(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Eyes together?
The eyes like that ok la.
When my gal was younger she oso like that so I asked the PD 'cos I scared she cross eyes.
PD says ok, they will usually 'settle' to normal position as they grow up.
normal lah, everybody also like tat. If we focus like tat but eyeballs go sideways, then we really got lazy eyes liao, hahaha...

I also mix 2 tbsp cereal to 1 scoop fm, then add water, i feel easier to control how thick we want the cereal to be. I also add some Heinz puree for flavour. After 1hr, feed 80ml bm, he finishes all leh.
really???? the eye like that is normal????
when my SIL see my bb gal like that, then she keep shouting say "the eye can't like that one la..., how can like that" then make me and my hubby so worried.... actually i myself oso have abit cross eye...but under control la...just worried my gal will follow like me....

if bb eye are normal like that, then i will feel more comfort...if not, so worried for these few days...
Ya lor...my MIL keep saying she become ugly liao...but, for me...dont think so le...i feel happy as she is now...here the pix for my gal when she 3 weeks.
<font color="ff0000">Mrs Ho</font>
Ur MIL is very BAD! How can say such things about her granddotter. For my MIL, she cannot say bad things about my girl, becos many pple say tat Annika looks like her... hahahahah.
So cute baby!
Pls lah, as long as our babies are healthy, this is what is most important right? U all read the thread about "A sad Story to share"? Really sad. So to have healthy babies are a blessing to me. I dun take it for granted.
Mrs Ho: ur bb looks so cute leh... can clip hair mei mei le...

the way ur SIL says tat is so funny... hehe u ask her face the mirror then look at her finger lor.... LOLX

sunshinekid: u also any funny one.. hehe cannot say annika.. if not like sayin herself rite... hehe
thank for all your compliment....i feel more easy now...if not...keep worried about her eye...

yeah...as long as bb healthy, i dont care for others....we must cherish what we have now...
Mrs Ho..ur baby is so adorable..my darling is botak..and on almost all occasions she was mistaken as He..
i was heart-broken
ryan taking S26 gold now. should continue the same "series" after 6 mths? Hey, my ryan sama sama as your jarren leh. fuss a lot when he wants to sleep.. aiyo... loud loud... cry.. headache lah. may b nxt time we should put them together for a day. see whether they still cry cry.. ahhahahah

hey, east side mummies got organize gathering please keep me informed leh. thanks thanks.

Mrs Ho,
dont mind the bad comments from others. i remember when i was young, my relatives kept commenting that i "ugly". Very hurtful to kids leh... chey... they should mind their own business...
Hi Ivory,
Congrats! At least your boy win lei. My poor elvin never win anything one..

Hi Bulma/Smiley,
Elvin so far finish 3 pkts of Heniz Cereal liao. usually i will have 3 scoop (the scoop from his fm) of cereal + water. He like it like paste dun like watery one. Then after 1 hr feed him 120ml of milk (4 scoop of fm + 1 scoop of rice cereal). Elvin like to have cereal added to his milk.

my boy also short short lei. 5 mths only 63cm.

can help me to update Elvin details?
He is now 6.95kg and 63cm.

the similac follow on arrived liao. When u wan it?
<font color="ff0000">Mrs Ho</font>
U know what is nu da shi ba bian? Ur gal looks so cute now, I am sure she will be a pretty lady next time

Sorry I made u all cry leh. I myself will cry uncontrollably when I look at those pics.
Mrs Ho,
She is very cute wat. Think maybe yr MIL favor boy more izzit? Anyway dun care wat other ppl say about yr little princess, she will always be the best to you.
Hehe...tks for the info....Wah yr bro very realistic hor ..hehehe.. but if its me I oso same attitude lah...kekeke... BTW where he find his sponsors huh?

Maybe u can try for another kid few years later?

Now elly still young mah. And yr hb hv not get over the anxiety over being a daddy....hehehe... wait till elly is older then maybe u can consider for another one lor...
Mrs Ho,
It is very normal that a bb will look cross eyes if he/she look at their own fingers because its near.

We adults will oso look cross eyes if we look at a near object.

