(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

HI Gals,
Nice weather to sleep!

<font color="ff0000">Ivory/BB_ger/Smiley</font>
Aiyo...Cant imagine u gals have such terrible MILs around. Luckily for me, my MIL is quite nice, loves my childred to bits. She also knows that if she makes me angry, I will minimise her contact with my children.. Kkeekek.. so she quite "scared" of me in a way. I so bad right.

<font color="ff0000">Milk Intake</font>
My little gal also quite terrible these days. Everyday feed her milk like fighting with her.. see who wins. She will machiam doing Indian dance, turn left &amp; right, very "smelly pattern". I pity the caregiver, ie, my mummy dearest. Last nite brot Annika for jab, she is only 7.3kg and 64cm at 5MO. But strange leh, she looks so chubby.

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
Oopps,today u got swollen eyes from crying or not. :p

I think staying with mil sure have its pros and cons. Not easy hor after all the brought up and the lifestyle is completely different.....

yeah smiley
ignore wat she say...dun take it to heart....
Seems like most bbs milk intake dropping after cereal. think mine not dropping coz my IL is the type ngeh ngeh jee. Then u know porridge should blend rite coz normal rice grain too big mah, then she say no need and just feed bb v quickly. Her maid see already also shake head. Hope my XR doesnt become a bui bui like her mommy...
Mrs Ho

Your bb where got ugly? If ugly also from lousy genes from your MIL! Hahaha.... Remind her that your bb also has her genes.


One of the gals in Jan Mummy thread, her bro's friend's sis is distributor for GAIA and she's arranging for bulk purchase. Maybe we can join her?
Etelle...i hav pm u liao

u really stylo hor...can shoot ur MIL. for me, i will just keep quite, wont say much. Nowadays, i complaint alot to my hubby regards to his family. Then he said, after my delivery, i change alot....keep complaining...

wah, ur IL very bad hor...keep long nail and smoke somemore....its very bad for you and bb le.
Mrs Ho

I think it's instinctive. I also complain alot to my hb abt my ILs. So much so that I told him I dun wanna see them and that I dislike them very very much. Dunno where that cave woman thing came from...
hi all,

so many postings i cant catch up cos my browser open small small (need to be discreet).

just to share with those having feeding problems, i think my sarah has been famous for not wanting to drink milk since she 1mth plus. we used to wrestle with her and my mom ended up spoonfeeding her the milk last time. but later we stopped forcing (cos it'll worsen her feeding experience). i ever stopped feeding her for many many hours just becos she refused and sneakily fed her when she was sleepy and groggy. we also learnt to give her encouraging words and praises and now she shows more acceptance. and when she finishes, we reward by kissing and cuddling and more praises.

i read (from a miriam stoppard book) that for baby girls especially, they are more emotional than baby boys and need a lot of encouragement and show of affection.
wow JH drinking pattern is the same as ELvin lei. but after we add the cereal to his milk he drink better liao. We usually give him Heniz cereal, sometimes will give him brown rice, potato or carrot. Elvin wan cereal when it adult meal time. He will refused his milk during my MIL breakfast, luch and dinner time. SO during that time will give him cereal after 1 hr will give milk + cereal and he is happy with this arrangement.

I am staying at Bukit Batok. If weekday wat time u will be reaching hm? I can meet u at sembawang mrt stn.

Hi bulma,
ya no choice our bb short short. Maybe due ot me and hubby height? i am 1.61m and hubby 1.67m short short also.

elvin is smaller size lei. Only 6.95kg and 63cm when 5M. Sigh..
hi jappooh,
jus now my mum told me JH last nite n midnite n this morn got drink milk liao. hmm... but i guess she would like to have some cereal in her milk but i dun really wan to do this unless really no choice lor. i will see how.
my gal 5mths1wk only 6.2kg leh...super small size ah but leh her birth weight oni 2.455kg lah n bothe me n hb v short n small built too so she take over us lah...heehee

oh...bukit batok huh...i remember wrongly. paisay leh, make u come sembawang. i can meet u at b.batok mrt stn also lah...no prob for me one lah. but u choose the most convenient place to meet. if b.batok mrt stn, i can meet at abt 6.10pm and if sembawang mrt, abt 6.30pm.
if u not rushing for time, can even go for dinner together...heehee
mashy, u so happy to b FTWM meh? tot u v reluctant to be one cos u v glue to caeden?

jappooh, i worse than u. i only 1.5m and hb only 1.67m lor so my boy "ka-teh ka-teh" lor
going to start earning your $ again good mah
have more spending power.
mashy, dun say til so "cham" lah must thk like dat u can provide even more for him also mah... it's not QUANTITY time but QUALITY time w our darling =)
My sis's bb is a ger... was telling Lai Yee seeing her reminds me of keagan when he jus born..hehehe...

