(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

for the pix, you use to enter the competition, noel looks like my nephew from the side view leh. hehee, i showed to my hb, he also agrees

Hi mummies,

Can i check with you... will teething affect appetite? my son is rejecting food and milk and has been very cranky. His cutting his two front teeth. He wasn't like this when he had his lower teeth.

And I realise the front teeth very big. thought baby teeth should be small. How is your kids' teeth?
I don allow my gal to take Yakult or Vitagen cos they r refrigerated ( pasteurised)..i let drink a bit of ViVa cultured drink cos it's UHT thus no need to refrigerate. Don't think i will let my gal take any pasteurised product until she is above 5..especially pasteurised fruit juice and milk is a No No.
Jsim, fresh juice is better, the bottled juice from Heinz been retorted ( above 100degC) thus all the nutrients gone after high temperature treatment.
Sterilising- not sterilising anymore when she is on solid..u can't sterilise all the utensils anyway and by now we need to let their bodies adapt to some bacteria. The most importance is personal hygience, make sure u wash hands and dry them before making powder in order not to contaminate the milk powder.
Hi ladies
been very tired these past 5 days and gng down with the weather as well. Son is sick and today morning saw he got rashes like over his body. Brought him to PD and reliased he kena FENG MO le. was given anti biotics on top of the regular medicine. Sigh...tired tired tired.
the PD reali say ethan got feng mo? i thot feng mo is a chinese term? Mus be quite bad to take antibotics at such young age.. anyway u n ethan mus take care.. nwadays all the virus took a long long time to go away..
thanks. I don't know what to do. Just now I put milk in straw cup he drinks a little. He could take fruits but he's slowly loosing weight. Can see his rib cage. The worrying part is he'll wake up middle of nite and cry uncontrollably.

Btw what is feng mo? I just realised he has some red small spots on his legs. Hope Ethan is getting better and recovering soon...

Strongly advise you to take your child to see a dr. My PD once told me, whether having fever or not, the best gauge to see whether the child is well or not is 1) their appetite 2) the general mood (listless/active). If cranky and poor appetite, better go and check it out. It could be more than just mere teething. That time my boy was cranky, poor appetite and very low grade fever. Turned out it was ear infection. Luckily went to see PD. Coz ear infection could lead to meningitis and it could be fatal. So now i never attribute any of his crankiness or poor appetite to teething. Better be safe.

Sorry to hear that. Take care and rest while you can. It's very physically and mentally tiring at this period. Hope it'll be over soon.
*Hugs* Poor Ethan and poor mummy. Feng mo is hives yah. Must be itchy for the poor fellow.

Frankly, between fresh juices and Yakult/Vitagen, I still think fresh juices is better. Yakult/Vit is too sweet for our kids.

Out of curiosity, who prefers Yakult and who prefers Vitagen?

Yakult / Vitagen:
Sunshinekid - Yakult
pediatrician said an english term for it beginning with M but i dun know what is it but in chinese its feng mo lor...yeah lor no choice le he said dun take anti biotics the rest of the medicine no effect one
which is true...take medicine for 5 day no improvement.
Yakult / Vitagen: ai.. i also no intention to give Xinru either for both.. cause tink too sweet liao... and i tink Yakult drink liao like a bit phlgemy leh.. hehe so am not givin her lor...

Yakult / Vitagen
Amanda - Yakult
Yakult / Vitagen: ai.. i also no intention to give Xinru either for both.. cause tink too sweet liao... and i tink Yakult drink liao like a bit phlgemy leh.. hehe so am not givin her lor...

Yakult / Vitagen:
Sunshinekid - Yakult
Amanda - Yakult
Vitagen always has good offers leh. but i still prefers yakult. my mum also thinks that yakult can cause phlegm. i remember that when my sis was 3 or 4 yo, if she drinks too much she will start coughing.
but may be it is dependant on people one, cos my sil can take a whole row at one go. I nv hear her complaining abt coughing.

Yakult / Vitagen



wat antibiotics ethan taking now? white one har, name starts with s?

think teething can affect appetite but also dependant on kids. may be if u r really worried just take your kid to doc
Mashy Brainz,
Thanks for sharing. Just called my PD. He advised me to give him some panodol and apply teething gel to see if he gets better. He was only cranky at night and now I realised why. He couldn't drink milk from bottle cos of pain and was hungry but couldn't express himself. No wonder yesterday he kept looking at the milk bottle, wanted to reach out but hesitated. So poor thing. Day time, he's happy and active and has no fever.

