(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Morning Mums, how r u all staying at home? I find myself getting lazy dun even wan online even pc besides me, Dunno y keke. Aiyo very fast bb w 1 mth and very fast gg work liao. Whats the length of the baby 2 consider tall har?

I think drinking chicken essence helps in increasing milk supply, if not, make the milk more nutritious for the bb. Dunno whether this is coincidental, but ever since i finished the pack of chicken essence, my milk supply seems to be lower lor... Anyway, for now, I try to replace the chicken essence wif drinking milk ... My mom gonna buy me more chicken essence later... The taste sucks, moreover, I just drink it straight from the bottle... but I always try to psycho myself, it's all for my bb...

I also feel that I haven't bonded wif my bb yet... Like everything that I have to do, from breastfeeding, changing his nappies, and bathing him is just a task that I have to do... I wonder when will I start having the bond...
did yr bb always hipcups? Hw 2 stop har?
my breast milk aso nt enuff for bb
may I kn when shd I buy pump I dunno if I hv enuff milk or not leh. Thanks hor hals
welcome! my bb have the same birthday as yours!
i have the same problems as yours too as in bb will latch on for half an hour or less and then fall asleep, but i have no problem pumping milk esp when having engorgement, so, when bb demand feed after half an hour, hubby can help warm up milk and feed her if i'm too tired. So, it seems that this is a common problem and we should not just give up.

sterilising: i use the traditinal boiling method. strip all parts of pump and put in boiling water for 5 min and take out.

dried blood: cord had dropped off last week (week 1), that's why i'm getting worried. anyway, padae said is slight infection, so he prescribed some lotion to apply on the navel.

EBM backup: heh, that depends on how free i am in the afternoon! sometimes when i have visitors, i really have no time to pump at all, and have to make my clothes wet with all those leaking! take it easy, having 1 bottle for nite feed is ok, i do tat as my minimal too.

wow, that's long! my bb's cord had dropped off during the stay in the hospital for jaundice. you better check with the padae because i afriad it is infection too.

loachia discharge: i have same experience as yours, thinking it is tapering off, but the next time i check, it is quite a long of red discharge, mil says it's ok because she gave me those black fungus soup to drink... to clear up the 'dirt' inside. (even my hubby drinks it and clearing up his stomach as well :p)

milk ss: Have you try eating fish or drinking papaya soup?

don't feel bad about your hb comments, it is just that you are preparing for motherhood. if really not in use, you can always re-sell it, since the packaging is unopened.

thanks, will probably monitor the blood discharge from bb's navel fromfor few more days... hopefully it is alright.

so, far i'm using pampers nb too! yah, there's one time bb have so much & watery poo that it leaked out and stained my matress as well.
but i too have pureen, but have not open packaging yet.

thot the bb bonus is auto-submitted after registering for birth? the ministry will sent another form or something when they process it (according to the lady who register bb's birth)
dun u feel engorge n hve lumps in ur breasts if u did not latch bb on at night?

last night,i did not latch my bb on for a couple of hrs..n i already hve lumps in my breasts liao..

my bb oso like tt..sometimes latched for 1 hr liao..then a short later,he will cry again....

then if make formula for him,he will oni drink abit..
any idea how to make my bb drinks more formula?i find tt he drinks vv little leh..at his age,he shd be drinking 90ml..but most of the times,he cant even finish 60ml......

RE:chicken essence,
i dun dare to drink leh..afraid tt i cant go to sleep aft drinking it.....cos i never drink it before..
n even DOM,i oso dun dare to drink,cos i'm afraid tt i will pass the alcohol to my bb....

so qiao...our bb has the same bdae..
btw,wat pump u using now? i'm thinking if i shd buy a gd dual electric pump..but afraid tt aft buying,i'm not able to pump out any milk too.then will be wasted liao..

n moreover,oso dunno how long i will continue BF..but no matter what,i will try to BF for at least one mth
hi erlisa & shane..
If u dun really like the taste of chicken essence... u can heat it up before drinking.. normally i fill my cup with hot boiled water, den i put the chicken essence in for abt 5 to 10 mins.. after that when u drink it, it will taste better... i dun drink straight frm the box...

hi dunoleh..
my baby also has hiccups... PD says it's okie to let her have a few drops of water... but normally the hiccups will go off after 5-10 mins...

my bb oso has hiccups vv often..sometimes see liao..so heartpain....keep wondering will he feel uncomfortable or not..

i find tt usu aft BF him,he will get hiccups..i oso dunno y.....
I've been latching baby on directly every 2-3hrs interval since her birth in the hospital. Manage to keep to the schedule for a week, and then started to get very tired. Being the sole meal-provider is tiring. Means very little rest for me as I have to be there for every feed, which is at least 1/2 hr or more. In the end, i feel kinda burnt out just after 1 week.

