(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">sunshine..</font>
ya lor.. butts itchy lor.. though no need to do nite feeds cos mil doing but still wan to see wat time bb wake up for milk lor :p
SHHK = Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan. I wanted to join as member because I planned to send my kids to one of the schools under this association. This school is the most popular in Yishun and every year needs balloting to get a vacancy. I have no time to do volunteer work so joining the clan is one of the method lor....
I'm thinking of sending my gal to Nan Qiao but give up liao la 'cos :
1) Not a SHHK member
2) Not associated in anyway to the shcool
3) No time to do volunteer work at school with the little one with me now.

Don't wan to stress myself on the choice of schoo, alrdy got many things to worry alrdy.

p/s : call me violet will do la.


I know some of you started solids but wat is the right amount to give to substitue 1 meal of milk feed? How many teaspoons or tablespoons of rice cereal to give?
U can do it while Ethan is sleeping. Monitor Ethan's napping time and hours of sleep each nap. Plan your chores accordingly.

For eg. Ethan will nap 2 hours in the morning. U can put the laundry to wash in the WM in advance so that when it finishes the washing process and ready to hang, Ethan will be sleeping and u can quickly hang the clothes.

Sweeping and mopping floor. You can do it in the afternoon when Ethan is taking nap. Choose the longest napping hour to do the chore.

Maybe u can try doing it during weekday for a few weeks and then decide whether to eliminate the cost of getting a part time maid.
I plan to send my gal to Chong Fu and have the same 3 reasons as u.

I will try to check with my neighbour whether they are member because their kids study there... I only need 2 recommendations... Just try my luck lor...
<font color="ff0000">BBcutie</font>
OIC. I got no idea regarding such things. Blur mummy. Kekekek

<font color="ff0000">Violet</font>
Usually a full cereal meal would mean 3tablespoons. But I rem I read in some other brands, a full meal is 5 tablespoons. U got to check the packaging of the cereal and see if it says anything. For me, I am giving 3 tablespoons so far, and she is taking well. But she still takes about 120ml of milk after about 1/2 hour.

can one.. try it out for a few days.. and dun do it all at once la.. i usually will rush laundry and sweeping / mopping in the morning after i settle her morning feed and bathing.. then between 12 to 2 she will be awake so i will be with her or with you girls on msn.. then after her noon feed she will nap again then i will continue whatever knick knacks i need to do.. when she gets up which is about 5 i entertain her again... then while she s on her rocker or mattress that i place right in front of the kitchen i will start dinner lor.. this time round have to multi task entertain her while cooking.. after finish cooking i will let her have her evening bath.. then feed her and she will take a short nap.. this is the time hubby and i use to eat dinner and pak tor a bit lor.. when she wakes up hubby entertain her while i have 'me' time then by 9 i try put her to sleep.. all this is not in order la and depends on her mood.. this is an example when she at her outmost best behaviour..

think if u not bf, can do it lor. For me, I've to express, so very difficult. I have to make time of abt 30mins to 1 hr 3 times a day. And sometimes my boy's nap is only 30mins! So quite diff for me to do. I only do laundry and cook. For cleaning, usually leave to part time maid.
Mashy/ sunshine/ feza/ Ivory
Ethan is not a fussy baby and yea he dos have nap of at least 1 hr and most 2-3 hrs. So i should have time to do some housework but chores like mopping, vacuuming and washing of toilets. It takes some time and also vacuum i am afraid will wake him up....anyway hubby asked me to try a week or a month and see how lor. if cannot cope then retain the part time maid lor....
can ask venus she has a cleaning company contact...they will be able to supply no matter where u stay one....
for my agency dun hv to pay fee but hv to put a deposit with them. If terminate their service less than a year the deposit be forfeited. deposit is $60 for my agency.
Hi ilim,


Wow, the babies look sooo cute together....

