(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Precious Gem
welcome welcome....
we are more than glad to have new mummies joining us

ur Elvin fast developer le...mine only got 2 tooth popping out ha ha....

wa wa wa.. gals.. u all very give face to me n hb leh... almost 1/2 the attendees are coming from the east!!!!

must make sure my hb whipping scrumptious meal liao... any of u hv seafood allergies? cos think 1/2 the dishes will b seafood

but gals.. make sure u come empty handed har... (except bringing food for ur bb)

haha... oh ya hor.. u oso organising... hehe... next lunch / dinner gathering at ur place then... this time round just bear with my small small flat can? but this not considered bdae dinner hor... just normal dinner gathering lah...

ya.. u hv to help me catch zj when he 'run' abt... now we all hv to play catching with him... tired...

hehe.. no ban mei mei for me... at hm i typical huang lian po... haha... definitely wun see me in the pics man...

haha.. me oso giam chye miah... cos i oni like all the salted stuff... so hb rearing me very low maintainance.. hehe..

welcome to all the newbies...
if u can make it.. please do join in for the upcoming dinner at my place

<u>Ivory's Invitation</u>

<font color="0000ff">Dinner @ Ivory's Place (Teck Whye Lane) V Attendance as @ 13 Sep</font>

Date : 27 or 28 Sep 06 (Wed or Thur)
Time : 6-7pm (TBC)
Menu : hb cooking so dunno wats on the menu..

01) - Feza n bb Elly (for me both dates should be fine)
02) - Violet n bb Feng Kai(if it's on 27th)
03) - Smiley
04) - Yvonne
05) - Irene, hb n Keagan (27th but if on 28th will be me n bb)
06) -oscarsem n Bb Tavis ( Hb cannot confirm, can confirm later. can make it if on 27th.)
07) JOYCE + BB

Total Adult + bb
08 + 05
Hi precioustot
How is your bb adapting to FM? I gave my baby Similac but she also reject, she rather cry and go to sleep hungry! How are you introducing FM to your bb? Partial or one feed?

One of the mummies here suggested NAN as being closest to BM in terms of taste as advised by lactation consultant. Probably you could try. I have not tried.

Precious Gem
I can understand your anxiety. My gal also had jaundice but not that serious... i can bring her home on the day i discharge. Brought her for follow up with the specialist and finally she was discharged from jaundice at about 2 months old... phew! You are really very noble... to spend 2 weeks of your confinement at the hospital lobby and nursery... cheers to Motherhood!
Violet ger ger, I neber recd yr sms lei, i think u still get my hp # wrongly hahahah....nvm tomolo i give u again.

Lai Yee...no funny lah... hahaha imagine if really i dunno the change of venue then will be damn funny lah.

My this little Reyes progessing very very fast. Fastest of among my 3 kids. Now 6mths plus, crawling very fast and then sit and pulling himself up to stand. He's trying very hard today to stand while he crawling. Impossible lah, so he very mad, cry cry cry. bery funny!
wow...so many bb have teeth liao ah...
my JH still bo gay leh...?????
no need worry one hor?
JH still dunno how to sit leh...still topple but can crawl v well using her tummy lah. and can climb out of high chair and walker.
Hi precious gem,
yup i took the course. i just grad this yr.

Caeden so clever. knw how to call daddy and mummy liao.. Elvin still dunno ya. still eng eng eng..

ilim &amp; etelle,
elvin only fast at tooth development only..haha.. other development no lei..

yup will meet u at the orchard today at 620pm.

usually ppl say when the bb have elder sis or bro they will develop faster. Dunno how true. Elvin bad temper lei when he wan to do something and he cant will get angry one..So young already knw how to get angry lei..

actaully ppl say bb will have teeth when they are 9mths old. SO even longer so no worries that JH now still bo gay. JH maybe dun like to sit but like to crawl and climb that why she is advance in this 2 areas? So no worries ok?
Hi babycutie,
just send out the enfagrow to u today. Sorry for the delay.

will let u knw soon whether i can join u gal on the gathering in your hse.
<font color="ff0000">Mindy</font>
Reyes is fast yah! Actually i agree that when the kid has older siblings, they develop faster. My girl also develops faster than her kor kor. She can crawl very fast now, even crawling to the cabinets to open up the doors! Faint! I dun remember my boy able to do that till 10 mths to 1YO.

<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
Caeden is fast! Can start call daddy! My boy can't even say anything properly till after 1YO leh.

<font color="ff0000">Regarding Soy milk</font>
Anyone heard before that soy milk is less filling than cow's milk? Any basis to that? My mum just asked me this question yesterday, becos Annika is always asking for milk, even after a full meal's porridge. Mum said she can easily drink 1litre of milk in a day these days. Is it cow's milk less full? *Puzzled*
Hi gals,

Has been a really long time since I login.