Now into the 2nd week, and I've been expressing the milk with the Avent manual pump. Can pump about 120ml-140ml from both breasts. At the moment, it's enuff to give her 2 feeds and extra to keep for storage. Not to mention she can finish her feed in 5 minutes...compared to 30 min for direct latch on. And i believe she's still getting the goodness of breast milk. Find that it relieves me from having to be there all the time...and i kinda enjoy pumping as it's at my own pace and timing.

Only thing is that i will endeavour to pump once every 3 hrs too (just like direct latching) so that supply can be maintained. This includes waking up twice at nite to pump as well. So far, supply has been kept up and hope to increase it further slowly.

Re: sterlizing pumps
Just checked with my friend who has been pumping for more than a year, dun need to sterilize the pump after every use. Just wash it with detergent( and if kia-su, rinse with hot water before use). Only need to sterlize once a day.
my supply increase qute a lot after one month (strangely i dont know y) The last time i told you i drink 2 milo a day and a glass of fresh milk. Now with tingkat that i order, i'll drink a soup everyday, sometimes they'll have soups with beans and that will increase my supply too after that.

My girl starts to have longer intervals after 5 weeks. yesterday I last feed her at 11.30pm then she wakes up at 3am, i'm too tired to get out of bed then i latch her. she fell asleep and me too. then she wakes up again at 7am again i latch her with the other breast. Then this morning i woke up finding myself so milky smelly because milk was dripped to my clothes when i lie down to feed her. yucks..
re the bb bonus - i have not receive anything from mcys. hmm strange.

strangely enuff, i don't have problems with engroment. my breasts feels vv heavy and tight in the morning but not as bad.

re confinement tonic food.
i heard many times that we must "pu" alot during confinement becos this is the only time that we can restore back our health. whatever tonic we eat after the confinement period is not going to help. i hate chicken essence and tang gui.. but force myself to eat these anyway.
LV, yr milk supply v good, can express so much at other times of the day. I can only manage to express that amount when breasts feel very full, abt once or twice a day (morning & evening).

Yes, men dun understand the problems/anxieties of bf we go through. Sometimes during bf, baby wails loudly. He's ever ready to suggest bottle feed and make me feel as if i bully baby.

Shane, looks like u're getting better at bf! u mayb satisfying most of baby's demand with latching on for an hr since when u make her FM, she only takes in 30ml. So if u had latched her on again for say 15mins mayb able to satisfy her demand fully.

Like u, I'm also trying my best. And sometimes pressurising myself too much for baby to latch on. Let's try for as long as we're on maternity leave. If it takes a toll on us, should learn to let go.

Dunno, get a manual or a single electric pump. They r not too expensive, so can invest a lil in things like that. I realise bf can b a lil costly, imagine have to buy pump, nursing bras n pads, nipple shields, bottles & milk bags for storage, nipple cream, nursing tops if wanna bf in public.

Forgetmenot, I also experience lumps in breasts esp after a sleep of 4-5hrs or if baby doesn't take in so much at that time. V uncomfortable. I've to use pump to express out milk at the same time massage the lumps away. I think they r clogged milk ducts. If u massage the lumps while pumping, can get jets of milk out. Then the lumps will b gone.

LV, I heard drinking soup with beans in it can help increase milk supply.
How long did u pump for each session? I pump for 1/2hr and can only get 60ml. Only in the morning then can get 100-150ml.

When I latch, bb can't seems to get enuf. Always cry when I put him dwm. He can suckle for 1hr plus...he is 6wks now dun think my ss can make it. Might have to stop BF when i goes back to wk nx mth.

