(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

U still giving Enfalac? Is he on solid? Maybe u can change to Enfapro? Or add some cereal in his FM?

We always substitute 1 teaspoon of brown rice powder into the FM for Jayden.

<font color="ff0000">Babycutie</font>
U mean say, 3 scoops milk powder and 1 scoop brown rice cereal ah? which brand of brown rice cereal are u giving?
I can't remember the brand. I only know the cover is pink in colour. Can get from NTUC or Cold Storage.

I have also bought a tin of brown rice from Eu Ren Sheng. Thk will substitute that after the exisiting one finish.

Yes. If we are preparing 5 Oz of milk, then 4 scoop of FM &amp; 1 scoop of BRC. If preparing 6 Oz, then 5 scoop of FM &amp; 1 scoop of BRC.....etc....

U can refer to below web
U miss out mine...anyway don't put oso nevermind lah...

babycutie (babycutie)
Intermediate Member
Username: babycutie

Post Number: 3040
Registered: 3-2005
Posted on Tuesday, September 05, 2006 - 11:48 am:

Finding schoolmates:

Primary: Towner Primary
Secondary: USTS
Tertiary: CIC, MDIS
elcin always has cereal added to his fm. recently he dun wan milk only drink a total of 9oz per day. We give enfalac and also try enfapro liao both same. If is solid he takes well. He took 5x of solid everyday. 3x brown rice and 2x porridge. But milk is still a must loh. He only start refusing milk these 2 days. Usually he has 5x solid + 3x milk (5oz of milk with rice cereal). But these 2 days dun wan milk. Maybe will monitor b4 giving other formula. Maybe his slight running nose cause him problem.
U monitor for a while. My girl also has one stage reject milk after 6 mths. She only drank total of 360ml of FM per day and mainly take solid food.

5x of solid food quite a lot leh. Maybe u reduce milk feed to 2x and increase the amount of each solid food?
how abt u wait till he v hungry then feed milk?
says after solid 4-5hrs then feed milk? Elvin should be v hungry by then and will drink?
i limit her solid to 3x cereal with puree a day cos i feel milk is still the most impt for bb below 1 yo. minimum 18-20oz of milk is essential. i add milk to cereal as well cos JH also dun drink enough milk. she only drink 3x milk a day + 3x cereal. small eater.
Yes, 5x of solid is indeed a lot. What do you feed for that 5x solid? My gal only taking 2x solid (porridge) and 6-7x BM.
her schedule goes like this:
5am milk
8am milk
10am milk
12pm porridge
3pm milk
6pm porridge
8pm milk
9-10pm milk

my gal practice small meals, more meals.. she only drink like 100-120ml each time. Give her more she dun wan leh...
My boy drinks 150-180ml every 3-4hrs.... He is still not eating solid. He dun like porridge. So his only solid is rice cereal but he dun like to be spoonfeed. So we still bottlefeed him the cereal lor.
JH schedule:-
7-8am - Cereal (she reject milk)
8.30-9.30am - Milk
12-1pm - Cereal
1.30-2.30pm - Milk
6-7pm - Cereal
7.30-9pm - Milk
my gals loves her porridge, she is eating quite a big portion considering her small build. On the contrary, she doesn't like rice cereal coz I think it's not as tasty. How you cook his porridge?

i see many of you giving rice cereal and brown rice... is it ok if i dun give these 2 and only porridge?
i realise JH's afternoon nap is quite long hor... after her 2.30pm milk she can tahan all the way till 6-7pm while her other feeding intervals are quite short. Her cereal feed not filling? How come next 30mins you feed her milk again?
hi summer,
i normally give milk 1.5hrs later and not 30mins lah..heehee.
she take 2 naps nowadays...morn and afternoon. depends on her mood...she nap each time minimum 1hr and maximum 3hrs...
if she take milk at 230pm then she finish abt 245-3pm mah so i 3hrs later then feed cereal again cos she is very full after cereal+milk earlier on. she drink btw 160ml-200ml milk each time.
i dun feed a lot of cereal lah. JH small eater. each time i feed half a bowl of cereal + puree.

