(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Good leh... U r the financial controller....
For me, I only manage my own $$$... and not much to manage oso...hahaha
hb premium oso alot leh plus house n bb expenses he pay so i never ask him to help me pay for my premium lor or else it be very siong for him.

u not investing ah? Bank rates are slower than inflation rates leh. Your $800 per mth will probably worth $400 or lesser when you're retired. Remember 30yrs ago (I was 3 yrs old), flats were only abt $50k or less, bus was 5 cents, u can get 1 bowl of noodles think 50 cents or $1. Extrapolate and think what will happen in another 30yrs time when you retire.
jappooh: wow.. u controlling the $$ ah... hehe.. sometimes i wish i can do tat.. but hubby bu rang wo guan...

bbcutie: hmmm me no give XR go what class leh.. tink when she grow older also wun.. unless she come and request from me what she like then will let her go.. hehe
U hv to pay higher premium than others right because of the nature of your job previously.

Same lor... my hb pay for everything.... so I pay my own premium... if not, dun thk he can manage...

That's why we only plan for 2 kids. Because having kids nowadays is not the same as last time. Last time we don't attend any enrichment or nursery classes when we are young. We only go into kindergarten when our age is due for us to study..... But nowadays kids are already attending enrichment class at 1.5 years old and all these need $$$$$....

FM also more expensive now and not many using cloth diapers liao.... These are all the $$$$ that goes very fast which we can't see if we don't monitor. We will be shock if we really sit down n monitor all the expenses we spent on ONE CHILD.
U seems to earn a lot per mth hor..... After saving 1K u still can give yr parent 800..... Wish I earn that kind of salary.....

If I save the $$ in the bank, very fast I will eat up the $$ too....hahahaha......

We sign up our girl for Shichida for 2 mths and stop because no time to practice at home and fees very high. Almost $900 for 3 mths....
Then we sign her up in GUG playgroup and it cost around $250 for 3 mths.... We also stop the class liao because we r sending her to Childcare which she can learn from there...

Hehehe... I also need some time for my personal wellness....hehehehe
what to invest? insurance? but insurance breakeven lagi long ah. and hb dun like insurance.

i not fu bo lah. but i have savings lor...hee...i v self discipline person. no anyhow spent $$. but for holiday i can spent a lot a lot w/o heartpain lah. hee...
btw, i dun earn much lah. much lesser than u bbcutie...think u double my pay

There are many things to invest in. But should really look at insurance as one of the tools. You should try to change your hb's perspectives. Don't like also have to consider. There are adv and disadv to insurance. Don't becoz don't like then don't consider. It's just like 'I don't like to go school and so I don't go school' kind of thinking. If next time your kid doesn't wanna go sch, you'll allow that? No right? Did your hb have bad experience with insurance? or the agents? Our govt won't be able to take care of us when we are old. Nor our kids. So better prepare ahead.

If you are investment savvy, then can invest in blue chips/fgn currency/stocks/bonds etc. But these are highly volatile. Insurance are still one of the more idiot proof investment. True, it may not deliver the projected returns, but it will be better than leaving it in the bank. To lower the risk, invest in a basket of items.

Should look at long term investments. Don't go for those 5yrs can see return type. The shorter the terms, means the higher the risk. So don't expect to break even so soon. For retirement plans, go for at least 20yrs term.
bbcutie: what is Shichida?? ya i tink send them to childcare, they can learn a lot of activities...

hehe me hor.. sometimes no chance to spend $$ on myself also... nowadays i seldom even go salon.. the last time i went was in April.... haizz

smiley: then how u save huh?? teach me leh...
hehe i tink ur tinkin is u earn and save so much so u wun feel heartpain if u spend all on tours... it's a way to pamper urself...
BBcutie double ur pay?? can reveal roughly how much u earnin a month?? hehe

My boy nows goes to infant care, so I don't bother sending him to any of the other classes. :p It's just too expensive. Anyway, I'm sure the teachers will teach them all the stuff they need to know. I've been to the infant care class and there's gym & music classes, even art & language classes. So I suppose no need to attend so many others lah.
I where got earn double than smiley?? Smiley should earn more than me lah.... Out of the 1.9K insurance premium, only 500 is mine lah.... The rest of 1.4K is my hb paying lah.... If only I get 5K per mth.....haizz.....Thk slog another 10 years oso cannot reach that amount lor...

