(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

aiyooo violet and feza,

lucky i came to read post today and know the change of venue else later u gals happy happy eating oysters in Marriot, I still at the rice table counting rice!!!

Can't wait for thurs to come...used to go hightea monthly with other mamas last time. now for a super long time never go liao....must eat and eat and chat and chat and sing happy birthday song for feza yeah...


haha.. cos u kiam chye miah mah.. dunno how to relax once in a while...

i wanted to go oso cannot leh...

wats $40+ to spend on ourselves to compare to thousands plus we hv spent on our little rascals?

we deserve a treat mah...

plus is not to celebrate Feza bdae... happen to be on her bdae we fixed the date lah...

i organising the dinner oso on my bdae.. meaning i vain oso? keke... think alright to be vain bah... i lived so long on this earth oso no celebrate bade..

but gals... dinner is just dinner hor... no presents or well wishing or watever.. just bring ur empty stomachs har... u dun finish the food my hb will cry hor...

u bring presents dun let u enter.. haha...
count me in...

but i going alone cos hb sure busy at work and bb with my mum weekday...
i can help take care of ur ZJ while u entertain...heehee...
once a while eat expensive ok lah....
not very often... must pamper ourselves a bit bit

one never knows what going to happen tomolo...so sometime must really enjoy ourselves while we can.
Hi Mummies.... so long no come in liao...been so busy lately and down w cough for the past 1 week... only read some posts and din post... hehe hope everyone is doin fine...

Venus: happy belated birthday.....

ivory / ilim: congratulations on the winning theme... hehe
sorry for the late congrats...

bulma: jarren confirm is asthma ah?? poor jarren.... u really got to take care and hold on to it k... he will recover.. maybe his immune system is not very strong so when he gets older, give him more pu to take k... me not in ur position but can understand tat it is really hard on u... also know tat there is nothing much u can do.. but hang on there k... Jarren needs u...

feza: happy birthday in advance....

siewlng: YJ also sick ah... better already a not???

Lim: sometimes it a phrase tat the bb is drinkin lesser.. hehe now i already used to Xin ru drinkin tat amount.. hehe most importantly is tat the daily milk comsumation is enough then ok lor.... my gal also like not put on weight one.. last nite her teacher then tell me she is eatin well but not sleepin well that's y she skinny... but i feel tat she healthy ok liao lor...

ivory: wow... not bad huh.. at least ur hubby compensate u leh... hehe

smiley: i also tat kind of person who dun enjoy life one leh... hehe... whenever i go broke is all because i buy things for my gal... but if i wan to eat expensive things then i look for hubby... hehe
i agree lor... sometimes must pamper ourself... u know hor before i come back to work, i told myself every month must visit salon once but till now i haven even go once... hehe :p

Now on my update on Little Xin Ru...

Food:We started her on porridge on Monday at Infant care... her teacher give her 1 feed of porridge on monday and 1 feed of cereal w home make carrot puree and 3 feeds of milk... then yesterday they give her 2 feeds of porridge (1 feed with fish and spinach) and 1 feed of cereal... but i tink they kind of overfed her with solid liao cause till now i still tink tat their main source of food shoold be milk.. too much solid will cause obese so am askin them to reduce to 1 cereal and 1 porridge..

Nowadays she took her last solid around 5+,6pm then when she sleep ard 8+, we will wake her up to drink milk like 5hrs later and she will drink abt 165ml to 180ml.. but she will wake up ard 4am to drink abt 165ml leh... she used to sleep thru one leh... haizz but lucky not me the one doin the feedin la.. hehe
do u all tink i should try to give water instead?? but she wake up she will drink leh.. not fuss or what la...

Development: She can rotate and move faster but still cannot crawl... but sit, can sit about 80% stable liao... but she keep wantin to stand up instead of sittin.. then when she is on her tummy, she will lift her body and her kneel will be off the bed.. then can hold very long...nowadays she love to be in her exersauce and she will be very busy playin all the stuff, she will bend down and look at the mirror then try to pull the car and play all the things...

Purees: what other purees can i make?? those no need use blender one huh?? hehe till now i only make carrots and potato... and every feed of her cereal i will give her 1 feed of home make puree...
I was just telling Feza and Irene, I wanna organize 1 gathering at my place end Sep 'cos I taking leave.

