(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

me too fi attempt to cover his face he will double up and screamed even louder leh hee he e:p but then he just these few days like that lah think i spoil him lah keep bringing him out then hor he "hong xim "

Sometimes, bbs are overtired so they will cry before they sleep or they are struggling against sleepiness as they want to keep awake.
My sister is a childcare owner, she says different bbs have different patterns. Like gene said, cover the eye portion, some will quieten down to sleep, or when you pat firmly, they will grab your hand one for security. But, my bb like Bulma's boy, will scream even louder. Now, my boy wants us to sing to him, if not he sing himself to sleep, hehehe
bbger will let u noe whether i can meet u gals on fri anot k???
Like what jasminesym said, covering the eyes will quieten the BB down. Then easier to fall asleep. I discovered this accidently that day cos I was outside with BB and he wanted to sleep but it was too noisy and bright. I cover his whole head with cloth, and realised that he fell instantly to sleep. So far I keeping my fingers cross... very good, no more screaming and fighting in order for him to fall asleep.
My boy very scare of heat.. so if I cool the room down and pat him, he will also be more receptive to sleeping.
Ian also must wail and fuss b4 he sleeps. Etelle, my HB like yours. Yest., Ian fuss for almost an hr. No matter what we do, he cries. So, my HB put him down on his bed and said, I want to see how long u can cry. Then, the nanny cannot tahan. Came in, picked him up, walk him, sayang him, till he sleeps.
Gen/Jasminesym, thanks for the tip. I'll try to cover Ian's eyes tonight.
Everyone is just convinced that my boy has a super bad temper and is damn difficult.
Mindy, I still dunno what cereal to buy for my boy. Sigh..... think I'll go for either gerber or frisocream.

BTW, the last contest results not out yet? Or did I miss it? Thought voting closed on Sun?
think amanda still busy with work, better give her a bit more time to collate results
Maybe no clear winner? kekeke

Yar, still feels numb, also dunno when it'll stop feeling like this, very weird sng sng feeling.

Both hb n I want more kids, but dunno when. We're thinking of starting to try 1st quarter next yr in case second time not so easy to conceive. hehe, thinking of 3-4 kids, more re nao at home
The winner for this round theme Funniest Expression Baby Contest is:

ZiJie (Ivory) with a number of 12 votes.
2nd Runnerup Jarren with a number of 6 votes
3rd Runnerup Feng Kai with a number of 3 votes.
Corrine / Elvin / Keagan / Yu Jie with a number of 2 votes each.

Number of Votes send: 36
Number of Votes receive: 29
Number of Votes not voted: 7

Winner will receive a online certificate done by Feza and a cash prize of $ 22.00 transfered by Stella.
hi all,
my gal also fuss n cry when she wanna sleep.... i thou its oni my gal like tat...heehee...so after hearing from u all experience the same then i realise a lot of bb sama sama...

my gal crys v v loud esp on fri nite after come back home from my mum place for weekend. last fri, she cry on her way back in taxis n i can see the taxi driver almost gone bonker...haahha..cos the cry is really v v loud n sharp. hahaha....
and whenever she sleepy liao n wanna sleep n we not in time to put her to bed, she will start to fuss n cry liao...haiz...v diff bb to take care too. n her drink milk pattern another kind...must wait till near bed time then wanna drink milk. so we everytime must wait till she tired then let her drink milk. earlier a bit also cannot and delay too much also cannot cos she would be in deep sleep...hahaha...

gals, i tried sweet potato on my gal n she dun take it too well...indigestion n bloated. my mum says sweet potato n pumpkin induce wind so ask me dun feed....hmm...my mum wanna just stay on with rice cereal till she 8mths old cos she says my gal stomach weak n better dun stress her stomach with other food. do u all think its ok just to feed rice cereal n nothing else up to 8mths old? i ask a friend wif 2 kids n she told me its ok leh...she says esp for bb with weak stomach, just feed rice cereal till 8mths old.
Congrates Ivory!