U know hor my pay now only break even with the pay I got 8 years ago.... Very pathetic hor?? My previous job was too stressful till I got gastric juice reflux and hence I call it quit lor. Then get another job and pay decrease by 20% from my last pay...... Then hor kar chng jio resign to help my ex-salesman in his biz.... But cannot make it and go jobless for a while.... Then in 2003 then got this job here but still the pay is still 20% lesser than 8 years ago when I join...Now 3.5 years with current co. liao only manage to break even nia leh....
I totally agreed with Mashy, we should not jus put $ in bank... sometimes I think bank is "eating" my $... like for cheque book, they will deduct $2 each month... their payout interest about $2 a month (most). So net-net, no growth leh!
Last x, when I was so eng, I invest in shares loh. Quick return n high yield, but need to monitor closely.
Now, I bo eng, n lazy, I invest using CPF and insurance on bonds. Also, buy blue chips shares n hold wait for their dividends.
I also prefer to save at my own... hehe! Haha enjoy seeing $ growth!

My hb applied for the Cashline (free subscription) and they give free cheque books. Whenever write cheque, just transfer from bank to Cashline so that won't incur the overdraft charges. No need to pay $2 every mth. :p Every year, ask them for waiver.
i lousy in investment,. what bluechip all these i dunno. i only put FD in bank lor

i invest in the structure deposit hor lose $$ leh..so disappointed,. i buy share hor also keep dropping?????? really no luck leh. perhaps i really v lousy lor. teach me how to invest on my own rather than insurance. i always look for higher interest rate deposit lor..now OCBC give me 3.08%pa...not tat bad lah.

bbcutie, i thou last time u say ur pay 5k or 6k??? i remember wrongly huh? heehee....

amanda, 6k/2...got it?
Mashy/ Siewlng
u all talk "chim " stuff. I don't know much about investments....sigh so can only rely on bank to save and earn that bit of interest....as for insurance too many plans out there too many agents want to listen until head confused haha

For me these days of iving are so uncertain. Anytime a bomb can drop and killed us all *touchwood*, anything can happen so cna plan but not plan too far can save but not to li pu as in scraimp and save and torture yourself. Life is really too short to be always worryying
so must stay happy, enjoy....life to the fullest .
one of thsoe high earners hee :p so can save more lah....actually have to compare in terms of percentage lah hee cannot compare in terms of amount. Cuz if u say 50 % of ur pay say out of 2k u save 1k then hor if smiley want to save she has to save 1.5 k then meet your par...but if u compare in terms of amt u will say she saved more actually same lah....hee :p

i also dunno much abt investments, so I go into insurance lor. Easier to understand. Anyway, it's to buy when low. DOn't ever buy when it's high lor. Should always avoid those stuff that everyone flock over to buy. I also bought raw land in Canada, dunno whether wil reap or not. But it's a very long term thing. So far on paper, think already earn a bit. I don't have time and jing shen to monitor the stock mkt. ALso dunno how to read the reports. So I gave it a miss. And, I'm very kia si. Lose money will feel heartache type. So far my portfolio at Prudential is growing.

U can try Prusave/Prucash. It's like bank, just that you put into the insurance co. Earn >3%. Prucash every yr will give u sum of money. If u wan, can take out and use. If not, leave inside like bank, can earn 3%-5% i think, but can draw out anytime. Not like FD.

