(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Hi Ah May
whatever decision you made it's always about the best interest for the child so
whether natural or caeserean it's alright lah...

yeah.....i read about the swab test also...it doens't mean one test shows negative and it will be negative...have to keep monitoring i think....

maybe u speak to bb everyday and get baby to cooperate with you hee hee

Anyway i got myself into a fix. I was feeling full but have the urge to eat amcdonald at 9+pm leh...so ordered nuggets meal then now i feel so so so full that i want to throw up and also my lips are evry dry and blocked nose is coming and doens't feel well....maybe nothing to do at home ah???? ha ha...

Cannot sleep...eat too full...now 12mn+ liaoz...hee hee never mind lah anyway late afternoon got sleep for 2 hrs....so for now...try to hang in there until i tired then go sleep ha ha :p

well read about the jan mtb's deliveyr...sounds easy and interesting...kinda like u dun know whether you can tahan the pain or not only until then right????
Hi all mummies to be.... Wanna wish u mummies an advance Merry Christmas... hehe

Hmm missing in the thread for few days and MSN... was down with flu since Monday... then really sick on tuesday and wednesday...and what's more.. busy at work... no take MC.. haizzz cause my boss ask me to clear one whole stack of order before i go ML in Feb.. so can imagine how big the stack is... finally got better yesterday and clearing my work...

About my gal.. lately she become very active above my naval... no more at the naval there liao.. then sometimes feel very pain at the rib cage... sob sob... baby always doin stretchin inside... sometimes feelin real uncomfortable... another 8 weeks to go.... so fast.....
ho ho ho merry xmas, everyone!

ya i will hv heartburn after vomit like last middle of the nite about 3am. i wk up to vomit then heartburn then cant sleep lor... just hope jarren everything healthy then i can give birth earlier lah

Ah May
just go for the best decision for your twins... dun worry natural or c-sec, oki =)

take care ah... i also hv been rushing work since early tis month... v "siong" .. my boss also wan me clear many things meh by nx wed

Thank you. U enjoy your christmas too......

Ah May,
U r carrying twins and yr boys already 2kg and 1.6kg at 31 weeks. That's big leh...... I am carrying one and my boy is 1.78kg at 31 weeks....
My left calf got cramp this morning when I woke up.... Kaoz... damn painful.....Grab hb for help...

He asked me to flex my feet and relax, then he ask me to straighten my leg slowly and keep my feet at flex position and relax.... Within 5 mins the cramp is gone..... But now still a bit pain on the calf after the cramp.

I heard that if leg cramp cannot massage.... because next time will have green veins.....
Ya.. Christmas coming, Merry Christmas to everyone!

aiyo, no worries cannot be, surgery got more danger mah, how not to worry. but have to look on the bright side loh, safer for both babies. aiyo, you also have so bad heartburn, mine is a bit under control but throat very painful, at least din vomit these few days but throat is hurted by the acid loh.

take good care of yourself, sick and over worked dun go well together, use this weekend to have a good rest, dun over party in Christmas lah.

no lah, I have this problem as well, sometimes eat a lot but sometimes no appetitie at all, so maybe one suggestion, have small snack around, easier to manage. like the apple pie from mac, last week I stock up a few, need to eat then heat up in oven.
goes well with soya milk.
try not to order a full meal and try to finish it. usually cannot one, unless baby that day really like the food. :p but think stomach also no space leh.
yah, tummy is big big.. last night measured 113.5 cm liao. but the growth somehow like slow down compared to last month. Gynae comment expected weight is about 1.6 to 1.7kg, so the other baby at 2kg is a bit big. luckily their bloodflow check is okay, otherwise I may have to deliver soon because the large diffence in size is an indication of complication.
forget to tell you, I so far try a method to relieve leg cramp, especailly if you know is a major one, try to stand on the floor immediately with help of hb. stand straight and relax leg. this method works well for me, cause in time, the cramp disappear and less after effect.
if I continue to lay in bed and try to use the relax and flex feet method, it usually dun work for a major cramp and after that, leg like cramp the whole day.
Ah May,
Yes. The large diff in size is a complication. 1 baby is absorbing the nutrient of the other.
Hopefully everything goes well for you. 113.5cm is how many inch huh?
Hi Babycutie

I will try take a pic of it to show u later ..

meanwhile, hope this description of the corset will suffice

I think the product code is NW0825 as what I saw on the side label. The corset runs from below the chest and covers all the way till above the hips i.e. it should cover only your stomach area (below the chest and above the hips) entirely. It is quite easy to recognise this corset - the center portion has some lace with this butterfly pattern.
Think altogether they have only 2 types of corsets.
Ah May,
Thanks. So far no major cramp... Also dunno how major is major..kekekekeke...... Thk total I had around 4 - 5 times of leg cramps liao.... its always happen in the middle of the night or early morning...... And I also realise that it only happens when the temperature is cold......
Hi May
okie will follow suit. Ha ha yah lor one whole meal seems too much ah...apple pie from macdonald i love it ha ha :p stock up for the day lah u mean cuz cnanot be for the next day mah hee hee :p I stock up twisties and rocher ha ha how unhealthy.

i think for cramps right i only experienced one time serious one but not after effect though...ha ha like once the cramp is gone it's gone...then all the way okie liaoz no more cramps....when u r having cramp that time ah u just massage and try to get the cramp off liaoz where got time to think whether will pop green veins or not ha ha ha :p

I already heard from friends that don't massage when leg cramp. So I did not massage my leg when there is cramp. Usually the cramp last for a while only.... and once its gone its gone...but still the calf will have slight cramp feeling lingering lor but very very mild only......

