(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Hello Siewlng!

Was looking at the drink list you emailed and I got one question leh....

What is the to drink on 5th and 8th day of confinement? Got recipe or just go any medicine hall and tell them you want the herbs for this soup?

hi girls,

i know it s late.. just could nt get to sleep... anyway, for those new mummies who have just joined us.. i have a contact list for all the mummies here.. i would need all the newbies to give me details like name, contact number and email addy so that i can update the list and also inform everyone on who has 'pop'.. since i m the last few on the 'popping' list they have given me the opportunity to spread the good news to the rest of the mummies here..

send the details to [email protected].

ivory, i need you to pass me the table that you always put up on the thread for me to keep track.. coz i dun think i have everyone s name in the contact list.. thank you so much..
morn, gals

do u all fl slight tingling pain on yr tummy at times ah? i started monday got tis slight tingling pain some time lei... izzit ok? i fl my V there pain meh nowadays (thk jarren pressing on it, izzit?)... so pubic bone pain + V that area pain = pain + pain... buay tahan but stil nd to come to work lah =(

nowadays walking and standing is a chore meh

get more rest lah u try not to sleep in daytime. mayb will hv better sleep at night?

Congrats =) i m not sure if the procedure for putting the enema is painful or not lei... i only know enema is given to you to clear your poo poo b4 u deliver but think only if you are still in early labour.
yesterday went for my 34th week checkup at the gynae.. details as follows:-

Mummy total wt gain : 14.2kg
BB wt : 2.15kg
BB head : 87mm

Gynae did say bb big wor... my MIL dun believe, still say bb very small... too big how i give birth?? 1st kid leh... vaginal havent stretched before leh... my SIL 1st kid oni 2.08kg at birth ok...

nurse oso got comment say bb head very big... must have inherit from my hubby... ggrrrr....

gynae oso detect contractions yesterday... he worry might premature, but since i dun feel the contractions or pain, he din give me medication, just ask me to avoid moving too much... i oledi lying on the sofa for the past few days liao.. dunno y still got contractions.. heng i oledi on leave ah... else cham...
u wk 34 bb only 2.15kg ok mah. Jarren was alr 2.25kg at wk 33 hehe

i everyday also hving BH contraction (those contraction but painless one lor) tis morn alr had 2x
<font color="ff0000">Berlinda</font>

Putting in the enema is not painful one lah. The diarrhoea feeling will come v fast though, no worries.

<font color="ff0000">Ivory</font>

Is ur baby considered big at 34th week? Thought it's there abouts.

Last night, I couldnt sleep. Guess what causes that. I suddenly woke up at 1+ am and realised that I didnt manage to feel much of my girl's movements last nite. Maybe I have been busy the whole of yesterday and slept early at 11+, so I didnt purposely monitor her movements. So when I woke up at 1am and tried to do that.. I got a bit panicky cos no movements at all. :p Silly me right. So I spent sometime sitting in the living room and talk to her. She did give me afew hard knocks and kicks. After that, I could sleep. I must say I am really paranoid this pregnancy.
<font color="aa00aa">bulma...</font>
dunno leh... gynae say bb big

at least u can feel the BH ah... my gynae say mine doesnt seems to be BH... worse... i cant even feel the contractions... mayb bb too active liao..
Gals, just want to share my experience with you. I engaged VANI 90211447 as my massage lady and I regreted it. If you engaged massage lady please ensure shes reliablity and she cm on the day she promised. After I make payment she used 2 months to finish the course instead of 7 days. Oil and medicine which is included in the package are not delivered. I feel so CHEATED. I just know she stay at Blk 435, Yishun Avenue 6. If you have friends looking for massage lady, please ask them becareful. I just read the thread and noticed someone also kena like me.
Hi girls
so the enema to clear bowels one we have to insert ourselves??? insert where????

you suffer pain here and there while me heart burn always sianz.....then hor i eveyrdya also feel like when i turning left or right inside my tummy got tinkling pain also leh......wonder if it's alright...

Yetserday tossing and turning in bed and 5+ cannot take it sat upright and wait till i doze off cuz the heart burn is terribles.....poor me...
i also paranoid lk u hehe my bb didnt really move last nite then i ask my hb "shall i shake my tummy to see if jarren is ok?" then my hb stop me hehe say let him sleep ... then after 30 mins, bb give me a kick hehe

my gyn last tues say my bb avg lei when i ask is my bb too big liao... so funi

thanks for the infor =)
<font color="aa00aa">sunshine / bulma...</font>
hee... dunno lah... he jus say bb big... never say very big though
i just worry abt the head size... kekeke...
I think we are all paranoid at one point or another....ha ha bulma like u sometimes i want to shake my tummy to make bb move and i did ha ha :p not all the time lah only on days when i am super paranoid then i will do that hee hee :p

yesterday i again dreamt about my gynae performed episiotomy on me ha ha :p so funny....why only dream of that part...chey.....
u alway heartburn, i alway pain pain... we ke lian ah ....

u no worry shake too much wait bb cant tk it and brain damage ah... i every x after shake will scare scare meh
Hi Bulma, Ivory

Dun worry about baby being too big .. for my case, my first daughter was 3.7+ kg, much bigger than what the gynae thought (he estimated 3.4 KG) but she was delivered with 3 push plus using the forceps. I guess the early administering of the epidural helps in some ways.

