(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

To All Mummies

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Happy Mother's Day</font></font>

Hugs and Kisses From

not that i did anything miracle to him. Thank God for his protection. I also a normal mum doing my best to keep him healthy. Anyway heart pain to see him sick le ...will dutifully feed him with medicine want him to recover fast ast *sob*

thanks for your concern will take care ...hee u enjoying or not hha we miss chatting with u le....

<font color="ff0000">HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ALL!!!</font>
<font color="ff0000">Bulomum</font>
U are in NZ???? For hols or work? Aiyo, so long didnt chat with you liao, didnt even know u are away! mIss ur presence in MSN and forum.
Come back soon and chat with us yah.

<font color="ff0000">Stella</font>
You are a great mum!! U rem to take care hor.

<font color="ff0000">Val and Giselle</font>
Thank you!

<font color="aa00aa">Happy Mother's Day to all!!!</font>
Happy Mother's Day!

no worries leh. he will recover fast since his immune system so good. first time sick ok la. just have to monitor got fever not, give him medicine faithfully.
my N sick so many times already. just recovered from flu and fever.
i passed ur contact to my aunt ok? wait for her to email u ok? u enjoying in NZ ah... envy!
siewlng, mashy, bulma,volet
N also a toilet lover. he walks to the balcony too. i stay in 16 floor leh... freak me out. i think we just have to keep a lookout on where they are moving to.
pm u again leh. hee hee
was thinking of no maid. then i told my sis that she must help my mum with house work cos no maid i will do housework in my own place. she retorted that she will only clean her own room. ah... like that cannot leh. my mum not any younger liao how to let her do on her own. dunno leh... my sis very inconsiderate hor.
N also dun really know how to talk. only a few words. find that learning how to talk is like learning how to walk. when it is time for them to pick it up, they will.
regret N know how to walk liao cos he go so many places that i have to chase after. worst! he go between the wall and the fridge. i so fat how to go in. huh!
koli - pm u too

oh on the contrary, i was so glad daphne walked early, cos i was taking care of both kids alone.
easier to 'rest' when the bb can stand steadily... no need to carry carry carry...
you pm me ah? din receive leh. Thanks for the reference.
dont need to envy lah. you can plan for a trip also lah. anyway, i am not in nz for "holis" lah. more of visiting reli.

miss me har.. hehehe i will be back soon.. c u. NZ is quite cold now.. but still fun. R really enjoys the cool air here and he loves the fruits and pastry here.
the flight here was quite tiring.. R din sleep much and refuse to put on the seat belt. "quite" an experience.

i am coming back on sun, evening.. so sian have to start work on Mon.. sure super monday blue one.
ha neber receive?ok later i pm again. get my aunt hp again then pm. will inform u wheni pm again ok?
i no chance to go oversea la. no money no time. haiz
heheh.. can lah.. coming jun u got time liao. dont need u got $ lah, your hb got enough..

tiring hor, running around them.. somemore they very good at finding interesting and challenging spots for us.
Wat i hates most is, when i bring him out walking, he sometimes will try to pick up the stuff on the floor to see.. so yucky leh.. tell him dirty he doesnt understand leh

can they eat them now har?
Dear all,

just wanted to ask how often you give ur kid fruit? Giving them everyday is it too much? My gal loves apples. Can finish half an apple at one go and can still scream for more when i told her no more. But i ignore her cuz it's those Fuji apple type, quite big lor. Thanks
With 14 voters, 8 votes were casted to Koli & Noel...
2nd runner is Violet & Fengkai with a total of 3 votes.

Once again, congratulations to Koli and Noel...

Koli: Please PM me ur account number. Once i transfer the prize amount to u i sms u ya...
congrats koli n N - wat a wonderful way to start your sahm life eh...?

JSim - i gave fruits (papaya, grapes, apples, pears, banana, prunes) but not apples everyday. cos i read somewhere, and hav been told by many that it'll actually cause constipation. i find best in papaya. now my ger see's the fruit (uncut) she'll say mum-mum cos sweet ma.
Happy Mother's Day!

