

Hi gals,
any mummies using toothpaste to brush the bb teeth. I havent lei only use cloth to clean his teeth. I think i better start to do so. Me lazy mum. Which toothpaste to use har? Any commendation?
Hi VS,
i grad in 93 lei.. Ya i remember there is this Food and Fun..Ya loh now the school become so big..Maybe we met b4 lei..
Vs n all PHS mums
I used to hang around PHS leh... hehe Yr93-95... part of tat church mah... Maybe I know u all hehe... cos we do tution for PHS students... haha... maybe u r 1 of "students"

Which yr u in NTU? In which dept?
I in ME leh
hi mummies,

chance upon this website..
until now my bb still dunno how to go back to her sitting position from crawling (not on 4s crawling) and dunno how to pull herself to stand..quite worried that she is lacking behind since alrady 7th mth.
hi all
To share... last few days, realised Yujie can go back to her sitting position from crawling on 4 leh! Another milestone for her...

YJ is 1 of the earliest having her 2 teeth... now her teeth development stop leh... still stay at 2...hmm... I seldom give her biscuit, scare heaty... maybe tat's the reason
Can help me to update:
University/Higher level

My boy is same as yrs too (cant crawl and flip back ) and he is still bo gay
Hi Pamela72,
my bb also dunno how to go back to his sitting position. Dun get too worried.

Hi Siwelng,
i am from PHS i dun think i knw u cos i seldom go tution one. Lazy since young.haha..

YJ have her teeth during 5th mth rite? Stop already har? I thought Elvin will stop at 4 teeth who knws keep growing. Did u brush YJ teeth i havent lei. Think of starting it if not everyday he eat so much the teeth must be clean liao..haha

Elvin love his biscuit. Eat already still have sound one. And he enjoy it. SO for so gd he not heaty i think becos he drink alot of water alot since he on lots of soild we feed him alot of water loh.
Hi babycutie &amp; MTAN,
every bb development is diff. Sometime i told my hubby elvin crawl make me headache cos he now try to crawl and open the drawer..

does YJ crawl and open drawer? Wow YJ can go back to the standing position liao. SO clever. Elvin sometime sit still abit bu dai weng lei..haha
sorry type wrongly is sitting position.hehe..
Elvin still dunno yet but Yj clever gal knw how to go back to sitting position liao.

She didn't open drawer leh... jus crawl around at home only. Trying to hold on to something to stand up... so dangerous