Which tingkat did u order frm? I am looking for one tat cater for 1pax...most of them is for 2pax.

My boy also has longer interval during night time. His last fed 9pm & wakes up at 3am. After that back to normal, he will wake at 6am.
Adora, I also get abt 100-150ml only in the morning and on some evenings. During the day if pump if get abt 90ml v good already.

I also have the feeling my baby can't seem to get enough milk. The problem is i latch him for barely 15 mins he'll fall asleep. When i put him in his cot, he'll start crying for food again. This happened many times during a feeding session. So one session can last for 2-3hrs at times. Sigh.......

Aren't u lucky that yr boy sleeps more at night. At least u can have a restful night.
u getting a gd rest at home huh, tt y lazy to do anything liow. hee hee...

for pump u can get the avent manual or the medela single electric first. i would recommend the medela one cos electric one less straining on the hands. But so far heard the Ameda dual pump is the best tho'it's costly, it's cheaper than medela dual pump.

re hiccups
my bb get hiccups all the time as well, esp so after a feed. Feeding her abit more milk or water or latching her on will make the hiccups go away. hiccups do not affect bbs.
u can try to burp ur boy when he stop suckling the bottle. Give him the bottle again whether he burps or not. Just keep trying, unless he shows violent objection like cry out loudly. But of cos don't force, just try a few times, if he doesn't want then just leave it.

Had ur bb's jaundice gone away ? bb with jaundice are abit more sleepy. tt can explain y he sleeps more than he wants to eat.

we can't drink dom, yomeishu and eat jamu if we're breastfeeding. at least that's wat i learnt from the nurse at the hospital.

the bottle was chicken essence was warmed up. but it still tasted yucky. :p

but since erlisa say can boost ss, maybe i'll try ...
I noe my bb didn't get enuf milk from me..coz ytd evening I latched from 6-7pm, after that he still cries so I made him 100ml of FM (no time to heat EBM). He finish every single drop of the FM & still cries. Wonder for that 1hr of latching he can't even get 40ml meh?? (he is drinking 140ml)
suck until my nipple so pain still can't satisfy him *sigh*
hv u done ur bb's birth cert ? I think mcys will be notified once ur bb's birth cert is done and they'll send you the forms and booklets.

Better check with them if u have not rec'd the forms tho' ur bb's birth cert is done.

Ok then i'll keep hoping. Hopefully my ss will increase soon...

u all so gd ley, can pump out so much. I hv NEVER crossed the 100ml mark. the best was 70ml from 1 side and 90ml from both sides in 2 pumping sessions. sigh. looks like my ss really cannot make it.

actually BF wasn't so tough for me cos bb could latch on. What made it tough was my ss. Can't seem to satisfy bb in the beg. Then now, sorta can already but she wakes up after awhile crying so i'm not sure she still hungry or she wants to be carried. but there's one time we made FM for her and she doesn't want it. Then there's the expressing part so that i can go on TBF, again ss low. sigh, can't accumulate enuf. Looks like if after confinement 1 2 go out, need to prepare FM. Anyway it's ok lah, i hv come to terms that i might not be able to TBF but as long as I can feed her by latching on, I'll keep doing that lor. Yes, let's all try our best together. Best thing is to read that we r facing the same challenges, makes it more bearable and gives more hope.
shane: u are already quite good already, I managed to pump only 60 per side that time.

after warming up the chicken essence, u can add in some salt. I like it that way.
sad to say in this modern society where we women work, men still think it's women's job and duty to look after kid. I ask my hubby to bottlefeed my girl the other day, he fed halfway and said she don't want already. when i took over, she finished it!

I don't have a standard pumping time because i'm alone with my girl at home and needs to tend to her most of the time. So on average i pump around 4 times a day and once at night if i wake up to feed her bottle. but like yesterday when i latch her in the middle of night, then i dont pump.

you know the soup that yong tau foo has? It's cooked with soya bean. Very pro supply.

