(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

hi oscar,
my boy oso like yours, tried to hold or rather push the bottle away. Been doing that for quite some time alrdy. So sometimes I try to guide his hand to hold the bottle properly.... slow train la.

re: hanky
can get those lint-free hanky from either Robinsons or Kiddy Palace. So at least if bb gets to suck on it, little fibre gets into their mouth.

from wat i observed, the poo of a BB on FM is more smelly than a BB on BM. coz i realised my bb's poo is thicker and stinks when my mum fed her FM when i was away for some days. But wat did your PD say was the reason?

Marcus is now almost 3 mths & 3 wks old. He drinks 6 scoops to 180ml of water (total 210ml after adding milk powder). He also drink that amt of BM until recently when his intake dropped.
Abt the photo collage, where do i send my bb's photo to?

Date : 24 June 2006
Time : 12pm
Venue : Pasir Ris

Gals, please register your attendance accordingly hehe

1. Bulma + bb + hb
2. May + 2 bbies + hb + maid
3. Feza + bb (+ hb becomes tentative as it s the world cup season)
4. Ling + bb + son
5. Von + bb + hb
6. Carol + bb + hb + son
7. Violet + bb + hb + gal + maid
8. Venus + bb + hb
9. Claire + bb (+ hb tentative)
10. sally + bb
11. ilim + hb + bb
12.koli + bb (hb tentative)
13. Bulomum + bb + hb
von: how come 6 scoops then add FM become 210ml?? my gal also takin 6 scoops and 180ml leh... hehe

Mummies... today's TODAY paper got one article about PRegnancy leh... for mummies who wanna have another baby should try to conceive between 1 1/2 year to 2 years after the 1st baby.. haha gotta go abck inform my hubby and change plan 2 years later give birth 2nd one liao... hehe :p
hi summer,

PD says is as baby grows older, more bacteria in tummy and intestines lor so poo will get more stink.

think its normal for our babies to have their milk intake reduce since i believe most of them have hit double their birth weight. i am just so amazed with the human body. its like having a automatic remote control built in them.

my baby is like yours too. he tries to put his hand on the bottle and yes, when he doesn't want the bottle anymore, he yak it away real hard.
i check with PD. its normal. at this stage, baby is learning how to grip things so they trying to practice holding. in fact some PDs will encourage you to teach your child how to hold their bottle but at 3mths still too young to grip the whole bottle so they just touch or put their hand there for control. so sweet right?
Hi gals

Those who are use Dumex Mamex Gold for infants, does yr baby poo everyday? My boy ONLY 2 days once, I do feed him EBM but only 2 feeds out of 7-8 feeds.

Do I need to see PD? His poo is not hard leh, looks more like mud. Thot of changing to similac but can only do it after 6 mths old.
mtan: my gal takin Dumex Mamex Gold.. she poo everyday.. got once or twice she poo 2 days once... she takin 180ml abt 4-5 feeds a day.. no BM.. Her poo is soft soft then yellowish one.. ur boy go for jab liao mah?? maybe consult PD lor..
Hi MTan,

I check with PD about that too! Don't worry. Babies dun poo everyday. Just like adults, they all have different poo habits. My friend's baby broke record by pooing only after 5 days! For my boy, there are times he only poo every 2 days. As long as there is no blood in stools, the stools are not hard like pebbles its ok. My boy's poo also like mud. You can try to let baby drink some water? I tried and now he poos almost everyday.
hi MTAN,

It's ok to poo once every few days if on FM and if regular pattern is poo every 2-3 days then shd be ok la.
If the poo pattern is irregular like sometimes daily, sometimes 3-4 days, then got to check with PD la.
Similac oso hv infant formula for <6mths.
checked with the doctor about the drooling. He said it's becoz bb still dont really know how to swallow their saliva so they just play with it and drool all over when they cant swallow it.

i have a problem with my bb pooing too much. usually around feed time. sometimes one feeding can change 2-3 nappies/diapers. everyone call her la sap za bo...then v forceful also. during confinement, once while changing she poo n the cupboard opp her bed kena. auntie was horrified. now must cover bottom even while changing coz never know when the eruption will occur. Sometimes got a v gek face n she'll nge nge, but other times, she'll have this blur blur innocent look, then pia out liao.
hahaha.... my boy is like that, gal oso last time. Simply just shoot out without warning when changing diaper.

