(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

I was able to login but not my colleague.

now they do check for HFMD but action only lah. Coz my niece refused to open her mouth they also bo bian.

i agree that GUG is ex. What is the diff between hol program and term program. My bro just signed up my niece and paid $700+ for 2 months! I am bringing Tiff for trial class at Kindermusik this Sat. Hopefully, she is well enough after the MMR jab on Fri.

Hi mummies

How to sign up for trial class at Kindermusik? They are only at Tanglin Mall right? How much we need to pay huh?
ya loh.. after being a mum, reali knew that our mums are the greatest.. not forgetting our dads too lah... hehehe... after married n got kid liao, temper reali can kerb, not like last time wan to flare anytime oso can... haha

Since ethan dun suit den better dun use liao... shayna oso use karvol n i quite like the smell.. i find it very pleasant to the room... hehe... hope ethan get well soon
i tried using the singpass yesterday on the GST thingy it keep telling me cannot process. Then I used the 1 time pin and it went through, maybe can try sing that.

exactly how i feel....

Think we are still more fortunate than our mothers 'cos our hb will help out now. Last time men dun help out as much rite...
GST Credit: use atm more easy...
once u enter the pin, u can see the button for GST Credit liao.. then press see which acct u wan to credit into the they give u the receipt lioa... simple....
Good morning everyone
i also went atm for the GST credit.
i never put noel in GUG. i only enrol him in JG for holiday program. but he tried GUG when he is 8 months old. not very good but since my friend told me they raised awareness for HFMD and cleanliness then i thought can give another try.
tried Kindermusik before, not very good leh. the time they let the baby/toddler play the instrument is so short. N needs time to get himself adapt to the instrument, before he can do that, they keep the instrument liao. end up crying.
any other places any mummies can intro?

i started my diet program again. light breakfast and dinner, heavy lunch, no bubble tea nor sweet drinks. will see how much i can lose in 1 month.
GST Credit: I used 1 time pin and it went through (it was yesterday, b4 I posted in forum)

Re: Diet
I thought is heavy n nutritious breakfast, ok lunch, little or no dinner. (My ex-colli, mum of 2, super good figure, told me, breakfast eat like a king, lunch like a commoner, n dinner like qi gai)
I did tat now, it works for me. Usually dinner, I take soup oni. I cannot dun eat, else I feel deprived. N no food after 8.30pm.
I do not take sweet/ sweet drink/ bubble tea. Only once awhile cannot resist, take dessert (chinese/ western) hehe! N ya, remember to drink lotsa of water to "detox"... (haha! As thought I am bery successful)
GST Credits:
Got the letter yesterday and logged in with singpass. Both hb and mine went through successfully immediately.

Had a craving for lor mee yesterday but only just managed to satisfy it. Luckily today the canteen was selling it
Recently keep needing to take sour food. Last nite had suan la soup, but not suan enuff :S

take care of urself, dun tire out. Ethan is a strong boy, he'll get well soon. He really good, tong until 15mths then fall sick.
u so disciplined ah haha me no le...hee breakfast eat like a commoner, lunch also and dinner also haha me standard one le..and sometimes after dinner eat ice cream or potat chips haha cannot stop eating like that haha :p bubble tea i seldom drink cuz too sweet le..

thanks yeah....he is recovering well le so much better le....haha yeah first time of his 15 mths life to be sick le....sigh....how have u been so far ah?
hi mommies!
jus did my pap smear... for those mommies who find it uncomfortable, hav u ever ask you doc to use a smaller sized insert. i did and it is inded better...

re: diet
- ya same here. now i'm trying to control myself not to eat after 830pm too. i ALWAYS eat breakfast and normally would take heavy lunch. but hor, i'm 1 titbit and chocolate queen... argh... like that how to lose the flab.. haiz...
haha i dun care what he use one le haha :p its uncomortable but not painful la and its over in a jiffy hee :p so alriht for me....
ok, but last time with xr was so much better
More symptons this time round. And get tired so easily too. Sigh, my HOD asked me how I was too, then when I told her it's worse, she said "you old already lah". hehe, quite true. And not in as good physical condition too. But faith that it will all go well.
u all ah then i worse le haha u younger than me le so much younger somemore....haha more symptoms like?? other than MS what else...gosh maybe should take leave on and off to rest a bit?
Any gut feel on gender for No. 2?