I can only afford 10 mins of pumping time each session (that's possible with the ameda pump i'm using). I always look at the clock and make sure i dont go beyond that even when the nipples still have milk coming out. That's because i'm afraid my girl will wake up and also got other housework to do. I'm a SAHM now = maid at home hehe. secondly, i had cracked nipples when using medela so i dont want to overwork my nipples.

for lunch i order 1 pax from chia chia catering. i think another caterer with 1 pax is house of catering. dinner i order 2 pax from tong chiang. So monday to fri, i seldom step of house. actually i dont mind, saves me the trouble to go out and buy. And i'm enjoying the food

i think your supply quite good already. I was having lesser in my first month i think.
same here..my boy oso like tt..whenever i latch him on,he will fall asleep..then try to wake him to feed on the other breast,most of the time unsuccessful..tt's y last nite,i wake up almost every hr to feed him..

i oso think ur supply quite gd liao leh..
just now i try to pump..think oni manage to get 20ml from both breasts..think cos i did not drink any soup n enough water,hence affecting my supply..

tell u hor,just now in the afternoon,so wasted..i pump out abt 60ml of BM but has to throw away cos i did not sterilised the bottle n the pump as i did not expect tt i still hve so much milk..so heartpain..

my bb still has abit of jaundice..but quite ok liao..

i can oni get rid of those lumps when i latch my boy on..was telling my hubby,my boy is the best pump......hehe....

RE: Soups to increase supply
heard tt drinking this will increase supply
1)black beans with chicken
2)soya beans with pork ribs
wanted to come in share my setback with you all then read all your encouraging words, felt encouraged but yet got mixed feelings.

Had a major setback just now and got so disappointed with BF again. Today i was happily doing tendem pumping till evening just now. Managed to accumulated abt 130ml from all the session so quite +ve abt things. then just now nurse my gal for her evening feed, as she was crying, i thot don't pump. so i direct latch her on one side for 1hr. After that i thot better switch sides to stimulate the other side, who knows she cry after i dislatch her then when i offer her the other side, she took it for just a few mins then rejected and cry and cry . i was so distressed, went to make FM and she settled down after that. Was thinking, my ss no enuf or almost nil for the other side. 1hr after 1 side still not enuf then fuss that the other as if no milk. sigh. Maybe i pump too much earlier on so no more milk ? But the last pump was 2 hrs before the feed. sigh.

Do you all think i should consult a lactation consultant ? But i don't have prob with latching ley, only ss which i don't think they can help/advise. Most likely will go thru with me the dd = ss theory again.
MH, LV, forgetmenot,
Maybe u all misinterpreted. My 90ml is from both side added together ley. not one side. but still feel encouraged by your words, will keep trying lor. but must admit everyday i think of giving up.

during ur first mth not so much meh ? but now u can pump out so much ley .... hopefully my ss will really get better...
y throw away ??!!! wasted. u got wash the bottle ? i think as long as got wash and bottle is clean, it's ok. no need to sterilise everything before use.

I only sterilise 1-2 times aday. Anything i want to use, i just run thru' with hot water then use liow.
same lor, my gal can suckle for ONE HOUR but yet still not enuf. But hor, maybe they not actively suckling. My gal will suckle for awhile then stop then sleep. then i'll wake her up then she con't suckling then stop then sleep. then i nudge her again and again to wake her up. so maybe tt y they take 1hr but still not enuf ? sigh i also don't, very confused.
Adora, mayb baby was sleeping and not actively suckling during that 1 hr. What did u or baby do during that 1 hr? At certain times of the day, I have to feed him several times in a span of 3 hrs! He'll be sleeping, or pooing then refuse to take anymore. When I put him back to cot, cries again for food. Drink abit, then regurgitate, then change diapers and clothing. Feed again. It'll go on until he sleeps and stops crying.

LV, thanks for sharing the article. Since the source is from La Leche League, should b q reliable. I read thru, seems to differ slightly from the articles I have. Think yours most reliable.

True huh, so i must drink more yong tau foo soup.

Forgetmenot, bf is v tiring huh. My shorter nipple is very sore from his hard suckling. So I use nipple shield. Sometimes it works well, many times he wails out loud when i offer him that. V disheartening!
Girls, one question. When baby is purely suckling, does milk come out from breast?

Just now, BB was crying, wanted to suckle, cos she create a BRUISE on CL's arm when suckling her arm!

