(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Congratulation Babyjun!!! Chubby BB!!!

I don't think the medela pump is noisy. If you adjust suction higer but speed lower, quite quiet. So far my BB can still sleep while I'm pumping.

thanks for the encouragement. hubby bought electric pump instead of formula (claimed that he 4got), tried it just now, was amazed how much milk it can pumped out compared using manual with little effort... but only on one breast the other seems like no milk :p, probably take some time, see how it goes later.

wearing bra: i used to wear bra at home when i have sore nips, 'hardness' of the clothes rubbing against them and the way the leaks mess up my clothes. but now, i don't wear any more, because frequent feeding, wearing of cotton 'pyjamas' and predicting the leak (can feel the tighness of breast when it's going to leak and quickly put a cloth or breast pad)

gald you are better now. sounds like your wound infection is really bad, is it because you ate ginger or something? (my mum had similar experience when she ate the 'jiang chu' or ginger vinegar thing)
hmm..speaking abt DOM..i hve 6 bottles at home ah!!wonder how i will ever finish it..
I read in book tt can drink..but try to drink it aft BF or cook it with food,so tt the alcohol will be evaporated thru cooking..

actually i dun realli like DOM,too sweet liao..
n of cos,can still continue to drink DOM aft confinement..

so envy you.....ur hubby allows u to drink cold drinks ah?? my hubby dun allow mi to drink..n he dun even allow mi to eat tibits..

shane n serrich,
though i already back to my pre-preggie weight..but i still hve 10 more kgs to lose..cos put on too much aft wedding liao..

so no need to envy mi..

do take care of urself..glad to hear tt ur wound has recovered liao..

u intend to rent the trial set from MIM?
hve to wear bra at home..if not breasts will sag leh..

hehe..ur hubby so cute..ask him to buy formula and he came back with a electric pump??

i oso hve the same prob as u..bb falls asleep at my breast and vv hard to wake him up..

yesterday,i oni latch him for a few times,tt is instead of latching him on whenever he is hungry..i latch him on every 4 or 6 hrs..then the rest of the time,i gave him formula..

though by doing this,my breasts will hve lumps n engorgement..but i find tt i hve more milk for him cos the breasts not empitied every 2 hrs or less..then i'm not so tired leh...
Can EBM still be used if stored in the fridge for more than 3days? I kept it in the lower compartment where we put butter. Just realised I had 1bot expressed on Tue. It didn't smell bad....

Referring to the link from Shane/LV, it can be stored in refrigerator for 8days.....some website says 48hrs so which one to follow???
Hi Serrich,
was wondering where were u ! Good that you have recovered. Must have been quite bad huh...

u very gd, still wear binder. Before massage i wore everday. then after massage, i only wear when i feel like it. now i don't wear liow :p find it so hot and uncomfortable when feeding bb. maybe will try to wear after confinement when things are better.

No lah wouldn't be too late. better late than nvr rite. anyway i feel the massage is more for reliefing our fatigue in our bones and not so much for slimming.

ya let's jia you together. 10kg is alot ley, i don't know how to lose also. :p
tt's cool. electric must faster and more milk rite. hey tt means till today u hvn't sup ur bb with FM before ? very gd ley. tt means u on tbf ? it's must easier when u have ample ss.
which electric pump did ur hubby get ?

i always leak when my bb cry but i can't 'fortell' the leak. so my clothes always dirty. sigh. maybe i should start wearing bra. but my nips quite sore ley.
tt's gd. cos the medela single electric is very noisy. tt's the one i'm referring to.

i did think of renting but if the milk has to been thrown away then i wouldn't, such a waste. maybe i'll see next week how. if my ss seems to be picking up then maybe i'll get myself a gd pump. the noise from the medela is driving me crazy ha ha ...

i've been latching on my bb for shorter periods also so that i wouldn't feel so 'sien' abt BF then i gave a few more feeds of FM but i've been pumping and accumulating my ss.. trying to finish up the time of FM cos expiry soon. FM can only be kept 4weeks after opening.

u can try to pump also, at least stimulate breasts to make more milk. if not the interval quite long.
seems like that article came from a reliable source, can follow if you want to. i intend to follow cos it's more convenient to store in fridge than to freeze then got to thaw when 1 2 use, more troublesome. As u said, it doesn't smell bad, so can go ahead and use it. Maybe can let ur bb finish it today.
oh Shane
I had pour it away liao...160ml so heart pain leh. Just now bb crying for milk, actually wanted to give him but decided not to take the risk. Better stick to the 48hrs guidelines unless frozen milk.

Below is guidelines extracted from another website :
BMSG(S)'s Guidelines on Storage of EBM
Revised Guidelines - December 1999
<font color="ff0000">Taking into account Singapore's tropical climate, the following are BMSG(S)'s guidelines on the Storage of Expressed Breastmilk.</font>

These guidelines are very much more conservative than those recommended by several international studies. Working mothers who need to express and store breastmilk should evaluate their own storage facilities based on all available information.