My boy fell down from sofa yesterday... have a blue black on his forehead and chin.... how long does blue black take to heal?

i just receive a call from dumex.. they were promoting dumex to me.. if you all lemme know.. the lady say she selling at 22.24 per tin as usual it s must be 5, 10 or 15 tins.. you all lemme know then i can help you all order otr i pass the number to you..
oh goodness.. Is it serious?? I tink for precaution sake, u beta bring him to let a doc check coz bb skull quite fragile.. Does ur boy behave normally or any fever?
Attn to all mummies staying at EASTSIDE area...

Wanna hav a gathering tis week?
I threw away the packaging liao and forgot to read the instructions before I threw it away....
I alrdy giving him 4 teaspoon(~2tbspoon) yesterday. Maybe I pop by to CP later to check the Heinz packaging lor. So careless of me to just threw it away.

me alrdy taking hlaf day leave this friday so let me know if u organizing one, maybe I can pop by in the late afternoon with my boy?
Hi bb ger,

My boy behave normal.... no fever... tat time he fell from his pram also forehead down... He likes to bend fwd that is y prone to falls..... My mum is monitoring him now....
Will confirm with u the timing and venue again..

I staying my mum plc for 1 whole week leh.. cant join u gers for the gathering on the 13th.. so bored at hm so jio see eastside mummies free to meet up anot loh.. kekeke..
It;s quite dangerous if ur boy keep falling on his forehead.. coz i gt a cousin, last x when he bb tat x, my aunt let him slp on her bed but she nv watch over him and he fell off the bed.. she brought him to see a doc but the doc discharged him with no injuries.. who noes when he grew older, his brain got damaged due to his fall when he was a bb and caused him to be mentally retarded.. I dun mind to scare u, fan.. but i hope u will tk extra care in ur boy.. hope u dun mind me telling u all tis...
fan, why so careless let bb fell fr sofa .. u got br him see doc bo? alamak!

etelle, can lah i fl is time management lah i dat perios on ML, i also got x do hsework, tk care colicky jarren, and also can msn haha u try out first. dun nd worry vaccuum will wk bb up. jarren sleep, i also vaccuum.. when bb inside our tummy, the noise they hear is as loud and noisy as vacuum cleaner

some of u drinking the apple vinegar, may i know what brand u buy, how much and from where? i saw bragg brand in nature's farm and GNC only %6.20 but yu ren seng brand is $33.. what is e difference? also, pls advise if effective on u all hehe wanna do research b4 go and buy to try =p
Hello Ladies,
2 days never on computer and so many posts liow... Hubby was 'angry' with me cos he say I am neglecting him. Said that I am now only interested in BB and computer... sigh! Dunno when he became so needy. So can only read post during weekdays and daytime liow.

Wah, u very on le! Already found out something b4 I tell u what I heard from my brother. Ok, he say nothing much to do one. But must have sponsor lor. He said he more "on" b4 the children went into the school. Engage in meetings and some activity orgnaised by the huay kuan. But after elder girl went in, he bo chap liow..

U very thin liow la! No need so ON for the exercise! Really inspire me le... I also want to start exercising. If I in Singapore now, I surely join u! I also c section, must wait 6 months but will start doing light exercise. Yesterday went swimming with Ashton, swam 1 miserable lap only, today leg pain hand pain liow.. old liow le!!!

Hello to u too!! I just tried advocado shake (the fruit blend with his left over milk) just now.. he ate everything up! Haha.. I very happy cos that means he 'drank' all his milk!! But also a bit scare of giving too much too soon... Well, nowhere beats Singapore la. I also NEVER been to cinema in China. I see the miserable cinema I also sian liow. Plus, DVDs are sooo cheap here. Guess what, I bought teletubbies WHOLE series DVDs, only cost me S$10. My hubby say why waste time to go cinema and have to endure smoke, rude people and dirty environment.
Oh... forget to add something very funny from my dream this early morning...

I actually dreamt that I got TWINS!!! I told my hubby that I am 5 months pregnant with twins and he fainted!! And then I very gan jiong, then wake up liow!!! Must be thinking too much about having another child until I go gu-gu liow!