So I gave her one breast. She happily suckle. But during which it was SUPER painful. When I removed it, my nipple was sore and red. And I saw a new WHITE spot on the tip of nipple. Ouch! It's not a dot this time, but a spot! Help! I think it's over-suckled??

So finally gave in and gave BB the PACIFIER... Sigh..my little barracuda is getting me very frustrated & giving me loads of pain! Now I'm so worried abt this breast!

I'm so tempted to blend all the chicken essence, yong tao fu soup, peanut soup, papaya soup together and drink tomo for quick result! sigh....
Tau baby, the massage lady's name is Tuti.

I called her a week before I was due. But I think you can call her way ahead as well.
Erlisa, drink chicken essence increase or decrease milk flow? I kena confused liao :D

Saintbaby, 4getmenot. thanks! I aso heartache when c bb hiccups nonstop

Once I saw my baby cry till tears non stop coz confinement lady 2 slow at 9, I c liao really heartache.

my bb qi dai drop off on the 9th day lok like dried longans haha

I didnt feed my baby at 9. Aso dunno wan buy pump r not. I give birth 2 weeks liao no engorgement leh, any idea y keke.
the bottle has been washed n put aside..i did not wash it when i use it..but now,if i wan to pump,i will sterilise it 1st..dun wan to waste my previous BM..

btw wat pump u using now??

yesterday evening,my CL gave my boy some formula..then a short while later he starts to cry..n oni stop crying when put him to my breasts..n he will suck till fall asleep..
in the middle of the nite same thing happen again..i made 100ml of formula for my boy to drink..but he oni drank 80ml,we tried to feed him the remaining 20ml but he rejected it..then a short while later,keeps crying..n oni stop crying when i latch him on..
n he can still suck n suck like still hungry..

i realli dunno if he is still hungry(but if he is hungry,he shd be able to finish all the formula mah) or oni wans to suck for comfort or worse..treat mi as a human pacifier..

anyone encounter this??
Dear all,
My BABY Ian has arrived on July 7, 2005 by induction - overdue by 10days.
Below is my BB photo when he is 5 days old.

9.30AM - Checkin
11.00AM - IV & Pitocin - 2cm dilating, 70% effacement.
12.00PM - Contractions starts to peak every 5-10mins apart, insert pain relief while waiting for anasethesia to come to administer Epdurial.
12.30PM - pain relief subsides, but Anasetheisa is involve in C-section in other ward, need to wait for half hr more, pain begain to peak every 3-5 mins and last at least 15secs.
1.00PM - Getting Epidural. Pain subsides after 5mins.
1.30PM - 7cm dilating, 100% effacement, BB +2 station.
2+PM - 10cm dilated. L&D nurse call my OB to come over.
3+PM - begain to push for every alternate contraction
4PM - OB came and see pushing didn't help, therefore recommended Vaccum.
4+ - with help of vaccum, Baby Ian is finally OUT!!! I encounter 3 tears because BB is abit big size for me. He weight approx 3.25KG.
7PM - Moved over to mother care unit.
check out 2 days later!

RE: Breastfeeding and formula supplement
I having problem latching my BB, my nipples gets sore and bleed everytime he suck, therefore I go ahead for EBM. EBM is really tiring to use manual, we finally go head to bot the Medela pump in style, and I highly recommend thou' it is expensive.

RE: Milk supply
How much milk did you ladies give to a week old baby? My BB been feeding for 40-50ML for every 3hrs. (Supplement with fomula because my supply cannot meet my BB's demand).

RE: hiccups
My BB also hiccups everyday. I was told hiccups is okay.

RE: Bathing and diaper changing
Did you BB crys everytime when comes to diaper changing and bathing?

I also give in giving my BB pacifier after he been crying alot. I was told too much crying is bad and will cause wind to get into BB's stomach.

ok, gonna go and pump my milk for next feeding again....
My bb aso always only latch on for abt 5-10 mins then I some time give him formula hee hee
I dun tin I can bf long lah. Imagine I missed chatting w u all but hor keke toooooooo tired.
What is hindmilk?
my mum aso said Mo4 Li4 Hua1 works but my bb so far ok. May I kn when w menses cm again har? Coz my seems 2 end on 13 days liao will cm again ah? Thanks

I bring my bb out for 4 hrs, he is OK so far. Tin he like shopping aso lah. Coz when shop nv ask for milk keke

Cookie, my confinement lady did tell me pampers w drip lor. She told me Dryers is good.