Don't care abt the comments made by yr MIL lah. She is gender biase. All babies are beautiful... their features will change as they grow older...
sunshinekid, the link mk me cry uncontrollably for e past 20mins and now i stil crying... she is so adorable and it's so heartbreaking. i was telling bbcutie and stella that we shd b thankful that our darlings are stil w us to mk us angry. that parents dun even hv chance to b angry w their darling gal anymore....
Mrs Ho / VS
can PM me your email address so ic an let you fill in a new comer's form. VS i think u posted before not really new comer but we dun have your paticulars
so pls PM me so i can email you the form
and from then you be informed if we have bb contest or gathering.

congrats!! ha ha i think u know ur boi will win right ha ha cuz his really funny leh hee hee :p ooops...it's alright lah funny also an attribute mah...

wow one day never logged in onyl so many postings liaoz...

now that the theme for the funny expression baby is over. I will have to start my "job" and launched the next theme right???
Dear Mummies

The 4th theme for our BB Contest is
*Most Cheerful Baby"*

Registration (Pay $2) + Submission of Pic
Dateline: Latest by 18th July 2006

So please email the pic to me at [email protected]

Once the dateline is up the pictures will be uploaded into yahoo album for viewing on the 19th and voting will begins then!

So hurry and join now!!!!
Haha.. ya he super realistic one. One of my uncle is apparently a member so he easy lor. My brother say if got relative lagi easier to get in.

I dun dare read the link le... I very scare wait I will cry and cry. Last time I read one about a 9 months old bb, cry for 2 days. Now I think about it still feel like crying...

Mrs Ho,
Ok one la, the eyes... My BB also a bit cross eye when see near things. Ignore what others say la. If everything people say we also must worried like mad, then we will all get depressed. I realised relatives like to comment this and that one... Very sian one. My BB also receive lots of comments one. Eg say he very pui NO NEED to eat so much.. BUT he is not eating well, so listen liow very sian.

U pei fu me also no use le... I think I might not have 2nd one anyway, cos hubby not supportive le.
mrs ho..
it normal for the eyes to be crossed eye lah..
my boi even more terrifying.. if we move finger to his rite side.. his rite eyeball will follow but not his left.. his left will look straight.. cos ask Dr abt it.. he check both eyes n say its ok lor.. cos when we move to his left.. his left eyeball move but not his rite *faint*

got once when he was very young.. when i was feeding him milk.. suddenly he opened his eyes n no iris at all.. can oni see a bit.. left iris up in upper left corner.. rite iris up in upper rite corner.. i almost dropped him cos he looked so 'evil' at that time.. after dat i one whole day dun dare to look at him..

ur gal very cute leh.. how can ur MIL sat like dat.. next time she say u say.. ya lor.. dunno resemble who leh.. hb n me ok leh.. must be 'ge dai yi chuan' lor..

that's wat i shoot my MIL when he keep saying my boi very tanned.. keep asking me to ask PD y he like dat.. so i just say PD say couldnt b bcos of me n hb cos both of us very fair.. must be inherit dunno from who... i din say her lah... but from then onwards she nvr say y ah boi so tanned cos must b from her cos she dark skin mah.. from then onwards i will on off purposedly praise other bb so fair n chubby not like mine so dark n notti.. then it bcome her turn to say boi dark gd.. fair not nice.. *duh*

my mil say alot of stupid things lor.. u can ask the gals here... i always shoot her back lor.. then as n when i got chance i sure suan her lor.. this is her retibution lor.. cos last time she keep saying things abt other pple mah..
U very stylo le, dare to shot back!!! I only dare to go back to room shot at my hubby!
Last time when I was pregnant with Ashton, still dunno girl or boy.. I wanted to buy thick baby clothings (cos Feb in China very cold). I was happy to get a cheap deal, and told my MIL abt it(thick romper only $7). Wah Lau.. she told me NO NEED buy clothings one. Just use towel to wrap can liow. Can tell me dunno girl or boy why I so gan jiong! I was very angry for many days, becos my hubby also joined in and say NO NEED buy!
Then finally Ashton arrived, and we only got 1 thick clothing for him. His daddy then became heartache quickly buy alot more.But by then winter no sale for thick clothing, ended up with expensive ones.
Hey everyone,

