(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

congrats keagan and zijie!

violet, i dont think i can make it this thursday cos sarah is sick

sorry feza.happy birthday in advance!

feza's birthday 14sept?? my hubby's birthday too..but i guess i won't be in town...flying starts tomorrow..
sorry to hear so many babies falling sick..

Bulma, is jarren still taking cereal?? cos my PD told me to avoid that time when she was coughing profusely...he gave giselle pure fish oil supplement to boost her immune system too and now she seems much better..
feza, remember u recommended organic rice mix? giselle really loves it..
and always asking for more..i think she will be overweight soon...LOL

Jappooh..i joined basketball for the 1st two yrs during sec school..maybe we have met..

but i am short lor...so i usually just go thr to cheer for the rest...not playing..hehe
Happy Birthday in advance Feza!

Ai yah, I grad many years b4 u.

It's true that bb after 6mths get sick more often. That's coz the inborn antibodies wears off.

Yah, if Jarren has asthma, find out what is it that triggers it. Coz asthma is also a form of allergy. If you find out the cause, maybe his condition will be better. Is it dust/dustmites/something he ate etc?

My boy confirm is allergic to cow's milk. He's been on soy milk and his eczema has disappeared.
No problem.... take care of Sarah first. If she is well liao then you join us la.

Can let me know la.

I also recalled a fren oso told me that bbies has inborn antibodies but I cannot remember is 3mths or 6mths.
Anyway all are more than 6mths liao and start to see so many falling sick now-and-then
My girl has been coughing on and off and had a lot of phlegm too. My mum suspected its her FM. She is taking Pediasure. My mum told us that ever since she took the FM, she has been coughing on and off.

Now we changed to Enfagrow for her. Will monitor her cough. If the cough goes away, then confirm its the FM liao.

Maybe u can try changing FM. Did u bring Jarren to see Chinese Physician? Seek more opinion before confirming he is genuinely having asthma.
<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
Are you giving Caeden Isomil? There are 2 types for babies above 6MO. One is Isomil Advanced and the other is Isomil Advance 2 leh. I think the different is that the latter has AA, DHA and taurine etc. Which one are u giving?

<font color="ff0000">Feza</font>
In case i forget, happy birthday to you in advance! Is it only for mummies only, not bringing kids along right? I don't think I can make it, cos hubby is on reservist and likely to stay in camp. Sorry about it.

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
I fully empathise with you. When kids are sick, we mummies very jia lat. Even daddies cannot fully understand what we are going through. This is called maternal instinct yah. U jia you okay? I am sure Jarren will recover soon. Take good care!

Annika also wheezing, I am also very worried. She seems to be taking medicine so often, now giving med to her is not a problem anymore. She is used to it.
I am oso frm PHS, join the Volleyball team since Sec 1. But confirm I nvr met u coz I graduate in 95.

Per allergy test cost $10.00. Last time, I oso bring Nicholas for allergy test....sooo many to test oso dun know which one to test for. But I choose 10 types which the PD recommended which is more commonly tested. Do u know what was the result...ALL 10 TYPES ALLERGY (Fish, egg, meat, dustmites, etc)...really ridiculous. How can it be all allergy, then wat is he gg to eat!!!! Then it din bothers me, I continued to give him the food. But depend on you loh, if you find that you really need to send him for allergy test and you will feel more at ease, then juz do it. When u feel really helpless, you will try every means and ways.
Feza, happy birthday!

hi Ling,
do you think the test is accurate? My PD also recommend this test to me coz my bb has eczema. When you feed him those food, did he develop any allergy?
bbcutie, he taking soy and goat milk now lor

ivory, thanks for the offer but it's ok... i will be able to manage and pull through

i m tired... dun wanna thk nor tok liao... i b fine.. thanks, all
Hi bbcuite,
u have mail.

stay strong i knw it diff especially for mummies. I cry when Elvin is not feel well. Can stay up whole nite to just sit there and look at him.

do pm anyone of us if u need someone to talk to or if u need any help that we gals can help. I am sure everyone here will give u a helping hand if we can. Jia You!!!

understand how u feel. When the infant care centre called me last week to say caeden's got fever, i was like 'again?' and really felt so tired about this. Really wanna just break down and cry. Think u should tok to your hb. You should get away a day or two. Just leave Jarren in his care and go out to take a breather. Go and get a massage or something.

