(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

i got the same concerns as you. Last nite my mum was telling me i should let bb have FM when my mil takes over to look after her when i go bk to wk since BM will be troublesome. My mum say FM can let bb sleep longer so my mil got more time to do other stuff.

On the other hand i want to try to BF for as long as possible ley. very headahce. Actually i think both takes abt the same time. FM sitll need to mix hot and cold water then scoop powder. BM just need to put in warm water esp when it's been put into bottles already. see how lor, also must c if my ss is gd enuf for me to keep gg on BF.

ya i also read better don't use the milk. but so wasteful to pump out than throw ...
agree, if wash and sterilised properly should be ok to use... just close one eye and don't think so much abt it ? :p

tt's true also, PIS is so much more ex !

hee hee can understand, i also nvr massage nowadays before pumping or BF, very lazy. and sometimes bb cry n cry, then quickly put to breast liow. no time to massage :p
i'm using pigeon manual, bought during early pregnancy, because didn't have confidence about bf so thinking of not to waste the money on electric one which is now i'm regretting because bb's slowly adapting to bottle feed, thanks to mil & hubby and slowly getting confused over my breast & the bottle nipple. So, hopefully, will get a electric one (be it dual or not) so that it is not so tiring trying to pump it out.

me too don't dare to drink chicken essence & dom (& those black coloured ginger-vinegar thingy) too despite endless nagging from mil. For now, my excuse is to wait for bb's jaundice to totally clear up... dunno about few days later when doctor confirm she's alright.

hiccups: heard that bb's not feeling uncomfortable when having hiccups. (in fact, there's a time, i was making fun of bb when she's having hiccups and she actually smile/laugh with me) anyway, usually i will try to latch her on or feed her with water or stroke her back to ease off the hiccups.

qi dai: hmm.. for now, it had been sapled with the baby's health book by the nurse. haven't do anything about it yet.

i agree with you about the milo... nowadays, i stopped drinking milo because i have nose bleed one night, and my supply of EBM cut short by half! (from 2 oz to 1 oz, which my hubby says bb's not having enuff at night)

congrats! finally your bundle of joy had arrived!

crying for diaper change & bath
my bb cried at first for all those 'events' too, but nowadays, she just cry for diaper change & food and smiles for cool bath!
There's also Kyo, bengawan solo, prima deli and sweet secrets. Check out their websites and see their pricing n what they have.

I got mine from sweet secrets.

Congrats on the arrival of yr cute little boy!

Me also using Medela PIS..bought it after recommedations from a collegue & agree its very good (but ex lor), quiet & fast in expressing...another thing i find my milk ss had increased w constant pumping as well...so keep up w the pumping...

When my girl abt few wks old also scream very loudly everytime we change her diaper, really cry until v loud so scare our neighbours tot we ill-treating her
Dun worry now she 6wks alrdy & getting better no longer cry so loudly...

Shane/ Forgetmenot
I wld also highly recom the PIS but its really ex lah...seems the review on Ameda pump also quite good most prob i wld hve bot the Ameda pump if i hve heard of it during tat time i wanted to buy....after the heavy investment in PIS hve to really perserve on BF for as long as i can...

BB rashes:
My girl's rashes had totally subside...PD medicine really v effective...i highly recommend the Baby SebaMed Bubble Bath & Baby lotion think its quite effective...

I also only sterilise once a day..will run thru hot water b4 use...will be too troublesome if need to sterilise everytime after use...

if BM is not enough u can always supplement w FM..but still good to at least give bb some BM if possible...agree after going back to work will be abit more "ma fun" still hve to find time & room to express during office hrs ...luckily hve a collegue also expressing so can do together w her..
Congrats..your boy looks good. He's looks pretty big for a newborn from the pic. But his weight is quite light judging that he is 10 days overdue. My boy is 5 days overdue and was 4 kg. Really had a hard time then so I can imagine u going thru the same. Do catch some rest while you can...

hmm, seeing that we have completed the EDD chart... like some big achievement hor! Also time really flies right? Most of us are already doing the man yue soon. My boy's man yue will be this fri, just ordered cake from Sweet secrets too and buffet from Neogarden. Hope that the food is nice.

Shane, maybe you would like to check that your bb is gaining weight. I dun think you dun have milk to ss her..it's also not a case of low ss lah..I guess a good way to judge is the weight gain, the amt of pee and poo. Also if your breast feels soft after a feed, your bb should have drank a significant amt.
I tink my case is very similar to yours...my pumping amt is not too good..(max 120ml a day). But my bb loves to latch on and suckle, sometimes he just sucks 1 breast. So far he is now 5.3 kg and pees and poos normally, so I am not too fussy about the milk ss. Too much also no good lah...

