(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

thx for the info... wow liao so dangerous....

ya lor, PD oso told me tht if my boy nv gain weight for the nx few wks it's ok cos he had gain more than wht was expected for his age now...

The Medela pump in style advanced is abt 740(usual price). think isetan is having member sale. $630. the ameda pump is abt $250

yalor.. Եsee u on the msn.. i accepted your invitation liao. the url link i give you not bad hoh.. hehehe.. but һħһɡhopefully, your co administrator not so hardworking. At my previous job, i cant get in loh. when do you gals go online most of the time? I am currently a sahm.. until i found a job.
woke up to feed bb then cant sleep so surf web and reply mail loh
thx for the link, never realised some of the spammers get our info from here. Scary.

Today, my girl break her own record. last night, she was fed by 8pm n zzz at 9, up till 7am when hb n i left for work, she still zzz. when i told the maid, she was shocked
Think it's the combination of aircon n sarong that cause her to zzz until forget she's hungry. Now that aircon is off, i expect her to get up soon. Dunno how much she'll take this morning. Her daily intake is usually 500+. Not too sure since i do latch her on when i get home but is roughly there. only thing abt her sleeping thru is tt i also sleep thru n wake up with engorgement, so must massage n express out before it gets serious.
yeah lor no wonder out of the blue i receive the dignus email also....scaree ah...think better dun divulge anything at all..if want PM that person better hor..

Ah May
will update when i get home
now in office liaoz...

we girls who are working are online during working hours from 8am to about 6pm afetr that all the mamas wil MIA liaoz hee hee
cuz once reached home u be busy with the little one and no time online liaoz....
my boy oso playing with the 'keyboard'. Passed down since my gal's time.
My gal didn't play with it much when she's little. But my boy kicks a lot at it and is enjoying himself very much.

welcome....find a good one that suits your needs.
my gal's weight is 5.3kg one and a half weeks ago, so i suppose now she should be about your gal's weight at 5.5kg. Her birth weight was 3.4kg. Come to think of it, our gals quite heavy weight at birth but now they are 'behind' many bbs here...
yea so those who have each other's email addy use that better than putting it here.. those that dun have PM each other.. anyway, can some kind soul email me the contact list? i reformatted my computer and lose the details..

How much is your Itty Bitty rattle blocks? My FIL bought it in Holland lately. And I think he sure pay alot for it even though can get cheaper elsewhere.
violet: hehe my gal also dun kick leh... she kick a lot when there is nothin for her to kick but when i put her legs near the piano she dun kick liao... haha but tat one very cute hor...

mashy: i bought tat at $2 only... hehe cause its actually a sample from the store then they sell it durin a staff sale in the office for 2 dollar... but tink in store sell ard 8+...
my boy has the exact same animal mobile too.. he always grab and "eat" them when i put him on his rocker to play w the mobile haha

I forgot gal got class in the pm so need her 'beauty sleep' b/f that. So will just be me n bb.

Date : 24 June 2006
Time : 12pm
Venue : Pasir Ris

Gals, please register your attendance accordingly hehe

1. Bulma + bb + hb
2. May + 2 bbies + hb + maid
3. Feza + bb (+ hb becomes tentative as it s the world cup season)
4. Ling + bb + son
5. Von + bb + hb
6. Carol + bb + hb + son
7. Violet + bb
8. Venus + bb + hb
9. Claire + bb (+ hb tentative)
10. sally + bb
11. ilim + hb + bb
12.koli + bb (hb tentative)
13. Bulomum + bb + hb
Any of ur babies start to drool and blow bubbles with mouth? my gal only 6 wk old

Thanks for those giving me support..sure need loads of advice..heehee..
my bb also like yr Bb also.Before He 'fire', he will be very quiet and still, and the face will be red, then he will 'put!' He will smile and laugh as if very satisfied esp when I scold him dirty bb while cleaning him.
my boy also drools and blow bubbles with mouth but he is 3.5mths old.
anyway is okie.. one of the mummies quoted from PD that Bb hasn;t learn to swallow saliva so that's why they are playing with it.
sent you liaoz but the list i gave you is not very updated leh cuz alot of infor and details of some of the inactive girl now inside leh....