its ok not to feed cereal lah, feed porr also same mah. but i would prefer brown rice porr lah. hee...more nutritious mah
i see... but at least her milk intake is ok. unlike my gal, sometimes her feed at 5am only 80ml! I think she drink for fun only, but i dun find it funny waking up to feed her
then dun feed lor. now we dun feed during midnite cos most of the time she will drink a bit only leh and refuse to drink liao. waste milk n my precious sleep. now i just feed water to her unless she really show that she is hungry lah.
her milk intake is not ok leh... we need to coax her, pat her to drink. she can drink from bedroom all the way to living hall. cos halfway she will dun wan to drink and we need to bring her other place to coax her finish her milk.
but i think she is hungry leh... coz everytime when she sees the bottle she will make the sounds that she will make if she is hungry, esp. when the teat is very near her mouth...

my gal also problem child... she got to drink in a quiet corner else she will get easily distracted and wants to get up. Maybe you should try bring JH to a quiet place to feed with nobody walking ard.
we always start off feeding her in a super quiet place leh. eg..lock inside bedroom with only JH and the caretaker only...but still she will be distracted easily. n her hands/legs non-stop moving abt when drinking milk...even her head also keep moving...we need to follow her head movements ah...heehee...so funny sometime. problem child...heehee
Hi smiley, summer and babycuite,
elvin took 3x brown rice and 2x porridge and it 1 bowl each time. His milk intake only 150ml each time max. Now he only take 90ml.

We try to feed him milk when he super hungry but he dun wan he wan his cereal he will play with the bottle and make noise dun drink.

just change bottle and teats for him but he still doesnt wan. Next step will try to change formula liao.
Hi mummies
ME and hubby also have started to plan for our bb and future. I guess we need to diversfy our pots...bank, FD, gold, stock, insurance etc. It is best not to put your money in one pot but diversify. Land banking is another option that me and hubby have invested recently.

BB not drinking MILK
Hi Corinne has been refusing milk. is this normal?
I am feeding Ashton 5 times, 180ml per feed le.. your feeding pattern not alot la.
My son dun like cereal, can only eat max 2 tablespoon. Porridge depends on mood... so I conclude that should feed more milk.
My mum cook pumpkin porridge in slow cooker but he refuse to eat. Thk she cook another time using carrot, meat and some other ingredient. Still he don't want to eat..... Should be tasty I guess but dunno why he doesn't like.

Basically he doesn't like to eat from spoon bah... he prefer to suck....

hehe.. pai seh... after midnite collate data i s like dat one lah... me blur sotong mah :p

<font size="+2"><center>Finding School Mates -- Feb 06 Mummies</center></font>

<center><table border=1><tr><td><font size="-1">Nick</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Primary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Secondary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Tertiary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">University</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Higher Level</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivory</TD><TD>89 Dazhong</TD><TD>93 BPGHS</TD><TD>97 NAP - BS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Violet Blaze</TD><TD>84 Temasek</TD><TD>88 Bedok View</TD><TD>92 NAP - BS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bulma</TD><TD>Beng Wan</TD><TD>Bendemeer</TD><TD>NYP</TD><TD>Tasmania</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>genevieve</TD><TD>88 Red Swastika</TD><TD>92 Chung Cheng High</TD><TD>94 <font size="-1">Tampines JC</font></TD><TD>99 NTU</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mashy</TD><TD>Chong Boon</TD><TD>CHIJ SNG</TD><TD>RJ</TD><TD>NTU</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>90 Keppel</TD><TD>94 Crescent Girls'</TD><TD>96 ACJC</TD><TD>01 NUS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>siewlng</TD><TD>85 <font size="-1">Jie Ming / Zhangde</font></TD><TD>89 Hua Yi</TD><TD>93 SP - ME</TD><TD>98 NTU</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sally</TD><TD>87 Pandan</TD><TD>91 North View</TD><TD>96 <font size="-1">NAFA - Visual Com</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jasminesym</TD><TD>84 Pasir Panjang</TD><TD>88 Outram</TD><TD>90 <font size="-1">St Andrew JC</font></TD><TD>94 NUS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>89 Ping Yi</TD><TD>93 Ping Yi</TD><TD>PSB Academy</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD>88 AMK North</TD><TD>93 <font size="-1">Presbyterian High</font></TD><TD>97 NAP - EE</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MTAN</TD><TD>86 Balestier Hill</TD><TD>90 <font size="-1">Presbyterian High</font></TD><TD>96 SP</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Smiley</TD><TD>88 Chong San</TD><TD>92 <font size="-1">Presbyterian High</font></TD><TD>96 NAP</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD>85 Raffles Girls</TD><TD>89 Raffles Girls</TD><TD>91 <font size="-1">St Andrew's JC</font></TD><TD>95 Monash</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amanda</TD><TD>93 Zhonghua</TD><TD>98 <font size="-1">Serangoon Gdns</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>feza</TD><TD>92 St Hilda's</TD><TD>97 St Hilda's</TD><TD>98 Informatics</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>babycutie</TD><TD>Towner</TD><TD>USTS</TD><TD>CIC , MDIS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>oscar</TD><TD>82 Marsiling</TD><TD>89 Woodlands</TD><TD>93 NAP 96 NIE</TD><TD>00 SIM Open U</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></center>