* MILK AT ROOM TEMPERATURE (17-32 Deg C) - to be Refridgerated as soon as possible

* REFRIGERATED MILK - Up to 48 hours
(study by Pardou 1994, found that mature milk can be kept for 8 days at 0 to 4 deg C. A <font color="ff0000">check with Local Fridge Companies in Singapore revealed that the Temprature of the Refridgerator Section of a 2-Door Fridge varies between 3 to 6 degrees C.).</font>

* FROZEN MILK in Separate Door Compartment - Up to 2 Months

(The Breastfeeding Answer Book by LLLI, says that breastmilk in a self-contained freezer unit of a refrigerator can be kept for 3 to 4 months. And in a separate deep freezer at -19 degrees C for 6 months or longer.)
BM at room temp:
Uh oh! I've been feeding bb with EBM. She sleeps sometimes in between feeds. So I'll keep the milk at bedside. When she wakes up in next 30 min, feed again, cos she'll want feed! looks like it's not recommended in this hot climate!

Bring EBM around:
Gals, what are u using to bring these bottles around when u go out/start work? I read that there's cooler bags just for it, right? My hb say waste $$. Use our 'nice' COOLMATE ice box! He said so professional looking!!! sigh.. so if u see a lady walking around with a small coolmate box, it's me with EBM!
Electric Pump:
from all ur experiences, it seems using electric pump does stimlate ss? Is it true? Then I want to buy one too! Thought it would only quicken pumping!

Are the FM that u girls use the powder kind? Was wondering if it's possible to buy the liquid kind (hospital kind)? haha... lazy to mix, esp when it's just to supplement BM.
actually, don't quite understand, what do you mean by breast will have lumps?

last night, bb's fussing around again like the night b4, so i observed, when bb's playing with nipple only (like what babyluv said, just suckling lightly and spatting and sucking the nipple back), i stop feeding. in the end, i get my hubby to feed her with EBM instead of latching on. although she finish up the bottle, still fussing around, so i carried her and both of us fell asleep until hubby wakes me up few hours later.
Have to find a better way of soothing bb to sleep, which is as difficult of waking the bb up.

not sure about storage duration, the most i had tried is 2 days in the fridge. i keep getting instructions (from the breast pumps) that to keep only up to 24 hours in fridge or up to 1 week in freezer. I usually try to latch on as much as possible, only pump when leaking/engorgement &amp; bb refuses to wake up.

yes, since no FM in the house so, no supp with FM yet (excluding those given during stay in hospital).

we had stick to pigeon because our bottles are mostly pigeon, he got the one that i can bring to office next time. quite noisy (which bb does not mind), but good enuff. At least for now, when encounter leaking, can quickly pump a bit out without much strain.

whether electric pump stimulate ss, i'm not sure too, can only tell after some time (today's my first day using it :p) but, i'm sure it makes my life much easier than using the manual one!
I think its good to play safe than take the risk. The nurses also told me that EBM can onli store up to 48hrs in the fridge and 2 weeks in the freezer. But some also advised that EBM can store up to 2 mths in freezer.. Heard from other mums that frozen EBM will have a metallic taste after a few weeks and some babies reject the taste so they ended up throwing away their EBM..

I also put on a lot of wt after weddin.. Within a year, i put on 7kg then got preggie.. If i need to get back to pre-weddin wt, I will need to lose 16kg lei!! Wah... seems like quite impossible.. :)

Ur hubby so cute, got u electric pump instead. Maybe he's trying to encourage u to go for total bf?? Hehehe...

It might be due to the food i took bah cos i onli got the infection on the 6th day. Prob cos too much heaty stuff? My aunt used DOM and Martell to cook my confinement food. Other possible causes might be due to fish, mushrooms, or even durians? Or i might have over-exert myself?? Anyway, its over.. Wat matters most is i am fine now and gotta be more careful with what i eat lor.

Yah, we must jia you!! I am thinking of starting my jogging sessions after my confinement. Heheh.. But nt too sure if i have the time or nt cos gotto take care of my gal.

If u getting the electric pump, can consider Ameda.. I find that my milk ss decreasing lei.. I dun suffer from engorgement like b4. I used to be able to get 100-110ml in 15-20mins but now i onli managed to get 70-80ml. Wonder y my supply has dropped.. Haiz!

My gal also has the habit of sucking for abt 5-8mins then fall asleep. When i tried to change sides, she just refused to open her mouth and suck.. 30 mins later she will be crying for milk again.. It's kind of making me go crazy lei.. Dun realli get enuf sleep at all esp at nite. Re leaking milk, u can consider getting Pigeon disposable breast pads?
yes, he's always encourage me on bf, good for bb, also good for mother.

yah, have to be careful of what we are eating. esp if bf, the most important thing is still rest (if possible)

oh btw gals, for those who seen the herbs used for washing up... does the herbs look something like this (see attached photo) . it looks like wood shavings to me and smells like freshly cut grass... and i'm supposed to wash my hair with those?!!?!!!! eeks.
ya it's faster for me to go on TBF because my girl drinks 80ml at 4-5 weeks but i can pump around 120-150ml so that means every pumping, i can feed her as well as save a bottle.