If she's organising then can join her BP cos till now the distributor never reply me....
hehehh violet u olso order the swiss rolls. Did u order the eclairs? that's the nice one i find.

hehehhe claire, just feed the bb quickly. hahah yr mil darn funny. mils always do the funniest thing! The funniest thing my mil did, i find is putting cooking oil on sil's baby head. LOL
Aiya bulma, jappooh, my boy Reyes shortest lei! He weighs 7.8kg and only 60cm!! Me 156cm and hb 163cm. Hahahha got the genes of us!

u gals still good can complain to hb. I complaint before and scary man! My hb super fierce kinda, can bang and throw things and scold MIL! So u see, i where got dare to complain liao?? Later mil said I'm the devil, breaking up her son and her! But I'm still horrible devil lah, when i'm in bad mood or mil or sil makes me mad, i really Yell out loud at them!
yep yep I ordered the eclairs oso, ordered 3 packets

I'm lucky that MIL's in M'sia and we only goes back 3-4 times a yr maximum. So less conflict with IL side. Anyway when I'm there I try to close both eyes la. She dun get to see her son and grandchild that often so I jus keep quiet whenever possible when she makes comments lor.
elly really cute leh, playing with the notebook. looks like she's going to be an expert!

i also close eyes already. At the end of the day, she's still the one I depend on to look after XR so aiyah, just let her be as long as bb grows well.

WHy put cooking oil? My gran keeps asking us to put rice wine on bb's head coz she not a lot of hair...like her daddy
hahahah y cooking oil har Claire, I also dunno. Cos sil's boy has cradle cap, so mil put all kind of oils, u name it, she has it. Be it olive oil or baby oil, or cooking oil or u know that oil for sewing machine??? I'm not joking, true...siao rite
mindy, my boy had v bad cradle cap when he young lei then i use the mustela cradle cap shampoo.. vvvv good lei u can ask yr sil to try... initially i use olive oil and bb oil, it didnt work out.
<font color="ff0000">MIndy</font>
Wei, which ones are nice ah, the swiss rolls or eclairs or wat? And got different flavours right? MY colleague wanna order leh. Make me drool only.
I like both, hb and i finished 1 pack of eclairs in 1 sitting...then my poor girl look at us and drool
as for the swiss rolls, I brought over to mil's place, 1 afternoon, ppl finish the lot. initially they dont know what it is, dun dare to eat, then one person start, in the end everybody also take n 42 pcs v fast gone liao...
Bulma Bulma, smiley n Feza,
me also join the "short" group.
haha.. I only 1.52n while my hubby is 1.66m.clipart{kao_babydust}

U training yr darling to whizz kid

I see Robinsons (Raffles city branch) carry Mustela products. But not sure if they have the one that you are looking for. Can call them to check.
Hahaha..glad that there are so many shortie here..
I only 152cm and hb is 168cm....

My girl @ 2yo only 83cm nia leh... my boy at 5mths is 66cm
Hi gals,
wow we have so many shortie here har. I thought i very short already lei. Just 1.61 now look like i am still ok. I always find my hubby short cos most of my guys fren are 1.7m and above..

Hi smiley,
if meeting at bukit batok will be ard 7pm liao. If at sembawang will be like 640pm. Let me knw where u wan to meet. If is fri then can be half hr earlier. Tmr maybe cannot hor. wan bring elvin go shopping and take pics.

Hi gals,
check with u all if u have extra cash will u help your in law in paying their hseing loan?

Hi mashy,
glad u found a job. Wat will u be working as? I am still waiting for my internal transfer outcome. And at the same time looking for job.

Hi gals,
i tried the ACV not so bad lar.But i dunno mix correctly anot can any one tell me? I mix 2 tablesppon of ACV with 1 tablespoon of honey in a glass of water. My water is like a quite alot 200ml.
elly so cute. Elvin also like to play computer..Wat a couple..haha..

Yesterday bought a remote control car for elvin he love it lei..
Hahahah, I am also one shortie leh. I am 1.55m nia.

<font color="ff0000">Claire</font>
My colleagues and I are sharing the eclairs and swiss rolls. They are delivering to our office. Really so nice meh, I ordered 2 pkts of eclair and 1 box of swiss rolls. Wonder if I will eat till fall sick.

<font color="ff0000">Cradle cap</font>
I think California BB's Calendula Cream is very good for cradle cap.
etelle, that time i buy from the mother n baby exhibition one lei... i fl v effective... after wash 1 week or wat, his cradle cap drop lei... mayb u can check out kiddy palace or the other few places where the girls suggest.

jappooh, re help inlaw service housing loan, i think depend on yr relationship w inlaw lor... mayb etelle will cos she v close to her inlaw hehe but definitely not for mashy hahahahha then for me, i must b residing in IMH if i go and help inlaw service their housing loan if i got extra cash haha cos they hv extra money also dun even help us to repay our high loan or offer to loan us money at interest free to repay bank first so that we can installment pay them back. why should i help them when in future if i can afford to help them when they in need?

hi jappooh...then can we meet at sembawang? but fri and wed cannot cos i visit my gal on wed nite n fri nite fetch her hm...heehee...weekend parents mah.
other weekdays all ok for me, mon, tue, thur...u select the day lor and let me noe...thanks