I discovered tat when I feed him using the bottle with 100 ml of EBM, he finishes up faster and can sleep better. It's makes me really tempted to go on bottle feed. But my pd advised me to avoid bottlefeed if possible so as to reduce the risk of contamination.

Those of you who bring EBM out to feed bb while gai gai... can we warm it up at home first and then put the bottle in the bottle carrier? Also how long can it last in the carrier?
ya my first month not a lot. i dont think total can pump more than 100ml also.

u can already feel the harshness medela has on the nipples? Don't wait already, start applying nipple cream. when i was using it, all the sides of the nipple crack, wear bra also painful. that few days i didn't even latch my girl.

i also got my cakes from sweet secrets too

i will wash and place in a plastic box then wait for next use. I dont wash again before use.

my girl also cry sometimes during bathing. esp when bath is over, she scream and cry loudly when wearing clothes. I realise she's hungry so nowadays i feed her half her feed, rest a while then grab her to bathe. after bathing, continue with rest of the feed.

i gave my girl around 30ml for 1st week. by around 4th week she drinks 60ml.

i think i start expressing 6 or 7 days after i deliver.

i think it's ok. I was using whitening ampoules during pregnancy.

medela mini pump:
the sound of the motor can be quite loud. if u are pumping and switching on tv, u cant hear the tv.

ameda pump/PIS:
heard from my col who has PIS said it's good because can bring outdoor with battery and storing EBM. Both have good feedbacks. I'm using ameda pump and it's serving me find. in fact i feel my supply increase maybe because of the pump. i don't intend to pump outside so ameda suits me fine. When i go out, i put battery into the mini medela i bought earlier and pump if necessary and place the ebm in a separate cooler bag.

if u can't take milo maybe horlicks? not so heaty like milo?
i tried it bringing warm EBM out in the avent cooler bag. less than half hour cold already. Then i tried with warm EBM in another cooler bag placed with a hot pack gel. this one can last longer, 1-1.5 hr. still i find it too short.
So, if i take chilled EBM from fridge, i'll place cooler bag with 2 ice packs and warm with hot water outside. This one can last up to 6 hours to keep the cool. If not, pump fresh EBM, (dont refrigerate at all) at room temperature. It can last for the next 6 hours. (so far i only try 4 hours max.) That's my adventure with going out with my girl with EBM hehe..Nowadyas go out got many barang barang liao..no more free and easy.
I hvn't seen and eaten the cakes yet. Only getting them this sunday. I didn't print my bb pic cos don't like the idea of her being 'eaten' up hee hee ... I just wrote a customise msg on the cake.

I got the mini cakes as well. Find them cute but abit pricey. Sweet secrets cakes are pricier than bengawan solo, melrose, kyo but on par with prima deli. tt's the infor i got from my 'research' hee hee...
yes time flies. i can still rem when i just got preggie and joined this thread. that time not so active chatting yet. then when close to EDD, more active liow. now everyone pop already. really very fast. But while we were waiting to pop, like it took ages hee hee... irony of life.

hey i also ordered sweet secrets cakes and neo garden buffet. mine is on sunday. hope everything turns out gd.

my bb is def gaining weight. Can feel the difference from carrying her. I also measured her length. She's grown
Her pee and poo also ok. So i feel it's my ss. Just now just happened again. I expressed 2x earlier on ( i tendem pumped). Then just now latch her on for feed. abt 30 mins on one side then she start fussing, then i switch side, after abt 20 mins also start fussing and cry out very loud. definitely a hungry cry, so got to sup her with FM. These few days with pumping, had to give her 1-2 more feeds of FM, if not she not enuf. sigh. Boils down to my supply i guess. And hor, most of the time my breasts quite soft. only time when it's firm (not even hard), it's in the morning. I do notice it gets softer after a feed. But normally already quite soft. So i guess not much milk in them ?

