(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Thanks, smiley!

Bulma, your boi is behaving exactly like my gal... she cannot wait for me to wash hands, she will cry and cry...

I still want the order but need help to collect on my behalf from Ivory's place.


Can one of you help me collect my order? Both of you staying at Sengkang/Punggol area, right? I will pick it up from your place on Sat or Sun.
Mtan, paisay leh cos hor later i knock off liao and need close order asap as many BP going on and huge order. dunno our order will be confirm or not.

hi smiley, happen to browse thru one of the threads on HT BP and read that the prices quoted on the website is not updated as cited by one of glory's staff called Ebon. Therefore, the most updated price list should be:

<font color="aa00aa">Healthy Times Organic Arrowroot Cookies Maple 6oz $5.00
Healthy Times Organic Arrowroot Cookies Vanilla 6oz $5.00
Healthy Times Organic Baby Cereal - Barley 8oz $6.00
Healthy Times Organic Baby Cereal - Brown Rice 8oz $6.00
Healthy Times Organic Baby Cereal - Mixed Grain 8oz $6.00
Healthy Times Organic Baby Cereal - Oatmeal 8oz $6.00
Healthy Times Organic Hugga Bear Cookies - Chocolate 182g $5.70
Healthy Times Organic Hugga Bear Cookies - Honey Graham 182g $5.70
Healthy Times Organic Hugga Bear Cookies - Vanilla 182g $5.70
Healthy Times Organic Hugga Bear Cookies - Cinnamon 182g $5.70
Healthy Times Butternut Squash 4oz $2.10
Healthy Times Cabana Banana 4oz $2.10
Healthy Times Juicy Golden Pears 4oz $2.10
Healthy Times Orchard Fruit Peekaboo 4oz $2.10
Healthy Times Peach Banana Muesli 4oz $2.10</font>

Above prices before 15% discount.
the nature's glory ppl will call me b4 delivery.
the price in internet is not updated but we will get the latest price as per what the sales person told me. some of the items ordered may be out of stock. they will let me know tomorrow.

Can also, in fact even better coz' ur IL is staying at Bedok North, right? Same place as where I'd collected the sterilizer from you, right?

Thank you so much!!!
hi gals...

dinner is fixed on 27th Sep (Wed)... ^_^

<u>Ivory's Invitation</u>

<font color="0000ff">Dinner @ Ivory's Place (Teck Whye Lane) V Attendance as @ 14 Sep</font>

Date : 27 Sep 06 (Wed)
Time : 6-7pm (TBC)
Menu : hb cooking so dunno wats on the menu..

01) - Feza n bb Elly
02) - Violet n bb Feng Kai
03) - Smiley
04) - Yvonne
05) - Irene, hb n Keagan
06) -oscarsem n Bb Tavis ( Hb cfm later)
07) V Joyce n bb Chloe
08) V bbger, hb n bb shayna

Total Adult + bb
10 + 06
the contest "Best Dressed baby" will be CANCELLED due to NO responses ha ha ha :p Anyone has interesting themes pls PM me
Thanks. Keep ya informed of the next theme soon.
RE: Crawling

My son also cannot crawl. He can only move backwards. Even when I place his fav toy in front, he will move backwards and then very pek chek like tat, cos cannot reach. My hubby very softhearted, he say dun make baby so pek chek when I obviously know he cannot reach. But if I dun motivate him, then he wont learn right?
It is normal for bb to crawl backwards. Most babies will start with crawling backwards then will move forward. Both my kids and a lot of my fren's kids started like that.
my little chloe also move backward.... hehe...can crawl only if she want too..sometime she also very lazy...
Today i saw her little teeth grow out liao ...so happy ...

thanks for the present..

to the five beauties that went for the gathering.. ok must name them.. violet, ilim, ling, smiley and joyce.. thanks so much for the cake surprise and all..

to the rest who could nt make it we gather again soon ya.. and once again thanks so much for well wishes..
My boy also crawl backwards only. But if he wants to go forward, he will turn halfway side to side to reach his destination instead, like swimming free-style. hehe

Now changing diaper for my boy is like fighting with him leh. he cant lie still for a min.... he will try to turn and twist and i will have to turn him back facing me again so sometimes he get pek chek and cried. Try to use toy to distract him also no use so hubby suggest to use diaper pant. Any babies using diaper pant now?
Morning everyone
xr was crying Se mummy awake, think she had a nightmare. Luckily she's back to sleep but I guess I'll stay up since almost time to get ready for work anyway. TGIF! This week has really flown by and still behind in work. Sigh Hope the day'll be productive.
ethan also now whenever i put change his diaper he will cry le think he dun like to be "fix" still in the position...me never use diaper pants le...still can use tape diaper leh ha ha..i tried the dry pantz before...alright lor...hee :p

not easy being a parent hor sleep deprivation.....

yeah no response...think like what amanda said...maybe cuz it would take extra effort to dress them up then can submit photo haha so maybe most mummies dun have time for that

glad u all enjoy...any pics?
Yah yah. Any pictures to share?? Wanna see the pretty mummies leh.

