(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

I read the babycenter website, it says better after 6month then start solid food. But if there is a need (wonder wat needs?), can start after bb complete 4th month

<font color="ff0000">jasmine</font>
For nite time, I let my gal fall asleep by herself. All I do is change her diapers and pyjamas, and turn on the music. Very slowly, she will drift into sleep on my bed, then I will transfer her to the cot. But I guess every baby is different. There is no one method that works for all babies.

Lucky that your kids can jie the pacifier so easiy. My boy still uses it despite oredi 3+YO. He needs it especially during sleep, but at other times, he may also asks for it. And hor.. he has another weird habit too. One pacifier to suck and the other to smell. :D Gosh, me headache.

<font color="ff0000">Siewlng</font>
If a baby does not like to drink milk, can start them earlier on cereals.
my boi very notti, he always wants to be carried to sleep, even with the pacifier, he will cry his lungs out leh, I very xing tong....

Yr boi so funni....my eldest gal also rub and smell the paciier one leh, we even took pictures to show her now....:p
Sleeping position
Ethan can sleep in all kinds of position leh. Whether it's on his tummy on his back on his side in the spring cot heee
whatever method just always be cautious and check on bb eveyr now and then

I think whetehr finger or thumb it's up to the kids. No use stuff the pacifier when she reject and no sue keeping her from sucking from the thumb if it soothes her and the thing is u cannot be 24 hours on standby to stopped her form sucking her thumb so know what relax and let it be lor...heee

swaddle baby i dun quite like the idea leh. I prefer to let ethan be free and his hands and legs can move about as and when he like leh but like what sunshinekid say we just have to figure out the best way for our own baby cuz every baby is different
etelle: haizzz i also dun like...and xinru is not tat type of bb who can let u wrap one... hehe she wans to be free one...initially when i saw my cousin do tat on the baby i say i wun do tat... but really got no choice.. if dun swaddle, she cannot sleep at infant care more worse ya.. bb at this stage should sleep about 14-17 hours leh... if at nite she sleep thru 10-12 hours she still got 4-6 hours to sleep in the day... so i guess tat will be the only way to let her sleep well at the infant care lor... but at home, i will never wrap her.. haha cause i dun like to see her bein wrap...and lucky she can sleep well at home..lucky whenever i go pick her she is awake or outside on the rockin chair...

jas: for my gal, she need to be pat a while then she can fall asleep cause she wan to 'talk' to ppl before she sleep.. and as we pat her, she will blab blab er er ah ah then will fall asleep... but sometimes she can fall asleep by herself..just blab to her a while then tell her to sleep liao, mummy need to do things then she will lie down there then fall asleep...haha its true tat different babies haf different sleepin method and one babies haf a few methods to make them sleep... my gal no need to carry to sleep one.. she dun like to be carry.. hehe strange... she rather lie on my bed...
wat they mean by "needs"? haha i dunno lei i see my bb lk keep salivate and also when my MIL give him suck banana, guava, apple, he loves them and when she remove them fr his mouth, he shouted v loud and hands keeped wanna grab the fruits so i tot wanna start him on cereal lor Also, recently his milk intake drop - dunno is he wanna start wean off or he sick so refuse milk. sometime drk only lk 60-80ml then can tong 2hrs also dun wanna ask for milk. just keep sucking his thumbs or even whole fist...

i dun like to swaddle my bb too. I feel xin ku for him haha

my boy takes both pacifier and thumbs haha i also dunno which is good lei but i read in magazine before that it is better to give pacifier cos easier to wean off. But then, stil depend on the baby lah which he/she choose. if he/she insist dun wan pacifier and wan only his/her thumb, i dun thk u can do anything but try to teach him/her to stop sucking his/her thumb. for me, i will scold jarren when i catch him sucking haha i will remove his thumb fr his mouth and beat his hand tell him cannot cos his hand dirty hehe dunno he will understand or not. he will usually blur blur look at me then when i "bu liu shen", his thumb will be in his mouth again
Hi gals

How to increase our ms? Currently I only pump twice a day before going to wk and after wk. But everytime, it is only enough for 1 feed which means only have enough 2 feeds for him each day. Sometimes worse, nt even for 2 feeds.