But you BD gal so I shall push back my invitation... My place anytime oso can come la.

I can go if it's on 27th but I know 28th is actual day so dun hv to fix 27th on my account ok?
I'll bring FK if I go and will bring cereal for him.

Ivory's Invitation

Dinner @ Ivory's Place (Teck Whye Lane)

Date : 27 or 28 Sep 06 (Wed or Thur)
Time : 6-7pm (TBC)
Menu : hb cooking so dunno wats on the menu..

01) - Feza n bb Elly
02) - Violet n bb Feng Kai(if it's on 27th)

Total Adult + bb
02 + 02
Please include me too. Hb n Bb not going, anyway bb will be at my MIL hse and me working in Yishun, so very troublesome to go back Sengkang n bring bb.

I am not good at organising leh. And oso busy at work and at home.
Ivory's Invitation

Dinner @ Ivory's Place (Teck Whye Lane)

Date : 27 or 28 Sep 06 (Wed or Thur)
Time : 6-7pm (TBC)
Menu : hb cooking so dunno wats on the menu..

01) - Feza n bb Elly
02) - Violet n bb Feng Kai(if it's on 27th)
03) - Smiley
04) - Yvonne

Total Adult + bb
04 + 02
Hi gals,
so update on elvin. I have change his formula to Similac. After changing formula he is drinking more milk. used to drink 450ml daily now he drink 720ml. But now he wake up for 1 time nite feed also dunno why?? I reduce his solid from 5x to 4x liao.

Elvin start to crawl quite fast. He can crawl up the platform also..Now he gg to have 8 teeth liao.
Ivory's Invitation

Dinner @ Ivory's Place (Teck Whye Lane)

Date : 27 or 28 Sep 06 (Wed or Thur)
Time : 6-7pm (TBC)
Menu : hb cooking so dunno wats on the menu..

01) - Feza n bb Elly (for me both dates should be fine)
02) - Violet n bb Feng Kai(if it's on 27th)
03) - Smiley
04) - Yvonne

Total Adult + bb
04 + 02
wow...milk intake increase so much ah....
heehee...congrats... at least not a toture feeding milk ah.
JH these few nites also wake up for nite feed leh. feed water to her she not satisfied...must drink milk then can sleep.
maybe its another growth spurt? cos seems like JH appetite better for the past few days....
able to drink 7.5oz milk sometimes..
alamak kelly i just remember it s fasting mth ley.. lucky it s dinner.. so tentatively i just wan to say it s 50/50 ok.. so sorry if i can t make it...
Ivory's Invitation

Dinner @ Ivory's Place (Teck Whye Lane)

Date : 27 or 28 Sep 06 (Wed or Thur)
Time : 6-7pm (TBC)
Menu : hb cooking so dunno wats on the menu..

01) - Feza n bb Elly (for me both dates should be fine)
02) - Violet n bb Feng Kai(if it's on 27th)
03) - Smiley
04) - Yvonne
05) - Irene, hb n Keagan (27th but if on 28th will be me n bb)

Total Adult + bb
06 + 03
jappooh: wow... hehe good to hear tat Elvin intakin more milk.. hehe but only the extra night feed.... Xin Ru also like tat.. but she dun wan to increase her intake per feed.. rather wake up to drink....
the 8th one is comin out also liao ah... wow super fast leh....
tink he is the fastest among all bb leh....
wow! 8 teeth
advanced boy

xr still bo gay but she's already crawling around and jawing whatever she can get her mouth on. Yesterday she kept blowing raspberry (bu bu) and her saliva all over the place, cute n funny until she does it when she's latching on! aiyoh...

my da yi ma finally came after more than a year...sigh, miss those mense-less days.
Congrate hehe! Must be bery cute the way he crawl!

Thanks for the concerns. Yesterday bought Yujie to see PD loh... PD "scolded" us why got medicine at home dun apply? we said we only give her cough medicine after 4th day... n now her throat a bit red red liao.
PD said small case lah, dun need everything come n see her lah!
Aiyo, how we know? YJ look worst mah!
Good job Caeden.... hehe

siewlng: hehe ur PD so funny... but also cannot like tat say mah... how we grage the seriousness of the illness ah... to them they feel not serious but if we feel sure we bring them go see them mah... if we know them we no need go see them liao lor... some more to be frank.. see a PD not cheap lor.... :p
Elvin really very fast leh, 8 teeths! And he seems very advanced in his other developments also. Who knows he might be a genius hor!