You have MS? I dun have MS for both pregnancy and almost no cravings. Symptons almost similar so my bet is a girl again for No. 2.
u le got gut feel or not? Haha my gut feel and heart feel and all feel say its a GIRL hahaha :p but think like every parent will say as long as the kiddo is healthy most impt

Cannot say so one le...Bulma her symtoms also different from th #1 pregnancy but hers also boy le all these signs and symptoms not accurate one la hee :p
haha, can i just guess for summer and claire?

I think summer having a boy and claire having a gal.

I'm testing my intuition, see whether zhun or not. :p
we will confirm your intuition as soon as we know the results hee :p How come u also think mine is a girl le? any reason? or is it just a gut feel.

Let's do a fun poll then. Guess the gender of Our Babies

Mashy- Girl


Mashy- Girl

dunno why leh. somehow feel that you're having a gal. intuition i suppose. SO far i've been right in guessing the gender for the babies of 2 friends, a cousin and a cousin-in-law. I think my intuition got stronger after i had my boy.

I think you're one lucky gal to hv no symptoms. You're the envy of us all. Maybe you should have more children since such easy preg.

Haha, that time i guessed my friend's bb was a gal. I kept referring to the baby as she and felt strongly that she's having a gal. My hb still scolded me for saying 'she' so early in the preg.
Mashy- Girl


Mashy- Girl

hehe.. i not used to breakfast cos i think i start working to early so hard to digest so dun really take breakfast. so light breakfast lor. need heavy lunch cos i need to go run in the evening. dun eat no energy. this time round i hope to lose 5 kg. maintain after the 5kg can liao...
This poll is so interesting!

Ya Etelle, I remembered Bulma had very bad MS for both child.

Results for Summer will be revealed on 11 June... heehee (hopefully)
yar, summer, yours so soon? Time flies ;)

other than nausea, this time got food cravings, tiredness, and more crampy. Oh yar, and mood swings

gut feel...not really, but my mil say is a boy coz so different from the 1st time. But I feel like bb's a girl
It'd be nice for xr to have a mei mei to play with. And i can recycle her clothes. hehe, some of her NB clothes never even open yet, so if next one is a girl, can use liao.
Coz that would be the 4th month already, should be able to see. Otherwise, would have to wait till detailed scan like No. 1.

So you hoping for a girl girl ah?

My hubby would be happy to see your guess
yep, i want another girl!
I know my grandparents would love me to have a boy, so for that reason, I'm also kinda hoping for a boy. And my grandpa's just been through an op 2 wks ago and diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer, so at the moment we're hoping he'll be around long enough to see his 2nd great-grandchild.
oh man, just ate at 11+ and I'm hungry again...kk, going down to the canteen and see what is left. Sigh, non-CCA days means less food after 2pm.
Hello Mummies
I feel a mummy's gut feel is very zhun one. For both pregnancy, I somehow had the feel about the gender right from the start, and true enough, the gender is what I expected. Oh yes, I had very diff symptoms for both pregnancies too. When I had Annika, I ate so much sweet stuff, very unlike me.

So any feel???? Other pple's feel not accurately lah.. Heeheh..

Lose weight:
Exercise! Guaranteed way to lose wgt. I joined Planet Fitness, so have been going for Body Combat (Kicking boxing) classes. Quite fun.
haha, you also confused. anyway, not up to us to choose lah, just relax and be happy. Dun worry, your grandpa would live to see his 2nd great grandchild. My ah gong have 9 great grandchildren to date with 2 more on the way, that makes it 11! By the way, i also get hungry very easily. Am now snacking and typing at the same time.

When you want No. 2?
Really ah? I have the tendency to refer to No. 2 as 'she' and 'her' and I am very tempted to buy pink and beautiful clothes when I am out shopping. The only different symptons for Tiff is i like sweet stuff, but this one i prefer salty and sour stuff.

i also dunno. not trying lah. maybe next yr lor. Don't wanna handle a running toddler and being preg at the same time. siong. just now the guy came to measure my toilet doors also say my boy look very 'tiao pi'. sigh.
ya loh.. last time the men r mostly MCPs... tk my FIL for eg, he dun do a single hsework at hm.. after dinner, he will jus leave the plates n dishes on the table, n got my MIL to clear up.. whereas my dad will never do tat to my mum loh.. luckily my hb is not like my FIL, if not i will die... hehe...
I duno y my guess for the mummies are all girls leh.. hehe.. i told my hb if EVER i got preggie again(touch wood, hehe), i hope it will be a girl instead of a boy.. hehe..
haha maybe u like girl la haha :p i also think having a girl is good le..i mean see the way we are close to our mother and close to our family...haha but nevertheless even no girl as long as bb healthy is more than enough le.
koli - not necessary la... my ger still wear my son's old clothes la... only bot new clothes for her for special occasions like bday, cny

sometimes my maid cannot differentiate then end up wear wrongly for them - son wear very tight ones (son's old clothes), then my ger very baggy ones (son's new clothes)... haha

re: men
- i think last gen men all quite mcp la..we traditionally chinese families ma. my fil also like that... he's actully impressed with my hb that bathed the kids or changed their diapers -_- so can see he really do nothings when my hb was young/bb...
hehe, my mum said when my sis and I were bbs, he was the one who sucked the mucus when we had runny nose. My mum dun dare. Now also my hb do when xr not well, I find a bit gross