If decide to pump in office, wat to bring and how to sterlise and transport the milk huh? Btw, how do you bring yr babies out, by using pram or sarong sling? Tks

Here's wat i share at another thread, a bit long winded....

I try to strech the hours in b/w pumps. Here's the timing that I pump -

6am ;11am; 4:30pm; 11pm(if the hrs are too long, then you got to pump another time in between)

I will let my bb drink the 6am lot and 11pm lot and freeze the day time lots at the office fridge and bring home every week.

I buy add'l breast shields(4 in total) so I only have to sterilize twice a day for use. I sterlize once at 10pm, the 4 shields and 4 bottles, for the 11pm and 6am use. Then sterilize once at 7am for the two times work.
Alternatively, you can use sterilizing pills or solutions(cheaper than pills) at work place if you do not have add'l sterlizer.

Transportation :
You will need a good cooler bag and ice packs. Freeze the ice packs the night before and continue to put them in the freezer at the office fridge. The bag I bought do not need ice packs.

Milk Supply:
Try to increase fluid intake since BM consist mainly of water. I drink 3-4 cups per hr except during sleeping time at nite and only go toilet a few times.

Hope this helps.
i pump 4xdaily.
(1) 7am @ home
(2) 1pm @ office
(3) 7pm @ mum's place
(4) 12am @ home
if you can space the pump as above, you dun need to sterilise at work, jus have to sterilise and bring to office for 1 pump coz it can be quite troublesome since you need to have a big container for sterilising tablets and you have to keep your pump in the solution until you need it for your next pump.

I usually bring bb out in her stroller.
Hi summer,

Actually some ppl called it the funnles that you attached to the bottles when expressing(the piece that covers the breast).
I use Medela pumps and they called it 'breast shields'.
You mean with the breast shields, we can use the breast pump twice just by changing sterilised breast shields? Coz i am thinking of increasing the frequency of pumps at work but find sterilising a hassle.
You are using manual or electric?
i pump 3x daily
(1) 7.30am @ office
(2) 3pm @ office
(3) 9pm @ home

I bring e following daily:-
1. 2 260ml milk bottles to store my milk for the 2x pump in office
2. 1 handkerchief in case when pump will drip
3. the pump
4. 1 ice bag + 2 ice packs to transport EBM home

These are the things i left in office:-
1. sterilising tablets (i use pigeon ones)
2. 1 lock and lock container to sterilise pump

Ice packs leave in office fridge freezer when reach office. after pump, i leave the bottle of milk in office fridge. then when gg off, i go collect and put in ice bag to transport home

if gg out shopping, i usually bring bb out w pram but i will br along the sarong sling in case bb dun wanna b in pram then i sling him. but if like only go downstair or across the road shopping centre for a short while, i will just sling him.
ya i using Avent. i hv so many 260ml bottles nowadays haha cos now i alway feed my boy w 260ml bottles. 125ml bottle i only use for feeding him plain water. everywhere also got sell ah. robinson, kiddy palace, metro, etc etc Avent also hv 350ml bottle lei i seen b4 but i dun need so big one lah
Tks violet and summer for sharing. So I shld sterlise after my 7 am pump and then bring it to the office. Actually how many times we need to sterilise the pump and the bottles?

The pram I have which was given to me cant let the baby sleep flat. Those who are using sarong slings, how long can it be used.
Now i know why i can drink a lot of fluid and the number of times i need to go toilet had reduced significantly as compared to pre-pregnancy. So it's because of breastfeeding... no wonder. Good insight... thanks for sharing.

You need to sterilize before every use, the shields, bottles, teats, pacifier,tongs, etc.

So if you only pump once in office, sterilize before you go to work. I also use lock&amp;lock container to put the shields and bring to office. If you need to pump twice or more times in office, you need to sterlize again b/f use.
So that's where the sterlizing pills and solution comes into the picture. Need to prepare the solution once in the morning, soak the equipment in for at least 15mins and can use the solution for whole day.
If using pills/solution, then you can do that in the office liao for the multiple times u pump at work. Don't hv to rush to sterilize b/f u go to work.

ya I also only realized this time round when I BF my boy. Thirsty all the time and drink buckets of water everyday.