I'm trying to build up my reserves in the fridge - so far got 2 bottles, so precious, only give her at nite or in emergency.
Want to have some extra cos gg out on sunday, hope can bring the EBM out if not will hv to be FM liow.

agree, feeding EBM via bottle is faster and bb seems more satifised and will go to sleep faster. I'm also tempted but i'll con't to latch and pump as long as i'm at home. Got to keep the ss gg and latching is the best way.

to bring EBM out, i think LV's sugg is the best. put in cooler than warm up when u need it. to warm up the milk first then bring out, the temperature wouldn't last for long. actually quite a hassle to bring EBM out.
ya nips quite sore from latching and pumping intensively
I got apply cream but still like that. Lucky no crack yet. hope it doesn't happen. Now my nips very sensitive, touch abit only pain sigh ...
Hope it doesn't stays that way, if not don't know how to get initimate with hubby next time

hee hee...looks like quite a few of us got sweet secret cakes.

sigh, my gal at 3rd week already 90ml. just now sup her with FM, she still can drink 60ml and judging from wat i pump (abt 60ml) from both sides, means she can drink abt 120ml ?! She only 4 weeks now. Anyway will use 1 feed to test if her intake has increased. think i can nvr match her dd, her interval quite short somemore, abt 1.5hr.
I can't do tandem pumping. find myself going crazy with it. Do you try feeding her with water? That way maybe the interval can prolong for BM? When she wakes up within 3 hr interval, i suspect she's thirsty so i give her 10-20ml of plain water. If the interval is 2.5hr then I'll give her BM. But of coz if she poo, i'll give her half of her usual feed if she cries.

u try not to turn to maximum suction, see can ease the soreness or not. I can imagine the pain u are saying.

the sweet secrets cakes are quite nice, we order one box for ourselves too. I also did not put her picture on it. Don't want to let people 'eat' her up. just print cartoons with her name on it.

Your girl can really drink. Now my girl is drinking 90ml. (6 weeks +) She weighs 4.45kg at one month (4 weeks) so I won't force feed her. Initially i tot i underfed her but then after knowing BM got fats and oil then i just feed according to that amount she's comfortable. Once i fed her 100ml. She finished it and i was so happy. after that, she puked all out. I felt so guilty after that, not to mention wastage of BM.
yup we tried, sometimes she takes it, sometimes she doesn't and when she's hungry and cry for milk, she can really cry. cry till no sound kind, make me very heartpain. sigh.

so gd, ur gal can hv 3hr interval and sleep. mine after feeding, the eyes sometimes still big big, don't want to sleep. Then 1 hr later, cry for milk again.

so far i nvr try max suction, so scared. i did try to increase abit. once pain i go back to the min liow. most of the time i use minmum.

gd to hear the cakes are nice. their cartoons cute hor. did u get the disney ones ? I didn't, just go the normal ones. think disney ones need to top up some $.

I think 90ml just rite. My is a drinker. At hospital, the nurses already say she greedy
As long as bb is gaining weight, just give her wat she requires. Ya when my bb pukes out milk, i also feel my BM wasted.
Hi ladies,

I m back. Delivered my bb boy (3.11 kg)on 7 Jun 05. I wasn't able to log in during my confinement as I was at my MIL's place. Finally back home now...
my boy is five weeks old now....his appetite is rather big....he is now taking in about 120ml (combination of BM and formula milk...my BM quite limited and can't meet his demand) for each feed and each feed is on ave. about 3 hours apart.

I delivered my bb thru' induction. Gynae induced me at about 1030hrs and i only delivered at 2205hrs....my dilation was really slow....took epidural at about 3pm....and dilation started to speed up....gynae almost wanted to do a c-section on me...luckily i made it...
i don't take horlicks since young, don't like the smell. i guess the heatyness is not just milo, but also those red/black/blue dates tea my mil gave... recently she stopped making those tea because my mum have been supplying me.
however, when i'm outside for padae appt, will still take milo as meal replacement (as i'm forbidden to take outside/food court food for now).

really quite some time didn't hear from you. so how are you coping now as you are home with bb after one month?
<font color="ff0000">Congrats Babyjun!</font>
Nice to hear from you. Thot u mia liow. Ok here's the final final update.

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Popped on</TD><TD>Weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>08/05/2005</TD><TD>2.4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah</font></TD><TD>19/05/2005</TD><TD>1.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/05/2005</TD><TD>3.1kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>06/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Raphael</font></TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>04/06/2005</TD><TD>3.74kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>07/06/2005</TD><TD>3.11kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Josef</font></TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ashley</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.95kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rene3446</TD><TD>02/07/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Renel</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>17/06/2005</TD><TD>3.315kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Javan</font></TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Esher</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.93kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Nicole</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.7kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>3.015kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>08/07/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Aariz</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>2.31kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>06/07/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adriana</font></TD><TD>28/06/2005</TD><TD>2.95kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>25/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>29/06/2005</TD><TD>3.48kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Sherilyn</font></TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>3.55kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>02/07/2005</TD><TD>3kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ian</font></TD><TD>07/07/2005</TD><TD>3.25kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ras</TD><TD>07/06/2005</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
our bbs the same, big appetite. My bb just drank 150ml of FM just now and she's only 4 wks old. I was so scared she will puke it all out just now. But she didn't. This is the first time she drinking so much. Used to be 90ml but seems like not enuf for her. Really headache. Same here my BM ss is not enuf to meet her dd. she crys very soon after BF.

wow, lucky u managed to make it wo csection. I think epidural helps to speed up dilation cos it helps us to relax.

