(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Claire, the swiss rolls really very soft and i love the eclairs! taste yummy!

bbger, hahah just now evening Reyes flip many times....he shout to flip over. Guess he use tons of strenght to move his big buttoks...

Hi ilim,

Can I have the $3 voucher for Similac if no one wants it? I have registered with Abbott leh... but they never call me....How long do they take to call?
hi all,
i'm here in usa liao...
already feeling kinda lonely...
hb out for work n 2 kids asleep now.
gg to rest too..
cya again...
Can will reserved for u. as for how long i really dunno leh i registered wif abbott when keagan was born. I'll let u noe when i get the samples.

Re: Gaia
mashy, siewlng n claire the distributor sms today n says they will be a promo coming soon n she will sms me again when the promo starts, will keep u gals informed.

Gene welcome here!!! I've added u in MSN.
Hi Gene,
Welcome and nice chatting in MSN last nite.

Your boy born on 1 Feb? Same as my boy leh....hehe

1have3cats Ashton not born in 1 Feb meh?? I read her thread she state 1 Feb but your record shows 2 Jan leh.... which is which??

Genevieve (ihave3cats)
New member
Username: ihave3cats

Post Number: 2
Registered: 7-2006
Posted on Friday, July 07, 2006 - 4:39 pm:

Can.. if come Shanghai, pls come visit!

Ok, I am a sahm for my 5 months old son, Ashton. He was born on 1 feb this year. Am enjoying every single moment of motherhood now.. except that he now refuses his milk.. so me very stress!

Living abroad without friends and family can be very lonely.. so hope to know more friends from here!

feza haron (babybubbles)
Junior Member
Username: babybubbles

Post Number: 436
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Friday, July 07, 2006 - 4:40 pm:

wow Reyes finally flip liao... Jayden still not flipping yet leh..... He is too lazy and heavy I guess....
Abbot will usually call when yr bb is around 5-6 mths old, again when near 1yo & another time around 3yo. They will give u samples for Similac follow on, Gain IQ(for 1yo) & Grow(for 3yo & above) + $3 vouchers every time.
thanks for highlighting. I have made the changes.

no worries i will update the chart again on next Firday cuz now that we have yahoo group it's easir for you girls to go in and edit urself hee hee :p

Yahoo group
those exiting and new mummies who have not join yahoo group. pls do join us. PM me if u want to join and i send you the invitation

abott called me on thursday saying they will send me the samples...or if they dun call you you call them lor....2 tins of 400g leh not bad got about 800 g free liaoz ike that save $27+ hee hee
hi all so long didnt come in liow,this threat realy going fast.

my son also start to flip liow,is very funny to see him 'swinging' between head and leg bcos the pampers in the middle like a 'qiao qiao ban'.
hi all mamas,

Anyone wanna join me for workout at Bt. Timah Plaza (Attitude)? I do find the fees very reasonable and much cheaper than Amore. Membership $100 (one time paymt) and $88 mthly for UNLIMITED classes. Their classes are throughout the day daily (9am to 9pm) The available programs are Yoga, Body Combat, Body Jam, Stretch & Tone, Pilates, Bollywood, ABT, Cardid Dance. There's free trial class
Wendy Ter....forget to wish you bon vonage. enjoy life, many good bargain there. Once again, thanks for the FBM.
ALL BF mummies...juz checked with LC, its perfectly ok to take ACV, doesnt affect bfg. CANNOT take Yomeishu though.
Mindy...do you have the classes schedule? they've classes on weekend too? will i be dripping while working out??
I tell u gals, I've been watching their Body Combat for 6mths! hahaahah...cos every sat I'm there to bring my ger for ballet, my boy insist on watching those gals work out. THe instructor is good and those gers SWEAT like mad hahahahah

Ivory, u want har? yeah yeah yeah , we go together okok!!! I'm thinking of going everyday lei..hahahaha if go everyday i calculate per lesson of an hr is only $4.50 hahahahah and can slim down man (hahahah i want same like bbcutie, slim to 43kg hahahaha)