<font size="-1">** table is sorted according to Sec Sch.. Not age.. HeheK</font>
u got add milk to his cereal? i always add milk to JH cereal cos i feel her milk intake not enough. but i only add 1/2tbspoon.
hehehehe.... no problem lah.... Its ok if it is not listed because don't thk I can find any lor...hehehehe... Usually those my age hor....their kids will be around 5-6 years old liao lor..... hehehehe
Do u gals babies like to bang the mattress at night. My boy always use his legs to bang the mattress during sleeping at night. It is very loud and very disturbing.

My hb and I have to wake up a few times at night to see anything wrong with him. So tiring.
Dear mummies,
My boy kenna ear infection again! Now on the other ear. Yesterday, his fever shot up to 39.6 and we hurriedly went to Mt A as my PD's clinic is off on Weds. Last night was a torture. Dunno whether he's trying to torture us or what. My hb had to hum lullaby to him thru out the night. And if he stopped, my boy would cry. My boy even laughed when my hb changed the beat. So i think it's not due to discomfort. He just wanna torture us! In the end, I had to carry and pat him to sleep. Sigh. Total lack of sleep last night.
Hi Mashy
Hope your boy's fever has subsided. By the way, what is ear infection? I have been reading about it... and not sure if my gal is affected. She will have rash and some tear at her earlobes area at times. PD says it's part of eczema but I am not too sure of that.

Also, her ears stink from the wax inside. My mum tried to remove them and she said the substance is moist and wet, told me to check with PD if it's any infection. Any advice, mummies?

Your PD should be able to find out. They've a tool that they can use to look into the ear. Ask him lor. But most importantly, did she have any fever?
<font color="ff0000">Mtan</font>
Yes my gal likes to stamp her feet on the mattress too. It is very disturbing, but after awhile we are quite used to it.

<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
Oh dear, is Caeden alrite now? pOOR u and hubby, must be super tired. Hiaz.. when kids are sick, we are the most tired. U take care!!

Btw, my girl still has the wheezing sound and cough abit on and off. Wonder how to get rid of that..
Hi venus,

This is Mae. Sori to disturb u.
I am due anytime, and i jus realised that Auntie Fan's msia number that u gave mis is wrong.

There is no way that i can contact her now cos she is back in Msia. Can u check for mi her Msia number again? Pls sms mi at 9817 4770...feeling very desperate now.

Did your PD check her ears? coz bbs' ears and ours are alittle diff. Theirs are horizontal and short, which is why they can get ear infection easily. Should check what's causing it. Wonder how we can get rid of the ear wax. All the drs who examined my boy said very diff to see coz he got a lot of ear wax.
<font color="aa00aa">mtan</font>
<font color="0000ff">Ethan also banged his feet on the mattress when he sleep but as he grows bigger it seems the slamming not as loud or maybe we are both immuned to it haha . Its disturbing in the beginning but like anything else you will get used to it</font>
i think the last time he did... but thinking back, my gal been having a bit of running nose. Think I better bring her to the PD to check for peace of mind. Sometimes when her ears stink more than usual, I will see some wax falling out.

No, i dun use cotton bud. I use the usual 'stick' kind to remove for her... not too deep in though. And she will keep very still whenever i do that.

summer, ya ya..the usual stick kind is call cotton bud. i use tat too but not deep in lah. jus on the surface...n JH keep super still whenever we clean her ears. the only time she keep so still...ahahaha