Wat time u all meeting?
I hv lunch appt at United Sq fm 1pm, by the time finish maybe 3+pm. Then go to TM maybe 4+pm liao. If u gals are looking at other timing, pls go ahead la, I'll pass this round.

If bb din vomit after the fall shd be ok la....
We meeting at 2pm.. u see whether u wana drop by and join us anot.. jus drop me a sms la..

I totally opposite frm u gers.. i dun wan another bb but hb wan.. hahaha.. i very pei fu u gers leh.. i mean labour nt painful meh? me so scared of the labour until it turn me off to have another bb.. summore my ger so hyper active.. i no energy for 2nd 1 liao..
Ethan recently everytime before he sleep will sure be super cranky one leh. Then hor only loud cry for a couple of minutes then he quieten down and sleep leh. I know he is tired not that i force him but he like cranky lor anyone?
<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
Very normal. Annika also the same, need me to carry her, pat her buttocks and she will quieten down in a few mins. That few mins is alrite lah, kids will normally fuss abit before sleeping, as they are sleepy mah.
I live at west coast but my mom at bt timah (chun tin) so i go over quite often. Just saw someone at TOh Yi got the BP for swiss rolls. Hope she can spare me 1 box

Told my sis abt attitude n she also interested. After 6 mths over, I'll prob go join. Now the wound there still sore, feel like bruised tho it looks ok. Then can get itchy. Am I the only one who had c section and now like that?>
Not say not pain la. Similar like mashy brainz I also c section. Take so long to heal some more.. but when I look at Ashton, I really dun mind the pain and agony and fatty days anymore.

Do u feel that that area is numb? After 5 months, some areas still a little numb but most of the wound looks healed, but very ugly lor.

Sometimes I look at others with many children, eg Mindy, I really envy until salivate! I tried many ways to motivate hubby to have another child, but he simply not interested. He say next one might not be as cute as Ashton and he wants to center all his love on him only.. sigh! I think my fate is a one child woman la!
etelle, at least ethan is few mins of cranky. mine is every x need to sleep must fuss yell cry for an hour then sweaty sweaty meh then will quiet down and sleep. tis afternoon a relative of mine came to visit us then she was a nanny last x then she see my boy. she keep shake head say she wont wanna tk care of him. "pei fu" me and my mum. she say he too difficult to tk are. she only at my house for 2hrs only, she so scare of him haha

bb_ger, i also dun wan another bb haha preg so scary.. i fl labor hai hao cos i on epidural but after delivery is hell =p

resign to our fate ba..


my preg was a smooth one except for the 1st tri MS and last tri aches and pains.. and labour also hai hao coz like bulma also on epi.. then somemore the doc adminster my epi very early so i tahan epi for 12 hours hor.. after elly come out only, i vomitted and had fever so i did nt bond with elly.. did nt even have the fairy tale 'dropping tears' scene like in movies.. in recovery, elly was entertained by my hubby while i sleep and trying to breath using the stupid oxygen mask.. but after all that experience i still wan more kids.. i m crazy right??
he cry for an hour is thsoe normal en en cry or those loud wailings??? mine is loud leh and like want to sore throat like that liaoz leh.

Hubby told me probably his not tired no need to force him he will zzzz when he is tired...
My hubby cried after I woke up from the epidural. He say I very xin ku... and now HE very xin ku also cos must help take care of Ashton.. so no more kids...

Feza u very good le... but I think all mummies a little crazy one. Know labour very tough liow but still go and get pregnant!!
etelle, is LOUD WAILING.. hear liao like kena abuse... dat's why my relative is an experienced nanny also cant stand him hahaha my boy is he is OBVIOUSLY tired cos he is wail loud loud with eyes close one and keep rub his face
Bulma.. u want to try using a cloth to cover his face? Tat's wat I do. I will sling him and will use the extra cloth to cover his face. He will quiet down and sleep after some time.

Tks but dun think I can make it at 2pm la. U gals enjoy ok.
BTW, dun leave yr mobile phone in the forum so openly as u nvr know who's reading the posts....