Yaloh miss u in msn haha!
My bedroom toilet door nothing to tie with leh... hmm never mind lah... not so freq, I still got stop YJ

YJ was given fruits everyday. Most of the time is apple. She can eat 1 whole apple leh, not fuji apple size lah
<font color="ff0000">Koli</font>
Congrats!!! I find all the picts so heartwarming, hence I chose to forgo my voting rights.. ahahah..

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
Good to bump into u this morning at Punggol Plaza. Hey, your tummy looks so small. And u have another 8wks? Jarren is sooo cute! I cant resist kissing him. :p Hope u didnt mind hor.. Cos I know some parents do not like others to kiss their kids, cos they find it dirty.

<font color="ff0000">Fruits</font>
My kids are fruit monsters! They can eat alot of fruits, and all kinds too. I even let Annika lick some of my durians, she likes it too. I am guilty of giving junk food ... :p
Congrats to Koli & Noel! It's reall heart warming seeing your pic. So much love and joy but i guess everymother when looking at their own child will also feel so much love and joy 2

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY all.....enjoy every bit of the day
<font color="aa00aa">HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL!!</font>
Though it's mother's day today, but somehow, this Gareth keeps making me angry and irrtating me big time. He refuses to do his homework, spill water all of the place, take his mei mei's crayon,etc.... Hiaazzz... I feel so "fan" today.
yeah lor suppose to be Mother's day a day to enjoy i also taking care of the sick ethan le. Yesterday he developed fever so hor now fever subsided le but cough and runny nose still around so quite cranky and whiny...sigh..
Sunshinekid: haha.. i also sama as u leh... last nite xr wake up in the middle of the nite then wan to be carried... end up sleepin on our bed and i no space to sleep tis morning backache.. then morning she kept fussin dunno over what.. haizzz then keep cryin and whinny... arrgh...
Mother's day same weekend for me la... hehe

etelle: how's ethan?? better or not??? u got my sms on the magazine?? hehe funny that 2 issue tat u ask me to see i dunno throw where...instead got until April nia... :p check liao then let u know...
wah... thank you leh! first time win contest leh. yesterday my car plate number came out first prize never buy, though my luck is always on the sway side... hee hee today won contest. very happy! indeed a very good mother'a day!

my weekend worst leh. tonight book BBQ pit downstairs, raining... food all buy liao dunno rain will stop not.

noel fusses non stop since morning! yesterday slept at 153am ah. can die. then my stupid hubby morning said that he was hungry. made me make Coffee and breakfast for him then went back to sleep. as if today is father's day man.

etelle, fever then cough and running nose is normal but make sure the phelgm and mucous not too much. put baby vapour rub for him.
so good hving BBQ for celebration? the rain at SK stopped liao, dun think it'll last the whole day for yr place bah...

how's Ethan?

Bulma's tummy small meh? I went her place on fri and I find it big leh? kekeke.... diff ppl diff perception hor? Maybe when i hv FK my tummy quite small la....
i stay at bedok reservoir leh... always rain there.
all my relatives coming over to celebrate mother's day cos my grandma is 85 yo liao. hee hee

any mummy stopped sterilising bottles for bb?
wow koli,
yr grandma 85 alrdy, must be a big gathering....

bedok reservior needs the rain there la, for the reservior mah...

i stopped sterilising bottles when FK is around 13 or 14 mths old bah, can't remember exactly when le.
ethan fever okie le but runny nose and cough still around le sigh not easy taking care of a sick baby e so cranky and whiny and cry cry espcially difficult during sleeping time...

its okie if u cannot find the magazine
not urgent la...hee :p

i stopped sterilisign when ethan turned 10 mths le think ivory told me 6 mths she stopped sterilising le...haha for me cuz steriliser spoilt then so just stopped le..but i still sue hot water to sterilise before i use each time.
Dear all mummies,

Happy 2nd Mother's day to all.
Congrats to koli and noel as well.


so cute your kid. My little monster once sit near the table will go mum mum mum. Go out also like tat. Ppl dunno tot i toture her nv give her food ah. Well apart from apples, she also like kiwi. Actually hubby and i found it funny cuz kiwi from time to time will be a little sour but she will just eat lor. And i am not a person who takes sour stuff.