Sorry can check w u all when did u express yr milk at which day after u deliver? I hvnt express nw is the 14th day liao. Please advise. Thks!
did u keep bb's qi dai?was told to keep in a red packet..then next time bb will hve alot of money..

it will depends how long do u wan to BF..if u intend to BF for long,then it is gd to invest in a electric pump..
for mi,i'm in a dilemma..on one hand,i'm thinking of stopping BF aft one mth..but on the other hand,feel like BF for a longer period..but then my supply like not alot when i tried pumping out..
n plusmore,next time when i ret back to work,it will be troublesome for my mil to heat the BM for my bb..
so dunno if i wan to spend tt kind of money on a electric breast pump..

not everyone will get engorgement one..maybe u are one of those lucky ones..

how's ur supple?if ur supply can meet ur bb's demand..then u no need to worry abt engorgement..not a gd feeling to feel engorged leh..

congrats on ur arrival of ur bb..
Annus yr baby is so cute!

My baby been feeding 70ml on the 3rd day of birth. I do nt hv enuff milk for my bb 2 haha using formula as well.
4getmenot I got keep the qi dai. What I heard is keep bb w b braver not hv lots of $. So dunno which is true aiyo jus keep lor so small like longan only mah lucky hm dun hv dogs lah else tin dogs w eat keke.

I hv nt buy any pump still tinking, I nt enuff for my bb lah. I aso dunno wanna spend on electric pump or not. Later I gg buy Avent pump and try. I gg c gynae take off the bandage later.

I still feel pain leh any1 give birth via c same feeling???
Shane and Cookie I jus saw the threads u wrote. Think I try manual pump 1 lah. Aiyo buy electric and manual so expensive! 200+ liao leh. Medala can rent I tin. Hospital got give me a # 2 call but tin I try pump pump1 scally bo milk dun waste $
regarding the qi dai,was told to put some powder in it cos abit smelly mah..

i find tt avent pump not vv gd for mi leh..i need to pump for quite some time,n the hands will be tired leh....n oni managed to get 60ml from both breasts..hmm......was wondering isit the pump or isit tt i dun hve supply..

but i concluded,it could be the pump..cos i can feel tt my breasts not empitied totally aft pumping out leh..
hi all mummies,
I am from Oct thread.. just wanna check if anyone knows if its safe to use whitening skincare products during pregnancy? Cos i've been using all along and just suddenly wondered if its any harm to my baby.

Wah.. 70ML for 3rd day, that is alot. We don't dare to give so much, worry he might overdrink. Since you give him supplmenet of formulated milk, did u mix or just give him in separate feed or give him breastmilk first then forumlated milk?

I have manual Avent pump, the pump is good, but very very tiring especially the milk flow is slow, that's why I go head to buy the medal electric pump. Thou' expensive, but at least it save the time and I can control the pumping speed and suction, the only thing I don't like is their bottle.

RE: Jandice
My BB has abit of Jandice. My friend said due to ginger we eat during our confinment. How to help to get ride of it? I also taking papaya to help on my constipation, but heard it will worsen my BB's jandice, did any mom encounter that?
<font color="ff0000">Congrats Ann !!!</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Popped on</TD><TD>Weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>08/05/2005</TD><TD>2.4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah</font></TD><TD>19/05/2005</TD><TD>1.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/05/2005</TD><TD>3.1kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>06/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Raphael</font></TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>04/06/2005</TD><TD>3.74kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Josef</font></TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ashley</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.95kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rene3446</TD><TD>02/07/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Renel</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>17/06/2005</TD><TD>3.315kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Javan</font></TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Esher</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.93kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Nicole</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.7kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>3.015kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>08/07/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Aariz</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>2.31kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>06/07/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adriana</font></TD><TD>28/06/2005</TD><TD>2.95kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>25/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>29/06/2005</TD><TD>3.48kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Sherilyn</font></TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>3.55kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>02/07/2005</TD><TD>3kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ian</font></TD><TD>07/07/2005</TD><TD>3.25kg </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Ok gals, this will be the final update for the June thread. All of us have delivered ! Let's jia you jia you for motherhood and BF !
i commend you for your patience. Normally after 1hr, i get quite sien already. Will try to con't but if my bb is sleeping already then i'll dislatch but normally she ends up crying after that. sigh.

