(2005/07) Any July 2005 new mums to be?

lkf... ya ya, very interestingly is that the music that is played when news is starting or ending, she is VERY interested! hahaha

Pol, yes, my baby aleady has both 1st and 2nd tooth out since end Jan...

Wah, long discussion on bb "education"! I think I really must get started with books at least hor.

Welcome, Pol!

My hh's teeth not out yet, can only see white-white on his lower gum.
Hi odie
both hands n legs up for wat you said.Do not be hard on our baby.They have a long way to go.Juz let them be a happy one.I do let my boy watch tv too,Vcd like right brain left brain,sesame street n nursery songs.And he loves Elmo.
My boy first n 2nd tooth is out too.For the upper one only abit swollen
wah i didn't expect so many pple talking abt topic after i post. bt really feel more encouraged after reading ur posts......now i know i'm not alone.

those books i buy r from popular, with lots of colors and pictures, some got story some no story jus pictures only. but tabitha not interested leh. how?? she's so hyper active tat she can't stay still long enuf for me to even finish 1 story for her. aiyoh!!! headache!!!

re: teething
tabitha's 2 lower teeth came out a couple of weeks back. now seems like her upper 2 teeth coming out soon cos she keep using her lips to rub against the gums. do any of u know whether the same symptons of initial teething (1st 2 teeth) will recurr again for the next 2??? Cos tat time when tabitha started teething she was very very grumpy and had slight diaorrea. yesterday she seemed to have diarrea oso........do u think it's symptoms of teething again??
hi zen, i'm not SAHM, but how i wish i can be one :p
cos i feel that i don't spend enough time with my baby with the work i have... weekends are always not enough
Hi mummies,
I'm from the Apr MTB thread. I'm looking for a confinement lady in apr jus wondering any of u mummies here hav any recommendation for 1?
hi winnie, sorry, do not have 1, cos my mum did the confinement for me...
however, now is already Mar and your EDD is Apr, not sure if you're still able to 'book' any confinement lady or not? was told by friends that they normally book way ahead otherwise the good ones would have already been taken up...
Hellow mummies... I agree that some programs are not suitable. As long as the hours are not excessive and the programs are suitable for children... why not? As for interacting with other children... I agree with that too. If it is for that purpose... I think it is healthy! Personally I feel that lessons like Kindermusik will be very well suited for toddlers (although I haven't quite explore that option for my boy)... to get them moving, jumping etc. But I think like Growing up Gifted... probably a bit too heavy going at this stage :p

Regarding teething... my boy has 4 at the top and 2 at the bottom. Babykhoo... yes he is cranky and lost his appetite every time he gets one teeth cutting through.

Babykhoo... I think we can both shake hands. My boy is one hyperactive baby too and he doesn't sleep alot. If I can get him to nap a total of 2 hours during the day (1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon) that is considered as good liao. Sometimes he can go without his nap for 7 hours straight... and it is not like he is looking tired. So it can be back-breaking taking care of him. You are a SAHM so will be tougher for you having to juggle the household chores. I fully understand why you need to resort to the VCDs in order to get work done. The only time my baby will sit still for 30 mins is when he watches Hi-5. So sometimes really bo bian must play the disc for him... if not I cannot even turn my back to go grab a glass of water. If your baby is not keen with story books... just leave it. There are other things that you can use to teach her. Like you can show the real apple etc... bring the baby outdoors to show her stuff... like birds, buses, cars. My boy won't have the patience to sit down and read the book also. So I just continuously talk to him and point out things to him.
odie and all mummies... with regards to baby needing nap... how often does your child stay awake in between naps? i find that my gal actually need to nap after staying awake for 2 hrs... and yes, it is almost every 2 hrs! so, imagine if she wakes up at 7.30, she will want to nap at 9.30 and mayb nap for 30 mins or so, she will wake up play for another 1-2 hrs before requiring another nap again! is that the same for all of you? i tot only when they're younger then they will nap with this pattern? The problem i have is if we are outside and she is too 'busy' to nap (looking at things), later we have a hard time to make her sleep...
Re: nap
My hh also likes to take short naps of avg 30 mins every 3 hrs or so. He hardly takes longer naps that lasts 2-3 hrs. His feeding/ sleeping timing changes everyday, hehe.
plim... on the average my boy can stay awake for 4 hours before taking another nap that last for 45 mins to 1 hour. Of course when we are out... it can be as long as 6 hours.