YJ good ya. Mine wants to eat and eat like wu di dong like that. endless pit leh. Maybe I will try like wendy give her some papaya.

i like kids to eat all kinds of fruits also. Cuz my bro and hubby same same all dun like fruits. I am the fruit monster at home. I just wonder how early can we start introducing all kinds of fruits and how often lor.


I am still sterlising my gal's bottles everyday faithfully leh. Was also thinking when I should stop too. Maybe soon since so many of you have already stopped.

My princess also sick. had running nose then gave her medicine and she's alright. yest all of a sudden got cough. Aiyoh, think the weather is making everyone sick somehow. This is her 2nd time sick since birth lor. so sian. hopefully she will get well soon.

Meanwhile hope all our babies will be healthy and free from all illness.
2nd sickness still ok. my boy sick dunno how many times liao...
i also sterilise N bottles everyday. even the powder container i also sterilise. N got 22 milk bottles(i abit kua zhang la) bought him a lot. every 6 months i change cos plastic bottle cannot use for too long. so everyday i only need to sterilise once. worried that don sterilise got bacteria leh. if most of u not sterilising then i think i can stop soon.

aiyo i see her sick i also sian lor. Just now she cough and cough while sleeping. I heart pain. see if she does not get any better tmr after next dosage of medicine, i will bring her to doc.

wow so many bottles ah? so far i only changed twice since birth.
i also din celebrate. on the plane so tiring

congratulations on wining the contest.

Are you using steam sterilizer? some powder container is not suitable for steam sterilizing leh. u must read the label to check. i know the munchin ones cant.
koli: i also stop sterilising tink ard xr is 1 yr liao.... sometimes must have some bacteria la.. haha... then will build the immune system mah... :p
i think have stopped sterilizing for a long time already, unless my maid still does it

for the elmo-lovers, there's an elmo colouring book show on. Just got the email from NTUC. and our babies can get in free!

Elmo's Colouring Book Show
Special Prices for LinkPoints Members!

The Elmo's Colouring Book Show is happening in June!

LinkPoints gives you the special privilege to purchase tickets at a very exclusive rate! What's more, you get to earn LinkPoints on your ticket's purchase!

Limited quantity up for grabs! So hurry down to LinkPoints Rewards Centre to get your tickets to the Elmo's Colouring Book Show - your kids will love it!*




Inclusive of $2 TicketCharge Fee.
Free admission for kids below 2 years old (no seats will be given).

Get your tickets at:
LinkPoints Rewards Centre
NTUC Centre, No. 1 Marina Boulevard
Basement, One Marina Boulevard
Singapore 018989

Operating Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9am - 6.30pm
Saturday: 9am - 2.30pm
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

Terms and Conditions
- This promotion is exclusive for LinkPoints Members.
- Each member is entitled to a maximum purchase of 6 tickets.
- The date and time of show are fixed, no amendment or exchange is allowed.
- Members must present their NTUC, max or PAssion card personally to enjoy this promotion.
- Tickets are on first-come-first-served basis, while stocks last.
- Promotional prices for show tickets are only valid at LinkPoints Rewards Centre, address as stated above.
- Tickets purchased are not exchangeable or refundable for cash, LinkPoints or any other items.
- LinkPoints reserves the right to vary the terms and conditions at any point in time.

yesterday gave xr my old elmo, and she hugged it to herself, so cute! the one we have at home is as tall as her, so that one quite difficult to carry around. the old one is just nice, but after a while, she get distracted and just put elmo on the bed and zao.
vitagen - any mommies let bbs take vitagen or yakult liao? my ger see my son take always cry for it, stare at gor-gor drinking and swallow saliva. look so poor thing
congrats!!! I also stopped sterilizing for my girl when she was about 14 months because my sterilizer broke down. Wah, 22 bottles is really kua zhuang... how did you manage to use them all?