Do come in often and exchange info on parenting whenever you're free ya

Yup, the gynae said the same thing too - that epidural might help me relax and speed up the dilation. Gynae almost wanted to do c-section on me but decided to give me some more time to see if my dilation would speed up after the epidural. Luckily it did and i managed to have a natural delivery. Just saw my gynae last Sat and my wound has healed comnpletely....

Seems our situation quite similar hor...limited BM and bb has big appetite. Was giving him 90ml too but like your bb, seems like not enuff...so we up it to 120ml. Anyway, doc said to give them as much as they can take so i guess as long as they can finish it, no harm giving them more.


Now that i m back home and taking care of bb alone, it can be quite tiring...esp when bb doesn't want to sleep at night and keeps crying even after giving him milk. got to take care of bb and do housework...very siong..

btw, my bb's name is Cayden
RE: breastmilk vs formulated milk
For those who BM &amp; FM @ the same time, did u realise that BB tends to get hungry more easily even after feedng BM??? I giving my BB approx 40ML BM &amp; 30ML FM, he seems not satified and will cry for more. When he poo, it is semi-solid yellow stools. Is that okay?

RE: Latching &amp; bottle feed.
I tried latching my boy on yesterday and we have a big fight... he cries non-stop and refused even thou he is hungry. How did your BB willingly to latch on even thou' you bottle feed?
although i have not started on FM, i'm having a slight variation of the problem too. Last night itself, i simply have zero ss of BM because bb wants to feed every less than half an hour, and fighting on and off for 3 whole hours at night (*yawn*). i wonder is it something i ate that made the ss goes so low or just BM does not really make the bb feel full anymore; mil is questioning the ss almost every other day, sounds like as if she's going to start FM soon, it is setting me to suspect something to do with what she cooks for me @ some dinners.

yap, it is tiring to take care of bb and do housework at the same time. my bb is like a vampire, who likes to stay awake all night. everyone is telling me to rest (because i'm still having confinement), but i simply can't because there's no one doing housework already!
actually hor,for my mil,it will be easier to prepare formula..n plusmore,her fridge oso not much space to put BM..

last nite,think my ss dropped leh..cos bb aft sucking for awhile oni,then start to fuss liao..and refuse my breasts totally and this is the 1st time leh..n i feel so disheartening and sad....

then when we try to give him formula,he oni drinks abt 30ml..n the most he drinks is 80ml which is abt 3 plus in the morning..

so sian..sometimes oso dunno if my bb is drinking enough or not..

i think the stools is normal..i found tt my bb's stools oso like last nite..cos he drank more formula yesterday..
if u give him more BM than formula,ur bb's stools will be seedy and vv soft one..

tt's the prob with BF..my bb oso like tt..wans to drink almost every hr......vv tiring..tt's y i wan to give up BF..cos no time to rest..
then when my CL left,i will be alone to take care of him n do hsework..then where got time to pump n latch him on..

actually think most mils are like tt one....they are worried tt we dun hve enough supply n will starve their grandchildren..

even now,on n off when relatives come to visit n just happen tt i'm BF..they will ask how come i latch my bb so long..then if got supply,the bb will not take so long to drink..n keeps asking mi..could it be tt i dun hve any supply tt's y takes so long to feed..

though i noe tt they ask out of concern.but it can be stressful leh..

cant u get ur hubby to help u to do some hsework?
it is realli impt to rest well during confinement..i find tt during the 1st wk,cos i always used the shower head to wash my wound,my foot became swollen n has water retention..
though now my foot not swollen anymore..i can feel tt my legs feel abit pain liao..like feng shi..
hee hee both of us still up at that hr... bb just went to sleep then so thot log in for awhile. nowadays don't have time for anything...sigh...

ya my hubby and mil also say to give as much as bb can take. i worry tho' cos my is a gal ley and she only 1 mth old then can drink so much, i scared next time she can't lose her baby fats
But hubby keep saying, bb only nvm. anyway i'll con't giving her wat she can take then she can sleep. This week she has not been sleeping the whole afternoon till late nite. only sleep at nite. maybe cos i BF during the day so she's always hungry hence, can't sleep.