I actually forgot that I need to express around 4-5pm so can't join u ladies after my lunch appt liao. You all have fun on Friday.
congrates Ivory hehe earn some pocket money liao hehehehe thanks to little sausage boy =p

though Jarren no win but I still thanks whoever mummies so nice to vote for him =) arigato
oh no... my mum just now update me tat my gal reject milk liao. dun even drink when half asleep liao. now she dunno wat to do. she dun even drink a single sip since last nite leh. then morn time my mum no choice but to feed her some cereal first or else its like more than 12hrs no drink anything. v headache leh...
now we dunno y she suddenly become like tat...dunno isit becos of the sweet potato tat i feed...my mum keep saying its due to the sweet potato cos before tat, everything is ok

i feel so sad...
i really worried leh...aiyo....
hopefully later she will drink milk again.
Congrats to Ivory! Zi Jie is really funny in that expression.

<font color="ff0000">Making baby sleep</font>
We used this method for my older son and it works very well. That is to stroke his hair (fringe) downwards all the way to his eyebrow then eyelid. This is like forcing him to cover his eyelids in a way. Hope u all understand. My boy falls asleep very fast like that.

<font color="ff0000">C-section wound</font>
It's quite normal to have the numb numb feeling. I had mine for nearly 1 yr.. but it's not painful lor. Don't worry, will recover with time.

<font color="ff0000">Kids</font>
It's still too early for hubbies to accept the idea of having #2 lah. Now babies at this stage still demand alot of attention, and may not have settle down to a pattern yet. But once our darlings start to crawl, walk and yak, they will be very fun.. Then subconciously, hubbies will be more receptive to baby #2.
haha... thanks thanks..

now my hubby have to accept that his son is not the cutest or handsome.. but the most funny face bb.. hehe.. all inherit from him.. hehe..

lets us see the funny face again..


hai.. think my son in future go be comedian lah.. this the oni way he can earn money..
<font color="ff0000">Elsie</font>
If you want organic rice cereals, can try Healthy Times or Earth's Best, but not many plcs sell. If not, give Heinz or Friso, as they are not sweetened.
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No return or exchange for all sale items.
sunshine, i sm x also after my boy "Fa wan pi qi" (yell scream cry) til he tired liao and i can nail him on mattress w him no strength to struggle, i will stroke his head to his eyes and he also will sleep... but when he "fa pi qi" there is nothing i can do cos he will rub n rub n struggle n struggle and yell n yell and cry n cry.

sm x when he in car seat and he look stone, i will also stroke him then he will fall asleep.
elsie: hehe no problem la... cause i was late in announcing the results... hehe

Ivory: congratulations wor... hehe

Milk intake:
wow lau.. tell u all huh... now i find feedin Xin Ru is a tedious job man.... she is only takin abt min 100 to a max of 180 per feed leh.. and per feed she got to have break like abt 1/2 an hour then drink the other half.... i told my hubby she know how to do Maths leh... exactly half she will stop liao.... really make me so headache... and her cheek now become Size S liao.. see liao very hard pain... my mom told me babies will become like tat at certain stage of the months... hope tis get over soon man.. last time feedin her is such a smooth things... now become a tough job..... I keep tellin her tat she is growin taller and gettin slimer....

I discovered nowadays when Xin Ru lie on the bed and if she wans to be carried, she will stretch her hands out and make those ke lian sound... hehe so funny and cute.....