My previous gynae visit was at 30 weeks, where I gained 4 KG in total, and baby's weight was 1.6-1.8 KG.
My next visit is next Sat, should be 33+ weeks almost 34 weeks .. wonder what's the baby's weight now that I have gained total 5 KG.
<font color="aa00aa">Lenny...</font>
u very good hor... oni gained so little weight... dun have to worry abt losing weight after birth..
She controlled her food intake..... which most of us can't do it lor.....

Initially I also wanted to control my diet but ended up I gave up liao cos can't resist the temptation.

I dunno how true hor.... I heard if we control our diet and did not eat what we crave for, next time our bb will drool a lot......
Did your gynae comment abt yr weight gain being too little?

Yr bb weight looks okay leh. My bb was 1.25kg at 28 weeks. I will be visiting my gynae this evening, dunno how big my bb has grow......
Hi babycutie, Ivory

I also got cravings, but I watched my calories intake too but sometimes i caved in to my cravings excessively. My first pregnancy, I gained so much weight, total of 16 KG, because I eat whatever I like or feel like it, even when I was very full already and supper too. But I lost all the 16 kg in 2 months. As long as the baby is growing and gaining weight, that's the most important. didn't control my diet so strictly, but I ate 3 normal meals plus one snack in between ..

My friend did tell me about baby drooling alot if we dun eat what we craved for when i was expecting my first gal, but that's a myth .. cos eveyr baby will drool alot as a passing phase which they will outgrow
hi babycutie

My gyane told me I am gaining weight nicely when I asked him about it, in fact, I have friends who gained 8 KG in total and baby is more than 3 KG. Some gynaes dun advise mommies to put on too much weight. Comparing to , say, me gaining 16 KG and giving birth to a 3.7 KG baby versus my friend gaining 8+ Kg giving birth to 3.4 KG, assuming placenta and water bag all contributes in total about 5 KG on average, the extra weight gain actually goes to me.
I also gain 16kg on my first pregnancy and agree with u that most of the weight goes to me.....My girl was 2.7kg at birth. I gave birth at 36wks +. She will be more than 3kg if I carry till full term. I took abt 6 mths to regain my weight but still I can't fit most of my bottoms liao as my hip has expanded.

I am not sure abt the drooling myth but my girl don't really drool a lot.... Only during teething then she drool which only last a few weeks. Other than that I don't see her drool at all

i saw the excel file you mailed me.. must teach me how you change the details and how to add details to the list coz i m not sure to change.. thanks
<font color="ff0000">Lenny</font>

Wow, that's very little weight that you have gained. For me, I gained about 6kg in total at my 30th wk and doc said baby is estimated to be about 1.6kg. So I think I am doing fine lah. Kkekekek..I will be seeing him next week and see if I have ballooned. Maybe some pple will start to balloon only from 30th week onwards... who knows.

My boy also didnt drool alot, even during the teething stage. I think it's really up to individual baby.
Hi gals

Just came back from my gynae visit.

My boy is now 2.47kg at 34 weeks. Talk abt big!

Haha, Still head down, not engaged.


I'm also having the same pain since last night. I thought it was him getting engaged. Alas, that's not the case.
Woke up abt 10 times last night to go pee.
Hi Sunshinekid

How old is your boy now ?

At 27+ week, baby's weight was estimated to be 1.1 Kg, and at 30+ weeks, I gained another 0.8-1KG and baby's weight also increased another half kilo to 1.6 kg thereabouts.
Was in Shanghai for 4 days in between and caved i to the temptations of good food and hence that extra kilo was piled on during that period.
My weight only started to picked up after the 5 month, prior to that I didn't gained any, so it's about a Kg per month.

Hi Babycutie

Oh .. you delivered at 36 weeks .. what happened ?

About regaining the figure, must go for malay massage immediately after delivery (not c-section) and wear the warcoal coset all the time. It helps to regained the figure and wearing a corset does help reduce the food intake to a certain extent.

I have not thought about firming up the sagging skin yet, will come to that after delivery :p
Thank God so far no stretchmarks at all.
Hi mashybrain

Try not to drink water after eight, it does help to a certain extent. And dun drink tea , cos that is a diuretic and make you pass more urine.