Do u girls already notice BB's character liow? I dunno whether its Ashton's character or he not feeling well le.
He is super stuborn. When he is awake he WONT drink milk at all. I can only feed him when he is asleep. Sometimes when I cant get him to sleep but try to get him to drink, he will cry and try to vomit out whatever he had ate just now (cereal or milk).
I think he is very hungry one le, cos he refuse milk but will gobble down baby biscuits if I offer him.
Why like tat huh?! Yesterday he ate very well, I was in very good mood. Today I having headache and am frustrated cos he refused milk since 3.30pm. I cant imagine my mood totally depends on how much Ashton drinks...

Exactly th same situation, i will onli shout n shot at my hb whenver my MIL offended me.. I still wan to give her sum respect tat's y i nv say her.. There was once her fingernails poke my shayna's under eyelids.. she still dare tell me she has poke her nose.. when i carry shayna up, her lower eyelids was bleeding.. very minor injuries, but my ger was crying profusely loh.. den i saw my MIL fingernails so long and sharp.. i immediately told hb ask his mum to cut but she refused.. the excuse was her nails too short nt nice.. wau.. i tell u, i almost flare up.. den hb oso nv say anythink loh.. another incident was she like to smoke outside the corridor, but it was no difference coz the smoke still enter and pollute the house.. u say hw can i tolerate tis kind of MIL when she doesnt even concern abt my ger?

Abt ur boy feeding pattern, shayna oso like tat sum x.. i oso duno wat's wrong wif her.. when she wana slp at nite, it's even worse than feeding her milk.. very very cranky and she kip crying and crying b4 bedtime.. sum x giv her milk, pacifier, craddle, hum songs oso no use.. can faint loh.. nwadays the children can reali torture us mummies until can feel like dying leh..
my sis gave birth liao hehehe she got her wish bb born on 7-11. But bb poo inside cos too stress liao she was in labour for almost 24hrs.So poor thing have to clear her "chang wei".
ilim: serious ah... 7-11... so nice... hehe congratulations wor.... hehe bb gal or boi huh?? Keagan got accompany liao... hehe
Oh my god...24hrs... natural birth?

bb_ger: u mean ur MIL poke Shayna ah?? ai yeo... accidentaly one is it...

Etelle: hehe ya u can go ahead le...
i will try to send u the pic and $$ by late morning cause i will be out later in the day and not comin back office le.... faint... today stock goin into store and my boss on mc.. so i gotta gp paragon and tampines.... wow lau... tired...
my boy also 63cm when 5MO haha haizzz i "Ren ming" alr.. short also bo pian .. cant do anything.

my boy is now on 3rd pkt of heinz lor.. yest my mum told me she feed him 2.5tablespoon of cereal, he finished everything lei... hope he will continue like tis good good boy
bulma: they will still grow mah... hehe still have so many years.. they still have to go thru puberty meh... sikali shoot up leh... hehe
Sometimes mil can be super-trying. My poor hb has to put up with me complaining to him abt ILs, then I put up with him complaining abt my parents. Luckily, they dun say orr xim things, just difference of opinion in how to bring XR up. If say bad things abt my bb, I think I'll really flare up man!
I cant believe how inconsiderate your IL is! My goodness, her appearnace more impt than her granddaughter, then dun carry lah! I tak boleh tahan those ppl who smoke with bb around, very boh zi dong. Whenever it happens (usually at MIL's place coz her friends go over to play mj, then one or two are chainsmokers), we either balek kampong or hide in IL's room.
Hi Jappoon,
U staying at Bukit Panjang hor. which mrt stn the nearest to u? CCK huh? I can meet u at cck mrt stn or whichever u find convenient. Just let me know. Weekday after work, ok? u taking care of bb nite time? if not convenient, i can go ur place to pick up cos my bb wif my mum nite time.