Yesterday morning i scold Xin Ru leh... she refused to drink milk then when i carry her near to me, she use her hand to beat me leh... then i use a firm voice and say her cannot beat people and who teach u then she 'bi cui' and cry a while leh.. i tink she know she is wrong tat's y dun dare to cry out loud then after tat she start to smile again like 'sai nai' like tat.. then after a while i tell her 'baby cannot beat ppl one ok...' then she like respond to me when i say tat to her leh... then i tell her again 'beat ppl is a notti gal behaviour u know' then she respond me again... so cute rite... then i give her a hug and kiss her then she ok liao.... but after i scold her i felt the heartpain in me.....
amanda, my boy's milk intake also bcom range 80-130ml nowadays compared to last x 150-170ml. mayb is normal lor since i see in forum some of u also say bb's milk intake drop. hope is a passing phase.

i also fl my boy can understand what we say lei hehe sm x he also will respond or smile or what.

when my boy on walker or lie down on mattress and he wan to be carried, he also will stretch his hands out.
milk intake:-
ya lor...been drinking lesser n lesser. n we no choice feed more cereal.... with milk added so that boost more milk intake.

JH also can understand us. and hands stretch out to whoever she wanna to be carried. v cute.
she love my mum to carry her. sun nite bring her back, she stick to my mum like glue. dun wan me or hb to carry her at all....hahaha...
v "sai nai" towards my mum.
haha.. just now i very bad.. go n make fun my MIL again..

i say we have this contest amongst us.. n ur grandson ah... not cute, not chubby. not handsome, not fair.. oni win the funny face category.. other bb win $40+ ur grandson oni $20 cos no other bb got funny face like him..

hehe.. her face turn black.. n still can say ok lah.. got $20 not bad lah..

feza, but J nowadays dun wanna eat cereal also lei sianzzz

Smiley, J is prefer i carry. whenever he see me, he will jump jump jump and smile smile smile and both hands keep stretch as long as he can though his is short haha he v "sai nai" twds me one. then his 2nd choice is my mum.

ivory, u beri bad lei hahahahaha
bulma, then its time for u to change cereal brand liao lah.... JH eat heinz initally n b4 1pkt finish she alr sianz liao n i try healthy times n so far still ok. but the 1pkt not yet finish lah,....maybe few days later she sianz again...hahaha

wow...like tat u v siong ah...me gd lah. cos JH 1st choice is my mum, 2nd choice is my hb and 3rd choice then me. hahaha...so i can MIA anytime
bulma, ur jarren quite heavy weight so i think its ok if he drink lesser. JH alr almost underweight so cannot afford any weight loss or slow weight gain,.
Tat's y i pei fu u.. gone thru c section still can tink of having another child.. even though mine was natural w/ epidural, i already scared of the preg process. hahaha.. giv ur hb sum time. maybe after ur boy grow up, he will suddenly wan to hav another bcoz he see him so lonely.. dun give up!! jia you.. ur dream will cum true lah!

Hahaha.. u nt crazy lah.. Tink it's quite common among mothers to wan 2 or more kids.. jus tat minority like me and bulma gt turn off by the preg process and labour pain..

thnks for ur reminder.. will tk note.. such a pity u cant join us..

sure.. looking forward to meeting u..

Congratualtions!! u can use the $ to buy more veggies for zijie since he love them so much!!.. kekeke..
bulma / smiley: mine is like reduce 1/2.. haizz last time drink 200-210 now like tat... see liao so sian.. then my fren keep sayin she buay pui buay pui.. hear liao so pek cheh.... we din add cereal into her milk yet.. gonna see PD and ask her tis sat... haizz

i was quite surprise when i talk to her tellin her cannot do tat then she respond.. normally when i talk and play w her she will smile then 'talk' to u... then now she respond when i tried to explain to her... hehe so happy.. hehe
very cute rite.. seein them hands out wanna be carried... hehe when my mom saw that she hug xin ru and kiss her.... haha

ivory: u beri bad leh... hehe go and tease ur MIL... later kana bao feng yu from her ah.... hehe
really ah? must change cereal liao ah... then wait for my current pack to finish lor.. so ley chay one meh? didnt know gotto change one lei

actually J's weight is avg lei 50%. his prob is his height haha he is under-height =p at 25% only.. cham meh so bcom see him overall he is fat
bb_ger: hehe i also c-section and also pinnin to have another 2 bb leh... hehe :p

ilim: ur sis give birth liao mah... hehe
today 7-11 liao leh... hehe
well.. every day my mil sure do things to make me headache.. i migraine foe the past few days liao leh.. got chance of cos must shoot back lah..