Annissa okok let me type out the class schedule
Mon YOGA 9-10am, BODY COMBAT 9-10AM, BODY JAM 10-11AM, STRETCH & TONE 2.30-3.30, BODY JAM 7-8, BODY COMBAT 8-9

Tue YOGA 9-10, BODY JAM 10-11, BODY COMBAT 2.30-3.30, BODY COMBAT 7-8, YOGA 7-9



Fri CARDID DANCE 9-10, BODY BALANCE 10-11, BODY JAM 2.30-3.30, BODY JAM 7-8, ABT 8-9


Sun YOGA 10-11, BODY JAM 11-12, BODY JAM 3-4
Thanks MINDY.

Was advise not to exercise for 6mth, i cesaerean.

I lao auntie leh, cannot do combat or jam, my bones will break!!!! Will join you pple when i'm ready.
haha... I was attending class leh, how to msn?
I jus peep into the forum only lah!
Btw, is that Biotherm (did I spell correctly?) firming cream works for u? Thought of buying leh, to remove "orange peel" skin at my thigh.

U so on ah, want go exercise daily! I only go yoga once a week, now forcing myself go climb stairs once a week... hope to increase frequency to few more times a week. Jus started to take ACV every evening. Hmm... shall see how long I will last? If I lasted long enough, see how much I can slim down... hehe!

Aiyo, although I got 1.5kg more to shed, but still look fat leh... Wonder y leh?

i have the same thoughts.. why lost weight still look fat... this is my logic you all can laugh at my logic.. maybe we still look fat coz we have expanded physically.. you know like a deflated balloon.. deflat already but still have excess air.. am i making sense??
U very on hoh.. too bad i not staying around your area. otherwise i can join with u and get motivation from u.

Think it is impossible for me to slim down. i love to snack.. and lazy to exercise these days.. I kept using Csection as an excuse for not exercising. ahahhaha.. very lame hoh..

Any mummies started researching on wat milk powder to give to bb after 6 mths?

Etelle & Violet
how did you get the milk samples?
Too bad I can only go in the evening after my work for workout. Furthermore I don't drive and BT is out of the way leh. Also I won't mind gg daily for exercise but I would suggest gg twice per wk for a start for 4 wks and do those lighter ones. Otherwise u may risk hurting your muscles and tendon. After 4 wks when u have build up your stamina you can increase to 3 or 4 times per week for another 4 wks and can add body combat (strenous and used up a lot of energy)in your timetable. Then after 8 wks, you can go everyday and maybe u can even attend 2 classes in a row.

This is what I did when I joined Amore last time. I started with twice per week, then gradually increase and lastly I had to go 2 classes daily because I don't feel out of breath or tired after 1 class and like didn't exercise at all. hehehehe...

Though Amore is more expensive, I find that they have more choice of locations and they had also added new classes which sounds very interesting which I want to try like Cardio Latina and Cardio Blitz. They are dance movement cardio workouts.

I will be joining soon and start with twice per wk.
I want to try Dumex Gold Step 2 but no samples leh. Currently my boy on Enfalac A+ and still contemplating whether to let him continue with enfapro A+ which is for 7-12mths instead of 6mths onwards.
Hi all! Didn't log on for a few days, and there's so much to read! My parents are here in Sabah! So excited! This is the 1st time they're here since I moved here 2 yrs ago. If no baby, I think 10 yrs later, they still won't come also. Hahhahaa....

<font color="0077aa">Violet Blaze</font>, I read from my book that babies absorb the nutrient from BM much better. Thats why, they can not poo for up to 7days. In fact, when Ian was abt 2.5MO, his PD asked me if he's still shitting everyday. And told me not to freak if he suddenly doesn't poo for a week. So, not to worry.

<font color="0077aa">Gen</font>, Welcome! I'm also in the same plight as you, staying overseas. My son is 17days older than yours and he's rejecting milk too. I was planning to start him on semi-solids after 6mths, but I think i'm gonna start him soon. Coz his mouth "sharpens" whenever he sees our food. And he'll start swallowing his saliva too. Hahaha...