Caeden really fast leh. Can call daddy &amp; mummy already.

Precious gem,

Like you, I spend my 1st 2 wks of confinement in KKH also coz' my boy is G6PD deficient &amp; had jaundice, so had to stay for 14 days for observation. I just couldn't bear to leave him behind. Plus I want to latch him directly so that he'll feel loved &amp; know that I'm always there for him.

Marcus' Devt:
He knows how to crawl liao but not very well. Can move around on the bed. But can't sit on the bed for long. He'll topple after a min or so.

As for teeth, he has bottom 2 front teeth &amp; I think the top 2 coming out soon.
anyone interested to buy Healthy Time product? can get from nature glory.
above $100 free delivery and 15% discount
thinking of organising a BP and delivery to kelly place as got gathering.

HT Baby Sweet Peas

HT Butternut Squash 4oz
1 btl

HT Cabana Banana 4oz
1 btl

HT Country Apples

HT Hugga Bear Cookies - Cinnamon 182g

HT Juicy Golden Pears 4oz
1 btl

HT Orchard Fruit Peekaboo 4oz
1 btl

HT Org Arrowroot Cookies - Maple 5oz
1 box

HT Org Arrowroot Cookies - Vanilla 5oz
1 box

HT Org Baby Cereal - Barley 8oz
1 box

HT Org Baby Cereal - Brown Rice 8oz
1 box

HT Org Baby Cereal - Mixed Grain 8oz
1 box

HT Org Baby Cereal - Oatmeal 8 oz
1 box

HT Org Hugga Bear Cookies - Chocolate 182g

HT Org Hugga Bear Cookies - Honey Graham 182g

HT Org Hugga Bear Cookies - Vanilla 182g

HT Peach Banana Muesli 4oz
1 btl

price is b4 discount.
let me know ur order and i will order once reach $100. no delay as i think stk limited
Wow, most of ur bbs can sit up already. Mine just can crawl on stomach and he's quite fast, even in turning. Sitting still need lots of cushions and pillows around him, if not fall like Humpty Dumpty.

As for verbalising, still babbling, infact sounds more like meowing , he he he, a far cry from saying mama or ayah (daddy). He's also growing two teeth below.

I just started to supplement Dulac to him and feed him Nestle brown rice &amp; Wheat porridge which he loves very much. He will not take bottle milk from me, only from the babysitter. I gave his elder sister Isomil for 2.5 years, a soya BF when she was a baby but at that time, a few times I found it quite difficult to get them at some stores. She also have problems switching from soya milk to cow's milk later on. I settle for Dulac for bb Hamzah as I grew up with Dumex too.

I also started taking bb Hamzah to the swimming pool since he was 3 months old. I took him to the pool about 2-4 times a month. He loves splashing around. Any mommies here who take their bbs to the pool? Usually we go to CCK or Woodlands swmg pool &amp; sometimes CSC club @Bt Batok as I'm a supp member there. I've not intro sea water to him yet but soon, perhaps in Dec if we get the chance to go to Bintan or something. I did that with my elder girl when she was 6 mths old, took her snorkelling in Bintan &amp; Tioman.

Btw, Ivory, I work in Teck Whye Crescent. At the moment I'm attending a course with night classes on Tue, Thu &amp; Fri. Wed is my 4 yr old girl swimming class, so Mon is the only free weekday evening for me. The schedule is quite taxing actually but fortunately my course is ending early Dec.

Well hope u gals have a wonderful dinner ;)
to those breastfeeding mums,

here s a recipe to generate milk.. found it in another forum..

Fruit juice Milk Shake for breastfeeding mum to generate milk:
6x strawberry, remove skin
1x banana, cut
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
1/2 cup high calcium milk
2 tablespoon 100% honey

To do:
1) Blend strawberries and banana in the blender.
2) Add other ingredients.
3) Add ice and its ready to be consumed.

it sound delicious.. even i not breastfeeding i feel like drinking..
Could it be due to growth spurt n plus when she's sick not drinking well so now must make up to it mah.... hehehehe....
hi smiley
i am very interested in your Healthy Times offer but Tech Whye is too far for me, I stay at Punngol.