Think you shd tighten all the straps (the back and waist buckle) to the max since you are small size before you wear the carrier, then you put JH in and ask hb to adjust. See if it helps.....
jasmine, i make mine tighten to the max liao still feel very insecure.. so gave up will just let hubby use la if he wans if not the sling and stroller is just fine..
ya, can understand. It actually can come to a point whereby so afraid to hear phonecalls from the school...is like wat you say "not again!!!" Usually the school will only call when something had happen to your child...Really can hve heart attack!!!!

For eczema, I think you can test for allergy but really there are so many types till u dun know which to test....it is not possible to test for all mah..Unless it is really very bad, mayb you can consult the PD again and the PD will give you some advice.

Smiley/ Jasmine,
My hubby never like to use the carrier or the sling to carry Nichole. He feels so paiseh using it.
Dear Mummies

The 9th theme for our BB Contest is
Best Dressed baby

Dress baby up in their smartest most beautiful clothings and posed

Registration ($2) + Submission of Pic
Dateline: Latest by 17th September 2006

So please email the photo to me at [email protected]

Once the dateline is up the pictures will be uploaded into yahoo album for viewing and voting will begin then!

So hurry and join now!!!!
Hello Mummies,
Jan's thread mummies are organising a gathering and some activity for their babies like bb massage, foot printing, song/ dance...quite fun...

Happy belated bithday too.
Hi Babiecutie and Sunshinekid,

I happened to browse through the old postings and found that you all wondering who is Clara's mummy. I'm Cecilia. Greetings to everyone....
Hi Etelle, is my gal the 3rd listings in the Most Photogenic Baby? Sorry for asking this question so late. Cos' the name stated is Clare and cannot find this name in the list. Ha Ha...
<u>Gal's nite out</u>
Date : 14-Sep (Feza's birthday!!)
Time : 6:30pm
Venue: Marriot Cafe @The Singapore Marriot
Cost : $46+++(before credit card 20% disc)

So far Feza, Irene, Smiley, Ling, Mindy, Annie(TBC), Jasmine &amp; Violet are going.
Anymore? Pls let me know soon ok?
hey girls those going to the nyte out.. must wear mei mei ok.. its not often we get to dress up and not have milk and drool on our clothes..
<u>Gal's nite out </u>
Date : 14-Sep (Feza's birthday!!)
Time : 6:30pm
Venue: Marriot Cafe @The Singapore Marriot
Cost : $46+++(before credit card 20% disc)

So far Feza, Irene, Smiley, Ling, Mindy, Annie(TBC), Joyce(not Jasmine) &amp; Violet are going.
Anymore? Pls let me know soon ok?

a little? Haha, my birthday i also chin chai eat. :p sigh, think it's the mother's mentality. Now spend also think of my little darling first.
Gosh!!! The outing sounds so tempting...... But alas I can't make it.... I have to be disciplined as I will be gg for my aerobics and the venue is at Causeway point....

Furthermore, the next day I have company makan at Thai Village..... Don't wana "overeat" for the week.....

Enjoy yourselves.....
Ling/ Bulma
Actually i was thinking we should organise also like bb massage, bb rhythimc class and all hee :p think would be fun hor ha ha but who got idea??

my boy also lost wt. He has been yoyoing between 7.4kg to 7.6kg. Just couldn't gain.
And he's still very short, only 66cm at 8mths. But coz he's skinny, he looks tall.
<u>Ivory's Invitation</u>

Dinner @ Ivory's Place (Teck Whye Lane)

Date : 27 or 28 Sep 06 (Wed or Thur)
Time : 6-7pm (TBC)
Menu : hb cooking so dunno wats on the menu..

All mummies are invited.. please do suggest if u wan hb n bbs along or not.. hehe.. but hope u gals dun mind mine is just a small small place...

do suggest oso which date u gals prefer..

its my hb's compensation to me for me not able to join u gals on Thur... keke...


<u>Ivory's Invitation</u>

Dinner @ Ivory's Place (Teck Whye Lane)

Date : 27 or 28 Sep 06 (Wed or Thur)
Time : 6-7pm (TBC)
Menu : hb cooking so dunno wats on the menu..

01) - Feza n bb Elly

Total Adult + bb
01 + 01