Marcus' milk intake also dropped recently. He used to be able to drink 210ml per 4-5hrs. Now 150ml can last for 4-5hrs. I used to burp him once midway &amp; once after he finish. Now after the 1st burp, he refuse to continue drinking his milk liao. But if I don't burp, he also cannot finish. So in the end, only drink abt 150ml. Per day's intake now dropped to abt 700-800ml, compared to 900ml 2 wks ago.

But strangely, he doesn't seem to feel hungry leh, although he may not have drank milk for the past 5-6hrs.

Does this mean that he may need to start on solid soon? I don't feel like starting him on solid until 5-6mths leh.
When I transport my milk home, I dun use any ice packs leh. U know the Avent thermal bag (the 3M one)? I m using that when I transport milk home. It says can tahan cold BM for up to 4 hrs. Usually I will be home in 1.5hrs. I hope I am doing the right thing.
and not giving spoilt bm to my bb.

Regarding BM supply:
Hiaaazz...my bm is getting lesser and lesser, till I dun find the motivation to pump out anymore. Each day, my bb gets at most 3 feeds of bm, sometimes even 2 only.
how old is marcus how come drink so much 4-5 hours drink 210ml...ethan only drinks 160ml every 3 hours or every 4 hours leh....never increase his milk until 210ml before leh maybe it's 2 much for marcus?
Wondering whether the gathering on 24 Jun still on? I would like to join. i kind of lost track of the thread abt who to register with.

mashy brain
Thks for the contact. Did you bring your boy during the consultation?

Yap.. That's me. I was telling my hb that i met u and your hb a couple of times at the food court. by the way, we met your hb abt a mth ago below our block.. think he just got back from jogging..
hey, abt msn, may b u can try www.e-messenger.net. if u have access to internet at your office.. hopefully your co's firewall din block access to this website. can add me to your msn? [email protected].
Mummies... anyone discover babies like wanna grow teeth?? i discover a white spot on Xinru's lower gum then feel rough rough when i feel it... she keep usin her tongue to go and make the gum leh... my mom told me some babies will grow teeth at 3 months liao leh...
re: milk intake
- think my ger break record liao. lowest milk intake. 3.5oz/100ml 3 hrly. give more she cannot finish. she's in 50% growth zone.
re: teething?
- i'm trying to find out too. recently my daphne is vv cranky n drool alot too. but my mum say 3mo is too early lei
growing teeth sounds like too fast to me leh hee hee :p But if she is behaving cranky and they said when teething may get fever is it?? I am not sure leh..
Re: milk intake
My boy's milk intake recently oso drop from 150ml to 130ml n his total intake for 24hrs is btw 550ml-650ml. N after feed can lasts for 4-5hrs
re: teething,

my cousin's baby is 4 months and her lower teeth is already visible.. so i guess it depends on the baby.. my girl is also drooling alot.. maybe she just found a new found skill of blowing bubbles with her saliva..

re: milk intake,

those feeding using similac, my girl is still taking 120ml but she like before 3 hours she s hungry liao.. is she taking too little?? coz on the can states 6kg then should be 180ml.. but i feel it s too much.. advise anyone??

re: going out,

i have been using both.. i find the sling very convenient.. coz my girl likes to be carried.. and i can have one or sometimes both hands free.. to eat and shop would not be hassle.. for stroller, it s ok.. hands not tired but i haven master the skill of going up and down the escalator using the stroller.. and my girl gets cranky sometimes..like bulma i still bring the sling just in case she gets cranky.. so i think i prefer the sling..

re: gathering,

bulomum, its on.. i m the organiser.. i will put up the list you just cut and paste and add your name in..

re: photo collage,

for those who have not send in your baby's pics to sally cinnamon please do so asap.. so that she can do it up and send for printing..
Date : 24 June 2006
Time : 12pm
Venue : Pasir Ris