Do you get water retention ? If you do, stack up a few pillows to put your feet up when you lie on your left to sleep, with another pillow wedged in between your lefts when you sleep on your left.
I read that it's better to sleep on your left side , meaning with one leg crossed over the other and a pillow in between is best for you and baby.
It allows max flow of blood and nutrients to the placenta and enhances the kidney function which means better elimination of waste and fluide and less swelling on ankles, hands and feet.
I don't have stretchmarks so far also....

I did the malay massage but its 1 week after my delivery because my stitch still hurts. And sad to say I only wear the binder for 1 wk only...... My SIL pass me 4 binders which I am lazy to use.....kekekeke..... Maybe I should use it for 1 mth this time round.....

I experience BH Contraction 2 days prior to my delivery and do not know that I gonna deliver. There was no pain. Just feel tightness of the whole tummy suddenly on and off. I still goes to work as per normal. Then on the wee hours of the day of my delivery, I had a show..... followed by water bag breaks... I was 4cm dilated when I reached hospital but I did not suffer any contraction pain.... it was a normal delivery and my girl came out healthy.....

U know my tummy was very very tight already at 36 wks and there is really no room for further expansion liao.... I can feel that my navel gonna burst....

Even now, at 31 wk, I also feels that my tummy is very tight already and navel gonna burst liao.... when I press my tummy, it was very hard.... don't thk can expand any further..... I am so worried that I will give birth during CNY which I will be 36 wks....

Don't think I've water retention. So far so good. No swollen legs.

And I've not drank tea either, coz of caffeine. I already have probs with caffeine b4 I was preg coz it makes my heart race.

And yupz, I sleep on my left. Makes my right pelvic bone achy though. Sianzzz.... I find sleeping at night can be such agony. So painful.
Luckily u r a SAHM. U can sleep anytime when u feel tired. Not like us, even if we felt sleepy, we still have to work.... Like today, dunno why so tired.... but I am enduring till 5pm.......
Hi Babycutie

I think due to lack of space in the tummy, it leaves us feeling "breathless" at times. How long was your labour in total when you delivered ?

I dun use any binders because didn't find them tight enough .. so someone recommended me the warcoal binder and I must say it works wonders. The corset is very tight and uncomfortable to put on, there are times I left it on to sleep. It does help to flatten the tummy, but the tummy will look wrinkled.
yes, the flower is for bathing. It is yellow in colour. Medical shop should have it. I went and asked but they told me to buy later as to ensure i get fresh stock for bb.

bb big ahh? had my check up on monday, my bb is 2.2kg at 34wks, mummy gained 11kg and doc said it is average size bb. Not big. so i am bit surprised when your doc said your bb is big
Hi babycutie,

Do you get green veins on your tummy ? I have obvious green veins on my tummy.

Been working from home last week as hubby was on biz trip, and this week as well, took a week off for next week.
My labour lasted 3.5hr.. The contraction starts at 9.35am and all was over at 1.03pm as my girl was out already.....

I don't have green veins on my tummy.

Yes the yellow flower is Jin Yin Hua....My mum always cook it with Chrysanthemum for us to drink....

I thk whether the bb is big or not depends on the size of the mummy. If both mummy's bb carries the same weight but one mum is taller and the other is much shorter, then the bb would be consider big for the shorter mum.
<font color="aa00aa">feza...</font>
i will see u soon rite? cos hard for me to give instructions over email too..

<font color="aa00aa">venus...</font>
mayb my gynae is comparing to those whose bb come ou at just pass 2kg mark... so mine seems big lor... kekekeke....

<font color="aa00aa">gals...</font>
so sian... this morn fell asleep at 1+am.. so happy... who noes i woke up at 5am... then eyes big big n wait for alarm to sound so can kar jiao my hubby to wake up for work..

then just now after breakfast at 10+ went to puke... 11+ feel so sick so went to lie down n dozed off... MIL come kar jiao me b4 she go work tot something happen to me cos i dun nap every since i preggy... heng i can fall back to sleep, plus rain heavy heavy.. so cooling so shiok... until 2.15pm then i wake up for lunch....

now feels so much better liao
Hi Babycutie

I can't rem the exact price, either 69 or 89. I bought 2 pieces one in M and one in L .. the warcoal sales lady should be able to tell you which one to get, because I rem there's not many types of corsets they carry. It is very uncomfortable to wear day and nite but it works, if you just wear it for a month is good enough.
yah we too so ke lianz hor...but i think pain pain more jialat leh...heart burn at least i dun sleep sit up then it would feel better but ur pain is alwasy there one and more torturing....
Hi Bulma and Etelle,
i have both the pain and heartburn lei.
Now i still vomit on and off.

