(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

i am missing my dad everyday...he's my idol..wish he is still around
bb_ger, my dad told me he wanted my spoilt limited edition hp when he was in hospital, i knew he din want it but it's an excuse so that i will go get it repaired cos it's still under warranty..he passed away 2 days later..till now i din repair the spoilt hp..it just sit thr to remind me of what he said...
i m always rude to my parents cos i m hot-tempered n they'd spoilt me..i really regretted. They know i love them though.

thanks for your concern. Ethan is getting better but still sick. Night sleeping time is an ordeal cuz he is evry xin ku when his nose keep running and mucus blocking at the same time. So he also din have an uninterrupted sleep. My poor darling. And he has absoutely no appetite for milk, food or favourite biscuits le. Sigh but he still drink milk la maybe throughout the entire day maybe about 450ml in all....water he got drink...

deserve or don't deserve still his parents. Unless even their own child i.e. your hb agrees that they're bad parents. Don't have to bother what she says. Some pp are like that, everything also complain. Even if you buy very expensive branded handbag they also complain. But when u get a present for them, whether from your heart or not, you've done your part as a DIL lor. Sorry, felt that I need to tell you this cause i feel that if you continue like this, it's bad for your marriage. If you cherish your marriage with your hb, then you need to mend the ties. Even if u think that they don't deserve it. I also don't like my ILs and I'm also not their 'choice' DIL. When my boy was just born, i hated them to the core. But now we 'xiang jing ru bing', coz I realised how much my hb meant to her, just like how much my boy meant to me. I'll make bouquets of flowers for her and she gave me a present for Mothers' Day. I still can't stand her. But she's my hb's dearest and only mother. And it'll also show my boy how to treat his mother in future too. Noel is at the age where he can understand what's going on. He might end up like you after he gets married. I telling u this coz when I was a child, I also could see the 'fire' and 'storm' between my mother and grandma, and i must say it greatly affected my parents' relationship.

Don't think of your 2 other suitors liao lah. It's over, you've chosen your hb to spend the rest of your life with. So appreciate what you have.
etelle - ai xin dan gao! bake a cake for him or cook a dish for him
or get ethan's hand print on a card and give to him. hey, think i'm gg to do this
haha i cannot do baking or cooking one la...haha :p wow put his hand print on ah...aiyah tie a ribbon on ethan put inside a box and give my hubby la haha :p think this will bring smile to his face even if use on all occasions haha :p
sorry to rake about your sad past.
Ethan first time sick so maybe a bit xiong for him. 450ml is ok. sufficient. if no appetitie maybe u wanna replace by giving glucose.
yeah lor he sick hor then hor no appetite and first time he sick so hor think quite 2 much for him to take. But except for night sleeping time the rest of the time he is okie still can play and laugh hee :p so think still alright la.

yah, that couple really lack communication. Think it happened after they had kids (they had a flashback of how happy they were when they found out that she was preg). So we've all gotta remember to communicate with our hbs.
the 9pm show hor certain parts good like bring enlightenment to oneself but hor certain advices not so good...llike the episode yesterdya they went counselling le then know their problems le yet the hb choose to divorce the wife...cae as a shocker...
he is recovering. don worry. Ethan is a strong boy. stout and strong. u must take care of yourself since one more coming. keep us updated with your little one ok? excited for you!

not only communication. look at what the mother in law is doing. she is also the cause of their divorce cos her hubby cant see what his mummy was doing...(not against all MIL. only my own MIL and the tv serial MIL hee hee)
yeah lor the mil gng all out to sabotage their marriage hor..if got this kind of meany mil really bad hor but hor the hb and wife also lack trust and communcation lor....and they dun talk amicably everytime talk want to quarrel

yah, agree got some parts quite enlightening. but some are just mockery of the marriage.

actually i don't think it's so much the MIL's fault as it was the couples. I think if they love, trust and respect each other, no matter what tactics the MIL came up with, it will not separate them. It's because the both of them already have probs, then the MIL can 'cheng xu er ru'.
agree too. couple also lack of communication. maybe in the show the hubby is also indecisive. worst the ex so fat and ugly compare to the wife. hubby eyes kena stamps. i also think both very egoist too. the show getting very exciting.
good to know ethan is better....

father's day idea :
i was thinking get a plain white/beige mug and use the val's glass painting ideas.
Draw on the cup and write my kid's name and give my hb for father's day present.