I've a friend who buys gold bars!
Since everyone on this topic... I also want to share a bit.
Actually been thinking hard about how to save for my son Ashton too... but I sahm, no income and hubby tells me tat next time Ashton's education is HIS OWN problem. (??!!) So I think I better think of a way myself.
I had been toying with the idea of buy gold coins as savings for him. Every 6 months buy 1, around 1k... so by the time he is 18, he will have 36 coins..
My friend who has a goldsmith family biz told me tat if I get the coins during the low seasons, its actually worth buying... next time when Ashton grows up, can just cash in. And if tat point of time gold prices is high, then tan(3)teo(hokkien) a lot more..
I havent bought anything yet.. still considering all options. I find this method like very auntie hor.. and if at the point when Ashton cashed in, is low point, then very lugi...
Wat do everyone think?? I coming back in Oct so if got good policy I must quickly meet up with my agent to discuss...
u so cute leh hee....hee...haha

actually i have no concrete plans for savings or retirements...hee bad hor...hee :p
haha whole day u all tok about $$$$$$, i read til headache hehe anyway, i am "qiong ku ren jia" no $$ to manage lah except bb got $600 in his POSBkids... stil trying hard to "tong" $200 every month into his account but certain months cant afford :p

as for SFQ, how to have when dun even hv enuf to feed myself and bb hahahaa so it's not in my dictionery lah

as for my and hb insurace think we are alright lah dun hv $500k like bbcutie but think $300k or what bah .. so mayb cant "huan yew shi jie" when retire lor can only "huan yew xin jia po" hahaha total monthly premium paying (inc me, hb and bb) think is about $500-600 bah...

gene, now stil "liu xing" buy gold coin and keep ah? haha i tot i will only see this in HK serials hahahhahaha
actually i quite like gene's idea leh something memorable but the thing is how to sell the gold? bring to pawn shop ??
I heard abt this gold coin thing but din invest lor....

I bot a PruCash plan which I contributed ard 310 per mth. This will be one of my retirement $$$$.

Then I bot PruSave under my name for Belvia which yearly is ard 3210. The PruSave for belvia will have a cash return of ard 80K after it matured 18 years later. And this is for her tertiary education. If she can make it to local higher learning of institute then partial will use to support Jayden tertiary education. Otherwise, will fork out part from our retirement for Jayden lor... Because really can't afford liao... Imagine almost 2K in insurance liao....

Shichida is a course that practice right brain stimulation with flashcards, memory game, speed reading and photo memory.... Very hard to explain here lor... It is to stimulate the right brain so that bb can memorise a lot of things at high speed. U will not see result so fast...but u will be surprise when they start to talk lor....
<font size="+2"><center>Finding School Mates -- Feb 06 Mummies</center></font>

<center><table border=1><tr><td><font size="-1">Nick</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Primary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Secondary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Tertiary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">University</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Higher Level</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivory</TD><TD>89 Dazhong</TD><TD>93 BPGHS</TD><TD>97 NAP - BS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Violet Blaze</TD><TD>84 Temasek</TD><TD>88 Bedok View</TD><TD>92 NAP - BS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bulma</TD><TD>Beng Wan</TD><TD>Bendemeer</TD><TD>NYP</TD><TD>Tasmania</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>genevieve</TD><TD>88 Red Swastika</TD><TD>92 Chung Cheng High</TD><TD>94 <font size="-1">Tampines JC</font></TD><TD>99 NTU</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mashy</TD><TD>Chong Boon</TD><TD>CHIJ SNG</TD><TD>RJ</TD><TD>NTU</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>90 Keppel</TD><TD>94 Crescent Girls'</TD><TD>96 ACJC</TD><TD>01 NUS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>siewlng</TD><TD>85 <font size="-1">Jie Ming / Zhangde</font></TD><TD>89 Hua Yi</TD><TD>93 SP - ME</TD><TD>98 NTU</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sally</TD><TD>87 Pandan</TD><TD>91 North View</TD><TD>96 <font size="-1">NAFA - Visual Com</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jasminesym</TD><TD>84 Pasir Panjang</TD><TD>88 Outram</TD><TD>90 <font size="-1">St Andrew JC</font></TD><TD>94 NUS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>89 Ping Yi</TD><TD>93 Ping Yi</TD><TD>PSB Academy</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD>88 AMK North</TD><TD>93 <font size="-1">Presbyterian High</font></TD><TD>97 NAP - EE</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MTAN</TD><TD>86 Balestier Hill</TD><TD>90 <font size="-1">Presbyterian High</font></TD><TD>96 SP</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Smiley</TD><TD>88 Chong San</TD><TD>92 <font size="-1">Presbyterian High</font></TD><TD>96 NAP</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD>85 Raffles Girls</TD><TD>89 Raffles Girls</TD><TD>91 <font size="-1">St Andrew's JC</font></TD><TD>95 Monash</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amanda</TD><TD>93 Zhonghua</TD><TD>98 <font size="-1">Serangoon Gdns</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>feza</TD><TD>92 St Hilda's</TD><TD>97 St Hilda's</TD><TD>98 Informatics</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>oscar</TD><TD>82 Marsiling</TD><TD>89 Woodlands</TD><TD>93 NAP 96 NIE</TD><TD>00 SIM Open U</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></center>