But now 3mths liao more stable, poo only 1-2 times a day...
clarie and violet,
my Sam is also same same. he broke record did it 3 times, first time with my SIL changing him, the poo shoot onto her and all over the floor. second time with me, on the cot, third time also with me, fly across to my bed. my maid was horrified by what she saw. cause I warn her to be careful when she change him.
but think all this happen when he is under 3 months old. now quite okay.
you feed bb with lots of water? maybe not necessary if you giving mostly bm. but can also be due to the food you ate. my sam poos more when I eat broncoli.

abt the saliva, not necessary with teething, just baby cannot swallow the saliva so will play play with it and drool loh.
but usually girls develop teeth faster than boys leh. if you still bf her and direct latch, must be careful lah.
did you all have a good mother's day? I fell sick over the weekend. was in bed the whole sunday. so sad leh.

abt the similac milk powder, have a problem as the contact person has change hp or out of the country for the time being as I was still unable to contact him. I will try again this week to see how.
for mummies who BF, wonder if your bb's poo contains fibre like stuff that looks like vege? my mum say she read from the papers or what that bb poo what we eat. Ie. i eat vege, that's why bb's poo contains fibre like substance like vege like that.

my bb poo also very forceful, esp. in the morning. before she 'fire' she will be very quiet and still, then she will 'put!' and she will smile and smile as if very satisfied like that... haha!
ah may: hope u feelin better liao ya...

no lah.. not the saliva tat make me think is teethin.. cause she got white dot on her lower gum and feel rough... she 2nd month tat time start to play saliva liao le... hehe...

My boy milk intake also decrease. Brought him to PD, verdict, nothing wrong with him. He is overfed!!!! Alamak... my mum so kan chiong... His wt was 7.65kg yesterday and at 3.5mth. GOSH!!! SUMO!!!

I told PD that we fed him every 3-4 hrs. PD advise us to give him only when he cries for milk. If the interval stretch to 5-6 hrs without crying then let him be. So now we will only feed him when he cry for milk lor.....
cuz you have to let your womb fully recover which takes about 1 year before you conceive mah
hee hee but some people just go ahead regardless of the motnhs though up to individual

Vonvon/ Amanda
the no. of scoops depending on the milk powder lah for similac think 3 scopps to 180ml of water leh
hee hee ethan now drink 160ml only
summer:hehe can i send u the article? a bit hard to tell u properly.. hehe then too big to post here... :p

bbcutie: wow jayden big big leh.. but he very chubby leh...

etelle: i tink Dumex scoop smaller... hehe
Ya lor... Jayden big and chubby. I can't carry for long... Have to use sarong sling.... He look like a 6mths bb based on his size.... hahahaha
bbcutie: hehe ya leh.. so chubby.. haha saw the Ringo pics all so chubby one... hehe

summer: ya.. It's Ringo.. i send u a invitation usin the email add u quote me can?? and i send u the article now..
my boy intake of 550ml-650ml is 24hrs not 12hrs.... very little rite... guess like wht the PD had told jan... my boy weight had already doubled even b4 reaching 3mths so his body start to self regulate his milk intake lor...
oh ya Ringo! okie, pls send me the invite. prob we could have a mini bb photo contest for mummies in this thread and get everyone to vote (except for our bb lah) could have diff. titles... heehee.
yr hayden drk a lot lei.. jarren only drink 700ml a day.. got 1 x he hit 1000ml then bk to 900ml then drop to 800ml then now 700ml lei
hi ilim,

my boy's intake per day is same as yours. about 690ml. According to the weight gain curve, their weight gain won't be as steep now so i guess its ok.
Hi ladies,
May I know if any Feb mummies are using either the medela dual pump or the ameda pump? I would like to get either one and would like to know which is better and how much they costs.

hi caratsoup,

I'm using the medela mini pumps(dual one). I got it almost 4years ago at about $140 but I think the prices went up now. It works well for me.
Not sure about the ameda pump though.
That's why PD said we overfed him lor. So now we feed him on demand when he cries. Thk he should drink lesser.

Last night after feeding him 120ml at 10pm. He KO till 5am this morning then drink 150ml.

Today his consumption from 12am - 8.30pm is 570ml. Will give him 120ml if he wakes up before 12am. So that will total up to 690ml/day. But if he wake up after 12am, his consumption for today (16 May) will be 570ml.
summer - wat's your bb's weight? my ger is also drinking v little. 5.55kg @ 3mo. her birth wt is 3.2kg. how to hit double birth weight by 4mo? now i'm getting worried.
CaratSoup (caratsoup) - i'm using ameda bot 2 yrs ago from MIM. works very well for me last time. i read double pumping can maintian ss better so invest in them. now still using them. in office i use avent cos need to be more discreet.
hmm... maybe u can call yr PD to double cfm?
'Cos that time my bb cry a lot when I brought him for his checkup and PD commented he not having enough to drink and told me to cal base on this.
hi all,
I think my doc in kkh told me the weight thing is different leh. my boys double their birth weight at 2 months, and so she told me they are okay and growing well.
so is 4 months or 2 months?
