(2005/07) Any July 2005 new mums to be?

my hb was very against the idea of having a maid cos he doesn't like the idea of a stranger walking ard in the hse. but a maid is indeed a gd help cos she can help to look after the baby n take care of the hsehold chores. but after my gal was born, my hb saw the need 2 have a maid which he was strongly against initially. he soon became lazy thanks 2 our maid though. sometimes we don't like certain things but we hv to accept becos of circumstances. even though my maid n my mil take care of my gal, they r still abit lost at times. a maid is an extra pair of hands that help us in many ways. hope ur hb gets convinced...

hi mummies,

now i'm more convinced than ever to get a maid rather than let mil take care. thinking of ways to convince hb now. headache. these few days this has been weighing down on me....feel a huge load on my shoulder. i'm really praying for hb to soften on this matter lah.
i din knw tat indo n phil maid salary only $20 diff. tot was more. u think indo better or phil better? in a way i prefer indo cos no need to give off day bt i got prob if they dnt speak english. yet phil seem alil smarter, which is good n bad.....faster for them to learn things n not as kampong as indo (i feel lah), bt too smart oso got other prob.

u considering My Gym? i see fr website only for 10 months n above leh. ours can join? if it's the one at marine parade i dont mind going for a trial. at first din bother to consider cos tot they only have at woodlands....tats too out of the way.

heard abt aquaducks from some of my frens. said tat aquaducks very fun for babies. they have activites to let babies get accustom to water n have fun at the same time. it's abt $90 a month (4 lessons). the most conv place to go is at suntec. i only worried abt distance, quite far leh. n then go out to public pool v hard to bathe tabitha. if go my parent's condo easier.......jus run upstairs to bathe her.

MyGym have classes for bb frm 3mths to 1 yr.I brought enzo for the trial lesson 2 wks ago at marine parade branch.And i kinda like the place.Mayb u can call up n try.
Hi babykhoo and drama

I also think that it is very inconvenient to bring bb out to public pool to swim. Normally I i will bring my bb to Safra Mt faber and rush home to bathe her after that. hehe.

Re: Maid
I may be wrong in my pricing as I see some agencies asking for $320 for a new filipino maid. It if difficult to advise which one is better. Best if you can interview them face to face. Mine was transferred case so I can get to see my maid in person. I even brought her home during the interview to show her my house and family and her to duties to see if she is ok. I dun want any regrets from her later.
hi ladies,
can I check with you all how much milk your bb is consuming? I just came back from pd and was informed that the bb still requires 150ml per kg of weight. I thought bb our age need not adhere to this formula anymore? stressed... cos it's quite difficult to convince my gal to drink milk.
hi tuffy

My boy usually takes abt 200-220ml every 4 to 4 1/2 hr.But my cousin son who is 9mths now take abt 120-150ml.Think not all baby take the same amount.Wat the pd said is just a guide line
Hi Tuffy

My Nat drink abt 150ml every 3 hrs...but even when the time is up.she wont cry for milk one.....she prefer solid food.....
Hi, tuffy!

My hh is offered 150ml of FM every 3 hrs, but he seldom finish it.

How much is JW taking now?

I'm surprised that our babies still need to drink 150ml per kg of weight. In that case, wouldn't sheris's jj need to drink >1.5 liter of milk everyday as he's >10kg?
Hi babykhoo,

Just called MyGym, they have class on Sat at 11am. Would want to try it out? They've got classes for babies from 4 months onwards. =)
hi bleuz,

hmmmmm......sounds tempting. u starting this sat?? only problem is will clash with tabitha's lunch time leh. she usually eats around 1130am or 12pm.

re: milk
tabitha oso drinks max 150ml three times a day. she no longer takes her feed 4 hourly. she'd take one in the morning after breakfast ard 830-9am and another time around 2pm after her lunch. then third feed ard 730pm before she sleep. Nowadaz she drink milk to sleep only. sometimes before finish 150ml already fall asleep. i oso very headache. asked PD but he said it's ok cos his own son drink 120ml until more than 1 yr old. he said since she prefer solids can give her yogurt and cheese to substitute for milk. so i've been giving tabitha yogurt or cheese for breakfast everyday since she was 7 mths old. bt generally tabitha eat very little compared to other bb her age. she like got v small stomach or appetite. i jus give her lost of fruits or biscuits in between meals.

re: maid
my hb has finally agreed to take on a maid. i'm so thankful this is finally resolved. he still v stress thinking abt the additional expenses bt i guess it's no choice lah.