So usually he will wake up at around 7 plus in the morning. Nap around 11 till noon. And another nap around 4 plus to 5. Then bedtime around 9 plus 10.

2 hours sound a bit short. Thought that by now the number of naps in a day will be reduced.
plim... on the average my boy can stay awake for 4 hours before taking another nap that last for 45 mins to 1 hour. Of course when we are out... it can be as long as 6 hours.

So usually he will wake up at around 7 plus in the morning. Nap around 11 till noon. And another nap around 4 plus to 5. Then bedtime around 9 plus 10.

2 hours sound a bit short. Thought that by now the number of naps in a day will be reduced.
sp, odie... sounds that my gal needs more sleep than your boys... dunno if there're any issues with that... will hv to check with the PD on the next visit...
Matty's wake-up timing quite good leh! My hh this morning started waking up at 5.30am, usually 6am.
We leave hse to go to work at 6.45am.

My hh starts fussing at 7+pm as he wants to sleep around 8pm. As we reach home after 7pm, we often end up feeding him milk then he sleep liao. Not much chance to feed him cereal for his "dinner" (he fussing so won't eat) and also not much chance for us to flash cards to him.
Hi sp... that's for normal days... he has his timing off too on some days waking up at 6 plus or going to bed at 11pm... like yesterday -.-""

Why don't you get your MIL to feed cereal at around 5pm?
hi all,

my bb's two bottom teeth start appearing in february. till now still growing.

my gal is like yrs too.. she's also the sort who is sleepy always.. even after waking up from her 2 hr nap, she will be rubbing her eyes after half an hr later.. its true that i have problem wen i go out.. its very difficult to put her to sleep..
do u mind sharing wif me her schedule? cos if sleeping always, wen does she drink milk n eating?

im a sahm and feeling very stressful especially now that im still having cough n cold for 3 wks.
hey hey mummies,
enzo can stay awake for 4 to 5 hrs without taking any nap too
And he sleeps at abt 11pm in the nite.When we are out,he will only nap when we are on the way hme in the car.(only in his dad car.he wont sleep in cab)

I used to be a SAHM for 7months.During that period,ikeep having conflicts with mum(She stays with me)Cos She cant stand the way i handle enzo.The worst part is i become so naggy with hubby that we always end up quarreling.To prevent the worst to get worsen ,i went back to my job on feb.And i find that it is much better den staying at home.And i realise that i actually dote on my boy more.Hehe
hi zen,

it could be true that working is easier compared to being a sahm. u dote on yr boy more maybe due to the saying, "absence makes the heart grow fonder". hehe..

desitin cream is a nappy rash cream, something like drapolene.. i was prescribed that cream wen my gal had a rash on her hand.. i was shocked wen i got it cos i read that it is a diaper cream so why was i given it wen the rash is on her hand.. so weird.. i tink the polyclinic doctor bluff me.. hahaha..
I think my in-laws "see cereal no up" becoz it's instant commercial food, so I never thought of asking them to feed it to him. Anyway, our hse helper (p/t maid) goes home at 5pm so left my MIL alone at home to handle 2 babies. She can handle feeding milk to the 2 babies only.
I'm glad I'm not sahm too. I like going out to work, less stressful. During my ML I everyday felt so trapped & can't wait for my hb to reach home.