can provide feza with your contact and email? you have msn???

you want to join us here in the forum maybe you can send you baby details to me. Name of bb, weight and height, type of diaper, type of FM, caregiver and area of stay. While you send your own contact details to feza. Thanks
Heard there be a flea mart outside Singapore Expo Hall 4 this Sunday. For those of you who like to shop at fleamart can check it out.
could u send me the list too??? N chk wif u the glycerin sticks u bought at Mt A is $0.45 each huh???

my boy oso play with his saliva n blow bubbles n he's 3mths now....
i also dun have ur contact number leh ha ha :p only got your email in the contact list. Once feza has tidy up she will send to us again she is the coordinator for this contact list

The gylcerine stick yeah we bought from MT A. one whole box 25 packets for $11.50. So it calculates to about 45 cents per packet only
sorry too busy. send liao. received let me know.
robinson sales
today n tomorrow got robinson sale 20% and some items plus 20 %
bought a new king size bed cos my new house coming hee hee.. bought cutlery as well as utensils.
a lot of bb stuff on sales and guess what? medela pump good offer now.
milk intake
wah... see all ur postings, i wonder whether i overfed my boy but he still skinny leh. 3 hourly, 8 feeds x 150ml, he should be drinking 1200ml leh. my boy average about 1000ml of milk a day plus water 200ml.
bb angry
my boy got blocked nose and so i try to dig out some mucous from his nose,he got angry with me. refused to play nor let me carry him. very sad leh. i bought bb vaporub and put on handkerchief next to his bed. quite effective
my boy will cry like the whole house is tearing down and struggles so much when I try to clear his nose too.
He atop immediately when I stop so I dun dare to do alrdy. My maid will clear when I'm out of the house. At least I don't hear his cries.... so scary.

Where did you buy the vaporub? What is the brand and about how much? Maybe I shd try this.
wow big shopping spree ah hee hee
I dun clear my son's nose leh if he has got mucuous, he will sooner or later by any chance blow it out one hee hee so easy on my part just clean up.
my boy start to drool when he abt 2mths old. drool til now haha he also blow bubbles but start blowing bubbles only abt almost 3mths.
i dun clean her nose.. my ex pd (see how i use the word ex coz he was so ex) gave me tonimer baby spray.. very effective... every time my girl has blocked nose i will spray in her nose and she will sneeze out the mucous.. very chan ren la actually but bo pian it s to provide her with better breathing..
My boy will cry n get manchang if i try to clear his nose.... but wun ignore me lah...but bo bian leh have to clear cos c liao very uncomfortable leh....hmmm...canoot go robinson alone leh how to shop alnoe when nobody ard to help carry things n so ma fan unless only see x2 look x2 lor..
Hi gals,

long time didnt post liao. Very busy with work once reach hm all my time belong to Elvin.

Did u gals watch the news on the prenumcoccal (dunno how to spell)disease? Anyone going to give bb the jab?

pls help to update i give Elvin pet pet diaper also.

Hi feza,
i wont be buying the similac formula liao cos Elvin is at the mid of changing to Enfalac A+.

Hi gals,
Elvin weight didnt gain much after 2nd mth and his milk intake also drop at that time. When he is 2 mth he already more than double of his birth weight liao
violet: u can buy tat at pharmancy..there's is one that is specially for babies one... cost ard 5+.. cause baby cannot use the one tat adults is usin.. too strong for them... i cant remember the brand.. if u wan, i can check and let u know tomolo...

jappooh: My gal is takin the jab... she took her 2nd jab last sat liao..

Mummies whose baby can wear 6-12 months clothing ya... Monsoon Kids is havin 30% off startin from next week... Their boys wear is cute... maybe can go and take a look in Metro.. But only Paragon have more range...

i keep wanna let jarren tk but he keep sick so til now stil no tk.

Amanda, my boy alr wearing 1YO clothes haha