re: child care leave / urgent leave
jus wondering for those FTWM around, do u face problems at work taking child care leave or urgent leave to take care of bb, esp those teachers around? me teacher and i feel v sian with my school cos they like blacklist teachers who have to take leave to take care of bb. since beginnig of this yr i've taken 3 daz child care leave and 2 daz urgent leave to take care of tabitha. tat time had to take child care on 2 seperate occasions, once cos tabitha got v sick with flu and another time cos she got flu n teething at the same time so she v uncomfortable and difficult. then me take 2 daz urgent leave for tomorrow and friday cos my mum has to attend a convention (she now actually work from home) for her work so no one to take care tabitha. all these r valid reasons right??? the stupid management in school act as if i enjoy having my bb get sick or have no one to take care of her.....as if when i take leave to take care of bb i going out shopping and enjoying myself. aiyoh......like tat v low morale wan leh. siaz lah.
Hi Babykhoo

Great to know that your maid issue has been solved

Re: Childcare leave
I think your school should be more understanding than this instead of having a blacklist. All these happening are really beyong our control mah..
hi babykhoo, so glad for you to have resolved ur maid issue... for me, i am also starting to think when do we need to get a maid... as of now, my mother (who is taking care of my daughter when i'm working, and also on some weekday nights) can still cope...

i was really shocked when i read your problems regarding taking childcare leave. As a school, i tot they would be more understanding in such matters rather than behaving in this way? Does this warrant a complain to MOE or something like that? But of course taking urgent leave like that can be disruptive to school and school kids, but who wans to take urgent leave /childcare leave if it's not urgent or necessary?... really cannot understand why your school like that...
hi love and sp,
her schedule is roughly like this

630 to 830 - drink between 5 to 7 oz over 2 occasions
1130 - 4 oz
1200 - porridge
1430 - 6 oz
1730 - 4 oz
1800 - porridge
2030 - 4 oz

that's what I give her but she doesn't always finish.
sigh......wat to do!!! my school like tat....yeah lor who really wans to take this kind of leave....when take this kind of leave means bb not well mah. like tomatoes say...its beyond our control lah. who ask us have to see pple face to earn money for bb. if they really penalise me for this kind of thing then i will complain to MOE or to minister....v unfair mah...government say wan us to produce more bt if management so not understanding then who'd wan to produce more.

tabitha has 1 something like tat. pass down fr my fren. unless bb can walk steadily already i tink no need to buy yet. cos we took it out last weekend cos tot since tabi can "cruise" alitttle when holding onto furniture she'd wan to try this. bt after we take out she jus sit in front of it to play with the things in front instead of holding on to cruise. so think maybe later on then more useful.
Hi babykhoo....

har ur school not supportive?? My school still ok ler....some of my colleagues also took time off to bring child to see doctor.....but they ok ler....even some took UPA to look after children.....

I think really depends on the school lor....
hi mummies,

Would like to find out from all of you in terms of toys for babies. My baby has various kinds of toys but the toys doesn't really last her attention (except for one toy from LeapFrog, that is shaped like a worm and plays music and has numbers 1-5 on it)... Just wondering what kind of toys all of you mummies out there get for your kids? What toys do you think are good for them at this age?
Thanks ah
Hi plim

Actually no matter what I bought for my bb as toys, she still prefer simple things like a piece of paper or a small box. hahaha

Her interest for a certain toy is also very short. Everytime I see her play for sometime only, then she will throw the toys aside.

So I gave up on buying expensive toys for her. The most ex toy that I splurge on her is Jumperoo which I think she likes it very much even after about 2 months...
hi tomatoes,

you are quite right in that... my bb also prefers simple things like brochures/phamplets, keys, handphones, tv remote controllers!
Toys that are meant for her can only catch her attention for a short time-span. The others, she can spend her time looking over and over it... hahaha..

What is Jumperoo? what does it do? How is it good for bb?
zen I have something like that too. It was a gift from my big boss. Took it out 2 weeks cause my boy can cruise fairly well. But like babykhoo's baby... he refuse to even hold and stand... just sit down and play the stuff infront.

Babykhoo... that's not very nice of the management. I thought that govt sector are usually more tolerant than private sector. Me in pte sector but work with expats... find that usually the american mncs are more flexible.

plim... for us we don't introduce all the toys at one time. Maybe one or two for this week. Next week we will bring out another two and keep the ones for last week. Keep recycling and the baby will think it is new. But true loh... the babies always want the adults' stuff. I gave one book to my boy the other day and I was doing my own reading. He kept wanting to take my book. When I put mine away and was reading his book "intensely"... he took it from me... *pengz*
Haha, Odie, yr Matty so funny, wanna grab whichever book u r reading!