I think u sure can go TBF because my first month also not ideal supply even lesesr than you. But maybe not much storage since your girl drink a lot. hehe. Yesterday i drink chicken feet soup boiled with peanuts. Engorgement so hard until i have to wake up at 4am to pump. Then pump out 160ml. So lots of nutty soups really help.

The 'sleeping chicken' thing is also on tv when you use hand and close the eyes of the chicks then they'll fall asleep. So my hubby very boliao, also play that with her. Sometimes she really fall asleep and that makes my hubby very happy.

my hubby was the one who offer me cold drinks. He see me very pathetic because he knows i love cold drinks.

serrich, forgetmenot
I didnt drink a lot..maybe in total 5 times during confinement.

I'm trying out the guidelines. It's working fine over my side. So far the longest i had was 3 days. 72 hours. Milk smells ok. The website state that in BM there's live cells and antibacterials that can last longer unlike FM and cow's milk. ALso, it's not pasteurised.
as for the guidelines on EBM at room temperatures, i just shorten the hours since our room temperature could be higher as compared to overseas. But for refrigerator and freezer temp, there's no difference whether u are overseas or singapore.

medela electric pump:
during pumping, i cant hear my bb crying. Can imagine how loud the noise is.
My gosh, today I attempt to cook lunch for myself...ended only finish cooking n eating lunch at 3.30pm.

BB cries for milk at 1pm, he refused to stop after 2hrs of sucking (he fell asleep on n off). Tried to put him dwn but he still cries so no choice but to make him FM. He finished a bot of 150ml. For the past few days, had been drinking papaya fish soup so I guess ss quite gd. I had been latching morning &amp; afternoon, so far can satisfy him. But today, looks like my ss dropped again.

Sigh...always face with ss problem!
Thanks for your tips to help bb poo...my bb finally poo yesterday night! Wow it almost leak out from his diapers n it sinks too! Guess stored for too many days liao!

So good, your ss is twice of her dd. Your bb gal is older then my boy a few days but my boy is drinking so much more. But he still weighs lighter than your gal leh..he is 4.3kg at 4wks. Aiyo dunno where does all the milk goes too!
Hi gals,
just went to get my hair done. feel much better and neater too !

i'm not an exercise person. tt y i scared i can't lose. i only like swimming. guess will just hv to try to swim more if i can. but like u say, with looking after bb, there's practically no time for anything else.

Ya if i got supply, i'll get the Ameda, cheaper than PIS. But at the moment, my ss is questionable. u can get so much in such short timing! I can get only abt 30-40ml in 10-15 mins. sigh. so disheartening. No engorgement doesn't mean ss drop. it could mean that ur body has tuned to bb's dd and bb could be taking more, so ur milk doesn't get stored up like before.

My 'battery' is gg flat from the nite feeds. sigh. sometimes feel like giving up. Tho now my bb is satisfied after BF but her interval is very short, abt 1.5hrs later she will wake up for milk again. sigh. I think 1 day i only sleep abt 3hrs. dark ring under my eyes getting more and more obvious. so depressing.
tt's very gd ley. no wonder 1 of the key to TBF is don't buy the tin of FM. we bot a tin since bb was driving us crazy since she doesn't get enuf from me after we came home from the hospital. Today just bot another small tin, feel like a failure. Only consolation is it's a smaller tin, hopefully when this tin runs out, my ss would be able to match her dd.

oic, no wonder. guess the key to EBM is ss must really be high. my EBM can nvr be her 1 feed amt. I need a few expressing session to accumulate 1 feed. Now i know where i'm gg wrong. sigh. Now i got abt 3 bot of EBM in the fridge but it's just not enuf since i'll need at least 2 sessions for 1 feed, very stressful like that.

actually if i latch her, i should be able to satisfy her only that she will wake up very fast asking for milk. and if i go full time latching, it'll be hard to express BM out since i'll be empty all the time. then like that how to accumulate bottles of EBM ?
wow, managed to cook lunch. not bad. u cooked while bb is asleep ?

could your bb want comfort suckling only ? may not be a ss prob. did u try to pacify him with a pacifier ?

ha ha ... finally he pooed! felt so relieved huh.

re green poo
btw, anyone knows wat's the indication of greenish poo ? my bb poo yday was greenish. I'm not overly concerned cos i think i read somewhere it's ok. But can't rem wat caused it. Is it the FM ?
i mean if i did not latch my bb aft a few hrs,beside engorgement,i will hve some lumps in my breasts..
but most of them will be gone aft my bb has latched on..