I personally prefers Yakult. will dilute a little with water and give my boy.
bulomum: tat's why i dun wanna give her... cause i scare she become phlgemy again... cause last time she very phlgemy one.. then always got to standby the Hou Ning....

i gave her before but she dun like leh. Think she prefer the fruit itself. So in the end i gave her fruit juice but not on a frequent basis. Once in a blue moon theni gave her one small bottle. If not i just give her fei zhai shiu lor or warm water.

i also know that the nutritional level will drop for this preserved kind of drinks. But this little princess dun like it when i make the juice but prefer the whole fruit. Anyway i just make usre she has enough water intake.


must take care of yourself as well. Kiss kiss Ethan. Ethan, u are a strong boy. Fight away all the Feng Mo. Ah Yi here support u.

Yakult / Vitagen:
Sunshinekid - Yakult
Amanda - Yakult
Jsim - Yakult
no le pd use a longer word beginning with M one hee anyone knows ah???

<font color="ff0000">Yakult / Vitagen</font>
Sunshinekid - Yakult
Amanda - Yakult
Jsim - Yakult
etelle- Yakult

later i check le then tell u okie...

Hives = Urticaria. No?

Wow, all of us love Yakult instead of Vitagen! Pple say they are the same but to me, Yakult is better. Yah, this will cause alot of phlegms, Gareth always cough like mad. So now I restrict.
no le haha...M beginnng with the letter M....hee

yakult sweeter le vitagen got one milky kinda smell i dun like hee :p and i only drink yakult grapes haha :p
i tink Yakult more thicker taste whereas Vitagen more watery.... hehe....
i love to mix Yakult w ice water to qeunch thirst... hehe
koli: congrats on winning the contest!

etelle: take care of urself ar..u're preg too.. muz be veri xin ku..

Regarding Yakult, I let Cheryl start drinking le..but the most onli half a bottle la.. Cheese I brought the Kiri brand..nicer den the laughing cow cheese..hee.

Both my kids oso juz recovered frm fever, running nose and cough.. Finali the ordeal is over for me.. Haiz.. Hope all kids get well soon!
if you like yakult with ice, you will like calpis.

I always buy the plain yakult. i dont remember vitagen's taste liao. think i tried a few times cos there is promotion. and i dont like the taste. ahhaha so now, no matter wat promotion i wont buy liao.
Yakult / Vitagen
Sunshinekid - Yakult
Amanda - Yakult
Jsim - Yakult
etelle- Yakult
bb_ger - Yakult

I personally prefer Yakult than Vitagen althot they all say Vitagen is better coz it contain lesser sugar.. but the taste jus doesnt seem appeitising.. hehe..
seems like i am the odd one out... i prefer Vitagen coz it's lighter and not so sweet. I feel that after drinking Yakult, there would be a sticky residue on the tongue (like phlegm) which is quite yucky. My hubby always say i no taste, choose Vitagen over Yakult.
i think give her fruits is just as good or even better than drinking juices. Fresh juices are better than the bottled ones. Anyway, have you tasted Gripe Water? Is it nice? My colleague say give that and they can sleep well thru the night.
Yakult / Vitagen
Sunshinekid - Yakult
Amanda - Yakult
Jsim - Yakult
etelle- Yakult
bb_ger - Yakult
Bulma - Yakult

LY, no prob w kissing jarren lah haha u wanna carry him bk also can haha

annika v sweet lei

ya real fruit is def better than those bottled fruit juices we get outside. I personally do not like Gripe water lor. It's as if there is a smell or something. But my gal will drink a lot at one shot if she knows it's gripe water lor. Sometimes she doesn't want it also. It all depends on her mood.
Yakult / Vitagen
Sunshinekid - Yakult
Amanda - Yakult
Jsim - Yakult
etelle- Yakult
bb_ger - Yakult
Bulma - Yakult
tomota - Yakult
koli- yakult

thanks! but not a very good mother's day for me cos i quarrelled with hubby again. this time i ren. not my fault. long story.