Re: toys
Same with my hh lah, his toys he won't play for very long. He prefers toys that move (like ball) or got a bit of noise. In fact, he loves playing with magazines/ newspaper/ tissues as they can change shape & he can put into his mouth to eat. Nowadays really got to watch him closely.

Yr school's management sounds horrid, work teachers like slaves some more got blacklist.

Yr gal & my hh gets offered abt the same qty of milk per day. Well, if they don't want to drink more, we offer more also end up throw away only. How much porridge can she eat ah? My MIL will try to feed finish 1 very full bowl of porridge, I wonder if it's too much for hh.
the porridge is about 2/3 rice bowl. I usually cook the other ingredients separately from the porridge. She doesn't always finish. I have a bad feeling she is bored with porridge. have to think of other stuff to feed her with. I am thinking whether to feed her solids first before taking milk but the last time I tried that, she ended up taking v little milk. hai... trying v hard to hit 20oz a day.

does hh have trouble finishing? guess if he doesn't complain, then should be ok yah?

my pd says can give her bread, maybe will try that soon.
it sucks when your employer is not supportive. hai.. but guess we just have to make the best out of the situation.

re income tax,
have you ladies filed it yet? must remember to claim all the new child relief yah?
saw the tax rebate for second child - v attractive indeed. hee hee.
tuffy, my mother who feeds my daughter porridge says that she normally try and see if she's full by touching her stomach... if it's round and big may mean that she had enough... my mother said that bb don't know full or not one, so if they like something, may just keep eating :p dunno how true... but sometimes, she will express that she had enough by sticking out her tongue, or else make it look like she wants to vomit... hehehe...

re income tax, no wor, keep forgetting about it... got the thing but left it aside... must remind myself again... when's the due date ah? ooops, is it 15 apr? oh no, if so, then not much time left to procrastinate :p
wah love & odie,

u guz so good got flexi management. maybe i shld think abt switching school. anywaz got alot of teachers in my school jump ship liao, since beginning of this yr got at least 10 teachers jump ship liao...some so disillusion tat they change industry entirely....go pte sector. huh...sigh!! maybe i shouldn't hve jump fr pte sector to teaching last time. oh well....as u say make the best of the situation for now.

re: feeding
wah i read abt all ur bb feeding pattern like v good leh. my tabi very headache. every feeding time is a battle...after feed the kitchen wld look like a battle ground n look as if i'd lost the battle. tabi still not taking to porridge or potato n meat n fish....still wans her cereal. so now i hve to mix the porridge n stuff into her cereal, like that then she'd eat. bt these few days her appetite very very bad. never finish her cereal, oni take abt 2-3 tbsp...before cn take 5 tbsp. milk oso still the same...nothing more than 150ml, these few daz even got 100-120ml only. i observing her to see if her other teeth coming out tats y lost appetite. bt wonder whether got other reasons for sudden drop in food intake. any ideas mummies???

oh dear, i din even knw income tax due so soon. alwaz leave it to hb to file. mus go remind him abt child relief.
hi tuffy, since you have already filed ur income tax, do you know under the "Child Relief" section, can both my husband and myself claim for the child relief? or it's only 1 parent allowed to claim for the child?
:D 1st time doing, so not very sure... :p
plim, I haven't filed mine yet.
there are different types of child relief. I think the one applicable to you (assuming you are working) is the Qualifying child relief and the working mother child relief. For the first, you and your hb can decide who is to claim and can even apportion between you two. But for the 2nd, only you can claim.
tuffy, thanks... so it means that for the 1st kid, we should decide who to claim for the child relief... but i'm not so sure abt the apportion part though... do you know where can we check up on this? Their explanation on the child relief doesn't cover all these explanation leh

Sigh, hv been so used to file in the simple method for so many years until now... :p
Me not the one doing the BP for leappad, hehe.

tuffy, plim,
My hh's porridge maybe 60% go into him lah, the rest will be ON him & everywhere, hahaha. Well, he does complain towards the end, guess he's full already.

re: child relief
Yep, very exciting hor, now we can claim this!

Want to share my latest fav pic of hh, taken on 19/3 after we came home from evening outing...

Oh, those blue FM scoops yummy? I hope not, kekeke.