i neber seen the herbs tt we used for bathing..cos i think it is in sachet form..anyway..i got cheat abit..aft using the herbs to wash my hair,i will use hot water from the shower head to rinse my hair one more time..

could it becos tt u did not have enough fluid tt's y ur ss is decreasing or maybe the interval tt u pump is too short hence ur breasts is not able to produce milk so fast?

greenish poo ah??could it be ur bb is being frighten??
btw,remember the trial ameda pump?i vv boliao..realli go n order..
then i just now i tried pumping out..managed to get 80ml..but cos i did not latch my bb on for abt 6hrs..

the pump realli quite gentle..my nipples not painful aft pumping..
for my case my ss had increase with pumping...i pump exclusively for daytime feeds since 3wks and only latch on at nite... initially pump around 70ML when bb abt 3wks now bb 7wks i pump around 120-160ML per session...

i think bb appetite also affecting whether we can go TBF...for my case same as LV my gal drinking much lesser than your bb consider she is already 7wks only taking 80-90ML every 3hrs tats y i can still continue with TBF as i usually pump 120-160ML...

so far only discuss abt storage of EBM..can i check how long can i keep a tin of FM which i have opened...i only used the FM couple of times during my bb's 1st few days when ss is not in yet...so now thinking whether i can still keep it since its already 1mth plus...but very wasted leh if to throw away the whole tin which is almost full...

re: cranky bb
i find tat my gal falls asleep easier nowadays...she used to be very cranky at nite and can fuss for 3-4hrs at 2am kind of timing...but nowadays esp after her 1st month she can go to sleep easier usually 10-15mins of carrying...so dun worry too much believe for those facing prob w getting bb to sleep the situation will get better when bb gets older...
don't think so it's cos of being frightened tho' she does get startled when my dogs bark.

ya i was asking u abt it and u said not getting cos not intending to BF for long.
so how ? is it really gd ? u kp the milk after pumping ? is it noisy ? btw ur 80ml is 1 side or both sides ?

wanted to ask u abt the sebamed lotion thingy that u used for your bb. is it a bathing wash or a lotion to be applied ? i thot of getting it.

very gd ley, u can meet ur bb's demand. sigh i don't know when then can.

For FM, must throw 4 weeks after opening. I also bot 1 tin after discharge. Now finished liow, didn't want to waste so tried to finish it since coming to 1 mth already.
I think u can throw liow cos already more than a mth. don't feel wasted lor, take it as ur investment for tbf. hee hee...
the Baby SebaMed had a whole series of baby products...ranging from bath to all kinds of creams &amp; lotions...currently using the baby bubble bath gel &amp; baby lotion...u can find them in Kiddy Palace or Pharmacies

i think i am lucky becos my gal drink v little therefore allows my ss to slowly increase to meet her demand...

dun worry keep on latching..my ss also only increase after my 1st month...

oh tat means i need to throw liao...find so wasted lah...some pple dun even hve food &amp; here i am throwing away whole tin of milk powder..guess no choice lor...
Hi milly,

thks ... i might get the baby bath gel to try.

yup i'll keep on latching. hope my ss will increase since there are many feedback that ss increase after 1 mth. it'll be 1 mth next week. hope it happens.
your baby drinks a lot too? U know I'm so concern with my bb drinking when i read so many of u the babies drinking so much. I ask the doctor is my girl drinking enough when i took her for jab and assessment. Doc said it's ok as long as it's 3 or 4 ounces at their age. Doc also suggests some bb drink more but with longer intervals. Are u having longer intervals between feeds?

u not bad still can cook. I need to order tingkat. No need to even step out of house to buy.

have u tried pumping before latching? Don't worry about no milk after pumping. somehow pump cant really empty the whole breast, still got left over for bb. That's what i do. But if i latch her then pump, then i get almost nothing and the fact during latch she didn't drink a lot (i feel) coz she'll cry within the next hour, i find latching reduces my supply in a way.

the green poo is because of FM. old people will say things like they are 'scare' . not true lah. It's because of fibre content in FM according to my mum who asked the doctor before.

By the way, i keep dogs too. My girl also used to the barking liao. Sometimes she'll frown her eyebrows when sleeping or startled a little. I'll scream at my dogs then, i think my screaming even more scarier hahah

congrats, u on TBF too? Today Mt. A nurses( maybe sister) called to check on my progress. They are very supportive of BF and ask me to carry on as long as possible.

Looks like our babies are small drinkers.

My FM still got one and half tin. The open one maybe must throw (3/4 left) but the new one i'll give to my friend maybe who's due end of year.
adora, what tips for baby's poo poo?
sometimes my ger did not poo poo for 2 days luckily today she poo poo all out...Phew!

Btw, any mums here let your baby sleep sarong? My CL said that my baby now can sleep sarong as it more cooling and head shape will be nicer but she is only 3weeks old. Is it alright?
Glad to hear that u have attempted to cook.. I dun ever think i'll try that even after my confinement. If i have time, sleep is the next best thing i ever want to have. Hahaha... I am wondering how i am gg to manage after confinement?! Need to bathe bb, wash her clothes and all the housework.. Nt sure if i can manage or nt.