<font size="-1">** table is sorted according to Sec Sch.. Not age.. HeheK</font>
My gal oso attending Shichida class now.... haiz also find not enough time to do the 'homework' with her esp. now with 2 kids. Thought of withdrawing her fm the class but she likes it so much and always asked to go to class every sat. So no choice lor.

Dunno whether I shd enrol FK in it oso, if dun enrole him like short change him like dat, not fair to him.... how ar....

Me try not to spend so much now on myself and will consider longer when buying things. Bought quite a few insurance for myself and hb oso buy quite a few... to prepare for retirement 'cos never thought of hving our kids to take care of us financially in future.
Think they will also be stressed next time when they grow up, std of living will be more ex than now. But for the kids, we just buy insurance to cover education and hospitalization for now. When they are older they can settle their own la.
We keep share accounts for the family so that will be their savings oso lor.
so u not the one who earn 5-6K huh....
someone in this forum earning this amt n i thou its u lah...haahahah...remember wrongly.

hmm...i must seriously think of what to invest in. gold now very exp leh...not worth to buy.
my retire fund not much leh.... dun even have 300K...hmm...
aiyoyo,.. i not high earner lah. so many feb mums earn more than me leh...heehee..
me only average earner...same as bbcutie, i still hoping for 5-6K salary a month. dun think next 10yrs i can achieve this salary or maybe not possible in my worklife at all

maybe i can save cos i HATE shopping leh. basically i only love to eat so most of my $$ went to makan lah. and now spent more on bb lor
bulma: hehe true also leh... like me lor.. not enough $$ to eat liao so no extra to keep SFQ... hehe...

smiley: i tink could be bochap is it... hehe :p
Alamak! Not me lah! I also wish is me! Maybe some manager post's mum here lah!

I ever go to CPF website to calculate my retirement plan, the result came up with 1Million leh! If I wan my current living std. Sound scary leh!

I also like u dun like shopping. Spend my $ on travel (last x lah!) n food. Now on BB.

To invest on shares, need to be very hardworking wan leh, need to monitor. Buy low, sell high is the concept. N need to observe tat shares's trends and market trend. Quite terdious leh! I last x eng mah, so I enjoy the study lah!
Hi gals,
i did buy insurance but my insurance like here abit there abit end up not alot loh. Now will try to finish my hsing loan than start to save the CPF and invest loh. We also pay alot for the insurance cos i buy hosp insurance plan for my PIL too. WE have to save alot cos my PIL need my hubby to support loh. So for us is more ppl to feed and have so many things to plan. We dun earn alot also..
siewlng: hehe not u huh... cause i tot u were those high high post one... then earn a lot... hehe paiseh huh... :p

i tink huh... now with a bb really hard to save one.... hehe never mind la.. at least we tink before how to save... hehe :p
i also try to finish my hsing loan asap. but i think i would need to move hse if i do have 2nd bb....
then need to start loan again.... sianz man.
lucky i take 4rm flat so not much burden at all snd can finish loan much faster. i jus need a roof on top to stay in so my hse very simple and nothing fancy.
smiley same i feel that house is just to keep the roof over our heads.. but when my parents and PIL come over see my house so empty keep buying and giving us their hand me downs.. but kind of lucky la the house i bought no need reno so save money.. coz the old owner keep the house in tip top condition.. they even pass us hand me down dining table and other barang barang..

as for housing loan, we have a long long way to go la.. so dunno whether to move or not.. coz was thinking of moving back to the east but after a while realise that in the north and west i have made a lot of frds.. and hubby workplace is also nearer if from the north.. decisions decisions so many to make...
feza, i got to move if i do have 2nd bb. need to move near my mum so that she can come over take care kids while i work...and need employ maid too.
mostly i will shift hse next yr. Will move near to my PIL place. Endup the hsing loan still abt the same. We did think of buying 3rm then i can can go without loan liao but 3rm is really too small loh.. Will see how next yr..