I want to give him more finger foods, any ideas? So far he can makan bread only. Last time I tried giving him soft cooked carrot sticks but he would choke a bit. He hasn't got the pincer grasp yet, so he can't pick up small food like peas.
hello mommies..
can i join in here? MIA for a while prev cos din managed to follow the thread until recently..more time at work..hee..my boi is 8mth+ now abt the same as bluez..

can i ask oso wat kinda finger food is suitable? i bot some teethin biscuit but still nvr give him yet cos he bo gek (toothless..hee) must wait till he has teeth then can give finger food rite?

hi babykhoo, i did hear fr my fren who's a teacher too dat her prev sch (when she preggie) oso blacklist staff who takes such leave (for childcare or maternity). she veri frus, but she managed to get transferred out (went thro tough process), now her new sch much better lei..mebe u can try to get a transfer out? after dat write to MOE to complain them..haha..saw u gave yr gal gal yoghurt n cheese? wat brand do u buy?

hi sp, hh is so adorable!! look a bit like popeye liao! so cute..
re: finger food
i give tabitha lots of fruits, teething biscuits and little star biscuits for finger food in the afternoon. of cos not all at a time lah...hehehe. been teaching her how to use the pincer grasp, finally now she knw how to pick up food on her own to eat. last time put in plastic bowl for her she grab with her fist then put her whole fist inside her mouth n try to eat....so funny.

i give her petit miam yogurt and the cow brand (think its called laughing cow???) for cheese.

hei anyone knows wat brand or kind of pasta to give bb? i wan to give her pasta and chedder cheese already....trying new diet for her....maybe she more angmo than chinese in terms of her diet...hehehehe
sp... of course the FM scoops are not yummy to me... but it sure looks like your hh is enjoying them :p

re finger food
i've been giving my girl mostly biscuits, teething biscuits, star biscuits, baby biscuits... sometimes i give her little pieces of fruits and she would gum it... and after some time, u will find it on the floor ... hahaha... probably she 'zap' up all the juice then throw out the remaining... hehehe...
my girl doesn't have the pincer grasp yet too... been trying to show her but still, she uses her whole fist to hold the thing and put her whole fist in her mouth to eat... same as babykhoo's... very funny...

hvn't tried giving her vegetables as finger food, but i wouldn't give her peas though, i think peas are small and round, might be a choking hazard...

timie, i gave the same kind of yogurt and cheese (ya, it's called laughing cow) as babykhoo... cos for yogurt, this seems to be the one meant sepcially for babies... the others seem to hv quite high sugar level...

also wan to try out new things for bb leh... think next thing i wld prob try tml is to give her bread with cheese... but i must remember to buy bread first :p
hi babykhoo, plim,
oh so petit miam is safe? the very small cup kind that comes in 6 in one pack rite? i bot, but some flavors got strawberries lei which is not suitable for bbs rite? the milk is safe hor? cos some ppl say cannot give cow's milk..
end up me n my hb ate them up..hee..mebe we try again plus the cheese as well..

oh i hvnt gave my boy anythg to chomp on..hmm..even the fruits i always puree them..kiasi lor..he got bad habit of coughing like he kana choked but i suspect he's fakin it esp when we give him water
then my mil will always frown n qn me on wat i gave him...haiz..
been MIA for quite some time. alot of things happen.

anyway, bb can eat bread is it? those bonjour enriched plain white bread can is it?
as for gerber puffs, can eat the strawberry apple or not? cos i noe dat strawberry is acidic n bb cannot eat before 1yr, so anyone here giving their bb the gerber strawberry one?

wah i see that u mummies here giving their babies alot of food. my poor bb doesnt have alot of varieties. may i noe how to noe if bb is allergic to a certain food? diarrhoea n rashes is it? diarrhoea is passing motion like how many times? rashes means one big patch of redness or if just dots like a red pen dot here and there, is it considered rashes? sori if this qns sounds silly to u mummies.. pls bear with me..

thanks for the sample of yr baby's feeding schedule. mayb i will try to do something like yours, means drink milk then eat porridge or cereal. cos i didnt noe its ok to feed solid after milk cos was afraid might be too full for baby's stomach. but actually just now at ard 3, i did try and she can finish 240ml milk and some cereal. i was shocked cos usually i will just give milk and thats it. but dunnola whether she really hungry cos its been 6hrs since her last milk or mayb that should b the way.

u dun have to worry abt yr bb's feeding. i tink shes ok. its just a phase that shes going thru. shes more interested n curious to learn things like walking, etc.. so something like she wants to lose weight.. well, im not in any position to advise u actually cos im the worse mummy ard here..
but as long as yr bb is still active like always, then u dun have to b worried. unless, she starts to bcum weak then u have to start to worry.
trust me babykhoo, my bb is a poorer feeder than yrs, but dunno whether my bb is not a big eater or its this silly mummy who never feed her well.
but rather, this silly mummy got her admitted to kk twice bcos of poor feeding. silly me...

i always tell myself that my baby would have been better off if i had put her with a babysitter rather than me. bcos of me, she has alot of problems.

i introduced a gd babysitter to my sis in law wen her bb was 2mths old. her bb has no problem in developing n started to roll, crawl, sit and even drink from a straw. now the bb is 15mths, healthy n active. i sometimes regret introducing the bbsitter to her, i should have put my bb wif the bbsitter then maybe my bb would be like her bb..

sori for this long story.. just feeling very stressful n demoralised..
hi plim,
you can go to the iras website to find out more. don't go to the "i" button while you are filing the form cos by the time you finish reading, your session is timed out. Can go to the general information section for salaried employee to find out more details. There are many different types of tables in the website which summarises the reliefs. Good luck!

hh looks so endearing!
it's is quite amazing to watch our little ones grow up, isn't it?