Great news! Must take more videos, sure very cute when he crawl ard! Mine still lifting his bum but cannot move, put his fav toys for him to crawl towards also no reaction, just stare only.

Hope YJ is better. I agree better be safe than sorry, esp young bbs, my kids when young, sneeze a few more times or spot some rashes, I will bring them to PD liao. As they get older, then I dare to self medicate. Your PD so funny, got money dun want to earn!
Hi Smiley & Amanda,
elvin intake increase 1oz for the day feed. But now he also wake up for nite feed. My MIL is happy that he wake up for milk cos he is drinking more.

ya i think elvin prefer similac lei. So we change loh.

my granny comments that Elvin have so many teeth so early cos he like to eat like me loh..haha..

But how his crawling is not on his four one when on the floor lei is using the hands and stomach but when he wan to crawl to the platform is on his four. Funny boy dunno why have diff crawling styles.

i dun expect Elvin to be genius lar as long as he is not at the bottom and healthy i am happy liao cos myslef not smart so cant for much..haha..

congrats. Caeden reached another milestone. Elvin dunno how to go back to sitting position one. When Elvin crawl till tired liao he will put his head on the ABC mat and rest sometimes can dose off one.

Hi gals,
do u all let bbs watch TV? I find that Elvin love tv specially commerical and news. Yesterday nite Elvin look so tired and i wan to carry him to rm and sleep but he make noise. WHen the 10pm news was showing he watch till eyes so big and slowly dose off and wake up again. It like the way when adult dose off in the train lei..Yesterday he is abit unusual cos he normally sleep ard 930pm not yesterday didnt sleep till 1030pm.

I think my MIL show him too many tv programmes liao now he love the morning "zhao an ni hao" program.

Jasimesyn and Amanda,
i think maybe Elvin is a full term baby (he was born just 1 day bb his edd) thats why faster? Actually that i am not so worried cos bbs eventually will reach the milestone. Healthy is still most important. Everyday i just hope he is happy and healthy. When he get running nose i get worried. I feel he get running nose quite easily. PD say it due to his sensitive nose like my MIL and hubby.
jappooh: sure happy la.. cause no need to worry tat he is not takin enough milk.. and is growing... hehe
hehe so cute, his crawling pattern... hehe
hmmm maybe not due to full term or not leh.. maybe is the stimulation tat u have encounter during ur pregnancy.. hehe tat's what i tot la.. cause i heard tat effect the bb's development....
Xin ru also very easy kana runnin nose one... i very scare of tat... my PD also got mention tat maybe because i got sensitive nose tat's y Xin ru also like tat.. but i only sensitive to dust leh.. and now no more liao.. maybe too used to havin dust... hehe
i agree... different bb reach different milestone at different stage so they healthy ok liao... not so much of worryin abt whether they can do this or not.. hehe

TV: hmm basically i let her watch leh... she loves those singin competition and those with music kind of show and she can sit at her execsaucer then watch tv quietly for abt 15mins like tat...but if pure cartoon, she dun like.. hehe dunno y...
Hi mummies

Been reading the thread but quite busy to post.

<font color="ff0000">Jappooh</font>
Wow, Elvin has so many teeth liao! Actually when it's time for the teeth to come out, they will come out naturally lah. No need to be kan cheong or whatsoever one. There's always time for everything. Every child is so different. Heheheh.. my son only had his first tooth at 11MO, but he loves to eat now! He eats so much sometimes we have to control his diet, dun want him to join the Pang Pang Ju Le Bu next time.

As for Annika, she is feeling alot better now, after seeing the Asthma and Cough specialist at Singapore Baby &amp; Child Clnic at Gleneagles. AT least she does not have wheezing and coughing is reduced. Her milk intake has also improved quite a fair bit. My mum said yesterday she drank nearly 1litre of milk, even though with 1 full meal of porridge.