I couldn't even move my leg when the cramp hits me so no way I can massage it..... so I just let it be and endure the pain till it subside on its own lor.....

I also stock up cheese potato chips, chocolates, ice cream and chocolate biscuits.....kekekekeke.... I always eat a handful each time... because if I eat too much my hb will scold me..... I just stock up 10 cornetto ice creams.....hehehehhe
no lah, the apple pie I stock up for three four days lah. put in the light freezing component in my fridge loh. need to eat then reheat in oven.
but be careful when reheat very hot, kenna burnt my fingers the first time when I reheat.
twisties and rocher might increase heartburnt leh..
cause I always take the spicy flavour mah for twisties.
Hi Feb MTBS... thought i might share this with you too... some cost savings if you are delivering at TMC and thinking of storing your bb's cord blood...

Update on Cord life :

just called them to make appt, apparently they gona increase their price come 1 jan from $1200 to $1400, so mummies who wana store the cord blood, act quick!!!

and also for those delivering in TMC, when u apply for the FBI card now, Citibank is offering a discount at $98 oni, instead of $168 ( for 28wks preggie n above )... this card gives a $80 (2 bedded) and $100 (1 bedded) off delivery bill. Gynae involved in FBI programme gets to have 5% off delivery charges and PD visits at 10%. Oh yes, most imptly, with the FBI, you get to have $50 discount off your annual cord blood storage fee for 9 years...
hi babycutie

It hung when I click on waist nipper .. could only see a bodysuit and that's all and restarted my browser 2 times .. if that's the model number and covers only the stomach area, it should be the right one. How much was it ?
There are 2 prices stated in the web. $63 and $65.10. I dunno what's the price diff for.... Under this model there are 2 code nbr.... Dunno what's the diff. Thk have to go personally to wacoal counter to check.
wow 10 cornetto ice cream wow! give me one ha ha ha :p

Ah may
u mean store in the 2nd compartment of the fridge with the pull out drawer one ah? can meh??? My twistie is cheese flavour hee hee :p
God's child: thanks for the info, i am delivering at TMC and I have also signed up for the FBI program. I din know there is disc. on delivery charges as well.. will find out more from my gynae next week.

bbcutie: i also have alot of ice-cream in my fridge!
i was craving for Magnum and one day there these 2 boys who turn up at my doorstep selling i think Wall's ice-cream and they say buy 10 Magnum get 2 Viennetta FREE! So the ending you know lah, haha! Then recently there was this King's annual sale at their factory, and we bought some more and now i have 4 tubs of ice-cream in my fridge. But i try to control my intake coz it's cold and fattening!
Hi gals,

I went to the pharmacist to get ventolin for my contractions last nite. Guess wat? The guy asked me whether I am pregnant??? I told him I am going to pop soon leh, do i look fat than pregnant??? I so sad leh

Do you gals feel like eating sweet stuff lately, been craving for ice- cream, coke, dessert..... yum yum....?
i was approached by a bridal shop last weekend while shopping with hubby. i was so shocked i looked at him and point at my tummy... i pregnant leh! then my hubby also find it amusing, he told the guy... "tummy alrdy so big liao"! I agree that at 2nd trimester we may be mistaken for fat than pregnant, but i tot by 3rd trimester, it shoudl be very obvious liao hor?

I have been craving for sweet stuff since pregnant. Used to like sour sour stuff, but now i like sweetie sweet!
summer, jasmine,
I was also approached by bridal shop in my first trim, when tummy already show. felt very offended when I mentioned already preganant and the fellow actually said then must act faster liao. just because we din wear wedding band does'nt mean not married right!
U pay me a visit. I offer u 1 cornetto....kekekeke

I finished the Magnum few weeks back. I ate 1 every evening after dinner for 10 days..... And gosh!! I put on 3kg within a month......

After that I restrict myself on taking fattening stuff... and yesterday went for my gynae visit and my wt gain slow down to 1kg within 3 wks...

Then hor Monday this wall ice cream came knocking on my door.... ended up 10 more stick of cornettos in my fridge now....get a free box of cornetto mini.... kekekeke.... But I will control lah.....can't afford to put on another 3kg..... I already put on 12kg in total liao.... hopefully my weight will not exceed 15kg by the time I am due.....