Hi those mummies who give similac to there mummies. Does your bb like it? I thinking of trying that cos elvin now dun wan his milk dunno is it drink enfalac until sian already.
Gene, i like your idea of buying gold coins... i think it has potential appreciating value. It has grown so much over the years. However, any kind of investments come with risk. Nobody can ever buy at the lowest sell at the highest.

smiley, same thought as you... if no. 2 come along, I will have to get a maid to help mum out who is already coping with 2 bbs now (including my niece).
Smiley n Amanda
Acutally hor, if u can earn an interest higher than your housing loan, jus leave the loan there... I think Singapore HDB interest is quite ok. So I intend to leave my loan there, rather than put in bank, lower interest.

I know about the cashline thing, but I cancel mine. Cos I hate the idea of cashline! Hehe, my preference, although I dun cash advance at all.

Why need a bigger house if 2nd bb? 4-rm not enough meh? My plan is to stay in tis house till I die hehe! Cos I dun wan to spend extra $ on loan anymore....
no lah. i not moving bigger hse. i moving cos need to near my mum if no. 2 comes...heehee...
which is another 3yrs time if do have lah.
will not spent more $$ on bigger hse. just need a roof over my head. hahahaha...
keep servicing hsing loan so sianz.

my gal on similac. eh...cant says she like or dun like leh cos all the while she dun like milk lor. even BM she also same pattern. she only like to play all day long. best is no need drink or eat ah...ahahaha...she like not hungry most of the time.
I never thot of moving house. Plan to clear all the house loan in 5-6 years time. Then we have 1 burden offloaded. At least not afraid of monthly repayment if anyone of us go jobless.

We r lucky that all our renovation is paid via hard cash or cheque so no burden on renovation loan.

Our only burden now is our mthly insurance premium

Also hor household expenses quite high leh.... Easily sum up to 2K per mth woh....(include household utilities bills, monthly food (we eat homecook meals), Kids FM &amp; diapers, Girl's CC charge). So scary hor????? Really dunno how our parents survive in the past..... Maybe things not so expensive then???

Since u can save so much, u should plan for some investment leh. Putting in the bank won't earn so much. FD is even worst.

Hmmm... I m still wondering who is that high earner..... hahahaha

I thk it is pretty difficult for FTWP(parents) to practice Shichida's homework with our kids leh. Furthermore it is not enough to just let them attend once a week without practising lor.

That's why my hb said to withdraw her from the class because fees not cheap. Wah u gonna send both yr kids ah.... Very exp leh..... I know quite a lot or parents withdraw their kids from Shichida and joined ECC at Orchard Delphi. They have similar programs (maybe 1 or 2 difference) with shichida which concentrate of right brain stimulation.

U know I even buy some of the materials from Shichida but hor did not practice.... So liao lui... Once in a while when we r free we will take out n practice lor... Hmmm... am wondering whether there is any individual tuition class for shichida hor....hehehehe... u know like those home tuition type whereby ask the teacher come to our place everyday for 1-2 hours to practice with our kids.....hahahaha.... thk will cost a BOMB man....
ya bbcutie.... lucky I got a maid now so she can help with the little one when I attend to my gal.
But only can do like 15mins everday oni. Not enough. If i dun let FK attend then not fair leh...

Wat is ECC? A lot of ECC popped out when I check the web.

me too. pay reno by hard cash...no loan,. so i keep my reno to basic...
move hse is no choice for me lah...not that i want to. i m happy in my current hse cos i will finish the loan in 2yrs time. a burden off...
