(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

violet: oh icic.... ya la.. see her like tat then keep cryin then also feel the heartpain... haizz dunno how to ease her pain... no wonder she refuse to let me clean her mouth... haizzz
cause when i bath her huh, her rib bone so obvious leh.. and her arms like shrink... so poor thing like tat....

my N also can see ribs leh.My nieghbour said that N skinny cos her son 12 months, bigger in size and heavier than N.only consolation is N is tall.
elly ok liao?
XR so poor thing. must give her more hugz k?
N teething also. no.9 teeth out half way,keeps drooling and biting people.
myself having wisdom tooth prob. WT surgery given is on 28th june. how to endure? may have to go private.
now i worried about N taking MMR.
ur doc said take later ok is it?
Hi Carla
pls PM me ur email so i can send you a form for you to fill in to share your particulars with us like whts on the chart.

My boy is born on 8th feb also near ur child...
welcome welcome to this lovely friendly family
updated. Think now i will post up the chart every week on friday as per usual so that u guys can have alook at the updates okie
abt this, i delay my boys to take the injection till this fri, they are 16 months and 1 week.
reason, I am also worried abt the side effects. I read up on the immusiation website, there are few articles on it. apparently, the link is that if a pregnant mother comes into contact with measles, there is a higher chance of the baby developing autism. and this affects baby boys more than baby gals. however the link is not fully established. they claim that there is no link to MMR shots and autism. but still I am worried. but i worried more as my boys not taking eggs well earlier and at 15 months, sam was scalded by coffee, so i delay the shots.
J took his MMR when he 16 MO (early tis month)... no develop fever.. cranky for 1-2 days ... PD also say look out for fever at about 7-10 days

i also nv heard of the MMR-autism thingy til u all now say... so scary
Ah May
When you say pregnant mothers getting into contact with measles, you meant the virus and not the vaccination? Can post the link on this article?

Hey mummies
the link that Koli posted stated that there is no evident studies that there is a link between the 2 thing?
koli: they say can take anytime after 15months.. so if no appointment maybe got to delay till july liao...

hehe can some summaries what's tat abt the MMR-autism?? no time to read... :p
i am bringing Ethan when he 18 mths le the pd set the date then.....i also got heard say about this autism thingy link to MMR but think there is no evidence to show lor...so hor..Hmmm but its mandatory to take the jab mah....

Ah May
yeah me and summer both pregnant le wondering if it will affect us or not?
only those having measles will have higher risk leh. u two no measles need not worry.
can take in 18 months? what i dun understand why delay will not get autism? so what if bb take at 15 ot 18 months?
study shown stated that no evident but there are cases reported. read last few paragraphs.
What i understand is we should avoid contact with people with Rubella (German measles) as it is dangerous for the unborn child. My gynae told me if i come into contact with this virus before 16th week of pregnancy, he will have to offer me termination of pregnancy. Then i was thinking if the vaccination is ok or not, then saw Ah May post so scary.
how we know who got rubella le...sigh....eeee so scary hor..must pray for protection from God. This one nothing humans can do only God can keep us away from all these le...
try to avoid young babies loh, i always shun when i see babies with a little rash or something. But my gynae say it's usually very obvious with red patches on the face and body. Reassuring thing is he said we might be vaccinated already when we were in school.
Sunshinekid, Bulomum, Violet, Mashy, Siewing,

after wat u all mentioned, tink i better go tk sch.. more organized n structured is the kind for me as i noe nuts abt driving... hahaha... I intend to tk my driving at Bt Batok coz i stay near there mah... I noe ubi traffic very heavy so i dun intend to learn frm there... my hb got help me to see the chart for the pte instructors.. but i duno whether the chart is accurate anot leh... hehe...
i remember in my pri 6 time i got drink one vaccine for german measle one le but the thing is ah the vaccine is forever one meh???

but is it for a lifetime one if yes then no cause for worry le....pls enlighten.

my younger bro also went school one le haha just started also felt that should go school more organised and structured and heardsay bukit batok easier to pass than ubi cuz of lesser traffic hee :p
Shayna's wt is 10kg n 80cm... hehe.. pls help me update kkkz?? thnks... hw's ethan? getting better?