What is La Leche League? So can follow their guidelines ? I was very happy to read that BM can put in fridge for 8 days before freezing !

It depends on wat type of suckling. If it's those fast and furious one, then i think bb is drinking milk. But if it those gentle and only once in awhile, then bb is most likely suckling for comfort and may not have milk coming out.

I gave in to the pacifier a few days ago already. Sometimes she takes it, sometimes she doesn't. sigh.
re cord
i didn't keep my bb's cord. But my dad did keep mine and my bros, but so far we not rich ley hee hee ... brave or not, hmm, ok ok only lah ...

I'm using medela single electric. very noisy !!! but bo pian. got it from my sil, save some money. i find it more effective than avent manual but quite hard on the nipples, sometimes will feel pain. I'm tempted to get the Ameda one with so many gd reviews but want to acertain i got ss before getting it.

I encounter wat u encountered before. But normally i'll feed my bb the balance and she's ok. I think for your case, your bb just want to suckle for comfort ie you're his human pacifier ! my bb also like to suckle for comfort and prefer my breast to the pacifier. sigh. tt y for nursing she can nurse and nurse and nurse ...when actually she's not drinking anymore. sigh. If you want, u can try the pacifier, if not then just offer ur breast. sometimes i do that too. but i don't want to make it a habit, if not next time must always offer breast before she goes to sleep.
btw,moms in mind got a 3 days trial on the ameda pump leh..
i'm gng to place order from them to try out the pump..

my boy dun realli take pacifier one..but think i'm gng to try today,if aft feeding him formula liao,n he still crys...
you got a cute little boy there!

Is the medela PIS noisy ? Harsh on the nipples ? But it's really expensive over here.

My bb drinks 90ml when she was abt 4-5 days old.

My bb loves to bathe so she doesn't cry. She does cry sometimes when changing diaper if she's cranky or hungry.

hindmilk is the richer part of BM. It contains the fats which will make bb feel full. Foremilk is normally more diluted so bb doesn't feel full with that.

I started expressing since week 2 but ss is pathetic. If you thinking of BF for long term, can try to start expressing. Like wat forgetmenot said, all depends u want to BF for long or not. If not for long no pt to get an expensive pump. But i feel Avent manual quite hard to extract milk. Electric one better. If u don't mind paying 100+ can get the medela single one lor. But it's really noisy

I also got no engorgement. But my ss is low lah. Engorgement quite painful ley, so don't have also gd.
heard tt medela PIS is realli vv gd,n not vv noisy leh....

for mi hor..i hve lumps leh....the lumps can oni be clear when my bb latched on.....
Mrs tan,
I'm no expert, but i think should be alrite to use.

I seen that before. But hor, the milk pump out still can use or not ? very wasteful if cannot use. It's not gg to be a new set rite ? I feel like trying also...

For the pacifier, u got to hold it for him for awhile cos they're not use to it, so will drop out when u use it initially.
medela PIS better than Ameda ? But it's also abt 2-3x more ex ley...

use towel hot then massage can or not ? if not then u try to latch bb on more often hee hee, gd motivation for you to do more latching.
u still confinement rite ? so fast bring bb go out and shopping liow ah. gd ley ... i hvn't ley. but also feel abit scared scared to bring bb out, scared bb cry and fuss. i counting down, this weekend my confinement ends liow !!! will go cut hair on friday ! yipppeeee.....

Yup must cut down ginger intake if ur bb has jaundice and you're BF. As for papaya, i'm not sure. I still drink papaya soup tho' my bb got jaundice but hers is quite mild.

yup,is not gng to be a new set..but at least better to buy a new set then realised tt cant use..
actually they advise not to use the milk leh..
but i supposed if we sterilised properly n used our own bottles,shd be can use right?

my ex-boss has both PIS n Ameda,she told mi tt PIS is better...
of cos for tt kind of price,it will be better lor..

i massage till vv sian liao..these few days,i did not massage liao..hehe..