Re milk supply, maybe u should continue to drink the papaya fish soup since it realli helps in increasing ur ss.

I think we are all deprived of sleep, esp for those who are on tbf. I think i onli got 3-4 decent hours of sleep every day. Last week she has been feeding on EBM and when i latched her nowadays, i can feel that she kind of reject my nipples.. I was quite sad tt she seems to prefer to be bottlefed so i stop giving her EBM at the moment.

Sometimes my gal also got green poo. I dun think its due to fright. My aunt suspects that it might be due to the vegetables tat i have been taking..

I dun think its the fluid issue cos i have been drinking alot.. Maybe cos i latch my gal directly for all feeds so i onli get a little milk when i pump between feeds??

Thanks for sharing, hope that our ss will increase after 1 mth!
nope, didn't let bb sleep sarong, because more scare of the backbone to have arched back...

sigh, hubby bought FM powder last evening. told him to hide the can so that mil won't sees it... but won't listen... so now jialak liao. she's watching for opportunity to feed her formula.
jane, this is also my main worry lor but my ger seem like very awake in the morn and noon. So we are trying hard to get her sleep. During nite time, she will sleep @11pm then wake up at 3am for feeds and 6am too
yes tried pumping before latching before. infact now i'm pumping while typing hee hee... just fed my gal EBM just now so she's sleeping. the amt i collect will depend if i can let down or not. sometimes the let down is not there, i only get 20ml from both sides. let down from tandem pumping is easier and i seem to be able to collect more.

ya not from 'scare' also but i cldn't rem from wat tho' i read from one of threads before. thks for the explanation. refresh my memory hee hee...

oh u got dogs too ! how nice. how are u coping ? now that i got bb, i feel dogs r so much easier to take care of.
wat breed do u have ? i have 2 chihuahuas, maintence wise quite ez. since hv bb we send them for grooming once in awhile since now i got no time to groom them myself. we'll try to bathe them ourselves. We hv been letting our dogs smell our gal so that they'll get acquainted.

sigh, u all are throwing and giving away ur FM, but i jus bot a small tin since the first tin i bot ran out.
so discouraged.

i didn't let my bb sleep in sarong. no particular reason and i don't hv sarong also hee hee... my bb sleep in the cot or on the bed with us.

if u feel there's a need to let her sleep in sarong then go ahead. if not then don't. sometimes i feel there's so many suggestions, opinions, comments coming from everywhere that makes things more complicated. most imptly is to bring up bb accordingly to your own set of 'rules'.
ya can't agree more. everyday i'm sleeping only like 3hrs. I really miss my old lifestyle. Been feeling moody all these while tt i cried a few times, so much changes and the sleep deprivation doesn't make things better. i wonder how long more i can hold out before i collaspe

same concern, i'll be on my own next week. mum gg back already. tho' the difference is minimum, but it's still tough since i'll be home alone this time. no more extra pair of hands. just hope i'll do fine. forsee less time to logon here
and no time to bathe and hv meals esp when my bb needs to be carried and accompanied most of the time.

y do u feel that she reject ur nips ? maybe she was just cranky ?

hey the amt u pump out not little liow hor, mine then considered little.
just hang on. it's your bb so u decide wat's to be done. if no need for FM then don't let mil hv the chance.

re bb sleeping
looks like our bb all wake up the same time. my gal will also go to sleep abt 11 or 12am than wake up at 3am, 5am (sometimes 6am). she seldom sleep in the day n afternoon as well. but she sleeps q well at nite so i'm not too concerned.
re bb drinking more w longer intervals, tt doesn't really happened to me ley. Her intervals are the same no matter how much i feed her. She only slept 1 hr longer when i fed her 150ml tt time. But now her feeds range btn 90-120ml, sometimes more sometimes less. It's the same with EBM and FM. bb supposed to sleep longer with FM rite ? but even with FM she also wake up the same interval when i give her EBM. sigh.
hehe..i siao one lor..i oso told my hubby tt i'm not renting the trial set..then the next moment,i go n rent n try it out..

i got total 80ml from both breasts..the pump is gentler on the nipples..not so painful as the medela mini..

i threw away the milk..but abit heartpain leh..

btw,i was told tt in order to stimulate ur supply..u shd latch bb on 1st,then aft tt pump..though there will be no milk..but must try to pump for at least 5 mins on both breasts..then there will be more supply..but cannot over pump..wait too much milk liao..

mi too..i will be alone when my cl left..dunno how i will cope..

my bb oso like tt..usu he will wake up at ard 3am n 5 or 6 plus am for feed leh....
hmm..are all bbs like tt??