after high fever will develop rashes. N also broke out rashes the last time he was down with high fever. really very bad rashes.
i bought chinese herb called golden flower (direct translation from hokkien) to bathe him. apply calamine lotion(without alcohol). 4 days rashes totally gone. maybe u wanna try.
Yakult / Vitagen
Sunshinekid - Yakult
Amanda - Yakult
Jsim - Yakult
etelle- Yakult
bb_ger - Yakult
Bulma - Yakult
tomota - Yakult
koli- yakult
claire - yakult
summer - vitagen

I personally find yakult not so think and sweeter. vitagen thicker and not as sweet
So far xr no problem with either, and hasnt been phlegmy or loose stools, so she's lucky
Yakult / Vitagen
Sunshinekid - Yakult
Amanda - Yakult
Jsim - Yakult
etelle- Yakult
bb_ger - Yakult
Bulma - Yakult
tomota - Yakult
koli- yakult
claire - yakult
summer - vitagen
wendy - vitagen

i find yakult sweeter and somehow stings my throat. hav to drink water after taking it

loose stools - mommies help. my ger had loose stools again last night at 3am -_-... i didnt give her any vitagen le... is it bcos of teething? i never recalled my son having loose stools so often. nothing new in her diet lei...

sorry, but dunno understand why it seems that every loose stool, every loss of appetite and crankiness has been attributed to teething. Can pls don't always think that it's teething? While it's comforting to us to think that it's part of growing up, it is dangerous if we keep thinking lightly of the illnesses. I think before we think whether it's teething, we should eliminate all other possible causes first. Teething should be the last conclusion and not the first diagnosis. Only when we could not find any other possible causes and our child appear well otherwise, then we can conclude that it's teething. Also, when teething, you should be able to feel the teeth coming out in the gums.
Morning mummies!!
Wow, didnt know so many pple are like me, prefer Yakult over Vitagen. Frankly, it really does lead to cough and phlegmy throats, so best is to cut down on giving our kiddos too much. Moderation is the key.

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
Heeee.. ur Jarren is so cute, I dun mind bringg him home. Annika is sweet???? No lah, she is very fierce. Always fa xiao jie pi qi. Her favourite "pattern" now is to tilt back her body to resist/retaliate.

I just had this funny thought. IF only we can "exchange" our kiddo with another mummy. Bring the kid home for 1 day and we will see how "notti" he/she is. Hahahah. This will be quite cool. Think Channel 8 has this programme.

<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
Yah, can buy those Jin Ying Hua and let Ethan bathe, suppose to pai du (detox) the body.
i oso heard from my MIL tat 'Feng Mo' must go see chinese physician den they can help to massage the bb to "expel" out the heat in their body.. but onli when u r comfortable to believe it... anyway is ethan getting better after taking the antibotics? so ke lian leh...
Wendy, i second what mashy said..it's better not to assume, good check with PD.We are not expert here so better to leave it to pro for advice.
Giselle had watery stool when she was teething too and i brought her to PD who told me teething doesn't cause watery stool. There are many causes ( virus or bacteria etc) but the only thing in my mind was to put a stop to it and it did after the medication.
Don't give milk or fruits at the meantime
u bear to part with ur darling to other mummy meh? i cant bear leh. yesterday my boy scratched my mum's face, she beat his hands so hard that i heart pain. told my mym that she can discipline but don beat him so hard. mum cried. ha ha she wants to be pampered also. at times i really cant wait to be a SAHM.
mashy / Vs: haha... cause we all 'fu qian' mah... and din tink of the virus and germs tat might have cause the watery stool lor... tat's why we always link tat together lor....

so mummies, next time watery stool dun link to teethin k....

sunshinekid: haha..must wait till they older then can try... hehe.... hmmm maybe we can come up w a list of who wanna change w who hor... hehe..... hmm idea idea...

koli: ur mum cry ah... hmm u must have used a harsh tone on her ah??
you really want to exchange kid ah.. hahah think like amanda said, older better, at least they know how to express themselves. if not everything also cry then how. ahhaha later u pull out your hair cos of frustration.

heheh.. u very teng noel hor.. but think discipline once in awhile ok lah... may b i not very motherly, so if r notti and my hb or anyone in my family disciplines him i ok one.
no leh, i never.she just say i care only for N not her. think she too tired lah. then she went for shower came out ok liao. think menopausing soon. super duper sensitive leh.