Nvr tried this before so dunno whether will turn out nice or not, cross my fingers....
I like your idea too! Everytime i put a blanket on Tiff's head and ask her to show daddy, daddy will smile very happily and he will asked me not to remove it coz it's very cute.

Can you share with me when preggies can start taking tonics like (1) Dong Cong Cao (2) Bird's Nest? Was told that the price for Dong Cong Cao will increase again so I am budgeting to stock up now.. heehee. Share share ok... i forgot about it liao.
I always use ruyu oil to rub on the back of tiff's ears and her chest when she has difficulty breathing due to blocked nose. It helps her to sleep better. Sometimes i also hold the bottle near to her nose for her to sniff to clear the passage.

after 1st trimester. but i remember cannot take bird's nest for preggy coz bb high chance of developing allergies if u do.

i took a lot for the 1st few weeks, now look at my boy. maybe we should take a poll to see those who took bird nest during preg and didn't take, if it affected their kids.

Maybe i start first.

Nick,Bird Nest,Child Allergy
mashy, Yes,Yes
Vs: missed the postin tat u mention our dad one.. hmmm normally for Mother's Day & Father's Day we will bring them out for dinner lor... standard one... hehe....
But normally Mum will get more than a meal.. hehe...
mashy, some people say not to take bird's nest too early... will cause phlegm/asthma in babies. My mum ever told me 4th month onwards.

Anybody took dong cong cao - was told it's good for baby's lungs and heart.
I took birdnest after 5th month, as advised by my TCM doc. No allergy for Yj.
I took dong cong cao also, I think also 2nd tri time. It is good for pu qi n bb's brain.

I rem taking tonics like Cordyceps, BRAND'S Essence of Chicken and quite alot of bird's nest (cos my fav, hehe) from 2nd tri onwards. BB ok leh, no allergy.

But my mum said can't take dang gui...forgot why liao.
Instead of going to the Pd, why not call him 1st and ask need to go down or not. My pd very good one, sometimes ask me to watch 1-2days 1st.

Father's day
yes, agreed with vs about not forgetting our fathers too. They are the ones that bring home the bread but missed out on our growing up because of work. Though most of us r closer to our mummies, lets not forget our fathers too.....
sorry went to JG to enrol Noel in the holiday class so din log in.
m=what u say is true, i will try lah to endure her. but one more time she asked my hubby to divorce again, i will severe ties with her.
1st trimester i drink dong cong cao(DCC)
2nd n 3rd trimester alternate week bird nest and DCC till i deliver.
38th/39th weeks i drink coconut drink.
noel got allergy. lactose intolerant but i dun think from bird nest cos me too is lactose intolerant. maybe inherited.
i used karvol le to let him clear his nasal le when he breathe him....for me ah only 4 mths onwards or so then i start taking bird nest le when i conceive ethan then dong cong cao or coconut drink i also never take hee :p
hai... dunno if really need to bring D to doc.. yesterday she got slight running nose... hope she's better tdy
thks mommies..

wendy, lots of BN, both bbs ok.
Took birds nest from 2nd tri-3tri, xr all ok.

my hb tendered his resignation already, so will be clearing leave from 25June, to coincide with my june hols. Happy bcoz he'll be able to spend time with xr and me, but hoping that the companies he applied to will reply soon.

Lately then i realise I dunno my parents as well as I thought I did. But for father's day, will probably bring my dad out for a movie. My sis and I used to go out almost every sat night with him for movie (midnight show), then after i got married, my sis got bf, hardly ever go out with him liao. Actually after that, sat nite normally play mahjong, but since xr, the freq also drop liao. feel kinda sad for neglecting him. And the other day, he was asking abt the film 28 weeks later, so maybe that's a hint
I think Xue Ge (Hashima) during the last 2 months of pregnancy. Didnt take Bird nests that frequently also.