Thanks for the recipe... sure look delicious. But too bad I dun eat strawberries now, was told by PD that my bb may be sensitive due to her eczema.

u order.. then see if ilim or violet can collect on ur behalf cos they coming my house for dinner mah... then u go collect from them lor..
heh.. cos the last thing before i logged out was stella said cheaper by a few cents only so i thought dont want liao.. but this morning realised want to get those that ntuc doesnt sell. sorry sorry

My boy also drinking a lot these days. He even had 240ml soy milk! I also wondered about the same thing as your mum. Could also be coz sick, then after that 'repay' back. My boy also just recovered from illness. Now it's average 180ml each time. Prev was 150ml.
sally...u so fast ah...hee...if its convenient for u to get from milo then its ok lah. heehee

feza, its ok lah. no need pay me tonite cos still need order from nature glory. what if no stock leh.
wowww...most of the babies here can crawl liao. Nicole still cant crawl leh. She can only sit and quite stable with no support. She can only lift herself up a bit only but for a while. Anyway, no worries at all.

For her milk intake, it is abt 720-750ml per day with 1 feed cereal n 1 feed of porridge. So long neber weigh her and measure her height liao. Etelle, update you later.

Nicole oso have separation anxiety...cant even take a step away. She will oso make sure I am staying beside her even when she is playing. Really headache...Hw to stop them from separation anxiety huh??

My boy totally doesn't have separation anxiety. Everyday send him to infant care has been a breeze. Sometimes he even bochap me when I leave. Only on 1 occasion, when he saw me coming to fetch him that he stretched out his arms for me to carry.
i hope to close order by today if possible cos i see many BP for this HT. afriad too late may OOS. if possible, let me know asap. Thanks
i organising BP for healthy times cereal...see above post on the available products from nature glory....hee...
but self collect at kelly place during gathering
oh ok, here's my order:
(1) B100-2-1
HT Org Baby Cereal - Barley 8oz
Qty: 1

(2) B100-2-2
HT Org Baby Cereal - Brown Rice 8oz
Qty: 1

(3) B100-1-1
HT Org Arrowroot Cookies - Maple 5oz
Qty: 1

(4) B100-10
HT Baby Sweet Peas
Qty: 1

(5) B100-5
HT Cabana Banana
Qty: 1

HT Country Apples
Qty: 1

TOTAL: S$21.85(after discount) tio bo huh?

<font color="aa00aa">Mashy</font>
ilim can pass yours to me then i pass to you when i collect my Gap sandals from you?
Thanks Summer!

My orders are:

1) B100-2-2
HT Org Baby Cereal - Brown Rice 8oz
Qty: 2

2) B100-2-3
HT Org Baby Cereal - Mixed Grain 8oz
Qty: 1

3) B100-2-1
HT Org Baby Cereal - Barley 8oz
Qty: 1

Total: $22.61 (After Discount)

Hi Smiley,

Here's my orders:

HT Org Baby Cereal - Barley 8oz
1 box

HT Org Baby Cereal - Brown Rice 8oz
Qty : 1 box

HT Org Baby Cereal - Mixed Grain 8oz
Qty : 1 box

HT Org Baby Cereal - Oatmeal 8 oz
Qty : 1 box

HT Country Apples
Qty : 1

Total is $18.40 after disc. Pls let me know yr account to transfer. Thanks!
Hi Smiley,

My orders are:

HT Baby Sweet Peas
Qty: 1

HT Country Apples
Qty: 1

HT Org Baby Cereal - Barley 8oz
1 box
Qty: 1

HT Org Baby Cereal - Mixed Grain 8oz
1 box
Qty: 1

Total: $14.96 (After Discount)

May I know who can collect on my behalf? I'm not going for the gathering &amp; I'm staying at Bedok Reservoir. Will self-collect.

Where you stay?
yvonne, my bb also cant really crawl... crawl 1-2 step he will fall liao then he v lazy

re : separation anxiety
my boy also has.. he see me rch my mum's place, he will stretch hands so long wan me hug and head turn whenever i walk then if i dun hug him, he will "bi" his mouth and eyes watery and start to cry... my hb alway say i v bad mk him cry... but i wanna wash hands first mah then carry him mah

It could be due to lack of motivation? My boy also not interested in crawling. But if we put a toy he loves or his pacifier at a distance, he'll sprint over! :p
i have placed order already via online. Delivery 3 workings days if all items avail. current status is still pending.

kelly, will update u.

Code Name Unit Price Qty Amount
B100-2-4 HT Org Baby Cereal - Oatmeal 8 oz $6.00 8 $48.00
B100-2-3 HT Org Baby Cereal - Mixed Grain 8oz $6.50 7 $45.50
B100-2-2 HT Org Baby Cereal - Brown Rice 8oz $6.80 6 $40.80
B100-2-1 HT Org Baby Cereal - Barley 8oz $6.50 8 $52.00
B100-11 HT Country Apples $2.30 4 $9.20
B100-5 HT Cabana Banana 4oz $2.30 1 $2.30
B100-10 HT Baby Sweet Peas $2.30 4 $9.20
Sub Total: $207.00
5% GST: $0.00
Delivery Charges: $0.00
Grand Total: $175.95