Sat my hb doesn't work, so he "sahf" and he waits for me to come home. He half day also very tired, kekeke.
nur, my girl's schedule is as follows:
- wake up ard 5+, 6+: drink milk
- go back to sleep, wake up again ard 7+, 8+: feed porridge
- 10+, 11+, go back for nap again: mayb half an hour
- wake up abt 12+, drink milk then play a while
- 2+, go back for nap again (this time round sometimes sleep abt 2-3 hrs but need to constantly pat her if she moves about)
- 4+, wake up, drink milk
- 5+ feed cereal and fruit
- 6+, go back for 30 mins nap again
- 7 or 7+, wake up and play
- 8+, drink milk
- 10+, drink milk then sleep
The above is roughly the schedule when my mother takes care of her on weekdays, of course not everyday like that, but roughly lah... u will see that she has porridge in the morning more due to convenience for my mum... and u see, lots of short naps here and there, and she sleeps late but wake up quite early one... and on weekends, it will be totally different :p, cos we adults want to go out, so sometimes outside, i will try and make her sleep if she's sleepy...
how about ur gal's schedule?

re: SAHM... i think i agree lor, working is sometimes easier than being a sahm... i find that i always look forward to seeing my girl after work :D ...
Hi All

My girl also hardly naps nowadays as she prefers to play. She can stay awake for 4 or 5 hours b4 will to nap for 30mins or so. But I noticed 1 thing lor, if I nap with her on weekends, she can nap for 2 hours or so. Funny hor?

Then these 2 days, she only take little milk. About 2ounce eat time.. me start to worry liao. Her 2 lower teeth oredi cut through 2 weeks ago.
Hi Mummy Mummies,

this is My Bernice's schedule:

Wakes up abt 6 - 630am.
Latch her (20 mins)
Go back for a short nap from 7-8am
We'll leave the hse for infant care.
She'll be awake and play till 930am
Nap 30-45 mins
At 1030am latest, she'll drink her EBM(ABT 180ML), followed by cereal with Apple and Carrot puree that I made for her.
She'll be up till abt 1230 -1pm.
Between 1230-2pm, she'll nap.
Afternoon, 230pm, I'll drop by and latch her.
She'll have activities from then till 430pm.
Nap again from 430-530pm.
Drinks her EBM(190ML)ard 6pm
Will have din at 715pm.
Bathe, Play, Reading from 8-845pm.
Sleeps at 9pm latest.
Will pick her up to latch at 1130pm.

In fact, she's very much in a routine during weekdays & Sat. But, Sun, is totally diff. But, thankfully, the going out and sun activities did not mess up her usual routine.

dun worry, perhaps, the cutting of the teeth makes her don't feel like drinking. That's happened exactly to Bernice when her teeth cut out last Dec.

For nappy rash. Very gd. But must get the creamy one. The other without creamy is not so gd.

Re: SAHM. Guess I'm the opp as the rest of you. I would love to be one. But, I chose to cont' to work bcoz I want to save up a reserve before me & my hubby plan for our no. 2. When no. 2 comes, I guess I'll most likely be a SAHM.

I guess whether we are a sahm mum or w-mum, we all miss our bb when they are not w us. It's the bond that we have. Ha... as I'm typing this, I'm also thinking of my Bernice.

Re: anyone of u still BF?
joyfulstar... looks like Bernice's schedule is also like Bella's, a little nap every 2-3 hrs...

so, u work very near Bernice's infant care center? is that why u're able to go see her every afternoon? so nice...

re: BF, no, stopped when she was abt 3-4 mths... not enuff supply...

tomatoes, ya, not to worry too much if baby not drinking a lot... unless she's sick or unwell, there shld not b too much of a concern... i guess
hi mummies,

Jus to chk have any1 started bb on 2 solids everyday??? I start rayan on tat but now he dun take much milk... very stress leh.. was told at least 600ml per day rite.