ya.. i can buy 19bots of veggie for him liao.. wait he eat until puke ah.. haha..

those who have the safety 1st exersaucer, those toys ard the station are normal with sounds or just for biting?? i wan to compare it with leapfrog.
my mum says feed till bb reject the cereal then change. no need change if no reject.
u try healthy time cereal lor...not bad leh...n its organic n brown rice somemore...better than white rice mah. the texture is diff thou...its not as smooth as heinz one but fine enough for bb lah.

i do the sweet potato, carrot n pumpkin puree liao but all will go to waste cos my mum feel its not time to start JH on these vege as she try sweet potato n she become reject milk. maybe she bloated or maybe she become sweet tooth cos sweet potato v sweet. so she says just stick to rice cereal till she is 8mths old then she will cook porridge for her. i ask my friend who do a lot of read up whether its ok or not like tat, she says its ok not to introduce vege or fruits as they r not taking any meat yet...
no, i dun work near there so dun think i'll be going la.

C-Sect :
I had emergency c-sect for my 1st bb and the healing process is so long and tedious. Realy scared of it.
So when I was expecting my 2nd bb, I begged the doc to do natural delivery if possible, fortunately my doc oso pro natural delivery one.

Solid feed
I fed Feng Kai 4 tablespoon of cereal but he like not satisfied leh. Do you all still top up with milk after cereal? I gave him another 50ml of milk after cereal but 3.5hrs later he cry for milk again....
Scared I over feed him leh.
violet...ur FK appetite so good ah. me so envy... my gal dun eat so much cereal lah but cos i add FM into the cereal so more filling. i mix 1 big scoop of FM to 1.5 scoop of cereal with 2oz of water. then abt 1 - 2hrs later will feed milk lor.
He feed like he sooooo hungry like that. When the spoon is near to him, he auto come to the spoon and open mouth to cover the spoon!

But how come u mix the FM and cereal like that? I tot is to make the FM into milk first then use the milk to mix the cereal?
hahaha.. u all so funny.. Same lah, I think. For me, I will prepare 60ml of milk first, then use this milk to dissolve my cereal. Annika takes 3 spoons of Healthy Times Cereal, and after 1 hr, I will give her 120ml of milk. Usually she will finish all.

<font color="ff0000">Violet</font>
U had VBAC? Me too! So happy that I manage a successful VBAC. I dun like my epidural C-section, thou the recovery process isnt that long too.
jus make sure u hv the right amount of FM to water ratio lor.

u bery chim leh, or pardon my ignorance.... wat is VBAC har?
orh I see...
ya me is very happy oso I managed to deliver naturally this time.
But I also opted for epidural, scared pain la. Some more I labour for almost 19hrs. No epidural I think I die liao.
hi Ivory,
Im from Apr's thread (my bb gal now 3 mths 1 wk)...saw ur post saying that u teasing ur MIL. But mine opposite, my MIL says my bb gal become more ugly liao...says her eye become smaller, nose flater...and very tanned.
Besides, I saw your bb pix...dont know u notice his eyeball. (mine gal, seems like having bad eyesight)...her eyeball will move to middle when looking at her own finger. Me so worried she will get use with such bad habit...

How to traine her to look properly????
violet: i also hopin my 2nd one can be vaginal birth... and i hope my gynae will encourage me... tat time he told me can try.... pray hard....

Mrs Ho: sorry ya.... aren't the eyes suppose to be lookin at middle when they look at their finger... or maybe i din get the msg correctly... hehe
my gal look like tis normal a not huh?? by the way, ur MIL very terrible leh.... say tis kind of things..