Baby Cayden...nice name !

BM is very easily digested hence bb get hungry faster. If ur bb cries for more, try to up ur BM or FM. Your bb's poo is normal.

For me, I latched bb rite from delivery day and only intro the bottle on the 4 or 5 day (can't rem) and when i intro the bottle, i'll always latch bb first then offer the bottle if she still cries. So far, she's ok with both - BF n bottle.

When u feed the bottle, try not to feed the bottle yourself. get someone else to feed. when u feed the bottle, bb can smell u and might lead to nipple confusion.

Latching takes time and patience to perfect so don't give up. my bb sometimes still fuss at my breast. But i just got to the rite moment to latch and we'll be quite fine.
might not be a ss problem. do your bb fall asleep at ur breast ? try to keep bb awake and actively suckling for at least 15-20 mins so that bb can have his fill. and i do notice that ss normally falls in the late evening or nite, guess cos of fatigue. Try to perserve on latching and BF bb to keep ss coming. But if you're really tired, giving FM to sup is no harm also. Rest is impt so that ss will come.

I have come to terms that i might not be able to TBF bb esp when her appetite is quite huge and my ss is not picking up but at least i'm still giving her BM, so that's gd for her as well. We should enjoy our bb and not just concentrate on BF till we lose the big picture. Babies grow up very fast, must treasure every moment we have with them.
if that's the case then u might want to put bb on FM when he's with mil. If u still 1 2 perserve on BF, u can give him BM when u bring him home or latch him direct. slowly consider lor, still got time.

sometimes bb cry for many reasons. maybe he was not hungry ? hence fuss at breast ? he could wanted something else. when my bb fuss, i'll carry her, check her diaper and try to burp her. sometimes they got wind in their tummy and they feel uncomfortable. there was once, i burped her and she quieten down. But of cos if i'm certain it's a hungry cry, then i'll feed her.

do not worry abt whether ur bb is hvg enuf or not. every bb is diff. bb at same age drinks diff amt also. so don't compare and start stressing yourself out. the best guage would be his no. of wet diapers. As long as he has abt 6-8 diaper changes per day, he's fine. Don't stress yourself out on this.
same lor, the moment i came bk home from the hospital, i starting doing lotsa of things already, unpacking, hsewk, etc. I feel that my confinement not like confinement. Only thing is i eat confinement food. I still do hsework and look after bb myself at nite. so tiring. i had my mum with me but she handles mostly the cooking and since she's not familiar with my hse, she doesn't really know wat to do. It was really tiring. Annoying thing is she always ask me to rest, should sleep when bb is sleeping but where got time to do that. Got to feed bb so often and it's almost impossible to sleep cos my bb sleep so little. sigh. anyway i'm glad my confinement gg to be over soon.

my water retention was there even after discharge. everyday i'll shower my wound ley but now healed already. u got use hot water ? sometimes i even take a super quick shower in the evening or nite (when i'm very bz and no time to take in evening) but i always use hot water. actually my confinement quite lax, i on fan also. my mum nags and say next time if i suffer, don't blame her

Btw, how much have u gals lost ? everyday i weight myself and i only lost 10kg but i put on 20kg ! i got 10kg more to go, very stress man ... well 1 added motivation to con't BF, it helps to lose weight !!!
I have abt 6kg to lose or so. I tried on my pre preggie clothes, managed to squeese in to the pants. But ended up looking like a Bah chang. The tops make me look so bosomy too. Tomorrow is bb's full month, stil figuring out what to wear without looking too fat. The best i can look is to wear the 1st tri clothes..so sad.

Wah shane, you are quite garang..doing so much housework and unpacking during confinement..pei fu. I really dun have that energy. Keeping up with the demands of the lil one is already quite something.

bb wants to feed every less than half an hour:
I experienced that on off too. I figured out perhaps bb just wanna suckle. You can actually differentiate that from milk drinking. When your bb suckles, he sucks lightly on your nipple, sometimes he will spit it out and suck it back in again, and you do not hear swallowing sounds. And usually, bb will appear to be very contented with eyes closed and slowing they drift off to sleep.
Whereas when bb is hungry and seriously wanna drink, when you put him near your bosom, he will furiously search for the breast and upon latching on will suck very furiously with swallowing sounds. When bb drinks, he will make a air tight latch and as he swallows you can observe the swallowing at the jaw and ear area.