Some ppl say MMR will cause autism... but it's not true... frm wat i noe, autism is in borned to the bb (when she/he is in ur tummy).. when the bb is born, he/she failed to interract with u (like make eye contact, etc....) so i personally dun tink MMR will cause autism... those researchers are jus based on minority of the population... so dun worry....
bbger: oh.. hehe thanks for explainin to me....

Shayna is tall hor... her weight maintain quite good hor....

I also heard take school one pass easier... cause u pay a lot mah... haha take private oneif u know the instructor can get better rate lor...

Bb ger, u goin to take up drivin ah...
ur shayna same height as my ethan le tall girl hee...where she inherit the genes from ah :p

Ethan is recovering well and almost all well le. Thanks for the concetn
If already have MMR vaccination, then even if in contact will have no problem? I know I took before, but like etelle asked, dunno if it's for a lifetime?
really ah lifelong ah then good good good i remembered i was vaccinated against during pri sch days....hew...thanks bring relief...
cos i asked him about being vaccinated against that. then he started looking at me and my gal, scanning our whole body while explaining to me. But he say according to my age, i should be vaccinated already. I am paranoid lah...
one thing about private instructor is that their students difficult to book test dates. So if fail or wat got to wait quite long and during the waiting time still gotta practise rite? so end up oso dun save a lot lor. That's wat my fren told me la.
Ya loh, my hb said bt batok passing rate more than 80%... haha... i oso duno which genes shayna inherit frm.... maybe my SIL bah.. she both tall n slim.. my shayna like her... my hb n me both short short 1.... hahaha...

ya loh... gg to tk driving... no choice... hb keep asking me to go learn so i can have it as my achievement... haiz.. but i noe wat he tinking loh.. so tat when i have licence, i can relieve him when he go drinking loh...

ya... my colleague told me her cousin went pte n the instructor already booked the test date for her which is in oct... if u fail den have to wait about 1/2 yr ltr...
bb ger
with the rise of drinking and driving cases, and the rise in police checks, that's a good idea. So up til now, he bo bian, must stay sober so can go home safely?

Check with all of u, at the base of your bb's head, around the back, are there 2 soft spots, feel like jelly jelly? xr has 2 points, near the base of the skull that are soft and circular and we're wondering if it's normal or something to worry about. Reason being she;s so prone to fallind and bumping herself, dunno if she accidentally fell and clot or what. aiyoh, during preg i fell abt 3 times, then now she also fall so easily.
bbger: relieve ur hubby for what?? hehe....

claire: hmmm i din notice any soft spot around the area tat u mention.. but tonight i go and check on her... u say there are 2 but only mention one leh.. where's the other one??
huh.. got such things one meh.. durin preggy fall then now xr fell easily.. haha no such thing la... hehe... ruan ruan xiang... hehe
When my hb go drinking, normally he dun drink.. coz last time he kena before accident when he drink.. tink is bump into a taxi or wat lah... den very troublesome to do all the insurance paperwork.. after tat, he dun dare liao... hehehe...
hehe, yah, hu si luan xiang
It's 1 on each side of the head, halfway between the centre of the head and her ears. difficult to describe, and i'm not doing a very good job of it either.

any gatherings during the june hols?
i dun tink fall dwn during preggy will lead to xr's soft spots on her head.. but frm wat i noe, bb's head will still be soft until they reach abt 2-3 yrs, but not as soft as when they are at infancy stage lah... if u r still worried, den u let ur PD chk xr...
now waiting for hb to come n fetch me home. feel like having spaghetti with tomato sauce...haha, saw the delifrance ad in the papers today. mmm
this afternoon had super hot and sour tom yam soup, now can feel the sng sng feeling in my mouth just thinking abt it. luckily my colleagues didnt see me, tearing and eating at the same time
bbger: oh... haha... hmmm but will u go and drive him back if u got the license?? hehe... just kaypoh la... hehe...

claire: haha... ok.. i go back and try to touch her whole head see if i discover anything or not.. hehe.... hmmm the only soft spot tat i know is the top of the head one.. but no more liao la... :p
ya lor like what bbger say, if u worry then check w the PD on the next visit...