Hi Gene,
ur boi exactly same drinking pattern as JH leh.
JH only drink milk when half asleep or sometime full asleep then wanna drink.
Forget abt giving milk to her while she is wide awake cos she will totally refuse even a sip.
She started like tat since she abt 3mths old till now still like tat.
She is really v hungry liao but jus refuse milk lor...me also dunno y lah.
Teat go in, she cry n fuss...teat come out, she no cry liao but keep sucking her fist n fingers lor.
then we put her yao lan yao till she sleep n quickly feed her...and she will drink lor.
This is wat we do n my mum did the same.
and we schedule her milk time like tat:-

9am - milk (she wake up at 730am n will not drink milk awake...will bath her n wait till she sleepy at 9am)
12pm - cereal (cos after her nap time she not sleepy so fast hence can oni feed cereal)
130pm-2pm - milk (sleepy liao, nap time so can feed milk)
430pm-5pm - cereal (awake liao so no choice, cereal again)
7pm - milk (sleepy liao, nap time so can feed milk)
then she can sleep thru out, sometimes dun even wake up for milk liao....even she do wake up, its to play n not drink milk,
and the method of waiting her to sleep n feed again dun work at nite time....
so to boost her total milk intake, we add fm to her cereal.... on bad days, she only had a total of 18oz of milk or even lesser...
see.....my gal is taking v v little milk only but no matter how we force she dun wan means dun wan...

i may try Jappoon method of adding cereal to her milk to try out. maybe like tat she like it more????
saying abt MIL...hmm... mine sometime can also make v silly comments like....aiyo, ur gal no hair leh...must be u no eat properly or fussy abt food tats y bb come out no hair...wow,,,me hear liao buey song hor..me shoot her back tat bb no hair is tian shen one mah, wats to do wif the food i eat when i preggie...wat type of silly logic. then i complain to my hb...n sometime she will says my gal small size cos i eat little and choosy abt food when i preggie...hei...i got G.diabetes tat time leh n of cos v choosy n careful of wat i eat mah n most food she cook when i there all not suitable how to eat... as if i purposely want my bb to be small size.

then she will make comments like, my gal hand no strength lah, develop so slow physically lah...head only stable at 4mths++lah while all her children n grandchildrens develop much faster lah, got plenty of hair lah...this n tat lah...i hear liao super buey song leh. i cant deny tat my gal physical develppment is not v fast but as she is on BM hence its v normal mah...and i find develop fast may not be a gd thing mah...
i just keep quiet n ren ren ren...
claire: me no car but only got 'kah' hehe.... but can claim transport claim la... hehe but it's the journey tat is tedious... imagine from orchard i take train to tampines... feel so sleepy liao then reach there cannot work... hehe

smiley: my gal similar also leh... sometimes when feedin time she wake up, she wun cry for milk one... then when we feed her, she will start her exercise liao... then drink half way stop and fuss then later 1/2 hour later let her continue and she drink...
yesterday her last fed was at 5.50pm then when i bring her home, i let her drink 40ml of water at ard 7+,8pm then she sleep till tis morning 615am then drink her milk... i tink she hungry liao le.. cause when hubby put the teat for her to take she no exercise left, right then drink without makin fuss BUT after ard 120ml, she stop liao le and dun wan drink then hubby put her on rockin chair and she drink another 30ml then dun wan liao...
what fm u using huh?? dunno is it because the milk is tasteless and they dun like liao... cause they tink they 'grow' up liao le....

sometimes huh really cannot tahan them like tat... dunno what they wan.... haizzz
smiley: poor thing... wow.. i really very lucky tat my MIL is not in Sg man... cannot imagine if my MIL is like tat... then can only ren qi tun shen then seow liao.....
never mind smiley, let her say what she wan la... most importantly is baby is healthy...and so what if she is small size... gal's small size good mah..... hehe tat's what i always tell the ppl who comment my gal is small size.....
my gal on Similac and 3x BM daily. she reject FM the same as BM. i guess maybe now she like cereal more cos cereal more tasty lor. tats y maybe if next few days no improvement, i will add some cereal into her milk to try try.
smiley: so both now also reject.... headache... especially they are no takin in enough fluid rite.... hmmm my mom ask me to go and buy those 'cho bee' ah... those brown brown colour one... but she say tat one heaty... gotta check w my PD tis weekend....

my gal now taking healthy time brown rice cereal...not heinz rice cereal cos my mum says brown rice one better. JH also like brown rice cereal better.