So when you latch on your bb when you think he is demanding to drink, it may not be the case. He could just wanna suckle. So those mothers who think they have low ss, dun worry too much. Just observe weight gain and waste management.

Bring EBM out during outings:
wow, it looks really a hassle to bring a ice box out leh. hmm, let's say the outing is only 4 hrs, do u think it's safe to just put the bottle in your bag at room temperature? Am trying to cut down on logistics here.

what is tandem pumping?

I dunno whether if it's the right time to ask this...

Has anyone resumed your "night activities" with your hb after your delivery?
only 6kg ?! i'm so envious. sigh. i wonder when then i can lose my 10kg. darn !

i bo pian ley. got alot of things to do. wash clothes, sweep floor, unpack my bags. hard to rest. maybe i'm just a workaholic :p

ya my bb like to comfort suck, for awhile is ok. but she fussed when i dislatch her. sigh. hence, out came the pacifier, but she don't like it sometimes, wants the real thing.

re EBM,
i think if it's freshly expressed, can leave at room temp. check out this link (http://www.breastfeed-essentials.com/storagehandling.html) that LV has kindly shared with us. shows some new EBM storage guidelines. It's really quite troublesome to bring out EBM.

Tandem pumping is pumping on one side while ur bb nurses on the other.

re nite activities
I hvn't tho' looking forward
I think can only resume after gynae give the go ahead rite ? I think tt's 6 weeks after delivery. Any hv ur lochia cleared up ? Mine hvn't, so want to resume also cannot.

wow, ur full month tomorrow. so envious. mine is sunday. but i self declare end of confinement friday cos 1 2 go cut hair. my mum is ok with that but she wants to con't cooking confinement food for me till sunday ! she even say certain food in the buffet i cannot eat !!! sien. but i think i'll still eat :p confinement end liow mah, if not want to restrict diet till when ?!
my bb's stool is rather watery and a bit greenish...initially when he was only taking FM (cos BM no ss yet), it was quite dry but nowadays, with BM and FM, it has been really watery and sometimes, it even leaks out from his diapers!! nowadays, he only poos every other day...

talkin about weight loss, i have about another 8kg to go...still can't fit inot my pre-preg clothes...
i gained about 18 kg for my preg...lost 10, so still got 8 to go...
i oso dunno leh..we think tt my bb crys cos he is hungry..cos carry him for a while oni,then he will continue to cry...n his diaper is not full leh..

same leh..i oso encounter the same issue with u..my mil keeps asking to sleep,n drink DOM or eat food with liquor..but how to rest n eat liquor food when need to feed so often.

regarding weight loss, i already lost yo my pre-pregnancy weight..but cos i put on alot of weight aft wedding..so still need to lose weight to my pre-wedding weight.

nope..i did not order..cos aft consideration,i dun intend to BF for long..at the most for one mth oni..

i find tt when i put my bb to my breasts initially,he will suck furiously...but aft a short while,he will stop n doze off liao..must keep disturbing him..then he will continue to drink..
Hi Gals
My boy hasn't poo for 2days. Several times, I noticed that he wanted to poo coz his expression will change &amp; he will b v quiet when he wants to poo. In the end, still nvr leh. Is it tat he is not drinking enuf milk that's y nothing to poo?? What shld i do to make him poo?

Drinking FM will have solid stools while FM is watery type. Since u mix, bb stools shld be normal.

For my bb, he is ok with both latching n bottle. He simply grasp anything when he is hungry, he doesn't care as long as he gets the milk!

Wow, so fast ur confinement also over. So gd, u can eat the buffet food. That time, I had to eat confinement food still....today finally I can eat normal food liao...sick of all those ginger stuff! This weekend, must go gai gai, missed eating chicken rice n wanton mee &amp; CHILLI!

Good tat u had slim dwn to pre-preg wt...i still have 4kg to lose. My mum also ask me to dink DOM but BF cannot drink right?? I got 2 bot at home...how to finish!
no, the cakes no disney design. It's those baby cartoons. but also quite nice.

your baby really can drink. But it's ok because BM digest very fast so intervals are shorter especially if they poo poo.
Sometimes my girl also eyes big big after drinking, my hubby will try to hypnotise her using the 'sleeping chicken' trick..haha.. sometimes it works, sometimes it dont.

wow u are really taking good care of yourself. During confinement, i help myself to cold drinks occasionally when i'm outside for PD appt or buying bb stuff. Too hot, cannot tahan.