Gals, please register your attendance accordingly hehe

1. Bulma + bb + hb
2. May + 2 bbies + hb + maid
3. Feza + bb (+ hb becomes tentative as it s the world cup season)
4. Ling + bb + son
5. Von + bb + hb
6. Carol + bb + hb + son
7. Violet + bb + hb + gal + maid
8. Venus + bb + hb
9. Claire + bb (+ hb tentative)
10. sally + bb
11. ilim + hb + bb
12.koli + bb (hb tentative)
suck thumb
my boy also suck leh but whole fist leh. at night i will put mittens for him cos air con cold so he no chance to suck. pacifier he dun wan liao.
i thought teething is from 4 to 5 months onwards leh but nothing is impossible hor. maybe xin ru faster leh.
milk intake
noel also depends on mood. average about 140ml. but y 24 hours all your intake so low huh? i count from 7am to 7am next morning(24 hours) is about 1200ml leh. u all count 12 hours only is it?
After giving noel hou ning, his diarrohea COMPLETELY healed. amazing right? now poo soft but not watery poo poo once a day. also not that colicky already.
sleeping on tummy
thanks all for advice. i did ask my PD about sleeping on tummy, he said SIDS seldom happen to Asians and moreover he put noel on tummy, noel's neck is strong to flip himself left and right without covering his nose. first 2 weeks when he started sleeping on tummy, i din sleep the whole night.(dun put him sleep tummy, he will wake up every 30 minutes leh)at first neck not so strong, i have to help him flip left and right in order to make sure his nose not blocked.but now he is able to do it liao so i let him sleep till morning lor. PD told me that sleeping on tummy, bb tends to toss and turn their heads more to find their comfortable positions and at the same time strengthening their neck.(neck exercise) also reduce the chance of getting flat head. no matter what i will still take all your advice to keep a lookout.
Hi Mummies,

So long never online liao... Was busy with my friend newborn bb.... She taking care herself n no confinement lady and her bb also very diff to take care ..keep crying ... Hai... I was helping her until i a bit scare of her bb ... hehe.. lucky my bb easy to take care...

When the bb birth , she let the bb latch on but bb don't want to latch. So bb never drink milk for 3 days (not even FM) So when she went back home , i went over n help then i found out bb only drink 5ML from morning till i reach 3pm... I faster open FM for bb to drink bcos mother also no milk...
But bb don't want to drink , keep crying ... Then I found out the bb is hungry but dun noe how to suck due to so many days never drink milk...
Aiyo I feed until i wanted to faint n give up... Then about 4pm i feed again bcos she cry again... Then slowly she can drink 10ML , by 7pm she can drink 15ML liao but take 1hr to drink...
Lucky now she can drink 20ML 1 1/2 to 2hr...but still very little hor.. Today she already 7 days liao ....

Abt the photo collage, where do i send my bb's photo to?

Date : 24 June 2006
Time : 12pm
Venue : Pasir Ris

Gals, please register your attendance accordingly hehe

1. Bulma + bb + hb
2. May + 2 bbies + hb + maid
3. Feza + bb (+ hb becomes tentative as it s the world cup season)
4. Ling + bb + son
5. Von + bb + hb
6. Carol + bb + hb + son
7. Violet + bb + hb + gal + maid
8. Venus + bb + hb
9. Claire + bb (+ hb tentative)
10. sally + bb
11. ilim + hb + bb
12.koli + bb (hb tentative)
13. Bulomum + bb + hb

juz being a kaypoh, so your frens nv latch on bb got express milk?
my boy's intake also drop fr 1000ml to 600-700ml a day lor then alway lk not hungry... i see him suck fist, i will feed him then he will drink. if not, he also wont cry for milk lei faint meh dat's why i intend to start him on rice cereal w milk mayb tis weekend so i can monitor

hehe we "chong feng le" =) i added u in msn liao thanks for the web... I CAN MSN AGAIN LIAO HAHAHHAHAHHAHAA so happy... ehh why u so early post in forum one? dun nd to sleep ah? u working or SAHM?
aiyoh, ur fren bb v poor thing leh. how come the hospital didnt help out when she was there?

most bbs here seem to like sleeping on their tummies but my girl seems to hate it. put her on her tummy she'll start to eh eh, then dun hurry up turn her, she'll put on her ke lian face n start to cry. So far, she sleeps well on her back, esp in sarong (cooler) or if on bed then in aircon room/with fan blowing at her. Like me lah, no aircon cannot sleep

I think most bbs have a growth spurt at about 2-3 mths, then after that their intake will drop again. Xin ru's dropped to just 60/3hours, but now gone back up to about 130/150 per 4 hours. only thing is she keeps regurgitating milk, so much so that we all v scared already. before feeding must have a box of tissue next to me, halfway burp also must prepare for her merlion. think she's starting to reject fm. hb says the taste of fm v strong, v different from bm.