thought of bringing N to HK this june holiday. angry with hubby again so dun want to celebrate Father's day in Sin. can email the list of things i need to prepare or what to look out for in HK? Bird flu over in HK?
bulomum: haha later end up kana stress up... haha....
not because u not motherly la... i tink for me i also like tat... correct on the wrong things no matter who i am also ok.. hehe but must have a limit cause i am the mother... hehe

koli: haha our mum need us to pamper also.. haha... sometimes i tink i neglect my mom also.. hehe maybe she tink during her bath lor... haha...
me also like bulomum, i dun mind my parents or my family discipline xr but must discipline on the correct thing la... haha cause they also wan them to be good mah...

u going HK without your hb? Ai yah, don't like that lah. 'He Qi Sheng Cai'.

Did u gals watch the Channel 8 drama at 9pm? funny drama. My hb and i kept laughing watching it. Yesterday, Tay Ping HUi's character tell his wife that he wanna divorce. so sad...
It's just a funny thought lah. I was imagining to myself, is another child as notti as my kids, or they are worst, hahah. Becos I always wonder if my kids are normal or exceptionally hard to manage.

We parents always say our kids are notti, bad temper, whiny etc. But wait till we see other kids, so I am curious lor. :p

<font color="ff0000">koli</font>
I guess ur mum must be really upset. She could be thinking that now u care more about ur son than her. Don't argue with your hb lah. He will be very set, not able to celebrate father's day with Noel. Or you treat this as a family holiday lor.
loose stools - it's kind of runny. sticky like paste and wet. not the hard type. ok, when i look at the diaper, it jus looks like rendang paste... :p

anyway besides this, my ger is other wise active and eating well too.... so i dunno wat's wrong. the last time i see doc he also ask me to jus monitor. prob i bring kids see doc too many times liao so quite sian. sometimes can even oredict wat he say... so wont straight away rush to doc one.

koli - wa u so hiong ah? ... bear to abandon him in sg? dun b so angry la... hb n wife lei.. wait u go HK then N ask for daddy how? sad la...
u can ask kelly, she will say she gladly let zj stay with u for a few days as experience.
HAHHAHA.. Kelly i joking lah.. no offence hor
koli, u r very bad for making ur mum cried leh

err..sorry huh..i was thinking alot here discussed about buying gift for our hubbies...have we neglected our dads??
We will be sad too in future when our kids neglected us..
my hubby was angry and shouted at me when i asked him to take care of N for A WHILE on Mother's day leh. walau... no brain leh him. no present or nothing just help a bit also like that.he still comment that i never celebrate mother's day with his mum. what the hack, labour day just went for dinner with them. seow leh. everytime quarrel i feel so sad. ha ha but ok lah, i a while ok liao.
want to go HK also cos i want to bring N to Disneyland. went to LA disneyland b4. very nice leh. can take pictures with all the characters plus fun rides. thought of bringing him there for a short break in case my hubby accuse me for not celebrating Father's day with his father deliberately.
hubby out field this week leh. no time to talk to him about my trip. sticky stool, i think heaty leh. N lately also. the funny thing is N enjoys me cleaning his nose and sucking his mucous leh. funny hor. he can still laugh at times when i do that.
i think my mum herself felt that she should discipline N but not hitting him so hard... maybe lah.
Me n my hb recently surprise my dad with a new hp (the 1 he wanted to get).. i told him it's an early Father's day present.. u shd see hw happy he is...
I never fail to miss out my dad coz i am closer to him than my mum..

actually very simple, even if u don't want to celebrate mothers'/fathers' day with your ILs. Just buy a present for them lah. Your hb is still their son after all. Imagine Noel treating you this way next time when he grows up. Cannot right? At least have to buy a present even if don't meet for makan.
no leh. his parents dun reserve the presents leh.if MIL treats me good, buy ok, dun treat me like DIL buy for what? i bought a handbag for her before, she still complain not nice.
sometime i very bad. i wonder what life will be if i marry the other 2 suitors instead of my hubby. bad hor...
that time my hubby chase after me i got 2 suitors. one restaurant enterprenur-has restaurants in SEA. abit on the plump size. another one Australian born chinese, helping dad in business in Asia. both need to travel also. haiz... hubby good point is down to earth, faithful but hot tempered leh.