I also gave my gal all kinds of fruits. Grapes, guava, avocado, apple, honeydew, pineapple, banana, papaya, durian, strawberry, kiwi, persimmons, soursop. I am also one fruits monster, couldn't libe one day wo them

I guess no problem to give them Yakult/Vitagen. My niece is totally in love with that drink. I tried letting my girl drank a few times, a few sips only and i realised she gets loose bowels after that so I dun give it to her now. So it depends on individual.

Mummies, can our kids take Kraft cheese? Those sliced type?
My pd says can give the kraft sliced cheese

i also have a elmo that size. but very dusty leh.. how u clean har? u send for cleaning?
R saw it and wants to hug.. so i kept in the cupboard
<font color="ff0000">Summer/Wendy</font>
I give Annika Yakult, but I only give her 1/4 and I take 3/4 of it. Didnt want to let her get addicted to it. ACtually I find drinking too much Yakult/Vitagen is not so good, as they cause the kid to be phlegmy and more prone to cough. I have stopped buying Yakult at home, cos my son will open the fridge and get it himself. Nowadays, it's like a treat to him, I will only buy 1 bottle if he behaves.

<font color="ff6000">Summer</font>
I give Annika the "Laughing Cow" cube cheese. U buy the original flavour one. I dun know what is the diff betweent those and the Kraft ones.

<font color="0000ff">Sterilising</font>
I am still sterilising all the bottles. :p My mentality is that since the steriliser is still in good working condition and I am not the one doing the sterilising, I continue to do so.
Vitagen - my ger also got loose stools that 2 nights after i let her take a bit! then may i let her take only when older
for my son if he has a chance to look into the fridge (we control his access to it) he's say 'see, mama buy so many, can drink?' and look at me innoncently...

cheese - daphne has been taking both sliced n cube cheese since 10mo lei... cos gor-gor eat then i also give her at the same time lor.. :p

sterilising - ohoh... i'm not sterilising diligently since 6mths onwards, after daphne starts solids. also partly bcos i tbf, so not using bottles often and she drinks water via straw or sip cup. the most i do now is scald with boiling water.
Re: Yakult/Vitagen
I gave yakult to my ger n she love it.. jus like wat sunshinekid did, she take 1/4 n i take 3/4.. hehehe.. look like yakiult is reali the favourite of all kids.. once they start will nv stopped.. my house got subscribe to yakult delivery 1, everytime she see the yakult auntie, she will stand at the door there waiting to "receive" her strip of yakult n wait for us to open for her to drink.. hehehe...

Re: Cheese
I oso let Shayna tk laughing cow cheese cubes.. the taste is slightly more tasty than kraft..

Re: Sterilising
I still sterilise all the milk bottles every night before going to bed.. guess it has become more of a habit to me liao.. if we din sterilise the bottles, will feel like something is not accomplished yet.. haha...
xr loves yakult/vitagen. SHe went to shop n save with my mum yesterday and she saw it and pointed to it. mum said she didnt even notice it herself! xr can take 1 bottle by herself, in fact, if we try to take it away from her she'll ng ng and hold on really tight. If we dun want her to take, have to hide it from her sight.

think i will start after she recovers.

cheese: my gal also takes the Laughing cow cheese but i think she dun really like it but i just gave her together with bread from time to time.

Yakult / Vitagen:
have not started her on that. Will have loose bowels ah? maybe got to consider liao. Hubby think it's not too good an idea to start her so young on yakult though. So she has been taking fruit juice from Heinz
Thanks, so our todds can take cheese now. Was feeding my niece and gal kraft cheese y'day then my bro asked me if cheese if ok for them and that sets me thinking....

Why not give your gal fresh juice instead? I thought that would be better.

I think kids loves Yakult and Vitagen for their sweet taste and easy to hold bottle.

my mum dun allow Yakult so far N only drinks plain water and home made barley.
N also allergy to lactose so far haven try any dairy product yet.
so miserable