His schedule:

5-6am Milk 150ml (sometimes no Milk)
8-9 Milk 180ml
10-11 Cereal w fruits
12pm Porridge
4pm Milk 180ml
6pm Porridge
8-9pm Milk 180ml.
bbrayan, if you consider cereal as solid, then yes, Bella has cereal and porridge daily on weekdays... but so far hasn't tried 2 porridge in a day...

i also realised that if she has porridge (compared to having cereal), she is able to last longer without milk, perhaps that's the reason why rayan dun take much milk now?

actually i dunno wat's the recommended amount of milk for babies at this age now? is it 600ml per day?
Hi Plim and joyfulstar

My mum told me that she just finished her porridge. Maybe she prefers more of semi-solid food now and plus her growing teeth...

Joyfulstar, your bb really very kwai to finish all the EBM. That's very good
You also very capable lor, bf-fulltime working mum somemore. Me also considering if I shld quit if I have my No.2. See how first becos really need $.

Hi bbbrayan

I am try to give my bb 2 semi-solid food per day. 1 time porridge and the other will be cereal.
Hi Plim,

I'm doing Sales so I get to move abt. But, I'll usually go nurse her then off to my appointment. Actually, it's very tiring but I feel that it's worth the effort.

I guess the intake of milk is greatly affected by the semi solid too. Me giving Bernice 2 semi solid a day (cereal with fruits & Vege). Instead of porridge, i give Bernice potato, brocoli, carrot & apple for dinner. Maybe the solid is so yummy that ur bb prefers solid than Milk. The reduction in vol is a norm. Before I started Bernice with solid, she was on total BF. At 6 months, after she acquires the skill of eating, her milk intake drops from 220ml per feed to 180ml sometimes only 100ml.

10am : abt 180ml followed by apple & carrot puree with cereal
230pm : latches only one side for 5mins. sometimes does not even want to latch and drinks fr btl abt 100ml
6pm : 180 - 200ml followed by dinner at 715pm

as long as they are gaining weight and growing the amt of intake is not really an issue coz at least he's still drinking.
morning gals,

btw...who send bb to infant care?gd & where?

my bb had 2-3 solids in a day,2 servings of cereals & 1 serving of porridge
My boy takes 2 solids per day as well. Cereal for lunch and porridge for dinner.

This is his feeding schedule:

between 5 to 6am - 150ml.
Go back for nap (sometimes he will stay awake)
between 9 to 10 am - 180 to 210ml
around noon to 1 pm - cereal and fruits
between 2 to 3 pm - 180 to 210ml
around 6 pm - porridge and fruits
Between 8.30 to 9.30 pm - 210ml
(sometimes will need another feed of 150ml in the middle of the night)

Quite a big eater hor? :p

my bb's schedule used to be like this..
sleep at 10pm, wake up at 9am
milk at 930
sleep at 10-12 or 1
then milk at 130
sleep at 230-430
milk at 5
sleep at 7-8
milk at 930
sleep at 10pm

i was quite worried cos she slept alot and i was thinking whether is it due to her sleeping alot that she is developing at a slow rate.
nowadays her schedule are different since she was discharged from hospital. she has been eating cereals for lunch, she dun want porridge. she is more cranky than she used to be since discharge. she used to wake up from her sleep making sounds like "uh ah, etc". but now wen she wakes up from naps or sleep, she will b screaming. she also used to sleep 11hrs straight per nite but now at nite, she will be screaming away n i had to go to her to put her to sleep. she will b screaming like at 4am n i will go to her to put her to sleep. then 8am will b screaming again but refused to go sleep although shes rubbing her eyes. and nowadays she hates to be cradled. so if dun cradle, how to put her to sleep. and her milk intake also not accurate. aiyo... dunno wats happening to her.. so many changes after her discharge.. i wish i didnt send her to hospital the other time..

how do u mummies put yr baby to sleep at nite? rock them till they sleep? if u do then do they wake up in the middle of the nite cos they realised the person who rocked them is not ard..
nur, actually i don't think sleeping a lot will cause bb to develop at slower rate, in fact, i thought it's the reverse... perhaps what your baby is going through now is just a phase? hopefully it will go away soon...