<font color="ff0000">Father's day</font>
My dad is someone who does not like to eat out. He hates to eat at restaurants, cos to him, nothing beats homecooked food. Not to forget the crowd. So most likely will cook him something and invite him to our house lor.
took bird nest from 2nd trim onwards, j got asthma but pple say he got asthma is cos i keep eat orange that x lei wk 36 onwards, i drink coconut

tis round didnt tk bird nest cos feel tk no tk also lk the same.... lazy to boil haha

no take DCC... cos also dun lk
Thanks mummies for sharing. By the way, is Essence of Chicken ok during pregnancy?

Hashima preggies cannot take lei.. this is what i gathered from many people and those in TCM. It's too cooling.
i luv chicken essence and got take during preggie.
Not sure how true la hor, my fren told me better to take b/f admit to hospital for delivery 'cos need a lot of 'strength' to push.

Since I like to drink i take b/f i admit
ya, probably it's the same with coconut juice, it's cooling so it's advised to take later part of pregnancy.
so sorry to hear about your sad past..
i oso very rude to my mum when i was younger.. nw i become a mum myself liao, knew how hard it is to went thru all those trimesters and nurturing our bb..

glad that ethan is getting better...
u tc too...
oh ya, the vicks works on blocked nose.. my dad's remedy - to apply vicks on the sole of the bb's feet, den cover with socks, it will get better... once shayna was down with blocked nose, i was staying at my parent's plc, n my dad did that for her n she can slp thru the nite leh..maybe u wana give it a try?..
I oso take coconut juice dring the last 3-4 wks b/f EDD. Since so many of my frens recommended it and i oso find no harm taking it.

My frens recommended a lot of things la, but so long as i'm not comfortable with it i will not do/eat. Some of my colleagues oso say cannot this cannot tat but i oso do/eat 'cos i find their reasons no logic and i'm not pangtang type.

me too leh, very rude to my mum 'cos she always scolds me when I was young. Now after being a mother myself, I really control le....
I took bird's nest since preggy and coconut juice after 34 wks. I think should be fine la. I thought any Allergies/asthma are genetic, dun think will affect the foetus.

what is hashima? I suaku, never hear b4.

My mil bought me the shi san tai bao, i dun dare to take, not sure of the contents. But she told all the relatives my kids all v healthy because of that tonic, hehehe, i dun dare tell her i din take, threw all away.

How is ethan today? The karvol good hor, but the smell damn killing...thanks to sunshinekid who recommended in the forum that time!
doesn't work on Ethan le...the night i tried he still coughing away le...then hubby said better dun try le...

yeah karvol is good even when i got blocked nose i sniffed also seem to help haha :p
Cordyceps = dong cong cao.

Hashima = xue ge (cook like bird nest, reddish one)

Tat shi san tai bao (=13 herb tonic) is bery good for preggy women. It is used to an tai (protecting the embryo) (hehe! I abstract from tat book "The Chinese Pregnacy & Confinement Book"). I took tat also during my preggy
i am going for 2nd week hoilday program. 1st week got meetings in school so cant bring him.
going for bumboat rides in raffles place on thursday i think.
i am going only for the holiday program cos termly program is too expensive. need to cut down expenses.
my friend told me someone feedback about the cleanliness of the place,growing up gifted now quite clean. was thinking how many feb mummies interested to go for trial class in GUG? if we can get more people for trial then i help to call and book a trial class solely for Feb babies?

GUG trial class
1. koli

i went for the GUG, that place really not very clean and also they don't check the children for HFMD. WHen i was there, there's a kid who was coughing and sneezing away (obviously sick) but they didn't stop her from attending.

It's unlike JG. I saw them cleaning the toys before the class and they checked all the children's hands and feet for HFMD. Also, all the children had to wash their hands before their snack time.

ya u told me earlier but according to my friend lately they did check leh. maybe i make a trip there to check it out =)