Yeah, I also can see Annika's little tooth growing out from the bottom. Frankly, we are all excited to see the first, second, third teeth.. once they have more.. we will lose track.. don't even notice. Heeee. For my son, I didnt even realised when he had his full set of teeth.
<font color="ff0000">Smiley</font>
I didnt really log in yesterday, so did not see your BP for HT Cereals. Am I too late? If yes, it's okay

If you havent submitted ur order, can I order:

- Healthy Times Organic Baby Cereal - Brown Rice 8oz $6.00 (x2)
Yujie also no separation anxiety leh... she dun even wan to follow me home when I go fetch her, cling on to nanny... n dun wan to see me... so sad for me...

U still around? hehe... yesterday sms u no reply, I thought u MIA liao hehe

I think if bb got elder kids around will learn faster... cos my girl got many friends at nanny's place.. she wan to join them so she started to crawl
hahaha we never take photo.. forget all bout it even after i took out my cam.. i only took the pic of the cake and desserts.. later i upload let you all see..

Thanks a lot!! Let me know when I can pick it up via sms.


Do you all still sterilize bottles for your bb at this stage?

i lazy.. once ZJ reach 6 mths i seldom sterilize liao.. cos he already crawling n putting things into his mouth..

his bottles clean oso no use ah.. haha... i cant be sterilizing my whole house plus furniture bah?

i even sold off my sterilizer liao.. haha.. cos will b getting new one for the next bb...

i scared of electrical stuff store too long no use will spoilt... so sell off...

Won't kua, my sterilizer used 4 yrs ago and now still ok la. Touch wood!!
But did see in one thread some time ago about ppl mentioning it but dunno how true la.

Flash cards
Anyone started flash cards with yr bbies? For those who did, is yr bb interested?
I try to do daily with FK but sometimes no time.
i am still sterilising my bottles and pump, for every use.. including her feeding utensils.

i bought the DK flash cards with the touch and feel. my baby is very interested in the cards each time i show her one... she will put in into her mouth each time
I did picture flash card to yujie. Usually during car ride, to keep her inside the car seat. She interested leh... she prefer books then toys... hehe she like to bite the books.
I also tried the no. flash card that Mashy helped us to BP one. But no time to continue.
hehe.. cos normal home electric appliance after some times no use oso will spoil... like tv aircon.. at least must once once a week... else will KO very fast..

like my fren house.. aircon not one for 1yr.. bb born go on the aircon then it blasted... haha... dangerous man...
vonvon: i still do the boiling of bottles.... it become one of the routine every mornin before i go for work.. hehe but if really din have the time then will just rinse over w hot water before makin milk lor....

enjoy the dinner last night ...talking about of birth story thinking to have sec bb hor .... like so fun being pregnant...but when pregnant going to give birth scare ...haha
really ar Kelly.... my aircon oso seldome on one leh... esp. my kids' room. Got to tell my hb liao.

What is DK flash cards? Where did u get them?

Siew Lay,
I haven't really intro books yet 'cos FK will always 'crush' them or 'eat' them.
Sometimes with flash cards, he will get distracted and look at me instead of the cards.
hi violet,
i have done the transfer for last nite dinner to you liao

From Account POSB Savings
To Account POSB Savings
120-23560-5 Violet
Amount S$43.85
Transaction Reference 836349783
Hi mummies,

Just to share....I have tried flash cards but I think all my 3 kids respond best when we show them the actual thing. Bring your bb around the house everyday and show them the things like clock, fish, bowl, etc...I think they can remember better than flashcards leh. But I do read books to my bb and he enjoys hearing someone talking to him, he will keep quiet and listen but when I show him the flashcards, he will snatch and try to put it in the mouth.
i also realised that when i tell her stories, she will listen attentively. but i cannot read to her from a book, she will wan to snatch my book. so now i have to read her books before hand and make sure i translate the story as it is...
agree with you. i think it applies in any learning situation. when u stimulate the 5 senses, tend to retain the memory of it longer. So for something like apple, saying the word, letting them touch, taste it and making sounds etc, they'll learn what it is faster and also make more connections to other things with regard to apple.

I bought quite a lot of bks for xr but nowadays hardly have time to read to her. I'd rather play with her
Must be more conscientious in using the materials otherwise a lot of white elephant around the house.

<font color="0000ff">STERILISE BOTTLES</font>
We still sterilise both our kids bottles.

<font color="0000ff">FLASHCARDS</font>
I only flash when I have the time. Jayden just stare blankly... There was once he kept laughing while I flash.....

BTW, how did u all flash the cards? Proper way is to flash each card at high speed of less than 0.3secs.