Both my grandpas also mcp, the wife must do everything. Even eat dinner, must put everything nicely, then call him to eat. I dunno what they'd do without their wives. Colleague and I were talking about the fact that our grans had so many kiddies, mine had 7, not including 2 miscarriages. But they started early lah, and sometimes really 1 every year. My mum and the brother after her exactly 1 yr apart.

just had a 2 day old chicken foldover, yum yum
Problem with garlic mayo is even if it's spoilt (touchwood) cant tell!

memory is getting really bad! while typing the last para, had something else to add, but now forgot liao. My goodness, another 7 mths of this and i think will be totally in and out the brain liao.

oh yar
hehe, last nite xr was playig happily with big elmo when she suddenly started to bi zui and cry and she cried on and off for an hour or so. Couldnt get her to calm down and zzz til 11+. THis morning my fil asked what happened and hb said she may have seen something and got frightened. Well, this morning she was better, so hope she's gotten over it. fil said maybe she saw hb's grandmother coz we do keep her portrait at home and get xr to pray at times.
Yah yah.. I remember my dad does absolutely nothing to help out, even when we were sick as kids. Not to mention bathing, changing and feeding us.

Now I should be quite thankful tat hubby does help out with all those (when kicked on the butt
)... Still, I am not satisfied.. :p
ya loh.. i admit i like girls more than boys.. but nevertheless like wat u mentioned, as long as the bbb is healthy n safe, it's good enuf already... hehe..

haha.. u wan 2 boys in ur family ah? dun intend to have a girl? girl more fun to doll up leh... kekeke....
can i ask u all for an opinion? those who got driving licence liao, where did u learn it (school or pte) nw i am stuck btw these 2 choices.. please advise!!
Hi 5 bb_ger! me too prefer gals..maybe becos my nephews are all very naughty. I tend to think that gals will have the heart for their parents ( like me)..haha
my mum said boys only have the hearts for their galfrens/wives.
I am very fortunate and mum too, cos my dad used to help out alot, he bathed us, made milk, sent us to school..waited for us if we went home late..the fond memories can last me thru the rest of my life..
hence u must tell ur hubbies, the kids will remember all these and they should try to help.

claire, why did you take the 2 days old chick-foldover? mayo is usually pasteurised or not treated hence spoilt easily..don play play..
I got my licence from pte, many years back... tat time dun even know there is school... hmm... if compare the price, pte slightly cheaper. And can arrange pick up location. School as said is more structured, they will tell u each lesson wat to achieve.

B4 I had YJ, I hope for a boy. But now I dun mind girls... hehe!
School got higher chance to pass rite? cos that time i took up the enrollment, the instructor told us what to take note and what will be tested definitely...i felt kelong one lor..
By the way, i don have a license..haha..i gave up half way. wasted $$$
i also wanna gal!!!!! My boy who was a phlegmatic bb boy has now turned into a toddler boy! Argh!!! Sometimes so cute, sometimes just want him to go and sleep and not bother me.

I've a feeling i'll get a boy if i get preg leh. Cannot shake that feeling off. So maybe that's why now postponing no 2.

must agree that gals more filial. Boys will stick with their wives. If i get a DIL who forbids my son to come and see me, and don't want my grandchildren to spend time with me, how? My brother stays with his in-laws, i'm staying with my parents. So u see, daughters are much better.

I'm also thankful that my hb feeds, bathes, cleans and plays with my boy. Now i let the both of them take shower together at when my hb comes home at night.
I can see that my boy loves spending time with his daddy too.

my symptons tis round is soemwhat different except for the MS, pelvic bone pain and BH contractions.
Other signs are:-
last preg : fast food (every meal also fast food) and must drk cold water, tired thruout whole preg

tis preg : dun lk fast food... prefer warm water, tail bone pain, more energetic, tummy smaller, crave for coffee in 1st trim, etc

wah piang! jarren vvvvvvv noisy today and naughty.. i wanna go mad le