Always tell myself to ren for another 7wks. Keeping talking to my boy recently ask him to come out only on his EDD if not i cant hand in my assisgment for my course. THen i dunno how to complete the course lei..

my gynae also didnt mention that baby is big. My baby weighs 2.4kg in wks 33. I still ask my hubby sure anot cos i dun think my stomach very big lei..
<font color="0000ff">Lenny</font>

My boy just turned 3YO this Monday.

Regarding the Wacoal Corset, does it really work wonders? I used the normal binder sold by my gynae and wore it for afew weeks after my C-section. I find it helps as it restricts movements in my flabby tummy, thus reducing pain from my wound. And of course, helps to keep the tummy in. Hmmm.. u mean the Wacoal one will make the tummy wrinkled ah. Aiyo.. as if our tummy is not flabby and wrinkled enough after childbirth.. kekekeekk.. But for the sake of getting back in shape, I will go and buy. Did u buy before you delivered? How do we know what size to buy ah?
i also stil vomiting mah... every week also few times still .. after vomit will heartburn... then will half dead

i also keep tell myself to ren lor wat else can we do, right? i hope to deliver early meh... to be off fr all these sufferingsssssssss... dunno i will deliver early or not ...haizzzz

u ok or not? we really ke lian ah sufferings since preg til now gg to deliver still suffering
Hi Sunshinekid

I had those normal binder from gynae, but they are not as tight as the ones from Wacoal. I bought it a month after I delivered, from Isetan Scotts wacoal section. The lady tried size L and M for me, depending on your comfort level as in how tight you want it .. there are 2 rows of hooks, one inner and one outer and the inner ones would make it even tighter. The tummy looks wrinkled temporarily only, when you removed the corset, because it has been "binded" so tightly for the entire day. You can get one now, I had the size L and M and I think get the L size first, and after you have shrunk , get the M one but the L one serves me well.

Are you gonna get a c-section this turn round, or VBAC ? not sure if it can be used immediately after c-section.

It can be very uncomfy when you use it, because it is so tight, then again, it has to be tight for it to be effective ..
<font color="aa00aa">jappooh...</font>
my tummy oso not like very big... abt 41" liao... hubby oso say my tummy not big leh...

<font color="aa00aa">etelle...</font>
yday ask gynae to cfm my bb is a boi... cos hubby keep asking sure boi or not... kekeke... had a hard time getting him open up the legs cos crampy crampy inside the stomach liao...

<font color="aa00aa">bulma...</font>
after a nap seems ok for now... pressure at bladder is getting stronger... everytime stand up will feel a bit pain n wanna go pee..
then hubby warn me dun keep getting out of bed so tdy din drink a lot of water but stil feel like peeing..
Hi Ivory
sometimes i also have those pressure at bladder one leh ha ha .....yeah lor sometimes i move around suddenly have thsoe urge want to go but then as long as i ignore for a while then the feeling go away think bb bigger then when bb move towards bladder the urge is there but maybe he is just passing by ha ha so dun react too fast ha ha :p me also 41 inch leh same same hee hee :p so in the end managed to confirm???

after vomit u have heart burn ah wow u more poor thing than me leh......

this kind of thing very hard to say one leh...if say u cannot hand in your assignment on time can like delay a bit then hand in or not.....??? then if really cannot hand in then how?? whole course wasted ah?
Hi Etelle,
i dunno lei. Havent check with my lecturer wat if i give birth early. Cos this is my last term already so hope to complete it loh.
Hi all,
back from my gynae visit today. long day for me, kenna a jab and thigh is very sore. first thing, babies are growing well, I have gained about 16kg, at 31 weeks, 1 baby is almost 2kg the other is 1.6kg. since the blood flow is okay, gynae says I am doing fine. but he is worried abt premature babies, so I have to get an injection today to mature their lungs. Ouch!

think after much discussion, likely to go for c-section. cause of possible complication, dun think want to have risk with baby two.
Hi all,
Me also visit gynae today at 31wks. My boy is doing fine. He is in a head down position liao. His face and legs are on the right side of my tummy and his back is on my left. He has not engage yet. He weighs 1.78kg. Gynae estimated that my boy will be around 3.2kg at birth but I have a feeling that he would be heavier.

I have decided to give birth at Mt A.

Also I ask gynae abt the swap test. He told me this swap test is not compulsory and it is to test one type of bacteria which I can't recall the name cos too long liao..... It is only necessary if we have a lot of discharge and it itch down there otherwise we can go without it. He also said that even if we do the swap test this week and result is negative, it doesn't mean we will be ok the next week.....So most likely I will not be doing the test because my discharge is normal and I don't have itch.....