Yeah lately like to crave for sweet stuff.... Especially chocolate.... dunno why.....

summer / Ah May,
Thk nowadays economic bad, so the salesman don't care who they talk to lah.... so long can clinge a package deal can liao.....

Hahaha... this poor guy cannot differentiate between fat and pregnant.... What a pity!!!!! (Very sarcastic hor??? kekekeke)
jus like me, haha... i hope the wall's guy dun come knocking on my door again. i din have it daily and i alrdy gaining more weight than you... last weighed was 13kg gained *faint*

Ya, but I must encourage them for trying to sell me the package. Anyway, always tot the banner ad on this site very redundant and silly... all the wedding stuff.

I'm really looking fwd to the hols. A pity this year's X'mas/New Year/CNY eves all fall on Sat... lose out on the half days on eves if they were on weekdays.
i hv been eating ice cream and chocolate and cakes toooooooooo .. dunno why but craving for sweet stufffff... forever not enuf lk dat
oh really will get so bad ah? my gal's movements are getting bigger but not to the extent of pain.. YET. I hope she'll be gentle to mummy.
Hi gals

Here's wishing all of you a very blessed and Merry Christmas!!!


No craving at all leh... maybe my mind always think of getting back to shape... so hor, keep on telling myself not to over-eat... hehe

N my colleagues keep on barking me, "cannot be ah soh, during preggie n after!"
Usually girls are more gentle. When I carry my girl, her movements are gentle and I don't have problem with her movements.

But now with my boy, his movements are more intense. I think the position of the bb also plays a part.

I showed my mum my tummy just now and she said wah yr tummy so tight.... I really feel very uncomfortable lor...... U know like yr tummy no more room for expansion liao....
I got cravings also leh...for chocolates, ice cream and titbits....then ah...i never alwys succumb to it lah. I try to control. I also scared wait cannot regina figure then how you know.

But yesterday ah i went to indulge in a sticky chewy chocolate sundae ha ha ha :p simply delicious ha ha ha :p so sinful so thick so chocolaty hee hee :p but nice....ha ha :p

I keep having those fast food breakfast leh wonder if it'll add pounds or not but come to think of ti chiense breakfast also fattening what hor...so heck it lah hee hee :p

Everyone enjoy yourself this festive season k. take care too and walk slowly ah...
i dun care one lei... i just eat whenever i crave for ice-cream, choco and tibits.. now my hse everything dun hv but a lot of chocolate, ice-cream and crackers hehe
I also have chocolates, ice cream and chips. Also drinks like Gui Hua Green Tea and 100 Plus and Yakult....

Also hor, we had orderd an ice cream log cake from Swensens. Will be collecting this evening.... Haiz...sinful sinful sinful......
aiyo... all the sinful foods... ha ha... enjoy lah... b4 confinement comes... then got to control liao... sianz...

BTW, I have checked with Cordlife, there is a 2 weeks grace period in Jan, b4 they increase price
Bulma & bbcutie
so shiok ah ha ha indulge in anything you like hee hee :p quite true also that after confinement we cnanot eat all these so better eat while we can ah ha ha :p

i did ask the sales person about it. And she told me it's actually a goodwill lah cuz some of the sales may have follow up on the customer for some times so give the goodiwll but when they fill the contract they will backdate cuz as of 1 jan 06 the price change will effect....
i started packing my hospital bag liaoz.....a bit fed up cuz dun know how much to bring and also when i was washing bb clothes the wooly from one of the receving blanket came off and then stuck on to the hankies, the towels and bb clothes that i put in to wash together. So fed up......Arg!!!!
Hi girls
poor me...was sleeping well when middle of the night when it was pouring ehavily i had heartburn have to sit up for a couple of hours before my back couldn't take it and i lie down to sleep again. Sobz sobs....

Anyway one mtb in Jan said she burst a vein in her right eye when she pushing leh....mmmm sounds scary ah.....
<font color="aa00aa">hi hi galsK</font>
merry christmas!!!!!

<font color="aa00aa">etelleK</font>
heeK yapK Gynae managed to push a bois leg apart to show us his scrotum and penis :p

<font color="aa00aa">babycutieK</font>
ur bois position same as mineK

<font color="aa00aa">bulmaK</font>
my house oso everything dun have but got potato chips &amp; ice creamsK hahahahaK
ha ha seems like we ahve been stocking up on all the wrong kind of food ah hee hee :p i just finished a yan yan dip chocolate ha ha :p feeling so satisfied...

Wow your gyane confirmed with u guys the gender of the bb again ah...Hmmmm good ah heehee :p
ya our hse all stock w all e sinful stuff hehe

etelle, i also was sleeping fine then 6am wk up bcos of the heavy downpour then cant sleep after dat.. now so zombie

so scary, burst her right eye vein!!!!!
err.... I also read the thread leh.... not only burst her right eye vein.... she also mentioned abt blood splurting out on the gynae and nurses faces....

GOSH!!! What a messy scene......
so sad right....waking up in the midst of the pouring rain where it is the best weather for sleeping hor ha ha and we are awake sigh.... me also zombie liaoz....