sigh... with regards to putting baby to sleep at nite... i think for my case it's really rock until they sleep... i cannot sit and and rock some more, must stand up and move about, etc. she knows when i sit down, cause she will make a sound 'uh-uh-uh' and move her body... :S
only when i think she's sound asleep then i put her down... sometimes, when i try to put her down, she will wake up, but most of the time it's ok...

i think if they wake up in the middle of the night, most likely it's not due to realising the person rocking them is not around, but cld be due to habit or uncomfortable...

like last night, i put my baby to sleep at about 10+, then at abt 2+, she actually woke up! looking around (cos on wkdays i normally bring her back one day only, the rest of the days she's with my mother), look at daddy, look at mummy (we were both asleep then, but i woke up cos i knew she was tossing around), sigh... then what i did was, i din really 'bother' her, i let her look ard while i continue to pat her and continue with my sleep (cos she din make any noise) :p and somehow she sort of like fell asleep on her own... kekeke... and slept until this morning... did not even wake up when i sent her to my mother's place ard 8am! How i wish she can sleep so soundly on wkends
Hi Nur... your baby could be teething that's why not sleeping well at night?

In my case... I must continously change the method every few days. My boy fights sleep. It is so tough to get him to go to bed. He knows the routine and will scream and cry. Sometimes we walk around the house... sometimes climb the stairs... sometimes we stand and stare out of the window to look at buses and cars until he nods off... sometime we cannot even pat his butt butt because he knows we are trying to put him to bed and will scream his lungs out. I tried leaving him in his cot but no use. He ends up playing and once that happens it becomes harder to get him to sleep. So must always carry him. Bad habit... trying to change him but tough :p

He hasn't really been sleeping well for a while and will normally wake up 2 to 3 times a night. I think it is because of teething.

I would like to do a poll here to check which are the methods that you mummies use to get your baby to sleep:

(1) Rocking
(2) Pacifier
(3) Suckle
(4) Sarong / Hammock

Any babies here can actually be put down into the cot and slowly drift off to sleep without any of the above?
enzo's schedule
wake up at 845-930am.240ml of milk
11.00am nap for 30mins
12.00pm porridge
2.30-3.00pm 180-200ml of milk
4.30-5.00pm nap(depends)
6.00-6.30pm porridge
7.45-8.30pm (will doze off even when we are out shopping)
9.30-10.00pm 240ml of milk
11.00-11.30pm sleeps till nxt morning.(will wake up at 3 or 4am for milk occasionally)

pacifier for enzo.

i stop when enzo was abt 71/2mths.(cos back to work.)
Ya, may i ask?any bf mummy have their breast size back to pre pregnancy?Mine shrink n sagged.before pregnant,i was wearing 70B.during n after giving birth 80B or 75c.But now,75A.pathetic rt?sob.....
I'm smaller than u, used to be 70A, now 70A also loose, and I haven't stopped partial bf leh.

If I around I'll use no. 3 to make my hh sleep. Actually if carry & let hh put his head on our shoulder he'll eventually fall asleep too.
odie... i only use No. 3 to make my gal sleep...
and sometimes, like what sp said, put her head on our shoulder and she'll eventaully fall asleep too...

re: size
used to be 75B, increased to 80C during and after delivery... then now i think back to 75B or smaller (i think cld b due to my dieting
hh's schedule wef mon 17/3
7+am - 3oz FM (drinks half only)
9am - oats porridge
11am - 5oz FM
2pm - 5oz FM
4pm - 4oz ebm
5.30pm - 4oz ebm
7pm onwards - latch on/ 5oz FM

My MIL increased his feed & interval, yesterday nite only tell me.