latching and bottlefeeding:
for me, i'm taking care of my girl alone. bottlefeed, FM feed, latching all must do myself. Initially when my girl comes to me she wants to be latched but i just guide her with the bottle. not only that, i introduce different teats at early stage using avent and nuk teats and now ameda also have one more and not forgetting pacifier (avent and nuk). I think my baby use to this blur mummy. Sometimes don't be too particular with everything, if not bb very easy 'spoilt'. Baby adaptability is very high.

i think can but the ebm must be freshly pumped n not refrigerated before.

as for nite activities, not for me yet. honestly now most important for us now is sleep. other things are really secondary.

with fm bb's poo is drier and also greenish because i heard fm got vege content. i'm on tbf, my girl's poo also yellow and watery. once i carry her like a prawn, the poo actually leak out from her back.
Shane, thanks for concern. My nipple is healing... And I'm so used to pumping now, not feeling too keen to latch bb on.
You girl drinking as much as mine! I think I've got to start supplementing too! How do u supplement? do u pour the FM into bottle w EBM?

I went to do my hair today! First time in a long time feeling beautiful! haha... hopefully the hair would distract pple from the figure! (or lack of!)

I'm not ordering any cakes. All the older folks (CL, Mum, MIL) said no need since I'm having a buffet. Just going to boil a whole tray of RED EGGS, and put as a dish next to buffet. Those interested can help themselves!

Got great idea of pple not invited to the buffet, yet need to be appreciated for baby's gifts. Going to buy box of roche for them each. Works out same price as cake, but more people eat and like!
Adora, I have 4 bottles of DOM! You think we can try selling it off online?

But I've been drinking it, little by little in cooked versions. With chicken soup, with fried pork, with steamed fish etc. My gynae said ok, if the liquor is cooked. The dishes taste really odd with the liquor in it... but it's the least I can do when I don't conform to wearing slippers around the house, keeping myself warm! I think CL thinks I'm most rebellious mum ever!!
DOM can be kept how long, anyway can drink to bu later on right? I mean when we stop BF. My mum use hard liquor (not DOM) to cook those dishes, not too bad leh.

Hah...abt e slippers...as I was not used to wearing it ard the house, always ended walking barefooted instead. Wear them only if I rembr...anyway gone were the days. I am a FREE person now...do what I like, eat what I crave for...hmm tonite must ask hubby to buy a tub of ice cream...yum yum...think I am gg to gain back all the KGs again!
Ooo..ice cream, cold drinks !!! cool bathes... everything that i'm dreaming off ... counting down... just a few more days ...

u only 8kg left ah...not too bad. sure can lose soon. i also can't fit into my pre preggie clothes yet. for full mth need to wear my maternity capris and some longer tops to cover my tummy

so far u back to pre preggie weight ?! *jealous* hee hee .....

i read can msg the anus area or move the legs in bicycle motions to encourage pooing. Can also use something to pump out. I read it from the other thread. some mummies facing the same problem.

ya finally my confinement ending soon. my mum say i can eat chicken, so i've been eating chicken, got eat chicken rice also. But other things don't have. I sneaked a few cups of plain water here and there but have not really drank cold, nice drinks for a long time ! oh yes...chilli... also hvn't eaten tat for so long liow !

4kg ez to lose compared to my 10kg !!!

same, i also took the cute bb design. wanted power puff gal actually but must pay extra

the 150ml was FM ! not BM. i don't hv so much to give her
I hv been expressing but at the same time sup with FM. Just now she drank 150ml again but vomited quite abit out. sigh.

I'm still working towards tbf but very diff ley. 1 whole day i can only express abt 160ml thereabt. how to keep up with demand ? nowadays i getting abit lazy to latch on for long periods as bb getting heavier and i feel tired. Been supplementing with FM more, feel guilty man. any tips on how i can achieve tbf with my pathetic storage ?

Wat's the 'sleeping chicken' trick ? sounds so cute.
gd to hear it's healing. my just got worse, from pumping i guess. I've been feeling lazy to latch bb on as well. latch on period getting shorter, then if she still cry, i sup with FM
bad mum hor, but i'll still try my best...

How's ur supply like ? can meet bb's dd ?

I seldom mix the EBM with FM tho' it's ok to. I normally latch her, if she still cry then i give FM. If i feed EBM then she still cry then i'll make extra FM for her. One disadvantage of mixing EBM and FM together is that u might waste ur EBM if bb didn't manage to finish up the feed. So better to feed EBM on its own first and if she needs more then u give FM.

wow, so fast u do hair already ! i'll be doing mine tomorrow ! hee hee ... wat did u do ? cut and colour ? i gg to drop the idea of rebonding since hair gg to drop in our 3rd-4th mth. But not sure want to colour or not due to the chemicals thingy. <font color="ff0000">gals</font> u all think it's safe to colour hair ?