How u feelin huh???? can see tummy already??? hehe...
what's supposed to happen when we type doublepost? Will the moderators know?

erm, before preg already can see tummy..hahahah! now also dunno leh, the other day mil asked my hb how come my tummy so big liao. Oh well, just trying to control what i makan and make sure the scales dun tip everytime i go to the gynae.
thanks for everyone's concern over elly.. so touching.. she hasnt have fever since sunday.. so that s a good sign but she still having flu and cough.. still monitoring to see whether she still wheezing.. pd has mention if no improvement then to go see her again.. i also dunno whether she s getting better or still same.. feels like the same to me.. she was only neubulised once at the clinic.. then given oral medications.. i m just praying she gets better.. so that we all can get our rest..
the moderator wun know unless u alert them then they will delete for you le....as for weight ah aiyah thnk every pregnancy is differnt and whether will put on weight alot or alittle also not up to us one le. Me now 12 wks only put on 1 kg that time with ethan i put on 5-6kg le..so cannot compare oene as long as gynae said bb everything okie then dun care le haha :p
Can update Zhengyu details.
Weight: 10.6kg
Height: 79cm

MMR jab
My boy just had his jab today. I asked PD abt MMR-autism, he said there no link against these 2 issue. I believe so too. If its really cause autism, then MOH wont make MMR as compulsory jab liao le.
hi all

oopsee, didnt mean to start this autism scare with my qn & then disappear...
most times hv to wait til after kiddo slps b4 i hv a breather to myself & can access computer (hence this late post hehe)
anyway, i was sick all wkend & saw GP 2day to get MC...decided to ask him abt MMR.
he said no link & tt sm mummies delay MMR shots up til the year b4 they enrol their kids in school!
so he said to brg C in @ 24mths if i'm concernd abt this autism link - giv me time to research & read up on this link as well as for C to build up her immunity as she gets older.
but i'l get 2nd opinion fr Paed cuz Jappooh mentiond 17mths...maybe early prevention is gd too

he said the delay is ok cuz many kids are sick & hv to postpone shots or like sm mummies here report abt filled appt slots.
if i rmbr rt, the scare was abt teh high fever causing autism, but seems to be jus theory, no concrete proof. but htis is worrying:
& this one links autism to the flu vaccine
sm gds news tho:

hehe u so farney! any1 else in yr family skinny...sis? bro? SIL/BIL? parents?

dont think delay'g it wil prevent autism. but i wanna read up on it & weigh my options

hi etelle
so sweet of u to update the list so constantly! jus click on my name to PM/email me

but here are sm of C's details (foll'g yr table template) to save time:

<table border=1><tr><td>caryn</TD><TD>6thFeb2006</TD><TD>2.83kg</TD><TD>dunno-hvnt seen Paed since she was 12MO!</TD><TD>Fitti/Drypants(day)Nepia(nite)</TD><TD>MamilStep2</TD><TD>M.Grandma/PTWM</TD><TD>Tiong Baru</td></tr></table>

elly is still sick ley.. how.. i m going broke with all this pd visits man.. she had fever last nyte again and refuse to sleep till 3 am.. do you all think i should bring her to pd again if today there's no improvement..
Guess it takes about 3-3 days for the fever to break through and subside. How about her cough? Is she wheezing badly? Mayb u got to wait for the medicine to take effect.

Annika is also sick... all of a sudden!.. Kor kor passed the germs to her. Now she is having cough and slight fever. Hiazz.. she was ok leh.. then kor kor sick, she also kanna.

Hi gals, i have not been posting in forum for so long cos JH has been hospitalised for 7days and I just came back to work.
She kena some virus from outside and develop high fever follow by throat inflammation and upper respiration tract infection. and she cant eat or drink and keep vomitting and her nose is totally block and having bad cough and full of phlegm.
hence she on drip in hospital due to dehydration and also everyday got to do suction to extract out all the phlegm. and on neubuliser for 7days 4hrs apart to prevent bronchitis as her phlegm keep generating.
she lose tons of weight cos practically 5days no food or milk.
now she is recuperating at home and is eating and drinking well...