but i do find tt during the evening time,from 6pm onwards,he tends to be more cranky..dunno wat he wans leh..
i'm so sian n stress..so sad by wat my mil said..
yesterday,i was BF my boy..then my frens came..so my mil told mi tt if my boy dun wan to drink,then stop feeding him..who noes the moment i dislatch my boy,he started crying..

then my mil sort of like "scolded" mi..cannot happi happi give him abit to drink..then happi happi give him alot to drink..but sometimes bb is like tt mah..if he dun wan to drink so much..dun tell mi hve to force him meh..

aft tt i brought him to my rm to continue feeding him..as usual lah..she asked if i hve enough supply for him to drink or not..n even teach mi tt i shd squeeze my breast so tt the milk will come out,then my boy can drink..

while i'm in the rm,she went out to chat with my frens..n told my frens tt it will be easier to give bb formula..cos he will finish it faster un like BF,hve to feed for quite long..
then aft tt,even told my fren tt dunno wat i ate during pregnancy hence cause jaundice in my bb...

sighez..so sian.....u see lah..tt's part of the reason y i cant BF for so long..no one in the family is supportive.....always so much comments..even though i try to ignore..but somehow or another..some of the things said will definitely go into my head one
msg the anus area or move the legs in bicycle motions to encourage pooing. These tips were from Shane. Actually when I play wif bb, I'll do the bicycle kicks...to excercise his legs mah. He likes it alot when we 'play'wif his hands n legs.

My bb also has jaundice atho I didn't eat papaya n stuff which believe to cause it...mild jaundice is v common. Dun worry!

I think the gd thing abt latching is bb decide how much they want to drink. Less or more milk all depends on them...doesn't matter! Think my bb somestimes drinks more sometimes less...ha ha depends on my ss!!!

Oh actually 1 person alone v diff leh...no one to watch over bb. Ytd I was all alone, bb just refuse to sleep. I can't bath, take a nap...&amp; also no time to pump! Ha ha n ended having lunch at 3pm+. Today got hubby to buy some cup noodles so if really desprate have to eat that liao!

Ya I had been drinking the papaya fish soup but now mum not ard..got to boil it myself. I find it quite useful in increasing ss.

For bathing bb, need some practice...now I'm better at it liao. For washing of bb clothes, I just dump everything into the machine, no time to hand wash n also too tired!
is the pump noisy ? i'm so tempted to just get it. medela is so noisy and hurts the nips.

ic. i can only get 80ml in the mornings. sigh.

ya quite wasted to throw away the milk. but nvm, don't test too often if not waste milk hee hee...

don't be discouraged. the older generation is like tt. i think they have forgotten how it was like to be a first time mum. they have all sorts of theory. my mum also, ever so ready to give FM and keep saying don't know y i got no milk whereas she has so much last time during her first child whom was me.
hear liow i also sien. but i just heck care.

take ur son as ur motivation even if there's no support from ur family. it's you who is feeding your son, so they got no say. don't give up cos of them but perserve cos of your son so that he can have the best milk. partial bf is better than no bf at all. of cos if can tbf even better lah, save $ somemore hee hee ...

such an irony, i can encourage you but i myself discouraged ha ha ... i do understand the feeling of wanting to give up but everyday i just tell myself to keep trying. so let's try to perserve together.
I also nvr let my gal sleep in sarong thou my aunt encourages it so that my gal's head will be round round. Like shane, i let my gal sleep in bb cot or on my bed..

You all very lucky tat ur bb awake in am and noon. My gal sleeps in the morn and noon and stay awake ard 2am after the feed.. I have difficult time getting her to sleep! Need to carry and pat her, sing her nursery rhymes.. Once i put her down, she started crying again. I need to ensure that she is in deep sleep before i can leave her on the bed.. Damn tiring!! Sometimes i just held her in my arms and fell alseep.

Same here, i also wake up ard 2am and 5am for feeds. I think bb all alike, will need to take milk at 3-4 hrs interval at nite time? As they grow older, say ard 6 mths they should be able to sleep thru the nite w/o feeds bah?!

Dun be affected by ur mil comments. My aunt also keep emphasing that i should give my gal FM. What for make my own life so difficult by giving BM! I guess they are ignorant about the benefits of BM and BF. In the olden days, only those poor folks BF while those who are better off can afford to give FM mah.. Tats y they think that FM will be better mah! Jaundice is so common. Almost 50% of the bb will have jaundice so dun take ur mil comments to heart.. :)

Good that the soup does help! After taking fish soup, i do feel that my milk ss is coming back.. Hehee.. Can feel that my breasts a bit engorged liao. Must go pump later and see how much i can get today.

I havent had hands on on bathin my bb lei.. I cannot even touch tap water. I am now using boiled water to wash my hands, etc.. Think i must ask my aunt to let me try b4 my confinement end. otherwise, i might nt be able to handle alone..
The best way to TBF is dun buy any FM!! Hahaha... I did not buy any FM so i am left with no other alternative other than BF. Hahhaa...