I had trouble feeding my gal at the beginning too. Tried demand feeding - didn't work cos she doesn't demand for food. So ended up with scheduled feeding. I more or less followed the guide found in this book by gina ford. At first I also thought the bb cannot eat solids after milk but to my surprise, she could. But one word of caution though, based on the book, I shouldn't be giving her milk before her feed anymore. What is recommended is milk feed, breakfast (after an hour or two), lunch, milk feed (after and hour or two), dinner and milk feed (again with a break after solids). I continued giving her milk cos I realised she drinks way too little if I do it ther other way round. See how lah - maybe in a few weeks' time, will change it around cos bbs our kids' age should not be relying predominantly on milk for nutrition.
Hi, so sorry MIA a few days. Busy busy....

Re: Finger food
u can try Carrot sticks & steam sweet potato (cut it in French Fries style). Remember to steam them so that it's soft for ur babies to chew on. Agreed with babykhoo that it's good to give more vege & fruits as they are healthier.

anyone tried giving watermelon and papaya? Gave that to Bernice and in the end, we've a red & orange romper instead of yellow. So funny and sometimes I feel yucky. But, i's always very fun to watch them explore on the new ood that we intro to them.

don't worry abt Tabi not eating coz Bernice is also not eating well recently. For Bernice, it's teething. What is worse is Bernice will blow everything out when she doesn't want to eat. So, I'll take it as an indication that she doesn't want it and end the meal. At the same time, just make sure the feeding timing is not when she's tired and exhausted. Usually they will not want to eat for that.

don't be sad on that. always remember that ALL babies are unique and has ifferent characters. Some develop slowly initially but they will suddenly speed up without you knowing. I have that in some children personally.

Re: Pasta
Use the ALFABETO (ARRIGHI Brand). Cok them real soft and you can use a tiny bit of Pamasan Cheese. Not too much coz there's sodium content in the Pamasan Cheese.In addition, you can add the vege & cooked meat (chopped into vey tiny or blend) The combi is very yummy.

Bernice's diet is on the Ang Moh style and can see she's enjoying it when her mood is right.
Hi nur

I have been giving the strawberry & apples puff to my boy since he is 4 months. In fact he completed 1 bottle every month. I tried the banana and sweet potatoes favours but still think the strawberry & apples taste the best ...

my bb also the same like yrs, she doesn't demand for food. btw i dun quite get u. so u mean we suppose to give milk an hr or two after solid? if give straightaway after her solid can or not?
so wat should the schedule be like for solid n milk?

anyone wif babies who can drink alot of plain water? how many ml of plain water can they drink a day? its important for them to drink plain water right?


thanks for the comforting words. actually im ok wif her development, just feel abit low cos afraid its bcos of me dats y she's slow compared to others..


oh so its ok to give the strawberry n apples puff huh.. thanks so much for info.. i will continue to feed her wif it then.. btw wen do u usually feed yr bb wif it? after milk or after solid or at anytime? hehe...


Actually, the book recommend solids straight after milk for 6 to 7 month babies, I think. For bbs our age, they can drop the milk feed and replace it with solids. but it is really up to you and you have to see what suits your bb. For me, I find that if I feed solids straight after milk, she seemed too full. At the same time, if I don't feed milk and just give solids, she ends up drinking too little milk. So I just compromise loh - feed milk first but take an hour to 1.5 hour break before solids. I will try to cut back a little on the milk feed before solids (ie instead of giving full 6 oz, just give 4oz or so). Maybe next month, I will introduce more solids and cut down on the milk intake further. I think it's good that bb drinks water. just make sure bb doesn't drink too much and lose appetite for other food and milk. For me, I try to give about 20oz of milk and in between just feed water. Am not sure exactly how much she takes a day though.

If you are prepared to replace the milk feed, you can do this:

630 to 700 - milk feed (full milk feed)
breakfast (if you want)
1130 - lunch solids
1430 - full milk feed
1800 - dinner solids
1900 - full milk feed.