<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
Congrats! Must be so happy to see our little darlings reach another milestone right.

<font color="ff0000">Mindy</font>
When I read about you counting rice at The Rice Table, I almost spitted out the coffee that I was drinking this morning. U damn funny leh.

You gals enjoy your dinner tomorrow yah??

<font color="ff0000">Ivory</font>
The dinner at your place is a week night hor. Abit difficult for me as I got 2 kids and we are at Hougang/Punggol area. Thanks for the invite yah. Remember to da ban mei mei and take more photos and post here!!
watching tv,

i let elly watch wheels on the bus and bb bethoven.. actual tv she dun quite like.. oh yea she has a new hobby now when we carry her and dance (my house everytime got music) she so happy she giggle non stop..

elly s milk intake also drop now 120 to 150 only can go back and use avent small bottle again if this continue.. but her porridge or cereal intake not bad.. and she finally can sit without being support for bout 30 sec to a min before tumbling down like humpty dumpty..
Hi Amanda,
haha..maybe i have elvint aht time i still on the early childhood course. We have a lot of activities on for the course also. Maybe???

Anyway children will eventually learn loh i am more worry on his milk intake and health. Other than that can slowly lar..

As for teeth i headache dunno how to brush his teeth. Must take care loh. Now he has teeth liao he wanted to try adult food lei..Basically Elvin love solid lar.. Hope he dun get too fat next time..haha..

elly love music lar..Elvin is like to be throw high high then giggle non stop...

wow elly is proccessing..hehe...

I feel that nowadays children learn so fast. One of my colleague told me that her 4 yrs old gal use her laptop to search for barrney on using the internet..She saw the parents doing it and remember the steps. Good memory hor..
Hi mommies, can I join u gals. I just stumble upon this forum yesterday and register right away.

My baby Hamzah was born 28 Feb 2006 at 2am. I was expecting him on Feb 27. But I guess he overshot the time. I was induced though as my actual EDD was 16 March, a day after my own birthday, 17 March. I was thrilled to hear that when Doc told me but because I've got gestational diabetes, Doc advised me on giving birth 2 weeks earlier cuz the risk of still born is high if I were to give birth at full term.

Anyway, I was glad when he arrived. We still share the same horoscope though, Pieces. He is indeed my Pince Charming.
any mummies who giving bb enfapro? I have a open tin to give away if u dun mind it opened. LEt Elvin try but he doesnt like. Throw away like so wasteful and i dun dare to drink. If anyone interest do let me knw.
jappooh: tat could be possible lor.. hehe cause bb inside but the brain being stimulated mah.. hehe hmm maybe down the road, he become 'someone' in the society leh...

precious gem: Welcome to the thread... Do share w us ur Prince Charmin's happenings ya...
Hi Amanda,
no matter how our bb progress he is already "someone" in the parents heart liao..

I hope elvin to grow well and happy loh. Cos i dun have a happy family so i hope elvin will have it. I am a person who like to cry so dun wan to let Elvin to be like me. Hope he is like his daddy who love to smile and laugh..
Thanks Violet, Jappooh &amp; Summer for welcoming me.

This is actually my third baby and my ONLY Prince. He actually got jaundice two days after birth and it got serious he had to be hospitalised for 14 days so I spent the first two weeks of my confinement at the hospital lobby and nursery. I was chased away by the nurses many times to go home and the Doc also advised me to go home &amp; rest as I was in confinement period but I just didn't have the heart to leave my baby there alone. I breastfeed him directly and talk to him to encourage him to get better, to drink his milk, past urine alot (good for getting rid of jaundice) and to sleep alot and not to cry cuz he might angered the nurses. I also told hime how much I love him, his sisters and the whole family &amp; that everybody is waiting for him to come home. I even promised him that if he gets well, I would carry him all the time and will manja him. Neonate at this age could sense warmth and love. That was my argument with the PD and I told him to tell his nurses to lay off my back. He agreed with me and the nurses were nicer after that. There are a couple of nurses who are genuinely very nice and really show concern for me but the rest just don't want me around to see how they really handle other babies, I think.

My meals are from the hospital cafeteria and 711. I only go back to shower and have 5-6 hours rest/sleep, other than that, I'm at the hospital.