Okie, gtg and try pumping now.. Chat wf u later!
Hi everyone. Wow, so many postings, hard to catch up. Sorry for disappearing for so long. I was busy with my baby girl. Now that the daily routine is established, I find time to surf net.
serrich, shane,
don't worry somehow or rather, you'll learn to cope and handle it. When my CL left the 1st day, i cried and felt so lost. Then I braced myself up after the crying and do everything at a speed i can never imagine myself to be at. nowadays i bathe and blow dry my hair within 10 mins, used to take at least 20 mins. for the first few days i didn't even get a chance to take lunch. Then slowly i catch her timing and do all impt things first like washing and sterilise bottles, feed and bathe her, change her diapers..etc. You'll get the hang of it as each day goes by. Now i even got time to come on net.

u are good, i can't pump when i'm typing. Initially i dont know and cant feel whats let down. Now i finally know. Sometimes outside when i look at my girl, i can actually feel let-down from my breasts! Luckily got breastpads.

Yes, I have 3 babies! besides my girl, also have 2 malteses. Not easy with dogs somemore but it's a commitment that we took up and also we love our dogs. we send them for grooming every 2.5 mths. most times my hubby working so I got to take care of their daily hygiene like urine and pooing and meals (I steam chicken meat for them with carrots) weekly bathing my hubby handles. We also not so particular with separating them. My elder dog is more discipline. Sometimes at night he'll jump n sleep on my bed (he sleeps in our room) and sometimes i carry my girl to bed for BF. So that'll be 4 of us on the bed. When my girl cry my dog will run to kitchen and tell me. (haha i understand dog lingo) very cute right
i also read that must latch first then pump to increase supply but it doesn't work for me i feel. so i switch ways, i pump first then latch and i find myself having increase supply. Just try whichever method that suits u best.

My girl also gets cranky in the evening. I think that's because of wind in their stomach 'collected' over the day (especially if she hasn't poo). Maybe they are having tummy pain. Try massaging her tummy or drink gripe water. I let her drink gripe water once in a while. not on daily basis.

That's pros and cons of having an elderly-an extra pair of hands at home to help but that also means extra mouth to teach/instruct/comment/nag/say, for me, no one help me and I'm so busy but yet at the end of the day, i feel fulfilling knowking that i brought up my girl yet another day. But sometimes i do occasionally hope that my mum or mil can help or to advise me when baby crying. But after hearing many differences in mum/mil helping, maybe it's a blessing in disguise for me.

ya FM suppose to last longer intervals. Don't worry, after 1st month, i think babies interval will regulate itself and not so fickle timing. 1st month, my bb also cry every 1 or 2 hours.
my ger alert hours are afternoon and early mornings (like midnights). have to hug her so that she will sleep. according to hubby, if bottle feed, she will sleep slightly longer, but my pumping is slowly not meeting up to her increasing demands.

yah, was telling these days bb don't cry so loudly to alert mil up at nite and 'nag' at me (because she sleeps in the living room), for now, bb seems to listens and obeys, just that i have to keep her accompanied trying to latch on or feed her EBM (which i learn to always left at least one bottle just in case). but bb's appetite getting bigger, now is like looking for 3oz of mil, and other than first thing in the morning, my other pumping can reach 1oz or less, still wondering is it due to stress.

looks like you are having similar mil problem as i am.
she questioned me everytime she sees me at home whether enuff milk supply, or else always saying my gal wants more, or either that blaming my mother for putting rock sugar in red date drink (which she thinks cause jaundice) or saying critizing me for cooking spagatti for myself or wash bottles in the 'wrong' way.

anyway, bb's 2-3 weeks old now, padae thinks that her sb level still quite hi (179), now sending lotsa bb's blood to test whether her liver is ok or just due to bm. sigh, it better not be the liver not functioning well.

i feel that my gal also have qind in her stomach, sometimes, her poo is like very little, and when i'm wiping her butts, she farted. but not sure how to massage her tummy, is it just rub round and round her navel?

older generation is like tat...i was also criticise by my aunties abt feeding BM...insisted bb will grow stronger w FM...my mum initially also sway by their comments &amp; asking me y open a tin of FM yet refuse to feed...it was stressful in the 1st few wks as ss was not much &amp; bb keep crying every 1-1.5hrs luckily we sort of slowly convince my mum abt benefits of BM &amp; ss slowly increase &amp; able to meet bb's needs...

adora/ LV

really "pei fu" both of u able to handle bb alone..i tried for couple of times ..its not easy leh &amp; end up no time for meals ...really stressful...

ya me on TBF...trying to perserve for 6mths then see how...will b back to work in 2 wks time now trying to build up my ss so tat bb still can go on TBF when i am at work...

so u pump then latch? so u do not pump out all the milk is tat y bb still hve enough ss to latch on? i pump &amp; feed EBM for daytime &amp; will pump until really no milk...
ya it's really tiring, i'm becoming a grouchy person fm lack of sleep. my gal also same, must carry n if put down will cry. sigh.