<font color="0077aa">sunshinekid/Mindy</font>, I have a phobia of cats too! And unfortunately, I've moved to a place with stray cats at alt of the eateries. Always must at in fear... Cats still never mind.... Some of the cinemas here have rats! The last time I went to the cinema with my hubby to watch Da Vinci Code, I saw a rat run past the side just before the movie started! I freaked and wanted to walk out of the cinema. Then, my hubby reassured me that the rat's more afraid of me than I was of him... So, I survived the show. Told me after the movie that I'm never stepping into that cineplex again.
I agree with u. After giving birth to my girl, though I had get back to my weight but I still look fat and can't wear most of my skirts and pants.

Thk we had too much fats and wind .... hahaha
Hi Violet, Etelle,

Thanks for the info...

Ilim, for the $3 vouchers, when will it expire? Where is a convenient place for me to collect from u? Thanks..
I'm not sure when the voucher exp have not receive it yet will let u noe again, maybe i can meet u in town more convenient for both of us.
Paisei hor girls...

Just to check anyone of you is a member of Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan? I need 2 sponsors to join as member leh.

Anyone can help?
then wat you giving your baby? if not heinz cereal..

i got my milk samples leh from abott....2 tins of 400g follow on and one bear hee hee :p
Babycutie...actually i went back to yoga after 10weeks but i ve to stop cos both my wrists' tendon are inflamed, unable to do most of the movement. A senior yoga master advised me to start after 6mth, doing b4 that is taking my own risk!!!! Now only do simple breathing exercise and stretching whenever i can.
I also wan to be member of SHHK but cannot find 'sponsors' so I give up liao.

Thanks for the info, Feng Kai poo on and off now so I jus monitor lor. Sometimes daily sometimes on 4th and 5th day. I guess shd be ok lor.

I asked the nurse at the PD's clinic for samples when i bring my boy for checkup.
And if you register with Abbot, they will also give you samples for Similac follow on.

I oso wanna go exercise but no time. After work is always to bring milk back and fetch gal fm cc.

I started Feng Kai on Heinz rice cereal yesterday! 1 teaspoon and he seems ok with it. He can't swallow well yesterday, not sure if I made it too smooth.
Today when I gave him again, he actually comes towards the spoon when I'm about to feed him.
After 1st teaspoon, he makes noise so I make another teaspoon. He still makes noise after the 2nd teaspoon so I make 2 more teaspoon and he finishes all!
the babies all so cute! When n where was the pic taken? My hb say the styrofoam ABC mats better but I already bought the bumper playmat n he complained not worth the money...

U'r right, the swiss rolls r yummy! Too bad need BP to buy, 4 boxes of same flavour is really too much for one person, then most of the BP not in the west. Sigh.
wowowwo the bbies all so cute lei....... EAST SIDE MUMMIES, we also organise such gathering lei hehe but i thk most of us are FTWM also bit tough hor haizzzz

ivory, i also hv the ABC mat on my platform.

bulomum, what is ryan drinking now for milk powder?
Claire, where u staying? I notice more and more mamas in the west arranging for the swiss roll BP, maybe u can topang and join in one.
can i ask for opinions. When i become a SAHM i told my hubby that maybe he can do away with the partime cleaner who comes once a week. But i realised that i don't have time to do cleaning leh. is it i have poor time management or it is difficult to do cleaning cuz attention on spend on baby? pls advise. Still contemplating to cease or not to cease?
how come leh? ethan not the fussy kind u should have time to clean part of ur house each day ah.. esp when he can nap 2-3hrs..

Hi mummies,
I am awake watching the WC, Hahahha.. later sure panda-eyes one. :p

<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
Normal lah. When I am on leave at home, there's never enough time for anything else. I will set aside something to be done but it is never done. Cos all the time and attention is on the kid. It is definitely not poor time management on ur part. Does Ethan take long naps? If yes, then try to do something while he is napping away. Well, if u can afford, having the partime cleaner is always a good choice. Sorry I am really not of much help here. I will be giving your moral support yah.

What is SHHK ah?