Roche quite a nice idea also. I thot of giving the cake voucher for those who gave gifts but not invited for buffet.

re DOM
I also got 2 bottles, didn't take. don't know wat to do with them. Also quite alot of pple gave me chicken essence, think i got at least 10 boxes ! my mum say can open shop liow. worse thing is i don't like to drink it so don't know wat to do also. wonder can sell off ? or maybe just donate to homes.

re slippers
wow mckee, adora, u both very on ley. i think my confinement not so well done, everyday bathe, alternate day wash hair, on air con and fan and i can make the fan blow at me also. very hot lah, can't tahan.
Shane, it's not me that's on. it's the CL.

i even take naps topless--with just bra and shorts!

cake voucher:
decided against it cos I've got male colleagues who dont like cakes!!
yap. it is strange the ss suddenly cut off without warning. hope it won't happen tonight. i thot so too, mils is so worried over starving their grandchildren (even though she always boast that she made her child cry of starvation just because it is not 3 hours yet, which i didn't repeat the same thing)

hsework: well, the fact is hubby's too tired to do hsework. i agree on resting during confinement too, can feel the joints a bit 'pain' esp finger joints, but a bit tough to put down the washing (as no one else will do)

i agree on getting someone else to feed, bb tend to have nipple confusion.
yes, my bb always fall asleep at my breast, but once asleep, it is really difficult to wake bb up. had told hubby to prepare backup FM just in case, but, will still preserve. You are right, usually in the mornings, i have excess milk, that's why have to pump because can't wake up bb to feed and the breast keep dripping. when it comes to evening and nights, there's no time for breast to recover at all. probably because of fatigue.

yah loh, everybody keep telling me to rest, but with all those padae's appts, hosp's visits, relatives &amp; friends's visit (which i usually tried not to be bother by them)

yes, sometimes bb just suck lightly and even 'play' with nipple, like what you say spit it out and suck it back, but only esp so after seriously drinking for few minutes.

i agree with you about just putting bottle in bag @ room temperature. Before going out, will heat up one bottle of EBM, and leave it in bag until bb decides to drink. because it is not easy to find feeding places to bf outside.

nite activities: heh heh, both hb &amp; myself are so tired to resume such activities yet, and somemore, can't really confirm if i have totally recovered from the epistomy yet... and bb's only 2 weeks old.
wow, you still help yourself with cold drinks during confinement. i didn't dare to, because i can't escape from my hubby's hawk eyes! the coldest drink i ever have till now is plain water @ room temperature.
wow, not scared catch cold huh hee hee ...

taking abt bra, do u all bra at home ? since becoming a cow, my 'factory' also like cow's, bigger and saggy
i thot of wearing bra but with my sore nips and bb needing to nurse so often, it's just a bother. sigh. i wonder if i'll ever get my pre preggie figure back. I think it will be very illusive.

ya let's perserve together. me too, just trying my best, take 1 day at a time. hopefully i'll be able to hang on for as long as i can.
Hi ladies,
I am finally back after a few days of bedrest due to wound infection.. There was so much pus ozzing out from my wound last Sat.. Finally the wound has healed and i can walk ard liao! Phew..

Same here, I onli lost 10kg still got another 10kg to lose lei.. Now i am feelin better and my appetite is gettin better lei.. I am so worried that I will put on more wt instead of losing wt. I am still wearing the binder everyday. Havent start my massage due to my infection. Seems like I can onli start in the 4th week but isnt that a bit too late?? Anyway, we must JIA YOU to get back our pre-preggie figure!

I am wearing nursing bra at home lei.. Cant go braless cos my milk will leak at times.. If u are worried abt saggy breasts, then better wear bras with good support.

U can still managed to squeeze in ur pants.. How good! I tried wearing my t-shirts and it was all too tight! I look like a bah zhang! I dun even need to try on my pants cos it def wont fit at all! Hahaha... I am still wearing my maternity pants when i go for my checkups.

I realli envy u! So fast back to pre-preggie wt! I still have 10kgs to lose!

You're indeed the most rebellious mum... Hahahha... I think ur CL must have given hope on advising u the NOs liao.. I am wearing nightdress and socks everyday, looks so awful lei..

I also veri tempted to drink cold drinks like ribena, coke, etc.. Haiz.. I cant wait for my confinement to be over..