re: juice
read that unless the juice is fortified with vitamins n minerals, there's no real nutritional value to giving bbs, esp since juice is sweet. bb may lock on to sweet stuff n reject other stuff. bb taste buds not programmed yet, so no need to give them 'tasty' food. bland food will be better, then they can take anything next time.
wendy: my mom told me got babies start to grow at 3 months leh... hehe...

etelle: i do felt too fast also leh.. haha... she had fever on sunday and was very cranky.. keep like cryin at not her usual self leh... and she seldom cry also one.. my mom ask me to monitor her this few days.. haha my hubby ask me wan to buy the teethin tat thing for her to bite.. haha
hi mummies,

i am also a feb06 mum. baby now also 3 mths. i just went for vaccination and has asked the doctor regarding the below. hope the info helps mummies.

re: milk intake
according to PD, baby should hit double their birth weight by 4mths old. If your baby has hit that mark earlier than 4mth, their body will start to self-regulate their own milk intake. This explains why our babies' milk intake reduce. PD advise that you can monitor and see the pattern and adjust the milk feed amount accordingly.

Re: saliva
Noticed that baby started having loads of saliva around his mouth. he can even blow and play with the saliva and of cos he has now started licking. my mil also say grow teeth. i check with PD. This is expected but its not becos the baby is teething (sorry, i cannot remember what reason PD gave) most baby start teething around 6mths. 3mths too early.
Hi Jan.. welcome u to the thread... can i know if ur baby haf any white spot and feel rough at the gum?? cause my gal has it though.. so dunno whether is it growin teeth... babies actulli start to grow teeth at 4 month leh...(cant remember where i read from liao... ) :p
oops.. sorry missed out.. my gal start havin lots of saliva during her 2nd month liao le.. she kept playin her saliva and blow bubbles... my mom say it could be when i was preggy i din get to eat what i wanna eat... haha.. so she got so much of saliva... hehe :p
hi Amanda,

yes. my boy's gum can see abit of white. i also thot teeth coming out cos its true that some babies start teething at 4mths (my niece did) but PD says most babies only teeth at 6mths.

my boy is super naughty. he can spit the saliva after accumulating alot around his mouth. he blows hard! wat ur mum say most likely just a folklore. I just cannot remember wat the PD gave as a reason.

but i did ask how come nowadays their poo poo stinks so bad. its becos as they grow, babies will have more bateria in their tummy esp since they start to suck their hands after touching their faces etc etc so their poo poo will stink more!
hi Jan,

Thanks for info on the milk intake. My boy oso drinking lesser than usual now and I see that it's quite common from wat some of the mummies posted.
jan: oh.. ok.. better monitor.. so PD say its ok to have tat huh?? just leave it can liao?? need to do anything a not huh??
huh.. hehe poo poo stink not because they take FM meh?? hehe all the while i know is take FM babies will have stinky poo... hehe :p
there wasn't a drop in my gal's milk intake... she has been drinking so little since birth. I think she drinks more when she latch on but she drink lesser when she use the bottle.

i also realise FM have a very strong smell, much stronger compared to BM.
hi mummies,

Amanda - yeah. PD says just leave it but i clean his hands more often and more carefully now. esp between his fingers. always alot of dirt! and becos his hands is always wet, he rubs his face and eyes so end up face sometimes will have rashes so i clean his face often too but not too hard lah.

dun know about the poo part. our parents will tell us its becos we switch to FM but PD says otherwise so i tend to listen more to PD cos that the whole reason for going to them, for adivce!

and also at least there is some medical explanations and consistency. chinese just have so many folklores, some even contradict each other.

i dun practice letting babies suck on hanky. cos hanky got fibre deposits that may go into the baby's system which may irritate them and cause allergies so..... we might want to avoid?

Milk intake:
my boy also drops from 4.5oz to 3oz..
try to ask him drink more. he will play his treat and smile. URGHhhh..that innocent look melts me away.
Did any of your babies try to hold his/her bottle?
My tavis is trying do so and worst he tries to control it. He will use his hand and pushes the milk bottle away.

Regarding letting babies suck on hanky:
I did let my boy to play with it as he suck his fingers so hard and i didn't like that.
Instead of hanky, I use the nappy cloth for him to play with. He seemed to enjoy it.