His nap time not regular, I not sure when or how long he'll sleep. Past 2 nites he napped at 7.30pm for abt 30 mins, woke up to drink milk then sleep for the nite.
zen... before pregnancy I was 75B. During pregnancy around 80B. Now back to 75B. But then sagging.... hmmm wonder if there is anyway to get it back to "shape" :p

sp... hooray!!! That's a good start at least. Slowly try and increase to 4 hours if possible.

Is it possible for you to push back your baby's sleep time? At least you can try and feed dinner and spend some time with your baby after you get back from work. In other words.... your baby can wake up later too. As a FTWM... I find that it works better. I prefer the baby to sleep a bit later so that we can spend time and wake up later in the morning... so that if its a weekday I can get ready for work without worrying about him and weekends I can sleep in a bit longer. Also now that they are around 8 months old... if they have a filling dinner... can sleep better... well at least in my case :p
odie, actually, my baby used to be one who can slowly drift away to sleep without the above. (btw shes sleeping alone in her own room)
but like i said, used to. now no more.. now is rocking.. apart from that, she now starts to wake up at 3 or 4am but wants to sleep back but wakes again at 8am. i tink shes suppose to b sleeping 11hrs at nite but now not anymore.. teething? hmm her two front teeth has started growing since one mth ago and now still growing.. wondering wen will it stop.. but i dun tink due to teething cos last mth wen the teeth starts to grow, she was still ok..
but she currently having this swell at the lips of her vagina.. but i dunno whether is it nappy rash or not cos she never had nappy rash before.. dunno whether due to her urine infection or not.. dunno whether alarming or not.. cos she also had these red spots at the back of her leg which i dunno wat is it.. it comes and goes day by day..

aiyo im a terrible mummy.. everything also i start with dunno.. cos i really tink i dunno anything! arghhh
Try asking PD abt the swelling/ red spots, better to know for sure rather than keep guessing or worrying.

Actually many of us also dunno things abt our bbs, got to slowly learn one. For eg, I not able to feed my hh every time, sometimes can sometimes cannot.
Hi Odie

I use the pacifier to pat her to sleep by 10pm. But she will still make some noise for about 2 times in the nite. THen I will put the pacifier back to her mouth then she will sleep back.

Hi nur

Could you bb feeling uncomfortable in the stomach. Could be due to wind. You might want to try Jing Feng San to calm your bb down. I have been using Bo Ying Dan and Bak Po San from EYS. So far it works quite good for my bb after she scream everynite some time back.
nur, tomatoes could be right... ur baby cld be feeling uncomfortable in some way... one thing my mum always apply on my bb stomach is some kind of ointment (Ru Yi Oil), it somehow seems to expurge any wind in the stomach...
morning TGIF,

for mi...i will pat my boy n let him suck pacificer until he sleep,then put him down to the cot.

do u all think is safe to place my boy in infant care or currently searching for a nanny...but she babysitting a 11mths old bb nw?

i do wish to go see pd but i dun have a pd.. i mean i always go kk to see a pd and have jabs but dat one have to make appt. if not, i have to go to their walk in clinic which costs $75. too ex for me.. i wish got cheaper ones.. i noe poly very cheap but.. poly one like cannot trust la.. hehe..

tomatoes n plim,
wind? hmm dunno leh.. i do apply a type of malay oil in the morning.. maybe i try apply b4 she sleeps too lah.. btw tomatoes is a very cute nick.. mayb we can have cucumber, chillies, carrots.. hahaha

Hi nur... oh wow... how did you initially teach your baby to drift to sleep on her own? Actually you are not the only one. Alot of us here are muddling along too... that's why we are here to help one another. As for the PD... I think most PD charge about the same? You might want to consider getting a private one. At least there will be continuity when you see one specific PD. It may cost a bit more but I think babies really only need to see the PD on a frequent basis when they are under 1 year old. After that the visits should get fewer and not so heavy going for the pocket :p

Thank you for all the replies to my poll!! Looks like majority of the babies here still needs some form of help to get to sleep. Any idea at what age will they start to learn to fall asleep on their own?