wow u really gg thru the full works of confinement huh... u got bathe ?

agree lor but too bad, my gal fuss so much after BF tt i got no choice but to sup w fm. if not i think i'll go insane. btw, how long do u need to feed ur gal before she's satisfied ? BF sound like a breeze for u. i think u got gd ss ? how nice.

hey ras,
welcome back ! how's life ? must share your birth story !

so how does let down feels like ? i feel tt let down is as elusive as an orgasm ! ha ha ... need to 'learn' how to feel it :p

maltese, i like ! i was hoping to own a small size maltese as well. But reach quota liow hee hee...
u really very gd, still can cook for them. i used to do that but hv since switched back to kibbles. same here, my dogs used to sleep in our rm as well, but since bb arrival have put them outside first till bb is slightly older than let them sleep in our rm.
so cute, sleep with you all. i didn't allow my dog to do that but always wished i could. how abt the other dog, sleep alone ? ur dog can tell u ur bb crying already ah, so clever. dogs are so smart and lovable rite. i still waiting for that day to come. think my dog still getting use to the bb. so far my younger dog will tell me when the phone rings, things drop, pple at the door, etc. when bb cry he'll have this weird look on his face, like say, wat's this thing making this funny sound. ha ha ...

stress and fatigue do play a part in ss. i guess tt contributed to my low ss also.

so fast u gg back to work already ah... time flies.

so u pump every 3 hrly ? actually i'm thinking of trying out exclusive pumping but i scared wait bb got confusion and don't want my breast. so now latch sometimes, pump sometimes. hence can't accumulate enuf EBM.
some of u gals are so lucky, got so much BM. Mine is really limited. I can only get 50ml at most per pump and that is only after long intervals between each pump. If the interval between pumps is short, i sometimes only get 20-30ml. Pathetic right? So my boy is mainly feeding on FM....i took lots of fish soup during my confinement but ss still very limited...sigh...
shane, my idea is to let her sleep sarong when she is at least 3-4months old. Her backbone will be more strong. That why i am confused by my CL's advise. How come 1 month old can sleep sarong? Never mind, think i will stick to my own decision of letting her sleep when she is older.

serrich, yours opposite, hiazzz...think i should be thankful that she is more awake in the day time. But there is also pro and cons lor cos i cannot do my things, struck there until her daddy came back in noon to take over me, then i can go and bath or eat my meals. Now i got CL so it is still ok at the moment. This problem will arise when my CL went back after one month which will be next week.
Anyway our babies will soon get over it soon once they are older
Maybe now my ger is so bored lying on the bed, nothing to do...haha even me will be bored too. Got to treasure this moment, cos maybe next time they do not want us to carry when they started to crawl or run/walk on their own....

jane, noted and will try on my ger!
same here if bottle feed, she will sleep better. Guess my milk cannot make her feel full enough. I feel that if i latch her on, my milk seem a lot, kept leaking when she remove her mouth from my nipples to rest cos she drank too fast. And often get chocked!!!! she really scared me when she get chocked! then i quickly remove her and burp her a while. I can see a lot of my milk dripping out....the whole tissue paper was wet!!! My ger seem to be out of breath after drinking my milk...Poor girl. If bottle feed, she is alright! But hor when i pump...so miserable one, supply so little one. My highest record only 110ml for both breasts, me more pathetic...hiaz
dear all,
my BB been very cranky for the past 2 days, been refused to sleep and crying even after meal, diaper check...etc. I suspect he has wind inside his stomach, can I give him grip water or any better suggestion? I realise he has hard time to burp... *stress*

I was told by my friend that if I eat too much snowpea or califlower or cabbage, will cause wind and if I BF, will affect my BB too. Anyone encounter that?

i find the noise ok leh..not as noisy as medela mini..
how does let-down feel like??i oni noe tt whenever i latch my bb on one breast,the other one will leak..

last nite,dunno wats wrong with my boy..keeps wanting to latch on..i latch him till my breasts not enough time to refill with milk..anyway,i think tt my supply is decreasing leh..
n i found tt nowadays he realli treat mi as a pacifier..

but then my CL got apply ru yi oil for him leh..so aft applying tt,bb will still get wind?
btw,my boy oni abt 2 wks plus,can drink gripe water?
i realised tt my boy tends to wan to drink more frequently during the evening too..my CL told mi,sometimes he can sleep for 3 to 4 hrs in the afternoon before waking up for milk..
so we concluded,maybe cos he drink less in the afternoon,hence he is more cranky in the evening n wans to drink more frequent..

btw,do u think is normal for bb to behave this way?

sb level is jaundice level right??179 is considered high liao..ur pd did not recommend phototherapy?

there other time,my bb's level is 16.9(we presume is 169),the pd already wanted us to admit him to hospital for phototherapy liao..

same here,i took alot of fish n drink lotsa of soup..but supply seems to be quite limited leh..