I was thrilled when he finally could come home and yes he is my manja boy now. He is also my handsome boy. Those two are his nicks ;)
Jappooh, I noticed u mentioned u took early childhood course. I also completed my Dip ECE course last year, March. Right now I'm doing a short course in managing learning dissabilities and speech devt. I'm so worry cuz these days, so many chdn got so many learning dissabilities eg. dyslexia, autistic, ADD/ADHD so I thot if I prepare myself then I'll know what to do IF it happens to my bb, touch wood of course, but I want to be prepared. And it usually happens to boys.
Ivory thanks for the invitation
Ivory's Invitation

Dinner @ Ivory's Place (Teck Whye Lane)

Date : 27 or 28 Sep 06 (Wed or Thur)
Time : 6-7pm (TBC)
Menu : hb cooking so dunno wats on the menu..

01) - Feza n bb Elly (for me both dates should be fine)
02) - Violet n bb Feng Kai(if it's on 27th)
03) - Smiley
04) - Yvonne
05) - Irene, hb n Keagan (27th but if on 28th will be me n bb)
06) -oscarsem n Bb Tavis ( Hb cannot confirm, can confirm later. can make it if on 27th.)

Total Adult + bb
07 + 04

maybe we can meet up and go together to Ivory's place.
oh yap.. Happy birthday in advance.
tomolo couldn;t make it to join u gals for dinner as my hubby has department dinner.

i dun mind going together.. coz if hubby coming also he will be from the west.. and thanks for the well wishes..

precious gem,

welcome to this friendly neighbourhood.. pm etelle your email add so she can pass you a registration form to fill up your particulars..


i meet you tmr at orchard mrt dbs atm at 6.20pm.. will call you before leaving..

smiley &amp; ling,

will wait for you all at the same place..

to the rest,

thanks for the well wishes.. i m a quarter century old as of tmr.. dunno what else life would bring me.. hopefully all things rosy and nice.. hahahaha
Really jealous of my hb.

This morn, my hb told my boy 'Say, Daddy' and he really called 'Daddy'!

It was so loud and clear.I was in the toilet then and I could hear it so clearly.

So jealous. My boy only calls Mama when he's in pain, crying, hungry. Never when he's in a good mood and wanna play.
<u>Gal's nite out</u>
Date : 14-Sep (Feza's birthday!!)
Time : 6:30pm
Venue: Marriot Cafe @The Singapore Marriot
Cost : $46+++(before credit card 20% disc)

So far Feza, Irene, Smiley, Ling, Mindy, Joyce &amp; Violet are going.
My boy oso oni calls me when desperate... like when he wants to get out of the high chair and no one bothers... kekeke

Wow Precious_gem,
3 kids! I salute u.... I hv 2 alrdy cannot breath sometimes....
i think elly is experiencing separation anxiety.. she can t see me only can start crying... i can t even go toilet in peace.. when there s other ppl around she s ok but not when she alone.. is it becoz she gets scared??
Hi! Im new here. My gal is currently 7 mths, converting from breastmilk to formula. Tried giving her Promil Gold but apparently she havng constipation. Any other formula to recommend? Thks!
hi precious gem welcome here!!

Glad to hear tht Annika is getting better.

My gf's boi is 1yr old but only got 6 teeth ah n elvin already got 8 teeths hehehe.....very fast.
precioustot, you might wan to try enfalac or enfapro .. as i read in another forum it s the most similar to breast milk.. in terms of colour and texture.. not sure bout taste though..
Ivory thanks for the invitation
Ivory's Invitation

Dinner @ Ivory's Place (Teck Whye Lane)

Date : 27 or 28 Sep 06 (Wed or Thur)
Time : 6-7pm (TBC)
Menu : hb cooking so dunno wats on the menu..

01) - Feza n bb Elly (for me both dates should be fine)
02) - Violet n bb Feng Kai(if it's on 27th)
03) - Smiley
04) - Yvonne
05) - Irene, hb n Keagan (27th but if on 28th will be me n bb)
06) -oscarsem n Bb Tavis ( Hb cannot confirm, can confirm later. can make it if on 27th.)
07) JOYCE + BB

Total Adult + bb
08 + 05
